The Ten of Them Chapter 3
Arthur’s notes: This chapter too has nearly no sex, sorry. This chapter is the build up for the main event that occurs later in the story. I feel is important to describe this part of their lives, as it has to do with romance building between the two young lovers.
JJ feels the bond for Kathryn a feeling so very strong, this bonding pulls them together, generated a need within him to love and care for Kathryn. JJ realizing Kathryn ten years of age is not ready for sex decides to wait, rather than chance losing the powerful connection they share. Kathryn is the only girl he truly cares for, and would do or give up anything to protect her.
Waiting for Kathryn: chapter 3
The next day, I showed the blueprints and a computer walk through to Kathryn who was very excited by the new house. Mom told me that she didn’t want that upstairs bedroom especially since all the masters now were identical, except the upstairs master was slightly smaller due to the elevator, but it had a balcony we should have a great view of the river. That seemed to excite Kathryn, she always dreamed of having a bedroom with its own elevator. I told Kathryn if she played her cards right she could sleep over. She would punch me in the shoulder every time I make that joke.
It wasn’t long before all the glass and outside was completely finished. Once sealed from the elements the interior work could begin. Geothermal heat pump and air handling and ducks, electrical and plumbing when simultaneously and we have to do septic system with leach bed which meant most of their hilltop got dug up completely.
In July I begin my morning runs again I run for about 3 to 4 miles each morning. On my third time out I found Kathryn waiting for me holding a large glass of cold water. Of course she wouldn’t let me hug her being all covered in perspiration. The days were hot even in the early morning when I ran. When I first showed up with my T-shirt tied around my waist I thought Kathryn was going to fall over. She wouldn’t let me hug her but that didn’t stop her from caressing my sweating abs.
By the end of August the solar cells installation was completed. We didn’t have to use the portable generators everything preceded faster. By the time school started two of the four wings were completed and most of the basement kitchen and living areas. We hired extra workers from a second contractor, who did not have any work at the time.
Michael Junior, Mark, and Eddie started fishing with Kathryn and I course the three brothers hated that Kathryn was there. I offered $100 price for whoever caught the most fish on that trip. As she caught more fish than anyone else did, Kathryn won the hundred dollars. She made us let her buy dinner for the five of us. She took us for a good dinner, they soon got over it. Kathryn loved to fish more than I or was the fact I made her brothers actually associate with her. The more time they spent together the less hostile to each other they were. During the fall I arrange for construction of a boat dock for my new boat.
The other major thing happened in August I begin football training preseason. Mom had to go to the administrative office to arrange for my classes. I received placement in advanced classes for most of my subjects, my home schooling in California didn’t count points towards my graduation. Coach was right I was the most physically fit freshman to join the football team.
When September comes around and we left for school that first day I got another surprise. Kathryn’s IQ and academics had advanced her before her peers. She was also a freshman in my class along with Eddie. The classes I had with Kathryn were all of the advanced courses; I had gym class with Eddie.
Being formerly from LA I got picked on often; the Edward brothers wouldn’t allow an unfair fight. So they warned them that I was now the toughest guy in the County. I was also training them in martial arts. We used some of the scrap lumber, two by fours for a demonstration one day. I had shown the brothers that I can break four two by fours stacked on each other without any trouble.
When one of the other boys totally insisted that I fight him, I asked if he minded me warming up first. He jokingly said. “It won’t matter if you’re hot or cold you’re still going to get your ass kicked.” I smiled to the brothers and they set up the two cinderblocks with four two by fours across them. Once they were in place I stretched a little and smashed the two by fours. I withdrew my martial arts license from my wallet I handed it to him. He stood there pale faced swallowing hard before he said. “I may have been out of line, and more than a little premature. I’m sorry John.” No one else call me LA to my face after that.
Kathryn and I try to spend as much time together as we could manage. No one seemed to bother her as long as I was around. She possessed a color copy of her birthday card and carried it in her backpack not risking the original. So even when I wasn’t around they knew me as her protector. She may have been the youngest and nearly the shortest freshman standing only at four foot six but no one bothered her.
Kathryn began joining me for my morning runs during that fall, and after she would practice with me while I went through my exercises. Her brothers joined us doing the training. Kathryn seems to be a natural and quickly picked up the basics.
I made a Thanksgiving card for Kathryn, she laughed at it for half an hour until she told me. “It was so bad it’s good.”
I made a Christmas card for Kathryn, the character a Christmas was me a Santa Claus with a large bag over my shoulder. During Christmas time several churches were taking up money and gifts for children throughout the County and I ensured that every one of them had what they needed. I convinced Kathryn to help me pick up presents for the girls for these organizations, she chose and I paid.
Just two weeks before Christmas the coach presented me with the keys to the house. It was finished just as he said it would be. We had already moved several things in that we didn’t have room for in the small house. A few days later the Edwards family helped as we completely moved into our new home before Christmas. Within the larger space my room looked a little Spartan but I didn’t care much. We had purchased a lot of furniture that was ready for delivery. The new living room suit, theater chairs for the home theater, pool table, card table for the game room, pool furniture and a bedroom suit for mom. I did add an overstuffed oversized leather chair to my room. It was just big enough for Kathryn and I to snuggle in together, and we spend a lot of time reading in it. Mom hurriedly decorated the living room for Christmas. Under the tree we placed our presence to each other along with the ones for the Edwards.
Of course I purchased presents for the Edwards. I gave stocking stuffers of music cards, or prepaid credit cards. I purchased one major gift for each of them; I try to find a thoughtful gift not worried about cost. Helen helps me pick out presence for her children. I give the coach two Super Bowl tickets and airline and hotel reservations all expenses paid.
Once our football season was over, I began instructing classes in martial arts as an afterschool program that January. The first few classes had six students including Eddie and Kathryn. They would call me LA for the longest, not to my face anymore, till Kathryn challenged anyone that call me LA would get and asked kicking from her. It didn’t take long for the class to begin filling up mostly with girls once Kathryn had tossed around a couple of the football players that was hassling her for dating me and took her challenge.
I found out I could get a driver’s license for farm vehicles including a truck but could only drive to and from markets. I got one anyway just so I could occasionally drive down to the farmers market. Like always Kathryn is at my side when I made our little trips. And as always we were not left alone, usually one of Kathryn’s sisters, my mother or Helen would come along. It always was an excuse to do a little shopping and a lot of the times I would buy roses for Kathryn or other flowers for our Moms.
On Valentine’s Day Kathryn seem to be a little down so I bought her a dozen roses that cheered her up a little. As we set and talked it took a while but I found out what was really bothering her. I had the money and the means to spoil her with anything I wanted to. But for her she did not even have enough money to buy me an inexpensive watch she had seen at the jewelry store.
That’s when I started learning to be a pickpocket. I didn’t take money out I put money in. Sometimes that’s even harder than sliding a $20 bill out. Kathryn didn’t understand why for the longest time she would find more money at the end of the day in her pants than when she left for school. Teasing Kathryn I told her. “I must be a money magnet and you been around me enough to be magnetized.”
At the end of the school year she caught me putting cash into her pocket, she acted all mad but I knew inside she was laughing at me. She realized I give her anything to make her happy.
At the beginning of summer my new house was home. My room quickly became where most of the younger Edwards hung out. Mark and Eddie would come over to play video games; mom would let them even if I wasn’t around.
Kathryn usually could be found by my side her sisters sometime teased her calling Kathryn JJ’s shadow. She replied to their teasing, “If by shadow you mean girlfriend yes I am his shadow.” I was anywhere near, and I always was I would give her a kiss to emphasize that she was my girlfriend. Kathryn and I read a lot, most the time with Kathryn my lap and her head resting against my shoulder. Kara and Krystal would come over with their brothers, sometimes to hang out but will usually help mom around the house first. The twins and their father came to play billiards, in pairs or solo sometimes with me or one of his children. The swimming pool was always a popular spot to hang out. Even Helen could be found there occasionally usually with Mom. The home theater was large enough so all of us could watch a movie together. A large projection screen lined one wall, with digital surround sound it was as good as going to a major movie theater. Best part of it was I’ve had Kathryn on my lap in the dark for an hour and half or longer.
The Coach even started going fishing with Kathryn and I. The next summer I had a boat house built by the coach’s construction crew. Our two families grew closer over time.
In the spring Kathryn had her growing spurt by her eleventh birthday she looked more like a young woman than girl. She outgrew her training bra and was now in a 28 A cup, 20 inch waist with 28 inch hips. Summer was hard on me, her body was that of a willowy young goddess of a woman but she wasn’t ready to be one.
Kathryn had decided she wanted a job over the summer. I had her write a resume stating all her abilities and qualifications. I actually was quite impressed with what she had written. I checked some of her job references and they checked out. So I hired her, she became my scheduling secretary and personal assistant.
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