
The Things We Do at Home – part 1

The story of a family stuck at home during the Corona virus epidemic, and how it affected them.

I would like to start by thanking Jess for reaching out and sharing her story with me. I took the liberty of filling in some blanks as I saw fit, and maybe exaggerating slightly here and there, but believe I kept true to her story.

All names and details described were given to me by Jessica, and I am already working hard on the next installment based on her story and ongoing updates I am receiving.

Whether this riveting sexual tale is true or not, though I strongly believe at least some of it is, I cannot safely say and will let each reader decide.

As always, comments are appreciated, along with questions either to me, or ones that i will forwarded to Jessica.

Wishing you health and all the best in these difficult times, and hoping my stories are helping to pass the long boring hours.


The Things We Do at Home – Part 1

An original true story by Starrynight.

“Looks like we’re out too.” Jessica said with a frown as she looked down at her phone. She was slouched sideways on the black leather couch, her feet dangling to the side. She was wearing a large plain white t-shirt and small black shorts, her bare legs on the armrest. Her dark medium-length hair was tousled, falling over the side, her highlights in vivid contrast to the black leather.

“Cool.” Chris said, feeling excited by the sudden break. He was wearing red basketball shorts and a tight tank top, stretched across his broad chest. His dark hair was cut short, his face was shaved, and his dark eyes were locked on his own phone.

“Cool?” Jessica said emphasizing the word as she looked up at her brother. “You think people getting sick and dying is cool? You saying everyone having to be stuck in their houses is cool?” she asked, anger creeping into her voice.

“Err…no,” Chris started mumbling nervously, “I was just talking about school being out.” He said. “Obviously I don’t think people getting sick and stuff is cool.” He looked up into his sister’s eyes, she leered back at him, then they both went back to their phones.

“Guys, can you be quiet.” Laura said irritated. “I can’t hear your father.” She looked at her kids, then went back to her call. “Yes…got it. Okay, thanks hon, tell your parents I said hi.” Laura said through the phone then hung up. She was wearing long black tights and a dark purple t-shirt, both nicely hugging her thin frame. Her dark shoulder-length hair was down, and she brushed her fingers over her bangs.

The worldwide Corona virus had reached them, and an indefinite lockdown was put in place. Schools, work, restaurants and transportation were all put on hold. Everyone was required to stay at home, and a full-on quarantine was set to start the next day.

“What did dad say? Did he find another flight?” Jessica asked when her mother finished the call.

“Unfortunately, no.” Laura said frustrated. “They just announced that all domestic flights have been cancelled. He managed to rent a car and is driving over to your grandparents’ house.” Laura explained. Her husband was returning from a business trip abroad because of the situation, but they cancelled all the flights when he was on his way back.

“That sucks!” Jess said. She was really looking forward to her father being back.

“Yeah, I know sweetie.” Her mother sad tenderly just as her phone rang. She looked down at the screen and picked up. “Hey Shawn.” She said cheerfully as she rose to her feet, stretching her lithe five-and-a-half-foot frame. She continued towards her bedroom, leaving her children to the very popular pastime of being on the phone.

“Turn on the TV, let’s see what they say on the news.” Jessica told her brother, putting down her phone. He raised his head to look at her, nodded, then picked up the remote and handed it to her. Chris went back to his phone, half listening to the gloomy picture they painted in the news, while his sister watched intently.

“That was your uncle,” Laura said as she came back over and sat down on the sofa next to her son, “he is going to come stay with us until things return to normal.” She said, crossing her legs and turning to the TV.

“That’s cool.” Chris said happily and his sister nodded in agreement. They both liked their uncle Shawn, their mother’s younger brother. He lived close by, so they saw him quite often, and being a hair stylist, he always had good stories.

“It’s crazy what’s going on.” Jessica said looking at the TV. “It’s all over the world!” she added and folded her thin legs up, hugging them against her chest.

“Mom, did they shut down the golf club too?” Chris asked as he looked the TV.

“Yes, every non-essential workplace is supposed to be closed starting tomorrow.” She said with a worried look. “I might work a bit from home, but I probably won’t have much to do.” She explained. Laura managed the finances for the local golf club. It was a good job with good pay, but now with everything going on, no one was playing golf. “So, did you think what you will be doing?” Laura asked.

“I don’t know, probably watch TV and play video games.” Chris said in a teenager’s carefree tone. His mother nodded and moved her gaze to her daughter.

“Not really, maybe get a jump on my schoolwork. I haven’t really thought about it yet.” Jessica answered, looking at her mother, then turned back to the TV.

“Chris, Jess, come say hello to your uncle.” Laura called upstairs. They heard shuffling, then doors being opened and footsteps hurrying down.

“Hey uncle Shawn.” Chris said.

“Chris my man!” Shawn said, giving his nephew a high five before pulling him in for a hug.

“Hi uncle Shawn.” Jess said cheerfully, throwing her arms around him. Uncle Shawn was in his mid-thirties, quite a bit younger than Laura. He was lean and tall, standing at around six feet. He had a cool slightly spiky hairdo and a trimmed beard. He looked stylish, always did, and was wearing a pair of long tight light jeans, a light blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up, black sneakers and an expensive looking watch. His designer sunglasses where hanging from his breast pocket as he gave his sister, nephew, and niece his signature smile.

“So, who’s up for some quarantine.” Shawn said with the same smile, and everyone laughed at his stupid joke. “Chris, can you give me a hand in the car?” Shawn asked. “I brought all the food I had at my place with me.” He said.

“Yeah, sure.” Chris said, and followed his uncle outside. He followed his uncle to his truck and his eyes nearly popped out. “Did you rob a grocery store on your way here?” Christ asked amused.

“I might have bought some extra.” Shawn said as he looked over at the four huge boxes filled with canned goods and other non-perishables, “but better to be safe.” He added and lifted one of the boxes, handing it to Christ.

“Did you rob a grocery store?” Laura asked her brother as he and Chris finished bringing everything in.

“Ha, your son said the exact same thing.” Shawn said with a chuckle. “You’re going to thanks me for all this in a few days.” He added.

“You know the grocery stores will still open?” Laura asked her brother.

“That’s what they say.” Shawn said skeptically and shrugged.

“Come on, let’s get your things. I fixed up the guest bedroom for you.” Laura said and headed to the bedroom with her brother behind her. She walked in, turning on the light, and showed her brother in. The room was large and well lit. It had a large king-size bed with a nightstand on each side, a small desk with a chair next to it, a tall closet, and an en suite bathroom. The bed was made, a folded towel in the middle, and several pictures hung on the wall. “You can use the bathroom here,” Laura said gesturing towards it “just not the shower, the showerhead is cracked. Simon said he will fix it when he gets back, but you know…anyway you can use my shower.” Laura said and looked at her brother as he put his bag down.

“Thanks sis, looks great.” Shawn said with a big smile.

“Well, make yourself at home then.” Laura said, returning her brother’s smile, and walked out, leaving him to it. The guest and Master bedrooms were downstairs, and she walked upstairs, hearing her daughter chatting on the phone through her closed bedroom door, and sounds of her son playing video games through his, then entered the study. She removed her computer from her bag, placed it on the large wooden desk at the center of the room, and decided to get some work done.

Later that day, all four of them met around the dining room table for a humble supper. They weren’t really worried, at least not about themselves, but they were concerned about the situation, wondering where it would lead. They finished eating, each retiring to his own business, and thus ended their first day of Corona lockdown.

For the next few days, the family, as much as it sounded bad, actually enjoyed themselves. Chris would watch movies, TV, and play video games all day, either alone or online with friends. Jessica, watched TV, browsed and updated her social media profiles, and spend hours on the phone with her boyfriend and friends. Laura managed to get most of her work done and started doing things around the house. She organized, decorated, and cleaned, attending to things she meant to do for a long time but never got a chance. She even finished her book, the one she had been reading for the past months and started reading another one. Shawn was happy to hang out with his sister, niece and nephew, watching Netflix and reading when he wasn’t with them. He helped his sister around the house, played video games with Chris, and chatted with Jessica, telling her some trade secrets from work.

As the days wore on, each day much the same as the last, they were beginning to get bored. Chris and Jessica especially. They discovered there was only so much video games and TV a person can watch in a day, and that social media is much less interesting when everyone is quarantined at their house.

Laura and Shawn were chatting cheerfully as they washed the dishes after dinner. It was the end of their fourth day in lockdown and they started telling each other funny things they remembered from their childhood. They laughed as they worked, until everything was clean and dry. The kids were already up in their rooms, and Laura headed to her own bedroom, bidding her brother goodnight as she left him in the living room.

Laura washed up, brushed her teeth, and stripped out of her clothes. She stepped over to her walk-in closet still nude and studied her naked body in the big mirror. She fondled her perky tits, 32Bs that were over a handful, and tweaked her dark red nipples. She stifled a little moan at the pleasure, closing her eyes at the jolt, then opened them and ran her hand down her flat stomach. She brushed her fingers through her trimmed bush, a dark triangle on her pubic mound, then reached for a pair of dark blue panties. She thought of how much she missed her husband as she slipped the panties on and felt a pang of arousal as she realized it had been over two weeks since they last shared a bed. She smiled to herself as she grabbed a particularly skimpy light-blue nightgown and put it on. The thin fabric was shear, not hiding her erect nipples underneath, as well as her panties and long tone legs.

She climbed onto her large bed, got comfortable, and grabbed her phone. She wanted to show Simon how sexy she looked and what he was missing and called him for a video chat. She listened as the call tried to connect, then heard a beep and looked at her phone. It was a message from Simon saying the phone reception at his parents’ house was terrible and that he would call her from the land line. Laura exhaled in frustration, but eagerly answered when the phone rang.

“Hi babe, how are you?” Simon asked in his deep voice from the other side of the line. Even though they were married for twenty years, his deep rugged voice still made her tingle.

“I’m okay, I miss you.” She said longingly.

“I miss you too.” Simon said back “Is everything all right over there?” he asked.

“Yes, we are all fine here. I just got into bed and I’m wearing the nightgown you love so much, I wanted to show you.” She said.

“Damn, I’m sorry to miss that.” He said frustrated, “the phone signal is terrible out here.” He explained. Simon was getting horny thinking of his hot wife all alone in their big bed, dressed in that slutty thing. “What else are you wearing?” he asked with a naughty hint to his voice.

“So that’s how you want to play it?” Laura asked her husband, lowering her voice as the excitement took over her. “Are you alone?” she asked quietly.

“Yes, I’m in the guest bedroom.” He told her.

“Do you want me to play with myself?” Laura asked in a quiet voice.

“Yes!” Simon answered, feeling his prick twitch. “Do you want me to take my clothes of and play along?” he asked with a husky voice, and Laura felt the wetness growing between her legs as she said yes.

“Are you naked?” Laura asked after a pause where she heard Simon shuffling.

“Yes!” he answered.

“Are you hard?” she asked and felt herself get warm at the question.

“Not yet.” Simon answered.

“Are you touching yourself?” she asked.

“Yes!” he said in a throaty voice.

“Tell me what you’re doing.” She said.

“I have my left hand wrapped around my shaft, I’m slowly stroking it, and I can feel it getting hard in my hand.” He said. “What are you wearing beside the nightgown?” he asked in return.

“I’m wearing a pair of dark blue panties. I’m getting wet thinking about you stroking your cock.” She whispered. “Do you want me to touch myself now?” she asked naughtily.

“Yes!” Her husband called into the phone; his prick almost completely hard.

“Okay, I’m rubbing my boobs now, touching them and playing with my nipples, they’re so hard and it feels so good.” She said in a sexy voice, hearing her husband’s deep breath from the phone. “Now I’m sliding my hand down, caressing my stomach. I’m slipping my hand inside my panties now, running them over my bush. Oh god I’m so wet…oh fuck, I just slipped my finger inside my pussy and it feels so good.” She purred over the phone.

“Oh, I’m so hard already.” Simon told his wife. “Take your panties off.” He ordered in his masculine voice.

“Hold on.” Laura said and put the phone beside her as she slid her moist panties down her legs. “Okay they’re off.” She told her husband as she picked the phone back up.

“Now keep touching yourself and tell me what you’re doing.” He asked her, his voice strained.

“I’m spreading my legs apart, and it feel so good to have my pussy in the open air. Mmmh, I’m running my thumb along my slit…oh god…touching my clit. It feels so good.” Laura said whimpering.

“Now slowly slide your finger inside your pussy and started fingering yourself.” Simon said excited, thoroughly stroking his thick hard dick.

“Oooooh!” Laura exhaled as she pushed her middle finger into her sopping hole, “Fuck that feels good. I’m pushing my finger into my pussy. It’s so wet. Now I’m fingering myself, slowly moving my finger in and out, fuck that feels good. Ugh fuck, I wish it was your dick though, entering my wet pussy.” She cooed.

“Aah god!” Simon called out from the other side of the line as his climax took him. He too wished it was his wife’s wet pussy he was fucking instead of his hand, but he still came. He let out a loud grunt, pleasure hitting him as he started to ejaculate. He stroked his rigid manhood, moaning and groaning in pleasure, and came all over his stomach as his wife listened from far away. He stroked his erection through his orgasm, sexual pleasure shooting through him, then let go of his cock and just lay there breathing heavily.

“Did you just cum?” Laura asked her husband, already knowing the answer.

“Yeah babe.” He said breathless “Did you get off?” he asked, laying there with his dick soft and a puddle of cum on his stomach.

“Not yet.” She said, still rubbing her pussy wildly.

“You want me to stay on until you do?” Simon asked.

“No, it’s fine. It’s getting late and I might take a while.” She said. Orgasms never did come easily to Laura.

“Okay, good night. Tell the kids I said hi.”

“I will. Good night, love you.” She said.

“Love you too.” Simon answered back then clicked off.

Laura was still extremely horny as she put the phone down and lay on her bed. She closed her eyes, put her hand between her legs and continued thinking about her husband. She fingered herself, rubbing her clit, slid a second finger inside her pussy, but despite how good it felt, she didn’t cum. She finally had enough and rolled over to her side. She reached for her nightstand, opened the bottom drawer, moved some very inappropriate articles of clothing aside and pulled out a shiny silver vibrator.

She turned it on to the lowest setting, afraid her brother would hear it, and watched the instrument as it began omitting a hissing buzz. She moved it down between her legs and moaned through gritted teeth as she held it to her clit. She closed her eyes, curling her toes as the pleasure started. She breathed through her nose, keeping her mouth shut, and began gently rubbing the tip of the vibrator around her clit. She stifled her moans as she pleasured herself, moving the vibrating tip along her slit, then pushed the still shaking shaft into her drenched cunt.

Laura’s body exploded in pleasure as she inserted the naughty toy deep into her hole. It was cool as it slid through her vaginal lips, penetrating her, and she could feel her vagina convulsing around it. She clenched her abs as her orgasm took her, pulling the shaft out of her trembling twat, and pressed it to her engorged clit. She held the vibrator there, her breath ragged as spasms of sexual delight rushed through her, hot and electrifying. It felt amazing, scorching waves of euphoria burning through her, almost as good as a man screwing her but not quite. As her orgasm started fading away, Laura noticed her toy stopped vibrating. She tried turning it off and on again, and realized the battery was dead. She placed the vibrator on the nightstand so she would remember to get new batteries, slipped her panties back on, pulled the covers on and immediately fell asleep.

Shawn woke up early to the fifth day of the confinement. It was a warm sunny morning, the sun just shining its first rays. Shawn walked over to the kitchen, surprised not to see his sister there, put a new pot of coffee on and went to take a shower. He grabbed the towel from his room and headed to his sister’s. She was usually up at this time, and Shawn quietly knocked on her bedroom door. When no one answered, he assumed his sister was in the upstairs study and opened the door.

Laura stirred as her bedroom door opened, waking her up. She had the covers up to her waist and groggily opened her eyes.

“Sorry, I didn’t realize you were still asleep.” Shawn said as his eyes adjusted to the dark room. “Can I user the shower?” he asked, then his eyes caught something and went wide. He noticed a long silver vibrator resting on the nightstand, and when he turned to look at his sister, his eyes grew wider.

“Yeah go ahead.” Laura said with a yawn as she sat up, still sleepy and stretched her arms. It took her sleeping mind a few seconds to realized what her brother was looking at, and when she did, she found herself wide awake. A flush crept over her as her brother noticed her sex toy. He was staring at her now, and it took her another moment to understand why.

Shawn was looking at his older sister as she sat in her bed wearing a see-through nightgown. The blue fabric was shear, and he could clearly see her perky breasts and red nipples underneath.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” Shawn mumbled as his sister blushed and pulled the blanket up to her chin. She said nothing, only sat there looking embarrassed, and he quickly entered the bathroom and turned the water on. He stripped down and entered the shower, his head spinning. He couldn’t believe he just saw his older sister’s tits, and as bad as he felt about it, he couldn’t get the image out of his mind. They looked good, there was no denying that, and as hard as he resisted, his cock was getting hard.

Once Shawn was hard, there was no fighting it anymore. He felt bad about jerking off in his sister’s shower, but he was so horny he had to. He squeezed some soap into his right hand and wrapped it around his thick five-inch penis. He started stroking, strangely still thinking of his sister’s boobs, and exploded within a few seconds, aiming his ejaculating cock towards the drain. He attributed it to the lack of female contact over the last few days, and quickly finished washing up.

By the time Shawn walked out of the shower, Laura already had a robe on, and the vibrator was nowhere to be seen. She looked up at the bathroom door opening, still feeling ashamed, and watched as her brother stepped out with just a towel around his waist.

“Sorry about before.” Shawn said again, holding his dirty clothes in his hand as his sister stared at his exposed chest. She found herself staring at her brother, blushing at the thought that only the towel around his waist was keeping her from seeing his naked body.

“It’s okay.” She croaked, searching for the outline of his penis through the towel, then realized she was doing it and shook her head. He smiled at her, holding the towel in place with his free hand, then gave her a little nod and left.

What the hell was that, Laura thought to herself as she climbed out of bed. She couldn’t explain the way she looked at her brother and refused to give it any further thought. Once she heard his door close, Laura removed her robe. She pulled the nightgown off and headed for the shower, thinking that a nice warm shower would clean her head.

For the rest of the day everything was normal between Laura and Shawn. Shawn decided that it was just the scarce female companionship that caused his mind to wander, and Laura decided it was some residue from the nightly chat with her husband.

“Kids, dinner!” Laura called to her children as evening came.

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