The Shortest Skirt in School Part 01
The Shortest Skirt in School Part 01
Sex Story Author: | vanessa.evans |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I was going to tease him. A few days later my new clothes arrived and I rushed |
Sex Story Category: | Exhibitionism |
Sex Story Tags: | Exhibitionism, Female exhibitionist, Fiction, Written By Women |
The Shortest Skirt in School
by Vanessa Evans
Part 01
I guess that it started when puberty hit me when I had just turned 14. Yes, puberty hit me much later than all my friends at school and I was so relieved when I woke up one morning and realised that blood was seeping out of my vagina. I had started to believe that my parents or maybe my brother had been sneakily giving me some puberty blockers.
Anyway, I was having my first period and I was happy. I was also in some pain.
I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to where I was expecting my mother to be and told her my good news.
“Oh right, they told you what to expect and what to do about it at school I assume?” My mother asked.
“Yes mum.” I replied.
“Off you go then Simone, you don’t want to miss the school bus do you?”
“No mum.” I replied as I dejectedly turned and walked back upstairs.
You see my mother, and my father didn’t really care for me, I was a girl and I had overheard mum telling Mike, my 16 year old brother, that they had wanted 2 boys, not one of each. That revelation had explained a few things to me, like why they were so distant with me. Things that I had got used to.
Thankfully, Mike is a good brother and he has always shown more interest in me than either of my parents. He spends time with me, helping me with my home work, playing games with me and it was him who taught me to swim in our pool.
Oh, by the way, I’m Simone or Si, dependent on who you are and if you want to annoy me or be friendly towards me. I’m skinny with shoulder length dirty blonde hair that I often wear up in pony tail. At that time my breasts couldn’t really be called breasts as I was only just starting to get little lumps under my nipples.
I guess that I should say that my parents both have good jobs that take them away from home a lot and my monthly allowance has always been quite generous, probably just to keep me off their backs.
In the last year or so, Mike has been particularly attentive to me, especially when Lizzy, my BFF was around for the day or even sleepovers. I didn’t realize it at the time but he got more attentive when Lizzy’s body started developing. He played games in the pool with us, and card or board games on an evening after Lizzy and I had changed into our sleepwear.
Looking back I guess that it was only natural, he was an older teenage boy and Lizzy’s body was developing nicely.
We had a live-in babysitter cum full time housekeeper until a couple of years ago when my mother decided that I was old enough to be left on my own when Mike wasn’t at home. Now, a cleaner comes in twice a week to do the washing and cleaning and an oldish man who comes once a week in the Spring, Summer and Autumn to do the garden and look after the pool.
We live in a nice house in the suburbs of a big city, mum and dad having an en-suite bathroom and Mike and me sharing the other bathroom. We have a small swimming pool that is great for when the weather is warm and I love swimming and sunbathing when I have nothing better to do. The house has neighbours but their houses are about 50 metres away and at the bottom of the garden, at the other side of the pool, is a wooded area that gives the pool man a lot of leaves to take out of the pool.
Anyway, I told my girl friends at school my good news and they were all pleased for me, Lizzy telling me that I should go and see my doctor and get put on the pill. She also tried to take some bets on how big my tits would grow before the next school year started in 4 months time. I’ve never been a fan of big breasts since I saw some older women with huge breasts that looked quite painful to me so I hoped that mine would grow no bigger than my mother’s which are a B cup.
Life went on for a few weeks with me checking my breasts every day to see if they’d got any bigger and me being disappointed that I couldn’t see any change in their size.
I made my own appointment to see my doctor and didn’t even tell my mother that I was going. I just knew that all she would say would be words to the effect of,
“Oh, right, okay.”
The girls as school that were on the pill didn’t tell me that the doctor would want to examine me and I was surprised when he poked and prodded my breasts and my pussy. My eyes opened wide when he was poking my pussy and I got a nice warm feeling as he did so.
As I was walking home I remembered Lizzy and other girls saying that they got all tingly when they touched their pussy and Lizzy said that she’d had what she assumed was an orgasm when she’d played with her little clitoris. Ms Johnson had explained things like that in our sex education classes and I had felt a little backward when I’d told Lizzy that I hadn’t even explored ‘down there’.
The doctor touching me had made me think about such things and that night when I went to bed I took my knickers off and explored myself with my fingers. It felt good.
The next morning I propped up a mirror between my legs and watched myself exploring. That was the first time that I really discovered my clitoris. The lump of skin near the front of my slit was definitely a lot bigger than the last time that I’d looked at myself, and playing with it as I watched felt nice, really nice.
The other things that I noticed was that the flesh at the sides of my pussy and the front of my slit felt a but meatier. I thought that I must be putting on weight and swore that I’d eat less. The other thing was that my slit and pubic bone appeared to me growing forward, getting more pronounced.
I didn’t put my knickers back on under my T-shirt when I went down to get myself some breakfast. I wasn’t exposed or anything because the T-shirt was a long one designed to be a nightdress. It did feel nice being without knickers in parts of the house that I had never been undressed in before.
Over the next few weeks I started to notice changes in me, not only my body which was turning more womanly instead of being straight up and down., but in my mind as well. I started becoming obsessed with my breasts, my pussy and the rest of my body. I had my first proper orgasm as I played with my growing lump of skin at the front of my slit. I discovered that I could pull the hood back to reveal another lump, my clitoris that was even more sensitive than the rest of my pussy.
Once I had that first orgasm I wanted more and started trying for orgasms every opportunity that I could.
I started sleeping without knickers or nightdress and it felt good, only putting a nightdress on to go down for breakfast.
As well as the above, I realised that I liked what was happening to my body. I’d noticed that some of the girls at school had got all shy and tried to hide their bodies as much as they could, even skipping the showers after PE. Me, I was the reverse. Stripping had never been an issue for me and when puberty finally hit me I liked what was happening to my body and I was proud of it. At the end of PE lessons I’d proudly strip naked and walk to the showers.
I’d often got a few nasty comments about my lack of, then the very small tits, from the unpleasant girls but I didn’t care. They’d started growing and I was proud of them.
When I noticed that a few pubic hairs had started growing I had a decision to make. Most of the girls at school removed their pubic hair, some bragging about how they shaved them off or plucked them out. One girl bragging that her parents had bought her a laser hair remover. I looked at the girls who had full bushes and didn’t like what I saw so I decided to get rid of mine.
The next time that daddy was at home for a meal I asked him if I could order something that I wanted from amazon. Without even asking me what I wanted he let me take photographs of his credit card so that I could use it. All he said was,
“Be sensible using it. I’ll get you a card of your own but if you abuse it I’ll cancel it.”
Three days later my very own laser hair remover arrived and was put into use that evening. I’ve been bald ‘down there’ ever since.
The other thing that I noticed around that time was that I became more aware of the clothes that I wore. Until then I’d just worn the clothes that I had, most of them being young girl’s clothes. Our school doesn’t have a uniform policy and I’d never heard of anyone being sent home for what they were wearing. Most of the girls in my class wear clothes designed for older teen girls, most of them wearing jeans.
I had some jeans at home but I have never been a fan of jeans or shorts, much preferring skirts and dresses.
The next time that my mother was at home I asked her if I could have some new clothes, clothes that were more appropriate for a teenage girl. Thankfully she understood where I was coming from and she let me photograph her credit card but gave me a similar warning to what daddy had given me. I went online and started shopping.
I looked at the models wearing teenage girl’s clothes and couldn’t help notice that most of them wore short skirts, their bare legs looking good. I wondered what I would look like in skirts that short. I stood in front of a full length mirror and experimented holding my skirt higher and higher up my thighs.
Giggling a little to myself I held the skirt so that my knicker covered pussy was showing and wondered what people would say if I wore a skirt that short. As I was studying myself I realised that my pussy and nipples were tingling. I started thinking about male teachers and older, cute boys at school seeing me like that. Then my brother, Mike, and even my father seeing me like that. My pussy was feeling good, really good.
Then, without even thinking, I lifted my skirt to my waist and pulled my knickers down and off, then pulled my skirt back up to where it had been, revealing my now bald pussy. I stared at myself for a good minute then fell back onto my bed and started rubbing my clit.
Two minutes later I had what was at that time, the best, most intense orgasm that I had ever had.
Al I lay there, my breathing starting to slow and my brain starting to work again, I realised that the thought of men seeing my bald pussy was a real turn-on for me and I started to imagine me being in school wearing a skirt that short with no knickers. My tingling got stronger and the fingers on my right hand started getting busy again.
After my second orgasm withing 30 minutes, my brain was still thinking about the teachers seeing my bare pussy when I heard a noise in the house. I got up, went and closed the bedroom door then went back to my online shopping. Although I only stopped browsing when I got to pages of models wearing very short skirts.
I ordered half a dozen skirts, the longest could be called a miniskirt, the shortest, a short microskirt. I also ordered some G-strings, all of them see-through to one extent or another. I was sick of the old granny style knickers that my mother had bought me and if anyone was going to see up my skirt and see my knickers I wanted them to see my pussy.
I also ordered some new tops made of thin material and in designs that I thought looked good on the teenage girl models.
Even though my breasts were starting to grow I never even considered buying some bras. I’d only ever worn a bra (of sorts) when mum bought me a little girl’s bikini and I had no intention of starting to wear one unless me breasts got big and unmanageable.
I spent the rest of that day wearing just a T-shirt that was knee length. It felt good being knickerless and I vowed to not wear knickers most days, even when I went to school.
My first knickerless day at school felt good to start off, but I soon forgot about being knickerless and only remembered when I saw boys or teachers staring at my legs, bare below my knees..
It was only when I saw a teacher staring at my bare legs as I sat on the front row in the classroom that I started thinking about the way girls sit. Although my mother had never said anything to me about always crossing my legs when I sat, I’d noticed that some of the girls had started crossing their legs and I’d started doing the same some of the time.
Until I saw that teacher staring at my legs I’d never even considered why girls crossed their legs. As I looked around the classroom I realised that nearly all the girls who were wearing short skirts were crossing their legs. I remembered looking at myself in the mirror when I’d held my skirt above my pussy and I remembered the nice feelings that I’d had.
Even though I was wearing a knee length skirt because my new ones hadn’t arrived, I opened my knees a bit and felt the fresh air on my pussy which started to tingle.
I looked around and saw the few girls that were wearing a skirt as long as mine. All of them were sat with their knees not crossed and slightly apart.
“I bet that they are all wearing knickers.” I thought and smiled to myself.
I saw the teacher look at my legs again and wondered just how far up my legs he could see. As I watched him looking at me I saw that his face looked as if he was concentrating on something. It could have been him just concentrating on the boring history lesson or it could have been because he was straining to see if he could see more of me.
I doubted that he could see my pussy but I decided that when my new skirts came I would be knickerless in his class and that I would sit with my knees apart.
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