The Succubae Seduction 2: The Twins, Chapter 13
The Succubae Seduction 2: The Twins, Chapter 13
Sex Story Author: | SSelxuyt |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Eldon felt her use a bit of her goddess power, and even though it wasn’t directed at him, he stopped |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Ass to mouth, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Coercion, Consensual Sex, Fantasy, Group Sex, Mind Control, Reluctance |
Unable to cope with Jessica’s revelation, Shelly lies comatose as the Orange Bubble moves to Washington D.C. to protect the president. How will everyone else deal with knowing Jessica is the Pillar of Fire’s daughter?
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Chapter 13
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Two Loves Lost, Two Forced
Eldon stood rooted to the spot, stunned. He couldn’t believe what he’d just heard or witnessed. He didn’t want to believe it. Why? More importantly, how?
“We need to get out of here,” Becky spoke up above the churning wind, which was only now starting to die down as though even it couldn’t handle Jessica’s revelation before she’d jumped off the roof.
She jumped, Eldon thought, and even his thoughts sounded stunned. Why did she jump?
“Snap out of it, Mister Lance!” Sonia gripped the front of his shirt and glared into his eyes. “We’ve got bigger problems than who that girl’s mother is. I’ve lost contact with the president and your father. We need to get back to that car of yours, now!”
Shelly is going to be hurt by this, he continued to think, ignoring the android woman. He glanced at his sister, and saw her staring at the spot Jessica had leapt from. She really cared for Jessica. This is going to devastate her. How could any of us know that she was our sister?
“It’s no use,” Gloria yelled. “He’s in too much shock. Both of them are. Their minds are stuck in a loop. What’s the best way out of here? What does your digital map say, Sonia?”
“My siblings and I can carry you out of here,” Mei spoke up. “We’ll cut back on the wind also. Mom, you got the ugly one?” She turned to the big blue dragon with her paw on the Grand Meister.
Blue growled something in response, and Mei shook her head. “The one gasping for air under your claws is the ugly one, Mom.”
Blue dropped her head closer to the Paladonic Knights’ leader and blew smoke in his face, making him gasp and choke. He still looked groggy from when he was initially taken down by the large dragon.
“No, Mom. You can’t eat him. At least let him go to trial for his crimes… Yes, Mom. We have to do things the human way in this world… Because if we don’t, Dad will be mad… Yes, I know, Dad is the only good looking human. You’ve told us all that many times before. We need to get to him.”
Eldon ignored his half-dragon half-sister and walked over to where Shelly still stood looking at where Jessica jumped.
“She’s… she’s…” he heard Shelly mutter as she continued to stare off into the darkness.
Before he got the chance to say anything, a large claw wrapped around his waist, and another gripped his sister. He recognized the brown claw as belonging to Mei. Even if he hadn’t, he was too numb to feel fear.
The wind battered him and the ground sped past below. His mind continued over the last few words Jessica said before killing herself. ‘Angela, the Pillar of Fire, is my mother.’ What did that mean? He understood the words, but struggled to come to terms with their full import. Why did she jump? She didn’t have to jump. We could have talked it out.
“Maybe she’s not your sister,” Gloria yelled as she flew below them. She had massive black bat-like wings that easily carried her slight weight. She flapped once for every two of Mei’s wingbeats. Eldon thought that succubae were supposed to have smaller wings, until he recalled that she hadn’t started as a succubus. Or was Lilith considered the first succubus? He didn’t know, and couldn’t bring himself to care enough right then. “She only mentioned the Pillar of Fire. She didn’t say anything about your dad. You might not be related.”
He could hear pain in his girlfriend’s voice. He didn’t know if it was because she was concerned for him, or because he was so hung up about another girl, but it was enough to bring him back to himself, at least a little.
“Thank you,” he told her, letting his emotion out in his voice. Even if she didn’t love him, he still loved her and appreciated all she did for him.
He saw her open her mouth to say something, but a booming growl from Blue ahead cut her short. Gloria glanced to where Mandy was riding on the back of another dragon, this one with green scales. Eldon recognized Gokan, one of Mei’s brothers, as that dragon.
His dad didn’t talk about it much, but only five of the seven born to Blue were allowed to live. Eldon suspected that his other three half-dragon siblings were carrying the rest of their group. Lyden also didn’t talk about how he and Blue had mated, but Eldon knew that a dragon’s mating habits tended to be violent based on comments Mei had made in the past.
“She’s spotted the Orange Bubble,” Gloria told him. She either understood dragon, or was reading Blue’s mind. Eldon wasn’t surprised that Blue saw the vehicle first, having eyesight almost as good as an eagle or hawk. “It looks like the car is untouched. I hope your dad’s not hurt.”
“My dad!?” Eldon sputtered. Hadn’t Sonia mentioned something about my dad earlier? He glanced at his sister, but she didn’t seem to notice. “Why would he be hurt? He wasn’t supposed to be part of the fighting.”
“You were out of it, worried about… Jessica,” Gloria chided him softly, flying a little closer to him. “Sonia lost contact with him and the president. We don’t know what’s going on.”
“We’ve got to get to him!” he yelled.
“That’s what we’re doing!” Gloria shook her head. “Look, Eldon, I know you’re pretty distraught over what happened with… Jessica, so maybe you should—“
“I’m fine,” he lied. Mandy must be far enough away so as not to force him to speak the truth. Of course, his girlfriend could read his mind and knew he wasn’t being honest. Why was Gloria hesitating every time she mentioned her name? Was she afraid he’d go back into shock?
“I understand,” Gloria told him with a solemn face. “But in your current state, you could end up being in the way.”
Ouch! he thought, but knew she was right. He might be nearly invulnerable, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t get in the way of others if he weren’t thinking clearly. It was a good thing one of them was. Despite everything, he once again felt a great deal of respect for his girlfriend. She was the perfect woman for him in every respect.
And he knew for a fact she wasn’t related to him. Lilith, or Aphrodite, or whatever other names Gloria had gone by, she wasn’t his sister.
Mei dropped them lightly on the ground, then landed next to Shelly and him, changing back into her mostly human form, while Gloria and Sonia approached the old car with caution.
Eldon went to his sister to check that she was okay, but she just lay on the ground, staring up at the starry sky. Her lips were moving, but no sound issued from her throat.
“You’re back!” Eldon heard his father exclaim. “I got worried when I lost the feed. What happened?”
“We were hoping you could tell us,” Sonia stated. “I thought something might have happened to you when we lost contact, but I guess it’s not on this end. Something must have happened at the White House.”
“Where’s… Becky! Thank goodness you’re all right. And our…” Lyden pulled his short wife into a powerful hug before pulling away and laying his hand on her stomach. He looked around before shouting, “Shelly! What happened to her?” He let go of his wife and ran to his daughter. “What happened to her? Shelly? Shelly, can you hear me? Shelly, what’s wrong?”
Eldon opened his mouth to tell him, but Gloria’s hand on his shoulder stopped him. He saw Becky shaking her head also. Now wasn’t the time, but would it ever be the right time to tell their father that he’d had a daughter he never knew about? Not only that, but two of his other children had had sexual relations with that girl. Oh, and by the way, she committed suicide, rather than face us after she was forced to reveal her parentage.
Yeah… That conversation can stand to wait awhile.
Mandy walked over and knelt next to them as Sonia spoke. “She’s in shock. Jessica committed suicide right before we got out of there. How much were you able to see?”
Or we can start that conversation right now. Eldon didn’t know if the news would come out better from the robot, or from one of his loved ones.
“The feed cut out right after the Grand Meister was taken down,” Lyden said without looking away from his daughter. “She’s not hurt? Physically, I mean?” He paused and finally looked up at the android. “Wait. Jessica committed suicide? Why?”
“We need to get inside your car and get to Washington. I don’t like being cut off from my feeds, and we need to know what’s going on. I fear the president is in danger. Ambassador Snow, if you’ll carry your daughter in, we can talk in there.”
“Huh?” Lyden asked as though he didn’t understand.
“It’s okay, Dad,” Eldon told him. “We’ll explain inside. She’s right though. The president could be in danger. I’ll carry Shelly. You should see to Becky.”
“Becky. Right,” Lyden agreed, then shook himself. “I expect to be told everything. I know you’re holding something back, and you have to be trying really hard with Mandy right here.”
Eldon nodded before bending down and lifting his sister into his arms. His strength remained with him, despite their harried rush into the Paladonic Knights’ compound, all the fighting, and everything else since then. He wasn’t even winded, and his sister seemed to weigh no more than a sheaf of papers in his arms.
He realized he wasn’t the only one fighting Mandy’s influence. The truth would come out, but so far, no one had lied. It just meant that no one had any desire to lie right then.
As he carried his sister, Brock came running up to them with his mechanical legs, smiling from ear to ear. “Hey, Brother! It looks like we won! I guess you guys really kicked their…” Brock trailed off as he noticed Shelly in Eldon’s arms. “What happened to Shelly? Do we need to get her to a healer or a hospital?”
He ignored his half-brother with his mechanical legs. He wasn’t in the mood for a celebration. Even though Shelly was feather light in his arms, he dragged his feet as he headed for the Orange Bubble. There was one conversation he didn’t want to have with his father, and he couldn’t see any way clear of avoiding it with Mandy around. They could only avoid it for so long.
* * * *
Lyden stared at them all as the Orange Bubble sped to the nation’s capital. Eldon felt like that gaze bore into him more than the others, but he knew it must be his imagination. The interior of the car was overly crowded with nine people plus Areth’s statue, but he felt as though his father’s eyes kept finding him. Blue, Gokan, and the others were flying outside, hopefully keeping up with the magical car.
“That can’t be right,” Lyden told them. “She has to be wrong. I didn’t have any children with Angela. She couldn’t have been my daughter.” To Eldon, it sounded as though he was trying to convince himself, more than them.
“She said it with me close by,” Mandy stated. Her two upper arms were crossed below her breasts, and the lower two hands rested on her hips. Eldon recalled her using that stance with him whenever she was trying to get her point across and couldn’t believe that he had the audacity to disagree with her. It seemed to work on his father as well as it had on him. “She really does believe her mom is the Pillar of Fire. Maybe Angela found her and raised her as her own?”
Lyden shook his head before speaking. He’d done that a lot while they brought him up to speed. “Maybe, but why would she keep that a secret from me? Angela knows that my children have a special dispensation. They’re not killed immediately. I know she always wanted to have kids. I guess I could see her taking in a stray, but again, why hide it from me?”
“Jessica didn’t act as though she’d been a stray, dear,” Brooke broke in. “Of all your wives, Angela has had the rockiest history with you.”
“None of us doubts that she loves you,” Becky interjected as anger flashed in Lyden’s gray eyes. “That’s not what we’re trying to say, but even you have to admit that she hasn’t always been completely open and honest with us. After your death, none of us saw her. She hid away for quite a while. It’s not too hard to believe that—”
“Most of that rockiness was before the Chaos War,” Lyden argued. “After you all brought me back to life, she hasn’t kept any secrets from me. But this? I-I just can’t believe it.”
“No secrets that you know of,” Mandy said, and then grimaced. “Sorry, that came out a lot harsher than I meant it. The point is, we won’t know anything for sure until you ask her, with me there.”
“She’s always treated Mom and my siblings well,” Mei spoke up. “She even lets us play with some of her kobold guards.” The way Mei smiled, showing slightly longer than human fangs, made Eldon wonder what kind of play she meant. “She’s not a bad person.”
“I’m afraid going to see the Pillar of Fire will have to wait,” Sonia stated. She stood next to the bed where Shelly still lay insensate. Eldon worried about his sister, but Sonia had stated that physically she was healthy. Gloria let him know that her mind was what was suffering, and she needed time. “Whoever hijacked my video feed, then cut me off from President Louise is still in the White House. We also need to get Mr. Maztaim dropped off with some proper authorities.”
The man in question, the previous Grand Meister, was tied up and gagged at Lyden’s feet, by the fountain.
“It would be a lot easier if he told us who his mole is,” Shlee said with a hungry smile. “Give him a couple minutes with me, and I’ll get the answer out of him.” For a brief moment her jaw elongated into a wolf’s muzzle, before retracting back into her pretty face. “I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want to feel my bite. Give it up, old man! All your base are belong to us!”
Eldon didn’t understand why Shlee seemed to have forgotten proper grammar, but Maztaim thrashed in his bonds as he shook his head. It was obvious to everyone that he wouldn’t give up his agent without a fight.
“Good idea, Shlee, but that won’t be necessary,” Gloria stated with a broad smile of her own as she walked up and faced Maztaim. “Yes. Your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for him are strong. Especially for your… son.”
“Oh, my god!” Shlee just about squeaked. Can werewolves squeak? “Did you just quote Star Wars?”
“I may be ancient, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t paid attention to the times,” Gloria said and winked at the excited woman. “I find your lack of faith disturbing.”
If Eldon didn’t know better, he’d suspect Shlee was going to have a geek-gasm.
“While I enjoy a Star Wars quote from time to time,” Lyden stood up from his seat on the edge of the fountain, “can we be serious for a moment?” He had Areth’s statue clasped tightly in his hands as he glared at the werewolf and goddess. As if any of them needed a reminder about how serious their situation was, he waved the statue before them like a king pointing his scepter at disobedient vassals.
“What the fucking hell!? Is that Arethusa?” a high pitched, but unmistakably male voice boomed. Shlee dropped to the floor and covered her ears and Mei joined her a moment later. Everyone else just winced at the volume of the shout. “I thought better of you, Ambassador Snow. How could you let this fucking happen?”
Everyone but the two downed women and Shelly looked around for the owner of the vulgar voice. It seemed to come from everywhere at once, and didn’t sound happy.
“Who are you?” Lyden called out. “And what makes you think you can come in here and talk like that?”
“Do you think I give a shit about how I talk to you, asshole?” the voice responded. “Especially after you let one of my precious fairies end up like that? I never approved of you and Arethusa, but even I thought you were above this! I should curse you where you stand. How would you feel if I turned you into an ass? I’ve done it before, you know. I could give you the head of a donkey and make all your women love you that way.”
“All my women love me anyway,” Lyden responded with a bit of confusion.
The voice was silent for a moment, as though thinking that over. “But… But they would be embarrassed,” the person said as though trying to convince everyone.
“I will never be embarrassed to love Lyden Snow,” Brooke spoke up. Considering she was a world renowned supermodel, that was saying quite a lot.
“Nor I,” Becky spoke on Brooke’s heels. “We don’t love him because of his looks, and neither did Areth. We all love him for his heart.”
“I know that voice,” Gloria muttered nearby. “Where is that pipsqueak?”
“Areth chose this for herself,” Lyden spoke to the open air. “Had we known what she planned…” he trailed off with a remorseful look at his son.
Eldon understood his father’s feelings, and felt all the more guilty for it. Lyden gave up a wife to heal his son. He hadn’t known it would happen at the time, but that didn’t change the results.
“It was Areth’s choice to make the sacrifice,” Eldon mirrored his father’s words. “We didn’t know what she was going to do until it was too late. If I could go back and change it, I would. I would gladly give up my new abilities to have Areth back among us. Don’t hold my dad accountable for something he had no choice in.”
“How dare you speak to me in such a tone!” the voice boomed and everyone cringed at its volume and anger. “Do you know who the fuck I am? I am Oberon! King of the Fairies, Keeper of the Cup, Lover of ladies, and—”
“And a tiny loudmouth who thinks he’s better than he is!” Gloria trumpeted as she reached out and grabbed something from the air. It seemed to fight her for a few moments, though Eldon couldn’t see their antagonist. Sparks flew from Gloria’s hand, and for a moment Eldon thought his girlfriend was attacking the hidden speaker. When one struck her in the chest, he realized that Oberon was fighting her.
He rushed forward to protect his girlfriend, trying to dodge around all the bodies in the car. As he reached her, he saw her shirt burn away, leaving her golden girdle protecting her body and leaving her unharmed.
“Let go, you oversized slut!” Oberon cried as he faded into view, Gloria pinching his wings between her fingers. ”You can’t lay hands on me, bitch! Let—oof!”
Eldon cut him short by flicking him in the stomach. “Don’t talk to her like that!” Eldon shouted at the tiny male fairy. He flicked the man again with his middle finger. “Gloria is a woman above reproach, unlike you!”
“Of course I’m not a lady above reproach, you dolt!” Oberon squinted and lightning struck out at Eldon, striking his outstretched fist. He felt it course through his body, pain filling his veins as the electricity used his body as a conduit. The agony was short lived. His body recovered immediately, repairing all the damage the bolt caused.
He reached for the struggling fairy, but Gloria pulled him away before he could grip the little irritant.
“Knock it off, Oberon,” she commanded.
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