
The Pin

Cindy meets Scott, but who is he and what does he really do?

This is a long story over 26,000 words.
I changed the name of the dead guy, who has a very minor part in the second half of the story, because I don’t like saying his real name.
This story is total Fiction, which means this is not a true story. I made the whole thing up… well most of it.
I have more thoughts at the end. I hope you enjoy the story.

The Pin

My name is Cindy; I’m twenty one years old and in my third year of college. I’m about five foot six and weigh about one thirty. I have hazel eyes and natural chestnut hair which changes to auburn when I’m in the sun a lot. I don’t want to sound vain but a lot of my girlfriends say that I’m very pretty. I go to school about twenty miles from my parent’s house and I’m still living at home. My father is a retired Army full bird Colonel and when I was a child I lived on an army base for my entire life. I enjoyed the life, always going to different parts of the United States and overseas. While overseas we spent time stationed in The United Kingdom, Japan, Italy, and Germany during my childhood. During the course of my father’s career he had to sometimes go overseas by himself and being an only child it would be just me and my mother.

shortly after I graduated high school my father retired and we moved into a large house just outside of San Diego California. I enjoyed the perks of being the daughter of a high ranking officer. One of the things I enjoyed was driving through the gate onto the base and watching the guards at the gate salute the car as it passed through. It didn’t matter who was driving, even if I was by myself they would always salute. I would always give the guard a big smile and blow him a kiss which they enjoyed.

During the early summer after my junior year in college my innocent carefree life style changed. My parents were hosting a barbeque at our house in the back yard. Mother asked me to please be there and help with the preparations. I took in a large sigh and reluctantly said yes.

I had been to these functions before and I knew that the back yard would be filled with old salty sea dogs who would be talking about the good old days and their battle scars. Don’t get me wrong, I have a huge amount of respect for these men and women who put their asses in the line of fire just so I can live the lifestyle that I am used too. But, being a twenty one year old single unattached girl I could think of at least a dozen other places I would rather be.

On the day of the party mother and I were busy in the kitchen preparing the dip and snacks when our guests started arriving. Mother had just carried a tray of snacks out onto the back deck when the front doorbell rang again. I was drying my hands off as I ran to the door and quickly snatched it open.

To my surprise there was a young man about my age standing there. He stood just over six feet tall with a short cropped military hair cut. He was wearing a body hugging tee shirt that showed off his bulging chest muscles and tight six pack AB muscles. He wasn’t muscle bound but I don’t think I’ve ever seen biceps that big before. He was clean shaven with commanding deep blue eyes. He was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen in my life.

I felt a flood of moisture hit my panties and I was embarrassed as I realized I had checked his body out as he stood there looking at me. I quickly closed my gapping mouth and smiled at him as I attempted to recover.

“Hi,” he said as he reached his right hand out to me, “I’m Scott; I’m here for the party.”

I was still in recovery mode as I reached out to shake his hand. I then realized I had the dish towel in my hand and had to quickly transfer it to my other hand before I could shake his hand and said, “Hi, I’m Cindy, please come in.”

I stepped aside and allowed him to enter. “Everyone is out back, please follow me.”

He said, “It’s nice to meet you Cindy.” as he walked out the back door and onto the patio deck.

My mother was walking to the door and stopped to greet Scott. “Hello Scott, I’m so glad you could come.” She said as she hugged him and went up on her toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

She looked at me and turned Scott around with her arm and said, “Have you met my daughter Cindy?”

He looked at me and smiled and answered, “Yes ma’am, we met at the front door.”

“Good,” she said, “go on out and have a good time.”

My mother came into the kitchen and I said to her with an irritated voice, “Who is that? You could have warned me that someone like that was coming!”

“Oh that’s Scott;” she said as she smiled at me, “he’s a very nice young man, he works on the base. We met him at a… ah… social a couple of weeks ago.”

“Ahhh, mother look at me!” I said as I looked down at what I was wearing and gasped as I pulled out my tee shirt out away from my stomach and saw water stains from standing at the sink and a couple of chili stains.

“Ahhh!” I said as I ran back to my bedroom to change. I pulled off my shirt and looked into my makeup mirror and touched up my makeup. I pulled off my shorts and panties and dug through my drawer until I found a white thong and quickly pulled them on and adjusted it. I found my tight white shorts and a green low cut top that showed off a little cleavage. I put on a pair of dress sandals that had two inch heels and turned around to look at my ass in the floor length mirror. I adjusted my thong and quickly brushed my hair and went back to the party.

I opened the back door and stepped out onto the patio and looked around. I saw daddy standing on the other side of the pool talking to Scott so I nonchalantly walked around to them and said, “Hi daddy,” and gave him a kiss in the cheek.

“Hi princess,” he said as he returned my kiss with a kiss to my forehead, “Cindy this is Scott, he works in the Navy base. Scott this is my daughter Cindy.”

I was under control this time and shook his hand again and said, “Yes, we sort a met at the front door.”

Scott grinned at me and said, “yes, we met at the front door,”

Scott glanced down at my cleavage and said, “You look very pretty.”

“Sorry about the way I looked at the door,” I said, “some first impression, I had just finished making the dip when the doorbell rang.”

Daddy put his hands on Scott’s and my shoulders and pushed us a little closer together as he said, “There’s Joe, and I have to go say hi to him. You two have fun.” Then he quickly left Scott and me alone.

I thought that was a little unusual for daddy to push us together like that. It left me with the feeling that he wanted Scott and me to get to know each other better. He has always been very protective of me, especially when I’m around men, and here he was pushing me towards a man that I had met just ten minutes ago.

I looked at the beer he was holding and seeing that it was almost empty I asked, “Do you want another beer?”

“Yes please,” he said, “But only if you will drink one with me.”

“That’s a deal,” I said, as we slowly walked around the pool to the ice chest.

He retrieved two beers and opened mine and handed it to me. We walked to a small two seat table at the end of the patio; Scott set his beer on the table and pulled my chair out offering me a seat.

“Thank you,” I smiled, “Quite the gentleman.”

“You’re welcome,” he answered, “anything for a beautiful lady.”

‘Wow’ I thought, he was very charming and very flattering. I was enjoying the way he was talking to me and the way he was hitting on me. This was going to be a very interesting day. We talked for the rest of the afternoon, not being away from each other for just a couple of minutes at a time.

Scott was one of the last people to leave the party, I held his hand as I walked with him to the door and he asked, “Would you like to go to dinner with me next weekend? Maybe Friday night?”

“Yes,” I said, “That sounds nice.”

“Will seven-o-clock be ok?” He asked.

“Sure, seven will be good, call me.” I said as I gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

I closed the door, turned around and leaned my butt against it and let out a long deep sigh and I know I had a silly grin on my face. After a few seconds I looked up to see my mother looking at me. I quickly stood up straight as she grinned at me and walked into the kitchen without saying a word.

I followed her into the kitchen and helped clean up everything from the party. After a few minutes mother nonchalantly said, “Do you like Scott? He seems to be a very nice young man.”

“Yes mom,” I said, “We got along quite well, we seemed to have a lot in common.”

I caught moms gaze and continued, “He asked me out to dinner next Friday.”

“That’s nice Cindy; your father and I think the world of him. He really is a very nice young man.”

As we continued to clean up I began to think of why they had invited Scott to the party. Had this been a subtle way to set me up with him? I didn’t know for sure, but I thought that I didn’t mind it if they did.

Scott called me the next day and told me that he enjoyed talking to me during the party. We talked on the phone for about an hour and told each other about some of our life. On Wednesday Scott called me again and confirmed our dinner date and told me where we would be going. It was a very nice high class restaurant and after I hung up I went to my closet to pick out the clothes I was going to wear. I decided on a dark blue low cut evening dress that showed some cleavage with thigh high stockings and high heels.

Thursday afternoon the doorbell rang and a few seconds later I heard daddy say, “Cindy, it’s for you.”

I went down stairs and saw a florist standing inside the door with a large bouquet of a dozen pink roses in his hand. I immediately lit up with a huge smile and hoped they were from Scott. I took the flowers from him and said thank you and quickly looked for the card.

I opened the card and it read: Cindy; I’m looking forward to dinner; see you Friday at seven, Scott.

I giggled as I looked at daddy and said, “There from Scott.”

I arranged the roses in a vase and set it on the table by the front door so Scott would see them tomorrow when he picked me up and I could thank him.

On Friday I got dressed and was ready a few minutes before seven when I heard the doorbell ring at exactly seven. Mother had told me to always make them wait a few minutes before I went down. At five after seven I walked down the stairs expecting to see Scott waiting for me by the door but he wasn’t there.

I heard talking and laughing in dad’s study so I walked over and opened the door. Daddy was in the middle of telling Scott a very animated story, and then he stopped in mid sentence as soon as I came in. They both turned towards me and Scott’s mouth dropped open. ‘Good’ I said to myself, I got the reaction from him that I was hoping for.

Scott closed his mouth and said, “Wow Cindy, you look very beautiful.”

Scott was dressed in a dark blue tailored suit that fit him very nicely. The suit accented his broad shoulders and tapered down to his slim waist. I walked over toward them and said, “Thank you Scott, and you look very handsome.”

When I reached them I gave daddy a kiss on the cheek and then turn to Scott and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Every date that had ever picked me up at the house, daddy had always read them the riot act. He would glare at them and speak in his deep Colonels voice and usually say something like; ‘you treat her with respect do you understand me, and make sure she is home by whatever-o-clock.’

I reached under Scott’s arm and held it, looked at daddy and prepared for the speech. Daddy walked around behind us and patted a hand on each of our shoulders and said, “You two have fun.”

That’s it? Why wasn’t daddy going to put the fear of God in him? I quickly moved Scott with me and headed out the door. I stopped in the foyer and smelled one of the roses and said, “Thank you very much for the beautiful roses.”

He said, “You’re welcome, beautiful roses for a beautiful lady.”

I smiled at him and kissed him full on the lips for several seconds and then Scott opened the door and we left for the restaurant. We had a very nice romantic candle lit dinner that lasted well over an hour and a half. Around nine-o-clock Scott asked me if I would like to go into the adjoining bar for a drink and some dancing.

I was all smiles and said yes. He escorted me into the bar and we found a small empty table on the edge of the dance floor and sat. We talked for several minutes before the band started to play. Scott stood and extended his hand to me and asked me to dance.

I smiled and accepted his hand. We danced to two fast songs and then the band played a slow number. Scott held me at a respectful distance but I wanted to show my appreciation for the nice time that I was having on this date plus I wanted to let him know that I liked him. I moved in closer and pressed my breasts into his chest.

He responded and held me tighter in his strong arms as I lay my head on his shoulder. After a few seconds I looked up into his eyes and beckoned for him to kiss me. We kissed several times as we danced to the next two slow songs.

Scott was a very good dancer. We stopped and rested for a couple of songs. Scott bought another round of drinks for us and we sat and talked again. He told me a lot about his family but I noticed he didn’t say too much about his job on the Navy base. He just told me that he was an instructor and spent most of his time in training.

Another slow song started and he stood and offered me his hand and we danced again. This went on for the rest of the night until we left the bar arm in arm laughing and talking at around one-o-clock in the morning.

He parked in front of the house and got out and came around to my side of the car. I sat and waited as he opened my door and extended his hand to help me from my seat. Scott was always the gentleman and I liked the way he was treating me.

On the porch I thanked him for dinner and dancing as I put my arms around his neck and pressed my breasts tight to his chest. He held me around the waist and we kissed. The first two kissed were short kisses but on the third I held the back of his head and relaxed my mouth and we exchanged a deep passionate kiss.

After we kissed Scott asked, “Do you water Ski?”

I answered, “I don’t know, I’ve never tried it. Why?”

“A friend of mine, Mark, his wife Janet, and I are going Water Skiing Tomorrow afternoon and I would like you to come.”

“Sure,” I answered, “What time? And what should I wear?”

“Great, I’ll pick you up around eleven in the morning, ah… Janet usually wears a bikini.”

We kissed again and I said, “Good night, I’ll see you tomorrow at eleven.”

“Good night Cindy, I had a real good time tonight.”

The next day at exactly eleven-o-clock the doorbell rang. I waited about two minutes and walked downstairs and looked for Scott. Once again he was in daddy’s study and they were talking. I walked in and asked, “Are you ready to go?”

“Yes,” Scott said as he turned back to daddy. They shook hands and Scott walked with me out of the study and out the door to his car.

We parked in the marina parking lot, retrieved out bags and walked out onto the pier. Scott always being the gentleman carried my bag for me. I enjoyed the way Scott treated me. He always opened the car door and building doors for me. I saw a man and a woman down farther on the pier and when they looked our way they both waved.

Scott waved back and said, “That’s Mark and Janet.”

When we approached them Scott and Mark high fived each other and he grabbed Janet in a tight hug and kissed her forehead.

He pulled away and said, “Mark, Janet, this is Cindy. Cindy these are my good friends Mark and Janet.”

Mark and I politely shook hands and Janet hugged me and said, “It’s so nice to finally meet you, Scott has talked nonstop about you for the last week.”

“Thank you,” I said grinning at Scott for a second, “It’s very nice to meet you.”

We were standing next to a nice looking twenty five foot speed boat with an inboard engine. It had a walk-through windshield with wrap around padded seats at the bow. Behind the windshield there were four captains’ seats with a bench seat across the back in front of the engine compartment.

Mark jumped on board and took our bags then offered his hand to Janet as she stepped on board. He then offered his hand to me as I followed suit and stepped on board. I picked up my bag and followed Janet to the cushioned seats at the bow.

Mark started the engine while Scott untied the boat and jumped onboard. As we idled out of the marina Janet and I talked. I found out the she had been married to Mark for three years and she had known both Mark and Scott for about four years.

When we cleared the marina Mark brought the boat up to about half throttle for a few seconds then went to full throttle. It was an extremely powerful boat and I was a little nervous. I had never gone this fast on the water before; I estimated our speed at sixty or seventy miles per hour.

I had a death grip on the boat and looked at Janet who looked calm and relaxed. We made a couple of wide sweeping U turns and then Mark slowed down and brought it to an idle. Janet stood and slipped out of her shorts and shirt. She was wearing a hot pink string bikini that did a poor job of covering her B cup breasts.

Both men gave her wolf whistles as she struck a sexy pose then blew them a kiss. When she sat back down I stood and stripped out of my clothes revealing my somewhat modest bikini. Both men followed suit and gave me wolf whistles as I gave them a shy little girl pose. I blew them a kiss and sat back down.

Janet reached across to me and grabbed my arm and whispered, “Get ready, here it comes.”

Both men grabbed the bottom of their tee shirts and lifted as Janet said, “Wait for it… wait for it.”

When their shirt cleared their bodies Janet squeezed my arm and yelled ‘whoop whoop.’ We both cheered as they struck a strong man pose. ‘Oh my god’ I said to myself, both of them had chiseled bodies and everywhere you looked you could see the underlying scalped muscle tone.

Janet whispered to me, “I never get tired of looking at those bodies.”

When they finished posing Mark gestured to Janet that she should take her top off. I quickly looked at her and saw her shaking her head no.

“Did Mark want you to take off your top?” I whispered.

“Ya, the pervert,” she whispered back, “I usually do but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

I was a little surprised and whispered back, “You mean you would take your top off in front of both of them?”

”Sure, why not?” she said, “Scott is a perfect gentleman and would never touch me without my permission.”

“Has Scott ever touched your boobs?” I asked.

“Absolutely not and he never will. I love him to death but it’s a brother-sister kind of thing. They may gawk at me but neither one of them would ever embarrass me.”

“Well,” I whispered back thinking that she would never do it, “I don’t want to be the party pooper, so if that’s what you normally do, then don’t let me stop you.”

“Are you sure it won’t bother you?” Janet questioned.

“Go for it.” I whispered.

By this time both men were working in the back of the boat getting the ski equipment ready. Janet stood and said, “Oh Mark.”

She reached around her back and pulled the string on her top. Both men turned as she pulled her top off and twirled it over her head a couple of times. Both men let out loud whoops and began applauding her.

Scott looked at me with and embarrassing grin and shrugged his shoulders. Mark said, “Thanks honey, I love you!”

Both men looked for a few seconds then turned back to the ski equipment as Janet sat down next to me and laughed. She spread her arms out and rested them on the backs of the cushions giving everyone an unobstructed view of her breasts.

Janet’s body had all of the right parts in all of the right places. Her arms, legs, and stomach were well toned with girlish curves. I thought that my body was nice but it was a little soft. It looked like Janet had worked out and it showed. At that moment I made a mental note to start going with my mom and dad when they went to the gym on base.

I looked at her while smiling and said, “I don’t believe you did that.”

I looked at her breasts as she relaxed in her seat. Her nipples were hard and she had absolutely no modesty. I continued looking at her breasts and thought that my B cup breasts could be an exact matching set to hers.

I suddenly got the crazy idea of taking my top off. I began to blush and put my hand over my mouth.

Janet looked at me and asked, “Are you ok?”

I said in an excited whisper, “Oh my god, I’m thinking about taking my top off in front of a strange man that I met less than a half hour ago. I don’t believe it.”

I grabbed my breasts and squeezed and massaged them for a few seconds and then whispered to Janet, “Oh god, I don’t believe I’m going to do this!”

I put my hand over my mouth again and giggled. I looked around to make sure there weren’t any boats around and stood up. I reached around my back and undid my top and said. “Oh Scott.”

Both men turned and I pulled my top off and twirled it above my head like Janet had done. Both men whooped and applauded as they smiled at me. I suddenly became shy and put my hands over my breasts and covered them as I began to blush a deeper shade of red.

Both men laughed at my embarrassment then Scott said, “Please don’t hide them they look absolutely beautiful.”

I thought for a second and released them so they could see them again before I sat down and laughed with Janet.

They looked at me for a few seconds then Scott jumped overboard with one ski and swam to the rope trailing behind the boat. Mark went to the controls and as soon as the rope was tight with Scott at the end he hammered the throttle. Scott was on his ski an instant later. He began doing wide sweeping S turns while holding the rope in one hand. As he was at the outside of his turn he leaned in and touched the water with his free hand.

I couldn’t believe it; he was flying across the water at seventy plus miles an hour with a huge grin on his face. I on the other hand was holding on to the boat for dear life and was scared to death that he was going to fall and get seriously hurt.

After a few minutes Mark held up his arm and as soon as Scott was on the port side of the boat in his turn Mark began a slow sweeping turn to port. Scott slowed down a little but as soon as he crossed the boats wake he began accelerating quickly like he was shot out of a sling shot. When he was on the outside arc of his turn he was going much faster than when the boat was traveling in a straight line.

As the boat straightened out I thought that Scott had probably been skiing at over a hundred miles an hour. When the boat straightened out I realized that I was half way standing watching to make sure Scott didn’t fall. I sat back down and my heart was beating in my throat and I was out of breath.

Janet touched my shoulder and I looked at her as she said, “Exciting, isn’t it?”

I smiled as I put my hand on my heart and said, “Yes, that took my breath away.”

Scott began skiing straight behind the boat and had his hand in the air. When Mark saw this he cut the throttle back down it idle. Scott’s forward momentum was enough for him to ski right up to the boat before he dropped into the water. He handed the ski to Mark and pulled himself into the boat.

I began to applaud and said, “I’m impressed, you are a very good skier.”

He smiled and said, “Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

He then slapped Mark on the shoulder and said while smiling at me, “I’ve got a fan club.”

Mark jumped into the water and did a very impressive show of his skills. He could ski just as well as Scott. I wasn’t as nervous this time as I was when Scott was skiing. In fact, I would watch Scott sometimes as he drove the boat.

One time when I looked at Scott he was staring as my breasts. I looked down and realized that every time the boat hit a wave my breasts would bounce. I looked over at Janet and hers were doing the same thing. I leaned over to her and said, “Those perverts, their watching our boobs bouncing when the boat hits the waves.”

Janet laughed and said, “Of course, why do you think they wanted us topless.” It was all good clean fun but I thought I would give Scott a hard time about it. When I caught Scotts gaze I rubbed my index finger over my other index finger and mouthed the words, ‘shame on you.’ He let go of the steering wheel for a second and shrugged his shoulders and gave me a ‘what did I do?’ expression. I smiled at him while I shook my head and pretended to be disgusted with him. Even though I did this I continued to sit and let him watch my boobs bounce.

When Mark climbed on board after his run Scott went to the ice chest and opened two beers. He had one in each hand and was bringing them up to us. He asked me, “What was that ‘shame on you’ for?”

Janet laughed out loud and answered, “It took her that long to figure out that you two perverts were watching our boobs bouncing.”

We all smiled and laughed at Janet’s humor. When Scott stepped through onto the bow with a beer in each hand I saw an opportunity to give him a bare breasted hug without the possibility of him touching me, which at the time I didn’t want to happen.

I jumped up and hugged him around the chest pressing my hard nipples into his chest and said, “I’m not mad I was just picking on you, I’m the one who chose to go topless.” He bent his head down and kissed me. I released him and sat back down next to Janet on my side of the boat and Scott handed us each a beer.

We stayed at idle and talked and joked with each other for about fifteen minutes. I was relaxed being topless and was having a better time than I had in a long time. I realized that the shot of adrenalin that I got while watching Scott Ski really picked up my energy and I was having a real good time. Scott, Janet, and Mark were talking to me like I was an old friend that they had known for years.

After we finished our beers Scott and Mark each took another turn Skiing. I wasn’t nearly as nervous this time as I was the last time that Scott was skiing. In fact, while Scott was skiing I looked at Mark several times while he was driving and noticed that he was no different than Scott. When Mark wasn’t watching Scott ski he was watching our boobs bouncing.

After a couple more turns, the boat was running low on fuel and we had to bring the boat back to the marina. We started toward the marina and both Janet and I got dressed. Scott tied the boat back to the dock and offered his hand to Janet and me and helped us make the transition from the boat to the dock.

Janet pulled me aside as they stowed the equipment and whispered to me, “Scott is sweet on you, he has dated a few women but I can tell by the way he talks about you that you’re special. I know you have only known him for a week, but if you are looking for a lifelong partner you won’t find anyone better that Scott. Trust me.”

“I know what you mean, “I whispered, “He has been nothing but sweet and courteous to me and the way that he and my daddy get along I know he is special.” We walked down the pier toward the parking lot and before we separated to go to our cars we stopped.

Janet and I hugged and she said, “I enjoyed your company, I hope we can get together real soon.”

“I enjoyed it too. Maybe we can have dinner next weekend?”

“Yes that sounds nice,” Janet said, “I’ll take to Mark.”

Scott hugged Janet and she kissed her on the cheek. Janet looked up at Scott and said, “She’s a keeper, I really like her.”

Mark and I looked at each other for an awkward few seconds when he opened his arms and asked, “May I hug you?”

I smiled and said, “Well, you’ve seen my breasts. I think it will be ok if you hugged me.”

Everyone laughed at my little bit of humor as I walked into his arms and he hugged me. When he released me I kissed him on the cheek and said. “I enjoyed your company. You and Janet are nice people.”

We said our goodbyes and we walked back to the car hand in hand. As we were driving back to my house I said, “Gawd, I don’t believe I did that!”

“Did what?” Scott asked.

“I took my top off in front of you and Mark. I feel kind of slutty for doing that. You don’t think any less of me for doing that, do you?”

“No, of course not, it was just good clean fun.” He chuckled. “In fact, I gained a lot of respect for you. It took a lot of guts to do that… I like people who have a lot of guts.”

He reached out with his right hand and I laced my fingers in his and kissed the back of his hand. “Please don’t say anything to my parents about what happened today.”

“Don’t worry; I would never do anything that would embarrass you.”

We were quiet for a few minutes when he squeezed my hand and asked, “Have you ever been skydiving?”

I laughed out loud and said, “Are you serious?” as I looked at him.

He wasn’t laughing so I thought for a moment and said in a serious tone, “You’re not kidding are you?”

“No, next Sunday Mark, Janet, and I are going and I would really like for you to join us.”

“But I don’t know how. I’ve never done it before, isn’t it kind of dangerous?”

“No not really. I’ve done several hundred jumps and we would jump in tandem. I’ll strap you to my chest and I’ll be in full control of the chute and landing, all you have to do is enjoy the ride.”

My heart was pounding in my chest just thinking of the possibility of jumping out of an airplane. “You would go with me and I wouldn’t have to do anything?”

“Yes, that’s right. We would get there early and you will need an hour or so of instruction, I’ll be right there with you helping any way I can.”

“Can I think about it for a little while? Can you call me tomorrow and I’ll let you know?”

“Yes that will be fine; I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon.”

We pulled into the circle drive of my house but instead of stopping in front of the door Scott drove a little further and stopped so that the back of the car was facing the house. I smiled to myself when I realized that Scott didn’t want anyone inside the house to see what he was planning to do while we were sitting in the car.

Right on cue he reached over and put his right hand behind my head and his left hand on my waist and gave me a very passionate French kiss. I felt his hand slowly moving toward my breast. He didn’t have to take his time as far as I was concerned but I knew he was just seeing how I was going to react.

When his thumb made contact with the bottom of my breast. I sighed long and loud into his mouth as he kissed me, giving him the green light to fondle my breast. He wasted no time and cupped my breast in his strong but gentle hand. In between kisses I purred to him and sighed into his ear as he kissed my neck. I put my right hand on his thigh and began rubbing the inside of his leg up and down stopping just inches short of touching his penis.

After a couple minutes he broke our embrace and said, “I better get you inside before they come out looking for us.”

He once again came around and opened my door for me and offered his hand and helped me out of his car. I enjoyed this extra attention that he was lavishing on me. He walked me to the door and he kissed me goodbye.

Inside the house I ran into mom and she asked, “How was your date?”

“I had a good time. Scott and his friend Mark are very good water skiers.”

“Mark?” she questioned, “did Mark and Janet go with you?”

I was puzzled how she knew who they were. I suspiciously answered, “Yes, Mark and Janet came with us. How do you know them?” I asked.

“Oh your father and I met them at a social a few weeks ago. Scott and Mark are very nice young men. “

That’s the same thing she said when I first asked her about Scott last week. Somehow after seeing how hard they liked to play I was having a difficult time picturing Scott and Mark sitting at some swank ice cream social.

I thought I would drop a bombshell on her to see how she would react towards Scott. “Scott asked me out on another date next Sunday. He wants to take me skydiving.”

“Skydiving?” she asked, “That sounds like fun. Are you going to go?”

What? I said to myself, I tell her I’m going skydiving and she isn’t going to talk me out of it? I thought that something smelled fishy about that.

“What are you saying mother? You don’t mind if I go?”

“I’m sure it’s safe, and besides, I don’t think Scott will let anything happen to you.”

“He’s going to call me tomorrow and I’ll let him know if I’m going.”

“That’s nice honey, why don’t you invite him to dinner one day this week. You can show off some of your cooking skills?”

That was it. I looked at her with surprise and realized that inviting Scott to the party last week was no accident.

Daddy came out of his study and saw us talking. He gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek and asked, “How was your date with Scott?”

“It was nice daddy; Scott and his friend Mark are very good water skiers.”

“I’m happy you enjoyed yourself,” he said hugging me again, “that Scott is quite the young man.”

I thought I would try and get a rise out of my father and see what he thought about me going skydiving. “Scott invited me to go skydiving with him next Sunday.” I said with a smirk on my face waiting for daddy to explode.

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