
The Prophecy Ch. 6

Luke tries to enjoy a day to relax form the stress of his new life and find some small comforts before having to face his fear.

The Prophecy Ch. 6

This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read the previous chapters to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and has more interesting magical twists to come. Please note that all characters in this story are 18 years or older. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story. I apologize for how long it took to post this story. I will continue to write this story and create many more in the future.

“This bullshit is getting boring really fast.” The cheerleader stood dumbfounded as he left her in the hall to her own thoughts. She was part of a number of people trying to get more information about the “mystery woman” in the car that had picked him up the other day. At first it was funny hearing some of the theories that came up, but after the first dozen or so it got annoying fast. What’s worse is that the stories just kept getting worse by the second. One person or group thought he had inherited a fortune. Another thought he was part of a gang. The most ridiculous one was that he had gotten a “suga momma.” If Serina had heard that one he was sure he’d hear her laughing her heart out till he died.

That last one made him want to smack his head repeatedly into a locker. Today was supposed to be a rest day, it was Friday after all, and here was on the verge of an aneurism from hell. The only thing keeping him from taking a swan dive off the building was the pleasant memory of the previous night. That and the fact that he wasn’t sure if it would kill him but just put him in a sever amount of pain. Quirks of healing fast and having a tough body, makes suicide via “sudden drop with a short stop” practically impossible.

What made things worse was the fact that people who weren’t asking him about Serina, or whispering about it when they thought he couldn’t hear, where talking about Xavier. Apparently he was back and his jaw isn’t as busted as people thought. Now the guy wanted revenge and seemed to be waiting for the perfect chance to bash his skull in. A lot of people were guessing between after school or over the weekend and shuttering at the thought of what might happen to “poor Luke.” Luke almost thought it was funny, considering the past week he had been fighting things that would have thought Xavier looked like a good appetizer. Then again, it was another thing to add to his plate of annoying with a sprinkle of frustration.

Luke spent most of the day dealing with the nonsense that started from the rumors as well as multiple people warning him about his “imminent death.” The whole time he kept trying to ignore them and not think about “The Lion.” (God was he using a lot of mental air quotes today.) Everyone thought he was nervous about Xavier, he found it damn near laughable when they told him he was so dead. He kept trying to forget about everything that happened yesterday and focus on school. Sometimes it was easier than others, most of his classes he spent finishing homework that was due the next week. He figured playing catch up didn’t much give him rest time so he might as well work a bit ahead. He asked for the assignments before the class started and just dove into the work. Most the teachers seemed impressed…others more annoyed. The work gave him something to focus on and helped him avoid thinking about…problems.

When he was left alone to his thoughts the prophecy ran through his mind in small fragments and what came in more vividly was the image of the Lion during their fight. The shadow face behind the raging flames painted quite the vivid picture in his head. Mix that with a foretelling of almost impending doom…well…makes trying to enjoy the simple things at school more than a little difficult.

Luke was able to override the memories by thinking of the bone shattering night he had with his mother and sister. He was able to smile thinking about the pair of them riding him like crazy for round two through four. After it all he wanted to talk about their relationship, Xander’s words poking in his mind helped influence that awkward conversation. They thought he was sweet, really stupid but sweet. They flat out told him that he could have a girlfriend and they were allowed to see other people to. They were very insistent that he find a girlfriend for himself. “A handsome young man that is amazing in bed isn’t something to waste on his mother.” “Besides if I tried to keep you to myself you’d wreck me.

Catching up in Math and English was easier than he thought. PE was the real killer. He couldn’t fake his shoulder again, since it was perfectly healed. What was difficult was trying to keep his…well enhanced body under control. He doubted it would look right if he could suddenly run the whole track and not miss a beat. What made it more difficult was that the track was just the warm up and he had to act as tired as everyone. He wasn’t too sure he pulled it off, his body wasn’t as coated in sweat as everyone else’s. He was really having a hard time trying to play dodge ball without…well dodging. He had to keep up his act through the whole thing which is a lot hard than anyone suspects.

Lunch was made light by his sister joining him and making him forget things for a time. Minus the rumors starting to blow up even more than before. Now he apparently was fighting Xavier for Serina to be his “suga mama.” When his sister joined him for lunch it was a nice refresh of what occurred last night and made him smile from ear to ear. They laughed and joked like brother and sister hiding playful banter with double meaning most people could only assume at. It was a nice distraction but thoughts of the Lion still played at the edge of his mind. It was also made more acquired that Luke had to explain that there was no “sugga momma” and that a client from work was nice enough to give him a ride from school. He wasn’t entirely sure she bought it but she didn’t press for more information either.

Biology was his second to last class of the day and he felt ready for the day to be over and he was ready to relax. That was until he found out today was the last day for group studies on their projects. Yoshi didn’t look like she was in a much better mood than he was. After slinging all the magic around he didn’t even bother turning on his Mind Radio. He was different levels of tired that didn’t seem to reach his new muscles. He just sighed leaning against his chair feeling like every part of him was made of iron yet he felt like he could run for the Olympics if he wanted to. It was a very odd clash off feelings when you’re tired but you could push a car on a moment’s notice.

Yoshi looked like she had already done her couple mile dashes around the school today. Her usual French braid was barely a braid with her black strands of hair slipping out at random spots. She looked like she hadn’t slept all night with bags under her eyes that reminded him of his mother after pulling an overnight double shift. Her fuller cheeks looked flushed on her natural circular face as she seemed to be on permanent fast forward to mark more notes for her homework. As her face seemed to be lacking sleep the rest of her seemed less organized. Her button up shirt was buttoned up wrong and part of it stuck out of her black skirt and that was in less better condition.

She looked like he normally does after a training session or one of Morty’s jobs.

He sighed and leaned against his chair. He tried to carry humor with his voice but it just came out drained, “You look like you took over one of my jobs at work.”

“It feels like I haven’t stopped working.”

“I thought that was my line considering I’m the slacker of the two of us?” He put some mild sarcasm and for the first time he saw a smile on her face followed by a sighing laugh. Luke tried to not look surprised, he doubted he did a good job.

Some stray hair was brushed behind her ears, “You don’t seem that bad.”

“Can I get a recording of that so I can play it back for my sister? She calls me a jackass almost daily.” Well that was until recently, he was promoted to just “ass” lately. But he caught more of a laugh from Yoshiko and they both smiled at each other. “The daily life of the ever busy huh?”

She gave a slight nod, “Job getting to you?”

Luke wondered if that was the first question she has asked him that didn’t involve an evil sneer somewhere, at least a question he didn’t have to pull from her mind. He was almost taken back but just decided to go with the flow. He ran his hands over his face, trying to wipe away the stress from his features. It didn’t do much, “Getting harder by the day, apparently people seem to think I can handle a lot more work than I’m ready for.”

“Is my mom your boss to?”

Luke paused blinking at her, “Yoshi…did you just crack a joke?”

A shade of new red teased at her cheeks, “Is it that surprising?”

“Well since normally you talk to me in an attitude of something you scrap of your shoe….yes.” He smiled at her and she smiled back as the blush rose in her cheek. Luke noticed something else about her as well, how much she was sweating. “Sorry if I’m being forward but I need to check.” He reached forward resting the back of his hand on her forehead. The instant his hand touched two things happened: First he felt how much her head was burning up. Second she jerked her body away as if he was about to attack her. “Holy hell you are burning up? Why are you at school if you are that sick?”

It took Yoshiko a moment too long to gather herself together. Luke wondered what she thought he was doing, “My…my mother believes that I need to focus on my work and improve myself…she say’s I’m not working hard enough.”

When Luke’s jaw fell open he swore he was going to start doing more impressions of cartoons. He wasn’t wrong as he tried to find the right words to say but it came out jumbled like his voice became a damaged record. Finally he smacked his head to get some sort of thought process working, “What the hell is she talking about? You’re a straight A student and probably the most sought after for any clubs, and with the way you run I’m sure that more than one coach wants you on his team. If she thinks you aren’t working hard then maybe she should get her head examined for all the bullshit that’s in there.”

She only stared at him for the longest time. He was beginning to wonder if he went too far. It’s not like he knew what was going on in her family. And, from what he has heard, some Asian families are pretty strict. Then again with as bad she looked and as hard as she worked…needless to say he felt his opinion was justified. If she was at all upset he had no idea how to back pedal that last paragraph that decided to snap out of his hole.

Right about now he was holding his breath behind tight lips and clinched teeth. Then she started giggling and turning shades of red he didn’t think she wore. Her laughing seemed to be contagious and he started joining her. Soon they were bursting with laughter and making a scene that neither one of them seemed to care about.

He found himself finally getting the break he needed. The laughter was pure bliss and not caused by a recent near death experience or mixing emotions about incest. A strange sense of normal complaining about parents, which was made stranger considering that his mother rode his bones the night before. Yet there he was roasting her mother in all her…well bitchy glory. He wanted to think of something else to say but the laughter just kept barreling out of him making his words sound nothing but a jumbled mess.

As their laughter died down she found her words a lot easier than he did, “No one has ever talked about my mother that way…ever.”

Luke had to work his brain and hit the reset button for his speech a few times before he could actually form a complete sentence, “Sounds like she has earned it and then some from my count. But then again I might be prejudice cause I wanna make a beautiful girl smile.”

That caused her to blush and smile more, “I’m not beautiful, I look like I just got ran over.”

“No no no,” Luke corrected, “I look like I got ran over. You look like you need to go home and get a lot of R&R with a dash of medicine and a lot of hot beverages running down your throat.”

Yoshiko seemed to panic at that, “No I can’t, we have to much work to do and still have to make it to next class an…”

Luke seemed to be booming with confidence, or he just didn’t care for her rambling while she was sick. He placed a finger to her lips and smiled, “There is a reason I’m coming over later and it’s a good thing we have the same class together. I’ll take some notes and give em to ya when I come over.” He paused only to remove his finger and found her still blushing or perhaps she was slightly dark (hard to tell when someone is sick). “So if you don’t get out of here I’m gonna start yelling bloody mary.”

She raised a brow at him, “I appreciate it but I doubt you would.”

His smile became wolfish reaching from ear to ear before his voice boomed, “BLOODY MARY!” Her hand clapped quickly over his mouth. He would have enjoyed the soft slender fingers if they weren’t covered in sweat. He smiled behind it at her before she gave an exasperated sigh and left saying she was sick. Luke just leaned back in his chair feeling like a victor especially when she smiled at him before she left.


He strode into History feeling like he just got the winning goal at the big game. As he sat in the front row he swore he saw the first person to congratulate him.

Professor King was back and she looked damn good.

Her hair was down again and reaching all the way to the small of her back, the brown hair sleek with a shine to it. Her green eyes swept the class and seemed to glow with her skin. The make up only highlighted her strong angular features and gave her the strong look of dominance that would make most men want to look away. Not Luke, he was pulled in remembering her face during her orgasm in class and feeling himself grow excited, in more ways than one. She wore a black dress today that came down to her knees but didn’t reveal any cleavage or leg, yet it didn’t hide one bit of her curves either. Her D sized breasts pushed against the material while her hourglass figure showed against the stretched cloth. Luke heard the clicking of her high heels that just made her legs look irresistible. He had to make sure not to swallow his tongue or drop too much jaw. He would have counted her as indecent if it wasn’t for the navy blue light jacket that hid her shoulders and arms.

When the bell rung he pulled his eyes back into his skull before they fell out. He went up to her asking for the homework due next week which caused her to arch a brow as she studied him for a moment or two. She nodded and gave him the assignment and said with a hotly voice, “I expect you to still participate in class Mr. Von’Kyde.” He couldn’t tell if there was a double meaning in her words or not. But as he locked eyes with hers his Mind Radio turned on and the anchor instantly connected. He didn’t do it intentionally, more of he thought of doing it and it happened instantly. She seemed to hold the professional manner with a hint of amusement. He simply nodded and went back to his desk to get started. He noticed and was a little alarmed that his anchor was attaching faster and faster each time, he wasn’t quite certain if it was due to repeated use or the fact that he was able to read someone he has already anchored before. It was also amazing how quickly his mind radio turned on and tuned on to her frequency, again another thought that could be explained to repeated use.

But as she started the class he heard two sets of voices, the ones pertaining to the lecture and her actual mind. “Alright class today is the final review for the section before the test on Monday.” “I hope he decides to stay after class today.” “We will be reviewing the final chapter today and I need you to have a summary paper finished before the test on Monday.” “Of course some more handsome proactive students are doing them right now.” “Now if you haven’t read the chapter then today will be a nice reminder that you need to pay attention.” “I’m sure I’ve got a few people’s attention at the moment.” “Now….where is Yoshiko?”

Luke was having quite the double thought processing keeping up with the conversation and mental thought process. He found his voice, “Um, she had to go home. She wasn’t feeling really well and left during the last class.” Luke detached the anchor from her mind before his brain was reeling too much from keeping up with her lecture, listening to her mind, and trying to work on the homework do Monday. There is multi-tasking and then there is a quick way to get a tumor.

One thing was clear to him though, he was certain that he would need help with his homework…after class.

The lecture continued confirming the last chapter of the section. Luke made sure he raised his hand randomly for a question so as not to get on her bad side. His eyes remained focused on his paper and he proved why he was allowed to slack in classes before he became a sorcerer. Within an hour long class he was finished his paper, at least the first portion that was rushed and probably had more grammar errors than he could count. But, it was finished while answering random questions the teacher had.

When the bell rang he felt so proud of himself he almost walked out of class. But one look at Professor King bent over to collect some books was an easy reminder for him to stay. And since he was finished his paper he had more than a decent excuse.

When the rest of the class left he remained in his seat just watching the teacher’s nicely shaped ass through her dress. When she stood up with her books she seemed genuinely surprised to see him still there. When their eyes locked the anchor was set as soon as Luke thought of it. It was strange feeling the anchor soar like a bullet and latch like a vice in her mind. Her thoughts mimicked her question in a strange echoing fashion, “Luke what are you still doing here?”

Luke struggled to contain his smile before he answered, “Well I finished my paper but I want to make sure I got some details accurate. Would you mind reviewing some of the details with me?”

“Sure I wouldn’t mind at all,” She set her books aside and seemed to pause before she removed her jacket revealing that the dress she wore had no shoulders at all. Luke felt his breath catch as he had a wonderful view of her neck and shoulders while she leaned over to examine his paper. Luke was grateful the desk hid quite a bit. She moved over beside him and he could catch the smell of her perfume as she looked at his paper. “I’m quite impressed that you finished already…though there are quite a few grammar mistakes.” She paused examining his paper over his shoulder and he struggled to keep his hands on the desk instead of stroking her. He wasn’t sure if that was the power of the Mind Radio, his enhanced libido, or his natural urges mixed with a damn sexy teacher right there. “So what part are you having difficulties with?”

He felt himself do a double take at her question, since he was focused on her skin and smell. “Well…I think I’ve got a good body here to work with, the curves are in the right place but some parts seem hidden that I’m not exactly sure that I know what to put there.” His double meaning was so obvious yet he didn’t care. He wanted to see how much he could prod her sexual thoughts with his words. And that is were having the ability to read her mind came in handy.

“Well he is certainly forward, but let’s see how much we can push each other.” She nodded for a moment before leaning closer to him, brushing her breasts against his shoulder and continuing, “Well I like the detail you have hear for your paper. But it seems lacking in certain areas down below. Not sure if the right words roll of the tongue easily.”

The hidden banter was so obvious he almost swore that it was a bad script from a porno. Yet he smiled from ear to ear enjoying the playful nature that they both knew made the other smile. He just cleared his throat and decided to push a little more as he moved closer, his hand brushing hers to hint at what he was talking about on the page, “I thought it’s rather strong and almost to lengthy down below but I’m sure that top portion has plenty of words that allow good use of the tongue.” He felt like he needed that extra leg for the kick to the head. That was too obvious on so many levels. He was pretty sure some porn writer some were is taking notes or having a migraine.

Yet her hand covered his as their eyes meet one another. He felt the heat rise under her fingers and grow between his legs. When their eyes locked he felt her thoughts rushing towards his mind in a stream of sexual arousal, excitement, and panic. “I’m flirting with my student like I’m cheap porn star. What’s worse is he is flirting back just as bad. But, is it bad? God I masturbated and exposed myself to class for him. I’m practically dripping right now and I can’t seem to stop myself. Not one man has made me this excited in a long time and he is one of the brightest students and is eyeballing me like I’m his next big lay. I could be. Should I be? I know it’s wrong, I could lose my job. But, god he is handsome and I didn’t know he had such strong hands. What else don’t I know about his body?” Needless to say her thought seemed to race similar to a computer following the right, wrong, exciting, and hot spectrum of her mind.

Luke decided to make his move. He leaned in and found her lips and it was difficult to place the flavor, the only way to describe the kiss was electrifying. He wasn’t sure if it was the taboo of the moment, the control he had, or how much he knew he was having effect on her. Any of those could explain the reason and so could all of them. As their lips collided his mind pushed against hers, “Don’t think, act, feel the excitement. When this kiss is over you know there is more to come so you should lock the door and pray you can keep quite.” The thought was placed and seemed to flow with the computer speed stream of her other thoughts. Yet when he placed that one there wrong seemed to be removed with anticipation for what was to come. The kiss lasted an extra minute before she parted and seemed to be panting while a few shades of red danced along the blush panted on her features.

In a rush of excitement she hurried to the door and locked it, she seemed to keep her focus on locking the door as she spoke, “We may need some privacy for the next part of the lesson.”

She didn’t hear Luke come up behind her. But as the sound of the lock clicked he whispered in her ear feeling the sexual desire roll off his tongue, “The question is, who is teaching.” He heard her gasp as his arms wrapped about her waist and his lips kissed along her exposed shoulder and neck. He could taste the oils of her natural skin mix with the slight taste of her perfume. He was able to ignore the chemical taste as she swooned in his arms. Her back press firmly against his chest as his hands roamed her body through the dress. The soft material molded and pushed against her skin as he bite gently against her neck while placing kisses along her collar bone.

“My God,” her breath whispered the words as she directed his hands to grip her breasts. His fingers encompassed them through the cloth squeezing them firmly making her squirm more against his touch. Her mind mimicked what his hands confirmed, her nipple wear erect behind the cloth making it easier to tease the bare breasts underneath. Every time his fingers glided over her nipples he felt her squirm and thoughts get derailed in her mind with each touch, caress, and pinch. He found one of his hands drift down between her legs slowly lifting her dress as he found that just like she claimed, she was dripping, but she wasn’t wearing any panties.

“Aren’t you a hungry teacher,” His words struck a chord in her brain as her thoughts rushed with agreement and begging. Luke found her at his mercy when his hand slipped up her dress and the other hand pulled down to expose her to his mercy, not that he would give her any. As his hand cupped her large breast he was almost derailed from his own thoughts at the weight and soft feel of them. His fingers pinched her nipple and clit pulling slightly as she wiggled and bucked against him, his arms holding her firmly. Yet she still seemed to have plenty of room to move. He decided to fix that by moving his lips to the other side of her neck biting into the flesh hard as she gasped even more. His fingers slipped inside her drench pussy causing her to squirm before he sank his teeth more firmly into her flesh and gripped her breast like it was a handle.

Her mind was racing as his fingers worked her pussy. “My god yes, he is amazing. I need a man like him to take control, to take me, and use me. My god he is working my body like a god. His teeth on my neck, oh please let them leave a mark. Pull on my tit, abuse it. No not there you keep curling your fingers there I’m going to lose my mind.” Her mind was the perfect play by play of her sexual desires, with added hot commentary that made him grow hotter by the each thought that raced in her mind. He had no idea how much this strong teacher was a needy submissive slut until he touched her mind and now she needed him. She was putty in his fingers as he worked her to an orgasm. He seemed to have an amazing effect on her cause her whole body stiffened and slumped against him as her orgasm crashed through her like a freight train. Her mind getting washed with pleasure leaving her thoughts blank.

She seemed almost weak in his arms and it caused him to smile seeing her limp body mixed with the rosy cheeks, and the blissful smile. He picked her up easily, almost as if she was as light as his sister. He needed to skip the thank you note to Xavier and send that guy a bottle of Jack Daniels.

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