The Pills (part 2)
The Pills (part 2)
Sex Story Author: | dt86dt |
Sex Story Excerpt: | About an hour later as we leave the table and heads toward the den I really am starting |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Female solo, Fiction, Hardcore, Incest, Masturbation, Mind Control, Romance, Teen Female Solo, Voyeurism |
This is my second story ever so again I hope you guys like it! REMEMBER THIS IS ALL FICTION AND CANT/SHOULDNT EVER BE DONE IN REAL LIFE. Once again, remember, these pills dont even exist so its all obviously fiction.
*For you people who like to nitpick, I appologize about Helen’s age being impossible in comparred to her kids. You can do whatever you want for your imagination. If you want her to be 43, great. If you want her to be 34, amazing. She’s a 33-43 year old woman, she’s very fit…thats it.
Part 2 (Helen and George take the pills together):
It was the next morning and I remember thinking that I could not believe that I just ended up sleeping through the entire night. I was sitting up in my bed and noticed the sun shining into my bedroom and saw that the clock read 11:45am. Sheesh, all that work this week must have really exhausted me, I just zonked as soon as I hit the mattress I guess. Oh well. As soon as I finally got my bearings together all I could think of was how pissed off Helen probably was. Not only did our first night of alone time get ruined by my sick daughter, but I passed out as soon as I got home! She’s going to rip me up when I get downstairs, I know it. But I had to face the music….and I knew I could make it up to her tonight!
After I got out of bed and put my robe on, my fatherly instinct kicked in and decided it would be best to check up on Gillian to see how she was doing. I gave the door a little knock as I popped my head in and saw that Gillian was all ready out of bed, fully dressed, and all ready putting her sneakers on. “So I see you’re feeling better” I tell her. “Yeah I feel much better thanks Daddy. I got up an hour ago and noticed that my headache was gone, so I got up and took a shower and brushed my teeth, which was a good idea since I really smelled funny this morning and had the weirdest taste in my mouth too. I don’t know. But I called Stef to pick me up. She’ll be here in any minute.” This was wonderful news to my ear knowing that tonight the house was definitely going to be empty, which meant that I was going to be able to make it up to Helen. “Sounds great Gillian, take your time.” I pumped my fist as I headed downstairs.
I dreaded going downstairs and seeing Helen in the kitchen but was quickly blown away when I got down there and she said, “Hey honey you sleep well last night?” with a SMILE nonetheless. “Umm yeah, shit hun, sorry for passing out last night, I’m so sorry I swear I’ll make it up to you tonight”, Helen answers back warmly “Aww babe don’t worry about it, I understand. I woke up this morning feeling refreshed myself”. This didn’t sound like the Helen I knew, but who was I to complain. “Well, that’s wonderful babe so we’re still on for tonight?”, “We’ll see George” she said with a wink.
Right as she began to serve me breakfast I heard a honk outside which was quickly followed by Gillian’s steps coming down the stairs, “okay guys that’s Stef. Thanks dad for letting me stay the night I feel great” she walks over to give me a hug, “anytime dear” I say as I give her a kiss on the forehead, “don’t forget to thank Helen, she’s the one who took care of you last night”. Gillian reluctantly goes to Helen and gives her a little hug, “yeah I guess thanks Helen for taking care of me”, and Helen greets her with a warm large hug back, “I think you helped me more than I helped you” as she then gives Gillian a big oddly long kiss on her cheek. Gillian gives her a weird look and heads out the door. “I’ve got to admit George, Gillian is definitely my favorite of yours. Growing on me to say the least.” Well that was good to hear I guess?
After breakfast Helen talks about how she has stuff to do today but that she’ll be back at 8:00, which is great because it’ll give me time to get ready for tonight as well. I decided that the best way to make up to her tonight is for both of us to take those “pills” I bought. I knew they probably didn’t do much of anything, but if at least they’ll act as an aphrodisiac or something and really put her in the mood. The plan was to put it in our drinks so she didn’t know…I didn’t want to ruin the surprise of course!
All day I wanted to make sure that I kept my distance from George considering I just fucked his youngest daughter last night. But don’t be fooled, it wasn’t because I was ashamed about it or anything, on the contrary, I actually thought about how amazing it was all day. That little mouth sucking on my tits, my long fingers fingering her tight virgin little pussy, hearing that sweet innocent girl come out of her shell and say those dirty things ughhh…I got chills all day just thinking about it. Of course I was never going to tell George what happened, especially since Gillian was so convincing about not remembering anything that night. Plus, I did swear to her and myself that we could never do it again and it was going to be a promise I kept unfortunately. Besides, I can’t risk getting caught by George and losing this marriage and this goldmine of a husband.
By the time I got done with my errands I noticed that it was getting pretty late and finally headed back home. I was actually pretty exhausted to tell you the truth. Gillian really wore me out, on top of all the shopping I just did. Honestly I didn’t even really wanna fuck tonight, which is a shame because I’m sure George is really excited about it. It was all ready dark when I pulled into the driveway, and when I walked into the house I noticed that the lights were dim and saw a few candles lit. Ugh, I’m not really into this romantic crap, but at least the bastard’s trying. I walk into the kitchen and see dinner prepared and my husband their holding a glass of wine.
“Helen honey, I’m sorry for last night, I’m going to do everything I can to make it up to you. After dinner I set up a cozy spot for us in the den where we could have a glass of wine, and then kick it up a notch after that of course”, George said in his most romantic of voices. I just wasn’t in the mood, but I figured I’d do my best to put on a good face, “oh George don’t worry about last night, I’m fine. You work so hard, you needed to the rest. The food looks great, let’s eat”. I don’t even decide to change thinking that I could just speed up the process and just relax for the rest of the night. It’s okay since I always dress to kill anyways. I was wearing a tight black polo that really showed off my large, still perky tits, and a semi-short denim skirt with long black boots to show off my toned legs.
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