
The Resort – The Odyssey of Sweet Rachel

The Resort – The Odyssey of Sweet Rachel

Rachel entered the large room through two heavy wood oak doors that opened in the middle. The sign just outside the door said Spa Retreat. “It was just as the brochure had shown,” she thought to herself, but only nicer.
Rachel had never been to a resort before; and was surprised by the spaciousness of what she imagined a simple spa room might look like.
“This room is bigger than my entire house,” she said softly while standing in semi awe. She thought it reminded her of pictures she had seen of celebrity homes; or maybe something out of a magazine spread for “Architectural Digest.”
The room was a very large space spanning at least forty to fifty feet across. Looking towards the ceiling Rachel estimated it must have been at least two stories high but maybe higher. She counted at least ten elegant chandeliers gracefully hanging in different spots to provide all the lighting this space would ever need. Walking slowly around the room she observed all of the décor to be of very high quality. She periodically ran her hands over the expensive looking furnishings as she strolled past. She noticed two large wood etched pillars that stretched from floor to ceiling that seemed to be supporting the structure. Both looked like they were placed in a perfect location to frame the ocean view leading out to the terrace that one would immediately see when they entered the room.
The space had one wall that was half moon shaped or circular, with large windows following the entire length of its gentle curve. Each window stood at least twelve feet high and six feet across with little to no wall space separating them. This created the appearance of one continuous window that followed the entire contour of the wall. They were also two large French glass doors that split the curved wall in half, leading out to a beautiful stone terrace that had views of the blue ocean for miles in every direction.
The floor of the room was no less ornate. It consisted of thick high end glossy stone tile, with elaborate designs etched into the center of each stone. Rachel thought it was similar to something she had seen in an art book depicting a Roman bath house from centuries ago. The rest of the space was just as exquisite with high end art on the walls, and statues perfectly placed in every nook and cranny of this palatial retreat.
Rachel could not help herself from the nagging feeling that she did not belong. She worried that there might be some unforeseen etiquette she was not following due to her being out of her element. She compared it to her first glass of wine at a fancy restaurant, when the waiter unexpectedly handed her the cork to smell as is customary; with her having no clue on what to do with it.
“Relax girl, you’re on vacation. Get out of your head,” she said quietly but out loud; trying to calm her sudden anxiety.
A steady breeze was cutting through the room through the open terrace doors. It brought with it an ocean fragrance that was delighting Rachel’s senses. She paused and took a deep breath filling her lungs with the clean fresh air.
Scanning the room some more, she saw one large massage table nearest to one of the windows facing out to the ocean; and two smaller ones nearby. Just a few feet away there was a spread of what looked to be various tropical fruits and mini sandwiches placed decoratively on a table. There was three clear glass pitchers of different colored liquids with drinking glasses stacked neatly nearby. She walked up closer to the table to see if anything appealed to her and noticed the fruit spread was coated with a white sugary glaze that looked very edible. In the background she could hear soft Hawaiian or Calypso style music that seemed to perfectly round out this beautiful set up.
Rachel immediately found her hips swaying a bit as she stood looking out the doors to the ocean. She started to quietly hum along with the catchy tune playing softly in the background, as she strolled some more around the premise. She reminded herself to inquire who the artist on the recording was when she was leaving; thinking it would make for a nice memory of the trip when she returned home. The music seemed to have a way of calming her nerves while she continued to immerse herself in the sights and sounds of everything around her.
Rachel then walked through the French doors leading her outside onto the stone terrace. She looked out at the water and wondered if Tim was anywhere in sight. She never thought of him as much of a fisherman, but how could he pass up the opportunity to fish off a beautiful luxury yacht for free. Fishing was not her thing; and he never mentioned it as something he was interested in. But she did hope he was enjoying himself.
Rachel took in another deep breath, filling her lungs with the ocean breezes that were softly pampering her body. She thought about the resort restaurant where she and Tim had attended dinner last night soon after their arrival on the island. She smiled to herself pondering the unlikely events of the evening that brought her to this point of good fortune.
“A small mistake on a dinner order,” she shook her head in disbelief while pondering the thought.
Rachel and Tim had both just sat down to dinner and ordered the lobster, but both orders came back wrong. She received a Tuna dish of some sort, and Tim got Sea Bass.
She laughed to herself with the over the top response they received from the owner when they told their waiter of the error. The restaurant manager was so apologetic they both ended up feeling uncomfortable, and wished they had said nothing. The incorrect dishes looked very tasty anyway. They figured they should have just ate what was placed before them and been happy with that.
“Sir…Madam….I want to apologize for such a blatant and disrespectful error.” said the manager, who Rachel could not recall his name. “I assure you this is not common place in our humble establishment, and you will be compensated greatly for your inconvenience.” the manger continued.
Rachel was the first to respond. “Really, it’s no big deal.” offering a genuine smile. “It’s ok,” pausing for a second. “It’s just a small little mistake,” she continued in a very sympathetic tone.
Tim agreed while gently waving his hand indicating it was ok. “It’s really alright,” he said following Rachel’s sentiment.
The manger quietly whispered instructions to the waiter who was patiently standing nearby; then both turned and walked back into the kitchen after thanking Rachel and Tim for their kindness.
Shortly thereafter the waiter re appeared perfectly balancing a large circular tray on one of his broad shoulders. Rachel’s first thought was how easy he appeared to control such a large platter with little to no effort. She quickly moved to assist him by pushing the tables’ decorative center piece to one side allowing him easier access to the space. He then gracefully placed each oversized plate in front of the eager couple. This feat of acrobatics was all done under the watchful eye of the manger who stood just a few feet back.
“Why, thank you madam,” the waiter stated acknowledging her assistance.
Rachel smiled and looked wide eyed at the feast placed before her.
“You are so welcome,” she cheerfully responded.
The Lobster was beautiful and large. She clumsily tried to guess how much it might weigh, but figured it had to be at least ten pounds. It was a bright red color, and had very large claws that she was eager to taste its contents. The magnificent delicacy was placed in the center of a large plate resting on top of some type of wild rice. The outer edges of the plate were lined with various pineapple wedges and coconut slivers that looked so fresh they may have just been picked directly from the tree.
The manger soon approached asking “Is everything to both of your liking now?” while standing with his feet together leaning forward with both hands clasped behind his back.
Tim spoke up immediately, “Wow, this looks great.” “Thank you.”
“You’re so very welcome sir,” the manger smiled, seemingly happy now that there order was correct.
“And you madam, is all to your satisfaction?” Shifting his weight while turning in Rachel’s direction while still slightly leaning forward.
“Everything is perfect, thank you again,” she spoke in a very appreciative tone.
“Very well, enjoy,” the manager replied, standing straight up again; then turning to walk back into the kitchen.
Rachel looked down at her plate and whispered to Tim “I hope I can figure out how to eat a whole lobster without causing a scene,” she said while giggling.
Tim replied with a smile “I hear ya,” while at the same time lifting his drink and reaching forward to clank Rachel’s glass, with both taking long sips of their tasty beverages.
Another sixty minutes or so had passed with the waiter coming and going attending to the tasks of bringing their additional drinks back and forth, clearing various plates, and keeping their ice water glasses topped off. Both Rachel and Tom were now feeling very full from the tasty feast they both had just consumed. Seemingly on queue they both leaned back on their comfortable wicker chairs and let out long exhales indicating there were both very satisfied.
“God I’m stuffed,” Tim stated while patting his stomach.
“When we get back to the villa I am getting out of these clothes and kick back and relax.” Tim stated through a yawn.
“I’ll try not to fall asleep on you,” Rachel said already feeling the sleepy effects of a full day of travel and a completely full stomach.
“Don’t worry hon, we have another week and a half to get rowdy.” Tom winked at his blushing wife.
“Ok then its settled. Let’s get a good night sleep tonight and start fresh in the morning.” Rachel said while nodding her head as if in agreement.
The waiter came by one last time and asked, “Room for desert?” Both Rachel and Tim politely declined in unison. The waiter then said “My manager would like to offer you a parting gift, and asked if you would kindly wait before leaving so he can have a word with you both.”
“Sure that would be fine,” Rachel responded with one eye brow raised.
“A parting gift?” “What do you think that means?” she quizzically asked Tim.
“Who knows honey? Maybe it will be a Lay like the ones they give people when arriving on flights in Hawaii?” Tim said while shrugging his shoulders.
“What do you know about planes arriving in Hawaii?” Rachel kidded; stretching out her long leg and playfully dragging her foot up the inseam of Tim’s calf.
The manger once again appeared. This time he stood erect with his feet together and one hand clasped over the other, obviously prepared to make some sort of pronouncement.
“Sir and Madam, I just got off the phone with the owner who periodically checks in to ask about how the guests might be enjoying their stay. I informed him of the mishap earlier and he wants the chance to make it up to you.”
Rachel immediately chimed in, “That really isn’t necessary sir. Honestly, it was not an issue. It was a small mistake and the food tuned out to be delicious.”
“That is so very gracious of you madam, but I am afraid he will insist,” the manager responded without given Rachel or Tim any time to offer more protest.
“We have a special charter boat that goes out to a great fishing spot about thirty miles off shore. The spot contains large white tuna and swordfish in abundance, all there for the taking. The boat we own is called the Calypso, and really is so much more than a boat. The Calypso is fifty foot luxury yacht with a full crew. One of the crewmembers is a local renowned chef that prepares lunch for all the guests. We also have an experienced bartender who is prepared to offer any drinks you may like, and even an onboard doctor, in case of sea sickness. The Calypso is equipped with world class fishing gear, and a professional instructor that can turn the most novice of fisherman into an expert during his first time out. Trust me when I tell you it’s the best of both worlds, mixing the great outdoors with luxury at its finest. And for the best part; upon arrival back at the resort, our chef will personally prepare your own days catch in ways you most certainly will not have thought possible. The fishing package is a $10,000 value just for the day which is being offered to you at no additional charge.” he stated directly to Tim who sat speechless.
The manger then turning slightly to face Rachel.
“And fear not Madam, we have a special treat in store for you that is solely reserved for our high end female guests, and also rated at the $10,000 per day value. This resort is equipped with an in house spa room that features a day of pampering like no other. We have on staff world renowned massage therapists who go by the title of Soul Healers. The massage these native island women offer is passed down through generations dating back hundreds of years. It is sure to be the most relaxing experience you have ever had in your entire life. Then after your day of pampering, you while be brought to the in house salon and get a professional makeover done by the islands famed beauty stylist Carla. You will be the most beautiful girl at dinner tomorrow night; and no matter how hard you try to make a discrete entrance, the room will stop for a moment to take in your beauty.” The manger concluding his remarks with a huge smile.
“We will send an escort for both of you at 8:30 am. Dress comfortable,” he concluded then turned to walk away.
Rachel looked at Tim stunned. “Can you believe this?” she asked him as if proposing an actual question.
The manager’s gracious response was so over the top for such a small mistake, it really left them both speechless and unable to turn down the invitation.
Rachel again looked out onto the beautiful blue waters and thought about Tim and her conversation before going to sleep last night. They spoke of the disappointment of being separated for the entire day so soon after arriving. The whole point of this trip was to rekindle their passion which seemed to be waning of late. She was now feeling slightly frustrated.
“Here we are going our separate ways once again.” Rachel thought feeling exasperated. However, they both had agreed it would be an insult to decline. “Plus we have nine more full more days to be together” she thought to herself trying to push aside any disjointed feelings she may have been experiencing.
Rachel further reasoned that from the beginning of her winning this trip through her job, she and Tim have been treated like royally. Tim expressed to her that if they declined the generosity, it would make the rest of their trip uncomfortable seeing these same staff members for another ten days. He said that they might appear ungrateful. Plus, Tim added, “Maybe this is how the rich interact?” as if he had a window into some secret society. “Let’s at least try and look like we belong, don’t you think?” was his final reasoning to her before turning in for the night.
Rachel agreed. Plus, she thought “my offer was even better than his fishing trip. I can have this time to myself before I spend the rest on Tim”
“Let me get a glass of that red juice” Rachel thought; making her way inside to the table where the lunch spread was located.
Rob Henry stood by eagerly waiting in the adjacent control building. His eyes were locked on the view screen placed on the console just in front of him. He watched intently as the gorgeous brunette moved gracefully about the room, studying her every curve. He stared at the screen intently as her round luscious breasts strained against the tight white V-neck t-shirt that fitted snugly to her upper body. Rob smiled at its failure to totally conceal her ample size tits that were straining for freedom. Her heavy cleavage was clearly visible and only being held together by a skimpy bikini top under her t-shirt. He marveled at her round ass jiggling ever so slightly in her tight yoga pants that stopped at the knees. He loved the way she walked with a bounce to her step causing all of her voluptuous parts to seemingly shift back and forth perfectly.
“Wow” Rob uttered quietly, but out loud. He felt that urge of hunger come over him as he watched her in silence. He simultaneously adjusted his manhood that seemed to be stirring to life.
“What a deal I have going here” Rob laughed to himself. “Fifteen years as the Caribbean’s top drug kingpin, but with the brains to get out with my fortune intact before getting locked up or killed,” Rob thought while mentally patted himself on the back.
Rob Henry always told himself he had to leave the game at some point. He knew how it always ended with people like him either dead or in prison. He made his millions and left while the getting was still good.
“Plus the ten million dollar payout by his lead chemist to take over full operations of the cartel, and all the supply he would ever need for personal use wasn’t too bad of a send off.” he thought.
Rob spent years sacking away tens of millions of dollars in the Cayman Islands as an under the radar drug overlord with an empire that stretched from Grand Cayman all the way up the east coast of the United States. His main product was the drug Ecstasy; and it was going out faster than he could produce it. During the late nineties Ecstasy became the drug of choice with the club scene and he capitalized on its popularity.
Rob Henry’s product was different than the rest. He and his local chemist associate perfected a high end grade that offered that feeling of euphoria that Ecstasy had become synonymous with, but with also giving an enhanced sexual desire that few other makers could duplicate. He offered a high end product that was made the same way each and every time out. Each batch was created under clean conditions that resembled a laboratory, leading it to be relatively safe.
While the other savages were making their crap in dirty kitchens, or in some hole in the ground in some god forsaken jungle. Rob cleanly produced his product which soon escalated to the top of the food chain and made him rich. Now, fifteen years later he got out of the business and invested his millions in a small private island off Grand Cayman, building a small but exclusive private resort.
“I knew when to get out” Rob often told his closet associates. “This place makes a ton of cash, and is completely legitimate. I am the king of my island, and don’t have to worry about going to prison.” Was one of his favorite mantras.
Rob Henry had another passion or dark side as he liked to call it. This was a bit more sinister and he knew it. His passion was fucking other men’s wives.
Rob watched and listened intently to the luscious brunette gulp down the first few sips of the red fruit juice mixed with his favorite Ecstasy cocktail. He pressed a button on the advanced consul in front of him that looked like it belonged in some NASA control room. The now illuminated red light on the dash indicted that encoded subliminal massages were now also flooding the room hidden inside the music.
Rob was proud of the science he was using to manipulate his lovely victimizes. He had all of the music encoded with sexual terms and phrases that were inserted within a frequency not entirely detectable by the conscious human mind. He was equally proud that he helped in the creation of the massages using words he would often speak himself, and in his own voice.
“Beg me to fuck you baby” “You want my cock inside you now” “Tell me to fuck your ass” were some of the massages Rob had inserted in the hypnotically tones.
He would have the music automatically change somewhat as time went forward. The soft island music now playing would subtly change to more rhythmic drum beats as if a ancient island sex ritual were taking place around some fire on a lonely beach. The sound of an occasional female voice letting out a quick moan or light squeal was perfectly inserted in various points of the tune as if it was always there from the original artist. The Ecstasy, along with the sensual massages, and the music was virtually impossible for any female to resist.
“MMMM, this is so good” Rob heard his prey utter out loud after her first drink of his devious potion. This brought a huge smile to his face as he watched her quickly go in for a second swig.
“Not too fast baby, we have all day,” Rob stated to the monitor in front of him in a low whisper with a big grin on his face.
Rob reached forward and hit the record button on the panel to his right. Two gauges jumped to life with the needles bouncing back and forth indicting they were picking up even the smallest of sounds and motions from the room. He had spent over two hundred thousand dollars on this equipment, and loved the power over his guests it gave him.
One of the real safeguards it offered him was in case anyone ever made an allegation of rape against him. In the unlikely event this ever happened, all he needed do is legally pull out as his trump card, and go directly to the tape. “It’s hard for a girl to claim rape when she spends half the day moaning with her lips wrapped around my cock. Try explaining that to hubby.” Rob thought to himself as he grinned.
The laws of the land here in the Cayman Islands were perfect for Rob’s dealings. Not only did the island nation give investors a place to hide their money from snooping foreign governments, it did not have the same levels of personal privacy rights to prevent anyone from recording someone without their knowledge. He had nothing to fear, and had the whole place wired with cameras and microphones in the name of security which was widely accepted.
Rob’s thrill in his younger days was outsmarting cops. Now at 39 years old it was having domain over any man’s wife he chose.
Looking in the screen he watched as the brunette goddess was now sampling a piece of pineapple with the sugary Ecstasy laced coating on top. This again caused his cock to began to stir.
“Wow, what a body” Rob stating out loud as he headed out of the control room locking the door behind him.
Rachel inhaled deeply once again; taking in some more of that savory ocean smell when she heard the large ornate wood doors open on the opposite side of the room.
“Is everything to Madams liking?” said the elder island mistress of the resort named Leona. She had a soothing accent that Rachel assumed was native to the island but could not entirely be sure.
“Oh everything is just beautiful.” Rachel said with a warm smile while taking another sip of her tainted concoction.
“Lady Florentine, who was to be your Soul Healer, had a personal issue and did not come to work today” Miss. Leona said while still being cheerful but exhibiting a semi disappointed tone to her voice.
“Fear not Madam, our head Master Mr. Henry has been personally notified and is resolving the situation as we speak. He informed me to tell you he extends his apologies for what will be a slight delay, and to make yourself comfortable being time is of no issue. He also added the facility is yours alone for as long as you wish, so relax and enjoy yourself. He encourages you to sample some of our fine island delicacies made available just for you over on the table to your right.” Miss. Leona finished speaking and then elegantly waved her arm toward the table as if she was presenting something grand.
“Oh I have already sampled some Miss Leona; what is this sugary toping on the pineapple? It is delicious.” Rachel happily questioned.
Miss Leona offered a smile but did not reply directly to Rachel’s question. “Here madam, please put these items on when we are finished.”
Rachel took a light canvas bag from Miss Leona without immediately looking inside, when seemingly out of nowhere the thought entered her mind “Head master; Is this what they call him? Isn’t that a bit much for a resort owner to want to be called.” a slight chuckle leaving her lips.
Rachel knew who Mr. Henry was. She had not met him but was told by the owner of the pharmaceutical plant she worked, Mr. Rideout, that Henry was the one who graciously offered this trip to her company. Mr. Rideout explained to her that he and Henry were close friends and business associates dating back to the early nineties, and Henry sometimes offered the vacation gift when his resort business slowed as a way to keep his staff busy.
Rachel had won the trip due to her high score on her annual evaluation, with her sales figures supposedly coming in the highest. She thought that was strange because she really was not having a very good year. But figured nobody else was either, and was excited when she was told she won the trip. Her boss assured her that My Henry’s resort was top notch, and she would have the time of her life.
Now with the added bonus of the fishing trip and spa day this was just the “topping on the cake,” she thought. She couldn’t deny the nagging feeling she had that all of this was a bit strange, but figured this is how the rich must live and interact. “Who was she to turn down a day of pampering anyway.” she reasoned in her head as if having a conversation with herself.
Rachel looked at the canvass bag just previously handed to her by Miss Leona. Inside it contained a very flimsy looking pair of white silk panties, along with a second matching halter top that would barely cover her breasts. The items appeared to be very light weight, but also looked very comfortable and of high quality. Both items leaned toward the sheer side, and did very little to conceal anything one might want to hide.
This fact did not seem strange to Rachel being she knew she was getting a massage, and heavy clothing would only get in the way. She further reasoned that this was her first massage and what did she know. It just seemed to make sense leaving most of her body exposed. Rachel actually was relieved when she saw the items. She had been told that most massages given throughout the world are done in the nude and this worried her a bit.
It wasn’t that she was not confident in her body. Overall she was very proud of her figure. At 28 she still had her youth on her side. Plus, judging from the looks she got on an everyday basis, she thought her curves were in all the right places. She was happy that Tim loved her for who she was, and did not want her to be a stick figure that most men seemed to droll over these days. At 5-7 and a 150 pounds, her 36 D chest went very nicely with her curvy 38 inch waist. She was in good shape but not overly toned. She had just the perfect amount of baby fat that gave her a body that soft feel that that just begged to be squeezed. Plus, Rachel confidently thought, “with my bubble butt, and legs that don’t quit, I am a hotty” she laughed slightly out loud, not realizing the tainted tropical spread was starting to have its affects on her.
“Madam, as to your question earlier about the food and drink spread; our tropical fruits have been prepared by our master chef with a light sprinkling of a homemade seasoning taken directly from our own sugar cane fields. Legend has it that it containers a natural aphrodisiac created by the Gods. Its quit delectable.” the elder madam proclaimed. “Also we have three different kinds of fruit drinks that are simply delicious. My favorite is the one in the center. It’s made from our own island cherries, mixed with a secret ingredient that will stun your taste buds.” Said Miss Leona with a smile.
Rachel held up a glass as to mimic a toast to acknowledge this was indeed the one she picked.
“Miss Leona?” Rachel stated in a relaxed tone. “Is it true about the Sugar? Is it an aphrodisiac?”
Miss Leona was in the process of folding a towel when she peaked up at Rachel with a quizzical look, added by a slight grin after pondering her question but not immediately answering it.
“There is a small changing area directly behind that louver door.” Miss Leona stated while pointing in the direction behind Rachel. “When you’re done changing can you please lay face down on the massage table that is right over there to your left? Rob will be in shortly.”
Miss Leona stood for moment before closing the door, then took a look at Rachel and said “As to your last question….Yes.” Before exiting the room and closing the door behind her.
The words hit Rachel like a Mac truck as she started walking over to the changing area. “Did she just say Rob?” she mumbled to herself.
Rachel stood motionless for a moment behind the louver door with her thoughts that were now racing. Throughout the pages of the brochure that she read coming over on the plane, they always showed women conducting the massages. “Even the front cover pictured the very room she was now in showing massage therapists all looking to be demure Asian or Island type females.” she thought as her frustrations were now starting to boil over. She had not even considered a man massaging her. Plus she knew Tim with flip out being as jealous as he gets.
“Oh this is bad.” Rachel mumbled. All of a sudden the nerves she felt earlier about not belonging were amplified. “This is not what I signed up for” she said under her breath. Feelings of helplessness entered her mind. “I can’t just get up and leave now, can I? This really sucks!” she murmured. “Ok whatever, ill just let him give me a quick massage and get the hell out of here and go lay on the beach. What a disappointment” she said quietly to herself.
Rachel started to change into the outfit given to her by Miss Leona. She gently pulled her t-shirt over her head, and then began to undo the string on her bikini top that she had worn underneath. She noticed herself in the mirror; “Why are my nipples so dame hard?” feeling frustrated at the timing of them coming to attention, adding to this already awkward situation.
Rachel lowered the yoga paints she was wearing, and the thin panty like bathing suit bottoms underneath; sliding them down over her round hips. She then pulled the silky panties from the bag rolling them around in her hand. She noticed they were small but had a feeling of elasticity. They seemed to be meant to fit in a skin tight manner, and had a tailored cut that would not entirely cover her butt cheeks. She again saw the possible logic for the lack of coverage. She thought this was a good compromise for a person like herself that did not want to be naked, but also did not want fabric to get in the way.
Rachel pulled them up her legs and turned to the mirror to check out how they made her look. “Wow, these are nice,” she said softly to herself.
Rachel then reached her arms above her head and pulled the halter wrap made of the same material over her breasts. She was not as fond of this garment being it was flimsy and had no practical use. She looked in the mirror at the entire get up and though “geez, this is a revealing outfit” with a tinge of worry accompanying her thoughts.
Rachel began to feel another sensation starting to take hold that was quickly putting her worries to rest. It was if a strange wave of calmness had began to come over her. She had a sudden urge that she could not put her finger on, but something was not the same. It was if her mind automatically slowed down. She was beginning to feel centered and as if her problems just did not seem to matter. She felt the island breeze hit her skin causing goose bumps to raise all over her body.

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