
The trouble with sister

A young girl’s intent to playfully humiliate her younger brother lands her in a sticky situation.

It was the week before school broke up for the summer and Ryan was walking home with his friends as they were filled with excitement at the warm weather as well as the prospect of summer holidays. The boys chatted amongst themselves not taking note of anything or anyone around them. They would always walk in large groups after school as they lived in the same neighbourhood and it was more convenient then taking the bus according to them. As they passed their homes the boys split off from their group one by one until there were just two of them left who happened to live down the street from each other. The boys walked up to Ryan’s house and found his sister sitting on the porch listening to music on her iPod.

“Hey, hows it going Molly?” Ryan’s friend asked her to which she just gave a nod and a smile and went back to concentrating on her music.

“See you tomorrow then Ryan.” The friend said as he walked down the street to his house. Ryan walked up onto the porch and walked past his sister trying to ignore her but already knew something was going to happen. As he walked passed her she put her foot under one of his causing him to miss a step and stumble to the ground which she found quite hilarious.

“Cut it out Molly. What the fuck?” He said to her, frustration quite evident in his voice as he picked himself up and gathered his stuff.

“Oh don’t be such a baby. And don’t swear at me I’m older than you!” She replied, quite amused with her little victory.

“Yeah whatever, you are only two years older than me so cut the shit.” He said as he walked away from her.
“Don’t be so dramatic.” She replied as she went back to listening to her music.

Ryan got to his room and just fell on his bed exhausted from a long day as the stressful life a 14 year old can take its toll on you or so he kept telling himself. He looked around the room and heard a faint whirling noise similar to a fan. He looked up and saw his computer had been turned on which only meant one thing, Molly had been messing with his computer again. This thoroughly infuriated and he stormed out of his room in hot pursuit of the culprit. He found Molly in the kitchen drinking a glass of soda and was about to scream at her but held his tongue as he noticed she had her earphones in and wouldn’t hear a thing he said. He looked her over with extreme anger in his eyes but noticed something different about his sister. She was wearing a cap with a baggy t-shirt and sneakers which were her usual given the fact that she was a tom-boy and had a boyish dress sense but something was quite out of place. Instead of her baggy long shorts or tracksuit bottoms she had on a pair of skin tight shorts that barely managed to contain her butt cheeks.

“That looks more like a belt than a pair of shorts.” He thought to himself and chuckled. Just then the front door opened and his parents walked in. Their parents were the average suburban husband and wife, their dad worked as consultant for a law firm and their mother was a teacher at the local pre-school. They walked in and greeted their kids in their usual fashion, dad asked about their day, mom complained about Molly’s dress sense and said how she wished her daughter would wear a dress every now and then to which dad would interject and express how they should be happy he doesn’t walk around advertising her ‘goodies’ as he like to call them to everyone. Ryan quickly got bored of the situation and went back upstairs to his room deciding that a game of call of duty would be more interesting that his uninteresting family.

Ryan set up his gamming session but was unfortunately being annihilated by the other players as he just couldn’t focus and get his head in the game. Instead he kept having flashbacks of what his sister was wearing. He found it extremely unsettling as he had always known her to be a tom-boy, he basically grew up seeing her as an older brother. He turned the game off and decided to call it a night. The next day he walked passed his sister in the corridor at school and the look on his face must have been quite visible as Molly burst out laughing at his reaction. Her dress code had changed even more today, she was now wearing her usual baggy t-shirt but her cap had been replaced with a red bow tied in her long blonde hair, her shorts had been replaced with a short black skirt accompanied by black stockings and the last bit threw him off completely. Her sneakers which he had never seen her without had been replaced by red ballerina pumps with a white little bow on the front. Ryan tried to take it all in but found it difficult so just kept walking as if nothing had happened. He sat in class trying to make heads or tails of the situation.
“What the fuck is going on?” He thought to himself as he felt his reality shifting to what felt like an alternate reality from a parallel universe where molly was an average 16 year old girl who wore skimpy clothes. The walk home was odd as everyone noticed Ryan was way too quite. He walked along with his friends and it was quite evident he was deep in thought. In all honesty he was trying to figure out what hell was going on with his sister. He got home and plonked himself on the sofa not even being able to make it up to his room. He was mentally exhausted from trying to take in the new situation. To him it felt like the sister he knew had left home and now he was living with this girl who acted and spoke like his sister, just didn’t look the part. An imposter was the word that came to mind when he thought about. He was brought out of his little think bubble by a swift slap to the back of his head.

“Seriously? I haven’t been here for five minutes and we starting this again.” He said in a weary voice.
“When are you ever not complaining. Grow some balls dude. By the way, mom and dad are gonna be home late so we are ordering pizza for dinner.” She said as she sat down on the same two-seater sofa he was sitting on.

“Man I’m loving this heat, it’s a change from that miserable weather we’ve been having.” She said as she kicked off her shoes and stretched out across the couch, her feet landing in Ryan’s lap.
“And to make it better I’ve got a foot stool. Ahh this is the life.” She said as she picked up the remote and began flicking through the channels. Ryan was about to lose his shit and push her legs off of him when he looked down and noticed her toes had been painted pink, pink enough to be seen through the seams of her stockings.

“This is going too far now!” He thought to himself. Not only is she dressing all girly all of a sudden but now she is painting her toes pink of all colours. What made it worse was the fact that for the first time he noticed she had really cute feet and the heat from being inside pumps all day in the summer made them feel rather warm against his thigh. To say he lost his will to scream at her was an understatement
“Molly. Have you got a new boyfriend?” He asked her ‘probably girlfriend’ he thought to himself given her boyish charms.

“Are you trying to be funny?” She said as she glared at him. The truth of the matter was if Ryan though he had a hard time figuring this whole thing out he had no idea how tough it was on her.
Molly had turned 16 a few months before and to say things were changing for her would be the understatement of the year. She had been a late bloomer which suited her fine as she never cared for how her body was developing seeing as she was boyish and all. But now as of late, her body has been riddled with hormones causing her body to change as her breasts had grown from being virtually non-existent to a full B-cup, her hips were beginning to widen a bit giving her body some womanly curves. As if this wasn’t enough of a betrayal from her body, she was now getting hot and flustered whenever a handsome guy looked at or spoke to her. The worst betrayal of all was feeling of warmth she felt between her thighs whenever she would see a shirtless guy on TV who had a decent enough physique. Now being a tom-boy and not knowing how to deal with such girly problems lead her to react the only way she knew how: with aggression and anger towards everyone.

“Well I’ve just noticed you’ve changed lately, like the way you dress and stuff.” He said innocently enough trying to get to the bottom of it.

“What’s wrong with the way I dress? What’s it to you anyway.” She replied. He could hear the aggravation in her. Although he knew her to be boyish and rough he had never seen her so temperamental before. She quickly lifted her foot and smashed it right in his face.

“You just shut up ok? You’re just a whiney 14 year old who doesn’t know anything. You either shut your mouth or I’ll break your face, got it?” She said with a voice that was aggressive but also strangely composed which made it even more terrifying.

Ryan let out a muffled “OK” as even though they were the same height and size, he knew she would kick his ass something serious as she had been in her fair share of fist fights and had beaten both girls and boys until they begged for mercy.

“Good!” She said as pressed her foot into his face before removing it. She stood up and walked out of the room trailing off into the kitchen to order dinner. Ryan sat there stiff as if he had seen a ghost. Not because he was scared but because his mind was all twisted and bent out of shape at this point. He usually would’ve fought back but instead sat there with a raging erection that he couldn’t understand the reason for existing. Raging was an understatement, there was a wet spot to the left of his pants zipper, apparently pre-cum had soaked its way through his boxer shorts out to his pants, lucky for him the pants were thick and dark coloured so it wasn’t noticeable. The poor boy was confused beyond words, he couldn’t understand why having his sister’s foot in his face and her firm aggressiveness had turned him on beyond repairs.

On the other hand Molly was in the kitchen with the phone laying face down in front of her on the kitchen counter. She had ordered dinner and was now leaning against the kitchen counter with her hands on it, clenched so tightly her knuckles were turning white. She was quite infuriated at that point. As if it wasn’t bad enough that she had all this shit to deal with but now having her foot in someone’s face and feeling their warm breath on the sole of her foot against the nylon fabric of her stockings had sent her to a place she had never been before. She was angry at the fact that she didn’t understand why doing that to someone and having that someone being completely submissive to her had brought her to the point where she now realised there was a clear liquid running down the inside of her thighs and there was an intense heat between her legs. She was literally dripping wet!

She quickly went upstairs to her room and removed her stockings thinking that she would have a hard time explaining why the insides of her legs have wet trails running down the lengths of them coming directly from between her thighs. She took a moment to compose herself and went back downstairs to wait for the pizza delivery as she had the money to pay for it. As she reached the foot of the stairs the doorbell rang. She passed behind Ryan who was still sitting on the couch and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

“Sorry for snapping at you.” She said and continued to the door and began conversing with the pizza guy who knew their family.

“Oh hey Rob. How much do I owe you.” She said as she began checking her pockets for money.

“Its uhh….Molly is that you?” Rob said, sounding quite surprised. The last time he had seen her just a month ago she looked and acted like a boy, and now all of a sudden she looked like something out of a sweet sixteen magazine.

“Haha very funny. Keep the change…And thanks.” She said as she took the pizza and closed the door. She sat down and hadn’t noticed that Ryan hadn’t moved a single muscle, not even a blink since she walked to the door. He honestly thought this was some kind of dream he was having. A very scary dream where the older sister he knew and saw as an older brother is becoming dainty and feminine and to top it all off, he is attracted to her. The kiss on the cheek was the final push that sent him over the edge of insanity.

“Hey doofus, are you gonna eat or are you gonna wait for it to get cold.” She said as she punched him on the shoulder and continued to take a man-sized bite out of a slice of pizza. Ryan managed to snap out of his haze and realised this was all too real. He looked over at this ‘imposter’ who acted exactly like his sister, more or less, but looked like his dream girl. Slim figure, slight curves, not too large breasts, long blonde hair and blue eyes. He had noticed that even her walk had changed from the hunched over walk she had to the chest out, ass out, straight back girly walk that most girls her age have. He picked up a slice of pizza and began eating very slowly, unsure of how to sit or act with this schizophrenic chick sitting next to him. After dinner they sat and watched TV, none of them said a word. The only eye contact that made was when he glanced over to see her legs crossed over and her foot dangling playfully. He looked up at her and knew there and then that the game had changed between them. He just didn’t know how to play and what the rules where.

They watched a film which seemed to take the edge off a little as it took their minds off their situation. Ryan got into his usual position where he would take 4 or 5 sofa pillows and stuff them at the foot of the couch the rest his head on them while lying flat on his back on the floor facing the TV. He did this often when they watched films but this time things were obviously different.

“Oh my gosh are you trying to look up my skirt.” He heard his sister shout suddenly, breaking the silence.

“No, I’m… I’m.” Before he could get his words out she had leapt up and came crashing down, sitting on his face. Now this used to be her standard bully routine where she would crouch over his face and fart just to humiliate him but it went horribly wrong this time. She had lost her footing as she wasn’t used to being barefoot even in the house, this caused her to sit flat on his face. That’s when she realised her bullying tactic was a huge mistake as she realised she had forgotten to put fresh underwear on when she took her stockings off.

Ryan was in shock as he hated this trick of hers but this time instead of smelly gases he was getting a face full of pussy, seeing as he was a virgin this was pure bliss for him.

“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry Ryan.” She said and for the first time he had received a sincere apology from her.
“It’s ok.” Was all he said. Little did either of them know that such a small phrase would drastically change both their lives from this point onwards. As he spoke his voice sent vibrations from his throat up to his chin which just so happened to be exactly where Molly’s virgin clit was resting and the movement of his lips and nose rubbed against her soft pussy lips. The poor girl never knew what hit her. Her body tensed up as she felt a heat she had never felt before. She let out a soft moan as her body took on a life of its own. Pure instinct got into the driver’s seat and took her for a little spin around the block and showed her what womanhood has to offer her.

Her hips moved back and forth ever so slightly, her movements were barely visible. She let out another moan as she pressed her hips down onto her little brother’s face and began slowly grinding on it. Ryan being a 14 year old boy dealing with his own puberty issues had watched tons of porn and masturbated while trying to satisfy his own body’s desires. Molly on the other hand had never even tried such ventures so this was the very first time she had felt such a sensation.

“I’m so sorry Ryan, I can’t stop myself. I’m so sorry.” The last bit of her statement was barely audible as she was completely engulfed by her actions and focused attentively at what her pussy was telling her to do. To her surprise she felt Ryan’s arms lift up and felt his hands grab a handful each of her ass cheeks which were as soft as cotton. The black skirt she was wearing had been pulled up by her spreading her legs and was literally looking like a belt which gave Ryan a full view of everything. He marvelled at her pink puckered asshole as he stuck out his tongue and slid it up into her now very moist pussy while pulling her down by her hips onto his face which was relatively easy as she was lighter than him.

“Oh baby, that feels amazing.” Molly said softly as she rode his face slowly but forcefully, literally having sex with his mouth.

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