The Succubae Seduction 2: The Twins, Chapter 17
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Chapter 17
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Prodigal Daughter
Eldon’s phone ringing startled him awake.
“Wha—?” He rubbed his eyes and sat up. Mandy groaned and rolled away from him, but Shlee whimpered and cuddled up closer. They were together on the floor at the foot of the bed. Sonia and Shelly were near the front of the car, by the fountain. His mom and dad had the bed and didn’t seem to notice Eldon’s phone ringing.
By the time he pulled it from the glove compartment where he’d placed it after calling the president yesterday, he’d missed the call. He didn’t recognize the number. He put the phone back, and turned back to his girlfriends when it dinged to let him know he had a voicemail.
He looked out the front windshield, rubbing his eyes again to get rid a few crusties. With the magical spacial difference between the interior and exterior of the car, the view was distorted, but not enough that he couldn’t make out the sun rising out over the horizon. They were on land after traveling through the Atlantic Ocean all night. Eldon didn’t know if they were travelling across Africa to get to Egypt, or if they’d entered the Mediterranean and were in Egypt now. Either way, it explained why he had cell phone service.
He glanced at Shlee and Mandy, the former being held in the latter’s four arms, and decided that looked more enjoyable than listening to the voicemail.
Unfortunately, just as he took a step towards them and a bit more sleep, his phone rang again.
“Who’s calling at this hour?” his mom demanded with an angry groan.
Eldon rushed back to his phone before it could wake her or anyone else up more.
“Hello?” he asked in a quiet voice as he sat in the passenger seat. Despite all the changes that’d happened to the Orange Bubble, it still had its original front seats, steering wheel, and dashboard.
“Is this Eldon Lance?” a female voice asked from the other end. Before he could answer, it continued, “Of course it is, sorry. I just listened to your voicemail message.”
“Who is this?” he responded, still keeping his voice low.
“It’s me, I—” the voice cut off, an unmistakable sound of disappointment filling the other voice. “I guess I can understand why you don’t remember me. It was just that one kiss, but it was one helluva kiss! I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. Or about you.”
“A kiss?” Eldon asked, trying to figure out who this was, but coming up blank.
“I tried to see you when you were in the hospital, but they wouldn’t let me in,” she continued as though she hadn’t heard him. “Then I tried to get your attention as you left. I thought you might have looked at me, but you just got into your car. By the way, how did you all fit in there? Is it like a clown car or is it magical, like you and that kiss?”
“Who are you?” Eldon asked again. This time his voice rose a little as he tried to get a straight answer from her. He remember some strange redhead yelling for him as he left the hospital, but there were more important things on his mind then. Hadn’t Sonia said her name was…
“Megan?” the word slipped from his mouth before he could think better of it.
“You do remember me!” she squealed loud enough that he had to pull the phone away from his ear. “I told Bobby you would. He didn’t believe me when I dumped his stupid jealous ass.”
“Um, yeah…” Eldon grimaced as he tried to think of a polite way to get her off the phone. “So—”
“So I know you’re a busy man and all, what with your father being who he is, but I was wondering if we could get together sometime?” She was like a runaway bull, not even letting him get in a word.
“I’m in Egypt right now, and about to go to the Shadow World—” he tried again, but she interrupted.
“Oh, I would love to visit the Shadow World. I can’t afford a plane ticket to Egypt, but I can get to the nearest portal here in New York. How do I find you once I’m there?” Runaway bull? No, she was a freaking freight train.
“You’re not going to win this one, Lover,” Shlee whispered next to him right before licking his neck.
He jumped, not having heard her approach. She was like a stalking wolf when she wanted to be.
“I know,” he whispered and covered the mouthpiece of the phone. “But she doesn’t listen to me!”
“Tell her you have two girlfriends already,” Mandy stated as she came up next to Shlee. Both women were fully dressed, but they were also beautiful with their hair slightly tousled. “The truth is usually best, anyway.” She covered her mouth as she yawned with her two left hands.
“Hello? Are you there?” there was fear in Megan’s voice as she asked. “Is the reception terrible in Egypt?”
Eldon swallowed, worried that he was about to break her heart, but it was better this way, anyway. He didn’t know why he was worried about a woman he didn’t know, even if she claimed to know him. Perhaps he was getting too soft.
“Look, Megan, I already have two girlfriends, and I, uh…” this time he trailed off, surprised he even got that much out.
“Oh…” she sounded speechless for the first time since he answered his phone. It didn’t last long. “The four-armed woman, and Shlee Olsen, right? I mean, I knew about your dad and his wives, so it kind of makes sense. That also explains why you’re so damned good at kissing! You must get a lot of practice in. They’re both pretty hot, so I can understand why you wouldn’t want to be seen with someone like me.”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” he told her before he could stop the words from escaping his mouth. He glared at Mandy, blaming her for the truth slipping from his tongue, but his lips weren’t done yet. “You’re pretty hot and sexy too.” He cringed as he realized what he’d just said, but couldn’t take it back. She had looked pretty hot in that miniskirt outside the hospital.
“Way to go, Casanova.” Shlee poked him in the arm.
“Really? You think so?” The hope and joy in her voice made the rock in his stomach heavier. “Well, I guess I can deal with you having two other girlfriends. I mean, it’s not like they’re not hot, too. I’m not into women, normally understand, but if it meant getting a better crack at those lips of yours, I could put up with it.”
“Um, but I’m not looking for another…” he trailed off as a thought struck him. “Wait, you’re only interested in me because of my kissing skill? You do realize how dangerous it is to be around me or my family, right? My stepmom just died, and another one sacrificed herself to heal me after I was shot down in a helicopter. It’s not safe to be with me.”
“Well, not just how deliciously you kissed me at the club, but I’ve seen you in the news lately,” Megan said with an uncertain smile in her voice. “Shlee Olsen has done a number of stories on you, and I have to admit they paint you in a pretty good light. You’re brave, smart, and willing to protect those you care about.”
“Hold on,” Eldon blinked a few times as he tried to wrap his mind around her speech. He covered the mouthpiece with his thumb and glared at Shlee, “You’ve been doing stories on me?” he hissed at her.
“Of course,” Shlee shrugged. If he didn’t know her better, he would have said her smile was innocent. “I have to keep my cover with the station, and right now you’re hot stuff. And I’m not just talking about your perpetual boner, or that rocking body, or how brave, smart, and willing you are to protect those you care about.” She finished her diatribe with a quick lick of his cheek.
He doubled his glare at the werewolf as he put the phone back to his ear. “Sorry about that. I just had to confirm something. So, you know about me from some kiss, and from what the media is saying about me? You know you can’t trust the news, right?”
Shlee gave him a dirty look and another poke, but he ignored it.
“That wasn’t just some kiss!” Megan tittered on the other end. “But, I understand about the news not always giving the whole story. But I also know that you could have beat up my stupid ex, instead of trying to avoid violence. And anyone who can have more than one girlfriend can’t have jealousy issues like Bobby. I can’t believe that a bad person could kiss like you did. There was so much passion, and yet there was tenderness also. Even though you didn’t know me, I could tell in that single kiss what kind of person you are.”
“Okay,” he replied, unsure how he felt about her comments. He was flattered on one level, but he still didn’t really know who she was. If he were honest with himself, he was a bit creeped out by her. “But I’m not… I mean, I have two girlfriends, and my life is pretty hectic, not to mention dangerous. I don’t want to—”
“I know it’s not because I’m human,” she interrupted. “I mean, you’re dating Shlee Olsen. It’s obvious she’s pretty brave, but she doesn’t look like the type that can really defend herself. I don’t know. I may be wrong, but from the way she’s described you in her reports, you end up protecting her a lot. On the other hand, I know a dozen types of martial arts. I am a top marksman with rifles, guns, and even a bow and arrow.”
“Um, okay,” he responded. Why was she telling him all that? He hadn’t asked for her resume. And she definitely didn’t know about Shlee. When he got a chance, he was going to ask Brooke how she dealt with stalkers.
“I grew up in Texas, and you don’t mess with Texas,” She told him as though that answered everything. “Especially not the daughter of a Texan sheriff, who also happened to play as a linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys before that. Daddy believed that a woman shouldn’t rely on a man to protect her, but should know how to stand on her own. He taught me how to shoot, fight, spit, swear, and everything else a big girl should know. Except, that is, how to find a decent man who can handle me. I think you’re that man.”
Eldon pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at it, as though he had no idea what it was. Was this girl for real? She seemed like a stalker, but one that could do some serious damage. She’d make a good ally, and a bad enemy. If she’s not crazy.
Shlee’s snickering pulled him out of his thoughts. Of course she’d find this situation funny. Mandy was also grinning, though he suspected she was enjoying his end of things, not able to hear as well as Shlee could.
He pinched the bridge of his nose as he thought through his next response. Placing the phone to his ear, he took a deep breath before telling her, “Megan, I truly appreciate you taking the time to call me. I have your number now, and I’m about to head into the Shadow World to talk to the Pillar of Fire, so I’ll have to call you back. I meant what I said about not looking for any more girlfriends, but you seem like an interesting person, and I know our cause could always use more capable people like you. Maybe the four of us could talk—Shlee, Mandy my other girlfriend, you and I—when I get back?”
“That was quite diplomatically handled, Son,” Lyden complimented his son.
“You don’t understand women, Master,” Sheila informed her husband. “His words were kind, but he either just slapped her in the face, or gave her exactly what she wanted.”
Eldon‘s heart sank again as he wondered if he’d just made an enemy. That was the last thing he needed. The silence on the other end didn’t make him feel any better.
“I see…” Megan said after a few more seconds of silence passed. “I understand that you’re a busy man, what with saving the President and protecting both worlds. I want you to know that I don’t have any problems with the Lydonese. I’m not prejudiced like Bobby is. In fact, I’ll prove that to you. Thank you very much for taking the time to talk to me, Eldon Lance. I can’t wait to see you again.”
Eldon opened his mouth but had nothing to say. It wouldn’t have mattered, though, as she hung up on him.
“He appears to have your luck with women, Master,” Sheila stated.
Eldon looked at his dad and mom, confused. Her words sounded like a blessing and a curse at the same time. His father didn’t have trouble with women. All his wives loved and trusted him. Lyden Snow didn’t have any problems with women.
“I guess now is the perfect time to bring this up, then,” Lyden groaned as he sat on the edge of the fountain. “I haven’t told you kids this. And Shlee? I expect this to be off the record. I don’t want any of what I’m about to tell you to be in the news. Understood?”
“Yes, Mister Snow,” Shlee nodded. If Mandy hadn’t been in the car, Eldon would have doubted her honesty because of how solemn she looked. Such a change from when she was laughing or glaring at Eldon a moment ago.
“What’s going on, Dad?” Shelly asked.
“Relations between Ambassador Snow and the Pillar of Fire have been cool as of late. No pun intended,” Sonia informed them.
Lyden shook his head with a groan. “Figures the government would know about that.”
Sonia either didn’t notice his annoyed tone, or didn’t care. “After your resurrection, you would take the time to visit the Pillar of Fire at least once a month. However, over the last year, you have been to see her only twice.”
“I didn’t realize how closely the U.S. Government was keeping track of all my movements,” Lyden stated with and edge to his tone. “Does it also count my calories and measure how much I piss?”
“Your caloric intake is not considered important, and a little less than half a gallon on average.” Eldon coughed as he heard Sonia’s words. The android noticed the angry look in the older man’s eyes as she hastened to add, “You are considered a person of interest. My words weren’t intended to cause you pain or anger. The only reason I have the stat on your urination is because that is the average for a healthy male, aged fifty-two. I meant no disrespect. It looked like your news was painful to speak, so I hoped to alleviate that pain, and speak it myself.”
Lyden visibly pulled himself together before giving Sonia a nod. “I see. Well, in the future, I prefer to speak my own words, even if they’re painful. I appreciate the thought behind your actions.”
Eldon saw his sister reach out and squeeze Sonia’s hand in comfort. Sonia smiled back at her as they sat on the bed.
“Well, as she said, things haven’t been all hot and fiery between Angela and me lately,” Lyden spoke as he stared at the floor. “She’s always been one to hold her secrets close, and whenever possible, I’ve tried to let her have them. About a year ago, she started growing distant. I didn’t think about it at the time, as she always had a good reason to not have me visit. Her job keeps her busy, and even when things were great, we weren’t always able to spend a lot of time together. With Jessica’s news, I wonder about that now. Could it have started when Jessica escaped from her? Why did Angela feel the need to keep her existence a secret from me?”
Eldon noticed a tear run down his father’s cheek and slip from his chin.
“We’ll ask her together, Dad,” Shelly offered him.
He nodded and stood up, walking to the front of the car and taking the driver’s seat. Sheila touched her son’s shoulder, and he got up from the passenger seat, letting his parents take the front.
Eldon walked over to the fountain and saw Areth’s statue sitting there. He was surprised, as his father hadn’t let it out of his grasp since her sacrifice to restore him. Her golden form stood four inches tall, and there was a smile on her gentle features.
He felt his heart breaking again as he reached for her. He still didn’t understand why she would give up everything, not to save his life, but to restore his body. He’d always thought she was selfish and self-centered. Her sacrifice made him question it all.
His fingers wrapped around her slim form and he cried out in shock, dropping her into the fountain.
“What’s wrong?” Mandy asked. She reached in with one of her hands and pulled Areth’s statue from the water.
Shlee came over to him and sniffed at his hand.
“I… I don’t know,” he stared at his appendage, then to the statue. “I picked her up, and I thought… I felt…” He shook his head, unable to form the words he wanted. There had been something there when he gripped her. He didn’t feel her presence or hear her voice, but there was a shock. His hand felt stiff, but as he formed a fist, his fingers moved with ease. The weirdest part was that she felt warm. “Let me see her again,” he told Mandy.
She looked between them for a moment before carefully handing the idol across. He steeled himself, but when he took her, all he felt was her warmth. She wasn’t hot, but definitely warmer than the rest of the car’s interior.
The car shuddered, almost making Eldon drop Areth again.
“What?” Mandy asked.
“I think we’re there,” Lyden said as he got up from his seat. He didn’t sound certain though. As Eldon looked past him, he could see that they were still moving.
“No…” Mandy said as she looked around the car. “No way… Are you sure?”
“What’s she talking about?” Shlee asked him.
Eldon shrugged his shoulders, uncertain. Then he remembered Mandy having a conversation with the Orange Bubble outside the hospital. He stood up and almost fell back down. His knees felt like rubber beneath him and he had to set the statue back on the edge of the fountain.
“It did?” Mandy asked the car.
“What’s going on?” Shelly asked, finally getting out of bed. Sonia was right there with her. Shelly may have claimed to only want a friend for now, but the two women were acting like more than that as they stood next to each other, staring at the four-armed woman.
“We had someone else in the car for a moment,” Mandy stated even as she shook her head. “The car was worried because of what happened when the Knights took Shelly, Becky, and Jessica. Whoever it was, they’re gone now.”
Eldon looked at the statue again and his stomach twisted.
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