The Toe Job Challenge-Jim Earns Respect – Chapter 1
The Toe Job Challenge-Jim Earns Respect – Chapter 1
Sex Story Author: | Frodov |
Sex Story Excerpt: | The latter, someone’s place was usually where most of the more interesting interactions or partying took place. Everyone could let |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Erotica, Exhibitionism, First Time, Foot or shoe fetish, Male/Female, Mature, Oral Sex, True Story |
The Toe Job Challenge
Jim earns respect
As a prequel to the continuing series about Barbra’s Reawakening, I’ve decided to reach even further back to give a little bit of my background, my history, the events that made me who I am. Some of them are worthy of entertainment others are bit more tricky and only shed light when taken in context with the rest of the stories. But isn’t that life? Anyway this story, or the two of them anyway, reach back to my time in college and working full time mostly in a part time job delivering pizzas to pay my gas and insurance to allow me to commute to and from school and home. Remember this all happened before cell phones and the internet, cable TV was still in its infancy. The 80’s Big hair bands, big hair, a different time.
The restaurant was a little noisy, well for three in the morning anyway. On my plate I pushed the remnants of a hot fudge cake around with my fork, idly looking around the dining room from my booth near the back just in front of the hostess’s station where they refill pitchers of soft drinks or coffee, and ring up customer’s orders on the computer. Across the table from me, my companion had her head down on her crossed arms as if sleepy or trying to take a nap out of boredom. Three booths down a clutch of college girls, probably sorority sisters, two obviously pledges were being loud and obnoxious, giving the waitresses a hard time. Apparently there had been some drinking involved in their earlier activities in the evening, on their way back to the sorority house from a party but perhaps, wisely, stopped in at Jerry’s to have a bite to eat and sober up a bit. Jerry’s is a good place for that kind of thing, and lots of people had similar ideas. Most of the patrons were closing out the night, be it from partying or just getting off work from their jobs, like myself and miss sleepy head across the table from me. I grinned wickedly knowing the truth. Yeah we had both just gotten off work, closing the campus pizza shop we were both working at, I was only helping out at that store whereas she, Terry, normally works there. Terry is a long time driver for the pizza store like me but since she goes to school yet at the university she lives near campus so it’s convenient for her. I’ve been out of school for a couple of years for reasons I won’t get into at this time but I work at most all the pizza chain’s stores around town and even some in neighboring towns. I’ve worked with the company for years, a veteran so to speak. Helping out at the campus store both wins me brownie points with management, making me welcomed when I might want to pick up some hours and I like to move around getting to know the other employees.. like miss sleepy head across the table.
Our waitress stopped by the table asking me if I needed any refills or perhaps another serving of hot fudge cake, as she eyed my idle fork work on the plate through the chocolate sauce and crumbs. I smiled and nodded to Terry’s seemingly slumbering posture and said she might want to top off her coffee and I would appreciate a refill of my coke and thanked her. As the waitress was starting to walk away Terry’s fingers were clenching and un-clenching on her right hand and her left was rapidly slapping softly on the table top. My grin grew even more wicked as I flexed my right leg and foot a little more insistently under the table earning me a low drawn out moan from terry’s half opened mouth buried behind her curly auburn hair covering her face. Her legs were crossed and ankles scissored , locking her thighs tightly trapping my right foot solidly between them. My bare foot, or more specifically, my big toe pressed tightly against her swollen enraged clit, the other toes and most of my foot soaked with her abundant juices. Every time Terry would loosen up her legs as if thinking I were done and she could recover.. I would press my foot and wiggle my toe erratically causing her to tense up and lock my foot down in that fleshy moist vice.. and utter muffled profanities or groan or both. That hand and fingers clenching and un-clenching.. the other tapping out as if crying uncle and conceding the wrestling match. But until she raised her head and pleaded, or rather conceded the bet to me I would continue my mischievous pedal administrations. Hell I hadn’t even brought my left foot into play.. it was still safely ensconced in my loafer, firmly resting on the floor beneath the table. About that time our waitress returned with a carafe of fresh coffee and topped up Terry’s cup and left me a fresh glass of soda asking if we needed anything else.. as Terry batted the table top and practically growled through her hair, her head still down on her arms as if sleeping. The waitress looked at her then back at me with her eyebrows raised. I smiled sweetly and told her we might need a few more napkins when she got a second. About that time one of the sorority girls rolled out of their booth and puked on the floor next to their table. “Oh Lord” the waitress said as she hurried off to get a mop and bucket, signaling for another waitress to come help out. I couldn’t help but smile but not so much at the scene a few tables down but at the thought of how this unique situation had come to pass.
It’s true what people say, one’s reputation precedes you. You’re past actions however discrete you may think they were have a tendency to come back to visit you when you least expect them. Tonight was a case in point. Terry, like me is a long time driver with the pizza chain we work for. She also helps out at other stores around town when they need extra help or just someone to fill a vacancy from time to time. When you get around like this you tend to make friends with those you work with, some closer than others. This job with the hours we work tends to limit our social lives a bit sometimes as well, I mean there’s not a lot going on at two or three in the morning in this town and it’s a little late for things like normal dates and the like. As a result we tend to hang out with and party with our fellow employees, a lot. There are fast friendships that sometimes turn into romantic liaisons or more often than you would think, simply situations where people are friends with benefits so to speak. Over the years I’ve worked with the pizza chain I’ve made a bunch of friends, oddly enough the majority of them are female. Now that might sound like I’m quite the stud and far be from me to abuse anyone of their opinions but it’s not exactly the case I’m afraid. I’ve always been a bit shy and reserved, especially around strangers or new acquaintances, that is.. until they get to know me, and I get to know them. Most find that I’m pretty much a boy scout, helpful, honest, friendly.. you know the whole nine yards, mister dependable. They also find that I have a wide open mind and am accepting to their own beliefs and lifestyles as long as they don’t try to press them on me. I do have a bit of a competitive streak and a wicked sense of humor when piqued. That said, I’ve found that many if not most of the girls I’ve worked with in the pizza chain view me as an okay guy, almost as a little brother at times, or in the words of several gals.. I’m “cool”…Meaning that they are safe to be themselves around me and relax. You see, I’ve found that many of the ladies working for the chain, perhaps an inordinate amount of them are of shall we say an alternative sexual orientation. Many like guys just fine but prefer the company of other girls… they can swing both ways as it were. Some only spend time with their own gender, period, they have their reasons, most are sad as in they were at one time or more abused, accosted or flat out raped by a male member of our species. They were wronged and have never recovered or at least never forgiven. At this time, the time I’m writing this story about, in the mid 1980’s, while society was becoming more accepting and progressive in its thinking about such matters of sexuality it was still pretty much frowned upon, especially when working the public. Running and operating a pizza delivery store was just such an operation that required a wholesome sort of image for the public and our customers. So most of the girls I’ve mentioned, and there were many of them, tended to hide their preferences from most. I on the other hand, as I’ve mentioned, was pronounced cool and I was privileged to see the real goings on and interactions. You might say I became educated in an unconventional way socially speaking. Hanging out with the ladies I learned the lingo, the body language, turns of phrases and even unspoken clues. I also learned a LOT about ladies in general, not just the ones that preferred the company of other women. I was taken under the wing.. or many wings you might say and will forever be grateful for my education. And did I mention that once you were “in” you became known throughout the “community” and were accepted almost as family.
After hours parties became a staple for fellow employees, be they just gathering at a favorite late night eatery like Jerry’s or Ho-Jo’s (Howard Johnson’s) or at someone’s apartment or house.
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