The Surgical Answer To Virginity
The Surgical Answer To Virginity
Sex Story Author: | Lubrican |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Before you leave here today you'll understand exactly why this is necessary. First, take off your clothes while I ask |
Sex Story Category: | First Time |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, First Time, Male/Teen Female, Pregnant, Virginity |
Author’s Comment: I came upon this story in what I call my “Projects” file. That’s where I keep partially written stories, and story ideas waiting to be developed. There are over a hundred files in it, some dating back two or three years. Normally, I don’t keep anything in there I haven’t written myself. In reading it over, though, it just doesn’t quite sound like something I would write. Parts of it do, but other parts do not. And, if you’ve read my other stuff, I think you’ll agree that it’s not the TYPE of story I’d write. Yet, I recognize certain things in it that are patently mine. It is entirely possible that I took somebody else’s story and “improved” it once upon a time way back when, and I don’t remember it. So I really don’t know if I wrote all of this story or not. In that case, rather than saying I wrote it, all I’m saying is “Here it is, and I hope you like it.”
The Surgical Answer To Virginity
by Lubrican
Dr Kimble was quite content in his practice in Mayville. The town was small, but served a larger rural community and, as he was the only doctor within sixty miles, his practice was full. He was in his forties, and had been practicing medicine in Mayville for almost twenty years. This was by virtue of his good fortune in being assigned to Mayville’s previous doctor, Richard Knox during his residency, back when he was still wet behind the ears and didn’t know it. He knew he’d never forget his first day on the job under Dr Knox.
A woman, a farm wife from her appearance, had brought her daughter Sarah Lee into the office, but wouldn’t tell anyone except Dr Knox what for. Apparently this was not unusual, as the receptionist just brought the two women back to the examination room and said “Its one of them” to Dr. Knox. He just nodded his head and took me aside.
“Alex” he said “You may see some medicine practiced here that they don’t teach in that fancy school you came from. What you need to keep in mind is that I have been practicing medicine in this town for forty years and I know what I’m doing. So if you see something strange, or I ask you to perform some procedure you aren’t familiar with, just keep your mouth shut and do it. We can talk about it afterwards. All right?”
Who was I to question the doctor? But that first patient was an education, all in herself. Dr. Knox turned to the woman and said “Howdy Beth, Sarah Lee, what seems to be the problem?”
Beth, the mother, looked at me and then at Dr. Knox. “Who’s this” she drawled.
Dr. Knox said “Beth, you know I’m getting on in years. Now I’m pretty sure why you brought Sarah Lee in here, and I’ve taken steps to make sure that somebody can provide the care this town has grown to expect. I imagine young Dr. Kimble here will be taking my place one of these days when I retire.”
The woman looked me up and down again, shrugged her shoulders and began to talk. “Well, Doc, you know Sarah Lee here is almost sixteen. You ought to since you brought her into the world. She’s startin’ to take an interest in boys, and so I brought her here for your treatment.”
Dr Knox nodded his head. “I suspected as much.” He turned to Sarah Lee. “Sarah Lee, do you know why you’re here?”
I looked at the girl and examined her for the first time in detail. She was a nice looking young woman, well developed for her age, with tanned skin and wheat blond hair. Her jeans were tight and her work shirt was a size or two too small for the well formed breasts that strained its buttons.
She looked nervous.
“Ma says that its time for me to have your treatment. She says I can’t have any sex with any men until I do.” She shot a sideways glance at her mother. “But, Doc I ain’t plannin’ on havin’ any sex with nobody, so I don’t understand why I need any treatment.” Another sideways glance at her parent. And a sigh. “But Ma made me come, so here I am.”
Dr Knox nodded. “Sarah Lee, your mother is a wise woman.
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