
The Ticket VII & VIII

bear with me trying to catch up

The Ticket VII

The Trip to the Hospital was actually scary I don’t think they even have shocks on Ambulances When we arrived at the front gate there was a minor hold up while they contacted the Hospital for verification that we were expected.

They took me right in and into surgery. They went into my groin area and did an angio catherizatioin where they shot some kind of dye in so they could see the workings of my heart . The found it necessary to use the balloon to inflate and clear 5 of my veins and arteries.

Mavis was in the operating room with me although just as an observer. I guess it was just a courtesy. They normally would have only kept me overnight for observation but They wanted to run a few more tests. There was indications that the scar tissue from my war wound could be causing complications. I had told them about my wheezing and shortness of breath.

They ran tests for three days, But before the first day was over two of the behemoths, they did have names, Rafe and Link, from Albuquerque, Both were retired Marines. They showed up at the Hospital and moved right in, one of them was either in my room or right outside my door.

Celeste Rainwater, my Lawyer, and two of the girls came over in Grandpa’s favorite automobile. A fully restored powder blue 1966 Cadillac Fleetwood. As days passed all the girls came for a visit. Friday evening the surgeon came to talk to me.

Basically he wanted to go back in and clean up the scar tissue also there was a slight anomaly that didn’t show clearly on the angio plasty. He felt the need to physically check it out he thinks there is a valve with a slight leak. If it is they can repair it and no more wheezing and shortness of breath.

The surgery was scheduled for Monday morning at 0530.

Saturday I was trying to read a book but was having difficulty, to many visitors. About 1600 the room door opened and a man with arm crutches . He looked around the room, there were four women including Dr Mavis Demp. He looked back at me and said, “ Hey Sarge heard from Hondo.”

“Mavis take the girls down to the cafeteria and get them a drink I need to talk to this gentleman without interruption. “ After the room was clear he introduced himself as Pete Lane he had a bullet by his spine but told me there was nothing wrong with his mind. He told me before I was 10 miles from Seal Beach there was a vet asking Charles Sundown for a job. He was there to watch and act if I needed it.

We talked for over an hour and pretty well established the assistance they were to give. He also let it drop that Josie had heard the conversation between Al Sims and I. As soon as the ambulance left the house she had been on the phone to Al. Telling him what happened

I was not looking forward to the approx imate 2 weeks more in the hospital.. The nurse often commented about so many ladies constantly in my room. Monday finally came around and the nurses had prepped me for surgery. They wheeled me into the operating room. The anesthesiologist talked to me about the procedure and told me it would be administered thru my I V line. And was I ready I nodded and that was the last I remembered til I awakened in ICU 8 hours later.

The Nurse told me I would be in ICU overnight then when the Dr. examined me he would make the decision as to whether I could go back to my room or not. Tuesday the Doctor came into my room and examined me. He told me that the original surgery had saved my life…but had not been complete. The past 15 years I had been suffering from problems that should have been gone. The leaky valve in my heart had increased every time I exerted myself.

He said, “The anomaly he had noticed was from the scar tissue of the original wound it was now gone also. Your strength should come back and although you should be fine I would advise keeping the pill available. You will go back to your room later today and we will start therapy tomorrow.”


‘M’ Looked around the table, “Where has our ‘Little Bird ‘ flown too ?”

Sheriff Jones answered, “ According to my deputies he was taken to the base in Clovis by Ambulance. They spoke to a Nurse at the hospital, she said that he had heart surgery. His room is closely guarded.”

“Keep and eye on him but make no move. He is still our best bet to finding the list.”

Wednesday: There was a noise in the Hallway. Rafe stuck his head in the door and ask if I was up to receiving a visitor. I asked who and he said the Commanding Officer of the Base. I shrugged my shoulder and said why not.

The door opened and a One star( Brigadier ) General walked in. He saw me sitting up in bed and walked forward with his hand out. I shook it He said “ Glad to see you. General Davis here..”. He stuttered…”Let me explain about 15 or 16 years ago I was a young Capt. I was the pilot of a mercy flight.

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