The Teacher’s Conference
The Teacher’s Conference
Sex Story Author: | Lubrican |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Her knees felt like jelly and the very first step she took was on top of his foot. "I can't" |
Sex Story Category: | Male/Female |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, Male/Female, Male/Teen Female, Pregnant |
The Teacher’s Conference
by Lubrican
Author’s Note: While I’ve been married to one for 30 years, I cannot claim to understand women. This, however, is my attempt to tell a story primarily from a woman’s perspective. Please go easy on me ladies. This is how I THINK I’d feel if I were one of you.
Chapter One
Robin sighed as she approached the school. Sometimes it was a pain being a single mom. Like now, having to go to a teacher’s conference. Mandy had probably gotten in trouble some way. Mandy, came home one day with a note from Mr. Wilson requesting a meeting with her to discuss “a situation concerning Mandy”. Mandy hadn’t read the note, which was sealed, and when she did she claimed she had no idea why he might want to see her, or what the “situation” was.
Robin knew that Mr. Wilson was Mandy’s favorite teacher, because she talked about him all the time. The look on Mandy’s face when she did that looked familiar to Robin. Robin remembered that look on her own face when, at age 15, she was babysitting for the Andersons and she let Jim Anderson have her virginity. That had been so much fun she’d let him have her again and again until she found out she was Pregnant. Then he’d distanced himself from her, leaving her high and dry.
Mandy was only 14 and Robin was very strict with her. Robin had been there and didn’t want Mandy to have to work so hard to make it in the world, like she had to do. Knowing that her daughter had a crush on the teacher, when Robin called Mr. Wilson she wasn’t surprised that he sounded nice. They arranged to meet after school on a Thursday, when Robin didn’t have to be at work.
So now she was about to meet this Bob Wilson person to find out how her life would be complicated more than it already was. She wandered down the hallway, looking for his room as a few straggling kids made their way towards their lockers, or the exits. A Janitor was mopping the floor. Otherwise the place seemed empty.
Robin hadn’t thought about how to dress for a teacher’s meeting, but if she had she probably couldn’t have done better. She had on skin tight jeans and a silk blouse that hugged her breasts. She was a healthy young woman, only 29 years old. After having Mandy, she’d struggled to finish school and then had been required to jump right into the job market to support herself and her daughter. She loved Mandy dearly, and was never sorry Mr. Anderson had knocked her up.
But it had been hard.
She managed to take good care of herself, eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise as she spent time with her precious daughter. She had therefore kept the knockout body that had gotten her pregnant in the first place. Her thrusting breasts were still firm and proud as they pushed through her 38 CC bras and the button down shirts she liked to wear. Her stomach had flattened out after having Mandy but her hips had stayed spread, ready to have more children. She’d breast fed Mandy, and her nipples had stayed large and sensitive after she weaned the girl, ready to suckle more lovers and children.
But there was no time for that. Her work consumed all her time that she didn’t spend with Mandy. Whenever she remembered how nice sex was she took care of things with her fingers. In her job she didn’t meet any men that interested her. She didn’t miss men much.
Until she walked into Bob Wilson’s classroom.
She stuck her blond head in the door and saw a handsome man with a full head of dark hair. There were small wings of gray just above his ears, but he was obviously in good shape. “Hello? I’m looking for Mr. Wilson” she said tentatively.
The man smiled. He had a BEAUTIFUL smile! She wasn’t prepared for the heat that blossomed in her loins. It was easy to see why Mandy would have a crush on this man. She hadn’t felt that particular kind of heat for a long time. She blushed, because of what she was thinking of.
The man spoke with a deep resonating voice. “I’m Bob Wilson. And you have to be Robin Walker.” He stood up and came from behind the desk. He was tall, with broad shoulders. His hair was wavy and his teeth were very white in his tanned face. He held his hand out to her and she raised hers weakly.
“How did you know?” she asked, unable to think of anything else to say.
“Well, Mandy is a beautiful young lady” he said “and the resemblance between you two is remarkable.”
He was a slick one. She’d have to be careful with this one. His hand was warm and he gripped hers firmly, but gently. He smiled again and she wanted to look at that smile forever. She let him lead her to a door behind the desk. “Let’s go into my office where we can be more comfortable,” he said. He took her to a nice padded chair and she sat down.
There was a couch in the office, but he grabbed his desk chair and brought it in front of her. When he sat down his knees were only four or five inches from hers and she noticed his closeness as he invaded her space. She realized she was breathing more deeply, like she had just finished a nice brisk three mile walk.
“This is crazy” she told herself. “I’m acting like a teenager!” She tried to harness her emotions and said “What’s this all about Mr. Wilson? Has Mandy caused some trouble?”
“Please, call me Bob” he smiled again and her stomach fluttered.
Damn that smile.
“And no, there’s no trouble. Please, believe me when I tell you Mandy is one of my best students.” He smiled again and she wanted to climb on his lap.
He was different from other men she knew in another way. They ALL stared at her breasts when they talked to her. But not this man. His eyes were looking directly into hers. They never even flickered lower than her chin. For some strange reason this bothered her more than those who let their lust show clearly on their faces. She knew she was a looker, but he didn’t seem to notice. Other than his brief reference to her beauty. There was that.
“I’m please to hear that,” she said. “I’m very proud of her myself.”
“You should be. Mandy’s told me a little bit about your family. You’ve done a wonderful job of raising her under difficult conditions.”
“I’m not sure I like the idea of Mandy telling people things … Personal things.” objected Robin.
Bob held up his hands. “Please, I don’t pry on purpose, but sometimes it’s valuable to know what’s going on at home to help a young person make the best of their educational opportunities. That’s why I asked you here today. I wanted to talk to you about college.”
“But Mandy’s only 14!” said Robin in a shocked voice. “Isn’t it a little early to be talking about college?” Robin didn’t like thinking about college. There was no way in the world she’d be able to send Mandy to even a State college on her salary.
“Ordinarily I’d agree, but Mandy has a particular gift that needs to be exploited now.”
Robin looked at him curiously. Finally his eyes dropped briefly to her chest, and then shot back up to her face. For some reason that made her feel very, very good. Maybe he wasn’t gay after all. She was wondering why she should even care when he went on. “Mandy has displayed an exceptional talent for learning foreign languages. I took the liberty of having her read several books on languages as part of her assignments, and her talent is incredible. She seems very interested in them too.”
Robin realized she was looking at his lap. He had a nice lap, bumpy in just the right place. She blushed and raised her eyes. He was smiling. “OK, but what does that have to do with anything?” said Robin.
“Well, there is a very competitive market for translators, especially translators who know more than one language. Based on what I’ve seen, Mandy would have no trouble becoming expert in six or seven languages. If she does, she can write her own ticket. I’m talking salaries in the six figure range.”
Robin’s mouth fell open. “But we can’t afford College” she said weakly.
“I know,” he said. “but the problem is she needs to start learning NOW.
Studies show kids start losing the ability to learn foreign languages as they enter puberty. What I’m saying is that college isn’t necessarily the best way for her to proceed. I’d have to recommend tutors, and they need to begin now.”
Robin sat back, and her knees parted as she went limp. She saw his eyes dart to her crotch, and again, she felt good about that instead of angry. This guy was something else. “I can’t afford tutors either,” she said firmly, and leaned forward to stand up.
Again his hands went out in front of him. “I’m aware of that. I wanted to arrange to tutor her myself.”
She froze. “What?”
He smiled. “I speak nine languages,” he said simply.
“What?” she repeated.
“I’m an Army brat” he said. “We traveled all over the world with my dad, and I learned one or two languages in every country we were stationed in. I can teach Mandy now, and then, later, when she is employed, we can discuss my fees.
“But it can’t be that simple” gasped Robin. This man was offering thousands of dollars of tutoring with only the possibility he’d ever be paid anything.
“No, it won’t be simple.” he agreed. She’ll still need a degree. But if I work with her until she graduates, she’ll be able to test out of her undergraduate language classes. She’s an excellent student, and I can get her a full scholarship for the rest. She’ll have to do about two years, and can pursue her Masters and Doctorate while she’s employed. Most translators of her caliber are contractors, and work only when they want to.
Robin stared at him hard. “Why would you do this?” she asked. She was on guard now. He’d set the hook, and she was waiting for him to try to haul her in.
“She has talent. She’s a fantastic student. She’s beautiful, like her mother. She’s had a hard enough life. I can help. Why NOT do it?”
Robin didn’t know what to say. “I don’t know what to say. I need to think about this.”
“How about this?” he said. “I’ll come over some night and give her a lesson. You can watch and see what that’s like, and what her talent is like. We can talk about it as much as you want. I just don’t want her to miss an opportunity.”
“Why aren’t YOU making six figures if you can speak nine languages?” asked Robin suspiciously.
“I did,” he said simply. “I banked three million dollars in ten years and decided I wanted to teach school. So I went back to school and got a teaching degree.” He said it like it was no big deal.
Robin shuddered. He was handsome, smart AND rich. She felt her pussy get damp and she knew she was going to have to find that dildo she’d bought and hidden away. “That’s a good idea,” she said. “Friday night? Bring your wife and we’ll have dinner.”
“Thanks, but I’m not married.” he smiled. Her pussy spritzed again. “I never had time.” he finished as he showed her out. His hand in the middle of her back felt hot and she shivered again.
Mandy, of course, was ecstatic. The idea of her handsome teacher coming to the house for dinner made her very happy. She’d been having feelings about Mr. Wilson … feelings that made her want to wash between her legs extra when she took showers. She knew about masturbation, but wouldn’t have told you she did that. It just felt good to wash and think about Mr. Wilson. So she was excited about it. It was obvious her mother was excited about it too. Robin made an extra special dinner, and had dressed up in a skirt and blouse! She NEVER wore stuff like that at home. And she was humming! Mandy knew what a girl looked like when she liked a boy. Could it be that her MOTHER liked Mr. Wilson?! That would be weird.
Her reverie was broken by the sound of the doorbell. Her mother jumped and looked all around frantically, like something might be wrong. “Get the door honey!” she barked. “Don’t make Mr. Wilson wait.” Mandy skipped to the door and opened it. She sighed. He was soooo handsome. On impulse she hugged him, pressing her big soft teenaged breasts against his chest. “I’m so happy you could come over for dinner!” she squealed. “This is soooo cool!”
“Mandy!” barked her mother again. “A proper lady doesn’t throw herself at a man.” she scolded.
Mandy pushed Bob away and winked at him. “Maybe I’m not a proper lady yet!” she grinned and pulled Mr. Wilson into the house. “This is our house” she said, as if introducing him. She pulled him further, taking him on a tour as her mother stood there helplessly. Bob waved and smiled as he was dragged into the hallway. Robin could hear her daughter announcing each room “And this is the bathroom … and this is my bedroom … and this is my mom’s bedroom …” Robin flinched as she realized she’d left her old clothes lying around wherever they fell when she changed into something nice for Bob. She blushed as she realized she’d left her panties on the floor by the bed, and her bra on the bed itself. She was going to skin Mandy alive.
Mandy and Bob came back into the kitchen and Robin started in on Mandy without waiting. “Mandy! Don’t show the man the messy parts of the house!”
But Bob was laughing. “I haven’t seen a female’s bedroom in a long time” he grinned. “They smell good. Besides, I didn’t really see anything I’d call messy exactly. My place looks much worse. My underwear is hanging from the ceiling fan.” He grinned again to show he was kidding, and Robin flushed pink at his obvious reference to her unmentionables.
They had a nice dinner and then Robin listened as Bob talked about the similarities between Spanish and Italian. She knew Mandy had taken Spanish in school, but didn’t know how much she apparently knew. Then she watched in awe as Bob ran Mandy through a series of ever harder vocabulary and grammar rules in Italian. Robin hadn’t been aware that Mandy knew any Italian at all, much less enough to make rudimentary sentences. But Bob praised her and she shone with pride when he complimented her.
“Honey I didn’t know you knew ANY Italian” said Robin, shaking her head.
“I didn’t, Mom. But then Mr. Wilson explained how it’s similar to Spanish. After that it’s easy!” Mandy acted like she hadn’t done something amazing at all. When she wasn’t looking Bob pantomimed saying “See what I mean?”
Robin said “Mandy, honey, why don’t you go over to Janet’s. Mr. Wilson and I have some things to discuss.” Then she turned to Bob. “You can stay for coffee?” He nodded and Mandy skipped out the door.
It only took her five minutes to agree to however Bob wanted to handle the tutoring. It was decided he would do it at her house, since that would be easier for her and Mandy. Then they sat at the kitchen table and just talked about things. Eventually she said “Tell me how it is that a man like you doesn’t have ten women hanging on him all the time.”
He grinned. “Most of them only want my money. I’m pretty particular about the women I hang around. You and Mandy are good examples. You’re both beautiful and intelligent. You know how to appreciate small things. You don’t have inflated fantasies about how the world owes you something. You’re … honest. That’s very attractive to a man like me. but I don’t meet women of your caliber in the circles I usually travel in.”
She was almost overcome by the feelings that washed over her at his compliments. She tried to keep things light. “So, what your saying is that tonight you’re … slumming?” She arched an eyebrow.
“Oh no.” he put his hand on top of hers. She felt an electric shock. “No, I’ve come UP in the world being introduced to you.” He removed his hand, but didn’t smile. If he’d have asked her to go to bed with him right then, she’d have ruined her blouse tearing it off.
But he didn’t. They finished their coffee and he left. They had decided to tutor two nights a week – Tuesday and Friday.
The tutoring went well. Robin was surprised to find he was teaching Mandy all the languages at the same time, instead of working on one and then following with another. He said that was because there were more similarities between languages than differences, and if you learned something in one language, it was pretty easy to transfer it to another. And, every night, after the lessons were done, Mandy would do her homework, or, on Fridays, go to her friend’s house to hang out.
It was on such a Friday night that things took an interesting turn.
Mandy had gone to a friend’s house several blocks away. Robin was putting dishes in the sink. She’d left the radio on low during Mandy’s lessons and heard a song she liked. She hummed and swayed her hips with the music. suddenly Bob was right behind her. He had a glass in his hand, but he said “Do you dance, Robin?”
She turned, and he was only inches away. She could smell him. He smelled like … MAN. She took the glass and set it on the counter behind her. “I used to, when I was young.”
Bob breathed into her face “You’re still young. You should dance.” He hooked his arm around her back with his right arm and pulled her to him while his left found her hand and lifted it to his chest. “With me.” he added.
Robin knew she was lost as soon as his arms closed around her.
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