The Prophecy Ch. 2
The Prophecy Ch. 2
Sex Story Author: | StoryWeaver990 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | He whipped his nose and she looked at him with a stern voice, “We are done, we can’t push you |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Exhibitionism, Fantasm, Female exhibitionist, Female solo, Male / Females, Monster, Teen Male / Female, Voyeurism |
The Prophecy Ch. 2
This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and is the start of more interesting magical twists to come. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story.
“Could this day get any more boring?” How clearly that thought played in Luke’s mind as he was stuck in the same position as the previous Friday. Stuck in Biology waiting for the teacher to stop going over the studies they were supposed to review over the weekend. Ironically this was the first time he had to pay attention since his weekend was the most interesting one he had had in a long time. At the moment he couldn’t tell if his boredom was due to the fact he had the most amazing days of his life and he was back in school. Or, the fact that Miss. Bradley was going to be waiting for him after school.
But, until he could go out and meet her he had to wait and listen to a review which seemed to cover the homework that was do this Wednesday. He almost slammed his head down with annoyance when he felt a familiar tickle in his brain that cause him to scan around briefly. He caught one of the girls behind him looking at him from her desk taking notes. “There he goes again! How can he be so lazy when I’m struggling just to keep up?!”
This wasn’t the first time it happened, Luke was just grateful that it wasn’t a crowd of people like the first headache he got. It didn’t help that she was screaming the thoughts and he could hear every one of them. The first time he was in the hall and could hear multiple voices buzzing in his head. He fell to the floor clutching his head as they all swarmed and chattered inside his skull, it got worse as they stared at him and more voices where added to the pile.
Throughout the day he could hear random voices, some sounded as if he was listening to them through a broadband radio and others almost screamed at him like the girl who sat behind him. After a while he started being able to figure out a trick to dull the voices to a low roar like he was in an additional crowd without the shouts. In each class he picked out a random person thinking about him in some fashion or another. He was actually surprised by how often he would pop into someone’s head.
When he heard the girl’s voice in class he tried focusing on it, like attaching an anchor to hear more of her thoughts. It worked with one of the jocks he had in his English class. He heard all the guy’s thoughts, and he had a boring mind. Each new person he would read was easier than the last and gave him less of a headache. He was able to play it off at first as a migraine, to many people thought he was getting over a hangover.
The anchor was latched and Luke read the girls mind like a book as he stared straight forward. “If I don’t pass this class I’m screwed! I can’t believe this nonsense. Who needs to remember all of this anyways? I’m not even interested in Biology. Why couldn’t I have gotten an easier class, or one with one of my friends that way I could survive the whole hour or so. How is he able to look so calm and get passed all his classes without even trying? God I hate him and yet he doesn’t even notice a thing! Maybe I should toss gum into his hair and see how he likes it. No. No that is way too childish. He hasn’t said anything wrong to me I’m just frustrated cause I don’t get any of this.” He cut off the anchor there feeling like he was invading too much.
He assumed this mind reading trick was from Marina if he made the contract with Renna for the ability to use fire. He wondered what other contracts there were out there and who possessed them. His thoughts drifted to the weekend he had as a smile climb on to his face. Over the weekend he discovered he was a sorcerer, made two contracts, he now possesses two interesting abilities, and he has had the most amazing sex with the most magnificent women. If he wasn’t trying to concentrate to make sure he didn’t hear any unneeded thoughts then he would swear it was all something he made up.
When the bell rang his mind was jolted from him his thoughts. It seemed that he was losing track of time a lot today, mostly because he couldn’t stop thinking about all that has happened over the weekend. He practiced setting up the walls in his head for when he walked out of the classroom. As soon as he stepped out he was grateful for the wall in his head, he pumped into someone as soon as he walked out. He made quick apologize but heard the rude buzz of their thoughts cussing him out.
As Luke side stepped them and moved through the crowd he caught the brief thoughts of anyone who looked his way. It took him a while to start setting up that wall, he still worried about cracks here in there since he was just starting to get the hang of it. As he moved to his locker he couldn’t help but be reminded of the screams and yells he received inside his own skull. When someone thinks of mind reading is something amazing, until you hear the thoughts of every person has about you when they look in your direction.
The static sounds that he heard, even at a dull roar of people’s thoughts, proved that he really wish he didn’t know what others thought of him. He didn’t realize just how annoyed people were with him. He didn’t think he was worth anyone’s eye but apparently being a jack of all trades causes a lot of people to raise a brow…or two.
He made his way to his History class and was grateful to see his favorite teacher had recovered. He smiled as he made his way to the usual front seat in class. Professor King was almost opposite of Miss Bradly in regards to style of clothes, but identical in figure. She had the same angular features but it seemed to display her kissable lips and green eyes. Her long brown hair was pulled back into a pony tail that draped down to the small of her back.
As she wrote on the board Luke couldn’t help but remark on her clothes. She wore a baggy sweatshirt that hid all of her figure and a skirt that covered up her legs, even her feet where well covered with what appeared to be knee high boots. It seemed that her entire wardrobe was picked to hide her figure from the class, he had a few guesses as to why but no solid reason. As she turned to face the class he averted his eyes to make it seem like he wasn’t staring.
She smiled warmly to everyone in the room, “I know that the sub seemed to think you needed the extra work. So today we are going to have a study hall.” He heard half the class let out a deep sigh and shook his head. As usual he already went through the assignment and had plenty of free time. Strange to think he has free time with being a sorcerer now…being a sorcerer, that thought still was difficult to wrap his head around.
Luke sat there letting the thoughts roll over his mind as his eyes wandered about. He heard the familiar buzz of everyone’s thoughts as they glanced him. He caught the same girl’s thoughts again, she seemed more frustrated this time around since this was the second class he had his work done. He’s eyes finally landed on Professor King and she looked right at him. Her thoughts where as clear as a bell, “If I didn’t know how brilliant Luke was I’d just assume he was being lazy.”
He smiled warmly at her as he secured his anchor in her mind. The anchor latched on with a vice grip easier than most he had tried today. “I wonder how many of the students needed the study hall. I know I did. After the weekend I’ve had…” Luke let out a small gasp as he saw images of the weekend. Professor King on a date that went horribly wrong. He saw everything from her perspective as the guy tried groping her in her dress and didn’t seem to get the hint that he had lost her interest barely in the date. The only reason she stayed was out of courtesy and she was regretting that already.
Luke was finally pulled back into his own mind when the images…the memories stopped. He looked around the room and touched his chest to make sure nothing had changed. Of course the room was the same and he wasn’t wearing a red satin dress that showed of his…her curves. He looked up at professor King as her thoughts still entered his mind from the anchor. “Is Luke okay? I hope he isn’t sick. That’s the last thing I need…”
Luke forced a smile on his fast as he patted his chest, faking a gas bubble as thoughts raced through his own mind while he stared at her. “I actually just saw a memory from her perspective…it was like I was actually there. She looked damn good in the dress. Hell she looks damn good it almost anything. The outfit of today could be improved. Hell if she just pulled up her skirt to show more of her legs, maybe even up to the knee…”
His thoughts froze as he saw the professor move her skirt up and hold it above her knees on her lap. As an afterthought she scratched her knee as to give a reason for her moving her skirt. He stared in wonder, curious that she moved her skirt right as he thought it. She did have well-toned legs. Her thoughts became background static to Luke’s own racing thoughts that bounced about his skull. He was the only one with a clear view of what she was doing and he tried not to show his excitement, or obvious stare.
He didn’t believe in coincidence and needed to test this. He made his thoughts perfectly clear, “Professor King spread your legs far enough so your panties are visible.” Professor King didn’t move and Luke let out a sigh and stretched to cover up his obvious disappointment. He guessed it was just chance…unless…Luke waited a few moments and then thought clearly, “Professor I want you to spread your legs apart to see what’s between them.”
This time she moved her legs apart and Luke had to clinch his teeth shut to prevent the shock from hitting him. She wasn’t wearing any panties and she had a nice triangle shape brown bush above her pussy. He didn’t make his stare obvious but he couldn’t help but notice that she was slowly becoming wet. After a moment he stared at her face rather than between her legs, and that was a struggle, as she stared down at her paperwork. Luke pulled her thoughts from the static and listened. “I can’t believe I’m getting so wet. I wonder if any of the students are staring. Luke would have a good view if he stopped stretching. How many times have they noticed, or not noticed, that I come to class without panties.”
Luke was once again pulled into her memories as she thought of every moment that she came to work without any panties or a bra on. Her thoughts where clear as the memories flashed through like a bad picture reel. Luke had to focus on the thoughts or get lost through the multiple images she had. He finally had an answer to his question from earlier. She wore loose fitting clothes to keep people guessing on whether she wore underwear to school. She stopped going through her memories and looked right at Luke. This time he couldn’t control his gaze as his eyes went from hers to between her legs.
Her head buzzed with frantic thoughts as she snapped her legs closed and smiled. She put a finger to her lips and gave the “sh” movement and went back to her work. Luke took the moment to disengage from her mind. The final thought that flashed through her mind before he detached the anchor, “I wonder what he thinks of his teacher now. Doubt I have to worry about him talking.”
She had no idea how accurate that last thought was.
Luke’s mind was reeling at the possibilities, bouncing from one subject to another. Not only could he read minds be he could actually make people do what he wanted if he had an anchor in them. And, then there was Professor King after taking one look into her mind, and then some, he found out what he thought was a conservative teacher was an exhibitionist. Apparently though she had standards, made obvious by her date over the weekend, but he had her attention and her mind whenever he wanted.
The cliché Marvel line came to mind, “With great power comes great responsibility.” He would tread lightly but it didn’t mean he couldn’t have some fun in the progress.
He waited around the parking lot for Miss. Bradley to turn up, he had been practicing all day with the mind control now he need to work with the fire. It was strange that the mind reading came so easy but so far he hasn’t been able to light a candle, literally that’s the first thing he tried when he woke up this morning. He grew more curious how these contracts work and the powers provided. Did some come easier than others? Or was it based on the person? Was controlling one completely different than using another?
He was waiting for a good while when the static buzz of the main stream caught his attention. “He won’t know what hit him.”
His instincts screamed to move. He was grateful he did, because a car just barely missed him, he would have been more than grazed if he got tagged by the Mustang.
A groan escaped his lips as he saw Xavier climb out of the car and stared at him with a glare that sent most the school jumping back from his blue eyes. Xavier stood at the same height as Luke but his charcoal skin only showed off the muscle that he had gained through his basketball and baseball practices. There he stood like a guard preventing Luke from leaving and they just stared at one another, knowing the challenge was there.
Xavier’s voice boomed, “Why don’t you watch were you’re going dipshit!”
Luke would normally shrug it off and walk away, but today he decided he was tired of rolling over. Besides, with the anchor already in his head Luke was already reading Xavier like a book and knew he wasn’t getting out of this without some sort of fight. Luke sneered and made sure his voice was heard, “Maybe you shouldn’t steer with a piece of junk, and you should learn how to drive your car to while you’re at it.”
The realization of his words finally hit Xavier, after a minute or two, and his whole body seemed gripped with rage as he charged for a swing at Luke. Luke moved out of the way almost with ease, being able to read a person’s mind almost made fighting too easy. Normally Luke would have to work his punches in, but making Xavier miss swing after swing seemed more fun. But he had other ideas to make things…interesting.
Luke moved like water around Xavier making him angrier with each passing moment. By now a small crowd had taken noticed and was shouting. Luke was grateful for the anchor, he didn’t want any additional thoughts distracting him. Luke moved not throwing a punch letting Xavier wear down for a moment. Then he pushed the command, “Hug me and apologize.” Luke waited a moment and felt like a wall pushing against his thoughts as he forced the command. In that moment Luke froze wondering why his command wasn’t going through.
His thoughts where jarred by a solid right hook to the side of his head that sent him reeling. He caught himself against the car and collected himself in time to avoid Xavier’s kick that would have connected with his spine. The heavy foot dented the car and sent Xavier into more of a fit of rage that made Luke dance more on his toes as he avoided each punch. Time seemed to pass for hours with what was probably minutes. Luke continued to push the same thought meeting a wall that was stopping the command from going through. Luke was getting more tired by the minute, he couldn’t keep dodging forever.
Luke felt his back pressed against the car and saw Xavier’s fist aimed right for his chest. Even as he moved he knew he was going to get winged at most. “Punch to the right of me!” The command was fierce but didn’t seem to meet much resistance as Luke dodged and Xavier’s fist connected with his car window. He heard the crash of glass and crunch of his fist followed by Xavier’s wail. In that moment he didn’t let shock hit him, Luke slammed his fist right into the side of Xavier’s jaw and down he went, out cold. Luke stood there panting and sweating as the onlookers stared. There weren’t as many as he thought but enough to attract attention. He quickly grabbed his bag and walked away from the scene and out of the parking lot hearing the crowd finally breathe and move to check on Xavier.
Luke walked a good solid stride for five minutes when he heard a familiar voice, “My my aren’t you having fun making friends.” Luke didn’t need to look up as he pulled open the passenger door and slipped in. There was silence as Miss. Bradley drove away from the school.
Luke was sitting in Miss. Bradley’s apartment, puzzling the fight over in his head. Only hinting to what he believed where “Rules” of his mind control ability. Miss. Bradley wandered off to go grab something leaving him alone with his thoughts, trying to puzzle out the secrets of that wall he ran into and why it didn’t block his command at the end. Was it the intense emotion of the command or the fight? Was it the willingness to listen? How close the subject was to him? Too many possibilities and no answers at the moment. He finally leaned back in the couch with a defeated heavy sigh. There were still too many things he didn’t know.
Miss. Bradley walked in dressed for business like when he first meet her. She decided to go with a green tight blazer coat with a red blouse and a matching green skirt. Luke never got tired of looking at her figure. It was a nice sight to pull his mind from the confusion. It also helped that he didn’t need to picture what she was like without the clothes.
As she checked his face he had to suppress a wince as he felt his face sting, he didn’t need a mirror to know that his face was bruised and tender. Miss. Bradley smiled as she looked at his face, “Well it’s not gonna ruin that handsome face of yours but you will be sore for a while.” He shrugged as if it was nothing but enjoyed looking at her face. His eyes scanned her and then went back to her face again and she wore her usual knowing smile, “Mind out of the gutter for your training mister.”
Luke chuckled, “I was actually wondering what you do for a living. It’s not like we can be sorcerers…or eses full time.”
Miss. Bradley thought for a moment with a finger to her cheek, “Well technically we can.”
A snort escaped his throat, “I’m sure we can, I’ll just put an ad in the yellow pages and check reviews on yelp.”
Her eyebrow crooked at him, “That sarcasm of yours is a wonderful trait for talking to a lady.” His cheeks went slightly red as she stared at him like a stern mother, she must have took his silence as an apology and continued, “Though we don’t make our professions known, we are sought out for. We do odd jobs here and there and if we collect certain items we can make…” her gaze looked about her apartment, “Quite the living from those that collect them or use them.”
“Sounds like I’m in dungeons and dragons,” He mumbled the words before he could suppress them.
Miss. Bradley eyed him with her brow that seemed to stay raised as she stared at him. “Always such a way with words. But I can see how you’d think that. In truth we just do the jobs that come our way and our employers pay quite the pretty penny…in fact I have a job I need to do later tonight. If your training goes well I’ll take you.”
Luke couldn’t miss a chance like this and was curious what the job was. Then he felt like smacking himself in the forehead. He looked her in the eyes ready to prim an anchor but was meet with silence. He kept staring at her stunned as he pushed to see in her mind. She stared back at him for the longest time letting the silence linger before she wore her all knowing smile, which almost made him worry that she knew he was trying to read her mind. “Well now that you seem so excited about the idea…let’s get to work.”
“Again,” Miss. Bradley boomed with annoyance as she rubbed her temples as if she was the one suffering the headache that was weighing on Luke’s mind. He had lost track how many times he has tried to light the candles in front of him. He only got five out of ten lit so far and he had been at this for half an hour or so now. He barely got the idea of starting the flame and Miss. Bradley was still not an open book to his mind reading.
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