The Succubae Seduction 2: The Twins, Chapter 22
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Chapter 22
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Universal Creation
Lyden collapsed back onto the plush bed, feeling more alive than he had in years. Thanks to Angela’s magic turning back his internal clock and making him younger, he wasn’t even out of breath after…
“Your abilities as a generator seemed to have gained some strength as well as your libido,” Gaia sighed next to him. “I’ll have to make sure and thank the Pillar of Fire for that.”
“My libido, or your magic forcing me?” Lyden demanded, acid entering his tone. “You know I hate when you do that.” Gaia was great in the sack, but he didn’t love her. After the Chaos War, he’d done his best to stick with only the women he loved. It wasn’t just to protect the fact that he still had some of his abilities as a generator, but to show that he respected his wives.
“I know,” Gaia chuckled. She didn’t bother covering up her naked body, and her dark supple breasts jiggled with the movement. “But do you have any idea how hard it is to maintain this world with three new Pillars? I need the strength you give me, and I at least try to give as well as I get.”
“You could have at least let us participate,” Brooke growled from where she sat frozen in a chair.
“Maybe twenty years ago, when he was at full strength,” Gaia shook her head. “The strength he just gave me is already getting used up. Any chance I can keep him here? I promise not to always be selfish. Just once a day to myself, and you can have him the rest of the time. You have no idea how much easier it is to support this world after a little Lyden infusion.” As if there was any doubt to her meaning, she reached between her spread legs and scooped some of his leaking cum out. Bringing the hand to her thick lips, she licked them clean.
“Don’t talk about my future as though it weren’t my choice,” Lyden snapped and got up from the bed. He reached for his clothes, but stopped. It wasn’t his decision to stop, but his body refused to move under his own will.
“Your future is not your choice to make, Lyden Snow,” Gaia’s voice dropped into levels as cold as his last name. “You live because I allow you to live. It has ever been that way, for you. Why do you think I allowed you to live twenty years ago? Fujin was already dead the first time we met, and the power I took from you at that meeting lasted for months. Even when Angela took over after TanaVesta’s death, you were strong enough to supply me with power so that I wasn’t too stressed. Now that Varun is dead, it’s all I can do to support this world.”
“What about the Pillars of Light and Darkness?” Sheila demanded from her spot next to Brooke. She’d handled being frozen easier than Brooke, but Lyden could tell from the way the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes creased that she was losing her patience. “Aren’t they doing anything?”
“Their mere existence is doing more than the other three new Pillars,” Gaia scoffed, “but they have hardly ever put in the effort that I have. Darkness has always enjoyed a bit of chaos, and no one has seen or heard from the Pillar of Light in over a century. Light’s minions have continued on with Her works in her name, but she has distanced herself from either reality.”
“Her?” Lyden asked. “I thought God was a man.”
“Of course you did,” Gaia scoffed, her voice growing condescending. “Men fuck things up. Women create. It was your Christianity that convinced the world that God was a man. I think it’s part of the reason she turned her back on everything, and has remained silent for so long.”
“Yeah, that sounds like a woman. Can’t let a grudge go.” Lyden knew his words and tone were a poor choice, but he didn’t like the way he was being treated. He didn’t like Mother Nature making him so horny that he jumped the first woman available. He didn’t like the way she made Brooke and Sheila watch as he lost all control. At least Bridget and her boyfriend were outside the room so they didn’t have to watch the debauchery.
As if to prove his point though, Gaia stood and walked away from him, robes made of weaved grass forming and flowing over her ebony body. He found himself able to move again as soon as she left the room.
“Did you have to intentionally provoke her?” Brooke asked. She was bent over, rubbing feeling back into her legs. “While I appreciate that you didn’t completely forget about us while making her squeal; pissing her off right after making her climax isn’t a great idea.”
“I think he lost some of his wisdom when Angela made him young again,” Sheila said. Lyden had talked to her about convincing Angela to do the same for her, but she’d refused. Sometimes, though, her comments made him think she was jealous of his re-found youth.
That was another thing that rankled him. He’d forgotten the type of energy he had when he was younger, and the absence of so many pains that he’d simply gotten used to was a shock as well. He was more awake, more agile, and as Gaia had proved a few minutes ago, more virile.
“If you’re quite done in here, my mistress would like to talk to you out here,” Alloria’s haughty voice filtered in. She looked just as young and stunningly beautiful as the first time he’d seen her. Unfortunately, the coldness in her eyes and attitude towards all men was still the same as well. He watched as the last remaining elf turned to the women in the room, and her face softened. They had survived the chaos war together, and while Alloria may hate Lyden on the simple principle that he was a man, she was friends with all of Lyden’s women, except perhaps Angela.
“I’ll be right out,” he said, though the women were too busy hugging one another to listen to him. Utterly ignored, Lyden pulled on his shoes, and headed from the room.
The anteroom was round and lined with couches in a curved ‘U’ shape with a small opening at the bottom of the ‘U’ for the entryway. A large table filled the center with various foods, snacks, and drinks. One wall was completely missing, opening to the elements, high up in Gaia’s mountain home. In front of that open expanse, sat a dais with Gaia seated upon it like a queen.
“Hey, Dad!” Oberon waved and fluttered up to his face.
Lyden tried not to grind his teeth at the fairy king. “Dad?” he asked back, an edge to his voice that asked many questions all at once. He didn’t like the tiny man, and didn’t like that his child with Brooke was dating him. Bridget or Brock could do so much better, even if the pipsqueak was the ruler of all fairy kind.
“You promised you wouldn’t tell him until the time was right,” Bridget complained.
“After what we heard going on in that room, Toots, how could this not be the right time?” Oberon zipped back to his girl’s side. “Any man is happy after getting his rocks off.”
“Do you have to call her Toots,” Lyden demanded. His mood was going from foul, to dangerous.
“Better than what I call her when we’re alone,” Oberon cackled. “Am I right, old man? You know what I’m talking about!” Oberon winked at Lyden as though sharing a poorly kept secret.
“Oberon!” Bridget snapped, her cheeks turning crimson, and the little man sobered up.
“I’m sorry, my love. My honey. My sweet, sweet, fiancée,” Oberon’s voice rose in pitch as he wheedled to his girlfriend. “I’m just so filled with love and devotion that it’s hard to keep it all inside. I’ve been doing better on my language, though, right?”
“Fiancée?” Lyden screamed in outrage.
“Fiancée!” Brooke echoed, but with joy in her dulcet voice.
“Like hell I’m going to let you two get married,” Lyden stepped towards the couple, ready to let them know how stupid they were being. “You’ve barely been together for very long. You don’t know what you’re getting into! And if you think—”
Brooke’s hand on his shoulder stopped his tirade before he could build to full steam.
Bridget shimmered in her mechanical legs and Brock took her place. “I do think, Dad, and it’s not your decision to make. We love each other. He accepts me for who I am, both sides of me. He treats me well, despite what you might think. Can’t you be happy for us?”
Lyden opened his mouth to argue back, but saw this was a battle he was going to lose. He hadn’t lost his wisdom, no matter what Sheila might think of him. Oberon could support them, and since Brock was now mobile with his mechanical legs, he didn’t require the amount of care he once did. Oberon was powerful magically as well, and Brock had proven he was capable of handling himself. Setting all that aside, he could see how Oberon doted on his child, and there could be no doubt that he loved Brock and Bridget both.
Was he jealous because he no longer had the love of his fairy? He didn’t think so. If Sheldon and Shelly were successful, he would be reunited with Areth soon. It still bothered him that he was sent here to help stop Jessica, instead of going to return Areth from her statue prison.
“I’m so happy for you two,” Sheila betrayed Lyden and went to the happy couple. “Have you thought about what you’ll name the kids?”
“Kids?!” Brock squeaked and changed back into Bridget. “I’m not sure if we can even have kids!”
“You can,” Gaia broke in, “but you’ll have to stay as a female during the entire pregnancy. Switch, and you’ll kill any unborn child. I know you have a lot to talk about right now, but time is growing short, and after our conversation a bit ago, Lyden, I realize I need to inform you of how reality—as you know it—came to be.”
“Is now really the time?” Lyden turned to the woman, upset at her intrusion. This was a family affair and didn’t involve her. While he was happy that his child had a significant other—even if that significant other was a tiny, obnoxious, foul-mouthed, pipsqueak, immature fairy king—he worried about how that love came to be. What if Gloria’s spell wore off? Worse, what if she came back, and reversed it? He didn’t want to see his child devastated by that kind of torment.
“No, but there isn’t enough time before… before other events occur, stopping me from telling you.” Gaia’s stern gaze met his for a few seconds before he finally nodded. If she was that adamant, it had to be important. “You need to understand how the universe was created, in order to understand the type of enemy you’re up against.”
“Jessica has something to do with the creation of the world?” Sheila asked.
“No, the creature that resides within her is part Outsider,” Gaia answered. “Jessica is not fully at fault for what she does, as she has a portion of an Outsider residing inside her.”
“I’ve been up against Outsiders before,” Lyden said. “You didn’t tell me this information then. Why is it so important now?”
“Because then, I didn’t trust you.” Gaia’s blunt response set Lyden back. She hadn’t trusted him? She gave him use of her adamantium. Helped him at every opportunity. Even helped him replace two other Pillars, and she hadn’t trusted him?
She must have seen something in his eyes, because she shook her head with a bit of regret. “You know that Generators were outlawed by the Pillars because of the great power they could wield. A generator gathers followers that are completely and utterly loyal to them. Not only could they generate power on their own, magnifying what was given to them by others, but it was too easy for that power to go to their heads. Add to that, that generators are one of the few creatures that can kill a First, and is there any wonder why I didn’t trust you?”
“But you do now?” This time it was Brooke who spoke.
“I’m afraid I’ve been sampling a little too much of your husband,” Gaia said, her voice stuffed to the brim with remorse. “After the chaos war, I stayed away from him, even though I suspected he might still be a bit of a generator. If he was, it was my duty to kill him, even though it was me, and my life-milk that ensured he lived through his final battle with the Outsiders. It’s another reason why I waited six months before reviving him. Even then, I was attached to him, despite having been with him so little. I convinced myself that it was for the best that I stay away.”
“What changed?” Sheila asked.
“She needed more strength,” Lyden supplied, already having worked it out. “The strain of supporting this world with three new Pillars was becoming too much, and so you seduced me. You already suspected that I still had some of my powers, and hoped you were right. But this time, you couldn’t kill me, because once again, you need me. I’m a tool to you, to be used.”
He watched as his words hurt her, but he didn’t care. He was tired of being used. He was tired of being forced into actions he didn’t want to perform on his own. He was tired of the deceit, the secrecy, and everything else that surrounded him.
“You’re in love with him,” Brooke spoke up when Gaia and Lyden only stared at each other. Gaia’s eyes brimmed with unshed tears, while Lyden’s held contempt. “You’ve been with him too many times, and even though it was against his will, you’re now one of his loyal followers.”
“I don’t think this is a conversation I want to be a part of,” Bridget interrupted, and tried to walk her mechanical legs out.
“But this is so entertaining, Love Muffin,” Oberon objected.
“You’re staying,” Gaia’s words held absolute command, despite the anguish on her face. Neither one left; Oberon sitting on Bridget’s shoulder.
“There’s something I’ve always wondered,” Lyden spoke again, working hard to keep his voice calm, despite his growing anger inside. “TanaVesta raped me many times while I was her prisoner. Many more times than we’ve been together, yet she never fell for me. I always assumed it was because she was a Pillar, or because it was against my will. While you aren’t violent, like the previous Pillar of Fire, it wasn’t of my complete choosing every time. Why didn’t she become loyal to me?”
“You make us sound like mindless drones,” Sheila grumbled.
“Silent, Slave,” he turned and commanded her. He allowed a small grin to turn the corners of his lips to show he was partly trying to lighten the mood. The way she dropped to her knees and bowed to him made him worry. He knew his women weren’t mindless slaves, or drones. They had acted numerous times on their own, and sometimes against his wishes. He also never doubted their love… Except for maybe Angela, but that was a mess he didn’t want to consider. After a second, Sheila turned her face up to him, and gave him a look that told him he would experience some of her free will later.
Gaia watched the whole exchange before speaking, her voice becoming emotionless, though her brown eyes told another story. “I believe in some way she did care for you, Lyden. With her power, there are thousands of ways she could have killed you. Yet, every time she sent an assassin it was something you could defeat. There was always a way for you to escape. She had no choice, because the Outsider forced her to try to kill you, but she always failed. Even at the end. Had she used her full power while you fought her in her home, you would have been incinerated instantly. She allowed you to finish her off, rather than kill you.”
Lyden found himself sitting down, stunned. He was never proud about killing another creature, except perhaps the Outsiders—but to find out that one of his greatest victories was false…. Or perhaps not false, but not as great as he’d thought, made him question everything else. Could he have convinced her to work with them, instead of against him? Could she have become a powerful ally, instead of the monster she’d become? He didn’t have the answers to those questions, and didn’t know if he wanted them.
“Then why couldn’t Varun kill me so easily?” Lyden’s voice cracked as he spoke. “Surely he was just as powerful, and I’d entered his domain many times.”
“Varun was half mad from the torture TanaVesta gave him,” Brooke supplied. “I don’t think he was ever sane again after that.”
Lyden looked from Brooke, to Sheila, and finally back to Gaia. Despite all his woes, battles, and hard-won victories—false or otherwise—he’d led a charmed life. Who was he to complain that he was mistreated because of his powers?
“You need my strength as a generator to keep functioning, correct?” Lyden asked after giving it some thought. He waited for Gaia to give a hesitant nod before continuing. “Why don’t the other two original pillars?”
Gaia seemed to consider his question for a long time. Just when Lyden decided that she wasn’t going to answer, she spoke. “The Pillar of Darkness has managed to find another source of strength that is not my place to tell you about. As for the Pillar of Light…. Well, you’d better let me tell you about how the universe was created. Our time is short, so stop interrupting.”
Lyden grimaced, but waved his hand for her to continue.
“This reality—both of our worlds and the universe the worlds exist in—didn’t exist in the beginning,” Gaia began. “Chaos was everything. There aren’t words that can explain what that means. Even the word chaos is inaccurate, as it gives an ordered set of letters to a term that refers to something completely without order. Up isn’t just down in chaos, it’s also the letter H, and Tuesday, and the smell of bread, and everything all at once, while somehow remaining absolutely nothing. Chaos cannot be defined, because the second it is, it’s no longer chaos.
“We call them Outsiders now, but I, and every other First, was once one of them. We existed in that chaos, without a proper thought, or existence, and yet we thought and we existed. The only thing that didn’t exist in all of chaos was order. Order was anathema to everything that we were. Just as you can’t properly conceive of what true chaos is, we couldn’t conceive order.
“Until one of us created order by accident.” Gaia’s eyes turned far away as she spoke.
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