
The Slave Trainers

undercover in the slave trade…

I was 21 years old, and had been working for a southwest sheriff’s department for a year, dealing primarily with runaways. i would track them down when possible and birng them back, but many were never found, never even seen or heard from again…

I was called into the office one day to meet a Federal Agent, who explained that a slavery ring was operating in the region, and that their leads were few and far between… ut they ahd one, and if I cold get close to this guy, and perhaps infiltrate their operation, then maybe we could save a few girls lives!

After a week of training and briefing, I was told to hunt downa nd get close to a guy called “WildFeather”… he had some Papago Indian in him, and fancied himself to be a throwback to the days of the warrior braves, and since the Papago were known for enslaving their conquered enemies, he felt that being part of a slavery operation made him closer to his heritage… but however he did it, he was good-looking and could get girls to sit and talk with him.

I found him in short order, and since I had money to blow on pot and booze, it wasn’t that hard to get close to him, and before I knew it we were hanging together all the time. He’d let me stay with him even when he was “working a girl”, as he called it, and over a couple of weeks, got to trust me enough to divulge bits of what he was doing, and let me watch how he did it.

He would tell them how sympathetic he was that they were so unhappy at home, and how he wished he could help them escape the dull or miserable existence they endured, and then he would merely suggest that if, they chose to run away from home, he could get them a place to stay and maybe help them to find a job, so they could stop being a kid and move into adulthood. On rare occasions, while I was with him, WildFeather would teasingly say to them, “Just come with me, baby… I’ll make you a sex slave and sell you to the highest bidder… ”

I was amazed that several girls would titter and blush when he said that, but then agree to run away that very night, or soon thereafter. Of course, they didn’t believe him… after all, slavery isn’t real, everyone knows that… and besides that would be illegal, wouldn’t it?

After a while, he let me meet the guy who took the girls off his hands… no names, of course, just meet him, and I was given the okay to start bringing in some girls myself. I emulated WildFeather… I would hang out in the places where kids hung out, the pinball rooms, pool halls (we didn’t have arcades then), coffee houses, malt shops, teen centers… I was only 21, and I looked young, which was why I got the job… I looked the part, with scroungy clothes and long hair, and girls seemed to find me easy to talk to. I never recruited a boy… but any girl over 13 was fair game, they said, and I worked hard to bring them in. WildFeather, they said, had brought in four to six girls each month; I brought in nine the first month and ten the second. For each girl I brought to our handler, whose name I learned was “Jack”, I was paid a thousand dollars cash.

Jack was a seemingly nice guy, an older man of about 60. He affected an air of a grandfatherly type, and he would reassure the girls that they would be comfortable and safe, “just come stay with me and the ol’ lady! She’ll love havin’ you there, don’t worry…” His manner and charm would put them at ease in minutes,

One night, after a girl named Pam that I had brought to him was safely in his car, he turned to me and said, “Boss says you’re doin’ a helluva job… wants to know if you might wanna move up? It’ll mean a lot more money, but you gotta be able to handle it… think you can? Gets kinda rough out there sometimes, it ain’t no kiddie camp!”

I knew this was the shot I’d been waiting for, so I rapidly agreed, and he told me to climb in the back seat. As he got behind the wheel, he told Pam that he had invited me out to his place for dinner, since his wife hadn’t seen me in a while. I was smart enough to play along.

“Hey, how’s she doin’ anyway, Jack? You tell ‘er I miss her good cookin’?”

“Sure did, Thunder,” he said, using the street name I was known by. “She tol’ me to get your butt out there to try some new recipe she got, and besides, if you ask me, I think she’s got a little crush on ya!” he laughed, and the girl in the front seat beside him giggled and blushed. “Hey, now, little girl, that ain’t funny… My wife got the hots for a younger man… that just ain’t funny!” But he was grinning and elbowing her in a friendly, conspiratorial fashion the whole time. “Why, if she runs off with ol’ Thunder, I might just have to get me a sweet little thing like you to keep me company! How about that, you wanna be ol’ Jack’s girl? Hmmm?” Pam tittered, and turned red, but didn’t answer and Jack let it go, talking to me about nonsensical things.

The ride was fairly long, almost three hours, and at one point I began to worry… I had not had a chance to let my superiors know where I was going, which was against the rules… but my gut instinct had said that if I did not jump enthusiastically at the chance, it would have raised suspicion. The thoughts running through my mind included the fear that my cover had been somehow blown, and that I would not be returning from this trip… but I played my part as if I was excited to be given a chance to get more deeply involved and make more money. Jack seemed relaxed, but then I knew that he was good at his job… and being relaxed and making the girls comfortable was part of it. What if he were playing me the same way?

When we arrived at the house, I was surprised at how big it was, but even more surprised at its remoteness. By this time, Pam was getting nervous herself, although neither Jack nor I had said anything about what was to happen to her. Perhaps she sensed that we were both being phony, each for our own reasons. I learned later that most girls got nervous by the time they got there.

We all climbed out of the car, and Jack grabbed the small bag she had brought with her, and led the way into the house. Inside, we were met by another man, rather than a lady who might have been Jack’s wife. Jack introduced us.

“Everett, this is Thunder… Thunder, Everett! Everett runs things here, and he’s the one wanted to see how you’d do.”

I stuck my hand out and Everett grabbed it in a firm grip. “Well,” he said, “you got the look about you… ready to find out what we do here?

“Yep!” I replied, giving his hand as firm a squeeze as I’d gotten. He let go, and turned to the girl. “Hey, missy… come to join us, have you?” She nodded timidly, and Everett turned to me.

“Bring her and follow me,” he ordered.

Instinctively, I reached out and took hold of her arm, not roughly, but firmly, and led her down the hall the way Everett had gone. Inside, the house seemed even bigger than it had from the outside, and there were doors and rooms everywhere. Everett turned into one room, opening the door, and we followed him… and the girl I had hold of began to cry.
There in the room in front of us was a large wooden frame, about eight feet tall and ten feet or more across. From it, hanging by bound hands over a hook, was another young girl. She was naked and gagged, and tears were streaming down her face as she whimpered as we entered the room.

The frame was the only thing in the room, and I noticed immediately that the walls and floor and ceiling were covered in some kind of plastic-looking coating. There was a drain in the middle of the floor, and a large hose, almost like a fire hose, was coiled up on the wall and connected to a big faucet.

Pam tried to turn and run, and I tightened my grip so that she couldn’t, fully aware that Everett and two other men were watching me closely. I kept my eyes on the girl hanging from the rack, and I’m sure that the shock on my face must have looked like excitement, and I felt myself grinning nervously.

Everett ordered, “Strip her, and if she fights, slap the fuck out of her!” I looked at him in surprise, then caught myself, knowing that if I failed, I probably would not leave here alive, so I turned to Pam and yanked her close, and ripped the t-shirt she had been wearing down the front, pulling at it til it tore enough to come off. She was screaming and fighting me now, and as I got the shirt off, I swung hard and slapped her open handed across her mouth, splitting her lip and making it bleed… and felt a thrill at what I had just done.

She froze and stared at me for a moment, and I looked at the flowered pants she wore, saw that they snapped in the front, and grabbed the snap and popped it, then began to pull down the zipper. She came alive again and began pushing at me, muttering, “No… No…”, but I slapped her again and she stopped. Her face went slack as she realized that the situation she was in could get even uglier if she fought me, and her shoes and pants were off in seconds.

She’d had no bra on, and her panties ripped apart with a single pull, and she was naked except for socks. I played a hunch and grabbed her hair and pulled her face close to mine. “Take the socks off, bitch!” I yelled in her face, and she shakily reached down with one hand to obey. I noticed a surprised look on Everett’s face from the corner of my eye, but it seemed I had pleased him by making her participate in her stripping.

Two other men stepped up and took Pam from me, dragging her towards the rack. I watched, transfixed, as she was bound with prepared slip-cuffs made of nylon rope, and hung on a hook beside the other girl. She was crying aloud, and one of the men stuffed a ball of cloth into her mouth and secured it with a scarf bound around her head. I looked at her, and saw the bruise-marks of my hand and fingers on her arm, and across her face, and she stared at me pleadingly as I watched… and again I felt that thrill, and let a smile settle into place as I turned back to Everett.

“Did I pass?” I asked him, looking him dead in the eye. He grinned, and nodded, then motioned for me to follow him out of the room.

We were sitting on comfortable chairs in what might have been a normal living room, and a woman had offered me a beer, which I had accepted. Everett sat directly across from me.

“So, you know what goes on here, right?”

“Got an idea,” I admitted. “I knew we were getting’ girls to be made into slaves, so I guess this is where you break ‘em?”

“Precisely correct. Here, they are broken the way you break horses, and I’m surprised you caught onto that so fast.”

“I’ve been around a bit… I know that to make a horse or a dog become obedient, they have to be broken, and then built back up to what you want them to be… figure it’s the same with people.”

He grinned at me, a simple grin like anyone might offer to someone they expected to like. ‘Well, you’re right… first we break their spirits, and then we make them into what we want them to be… whores and slaves. Think you got what it takes to be part of that?”

I thought hard for a moment, knowing that if I said I didn’t, I would probably be dead before morning.

“ I do… to be honest, I got a big kick outa rippin’ that girl’s clothes off…”

“You got one when you slapped the shit out of her, too, I saw it on your face.” He was still grinning.

I nodded, as if just considering it myself. “Yeah… yeah, I did…. Turned me on a bit, to be honest. Sick bastard, ain’t I?” and I grinned right back at him.

He shook his head. “Not really. Most men enjoy being rough with a woman, which is why there’s so much money in this business. Most countries nowadays don’t allow it… so men who can afford it and want it buy slaves that they can keep locked away and secret, and that’s where we come in.”

He leaned towards me. “I need a groom, someone to take care of the girls once they’re broken. It means you’d be cleaning them, watching them… you’d make sure they’re all locked up whenever we aren’t training them and see that they eat and wash and all that stuff. Interested?”

“Sure,” I nodded, “just show me what to do!”

He looked me up and down then. “You’re pretty young… been I the Army or anything?” I nodded. “Well, then you’re not a baby… you got some idea of what all goes on in the world. Ever get into any kinky sex shit?”

Something twitched at the back of my mind then, and thought of several rather kinky things I’d done… “Yeah…” I said, a little shy about it.

“Well, you’re gonna see things here that’ll make whatever you’ve done in the past look like nothing! It’s all part of the training, and there will be times you may have to be part of it yourself… any problem with that?”

I have long thought that, from the look on Everett’s face, I must have turned red at that point, but I assured him that a little kink wasn’t going to bother me.

“Good… I think you just might work out! Of course, you get some fringe benefits… once the girls are broken, you can fuck any of ‘em you want… any way you want. The more you use ‘em, the better they’ll learn what they are and what they have to do, so don’t be shy about it!”

At that point, my own training for the job of groom began. Everett explained to me that as soon as each girl arrived, she was stripped and hung, just as I had seen done to Pam. They were left hanging there until they fouled themselves, because it humiliated them to piss and shit while hanging there exposed.

Once that happened, they would be hosed off like animals, then taken down and carried to a shower room, where they would be hung up again under a showerhead. It would then be my job to wash them clean, after which they would each be raped… repeatedly, and by several different men, but not by me… over a period ranging from three days to two weeks. This, he explained, would serve to further break them, as they were horribly sexually abused.

Each night, it would be my job to clean them up, be nice to them, sympathize, but encourage them to accept their training so that they would not have to continue to suffer the punishments they would get for resistance. Girls who did not break during that time, I was to tell them, would be killed… although I was assured that this was not true, it was merely a way to speed the breaking process. These girls had to be brought to the point of utter despair, convinced that their old lives were gone forever… so that they could let go of them and accept their new fates.

In addition to being raped, the girls were all subjected to what I considered to be extreme punishments each day until they began to embrace their new enslavement. The punishments ranged from simple spanking, like an unruly child, to being bound and whipped, with one of the nastiest cat-o-nine-tail whips I’ve ever seen!

This whip was a bullwhip, but at the end, instead of the simple cracker found on most bullwhips, there were nine leather thongs, and each of them was tipped with a tiny metal rasp. The rasps would leave deep welts when swung lightly, painful welts that would continue to sting sometimes for days… but when a girl was lashed by Everett, the whip was swung with all the force he could muster, and those rasps would leave deep, bleeding grooves in that fair human flesh! Each girl got at least one such beating by Everett, the first day after she came off the rack… and few ever allowed herself to get a second.

During their breaking, the girls were kept as uncomfortable as possible, and I was instructed in how to secure them when they were not in training. The first couple of days, they were to be caged, and I was shown the large heavy wire mesh cages that had been built for the purpose… there were twenty-two cages in the basement of the house, and at that time, there were six girls being housed in them.

Another nine girls were already past breaking, but only just, and they were granted the privilege of sleeping on pallets in a large room on the second floor… but they wore metal collars around their necks, and these collars, locked in place with padlocks that left bruises on them at times, were chained to bolts set into the studs of the walls. Each of them had a covered bucket next to her pallet, where she could use the bathroom, in full view of all the others in the room. They were allowed no privacy at all, and no clothing… a slave has no rights, and is not a person, they were taught… therefore needed no privacy and had no reason for any kind of modesty.

By the time we finished the tour of the house, it was nearly two o’clock in the morning, and Pam had been hanging for almost three hours. We stopped in the rack room, and looked at the two girls hanging there.

Pam looked at us, and the pleading I had seen in her eyes before was gone, replaced by the darkest look of hatred I had ever seen. The other girl appeared at first to be unconscious, but when Pam began to grunt what were probably obscenities at us, she stirred and opened her eyes. I saw that she had pissed herself… there was a wet line down the inside of her legs, and a puddle on the floor under her. Her eyes seemed vacant.

“Girl you brought in still has some fight left in her,“ Everett said. “The other one’s been there since about noon, and she’s made it to the point she knows this isn’t a bad dream.”

I looked at the first girl, and saw that while she was pretty, she was probably younger than Pam, who was sixteen. “What’s her name?” I asked.

Everett looked at me oddly. “They don’t have names, except whatever you wanna call ‘em. The first thing we have to do here is de-humanize them, so whatever their name was before, you can bet they’ll never hear it again! All we call them is ‘bitch’ or ‘cunt’ or whore’ or ‘slave or shit like that.

“Now, as the groom, you can give ‘em names if you want, but it won’t matter once they leave here… their Masters will name them whatever they want them to be called.”

He walked up to where Pam hung, and she tried once to kick out at him, but he caught her foot in his left hand, with his right, slapped the soft inner flesh of her thigh so hard that tears sprang instantly to her eyes. “Little girl,” he said, “You need to get it through your head that your life is over. Mommy and Daddy are gone, and can’t help you, your friends are all gone and can’t help you, you are all alone except for us! Now, Thunder here will be taking care of you later on, so I wanted you to know that the reason I made him strip you naked is because I needed to know if he could do it… but from here on out, he’ll be nice to you… most of the time.” He slapped her across her face, very hard. “That’s just a taste of what you’ll be getting later.”

He turned back to me. “It’s late. Jack’ll take you back to Tucson. I’m sure you’re smart enough to know that if you talk, we’ll find out and you’ll be dead.” I nodded. “Gather up whatever clothes and stuff you need to bring with you, and meet up with Jack tomorrow night. He’ll lead you back here. Plan on just staying here with us from now on, okay?”

“You got it,” I agreed, and we headed back to where Jack was dozing in a chair.

It was almost dawn by the time I got back to my place, and I slept most of the day. About five, I got up and showered, packed up my clothes and headed into the city to find a pay phone.

Sgt. Perrin, my direct contact with the state, answered. “It’s Bill from Poughkeepsie,” I said, using my code name.

“Hey, Bill, how’s it hangin’?” That phrase was an indication that my cover was intact as far as they knew.

“Been bumped upstairs… I’m going into the training house tonight, to be the “groom”, take care of the kids and lean ‘em and feed ‘em and such.” I gave him the names of the people I’d met, all first names only at the time, and a rough description of the house and where I thought it was located. He put me on hold while he consulted with someone above him, and then came back on the line.

“Okay, go on in and keep it together.

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