The Stone Idol
The Stone Idol
Sex Story Author: | Loupy |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Fuck! No, God dammit! I tried not to think about it, but it already felt so amazing, sucking on it |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Body modification, Boy / Boy, Fantasy, First Time, Gay, Mind Control, Reluctance, Teen, Teen Male/Teen Female, Virginity |
I was doing a last bit of tidying in my room when the doorbell rang, and I tossed the single dirty sock I’d just fished out from behind my desk into my hamper before I turned and ran for the door. Not that I really thought Matias would care if my room was a mess, but I couldn’t help myself. I hadn’t seen my best friend in six weeks, and I didn’t want him to think I’d just been sitting around in my room all summer, bored out of my skull without him to hang out with. Especially since that was precisely what I had been doing.
“Hey, Mati!” I greeted him as I opened the door, ushering him inside. “How was Guatemala?”
“Too fuckin’ hot, dude!” He laughed, pounding my fist as he came inside, his backpack swung over his shoulder. “It was cool, helping build them a school and all, but Christ did I miss air conditioning!”
I laughed too, moving out of the way as he closed the door behind him and slipped out of his shoes. Mati and I were both five foot eight, both with slender, athletic builds, but that was where the similarities ended. I was about as stereotypically Nordic as it was possible to be, with blond hair and blue eyes, while Mati was purebred Colombian. He was looking even darker than normal, and quite a bit buffer, too, actually; I guess six weeks swinging a hammer in the Central American sun will do that to a guy.
“I gotta say, I’m a little surprised your parents are cool with you sleeping over tonight, with mine out of town at that wedding they got invited to,” I grinned. “Your mom suddenly find her chill while you guys were down south?”
“Oh, is that this weekend?” He asked, not even trying to feign innocent as he returned my grin. “Damn, Chris! Guess I must have gotten the dates confused. Oops!”
“Nice!” I laughed. I liked his folks, really I did, but him mom could be a little bit too Colombian, at times; calling her overprotective was like saying February in North Dakota was ‘somewhat chilly’. “So, what are we thinking? Grab snacks and drinks from the kitchen, then all night Smash Bros. tourney?” I grinned.
“Sounds good to me,” he said, the glint of wickedness I saw in his eyes matched by my own, I was sure. We quickly gathered supplies and headed back to my room.
“Same rules as always?” I asked as I started up the game, certain that after six weeks Mati would be as anxious to get started as I was.
“Of course,” he confirmed. “But before we start, I gotta show you something I brought back with me. You’re totally gonna get a kick out of this!” He said, taking his accustomed seat on my bed and pulling his backpack up into his lap as he started rooting around inside.
“What the fuck is that!?” I asked, laughing as I got my first clear look at the palm-sized stone statue he’d just unwrapped from inside a t-shirt.
“Weird, right?” he laughed too, handing it over to me. It was heavy, and had to be real stone. I didn’t know much about art, but I knew enough to recognize the block-like style of Mayan carving. Or was that Aztec? Hell, maybe I didn’t know as much as I thought I did. Central American, at any rate. I turned it side to side in my hand, not quite able to believe what my eyes were telling me. The figure was depicted sitting cross-legged, with hands extended slightly to the sides, palms up, all of which I thought was pretty standard. It was the fact that the figure’s huge, hard cock reached all the way up between it’s full round tits that made it unusual.
“What, is this supposed to be, like, the Mayan god of transsexuals, or something?” I asked with an amused grin, continuing to examine the figure, turning it upside down to see the lips of a vagina hidden behind the big, swollen balls. It had to be fake, right? I mean, it was obviously made of stone, but it had to be modern, something to sell to stupid American tourists.
“No idea, man,” Mati laughed, shaking his head. “The guy who sold it to me swore it was authentic, that he found it in the jungle, but if it was actually real there’s no way he would have sold it to me for as cheap as he did. He told me the god’s name, but hell if I could pronounce it, or even remember it well enough to try looking it up online once I got back to a computer after I bought the thing. It’s supposed to be some god of gambling, or something. I guess you’re supposed to put your finger on one of the hands, while you’re offering someone a bet. If they agree, they put their finger on the other hand. That’s supposed to get the god’s attention, I guess, sealing the bet or something. And then when the bet’s resolved, the god’s supposed to bless the winner, and curse the loser.”
“No shit!” I said, finally handing the statue back to him. “No wonder you wanted to buy the thing. I take it you want to try it out?”
“Why not?” he grinned. “I mean, it’s obviously fake, but just for a laugh. You game?”
“Sure!” I laughed. “Not like I’m not gonna kick your ass anyways!”
“Prove it, loser!” he laughed too, placing the statue on the bed between us, and I reached out to put my finger in the upturned left hand.
“I bet that I can beat you at Smash Bros., best two out of three, with the loser having to give the winner a handjob,” I intoned solemnly, formalizing our standard bet. Mati and I were both straight… but on a particularly memorable night about a year and a half previously, when our trash talking had been mounting to truly epic proportions, I’d challenged him with the bet for the first time. Honestly, I hadn’t really even meant it at the time, I was just spouting off at the mouth, and I was shocked when he’d accepted. I won that first time, and though I had offered to let him off without actually having to do it, he’d insisted that ‘a bet is a bet’, and that he had to live up to his word. We did it again the next day, with Mati determined to win and even the score… which he did. It had just sort of organically become our thing, after that. We weren’t gay, or anything… having to jerk the other one off was definitely a punishment, for failing at the bet. But getting jerked off by someone else just felt so much better, compared to doing it yourself… the risk was worth the reward, for both of us.
“Agreed!” Mati replied, equally seriously as he reached out to touch he statue’s other hand.
“Fuck!” we both exclaimed, jerking out hands back from the idol in response to a sudden, stabbing pain. There was a tiny welling of blood on the tip of my finger when I looked, like the kind a diabetic gets when testing their blood sugar.
“What the fuck was that?” Mati asked, sucking the tip of his finger. I’d been about to yell the same thing at him, assuming he’d known what was going to happen and had tricked me into it, but he wasn’t that good a liar; he’d been just as surprised as I was.
“Must be some sort of stupid prank, made to sell to tourists,” I said, grabbing the statue for a closer look at the hands. There were tiny marks of blood on each of the statue’s palms, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to activate whatever devious little trap had been responsible for sticking us. “Must have been a one-time thing,” I shrugged, pressing down on both hands simultaneously to show Mati that nothing was happening.”
“Pretty stupid prank,” he scowled, then grinned. “But whatever… it’s already stopped bleeding. And I can beat you with one finger tied behind my back, anyways!”
“Bring it!” I laughed, walking over to set the statue on the corner of my desk, then getting back into position beside Mati on the bed. It was close… really fucking close, one game a piece, nail-biters both times, and then on the third Mati barely squeaked by with the win.
“Fuck!” I swore, tossing my controller onto the bed in disgust.
My world became nothing but pain. I think I must have screamed, but I wasn’t aware of doing it at the time. There was room for nothing else in my mind but the searing, all-consuming fire burning between my thighs. It slowly started to fade, and only then was I able to regain the presence of mind to look over at Mati, realizing that whatever had just happened to me, it seemed to have affected him, too.
“What the fuck?” I finally gasped. Mati was a bit quicker to recover than I was, rolling himself up onto his knees and fumbling for the fastenings of his jeans. I followed suit, certain that something must have just gone horribly wrong with my junk to produce that amount of pain. I finally managed to get my jeans and boxers pushed down my thighs, and I couldn’t believe my eyes.
“Holy shit!” Mati exclaimed then, my eyes feeling like they were about to pop out of my skull as my gaze bounced rapidly back and forth between our dicks. We were both hard, which had it not been for the pain we’d both just experienced, wouldn’t have been unusual; we both always got hard as a rock when we had one of our bets going, anticipating having the other one jerk us off. What I didn’t expect, what I could never have expected… was that my previously six-inch erect cock now looked to be slightly less than five inches long, with Mati’s prior five and a half inches seeming to have gained everything I had lost.
“No… no, this isn’t possible!” I gasped, nearly falling off the side of the bed in shock as I tried to sit down, staring disbelievingly down at my crotch. It wasn’t just a matter of the length, I came to realize, but the thickness, too. I looked a little bit… stubbier, I guess you’d say; I’d lost more length than I had width. Not by a lot, it wasn’t like I suddenly looked deformed, or anything, but given how accustomed I was to the sight of my own dick, the change in proportions was definitely noticeable.
“Possible or not…” Mati echoed in much the same tone of voice, gesturing down at himself; the evidence was incontrovertible. We met each other’s eyes for a long moment, then looked as one over to the statue sitting on my desk.
“We’ve got to fix this,” I said slowly, then looked over at him, down at the length and thickness of him, that he’d stolen from me! “You’ve got to fix this!”
“Hold on man, hold on. Let’s just think for a minute, okay?” he said, holding his hands out to me in a stopping motion, trying to calm me down.
“What’s to think about?” Some part of me knew I was losing my grip, but at that moment, I didn’t care. “We’ll make another bet, and you’ll lose, and everything will go back to normal, okay?”
“Yeah, okay. We’ll do that. No problem, man,” he said, still making those calming gestures. “I just want you to slow down for just a second, okay Chris?”
I was in no mood to slow down… but I started doing it anyways, closing my eyes, forcing myself to breathe. I guess it was working, because Mati started talking to me more like a normal person again, rather than like someone he was trying to talk down off a ledge.
“Okay, so… all I wanted to say is, as unbelievable as it sounds, I don’t think we can deny that statue must actually be real, right?” Mati asked, waiting until I nodded before he’d continue. “So I think we need to be careful with it, not rush into anything. And I think we need to make really sure we don’t, like… piss it off, or anything.”
“Piss it off?” I asked, not quite understanding where he was going with this.
“It’s supposed to be a gambling god, right?” he continued. “We made a bet… and you haven’t held up your end, yet. If it’s got the sort of power it would take to do something like this…” He waved a hand sort of vaguely between us, indicating our junk. “I do not want to know what it might do if it thinks one of us is trying to welch on a bet.”
It took me longer than it should have to sort through the logic while still fighting through the shock, but I got there eventually.
“You mean you think I still need to give you a handjob,” I said. “You seriously don’t think shrinking my cock is bad enough already?”
“I think better safe than really, really sorry, man,” he confirmed. “Maybe that thing has already done all it means to do… but given what it just did to us, do you really want to take that chance?” I looked over at the idol, just sitting there on the desk, so seemingly innocent.
“Fuck no!” I shuddered, vigorously shaking my head as I slid down off the bed and onto my knees on the floor. Mati quickly moved into position on the edge of the bed, as I reached out to take hold of him with both hands, starting to stroke. I hadn’t even thought about it, I just automatically did what seemed to feel right… but suddenly I realized what I was actually doing, and froze. Every time before, when we were paying off one of our bets, we’d do it with both of us on the bed, with porn playing on my computer that we could both watch. It had never even occurred to me before to get down on my knees into such a submissive position, with nothing to look at except his cock right there in front of my face as I stroked him.
“What’s wrong?” he gasped, opening his eyes as he looked down at me. I hadn’t even realized he’d closed them.
“Nothing,” I replied, shaking my head to clear my thoughts. “But you should take your jeans the rest of the way off, they’re in the way.” I closed my eyes, and found myself stripping out of my own clothes as well. We were both fully naked when I found the courage to open my eyes again, Mati standing next to the bed with his strangely-big cock sticking proudly up into the air, with me still down on my knees in front of him. It was all I could do to stop myself from licking my lips as I took his hot, hard pole back into my hands and resumed my efforts to get him off. What the fuck was wrong with me? Did that fucking idol do something to me? Beyond the obvious, I mean? Being down on my knees, looking up at Mati’s big, thick cock, and past it to see the look of pleasure on his face… it felt good, somehow. It had sure as hell never felt that way before! Maybe it was because his cock was so much bigger, so much heavier in my hands. Or maybe it was because it was somehow my cock, too… that in some strange, metaphysical way, he’d taken some of my length and thickness, so touching him was somehow like touching myself, and it felt better because of that? I wasn’t sure what was really going on, only that I wanted to stay right where I was, on my knees in front of him, while I worked to make him cum for me.
Christ! To cum for me? No, that wasn’t right! I didn’t think like that! To make him cum, sure, that was the bet. But I didn’t want him to cum ‘for me’! And yet, the very thought of it almost made me moan despite myself, and I realized that I’d instinctively started speeding up my stroking of his shaft when I’d thought it.
I was still trying to sort out all these conflicting thoughts, but after that first shock I never again stopped what I was doing. And when he started really gasping, and moaning, thrusting his hips into my hands… I saw that he still had his eyes closed, and I moved forwards, putting my face directly underneath his cock and opening my mouth.
“Oh, fuck!” he moaned one last time, and suddenly it was landing all over my face. It was so hot, and wet… and there was so much of it! I guess I couldn’t really be sure, since I wasn’t able to see what it looked like covering my face… but it sure felt like a lot more than usual! I squeezed the last dribble out from his head, letting it fall onto my tongue, then closed my mouth just in time before he opened his eyes. I don’t know what I’d been expecting… I’d never tasted cum before, not even my own to see what it was like. But… it tasted strangely good, and I had to struggle to keep the smile off my face as I swallowed the little bit I’d managed to catch in my mouth.
“Oh, shit!” he gasped as he saw me, then started to laugh. “Looks like I kinda got you there, didn’t I?”
“Just a bit!” I nervously joined in his laughter, taking my hands away from his cock and wiping away a bit that had landed across my left eye, acting like it had just happened by accident and that I hadn’t done it to myself on purpose. I’d closed the eye in time, thankfully, but I didn’t think I was going to be able to open it again until I’d gotten properly cleaned off. Mati helped me to my feet, and though I could still see perfectly well out of my other eye, I let him take my arm and guide me to the bathroom. Thank God my parents weren’t home! There really was more cum than usual, I saw… a lot more, as I took a moment to look at myself in the mirror.
I shook myself out of my trance and turned to the sink, hoping that splashing water onto my face would hide my blush. Mati was still standing there in the doorway, watching me, and I’d forgotten all about him as I’d stood there like an idiot staring at his cum covering my face, my smaller than normal dick still completely hard and sticking up in front of me. Mati’s had gone soft after cumming, but it didn’t seem to be shrinking as much as it normally did. I couldn’t tell without actually measuring, but from the look of it it seemed like it was staying about the same size flaccid that mine now was while fully erect. I finally finished getting cleaned off, and we made our way back to my room.
“I guess we need to do this, hunh?” Mati said with a sigh, staring down as he took hold of himself, slightly bouncing his cock as if testing the weight of it in his hand. “Ah well, it was nice while it lasted.” He dropped his cock, reaching out to place a finger on the idol’s outstretched hand. “I bet… that the sky is purple with green clouds.” He turned to look at me, but before I could take a step closer to the idol to join him in the bet he suddenly screamed, tumbling to the floor and clutching at his groin.
“Fuck! Mati, are you okay?” I dropped to my knees beside him, unsure of what to do. He was rolling side to side, making the most terrible noise, but it didn’t last long. Either it wasn’t as bad as the first time around, or the first time had just felt longer to me, because I was experiencing it with him.
“That… isn’t going to work,” he finally grimaced, gingerly taking his hands away from himself so I could examine him. He looked exactly as he had a moment ago, still larger and thicker than he normally was.
“What do you mean? What isn’t going to work?” I asked, helping him up onto the bed.
“What she just did to me… I’m pretty sure that was a punishment, for trying to throw a bet,” he shook his head, breathing heavily.
“She?” I asked, putting heavy disbelief into my voice as I glanced back at the statue and it’s big, hard cock.
“Oh yeah,” he said, nodding seriously. “Cock or not, she is definitely female. I could feel a sort of… sense of her, while she was hurting me that time. And she is pissed!” he shuddered. “Sorry, bro. I would have done it, if I could… but she isn’t going to allow it. And if we try to cheat again, after already receiving a warning like what she just gave me…” He just shook his head, and the look in his eyes spoke volumes. “You have to make a choice. We can either leave things the way they are…”
“Or we can make another bet, a real one…” I finished his thought, swallowing in dread at the possibility. “And I can risk making things even worse for myself.”
“Pretty much,” he shrugged.
Fuck! How was I supposed to make that sort of a choice? Could I really just let it go? Just accept the loss of an inch of my cock? Just give it away, to my best friend? I didn’t think I could do it. Mati would never try to lord it over me, he was too good of a guy for that… but I knew, every time I saw him, every time I looked at or touched my own dick, that it would be a constant reminder of what I’d once had, but lost. And not only that, but if I decided to just accept it and move on, it would be a reminder of my own cowardice, as well. A reminder that when I lost part of my cock, I’d lost my balls, too. But what if I did try to win it back, and I lost again? Better to live as I was now, with a slightly below-average cock, than to fail again and be left with one that was even smaller still. Only… it wasn’t just about the size of my cock, was it? The idol really had done something to me, something to my mind! I’d never wanted Mati’s cock before, but now? I was having to make a serious effort to keep myself from staring at it. I’d just made him give me a facial, for fuck’s sake… and I wanted him to do it again! No… no, I couldn’t just let this go. I had to try to get things back to the way they were before, if for no other reason than to get rid of these thoughts I was having. I stepped over to the desk, and put my finger on the idol’s hand.
“I bet that I can beat you, best two out of three, loser gives the winner a blowjob,” I said. “Shit! No, not a blowjob, I meant- Gah!” I jerked in place, like I’d just had a shock of electricity run through my body.
“Umm…” Mati said, moving slightly closer but carefully keeping his distance from me as I recovered. “Something tells me, she didn’t like it when you just tried to change your mind about the stakes of the bet like that?”
“No shit!” I gasped, shaking my head and scowling at the position I now found myself in, but reluctantly grateful as well, that I seemed to have gotten off so lightly compared to the punishment Mati had just received. “I don’t know why I said that, but I think we’re stuck with it now. And…” I gave an experimental tug of my hand, frowning as I found that my fingertip was somehow affixed to the idol’s hand. “I don’t think I can move my finger until you either accept the bet, or turn it down.”
“You think that’s still an option?” He asked. “I could just turn it down?”
“I don’t know,” I said, trying to think. There had been something about that jolt of electricity, or whatever it had been, the way it had felt as it was travelling through my body… “I think you’re right, though; I could feel it that time, too, and she’s definitely female. And I think… I think she’s enjoying herself, watching us do this. I think turning down the bet may spoil her fun. And… I’m not sure that would be such a good idea.”
“I was worried you’d say that,” he sighed, lifting his finger and pausing with it an inch above the idol’s hand. Then he pressed down, there was a sudden jab in my fingertip, and I could move away.
“Shit!” I swore, as Mati and I both sucked the blood from our fingertips again.
“Hunh!” Mati gasped then, and as I glanced over at him it was immediately clear what he was reacting to; he was staring down at his cock, which was suddenly completely hard once more. He started slowly stroking himself, smiling happily as he explored his newfound length and girth. I couldn’t blame him; God knew I’d enjoyed stroking it, too!
“So much for recharge time… I guess she wants us to be able to do the bet right away,” I said, fighting to keep my eyes away from Mati’s cock. Fuck! I’d already been having enough trouble not letting myself be distracted by it when it was still soft!
We fatalistically climbed up onto the bed again, and started another match. It was… not good. I was completely off my game. All I could think of, sitting there naked beside Mati, was how much I wanted to lean over and try sucking that big, thick cock of his into my mouth! I wanted him to put his hands on the back of my head, forcing me onto himself, holding me there and not letting me back away as he unloaded down my throat. The little taste I’d already gotten no longer felt like enough… I wanted him to completely flood my mouth this time, so I could really feel his thick, creamy load on my tongue before I swallowed it all. God, I had to stop thinking about that, had to concentrate on what I was doing… but I just couldn’t stop, couldn’t keep myself from glancing down at it, imagining what it would feel like in my mouth! The first match was a disaster, and the second one was even worse. I knew it was coming this time, but that didn’t help with the pain. When I was finally able to sit up and look at myself again, I started to cry at the sight of the pathetic, skinny little three-incher that was now all I had left between my legs.
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s going to be okay,” Mati murmured, putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close. I let myself curl into him, nuzzling my cheek against his chest, as I stared down at his cock, unable to stop myself from licking my lips as I saw how much bigger he was now.
“I kept looking away from the screen, and down at your cock,” I admitted in a whimper, my tears tracing down his wonderful, firm pec. Christ, now that was something I was going to have to worry about thinking, too? And what the fuck was going on with my emotions, all of a sudden? Crying in front of him? Fuck! “I couldn’t focus, I just kept looking at it, and thinking about it,” I said, nervously biting my lip. “And… I think it’s suddenly just gotten even worse, now that you’ve gotten so much bigger again,” I admitted, reaching down to start gently fondling it. “I… don’t think there’s any chance I can win any of it back, now. It’s too distracting. I think… I think it’s yours for good. I think you’re going to be this big, and I’m going to be this small, from here on out. I think I’m done.”
“Not quite yet, you’re not,” he chuckled, his voice suddenly deeper, more… manly. I felt him run his fingers through my hair, and I couldn’t stop myself from shuddering in pleasure at his touch. “You still owe me a blowjob, first, before you can be done!”
“I know,” I smiled shyly, ducking my head a little further against his chest and praying that he couldn’t see my expression. I’d admitted enough already, I did not want him knowing how desperately I wanted to suck his cock! “I want to measure it first, before I suck it!” I gasped, surprised by my own words. Oh, God, where had that thought come from!? But it was true. I wanted so much to know exactly how big it was, before I tried taking it in my mouth.
“Get a ruler, and get on your knees!” he commanded gruffly, and I was already moving before I’d consciously realized what I was doing. It was almost like orders given in that rough, sexy voice completely bypassed my brain. I hurried over to my desk, grabbing a ruler out of my drawer before dropping obediently to my knees in front of him as he stood next to my bed once again. The idol was still keeping us both hard, but I reached up and started slowly stroking him anyways, just to make sure he’d be as big as he could possibly get first.
“Measure yours, first,” he ordered, just as I’d been about to lay the ruler along the top of his shaft. I blanched, not wanting a formal accounting of what I could already see, but I did it anyways, because he told me to.
“Three inches,” I announced meekly. And honestly, even that pathetic total may having been overstating the truth; I’d had to really press the end of the ruler against myself to get my tip to reach the three inch mark. I was afraid he’d say something, making my humiliation complete, but he remained stoically silent, and then it was his turn. I laid the ruler along the top of him, and without even pressing it against him the way I had when measuring myself, I could hardly believe my eyes as I read it.
“Seven and a half inches,” I announced in awe, then turning the ruler sideways and carefully spinning it around his girth. “And just under six around.” I continued, shaking my head. I was less confident about that last, given how hard it is to use a flat ruler to measure a round object, but it was close enough.
“Holy shit! Two whole inches bigger than I used to be! I know it sucks for you, dude… but this is fucking awesome!” Mati laughed, and I blushed as I set the ruler down beside me. I didn’t know how to respond to that, but I was saved from needing to as I felt his hand on the back of my head, and I allowed him to pull me forward. I moaned as his thick, spongy cockhead slipped between my lips, hardly able to believe how big he’d gotten already!
No, not already, damn it! Fuck! ‘Already’ implied that he wasn’t done growing yet, and I could not allow that to be true! I’d already lost half of my cock to him, I couldn’t lose the little bit I still had left! I had to concentrate on that thought, I had to remind myself that this was as far as it could go. I could not afford to start wondering just how big he might get, if he took everything I had left.
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