

Jake has been going to his nephew’s soccer games to check out the hot moms. He’s got his eye on one in particular; she may be married but he’s very determined!


Jake was standing on the sideline watching his nephew Bryan’s team, the Rattlers, play soccer. He would go to the games whenever he could make it, which meant when he didn’t have to work. His work consisted of two different occupations: running charter boats out of his brother’s marina and playing music in the bars up and down the beach. He made a pretty good living between the two, and one of the fringe benefits of his work was that he met plenty of good-looking women.

His older brother Fred was the coach of the team and one of the partners in the business that included a marina, the charter business, a bait-and-tackle shop, a small campground and about an acre of boat and RV storage. Jake lived in his boat at the marina. So Fred was not just his brother, but his employer and his landlord as well. Jake came to the games to support his brother and his nephew, and the team, but he really didn’t pay much attention to the games. He spent most of his time checking out the hot moms.

The boys were eleven and twelve year olds, so most of the moms were in their mid-thirties, give or take. Jake was 25, but that didn’t stop him – he liked older women and had had relationships with a few.

Most of the moms would bring their lawn chairs and watch the game, and some would drop off and pick up. It seemed to Jake that the fat and frumpy boys tended to belong to the fat and frumpy moms. But a few of the moms were pure, foxy MILF gold, with the gold usually reflecting off of their left ring finger. But that didn’t really deter Jake that much, he’d had a few married women along the way. He had found that some could be in the market for a little something on the side, you just never knew.

One of his nephew’s closer friends on the team, and one of the better players, was a boy named Jimmy. And it was Jimmy’s mom that Jake had his eye on. He came to the games hoping to see her. She was somewhat familiar looking, he recognized her from somewhere but he couldn’t place her.

She was here today, alone and looking good, as usual: brunette hair cut in a bob that framed her pretty, narrow cheeks, almond eyes, halter top housing her perky tits, and shorts that hugged her fine ass and showed off her lean legs. Dad never showed, at least Jake had never seen him. He must be too busy, or a jerk, or just didn’t care. But he must be around somewhere because Jimmy’s mom had a ring on her finger. Her name was Gina, he’d learned that much from hanging around.

Gina noticed Jake too. They’d never spoken or been introduced, but she could tell he was checking her out. Jake always looked the same: longish, wavy, sun-bleached blond hair, cut-offs, flip flops, and sometimes he even wore a shirt. Yes, she’d checked him out too. He was hard to miss and not too hard to look at: beach boy handsome, blue eyes, a thin, toned and tanned bod, all lean muscle and sinew.

Gina was about ten yards away, and when the game ended and the kids came off the field, Jake moved closer.

“Hi, Uncle Jake!” Bryan called as he reached the sideline.

“Hey, Bryan. Good game!” Jake said. They had won 10-8. There’s a lot of scoring in little league soccer!

Jake stole a glance at Gina and noticed that she also took a peek in his direction. Then she gathered up her son and headed for her car, a late model BMW.

‘Oh, well,’ Jake thought. Maybe later.
Jake kept going to the games, but found it too awkward to try to approach Gina with all the parents and kids around, especially her own son. He thought about following her, and maybe trying to bump into her somewhere else and strike up a conversation, but he also didn’t want to spook her.

A week or so before the end of the season Fred announced to everyone that after the final game he would be throwing a big pool party at his house, with swimming, and he would be barbecuing hot dogs and burgers and there’d be a big cake and ice cream and we would celebrate our great season! All the kids, parents, and brothers and sisters are welcome! When Jake heard this, he figured this could be his chance.

“Are uncles invited too?” Jake asked, which gave everyone a chuckle.

“Yes, even crazy uncles are invited!” Fred boomed. “As long as they behave themselves.” This got another suppressed laugh from everyone, and he noticed Gina glance at him with a brief smile.
The day of the last game and team party arrived and it was beautiful. A high sky, about 82 degrees with a slight breeze. Jake was dressed pretty close to the usual, light blue swim trunks with palm trees printed on them and flops. He even classed it up a little with a Guy Harvey t-shirt.

It was understandably the best turnout of the season, and everyone was looking forward to the game and a good time afterward. Jake’s eyes roamed the crowd for Gina. His eyes found her talking to a frumpy mom, and feasted. She was simply stunning. She wore a red, sleeveless V-neck top, tight white jeans and sandals. She looked sexy as hell, and Jake felt a tickle in his trunks. He wondered to himself if the urban legend about girls in white pants was really true and she liked it in the ass.

The game didn’t go too well, unfortunately, in fact the boys got their butts kicked. They all must have had their minds on the party instead of the game. Jake left early to go to the house and help Fred’s wife get ready for the big bash. There were tables and chairs to set up, drinks to get on ice, a grill to fire up, plates, knives, forks, music, and more. Jake had a couple of beers while he worked.

Then the partiers began to arrive. The boys on the team, and various siblings, all ran inside to change into their swimsuits, and soon all emerged and jumped into the pool. The parents were clumped into groups of two or three yakking for the first fifteen minutes or so, but eventually they started moving around a bit. Finally Jake saw his opportunity when Gina was momentarily alone and started digging through the ice chest of drinks. He sidled up and started the conversation.

“The adult beverages are in this other cooler behind this table,” Jake said, as he opened the cooler and fished out a can of beer. “There is beer, white wine and cheap champagne.”

“Wine would be fine,” Gina said, smiling, emphasizing the rhyme.

Jake popped a cork and poured her a healthy dose into a plastic tumbler.

“Cheers!” he said, handing her the drink, and they each took a sip.

“I know you’re Jake, but we haven’t actually been introduced. I’m Gina.”

“Sure, Jimmy’s mom, nice to meet you. He’s a good little athlete.”

“Thank you. He sure does love to play!”

“You know, you look familiar to me,” Jake said.

“Well, sure, we’ve seen each other at almost every game!”

“No, no, I mean besides that. It seems like I’d seen you before that, but I haven’t been able to place it.”

“I don’t know,” she said. “Do you like to read?”

“Do I like to read?”

“Yes. Do you like to read books?”

“Well yes, as a matter of fact I do.”

“Maybe you saw me at the library.”

“The library? You like to hang out at the library?”

“Yes, I work there; at the Island branch.”

“Ah,” Jake said, “That must be it. It’s been a while since I’ve been over there, but that makes sense. I can kind of remember seeing you bouncing around the stacks with your name tag on.”

“Bouncing?” she asked, laughing.

“Yeah, you look like you’d have a pep in your step.”

Gina shook her head, laughed again and said, “That’s very observant of you, Jake,” and took another sip of wine. “So, what does Jake do when he’s not reading books?”

“For fun, I surf. For work, I run boat charters, mostly fishing and dive trips, touristy things like that. And I play music at bars and restaurants up and down the beach and in town. He handed one of his cards to her.

She looked at the card, which read: ‘CAPTAIN JAKE – A Nice Guy Who Plays Good Music!’ It had a caricature of Jake leaning on a guitar and holding a mug of beer.

“Nice,” Gina said. “That sounds like the ideal lifestyle. You’re a boat captain and a musician at the beach!”

“It’s working out well so far.”

“What kind of music do you play?”

“Easy stuff, mostly older tunes that everybody knows. Songs that I don’t have to think too much about. Neil Young, Buffett, Van Morrison, Dylan, some standards, some blues, you know, the crowd pleasers, stuff that can’t miss. You should come check me out sometime. I really don’t stink that bad.”

“Maybe I will,” she said with curled lips. “Maybe I’ll heckle you from the audience.”

“You can heckle me anytime!” Jake said.

Jake saw her upper teeth briefly rest on her lower lip before her face broke into a subtle smile and she sipped her drink. He leaned in and put his mouth close to her ear.

“Don’t bring your husband!” he said softly.

She smiled that sexy smile again. “Are you flirting with me?”

“Of course. I’d be crazy not to.”
Soon the food was ready and Gina was busy helping Jimmy get his lunch. Kids were shuffling in all directions with plastic plates piled with burgers, dogs, potato salad, cole slaw, pickles and who knows what else. Jake wolfed down a dog and grabbed another beer and watched the chaos.

When things calmed down a bit, Fred went to the far end of the large patio where Jake had set up an amplifier, a small PA system and a microphone stand. He flipped on the mic, and of course feedback screeched loud and annoyingly, and Jake rushed over to adjust the level.

“Hi again everybody!” Fred said, now crystal clear through the PA. “Thanks to all for coming today, and congratulations on a great season! Give yourselves a big round of applause.” Everyone clapped.

“What’s our favorite soccer team?”

“The Rattlers!” the kids said in sloppy unison.

“I can’t hear you!” Fred called.

“The Rattlers!” the kids shouted together.

“Say what?…”

“The Rattlers!” they yelled, louder still.

“One more time, louder!”


“All right, well now we have a little surprise for you. You ready?” Fred said, turning to Jake.

Jake nodded and picked up a bass guitar. He flipped a switch and a drum machine kicked in and pumped out of the speakers and filled the air. Jake plucked the bass in syncopation with the drums producing a funky groove which immediately got everyone tapping their feet and moving their hips.

“Okay!” Jake barked into the mic. “Are we having fun yet?” The kids screamed ‘Yes’!

“That’s good. Now Coach Fred already established that The Rattlers are the best soccer team, right? And now I’m gonna play you a song. But I need your help. Everybody clap your hands!”

Jake clapped his hands to the beat and all the kids followed. Some of the adults did too.

“Okay, that’s good. But that’s not enough. You gotta shake your butts!” The kids laughed and Jake was adding bass runs to funk it up even more.

Without hesitation the kids were dancing and butt-shaking.

“All right, now you’re talking! You know what this song is all about? It’s about The Rattlers!” The kids cheered. “It’s called ‘The Rattler Rap!”

Then Jake started rapping. He launched into the two full pages of lyrics on the music stand in front of him, words that he and Fred had written about the team, about the various games and scores and goals and the big wins and every boy on the team was mentioned by name. It only lasted four minutes but it kicked the party into higher gear. Jake plugged in an iPod and for the next hour or so music streamed from the speakers and the kids jumped around like pinballs, having a blast.

Toward the end of the party Jake was getting another beer and caught Gina’s eye. She was about 20 feet away talking to Fred and a couple of parents. He also poured some wine into a cup and walked over.

“Good job, Jake!” Fred said loudly, and slapped him on the back. “Looks like we have a hit record!” His brother was getting a little toasted.

“Yes, that was very good, Jake!” Gina said. “You’re very talented.”

Jake handed her the wine and she thanked him.

“I’m not really into rap music,” he said. “We just thought the kids would have fun with it.”

“They certainly did. They still are!”

They watched the mass of confusion and laughter and general hysteria of eleven and twelve year-olds. They made small talk for a couple more minutes. Soon Jimmy came nearby and Gina told him to get his things together because they had to get ready to leave. They had to pick up his fourteen year old sister at some friend’s house. Jimmy ran off to get his stuff.

‘Aw, Rats!’ Jake thought to himself.

Gina turned to him and said, “We do have to run, but it’s been nice talking to you Jake.”

She had placed her hand on his when she said it, and her simple touch gave him gooseflesh. He watched Gina and Jimmy walk to their car and he admired her sexy rear in her tight, white britches.
Jake didn’t know what to do next. He didn’t know what she was thinking, but he felt a vibe, there was chemistry between them, he could feel that. He’d caught her eyes at the games, and their fluid conversation at the party, and the way she touched his hand! He wanted to see her again. There were no more soccer games, so that was out. He knew he couldn’t call her, she had a husband and two kids. But he could tell she was interested, or at least intrigued. So, Jake decided he needed to go to the library.

Almost every day, Jake had some Happy Hour gig at some bar/restaurant, so the late afternoons and early evenings were tied up. The boat charters varied, but were most often on Thursdays through Sundays, with a few exceptions here and there.

He went to the library on Monday, but it was closed. He went on Tuesday afternoon, but he didn’t see her, same on Wednesday. He didn’t want to ask for her in case somebody would notice and want to talk about it. He went back on Thursday morning, and again, no Gina.

He went to the library on Friday morning and spotted her. She was actually working the desk! He pulled a book off a shelf and strode to the desk.

She gave him the coquettish smile he had enjoyed before.

“Hi, Jake, nice to see you again!” Gina said. She looked at the book. “Oh, so you are into renaissance paintings!”

“No, I just pulled it off the shelf so I could talk to you!”

“Okay, talk to me.”

“Not here, this isn’t right…”

“Okay, I’ll take a break in about a half hour. Meet me out back, by the picnic tables.”
Thirty-five minutes later Gina came out of the back door of the library and approached the table where Jake was seated. She had two cold bottles of water and handed one to him.

“Let’s walk,” she said, and they started strolling down the paved path that looped around a small lake.

“I’ve been to the library four times looking for you!” Jake babbled.

“You must not have looked too hard, I’m the branch director…”

“I was in there yesterday, and…”

“It must have been in the morning. On Thursdays the library is open late and I don’t go in until noon.”

“Yes. It was.” He mentally cleared his Thursday mornings for the foreseeable future.

“We shouldn’t be doing this, Jake. I shouldn’t be doing this.” Gina said.

“Doing what?” he asked, taking a sip of his water.

“Meeting you here, talking to you,” she said.

“Why? I’m getting into library science!”

She chuckled and said, “Because I know you’re not here to join a reading group. And if we see each other, even with harmless walks around the lake, there is only one direction it could lead and I don’t think I could handle that. I have a lot on my plate right now. I have my job and I have two kids who need constant attention, and rides to and from countless activities and I have to cook their dinners and wash their clothes, and I still have a husband too, let’s not forget about him!”

Impulsively he stole a quick peek at her left hand. They walked in silence for a short time. They were about halfway around the lake.

“I think about you,” Jake said.

“I’ve thought about you, too,” Gina said. “You’re an attractive man. And sometimes I’ve thought, should I just say what the hell, and just go ahead and do something crazy? But I can’t; I have too many responsibilities.”

“Your husband doesn’t care.” She winced when he said that.

“There’s a lot that’s been going on. It’s complicated…”

“If he cared he would have come to some of Jimmy’s games. I never saw him once! But you were always there.” He struck a nerve, he could tell.

“I know,” was all she said.

When they were back at the picnic tables they said their goodbyes.

“Jake, I can’t stop you from coming to the library, but I really can’t have any rumors getting started, and the library is like a general store when it comes to gossip. I hope you will respect that.”

“Oh, so you mean if I am going to stalk you I need to be discreet!” he said with a shit-eating grin.

Gina laughed and shook her head. “Yeah, something like that. Bye, Jake.” He watched her graceful stride until she disappeared into the employee entrance.

Jake walked briskly back to his old Volvo wagon brimming with confidence.
Jake didn’t know what all was going on in Gina’s life, but there was something drawing him to her in a big way. He liked her style. And although she wasn’t necessarily encouraging him, she wasn’t blowing him off either. So he followed his instincts. He became a smitten, passively discreet stalker.

He knew her car and where she worked so it wasn’t hard to keep tabs on her.

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