The Slut Within
I joined the Army out of high school, was going to make a career of it. Two tours in Iraq, herding civilians, wondering whether I should shoot the sonabitch walking up to me with a smile put an end to that.
Re-up was a few months away. I wrote my Mother and asked her to find out if I would be pulled back in if I took a discharge. She had worked for lawyers and knew how to get info. She sent back a copy of a letter from a politician saying I was exempt. “Come home.” she said.
Five days after signing out and three days after getting home Mom started giving me blowjobs.
It was late when I flew in. Mom and dad picked me up at the airport. She went through all kinds of emotions from crying to giddy laughter. And lots of touching. Hugging my arm, holding my hand, fixing my hair and shirt and so on. She wanted to make sure I was real and wasn’t going to leave again. My father finally said, “You’re going to smother the boy.”
“My son is home from a war. I’ll smother him all I want until I get my fill.” she said. Prophetic words.
I was tired after 15 hours in airplanes and airports and just wanted to sleep. I went to my old bedroom, looked at the posters on the walls and shook my head at the dumb ass I used to be. I took off my clothes, got into bed and fell asleep right away.
I woke up to the sounds of dad getting ready for work and Mom making breakfast. I smiled and stretched, happy as I could be. I reached down to scratch my balls and, realizing the door was closed, I was actually alone in a room, threw the sheet off and grabbed my hard cock. I laid there idly stroking it and we had a conversation. We both agreed that our first priority was to get some American pussy, the best pussy in the world.
There was a routine in the house during summer mornings as I was growing up. Dad would go to work and Mom would go outside to take care of her flowers while it was still cool. I would open my bedroom door to listen if Mom was still in the house. If I didn’t hear anything I would put old clothes in the hamper, get fresh ones and walk naked to the shower I used. Mom and dad had their shower in their bedroom. Mine was down the hall and past the dining room.
A creature of habit I am. Stuck my head out the door, no sounds. Got clothes and walked down the bedroom hall. It ended in a smaller hall with the front door on one side and dinning room on the other. Stuck my head around the corner to make sure the front door was closed. It was.
Walked into the small hall, turned to the dinning room and there was Mom sitting on a chair, her eyebrows lifted in surprise, her eyes locked onto my hard cock.
“Damn!” I said and jumped back to the bedroom hall. “I’m sorry Mom. I didn’t hear anything and thought you were outside.”
It took her a few seconds to respond. “That’s OK, baby,” she said slowly. “I’m not upset. I’ve washed everything you’re going to wash hundreds of times.” A pause, a giggle. “Though from the quick glimpse I got there is a lot more to wash now.”
I had to smile. With one sentence Mom defused the situation. From behind the wall I said, “What I’m sorry about is that…you know.”
“You have an erection, boner, hard-on?”
It was my turn to be surprised. I stuck my head around the corner, and smiling, said, “Mom!”
She laughed. “You didn’t think I knew those words, did you? Don’t worry, baby, I’ve seen it before in all it’s full, masculine glory.” She giggled again and with a mischievous tone in her voice said, “You were 16 the last time.”
I pulled my head back, put it against the wall and said, “Oh, God! I don’t remember you seeing me.”
“I came back from the grocery store and called you twice to bring the bags in but you didn’t answer. I walked to your room, pushed the door open,” she laughed, “and there you were. A pair of headphones on your ears, eyes squeezed shut and furiously abusing what I had spent nine months creating.”
A moan from me, a laugh from her. “I thought of walking in, pulling your headphones off and telling you to be gentle, it has to last you for the rest of your life.” Another laugh from her. “But I knew you would die of embarrassment so I let you enjoy yourself.”
A few seconds pause. “Baby, I’ve always wondered how you could concentrate on a fantasy with loud music in your ears. I could hear it at your door.”
I had to laugh. This is Mom, that’s how she is. Happy and playful. So I just went along with it. “I used to pretend I was a rock star and was with a groupie who was, you know, doing things.”
“I see.” she said. “And the groupie, she was on her knees while she was doing things?”
I stuck my head around the corner and looked at her, wondering how she could read me so well.
“A-ha. I was right. That’s every male’s fantasy from puberty and on.”
I shook my head and was going to pick up the clothes I had dropped and put boxers on when Mom started talking again. Even if you didn’t know her you could hear the playfulness in her voice. And again slowly she said, “Baby, is your soldier still at horizontal attention or did I scare it too much?” My cock did start to go limp when I first jumped back into the bedroom hall. But, oddly, when she started to talk about watching me jack off it got hard again.
With bravado I said, “Yes, it’s still at attention. Like me, nothing scares it.”
Mom laughed and said, “Come out here and let me take a good look. I’ll probably never get another chance. Satisfy a Mother’s curiosity about how her son has turned out,”
Fuck it, I was willing. I’ll be as bold as she was. “Are you sure Mom.”
“Yes.” she said with excitement in her voice.
“OK, I’m coming.” and picked up my clothes.
Mom is quick, another reason to love her. “Oh, baby, not on the hall carpet. It will be a mess to clean up.”
I laughed loud, walked into the short hall and turned to face her. “Ta-da.” I said with my arms lifted a little. I swiveled my hips from side to side to give her a profile look and then started for the shower.
Mom’s eyes got serious when she saw me and locked on my cock again. “Oh my,” she said and followed it as I walked to the shower, “a Mother’s curiosity becomes a Mother’s pride.”
I came out of the shower in socks, jeans and a t-shirt. Mom and I were awkward with each other, overly polite. Mom later told me her reason was because her panties got wet. My reason was because I jacked off in the shower with the novel combination of my Mother and my hard cock in my thoughts.
We made bland, careful conversation while I ate. When I finished we sat there drinking coffee and the talk turned to me finding work. At one point Mom said, “Do you think it will be hard..” paused and blushed.
It was my turn to be quick. I jumped into the pause and said, “Yes it will be. Every morning just like this morning.”
That’s all it took, the awkwardness was gone. Mom laughed and laughed and I chuckled. When she caught her breath she said, “Well that’s good to know. I’ll make sure I’m sitting here, the best seat in the house.” She laughed again and continued. “What I was going to say, my handsome smart-ass son, is do you think it will be hard for you to find work.”
I pretended to thoughtfully ponder the question. “It will depend on how stiff the competition is.”
Mom laughed again. “Trust me,” she said, “the competition will not be stiffer.” With a glint in her eye she said, “But just in case, you better stick to a very rigid schedule.” We both laughed. We went back to being Mother and son but this time there was a tingle between us.
I went to my room and finished getting dressed. Before I left the house I went up to Mom, gave her a kiss and told her I would bring her car back in the afternoon. She kissed me back and as I turned to leave she stopped me. With a bit of nervousness she said, “Baby, if I am lucky enough to get more shows in the mornings lets not tell your father about them. I’m not sure how he would respond to his wife admiring our son’s erections.”
“Or boners or hard-ons.” I said. She smiled and I hugged her tight and she hugged me back. “I’m glad you said that Mom. I was wondering if you were going to tell him about this morning.”
She hugged me again. “No I wasn’t. Lets keep it just for us.”
I held her head and kissed her on the lips hard. “Mmm-a.” I said. “I love you Mom.”
She beamed and said, “I love you too, baby. Have a good time out there and get used to being back home.” That night, with dad home, everything was normal, nothing out of the ordinary.
Woke up next morning to the sound of the garage door opening and closing and dad’s car driving off. I laid on the bed wondering how yesterday happened. I decided that it was lots of joy at me being home in both Mom and me. Me being naked and hard in front of Mom was no big deal compared to being home.
Then I started to wonder if I was really going to do it again, walk out there naked and hard. It wouldn’t be an accident this time. I got an answer when Mom called down the hall. “I’m ready for my show baby.” I got that solar plexus sensation you get when you are about to do something exiting.
So I got fresh clothes and walked on down the hall, yea. And I came to the dining room. And I turned to face Mom. Mother had her hand up in a fist with her index finger pointing. When she saw me she aimed it at my cock and followed the bounce and sway as I walked.
“Boing, boing, swish, swish,” she said. I stopped walking in front of her and turned to face her. Then I started to flex my cock. If you flex and release your boner at the right times you can get it to go a few inches above and below it’s “resting” state. I wont say that I got it to slap my belly but it was bobbing up and down nicely.
Mom was delighted. She clapped her hands and said, “Yay! Not only is it handsome but it’s talented too.” After my shower she was all touchy-feely while I was eating breakfast. When getting something from the kitchen she would kiss the top of my head as she passed by and say she loved me. Or put her arms around me as I sat in the chair, hug me and say she is so happy I was home.
After I got dressed I went up to Mom to give her the goodby kiss. She kissed me back and took my hand. “Inspection time.” she said. I had no idea what she was talking about. She went to her chair, sat down, grabbed my hips and looked at my crotch.
“OK.” she said. “A nice promising bulge.” She moved my hips from side to side. “Nothing snaking down your pant-legs.” She ran a finger inside the top of the pants and said, “Nothing trying to escape from up here.” She held my hips again, squeezed them and said, “Good.” She let go, sat back in her chair and folded her arms under her tits. “You make sure it stays like that. If the women in town get an inkling of what I see in the mornings we would have to put bars on your windows to keep them out at night.”
Now, a beautiful woman that you love, sitting face level with your cock, talking about it, paying attention to it. What else could it do but what it was intended to do. Mom and I both watched as it tented my dockers, her smug smile getting bigger. I looked at her from under my eyebrows.
“You did this on purpose, didn’t you.” I said.
She sat up straight in her chair and justified herself. “A woman needs an ego boost every once in a while. She needs to know that she still has it.”
I chuckled and said, “OK, I can understand that. But you know the rule so get to it.”
“What are you talking about? What rule?”
“The Rule. The one that says if you make it hard you have to make it soft again.”
She smiled and said, “Oh really? That’s a rule? I’ve never heard of that one.”
“Ignorance of the Rule is no excuse. Go ahead.”
She laughed and said, “So you expect me to masturbate or..”
I reached for my zipper. “I’ll take the “or.”
She reached for my hands to stop me with a big smile on her face. “Don’t you dare take it out or I’ll bite it!”
“Ooo, as long as they are gentle love bites that’s alright.”
She laughed and while we were having our mock struggle the back of her hand brushed against my hard cock a few times. Finally she put her palm on it and pushed it against my left hip, the side that the garage was on.
“Look, it’s pointing to the garage. Even it knows you should leave. Now get!”
I gave up the struggle and reached my hand down my pants.
“Uncomfortable?” she asked with a mischievous look.
“I have to put it in my boxers or there will a wet spot on my pants.” She giggled at that.
I finished straitening up my shirt and pants. Everything was neat and tidy but I had a boner in my pants. “So, I’m supposed to walk into an office and get an application with this?” and pointed to my cock.
Mom laughed happily. “You look really good to me, baby. But you better do some pushups in the parking lot.”
I opened the door to the garage and looked back at her. “I hope you know that you owe me for this morning.”
Her eyes twinkled and she said, “I’ll make you an Apple pie.”
“That’s not what I was thinking of.”
She smiled big and pointed to the garage, “Get.” I grumbled a little and started to go into the garage. She called out, “I love you baby.”
I stuck my head back into the house and smiled at her. “I love you too, Mom.” I started to leave and stuck my head back in again. “We play good together.” She puckered her lips and gave me an air kiss.
I spent the morning getting applications and the afternoon visiting old high school friends. We caught up on each others lives and had a good time but we all realized the directions that our lives had taken were far apart now and it was alright.
As I started to drive home I started to get hard. By the time I pulled into the garage I was full mast. With the events of the last two days I decided to walk into the house with it leading the way.
“I’m home Mom.” I said going to the hooks where the car keys were kept. Mom was doing dinner things at the kitchen counter. She looked up to greet me then saw my pants.
“Again?” she said. “Please tell me you didn’t walk around town like that.”
“No, I didn’t. It started to get hard on the way home.” I waved my hands and said, “I think there is a magnetic boner field around the house.” She smiled at that.
I walked towards her and, remembering the morning, she turned around with her back to the counter and the heels of her palms on it.
“And just what do you think your going to do now.”
I pretended to be hurt. “I’m going to give you a kiss. Like I always do when I come home.”
She smiled at me. “I’m sorry baby,” she said. She put her hands on my shoulders and gave me a peck on the lips. I couldn’t help it, my cock was only four inches from her belly. Instinct took over and I thrust forward. I think the head went into her belly button.
She pushed me away and slapped my hip. “You bad, bad boy. Poking your Mother with that thing.” But her smile never left.
“I didn’t poke Mom. It was pulled. I think your the magnet creating the field.”
She giggled and said, “Two ego boosts in one day.”
She looked down at it, looked up at the clock, pulled tissues out of the box that was always on the counter and put them in my hands.
“Here, go to your room and take care of it. Your father will be home in about 15 minutes and you can’t have it waving around the house like that.”
Wow, Mom wanted me to jack-off. I would be in my room, she in the kitchen and both of us would know what I was doing. Remembering what she said about watching me when I was 16 I said, “I’ll do it here.”
“NO!” she said forcefully. “It takes me half an hour in the morning to get the image of it out of my head. If you do it here I’ll be a wreck and your father will keep asking me what’s wrong. Please baby, go to your room.”
“Alright, Mom,” I said and went to my room. I came back less then five minuets later with my cock limp and happy.
“That was fast,” Mom said. I looked at her eyes intensely and said, “I came up with a very good fantasy.” Something flared in her eyes, something I’d never seen before. She turned away and busily went back to making dinner. I reached out and put a hand on the side of her face. “Your beautiful, Mom. I love you.”
She looked at me and pressed her face against my palm. “I love you too, baby.”
“That’s the hand I used.” I told her. It took a few seconds for her to understand what I meant. When she did she pulled her head away and, smiling, said, “Get away from me you trouble maker. Let me finish dinner.”
I sat down at the dinner table and began to tell her about my day. Common everyday things. Me walking in with a hard cock and she telling me to jack off were washed away. After a few minutes she realized what I was doing and gave me a soft, loving look. When dad came home we were laughing about something one of my friends had said.
The next day. The next amazing morning. I laid on my bed naked with my hands under my head while Mom and dad did their morning thing. I thought about how things kept progressing each morning and wondered what today would bring. The sound of dad’s car had faded away and a few seconds later there was a knock on my door. I heard Mom say, “It’s me baby.” and the door opened.
Mom scanned me for a few seconds, shook her head slightly and I could just barely hear her say ”M-m-m.” Then she looked at my face and said, “Stay here for a while. Your father forgot to take his briefcase. I’m going to call him before he gets to far away. I’ll let you know when he’s gone.” She took one last look at me and left.
I heard her talking on the phone and then the front screen door opening and closing. She had put the briefcase on the porch steps. A few minutes later dad’s car came speeding back. He said, “Thanks.” Mom said, “Your welcome.” and then he sped off again. Mom waited till the sound of his car was gone and then closed and locked the front door. “He’s gone.” she called from the end of the hall.
I got up and got my clothes. My cock was so hard it almost hurt. When I got to the dinning room I stopped dead in my tracks. Every morning Mom wore a robe. A thick one in the winter and a light one in the summer. And now I could understand why. After dad got his briefcase she had taken her robe off and put it on the back of a chair. She was sitting with her arms crossed under her tits. She had a to-small, threadbare t-shirt on. I could see the color of her nipples, the areolas and the flesh around them.
There was no way I was going to leave that view. I put my clothes on the table and got a cup of coffee. I leaned against the counter on the dinning room side, sipping. We looked at each other, neither of us saying anything. Then I put the cup on the counter and stretched. The head of my cock turned dark red.
“Your just showing off now, aren’t you?” she said. I shrugged. Then she stretched. She may as well have been topless. It took willpower not to kneel in front of her and suck on her tits with that t-shirt on, leave two wet spots on the front of it.
“Now who’s showing off?” I said. She smiled and leaned back on her chair. And then the look I saw the day before came back into her eyes. She put her arms on the table, glanced at my cock and looked up.
“This may be an unusual request from me but yesterday, when I accidentally pushed your penis against your hip,” (we both smiled,) “it felt incredibly hard. Would you mind if I squeezed it to see if it was as hard as I thought?”
Mind!? Hell no I wouldn’t mind, I thought. “Sure, Mom.” I said and walked it to her outstretched hand.
She put her hand around it and squeezed. “My God, baby!” She put two fingers and a thumb on the sides and tested the hardness “There’s no give in it. No mushiness.” She put her hand around it again. Neither one of us wanted the contact to end. I started to fuck her hand.
“That feels so good, Mom. It’s been a long time since a woman has held it.”
She looked up. “Do you want me to stroke it a little for you?” A little?!
I must have nodded like a village idiot. She smiled and turned sideways in her chair, opening her knees. “Come here, baby.” she said and pulled me between them by my cock. She put one arm around me and started to slowly stroke. She pulled me tighter to her, kissed my belly and looked up at me.
“I can feel every muscle fiber in it.” she said and kissed my belly again. She watched her hand go up and down. “Your father hasn’t been this hard in years. Even when I su…Well, for a long time.”
There it was. Mom just told how she wanted this morning to go. It wasn’t a slip of the tongue, it was an offer. But I had to make sure. I put two finger under her chin and turned her face up. “You give dad blowjobs?” I asked.
She smiled, kissed my belly and looked up again. “Every generation thinks they discovered oral sex.” She looked down. “Of course I give your father blowjobs. If he’s been good. It’s a wife’s duty and,” she looked up, “I like doing it.” and looked down again.
Fuck me! My Mother, this hidden treasure I’ve lived with all these years likes to suck cock! But I had to be sure she would suck mine.
I turned her face up again. “Is it also a Mother’s duty when her son has been good?” That look again, this time stronger.
She looked down and said, “Baby, what I’m doing now isn’t a normal thing for a Mother to do. But if I were to..” she looked up. “..suck you..” she looked down, “it would change things between us and I don’t know how.”
When she looked at me and said ‘suck you’ I knew what that look was. Lust, it was bone melting lust that was in Mom’s eyes. I tried to come up with something to say that would push her over the edge to start blowing me but I didn’t have to. On one of her upward strokes of my cock a bead of clear pre-cum ended up on the tip. With a deep groan from some ancient part of her womanhood, Mom dropped her head and took my cock into her mouth.
Let me say that again in case you missed it. My Mother..willingly..eagerly..took my hard cock into her mouth. Those of you who have gotten blowjobs from your Mothers will understand when I say that there are few sexual experiences that can equal it. Those of you who haven’t, start asking for one. Or begging if you have to.
When Mom had control of my cock with her mouth she let go of the shaft and grabbed my hips. Then she went into a trembling, slow motion, cock-sucking frenzy. She went up and down on it but also from side to side and in circles. She wanted to feel her son’s cock in every part of her mouth.
I think I had an out of body experience. I could see the breakfast clutter on the kitchen counters, the dinning room table and me standing naked in front of Mom while her head moved around between my hips.
I came back into my body because I was going to cum. I told her so and she stopped moving her head around. She pulled back with just the head in her mouth, sucked harder and lashed the underneath of it with her tongue. And I came, harder then I’ve ever had before. I had to put my hand on the wall to keep from falling.
Mom swallowed everything I gave her. And when my cock was limp she put her lips at the base, tightened them and pulled up, getting whatever was left in the shaft. When she was finished she let go of my hips and must have sat back in her chair. I had my head thrown back trying to uncross my eyes.
“Do you have tomorrow morning free?” I said.
I felt her arms go around me and her chin on my belly. I looked down and two smiling faces came together into one happy woman. With a slight blush she said, “Why, would you like me to suck you again?” I’ve heard the word ‘suck’ often but it’s very erotic when your Mother says it. I nodded and she put a side of her face against my belly and hugged tight. She looked up again and said, “Stay in your room tomorrow after your father leaves. I’ll come to you.”
I must have done something the rest of the day but I don’t remember what it was.
The next morning it felt like dad took his sweet, fucking time getting out of the house. And it seemed just as long before Mom came, even though it was only a few minutes. I spent the time thinking “Mom is going to suck my cock! I’m gong to watch Mom suck my cock!” Finally there was a knock on the door and Mom opened it. She stood there in her t-shirt and shorts for a bit, looking at me laying on the bed, hard cock on my belly. “I was going to ask you if you’ve changed your mind but it looks like the answer would be no.”
She had a Mona Lisa smile on her face as she crawled over the bed on all fours. Sitting on her heels next to my thighs she rubbed me. Up one side of hips and belly then down the other. She pushed on a leg so I would open up a little. Then she put fingers under my balls and waved them till my balls were in her palm. She lifted them up and down, weighing them.
“You certainly have outgrown the words testicles and penis, baby. These are heavy, hairy man balls now.” She let go of them and grabbed my cock tight. “And this, mmm, this is a hard, dangerous looking cock that Mommy is going to tame with her mouth.” I smiled as she began to stroke it.
She gave it about five slow strokes and said, “My son’s cock. I get to play with my son’s cock.” Five more strokes and she looked up at me. “Do you know that most Mothers, if not all of us, have at least once thought of doing this.” She watched her hand, “We don’t say to each other that we want to play with our son’s cocks. But when they hit puberty we make comments and laugh about constant erections and stained sheets.” She looked at me. “And we all recognize what isn’t being said.”
That surprised me. “Did you think about playing with me when I was growing up?” I asked.
She used her other hand to rub my chest. “Oh, baby. There was more then pulling off your headphones that I wanted to do that day.” She let go of my cock and straightened up on her knees. “And now I’m going to do it.” she said and put a knee between my legs. I spread them and she put her other knee there. Then she took my balls in hand, leaned over and nuzzled them with her face. “Oh, my son’s hairy balls.” she said. She moved up and rubbed my cock across her face.
She was starting to get into a frenzy again but she caught herself. “Ooo, I’m going to take my time today.” She grabbed my cock and kissed up and down on it. She held it straight up and, looking at me, nibbled up and down the shaft saying, “I told you I’d bite it.”
She rubbed the underside of the head on her lips as she looked up at me. She got a smile on her face and kept rubbing it on her lips as she said, “If you want baby, I’ll be your personal cock-sucker till you find a girlfriend.”
All I could do was groan and nod my head. She took me in her mouth and bobbed up and down a few times and then looked up at me again. That lust was in her eyes. “I want us to do this a lot, baby.” and I was back into her mouth.
I closed my eyes and sighed deeply. Outside the house people were going about their lives, doing important things in their lives. But inside the house Mom and I were alone. The doors were locked, the curtains closed. Mom and I were alone in the quiet, still house and she and I were the only ones that knew what we were doing.
I watched her mouth, her lips. They pushed into her mouth when she went down and pulled out when she came up. Sexual need overcame me. I put my hands on the back of her head and told her to roll on her side. She unfolded herself, we ended up on our side and I started to fuck her mouth. She responded with equal need. She put a leg over mine and rubbed her shorts covered pussy on it. I could feel the heat and moistness. She put her free hand around my hip and grabbed an ass cheek. I lasted longer then the day before, not by much, and told her I was going to cum.
Instead of pulling back with just the head in her mouth, she went down to the root. She had her chin on my balls, her mouth full of my cock and her nose buried in my pubic hair. I’m sure my cum went straight down her throat.
That’s how it started. For the next two months we averaged about three blowjobs a week. More if dad was out of the house on weekends. She made sure she sucked me in every room of the house so she could have “a memory of it.” She even gave me a blowjob in her car while it was parked in the garage. She wanted to reminisce on her college years.
They were all memorable but some stand out. About the fifth one Mom had me on her bed. She was kneeling next to it doing the preparatory work of looking, stroking and nuzzling. I had a burst of love for her and said, “Why don’t you lay down Mom, let me pleasure you this time.”
Her smile stayed on her face but she got a sad look in her eyes that I didn’t understand. “Are you getting tired of my blowjobs baby?”
That floored me. I reached out around her waist and pulled her towards me. “Hell no! Silly woman. It’s just that all I’ve done is enjoy myself while you do all the work. I’m not giving anything back to you.”
It was a relief to watch the transformation on her face. She put a hand to my face and said, “You’re going to be a very good husband someday.” Then she got a big smile and kissed my chest. “Don’t worry about me not getting pleasure baby. For a woman with an oral fixation, being able to satisfy it on her son is the grand prize, the brass ring. Don’t worry about me not getting pleasure.”
Then she blushed. With my cock in her hand, and after giving me about five blowjobs, she blushed. “Plus, I’m comfortable with your penis, I mean cock. I used to wash it, I saw your first erection as a toddler. I called to your father and told him “Come look at your son.” Then she blushed again and got shy. “But if you were to touch me..there..I would be a different woman. I would need a weekend to recover and get used to it. Can you be OK with just blowjobs?”
“My beautiful Mother, you just gave me guilt-free permission to enjoy myself. Yes, I’m OK with “just” blowjobs.”
She smiled and looked at me for a few seconds. “You know what else I’m comfortable with?” I shook my head and then Mom performed one of the most sensual movements a woman can make. She crossed her arms at the waist, grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt and pulled it over her head. The peek-a-boo game her tits had played with me inside her t-shirts was over. There they were, full and round, two perfect Mom tits..
I love tits. I like to hold both of them in my hands with the nipples showing. Then I like to rub them on my face, sometime with just the nipples, other times smashed onto my face. I like to put the nipples together and suck on both of them at the same time. And I like to have a woman put her hands on either side of my head and have her move them back and forth on my face.
We spent about five minutes doing all those things. While she was dragging them across my face I asked her if I liked drinking out of one nipple more then the other. “The one that had milk in it.” she said. Then she took them in her hands and started rubbing them in my face harder.
“Oh, baby, I used to get so horny when I fed you.” Her eyes were glowing. “You like Mommy’s tits baby?” I groaned as she smashed them on my face and moved her shoulders around. “Oh my sweet baby, Mommy likes rubbing her tits on you.”
She straightened up and moved down to my hips, still holding her tits. “Mmm, I want to rub them on my son’s cock.” She started rubbing them on the shaft. “Oh God!” she said. She covered my cock and my balls, moving her tits around and making whimpering sounds. She finally let go of them, put a choke hold on the base of my cock and impaled her mouth on it, trembling again. About two minutes of that and I came.
Another morning I woke up to the occasional, unmistakeable slapping sound of doggy style fucking. Ten minutes later their bedroom door closed, mine opened and Mom rushed in, robe and nightgown flowing around her. I looked behind her. “He’s in the shower. I’m really horny today, baby.” she said while throwing my sheet off of me.
“I heard you and dad.” I told her.
“I did that for you to hear. You father kept telling me to stop pushing back, to be quieter.” She got my cock and rubbed it on her face saying, “When he leaves I’m going to get on my hands and knees on your bed and your going to fuck my mouth the way your father fucked my pussy.” She opened her mouth and shook my cock in it from side to side. She took a few quick sucks and let go of it. “I want the feel of your cock in my mouth while I make your father’s breakfast.” she said and left.
After dad drove off Mom came back a few minutes later. She stood at the foot of the bed and untied her rob slowly, letting it fall to the floor. Then she slipped one strap of her nighty off a shoulder then the other and shook her hips as it joined the robe.. She stood there just in panties. White, every day panties. But with her flat belly and delicious tits she made every day panties look sexy.
Cat-like, she crawled on to the bed, tits swaying. I got on my knees in front of her and told her to lick my cock. She took flat-tongue licks on the bottom of the shaft and then quick flicks under the ridge of the head. She stopped licking and told me to hold her head and “do me.”
I put both hands on her head and watched my cock spread her lips. I fucked in and out of her mouth slowly, enjoying the sight of my cock disappearing. After ten seconds of that she pulled off of my cock and shook her head free of my hands.
“No, baby. Nothing gentle. I want to feel your balls banging on my chin and your hair on my lips and nose. Fuck my mouth hard. I can take it.”
So I held her head again and this time I fucked. It’s liberating not to have to worry about going to deep or being to rough. “I thank every man who helped to train you for this.” I told her. I started fucking again, risking bruised balls. “If dad was different I could have come to your room this morning and done this while he fucked you. Oh my sweet Mother, if dad was different we could take turns fucking you Saturday mornings. You can lay on your bed and be gang-banged by your husband and son.”
I pulled her face into my crotch and shot my load. Holding my Mother’s face against me and spurting cum in her throat. When the last shot was done Mom did her after-ejaculation draining of the shaft.
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