
The Rest Stop_(1)

The following story is a work of fiction and fantasy only. Descriptions of sexual encounters between adults and minors may be contained, so those who are offended in any way by such situations are strongly encouraged to read no further. The author in no way encourages the practice of sexual relations with members of either gender who are under the minimum age prescribed by law in there locality. Regardless if you do or do not have respect for such regulations that state that a person must wait until a particular birthday to engage in behavior that nature has prepared them for many years earlier, these laws, like any others, must be obeyed.
In addition, actual names of any persons living or dead which may be used is completely coincidental

The Rest Stop
BY A.T.Driver
While I am not one of those guys who spends every waking minute searching for young girls to have my way with, or my sleeping moments dreaming of it, I have always had a passion for girls in what has come to be called there tween years, with the ages of eleven and twelve falling into that category. Occasionally a girl a little younger than that will catch my eye, but not much younger. While I have no respect for the laws of man, where some arbitrary age establishing when a girl has rights over her body was pulled out of the hat, I do respect the laws of nature. I do not force myself on girls who’s own bodies have not yet developed to the point that they themselves already have sexual urges.
While I don’t actually go out looking for young girls, I never pass up an opportunity to spend some quality time with one of them if such an opportunity is presented to me. The encounter I am going to share with you was just one of those opportunities. I drive a truck over the road in what is referred to as a forty eight state irregular operation. That simply means I go everywhere with no established regular run. I had stopped one afternoon at one of those interstate highway rest areas you all have seen hundreds of times. Even if I was the type to search out young girls, a highway rest area would probably be one of the least productive places to search since although you will see many cute girls there, they are traveling with parents or other adult guardians. That is why it was a surprise when such an opportunity presented itself at one of them.
I had parked my truck and was entering the main building to answer the call, holding the door for a very attractive woman and her daughter who where exiting the structure. I knew the girl had to be her daughter because she was carbon copy of her mom. I judged her to be somewhere between eleven from her facial features and possible as old as thirteen by her height. I was leaning towards the younger side though since the mother didn’t look like she could be past thirty. Of course I once knew a thirty year old woman who had a seventeen year old daughter so who knows. As I said before, the mother was very attractive and the daughter looked just like her so she caught my eye immediately. Of course I knew in such a situation the best I could hope for was a quick glimpse of her sexy little rump as she departed.
Both where brunettes with brilliant blue eyes and bodies that would give a monk a hard on. The only difference between the two was breast size, and not a lot of difference there since the mother was somewhat small breasted herself, which is what I prefer. No sag boobs. The daughter had none at all that I could perceive behind a loose fitting tee shirt. Booth had nice trim waist and hips that tapered into very long legs, the mother being about five foot ten inches tall and the daughter not much shorter. Both where wearing those terry cloth shorts that fit a little on the loose side but could not conceal there very nice round firm butts. They both smiled, the mother saying thank you for my holding the door. The daughter just said hi and smiled sweetly when she noticed I was looking her over as well as her mom. I guess, even as pretty as she was, she was use to taking a back seat to her beautiful mother when it came to admiring looks from men. I said, you ladies have a nice day, and I thought that was the end of it.
Once I had completed my chores in the men’s room and was heading back to my truck, I noticed the pretty pair leaning against the hood of an older car that was directly in my path. The mother appeared to be counting some money and as I approached I heard her say, I’m sorry Rachael but I’m going to have to. After that break down we don’t even have enough left to fill the car with gas. About time I was passing within ten feet or so from them the mother directed her voice towards me. Sir, she asked, I hate to ask you this but is there any way you could help us, just enough to get some gas and maybe enough for some dinner?
Now this is something that those of us on the road hear almost every day. Sometimes when you pull in to a rest area or truck stop, they are chasing you down with there hands out before you can even set your parking brake. Many may think drivers are heartless when they walk right on by and ignore them, but when you are hit up so often, well, a driver only has so much money too. Normally I too just ignore these people, but on many occasions, when there is a family involved, I will follow them to the nearest station and pay for there gas directly or pay for them a meal. What I do not do though is hand them cash.
I was about to make such an offer when she continued, we don’t take handouts or charity though, but if you have a bunk in your truck, I’m willing to earn it. This is not an unusual thing to happen in such places either, but the proposition normally comes from some strung out junkie who last saw better days a long time before. That was not the case here. Not only was this woman gorgeous, she also had that clean scrubbed sweet heart look that would bring to mind a camp fire girls leader rather then a hooker. And she was making such a proposal right in front of her equally clean scrubbed sweet heart looking daughter.
The surprise must have registered on my face because she added, I don’t do this very often, only when we desperately need the money, but our car broke down in Knoxville and it took almost everything we had to fix it. I have never in my life utilized the services of a prostitute and had no intentions of doing so now, and was about to tell her that I would be happy to help them but no such pay back would be required when the daughter chimed in. She had seen me checking her out so she volunteered as well. If you like younger girls better, she said, I’ll earn it too.
Rachael no, cried out her mother in alarm. No way, she continued, it’s bad enough I have to do this sometimes but you have never been with a guy at all before. Your still a virgin for christ sake. We where having this discussion, although I had said nothing yet, on a sidewalk in a public rest area. Although I knew no one else had heard any of this, I did see a mini van pulling into the space two spots down from us. I finally spoke. Woe, woe ,woe, I said, while holding up both hands, Let’s all go out to my truck, I have a large sleeper with a complete kitchen and plenty of food. We’ll sit down, have a sandwich, and discuss all this in private, no strings attached.
After having said that I just started walking to the truck without waiting for a reply. They followed. I could still hear them talking to each other but couldn’t make out what they where saying. I assumed it was an argument over the daughters offer. My suspicion was confirmed when I stopped to unlock the door and they closed distance enough for me to hear the mother tell the daughter, I still don’t like it but if your sure I wont stop you either. There was a temporary interlude in any dialogue when they got into the truck as they where in awe at it’s size. I have a custom built sleeper that more resembles a luxury motor coach than what most would expect to see in truck. My god, said the mother, you could live in here. I do, I informed her, at least I spend more time here than in my apartment at home.
All discussion of there financial problems and suggested remedy was put on the back burner when I ask if they like grilled ham and cheese while getting out the griddle. A few minutes later I sat the plates on the table with sandwiches, chips, and some sliced tomatoes. I was pleasantly surprised when Rachael slide in beside me, with her mother taking a seat across from us. Girls are very intuitive even if not experienced, and Rachael had already sensed that I was at least attracted to her as much as I was her mother.
I had heard Rachael called by name earlier, and by the time we had finished our meal I had learned that the mothers name was Marie. I was informed, after asking few questions, that Marie was twenty seven years old and Rachael would be twelve in another three weeks. My own calculations told me that Marie had given birth when she only fifteen years old. I also knew now that they where on there way to San Diego with plans of making it a permanent move. Marie told me that she had saved every nickel she could till she was sure they would be able to get there and have a months living expenses when they arrived. Then the transmission had gone out in there car, which also contained all of there wordily possessions. Between the cost of repairs and two days in a motel, they where now down the thirty eight dollars and less than half a tank of gas. By the way, they where still in Tennessee. Two thousand miles from San Diego.
I thought about it for a few minutes before making my offer. Finally I said, You strike me as a very honest and sincere person so here is what I will do. It just so happens that I live in San Diego and am on my home with this load. I don’t know if you noticed, but there is enough room on my trailer for your car. As you can see, there is plenty of room for all of us in this truck. It has it’s own bathroom and shower, but it is a little to cramped in there to be used as a dressing room. There is even a clothes washer and dryer. You have already seen the kitchen area, and the table we are sitting at folds up so a queen sized bed can fold down out of the back wall. There is however, only that one bed so privacy will be almost impossible.
They where both so relieved and excited that someone was willing to help them so much that they where almost jumping up and down. Once they calmed down a little, Marie said, the one bed is no problem, at least you have one so I, she paused, or I guess Rachael if you prefer, or both of us have a place to repay you for your generosity. Oh no, I responded to her, my offer to help you is not conditional. You are obligated to do nothing. Then I smiled and said, don’t get me wrong, you are both very attractive and I don’t think many men would not be attracted to you, but I don’t believe in making women do anything they don’t want to. Now should you decide you want to, without thinking you owe it to me, well, I am a man.
Marie looked me straight in the eye and said, I told you earlier that I don’t do that very often and it was the truth. Even at that, I have never propositioned any man, that I would not have done the same thing with anyway. So yes, I want to do this. As she had been speaking, Rachael had slide a hand onto my lap under the table and was trying to acquaint herself with what she may find there. Marie went on, and if my daughters hand is where I think it is, she wants to as well. And we both already know you like the young ones.
Rachael blushed at the announcement, but did not move her hand. I put my arm her and she snuggled tight against me as I kissed her forehead. Alright, I admitted, I do like the young girls, but in many cases, I added while looking at Marie, I can be excited just as much by there mothers. Rachael had increased the vigor of her explorations and was now feeling as much of my hardening cock as she could thru my shorts. How did you know it though, I asked, I hadn’t even tried to touch Rachael. The young girl answered for her mom. Because I told her you did. Mom has taught me since I was a little girl how to spot the guys who like young girls.
Marie defended herself by saying, I taught you that though, so you would know which guys to stay away from. Not so you could feel them up under the table. Rachael giggled and said, but I’m not a little girl any more and he’s cute. That he is, agreed Marie, that he is. So your ok with it, I asked looking at Marie, if a grown man makes love to your daughter? I wouldn’t be ok with just any man doing it, Marie answered, but I didn’t see you trying to make any moves on her. This is something she wants to do. If I hadn’t decided to allow it before though, the way you asked that made up my mind. You asked about making love to her rather than just fucking her.

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