
The Story of Ann Chapter 4: How to Hate Men without Really Trying

Three men enter my live. How will each of them hurt me?

The Story of Ann Chapter 4: How to Hate Men without Really Trying

Rick came over for dinner that Sunday night and he made a good impression on both grandma and on Frank. He was polite and kind even helping grandma with the dishes. Rick also found out that I had a child. He seemed not to be concerned about it. He even picked Michelle up and held her. Michelle just stared at him then looked to me as she held out her arms and said, “MAMA.”

After dinner was over and the dishes done grandma, suggested Rick and I go for a walk around the ranch. She told me she would look after Michelle. I asked Rick if he would like to go for a walk. He told me he would love too as he took a hold of my hand.

I walked Rick straight to the barn with my car in it. Rick told me nice car as I led him up into the hayloft above. Rick wrapped me in his arms as I wrapped mine around his. We kissed and swapped tongues as we did. I broke our kiss as my hands went to the jeans he had worn.

Rick grabbed my hands as he said, “You feel OK,” giving a little laugh.

“I feel wonderful and so will you,” I replied as I undid his jeans.

I slipped them from him and then pulled his under wear off him as well. Rick lie there with just his shirt and his limp dick hanging against his leg. I stood up telling him I was going to get more comfortable. I slowly unsnapped my jeans as I swayed my hips for him.

The shirt I had on covered my pussy as I removed my jeans. I turned around and bent over looking to Rick between my legs as I showed him my ass and my hairy pussy between my legs. His cock jerked and jumped as it started to grow.

I ran my hand up between my legs rubbing at my pussy. I rubbed my fingers between my hanging pussy lips for a while making my pussy wet. I turned back around as I slowly removed my shirt then my bra. I stood in front of him with nothing covering my body. Rick’s cock was standing tall and throbbing as I pulled a tit to my mouth. I licked at it with my tongue before I took it into my mouth sucking on it. My tit fell from my mouth as I ran my hand down to my pussy.

Rick watched me intently as I ran my hand through my hairy bush. I parted my legs as I parted my pussy lips. I slipped one finger then two fingers up inside my pussy taking them in and out, as he watched.

I fingered my pussy until my juices had coated them. I brought them to my mouth where I licked at them before I slipped them into my mouth sucking the juices from them. Rick’s cock seemed to grow even bigger when I did that. It rather throbbed out calling my name.

I jumped onto Rick pushing him back as I straddled his cock with my pussy. I grabbed his cock and placed it at the entrance to my pussy. I sat down fully on his cock. I took all of it up into my wet pussy. I started to bounce up and down on it as his hands played with my tits. Rick started to pull at my nipples with his fingers.

“AHhhh pinch them,” I moaned out as I started to grind back and forth on his cock.

Rick pinched my nipples hard and as he did, my pussy had a wet orgasm squirting fluid onto his cock and above it. Rick pulled me down as our lips touched and we kissed. I was now moving up and down on his cock as his hands went to my butt. He helped me my slamming my butt down upon his cock each time I rode downward on it.

I broke our kiss as I moaned out, “Fuck me Rick.”

His hands pulled at my butt cheeks as he started to buck his hips under me. Rick’s cock was going fast and deep into my pussy. My wetness filled the night’s air as we fucked each other. I felt his cock start to swell and throb so I jumped off as I took his cock into my hand.

“Cum in my mouth,” I said as I pumped at his cock.

I lowered my head taking his cock into my mouth. I worked it up and down his cock until I once again had it all in my mouth. My mouth was pressing against the hair upon his cock as I started to suck hard onto it.

“AHHHhhhhh ANN,” Rick yelled.

I felt his cock jerk them cum splashed against the back walls of my throat. I sucked and worked my mouth up and down his cock. Cum kept spilling into the back of my throat. His cock stopped twitching and I removed my mouth from his cock. I licked the rest from the head of his cock with my tongue.

Rick sat up taking me into his arms as he said, “Ann that was great,” “I love you,” as he kissed me deeply upon my lips.

I thought his I love you was just a slip of his tongue. However, it was not. Rick courted me yes he was very polite about dating me asking Frank or grandma if it was OK if he saw me. I slowly fell in love with him and he helped Frank and me to restore that Chevy Nova. It was one sweet ride after we were finished.

At nineteen, I was married again; our wedding was a small one that we held at the ranch. After our wedding, we went to Niagara Falls for our honeymoon and had a great time together. We returned home where Rick, Michelle and I moved into a house we rented.

Rick had a job and I still worked at the ranch. We would kiss each other bye in the morning, he would go to work as Michelle, and I went to grandma’s ranch. Our life was going great other than Michelle just did not like Rick and cried anytime he picked her up to hold her. The baby came to be my responsibility not his. I could live with that I thought and we all were happy.

Less than a year later, Rick joined a motorcycle club and he started to change. He was no longer that nice polite person I knew. He seemed stressed or high on something. I found out later that week he was high on just about any drug you could name. When I confronted him with it, he jumped in my face telling me that it was none of my concern. I jumped back into his and he slapped me across my face. I went to slap him back but he caught my hand with his.

“He put his face into mine as he said, “Do that again bitch and I will kill you and that fucking baby of yours,” as he bent my hand back bringing pain to me.

I was scared so I ran and hid in our bedroom with the door locked. The next day when he went to work, I loaded Michelle and all the stuff I could get into that Chevy Nova which was not much. I drove to grandma’s house and told her what had happened. She told Frank who called the sheriffs. They had me sign out a complaint against Rick and they delivered it to him.

They returned and told me he would not be troubling me as they had found enough coke on him to put him away for a while. I moved back home and lived with grandma and Frank once more. I had my marriage annulled to Rick as we were married for under a year. I swore off men and went to training horses, as they were smarter than men were anyways. I had been through two marriages, which ended badly, had a child without a father to help raise her at the young age of nineteen.

You would think I would have learned something from my mistakes. However, I did not and when I turned twenty I had allowed another man named Carl to sweep me off my feet. We were married and that sweet talking man turned out to be a con artist as he took me for everything I owned and had in the bank. He just up and left us two months into our marriage. I found out later he had three different wives in three different states.

I know it was my fault with Carl, as he knew just what to say to me. I did not know what he told me had been nothing but lies. Be careful of sweet talking men as their tongue may be poisonous.

At the age of twenty, I found myself once again living at grandmas and raising my four-year-old daughter alone. I swore off men permanently after Carl. I would not even talk to them, as they were all full of lies. I did not even look at another man as they all make me sick to my stomach.

I kept to myself and the only friend I still had was Janet. Her marriage to Hank had failed as well. They were divorced after only a year of marriage. It seemed that Hank came home early one day and found Janet with their older neighbor in bed.

“He had a big cock and I just wanted to try it,” Janet said to me when I asked her why she had done it.

Janet was my only release for sex during this time. Grandma and Frank accepted her and she would spend the night. Janet and I had sex here and at her home as well. Janet was becoming much more than just a friend. Our sex was just me and her, no brother and no dog. Janet told me she was not thinking clearly back then, as sex was so new to her. I told her we all make mistakes.

“Like the one we made going to that party when ninth grade ended,” Janet said.

“JANET, we promised never to talk about that night,” I replied.

“Sorry Ann I forgot,” “I am going to go shower,” “You be ready for me when I get back,” Janet said smiling going into the bathroom.

I got undressed thinking about that party we had gone too. It was a night I just soon forget. Larry’s older brother Stan was a senior and he was going off to college in a few months. Stan was throwing a party as his parents were out of town. It was to be a party to remember as most of the senior class, that year was going to college, Canada or drafted to fight the Vietnam War.

Janet and I were only freshmen but would be going into the tenth grade next year. Larry invited us over as he told us the more girls there the more fun. Janet told her parents she was staying here and I told grandma I was staying with Janet that Friday night. Stan picked Janet up first then picked me up far down our farm road so no one saw whom I was going with.

I knew Stan from Larry and he was a nice person other than like most boys back then he wanted to see my big tits. I flashed him a few times when I was dating Larry but never did anything with him. I no sooner got into his car than Stan handed me a wine flask and told me to take a big drink.

Stupid me did as he suggested as did Janet. It did not really taste that good or it was cheap wine. It rather had a salty taste to it. Janet and I both made a face after drinking it. Stan drove us to his house and we asked him if we could go change somewhere and he showed us into a room.

We had worn normal clothes when we left home so no one would suspect anything. However, we had brought along some party clothes. We both had the shortest skirt we owned as well as our best push up bras on back then.

Our tops both low cut and our tits showed nicely as did our butts when we bent over in our little skirts. I had slipped panties on but Janet dared me to go without any. I told her I would if she would and Janet agreed.

The party was great as there was music, food, drinks and boys. None of the boys there knew Janet or me as our High School was only 10th, 11th and 12th grade. Stan told everyone we were his hot cousins who were off to Penn State next year. With our big tits and make up on no one knew any differently.

We should have thought something was up when we noticed we were the only girls at the party. Stan told us the others just had not showed up yet. However, we were enjoying ourselves, as we were the center point of the party. All the boys there danced with us some slow, some fast and most dirty danced with us.

Janet and I were both drinking and allowing the boys to feel us up if they wanted too while dancing. Some of the boys did not dance with us and we wrote them off as being gay. It did not take the boys long to find out that we had not worn any panties. We both had hands up our skirts feeling our pussies and our butts.

I even managed to have a wet orgasm as I danced with one boy who slipped a couple fingers up inside of me. Some of them had wonderfully feeling big cocks as well. Janet had even pointed out one boy who seemed a little older than the other did. She told me he was rather shy but told me he had a big cock as she had put her hand upon it while they danced. Janet told me he removed her hand and told her he did not know her well enough for that. Janet and I both laughed at him for some reason.

We had become uninhibited and had no control, as we both were horny for some cock. A few hours into the party, Janet and I did not feel good as we both became dizzy and could barely stand up without someone holding us. Stan told us we had too much to drink and he suggested we go lie down.

Stan walked us into the house and into a bedroom with two double beds. He placed Janet into one and me into the other. Stan told us to close our eyes and he would be back to check up on us. I think we both passed out shortly after he left the room. I must have been very horny as I dreamed.

In my dream, Stan came into the room and he lied down next to me. He was saying something to me but it was as if I could not understand his words. However, I understood when he unzipped his pants and placed his cock near my mouth. I rolled over and took his cock into my hand.

I pumped at his cock then took the head of his cock into my mouth. I sucked at it then licked all around the head of his cock. I dipped my tongue into his pee hole as pre-cum oozed from the head of his cock. Stan grabbed my head and he started to shove his cock in and out of my mouth.

I tried to get him to stop as I could barely breathe however, it was if I could not move or do anything as he fucked my mouth with his cock. He finally pulled his cock from my mouth stringing his pre-cum as he did. Stan undid my shirt and removed my bra; he then pulled my skirt from me. I lie there in just my socks and shoes.

“That’s a lovely hairy pussy Ann my brother told me you were hairy,” I think Stan said to me.

Stan placed his head between my legs as he started to lick at my pussy. I remember it felt good in my dream almost as if it was really happening. In my dream, it went from him eating me to him putting a rubber onto his cock.

“Don’t worry Ann we all will use rubbers,” I remember Stan saying to me.

Stan fucked me with my legs up on his shoulders. I think I even had an orgasm I was not for sure, as suddenly it was not Stan fucking me but another boy then another boy. It got to the point where all I could see was a pair of eyes looking down at me.

The eyes seemed to race toward me. I tried to wake up but I could not. My dream had turned into a nightmare. I still have nightmares of eyes looking down upon me then racing toward me.

I also remember seeing Janet in my dream and she was receiving the same treatment as I was. I saw she was staring at me as I stared at her. Her lovely browns eyes looking upon me then they raced toward me. I awoke in the bedroom the next morning with no clothes on only dressed in my socks and shoes. Janet was waking up as well as she was dressed the same as I was. I sat up in bed feeling soreness between my legs. I looked to Janet as she sat up in bed.

“ANN, what happened?” Janet asked. “I can’t remember anything or coming in here,” Janet added.

I scooted to the edge of the bed and I saw a pile of used rubbers on the floor. I looked to the bed Janet was on and saw a pile at the foot of her bed as well. Our normal clothes neatly folded on the bed beside us. I realized Janet and I had been gang banged by the boys at this party.

“GET dressed, Janet,” I screamed.

As we were dressing Stan walked into the room and he said, “I see the schools newest sluts are awake,” giving a little laugh.

“What did you do to us Stan?” I asked screaming at him.

Stan pointed to the pile of rubbers as he asked, “Do those rubbers tell you anything.”

“You fucking drugged us,” I yelled at him.

“Maybe but you know you wanted fucked,” Stan replied.

“We will tell on you Stan,” Janet yelled at him.

“You won’t unless you want me to show these,” Stan said as he handed us each one photo from a stack of them.

I looked at the Polaroid photo I held which showed Janet and me in a sixty-nine. I could not remember if that happened or if they had posed us like that. Janet handed me the photo Stan gave to her and I looked at it. The photo showed their dog licking her pussy. Stan told us he had other photo’s he had taken as well and would show everyone if we ever told anyone about what happened at the party.

“Fuck you Stan we are not the ones who will go to jail,” I replied.

“Let’s just leave Ann there is nothing we can do,” Janet said as she grabbed my hand.

Janet and I walked home to my house, as it was closer by. On the way, she told me if anyone saw her having, sex with that dog she would kill herself rather than face everyone knowing she had did it with a dog. Janet and I made a pact that day never to talk of it again. It was also when I drifted apart from her as well and stopped dressing like a slut and then I met Sonny.

I placed my head into my hands as I sat there on my bed. I have tried to forget that day but it was always coming to me in my nightmares. I had the same nightmare repeatedly. In it, all types and color of eyes looking down upon me then suddenly they raced toward me waking me up from my sleep.

When Michelle came along and I would have the nightmare and the last pair of eyes were hers racing toward me followed by a pair of hands handing her to me. I saw that differently for as I took her into my arms I would feel at peace, as warmth would fill my body as I awoke.

“Is something wrong Ann?” I heard Janet asking as she came back from her shower.

“NO, I have a head ache that is all,” I replied lifting my head from my hands.

“I have just the cure,” Janet said as she dropped the towel she had wrapped around her.

Janet pushed me back onto the bed and she dropped to her knees in front of my legs. Janet placed her hands onto my knees and she parted my legs. She kissed and dragged her tongue along the inside of my thighs. My body tingled as her tongue worked its way up to my hairy pussy.

Janet took both her hands placing one at each sides of my pussy.

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