
The Prophecy Ch. 4_(0)

When a young man, Luke, finds out he is a sorcerer his world is turned upside down with magic, violence, and sex.

The Prophecy Ch. 4

This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read the previous chapters to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and has more interesting magical twists to come. Please note that all characters in this story are 18 years or older. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story.

“I can’t tell if I’m bored…or just feeling really awkward right now.” Usually after he has had amazing sex with a beautiful woman he would never think the next few moments would be boring. Now as he sat across the table from his mom, massaging his sore shoulder, with a deafening silence in the air he could cut with a knife he couldn’t help but let that thought cross his mind. They had an amazing round where he climaxed hard inside her for a second time. And once the heat of the moment had subsided and she went from being his hot lover to his mother again. They had been sitting there in the quite for a good five to ten minutes staring at each other blushing occasionally as they made eye contact across the table from one another.

He had to break the uncomfortable silence, “So…um…was it good for you?” Her mind was a mix of emotions with no words attached to them. His statement brought only silence in her mind as she stared at him. He thought he felt weird before and now she stared at him with that blank expression with his mind radio receiving no transmission from station mom. He swallowed hard trying to find something new to say. He finally disconnected from her mind, the silence in there was more strange and uncomfortable then the silence on the outside.

As he turned off his radio she smiled, “Yes it was, I’m wondering how you learned all that.”

“Um…some personal experience and too much porn,” Luke was used to making everyone else dumbfounded and confused. Now he understood why they blinked at him. It felt like a strange reset for his brain to process the statement. He would have to keep using the tactic on everyone else because this switch was an eye opener, or eye blinker in this case. “So…um…you’re not mad?”

She smiled and the blush rose in her cheek. She had yet to put on a pair of pants so he got a chance to admire her amazing legs until they sat down at the table. Now he stared at her “sleep shirt” hanging loosely on her shoulders with her wavy brown hair messy from the amazing fun they had, her smooth features seemed to color more as here blue eyes met his. “Well…”She seemed to think for a moment or two, “It’s difficult to be angry with my son and…well lover for fulfilling a lifelong fantasy.”

Luke really needed to stop blinking in surprise because his brain was on constant reset to processes the information he was receiving. God, was this how Miss Bradley felt dealing with him? Well if it kept her on her toes then why waste good ammo. But that remained the information that now racked his brain, “Um…life long? Last I checked I didn’t hit puberty till about six years ago.”

This brought a snort from his mother’s mouth. He found it kind of adorable how she was behaving more like a nervous girl after her first time, rather than his own mother. She was blushing hard as she stared at her own fiddling hands, “Well…I’ve had fantasies of incest for a long time. When I hit puberty my first crush was your grandfather…” Luke was so grateful he had his mind radio off for that, he didn’t want to picture his dead grandfather with his mother. “When I found out I was bi I even pictured your grandmother.” He cursed his imagination because now he had an image of his mother and grandmother, at current age, in the 69.

He shook his head hard, “Ok well that’s an image I’m gonna have a hard time getting rid of.”

She chuckled with delight but continued, “Well we all didn’t start off old ya know. But I’ve always fantasized about it. When I had you and Sam of course it never entered my mind, which is until recently those thoughts stirred again. When you turned 18 you became a real man and she a woman. After these few days of you at this job…you seem so confident and strong…I couldn’t help myself.” That and mixed with a little bit of succubus juice didn’t hurt. She reached out and took his hand smiling, “I’m so grateful you made my fantasy come true and that my son is such a strong man.”

He couldn’t help but return her smile. How could he not? With the way she beamed so bright, beautiful, happy, and possessive he felt like he might be on drugs with how happy staring at her made him feel. He gave her hand a nice squeeze in return, his thumb stroking the back of her hand. A lingering thought bounced in his head, a simple question that could ruin this moment. He didn’t want to ask it but had to or there would be too much confusion, “So…what happens now?”

She still held her smile, god it was one hell of a smile, as she took his hand in both of hers. “That’s really up to you,” She held his hand caressing it between her own almost hesitantly, “This could be an ongoing thing with my incest leach of a boy.” She paused smiling and the hesitation return but it seemed she forced herself to speak, “Or this could be a wonderful one time experience. I saw how you looked at your sister and I know I’m not as young as she or other wom…”

His sudden movement across the table to kiss her full on the lips made the words catch before they poured from her lips. The kiss was slightly tart with a hidden sweetness to it, a mixture of a fine wine. He deepened the kiss for a moment or two enjoying the flavor. As he broke from her lips she let out a long breath and he smiled looking into her eyes, “You still a fine woman, and if you are comfortable with it I wouldn’t mind a sequel or two to earlier.”

He thought she blushed before, her whole face was flushed crimson as she stared at him and then his lips. He made the connection and kissed her once more. He felt her tongue eagerly invade his mouth causing a groan to vibrate their lips. Her tongue danced along his for a moment or two longer before she broke the kiss and had taking a shaky breath. He sat down before he felt he would fall on the table. They sat there once more in silence, which was less strange then before. She still held his hands in hers stroking them sweetly. “So what about your sister, I saw you lusting after her as she played with herself thinking about you.”

If Luke didn’t know any better he would swear she was a sorceress with mind reading. He swallowed trying to cover his thoughts with how uncomfortable he really was. “How do you know she was thinking of me?”

His mother gave a chuckle, “My beautiful boy, for as smart as you are, you are pretty oblivious at times. I can tell cause she looks at you the way I do. A yearning for such a confident handsome guy that she cares about. I know we both love you and you us, perhaps it’s a lover’s love or family I can’t tell. I know I lust for you as does she. So the question is… now that you have fucked your mother will you fuck your sister?”

Her words rolled through him like a gentle breeze that smacked him with a trashcan when she actually cursed. Apparently having sex with your own mother gives her incentive to knock down the walls of profanity. But, he did think about her words for a moment and knew he had made up his mind when he decided to take his mother. He smiled mischievously at her, “I think I will…fuck…my sister.” He put heated passion into the curse and smiled as he watched his mother moan and squirm in her seat.


That night he had trouble sleeping. With a restless mind filled with possibilities and a really sore shoulder it made sleep difficult to find. For the longest time he stared at the back of his eyes, images of his sister masturbating and him fucking his mother toying with his brain. He couldn’t remember when he fell asleep but when his alarm went blaring he wanted to throw it out the window. After another 5 minutes of his alarm going off he finally pulled himself out of bed with a wince from his shoulder.

Getting ready for school was a hassle. But, the heated shower for his shoulder helped quite a bit to rinse some of the weariness from his bones. He was still worn out and sore but getting dressed didn’t feel like a small measure of torture. As he got himself arranged and cleaned he thought of all the roads he could take today and didn’t know where he should start. A quick gargle and spit of this clean mouth helped finish his routine before he made his way down stairs.

His mom smiled at him from over her shoulder as she worked the stove. He beamed a smile back and as he sat down he had a plate of pancakes placed right in front of him. His mom gave his cheek a lingering kiss that broke as his sister came down excited to see the pancakes. They both seemed so lovely, even in their morning clothes. Luke’s eyes lingered on both of them before moving back to his plate that made his stomach groan in delight.

He ate with a hunger he forgot was there until his plate disappeared in less than five minutes. He gave his sister a kiss on the forehead, maybe letting his lips stale for a moment or two before he moved to put his dish in the sink. As he put his plate in the sink he saw his sisters back and his mother back where both to him. Why resist a good thing. On his way out the door he groped his mother’s ass with a good grip causing her to yelp. “Mom you ok?!” Sam’s reaction was almost instant but he was at the door with his mother giving him a slight glare that just made him laugh. He gave them both a wave before making his way to school.

Today was the start of another interesting day.


For the first time in a while Luke had to pay attention during his classes. He had been so busy with his training and work as a sorcerer that it was the first time in a while that he was threatening to fall behind on his school work. He debated on whether or not it was important to keep going to school. He wondered how important High School Math was when you fought a golem and had a business deal with a wendigo.

Yet he couldn’t deny that it was kind of nice to do something normal. He didn’t realize how the stress of catching up with his classes would actually relax him in a way. Just like when he talked to his mom about work like he had a normal job. If you drown yourself in the world of fantasy you may be consumed by it. Even if it was school he needed to be kept grounded in one way or another.

He opted to skip gym for his second period and sit on the bleachers, the coach didn’t buy the shoulder dislocation till he felt for himself. Nothing convinces a coach then the sound of a teenager yelling in pain from a dislocation and then a reset of bones which still seemed to be noticeable and hurt like hell, the bruise lining his shoulder also helped. He spent half the period rubbing his shoulder with people whispering about how he dislocated his it, most the time guessing how it go dislocated in the first place. The next half of class he caught himself up with his other class periods worth of school work.

Math was a breeze to catch up on, first period always seemed easy but then again he could figure out most of the problems with his eyes closed. He didn’t know what he was expected to study for his English class, he spent a majority of the time zoning in and out of his lectures and just reading the book. So, he read the chapter he thought they would be reviewing today. Before he had a chance to get to his other two classes the bell rang and it was off to the races, so to speak.

The halls were crowded as usual, and he was so grateful he had learned to shut of the mind radio. He really didn’t want to know what people thought of him avoiding almost any human contact. His shoulder was in a lot of pain and the sex with his mother, though it was amazing, didn’t help his shoulder heal much. The way his thoughts where running you’d think his shoulder was in constant pain. It wasn’t the shoulder that bothered him so much as most people’s insistence, mostly the jocks, to shoulder ram him as much as possible. He guessed that not too many people where happy that Xavier was out of commission for a few games while his hand and jaw healed.

When Luke made it to English he felt a since of relief wash over him. It was a strange change of pace since most the time he was bored out of his mind. Luke made his peace with all those that wanted to try and turn his body into a human pinball among a crowd and just focused on what he needed to do. He had to catch up on his school work before Miss Bradley picked him up after classes.

The teacher began his lecture and Luke thanked his stars that he was good at guessing, he lectured about the same chapter he just read. So Luke busied himself with reading his Biology work. He had more than a few people stare at him oddly. Well not him per say but his hand. The black fingerless gloves with a metal plate covering most of the back and smaller ones on his knuckles tended to draw people’s eyes. He was grateful no teacher asked him to explain it, how do you explain a glove that allows you to throw a kinetic punch equal to a speeding car?

That class seemed to swim buy and time to race to his Biology class made him more annoyed. He seemed to be running the whole time to avoid anyone and made it to biology before anyone else. With a deep breath he took his seat and began reading the chapter. He was lost in the book moving from one chapter to another. He didn’t realize the bell had run until the professor clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention. “Alright time to partner up.”

“Wait what did he say?” Luke’s mind was completely derailed as people swarmed to be with their friends. He looked around and saw that there was a group project on stem cell research on the board. He sighed and looked around with a shrug. As usual he would have to work alone, it didn’t bother him much. He rather work hard by himself then have someone else take credit for his work.

He went back to reading his book finishing his third chapter. “Hey, no one else is available let’s get to work.” Luke blinked in surprise, he really needed to stop doing that, as he stared up at a girl who had a familiar voice. He looked at her for a few moments, probably with a blank stare. She was a short Asian girl, an hourglass figure that showed through the red sweater and knee length plaid skirt. He admired her for a few trying not to be creepy before she scoffed and sat down at a desk in front of him. “Well if you’re not busy starring lets work.”

“Um…sure,” Luke was puzzled, he knew he recognized her voice but couldn’t place her face. She had a nice circular face that seemed to carry full cheeks and her brown eyes where hidden behind simple metal frame glasses. Then what memory clicked with his brain that he recognized her? Her black hair was in a simple French braid that hung over her shoulder, he would call it a Lara Croft braid, and she seemed very attentive to her work.

She about slammed her hand down, “Look I don’t have time to waste, I need to work hard to pass this class so if you won’t help me I’ll work by myself!” The voice finally clicked, mixed with her determination to pass the class. This was the girl he read off of when he first started to use his mind radio. Made sense how she seemed to hate looking at him, she thought he was lazy and didn’t seem to care much about him. Well another person to add to the list he supposed.

He finally sat up straight, “Sorry had a long night at my job. I was trying to think about what we can make our paper on. Our research had to be focused on stem cells right? Did it have to be a paper specifically on stem cells themselves or could it be about research using them?”

“Um…I’m not sure. He said it had to involve stem cells but wasn’t specific.” She moved a loose strand behind her ear, he noticed quite a few strands slipped from the braid. Boy did she need to take a day off and relax.

“If that’s the case I’ve heard of some research being done with stem cells. They are trying to use stem cells to revive the dead. Now I’m not sure of the exact science behind it but if we do our research it will be a unique paper and he prefers that over the usual BS that people turn in.”

She almost seemed surprised; scratch that, she was surprised. She looked at him oddly and just nodded as she took notes. Luke went over some of the pages he had seen off Facebook as well as articles he could recall on the subject and she wrote them all down. He continued to talk while he smiled at her but she just stared down at the paper never looking up. She was still writing when Luke went quit trying to think. He was curious what she was thinking but felt it almost wrong to pick at her brain.

At the same time he knew he had to get on the same wave length as her fast if they were going to get the work done at a decent rate. Also it couldn’t hurt to flex his “mind reading muscles.” He flipped on the mind radio and rubbed his temple instantly. The static coming in was daunting like mixed signals trying to screech in his ear. He dialed down the radio and put up his walls so he could focus. He saw her staring at him, “I guess he is smarter than I thought.” He used that thought to anchor in her mind and finally relaxed feeling her mind process the information of the paper.

He decided to keep talking, otherwise it might seem strange that he was only staring, “We could also use humor in the paper. Most the teachers I know prefer some humor here and there so it doesn’t seem copied or unoriginal. I’m pretty sure I’ve got more than one Resident Evil joke in my back pocket somewhere.” She kept a smooth face as she stared at him. He would have thought her annoyed if he didn’t hear her mind laughing and agreeing with him. It was strange to see a solid mask of “resting bitch face” versus a smiling and laughing girl behind it. He’d hate to play her in a game of poker.

Mind reading sure was confusing, but then again people are strange.

The bell rang for class to end and she hurried to pick up her notes. Luke stood up and pulled out his phone, “Hey listen, we should keep in touch and pass along articles and bits of info for writing the paper. What’s your number?” She snatched his phone right out of his hands and typed in her contact info. Before he could even get a word of thanks, or read much from her mind, she was out of the class room. He decided to leave the connection in her mind and test what Marina said about the distance. As he went to head to his next class he looked down at his phone and smiled. “So her name is Yoshiko.”

Luke smiled as he weaved around people, occasional grunt through his teeth as people met his shoulder. English was just down the hall so he didn’t have to play “Bumper People” for too long. He sat at his usual spot, up front in front of the teacher’s desk, letting his mind follow Yoshiko’s through the school. If he had to take notes about everything she thought in just that short period then his hand would ache. She was really worried about making it to her locker before next class and seemed to struggle with the jog to her locker. He felt sorry for her on that. She seemed to be doing the hundred mile sprint to get to her locker and then to English. Her locker was on the other side of the school which gave Luke a good radius of how far it could extend for now. He dislodge the anchor from her mind, if he read it much longer he would get nervous about school himself.

As he disconnected he was greeted with the lovely sight of Professor King walking into the class. He admired her as he always did. She decided to let her hair down for today and add some nice make up to touch up her face. Luke’s eyes were casual but he tried not to openly stare at her choice of clothes today. Instead of a skirt that road to her ankles it settled nicely just above her knee. Her white blouse was professional but hugged her curves just enough for you to guess the size of her D cup breasts. He was surprised and wondered if she had another date planned for later today. When she told the class to read the chapter and they would review the questions Luke’s sigh mimicked everyone in the room. He pulled out his book and began reading it.

He was already half way through the chapter, about ten minutes into class, when Professor King’s thoughts dropped into his brain, “I hope he looks again, the suspense is killing me.” Luke forced himself not to blink, he had to work on his poker face and not be surprised. But he was delighted that his peripheral caught her legs spread from under her desk for him. He looked up meeting her eyes latching his anchor on to her before his gaze gave a slight downward glance at her bare pussy. It started to grow wet as he stared before his eye met hers once more.

Her face blushed slightly as her eyes darted from paper work on her desk to him. “I hope he is enjoying the nice show I’m providing him.” And that he did. He pussy was starting to get wetter with each thought of him staring at her. They both tried to continue working as she exposed herself to him. He enjoyed the treat and felt himself start to pitch a tent. He might enjoy showing her himself if he could pull it off without getting in trouble, but his desk didn’t hide as well as hers.

For the next five minutes she moved her legs apart and together for him trying to prevent others from noticing and he enjoyed the little private peep show that he appeared to have a VIP ticket to. However, the more he stared the greedier he got. Time to flex the muscles.

“Spread your pussy so I can see.”

She slipped her hand casually down between her legs, he made his glance at her as inconspicuous as possible. Luke watched as her fingers slide through the triangle brown bush down to her pussy’s lips. She smiled as the eagerness was probably obvious in his gaze, while her fingers teased at the edges of her pussy. Finally her fingers parted the lips giving him a wonderful image of her soaked hole eager for some attention. He felt she should grant that to her beautiful body.

“Professor King, masturbate and tease your pussy without getting caught as a reward for showing your student a wonderful time.”

She seemed to shudder at the thought and seemed more eager to pleasure herself.

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