
The Story of Ann Chapter 1: The Beginning

Hello, my name is Ann and if you have read my recent story then you know I am pretty much a slut. I was not always like this for I once was just a plain Jane. I did enjoy sex but not like, I do now. There will be some heartache in my story, as I was not always as happy as I am now with my life.

The Story of Ann Chapter 1: The Beginning

Hello, my name is Ann and if you have read my recent story then you know I am pretty much a slut. I was not always like this for I once was just a plain Jane. I did enjoy sex but not like, I do now. There will be some heartache in my story, as I was not always as happy as I am now with my life.

I was born to a loving mom and dad. However, by the time I had turned seven I lose my father in a car accident. His brother my uncle rather took his place as my father after we lost him. My Uncle took care of my mom and me in many ways.

My mom worked nights a lot when I was younger so my Uncle would watch me. I was close with my Uncle and we always had fun while mom was working. Uncle Bill was a good man as well as an avid amateur boxer and wrestler. He was well build and handsome just like my father was. Growing up with him, he taught me how to handle myself, as I was more of a tomboy until in my teens. When I went from a tomboy to a young woman, Uncle Bill thought I should become more women like as well.

I was an early bloomer as I had my first period around when I was 12 and by the time, I was 14 I had 34b boobs and a hairy pussy. At 14, I did not know a lot about sex other than where babies came from. That was about to change. By the time I was fifteen Uncle Bill had moved in with mom and I. I was Ok with it as it made my mom happy and I enjoyed him being around as well. I was about to enjoy him being around a lot more too.

It all came about when I had just turned fifteen. It was in September and school had just begun where I was in the ninth grade. I was rather a loner at school mostly because I considered myself to be over developed compared to my classmates, especially the girls in my classes.

When I was sixteen my breasts had swelled to 36 b and I had a full patch of hair between my legs. I never wore any type of clothing that was revealing in anyway when I first started to get tits. In fact, I did my best to hide my big tits from everyone. The only person up to that point who knew about my big tits and hairy pussy was my girlfriend Janet.

Janet and I had been best friends since first grade. We hung out together then and still do to this day. She had noticed my big boobs when they first started to develop and she was in disbelieve of my tits during the summer before we went back to school. Janet and I would go swimming and she would see me change into my swimsuit.

She used to stare at my big tits and all the hair between my legs. Janet was the opposite of me she had little buds for tits and hardly any hair between her legs yet. The other girls in my class used to say I was a freak when we showered after gym class. I had tits and a hairy pussy long before any of them did.

I was embarrassed to even shower with any of them and often waited until I was the only one in the showers. By the ninth grade, some other girls had grown tits and gotten hair on their pussies however, no one had as much hair as I did and no one had bigger tits. Most of the girls made fun of Janet because of her not having tits and hair. I stuck up for her and told the other girls to leave her alone. That did not improve my standing with any of them and Janet was really the only friend I had.

The boys in my class did not start to notice me until the ninth grade. Then they were always trying to rub up against my tits and a few would even grab my ass then run down the hall. I was very shy and hardly ever talked to any of the boys at school.

I would be walking down the hall and I would hear some of the boys say, “Man I beat my meat senseless to her tits last night.”

I was not for sure but I thought they meant they played with their cock as they thought of me. I had never seen a boys cock other than in the text books at school in health. The book called it a penis and all I could really tell was the shape of it as it was transparent so you could see all of the reproduction glands and stuff.

During the ninth grade popular boys started to take notice of me well of my big tits, as they were hard to hide anymore. They started to come over and talk to me. Into the first month of ninth grade all, the boys were after me. I knew they all only wanted to feel my big tits or grab my ass. Most of the time I would shyly run away from them, as I really was not interested in anything they had or could do for me. The other girls took it upon themselves to tell the boys that I was not interested in boys as I was a lesbian.

I found this out when Janet started to avoid me. I finally asked her one day after school if I had done something to her as she did not call me or even talk to me at school. Janet told me the other girls were telling everyone that I was a lesbian.

“Sorry Ann I did not want everyone to think I was one if I hung out with you,” Janet said to me.

“Just who started that rumor?” I asked Janet.

“Sue did,” Janet replied. “I only went along with it because they did not pick on me anymore,” “It only lasted a short while before they went back to picking on me anyways,” Janet added.

I was pissed when Janet told me Sue had started the rumor. I should have just left it go however I did not. The next morning as I walked into the school I saw Sue standing by her locker. I walked up to her and tapped her on her shoulder.

Sue turned to me as she asked, “What in the hell do you want?”

“You can stop telling everyone I am a lesbian for starters,” I replied.

“If the shoe fits wear it,” Sue said smiling at me.

“Fuck you wear this,” I replied as I pushed her to the floor and got on top of her.

I started to slap her about her face as I sat upon her chest. Sue was crying and screaming as I slapped her face restlessly. I did not even notice the small crowd that had gathered around us. I drew my arm back and this time I made a fist and hit her hard in her face. I drew my arm back again to land another punch when our assistant principal Mr. Turner grabbed it.

“That is enough Ann,” Mr. Turner said as he jerked me from atop of Sue.

Another teacher looked after Sue as Mr. Turner led me down to his office. He sat me down in a chair next to his desk and asked me just what in the hell was all that about. I explained to him about her telling everyone that I was a lesbian when I was not one.

Mr. Turner gave me a big lecture on beating someone up for calling you names or making fun of you. He told me the next time to come see him when I had a problem with another student. He went and made sure that Sue was OK. When he came back into his office, I looked at him as he came into the room.

“Sue is OK isn’t she I did not mean to hurt her,” I said looking to the floor.

“She will be OK and at least you showed some concern,” Mr. Turner replied. “I am still going to have to expel you for three days and call your parents to come pick you up,” he added as he reached for the phone.

Luckily, my mom was out of town for the week due to her job and Uncle Bill was watching me. Mr. Turner and Uncle Bill were friends so he knew he had more or less raised me after losing my father. He left Uncle Bill come in place of my mom. Mr. Turner sat me outside of his office while he talked to Uncle Bill. When they finished talking, they came out and they shook hands.

Mr. Turner looked to me as he said, “I will see you in three days young lady and remember no more fighting come see me the next time,” before he walked back into his office.

Uncle Bill took me outside to his car without saying anything. I climbed in and he started to drive home. I explained to him that I was just pissed at Sue for telling everyone that I was a lesbian and I had lost control.

“First of all fighting does not solve anything and second you don’t go around beating someone up for spreading rumors,” Uncle Bill said giving me the eye.

“I know and I am sorry for what I did,” I replied

“Second you’re not a lesbian are you?” Uncle Bill asked.

“NO,” I screamed at him.

“I did not think so and I told Mr. Turner that as well,” Uncle Bill said. “He understands about that and if you were; the school would make adjustments as he is …,” Uncle Bill added without finishing.

“Mr. Turner is gay,” I replied.

“Let’s keep that just between you and I young lady,” Uncle Bill said looking to me. “So you were whooping her ass was you?” Uncle Bill asked smiling at me.

Once at home he had a long talk with me about not doing that again to anyone unless I felt I was in danger. He told me just because I could handle myself did not mean I should use it against anyone unless I felt my life was in danger. Uncle Bill told me we would keep this just between you and I as there was no need to tell your mother or she will blame me he told me.

“It will be our little secret,” I replied and I thanked him for being understanding.

When I returned to school in three days I had went from being a lesbian to some out of control wild bitch. Everyone seemed to avoid me boys and girls. I became more of an outcast than ever. The only one who did not was Janet. We went back to hanging out together during and after school.

I would sleep over at her house on Saturday nights a lot as her parents would go out and they were OK if we stayed there to watch her brother who was only 13 at the time. One Saturday night after her brother went to bed and we were in her bedroom, Janet asked me if I have ever given myself pleasure.

“What is that?” I asked.

Janet laughed as she replied, “You know played with your pussy.”

“No because I am not for sure how,” I replied.

Janet smiled at me as she said, “I will show you how.”

Janet told me to take all my clothes off and get into bed beside her. Her eyes never left my body as I took my clothes off and climbed into the bed. She took her off and climbed in beside me.

“You watch me then I will watch you,” Janet said as she lay down next to me.

I sat up as I watched her hand slowly go between her legs. She rubbed at her almost hairless pussy with her hands. Janet slipped a finger between her rather large pussy lips and started to run it in and out of it. She took her other hand and she pinched at the rather large nipples on top of her small bud like tits.

I watched her playing with her pussy and pulling on her nipples. Janet slipped another finger into her pussy and really started to run them in and out of it.
I felt my own pussy start to tingle as I watched her as her breathing became heavy and labored as she played with her pussy. In a short time, Janet’s eyes went closed as her head went from side to side.

“AHHhhhh,” Janet moaned as she rather flopped around on the bed.

Janet pulled her two fingers from her pussy and I could see they were wet with her juices. Janet brought those fingers up to her mouth where she licked then sucked her juices from her finger. Janet smiled at me as she sucked the last drop off her fingers.

“Your turn Ann,” Janet said sitting up in the bed.

“I don’t know if I can,” I replied.

“Then lie down and I will do you,” Janet said.

I lay back upon the bed as Janet parted my legs climbing between them. She lies upon her elbows looking at my hairy pussy. Janet ran her hand lightly across my hairy mound. She tells me she wishes she had some of my hair as she did.

Janet used both her hands to part the hair covering my pussy lips. It was almost as if she was parting the hair on my head. Janet then ran her fingers over my pussy lips I felt my pussy lips slowly unroll as her fingers touched them

I moaned softly as my lips unfolded as it sent a wonderfully strange feeling through my body. Janet then took her finger and rubbed up and down between my lips. That strange feeling grew as she rubbed her finger up and down on my pussy lips. I raised my head from the bed to look at Janet between my legs

“AHhhh,” I moaned softly as I felt her finger slowly entering into my pussy.

Janet looked at me as she said, “Pinch and pull on your nipples you will love the feeling,” as she started to finger my pussy

I took both my hands and slowly ran them up over my big pair of tits. I might not have known how to finger myself but playing with my tits, I knew. I have been playing with them since I started to grow them. I often wondered if that was why they had gotten so big.

I ran my hands in a circle as I worked my hands up my tits. I squeezed at my tits lightly as I worked my hands to my nipples. I lightly rubbed both index fingers across my nipples. They grew instantly hard as my finger touched them.

I removed one finger and stuck it into my mouth getting it wet with my saliva. I returned it to my nipple where I rubbed the wetness around and onto my nipple. I did the same to my other finger as well. I started to pinch then pull on my nipples taking them between my finger and my thumb.

That feeling that was growing all over my body suddenly peaked as I moaned, “AHHHhhhhh Janet.”

My eyes went closed even as I fought to keep them open. My pussy began to tingle and then that feeling raced from my pussy to my tits. My breathing got heavy, as I seem to lose awareness of everything around me except for this wonderful feeling in my pussy as I started to flop about on the bed. I pinched and pulled at my nipples hard as this feeling raced through my body making me moan and whimper softly. That feeling lasted for a long time it seemed like. Then my eyes came back open as I released my nipples, which I was still pinching. My ears filled with this wet sound as I looked to Janet.

Janet smiled at me as she said, “Damn girl your pussy is fucking soaking wet.”

Janet removed her finger and I saw my juices dripping from it. Janet moved her finger to her mouth and she licked then sucked at her finger. She removed her finger with a pop from her mouth.

Janet looked at as she said, “Don’t hate me Ann I just can’t stop myself.”

Janet buried her face between my legs as I screamed asking, “Janet what are you doing?”

My hands went to her head and I started to push her head from between my legs. However, that wonderful feeling started to build once more down there. I could feel her tongue lapping at my pussy lips then dipping into it. Instead of pushing her head from between my legs, I gentle ran my hands through her long blonde hair. In a few more minutes, I was once again flopping about the bed.

“AHHHHHHH Janet, don’t stop,” I screamed as my eyes went closed once more.

When I opened them, I found my hands pulling her face against my pussy as my hips worked upward toward her face. I released my hold on her head allowing her to remove it from between my legs. Janet pulled her face from my pussy as she sat up in bed with her face wet, shiny and sticky from my juices.

Janet wiped at my wetness on her face as she said, “Girl I think you peed in my face.”

“I don’t think I did,” I replied not knowing what I had done as that feeling had taken over and I did not know for sure what happened after that.

Janet pointed to the bed between my legs as she said, “Look what you did.”

I moved in the bed sitting up as she was. I looked to where she was pointing to on the bed and I saw this big round wet spot. It lay directly under where my pussy and Janet’s face had been.

“Sorry about that, Janet,” “I must have lost control or something and peed,” I said to her.

Janet ran her tongue around her lips then replied, “I am not for sure myself as it does not taste like pee.”

I was going to ask her how she knew what pee tasted like but I left it at that. Janet and I played with our pussies for the rest of the night. However, I did not have another orgasm for I was afraid I would pee again. Janet told me she enjoyed licking at my pussy and wanted to do it again. She also asked me to lick hers. However, we heard her mom and dad coming into the house so we pretended to be asleep when her mom checked on us.

Janet’s bedroom was right next to her mom’s and dad. Janet whispered to me to me quiet for a while. In a few minutes, you could hear the bed next door squeaking and her mom screaming, “Fuck me harder.”

Janet and I played with our own pussies as we listened to them fucking. This time I did have another orgasm and I felt something squirting from my pussy onto my hand. I cupped my hand around my pussy trying to hold it or push it back up inside me. It did not work and I got her bed even wetter than before. I told Janet I was sorry I just could not control it.

Janet whispered, “It’s OK Ann I will just tell my mom we spilled a glass of water in the bed.” Janet rubbed her hand over my face and through my hair as she lie above me looking into my face. Janet smiled then she asked, “You wouldn’t scream if I kissed you would you?”

I did not have time to say anything. Janet locked her lips over mine as she kissed me upon my lips.

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