The Prophecy Ch. 7
The Prophecy Ch. 7
Sex Story Author: | StoryWeaver990 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | He could hear sounds, like the background noise underneath music, just underneath the swirling pool of yearning desire. Screams were |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Asian, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Domination/submission, Exhibitionism, Fantasy, Male / Older Female, Male/Teen Female, Mind Control, Monster, Romance, Teen Male / Female |
The Prophecy Ch. 7
This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read the previous chapters to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and has more interesting magical twists to come. Please note that all characters in this story are 18 years or older. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story. I apologize for how long it took to post this story due to events in my life which have tightened my time to write. I will continue to write this story and create many more in the future.
When Luke woke up this morning he thought it was going to be boring compared to yesterday where he meet all his fears induced by a water cocoon made with the powers of two beings that made him wish he wore his brown pants. He thought he was going to just enjoy flexing his powers after a morning spoon session with Nina. “These days I seem to eat my words along with my expectations for the day.” That thought lingered in his mind as he stood behind a wall of what was left of a paradise while Nina and Serina tried their hardest to put him into a brand new coma.
When Serina first used the illusion Luke was completely dumbfounded. He was sitting on the couch lazily half naked in some casual jeans. Then she wandered in unannounced and pulled out a ruby. Luke would have interjected but when he saw Nina wearing what he would have pegged as workout clothes he swallowed his words. Serina seemed to enjoy his growing anxiety and with a wave of her hand the world shifted. His ass got a few degrees colder sitting on a boulder staring over a few hundred feet from the ground. The place was stunning, a perfect little paradise snuggled in the shadow of a mountain, though he couldn’t place which one. The bowl was something that could only be described in dreams. An untouched little spot that was secured in the middle of the mountain, warm enough that you didn’t freeze but you still felt the chill of the mountain air.
When they first arrived he felt the dense cold air fight his lungs. He dare not complain about it, he was sure if he tried he’d just get a comment about toughening up or how weak he was. Yet he wondered at the beauty of this magic. He was positive they were in the apartment a moment ago and now his ass felt the jagged cold stone dig into his flesh through his jeans. From where he sat he had the view of complete green surrounding a lake with a stream pouring from the mountain rock. Plants and small trees lined the stream and lake eager to drink up the precious water that was provided. Someone must have recognized this place as a perfect oasis themselves, because broken stone littered the ground from the ruins of what looked to be a shattered temple. He couldn’t mistake this as a simply illusion if he wanted to.
Now the place was more of a ruin than before with trees uprooted, cracked stone chips layered multiple points on the ground, and the spires of rock/boulders speared the entire cove. The once beautiful place was a remnant of what it used to be. After some time his lungs had grown accustomed to the air, but not enough to tell his body it was okay to work the energy of the cold oxygen that filled his chest. The whole fight felt like double the effort in this mountain air. The places that weren’t demolished by his use of wind and earth were marked with scorch of flames, lightning, as well as sheer physical force.
As he stood behind the stone he worked on his breathing, trying to fill his lungs. He gripped the Vortex within him tightly ready to launch it any second. His skin was covered in bruises and coated in sweat. He wondered when those bruises would vanish, probably by the end of the day, but they hurt like hell at the moment. The whole time he had been launching the wind from the Vortex randomly like he would see from tornado videos, but that was completely taxing and barely worked like he thought. He had to think physics and the laws of nature…even while using magic. That was a concept which he was having trouble wrapping his brain around.
He didn’t get long to try and wrap about the idea as he caught movement from the corner of his eye. It was the only warning he had before a purple leg moved to knock his head off his shoulders. He ducked down and lunched a straight uppercut, part of him wanted to shout “Shoryuken” for more reasons than one. First was because he was a dork and the second was because he felt the pressure of the wind build behind his fist. As he connected with Serina’s body he forced the wind upwards clearing her over the air.
As he saw her purple frame clear a good fifteen feet, at least, away from him he felt a small twinge of guilt and triumph. Both of which were dashed as he saw her launch herself to her feet ready for the next chance to add another bruise. Misfortune lingered on him throughout this fight, he felt a sudden strike of wind collide with his own body sending him sprawling and hitting every piece of rock around him.
As he came to his feet he let the Vortex die down inside him. He was sore and damn grateful he was tough skinned, Xander was beginning to be more of a Christmas list to shop for than a simple gift. But tough skinned doesn’t make you immune to pain and he felt like he was in a lot of it, he dare not guess how many new bruises were added after that hit. He saw Nina standing confidently as the winds churned around her, the master of the ability and the person turning him into a sorcerer ragdoll. He stared down at the two woman and would have admired the choice of workout clothes if they weren’t primed to kick his ass even more.
He growled through gritted teeth barely avoiding another gust of wind and was meet with Serina’s fist. In regards to learning to fight hand to hand, from his previous level of just street brawl, it was taking hard strides. And by hard he was referring to the additional bruise Serina gave him via elbow to his ribs and throwing him over her shoulder. He would have cursed his luck till another gust launched him into a tree knocking some of what was left of his sense from his head.
It was taking shorter time to switch contracts and he would have loved to us the Furnace to start dishing out some decent punishment in return. But he was restricted to his new contracts. As he solidified his mind and gritted his teeth he felt the Quake rumble through his body like his bones might shatter. The throbbing pulse matching the beating of his heart thrummed through his feet. He saw Serina charging at him and became desperate.
His voice broke out in the biggest roar he could muster causing the ground to respond. His voice echoed like the roar of…well ironically a lion. The ground churned at first and then broke sending up shards of rocks and traces of hidden metal that was in the earth. The shards broke and pillars of stone spikes shot out towards his two attackers causing them to go on the defensive. Serina moved effortlessly like the whole thing was a dance. Nina had to dodge more but used her own wind to push the traces of the rock away to avoid the rain shower of stone. He watched them stand without a scratch and felt the exhaustion take over his body.
His ass finally meet the ground along with the rest of his back as he wiped the sweat from his brow, “I’m really tired here, can we take a break?”
Serina scoffed, “Do you think the Lion will give you a break?”
“It’s a good thing we aren’t the Lion, we have been pushing him since nine this morning,” Nina retorted, and Luke let out a sigh of relief before he let his head fall back on the ground, “Besides, we have pushed his limits of his brain and body, pushing them anymore is pointless.” Nina faced Serina with a stern face, “Now use that little magic crystal and take us back to the apartment, I don’t mind the scenic view but this mountain needs to go.”
Serina seemed truly disappointed, directing her gaze directly at Luke. If he was inclined to return the gaze he was sure he would have shuttered but he couldn’t even look around him to have enjoyed the view of them on the mountain. But then again, the view was ruined by all the fighting with his attempts to shift the earth and wind.
As the illusion faded he felt the grass against his back be replaced by the soft carpet of Nina’s apartment. The cold humid mountain air was changed to the slight hum of the air vents. He wished he could enjoyed being back if his whole body wasn’t having about ten times the force of gravity press on him. A three hour magical sparring match between his teacher and a succubus in a mountain climate was the worst work out he has ever had, and considering he took out a clan of goblins that’s saying something.
“I’m going to start up some lunch,” Nina sounded so casual about that, like the three hour session was nothing more than a morning run. He was about to interject or say something he thought was funny when he couldn’t ignore the very audible gurgle of his stomach at her announcement. Starving seemed to light of a word to describe the hole that chewed in his stomach.
Just then he felt a pair of cold feet rest on his abdomen, it felt strangely comforting. He managed to will enough strength to move his head. The soft purple skinned feet seemed to massage his stomach and stranger still was the fact that he felt his muscles actually relax. He looked over at Serina, who sat casually on the couch, “So do you think you are ready?” He about swallowed his tongue seeing her in yoga pants and a sports bra, both of which looked ready to pop the stitches at any moment. It was also strange seeing her hair in a bun, he had gotten used to those crimson strands being free flowing, as she looked the very definition of demonic sexy mixed with professional trainer. He was sure more than one teenage boy would burst in their pants at the sight before him and now that he wasn’t running to defend his life he was able to appreciate it himself.
He realized he was starring, and so did she, way too long. But then again, the starring helped him ignore the question that had been bouncing in his skull that she finally gave voice to. He leaned his head back with a defeated sigh before closing his eyes, “Not even close.”
He knew he was right, no matter how much he hated it, but the facts remained. The Lion had the ability to mix contracts and create magic that would put most people to shame. He had the unlimited tank to take as many contracts as he wanted. But that did no good unless he could switch between them a lot faster than he had been. It still took him a few minutes to switch between them and he had to find ways to narrow that gap by…a lot.
He was so deep in thought, looking at the back of his eyelids trying to puzzle out how he could possibly do that, he didn’t even notice that she had removed he feet. When a sudden weight sank on to his stomach he finally opened his eyes to see that Serina had chosen his stomach over the couch for a comfortable seat. Her legs were positioned on both sides of him as she straddled his abdomen, and he tried his best to ignore the pleasant heat radiating from between her legs. She smiled down at him, and it was one of her few genuine smiles, “That’s why I truly like you, you are no fool. A clever man knows his limits as well as his advantages. I can see the calculation in your eyes as you try to puzzle things out.” She leaned down and he felt her large breasts press against his skin through her sports bra, “I like that in a man.”
Luke tried his damn hardest to make sure the right head had most the blood flow, “Is that why you hang around Morty?”
She mewed and her smile changed to her usual knowing smile, “He has a different kind of intelligence than you, which makes him just as dangerous.” She mewed even more as her body slipped down to straddle his groin and he felt her weight completely press into him. “Ever think about the night we first meet? Care to have another go?”
Luke swallowed a mouth full of dry air before he even dared to answer, “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about it.” That caused her to smile, “But I’d be a fool to accept.” And that caused a raised brow. He made sure his thought process was clean, and considering the growing erection that’s a harder trick than most people realize. “You are every man’s dream, and that makes you dangerous. If I ever gave into the temptation then you’d have me wrapped around your finger agreeing to do whatever you want and make a contract for anything you said. The last time was obviously straining and it was only thanks to Morty’s interjection that I was spared your push. I doubt I’ll have such a service against you at my disposal again.”
He thought she would be upset or angry. But, when she grinded her hips and gave off a sensual moan he couldn’t help the mixed signals going off in his brain. She leaned in close, mashing he breasts between the two of them as she whispered, “Intelligence is such an amazing quality. Especially in one so young.” She leaned up putting all her weight on his crotch as she continued to grind making the blood he needed go in the wrong direction. “Yes, you are correct on all accounts. But, what if I said I wanted some fun with no contract attached?”
Luke was having a tough time concentrating with her grinding, thankfully he figured she would say that and had an answer ready. “Then I’d wonder what strings are attached instead?”
If he had the strength to move her at the moment he would have, but since it was all drained he was powerless to stop her continued grinding. He was pretty damn sure this was pre-planned, “It’s obviously a power play. You know things have started to solidify between me and Nina. The way you to go at each other I’m wondering if you two should start carrying whips to help decide who’s the alpha…or beta in this case.”
“Now that’s a fun idea, I may have to try that.”
Before his mind followed that dominatrix path, were a clear image of both women in black leather and him in a chair, took over he decided to continue. “More than likely you want to make sure your power is secured in the decision making for me. Only a complete idiot would miss the rivalry you two have in regards to this whole thing.” She finally stopped rolling her hips only to stare at him. Clearing his dry throat did little to distract from the ragger in his pants, but he continued anyways. “So even if there was no contract there would be strings. I respect you Serina, I truly do. Beauty, power, and intelligence in one package makes most people bow. I’d rather be safe than bow to anyone.”
“I told you before,” Nina’s voice from the kitchen doorway surprised him completely, yet Serina just took it without any disturbance as her eyes remained locked on to his face, “He is my…partner and we look out for each other.” Luke felt the warmth of her words and tried to smile in her direction, he failed miserably due to the lake of energy for him to move. He was only able to catch just the briefest glimpse of the shorts she was wearing which showed her nice legs. He regretted not being able to see the skin tight shirt with it. “But…I won’t take personal offense if he has fun, just clean the sheets.”
If he was standing his jaw would have fallen through the ground to China. As it stood…or laid, it only dropped to his chest as he watched Serina’s own surprise while her eyes followed Nina back out of the door. He was certain very few thing surprised her and this seemed to do the trick, though he couldn’t be sure if he was more surprised than her. They seemed to collect themselves at the same time, her with more confidence than his own confusion. She moved a nonexistent hair from her face as she smiled down at him, “A power play indeed.”
When Luke tried to find any words to say, Serina’s lips came crashing down to meet his own. He was certain she had moved naturally with her sexual grace but everything seemed to slow down in that split second before their lips meet. As he watched her lips move towards his own he saw them grow in his vision. Her face slowly consumed everything within his sight so he was able to see every perfect detail, like he had when he was in that vision of the prophecy. As her lips closed around his he was flooded with a sudden rush of energy that came from just her touch. He returned the kiss becoming feverish for that energy which poured into him through her lips. He felt the mixture of their lips and tongues become more heated as it increased his own need. Soon it was less of a kiss and more of a dual for dominance via lips and tongue.
He was left groaning in displeasure as Serina parted from his lips firmly holding his shoulders to keep him at bay. He regained some control over his “need” as he tried to rein himself in. Within the kiss he found enough energy to sit up and his arms enclosed around her waist. Both their breathing was heavy and he was sure that her cheeks were a different shade than the purple that eclipsed her flesh. She wore a wicked smile as she felt his need, “Let’s go shower the sweat from our bodies, Nina did say she wanted to keep her sheets clean.”
As she left his body he felt the lingering heat on his crotch. As he looked down he noticed that they were stained with a small wet spot and he was positive it wasn’t sweat. His eyes darted to her form that slipped down the hall, admiring her skin as he watched her clothes slowly be removed from her body before she disappeared out of sight. He reacted like an over energetic boy who just hit puberty as he shot from the ground and about ran after her.
As he entered the hall he could have sworn he heard a slight laugh coming from the kitchen.
The thought disappeared as the sound of running water reached his ears. When Luke made his way closer to the bathroom he saw the slow steam rising from the open door way. A new layer of sweat eased out of his pores as he drew closer feeling the anticipation rise. He finally made it to the door way to the gift of seeing Serina stand from removing her yoga pants. As the dark beauty slowly stood with her skin glistening he got the most wondrous view of her backside, like a perfect picture or video. The strain he felt in his pants was growing too much and as he stepped into the bathroom he stripped out of his own clothes.
He wasn’t sure if he fumbled out of them or eased out like a professional porn star/model. In either case he didn’t care for his actions. His only goal was to reach out and touch this deadly beauty before him. Just as he was about to reach for her she spun and pinned him against the wall. A solid grunt escaped his lips as he felt the cold tile on his back. Yet the sudden pain and cold were easily ignored as he stared into her white eyes filled with heat and need. He wanted to reach out and touch her, caress her, hold her. Yet as he stood with his back against the chilling bathroom wall he was struck with the desire to just remain still.
He couldn’t tell if this was his own instincts, her influence, or just his brain improvising on the fly. These days it was difficult to make the distinction between anything that went through his own head. For the longest time their eyes never left one another as they stared deeply into each other’s pupils. He had heard that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and within this moment he believed it. The only thing that determined that time was passing was the buildup of the steam from the shower.
One moment he was looking her dead in the eye and the next she was down on her knees drinking every inch of his dick and he felt his knees ready to buckle. He was grateful for the wall supporting his back as he felt his cock disappear into her throat repeatedly. He endured the attack letting out only a few moans mixed with pleasurable sighs as he felt her mouth and throat work all eight inches of him. He wasn’t sure if it was experience or a different kind of magic but with each slip of his dick down her throat he felt a different wave of pleasure course through him.
When he grew enough senses to look down and appreciate her work he only got sight of the top of her head. Her attention was entirely focused on working his shaft and the only view he had of her was the crimson hair and the goat horns that curled within them on top of her head. With her hair pulled in to the bun he could see her slender shoulders that gave no hint to her true strength but urged the desire to grip and ravish like a frail thing. An idea tickled at his mind that shined through the intense euphoria that was coursing through him. He gripped that thought determined not to be a toy for anyone to use.
His hand reached forward gripping her horns.
As his fingers enclosed around them he felt Serina begin to pull away from his dick only to have him force her back on by her horns. He groaned feeling the joy and thrill of controlling this sex diva mixed with the sexual bliss of her mouth. Her throat clinched in surprise causing another way of pleasure to run through him. He was merciless as he gripped her horns firmly like handles and pulling her head up and down along his throbbing cock. He felt her throat and tongue work frivolously on him trying to process his assault. Her eyes finally moved up to his own and he saw a sense of yearning in her eyes. If he had half a mind of curiosity he would have turned on his Mind Radio to make this the most pleasurable moment for her. He mentally flipped a coin in his head and it landed on “fuck it.”
Their eyes never left one another and as soon as he turned on the radio he was flooded with an overwhelming sense of sexual desire and lust. He felt a constant drip of ecstasy being poured directly into his brain. He was lost within a realm of heaven or hell, absorbed in the need to drive his member deeper into the sexual bliss that is the woman before him. His body was on autopilot as his mind was swimming in the river of desire that flooded into him from her eyes. His hands worked furiously to pull her head into his dick and bury it down her throat. His mind was absorbed with need as his iron grip forced her mouth to become his personal sex toy. He heard strangled gurgles coming from her but no sound truly reached his ear. Within the swimming torrent of hunger for the sexual release he heard her voice, “You need my body, and you need the release it provides. Use my body as you see fit, it is yours to take, to use, and to worship.”
Her words only fueled the flooding desire that he felt and he held her face firmly against his groin, burying his dick down her throat as her nose was pressed against his groin. Yet she didn’t struggle or fight it one bit, within the swirl of longing he felt he could sense a glimmer of herself within that flood. He could feel her joy and glee at his need to take her but…there was a hint of something else he couldn’t quite trace. He focused on that glimmer to push a thought into her mind, “You desire my body, my body is a temple for you to worship and to please.” The command itself felt strange to push, he wanted her to ravish him. When he pushed the command it was swallowed in the ocean of their mixed cravings and reached her with that exact phrase. Yet she behaved no differently, she still let him abuse her throat while it clinched around his wide girth. He tried to question it but then continued to be drowned in the bliss of the moment. Time was lost on him and his thoughts were being run over by the yearning he felt to impale this indigo skinned sex goddess. He wanted her and he felt how much she wanted him. Each wave of her consciousness drowned his own as he was pulled into her mind.
He couldn’t let it.
He said he wouldn’t bow to her and he meant it. He felt the internal struggle in him as he finally let her go and with a deep gasp she released his dick. She feel on to her ass as the steam created a fog in the bathroom. For the longest time they just stared at each other, and even from the ground he felt her dominating his mind just by being. He had to test the boundaries and see how much control over the situation he had while his mind was swimming in the combined lust he felt. As he spoked he wrapped the words with his own focused thought, “Kiss me.”
In one blur of motion he felt her slam his body against the walls as her limps mashed against his own. The lust flooded his body and mind like a river that broke through the dame. She gripped his face yanking his hair to force his lips more into hers. He heard and audible growl between the moments of her tongue fighting his own. He enjoyed the texture and taste that she poured into him through the kiss. He couldn’t describe the flavor of her lips or her body, it was more of a feeling, he guessed it was close to what a druggy felt when he approached their need for a fix. She was his fix at the moment…and he had to resist letting it overwhelm him. Through the passion and lust he focused enough words to force his next command through the kiss, “Let me take control.”
He wasn’t sure if his words were accepted or if she yearned for his control as much as he needed it. But in that moment he didn’t care, he knew he controlled her as he turned them around slamming her own body against the wall and kissing her with more yearning than he ever had in his life. He couldn’t control the wave rushing into his mind, you can’t control a tsunami. He could only ride it and aim were he peaked at.
He forced himself to break from the kiss only to have his lips trail down her body. He allowed his tongue to roam and tease her flesh as it explored its way and discovered each drug induced euphoria that her flavor provided. He traveled further down letting his lust guide him. Even as he felt his tongue wrap and tease her nipples he knew it wasn’t enough. It did bring a shutter a moan from her and he felt her fingers grip eagerly on the back of his head.
Finally, he found the source of his drug addiction as his tongue slipped between her legs and snaked along the slit of her womanhood he got a taste of his need. The rush of passion and yearning that flooded him was so great with that single lick he wondered if any of himself remained. He let his tongue continue to roam and devour the nourishing liquid of lust that scorched his mind. His hands had found her hips forcing them against the wall as his mouth encased her pussy, all while his tongue snaked in and out of her folds.
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