
The Pen: Chapters 9 and 10

Wyatt is gifted an additional power. He begins to learn how to utilize its powers along the pen

Chapter 9

………………………..The Braclet………………………..

The next day was friday and Emily and Robyn were preparing for a girls weekend trip to tour more colleges for Robyn. Wyatt was super excited as he arrived at work to start the day and even more excited to take a little trip at lunch to the local gem store Robyn purchased his pen at.

Lunch came and Wyatt told Rachel he would be back in time for the afternoon appts. He walked out and enjoyed the stroll downtown. The town was a small quaint village with small shops and a feeling of community and old time flair. He arrived at the gem store and opened the old hardwood door with frosted glass.

Entering he was taken at the array of gems of all shapes and sizes and scents of the most calming smells ever. The store was narrow with a small counter in the back and behind it sat a very old woman with a floral bandana wrapped arpund her head and enough rock bead necklaces to last a lifetime.

Wyatt walked up greeting her politely ” good afternoon.”

“Well hello. What can i do for you? Looking for yourself or a gift?” The woman said with a big smile.

“My daughter gave me a gift from your store last week and i was wondering if she was aware what she bought”

“Oh yes, the pretty girl with a huge heart and personality. She picked out that pen with much love” she stated. “It has been in my store for a very very very long time. No one has noticed it or even looked at it. Do you have it on you now?” She asked very sincerely.

Wyatt pulled the pen from his pocket, holding it in his palm worried she may click it and stop time, not knowing if she realized it was more than a gem that held an ink cartridge.

“Yes, i carry it everywhere. Its very special to me.” He held it tenderly.

The lights in the store seemed to make the pen glow brighter, the energy seemed to fill the room with an overwhelming feeling of calm and happiness.

“May i hold it. I promise to be careful” the old woman held her hand out almost in a test to Wyatt to see if he trusted her with the pen.

He handed it to her after a moment of thought hoping she wouldnt keep it or click it and stop time and realize just what she sold.

She held the pen and smiled “you’ve taken extrodinary extra care of this pen. It has not been used in any malicious ways but only used to help others. Your a very kind man Wyatt” she said as she looked at him staring in his eyes.

Wyatt froze. How did she know his name, how could she be speaking of such things. He stared with bewilderment, curiousness, questions.

He watched as she clicked the pen. He expected to feel the world stop but it did not. Wyatt caught himself holding his breath

“Wyatt ive clicked the pen to show you i am its builder and control who can harness its power. You see. The pen is showing me that your the chosen one and it has bonded to you. Your daughter is a very powerful woman and i want you to continue to learn more of her. She needs you as you will learn to need her.” The woman explained then clicked the pen and gave it back.

Standing in awe and taking it all in the woman turned and grabbed something off her little wooden table full of gems, tools and ancient books in black leather bindings.

“I want to give you something Wyatt. Here, put out your left hand.” she said looking up at him.

Wyatt extended his left hand to her, hovering it over the top of the counter.

She slid a leather bracelt that was woven with three strands of different colored leather thin straps. In the middle was a single small raw unpolished gemstone. It looked a very pale blueish green and felt warm as it touched his skin.

“Wyatt this bracelet can only be removed by me. It is now a part of your body, mind and soul. Now this stone will allow you to add to your powers along the pen. See the pen allows you to stop and start time as your aware, and you’ve found the good in its powers and not for evil. This bracelet compliments that pen in that when you give the stone a rub you will achieve complete invisibility. When you rub it again while invisible, you become visible.” she explained as she adjusted it just right on his left wrist so the stone was placed in the middle ontop his wrist.

She continued “use it for good, and to help you in your quest, however, Wyatt i must stress the importance and danger of the bracelet. If your invisible and for some reason you pass, your body will never be seen or found as it will remain invisible. So, with that said exercise caution until you learn more. After you have shown good faith and no evil , come back when you feel the time is right, if i havent summoned you and i will add another gem. You will earn more power as you learn and show me your intent” she said as she released his hand smiling.

“Invisible? Im not sure i understand.” He asked

“Just try it once you leave the store. You will need to practice. One bit of advice Wyatt. While invisible, others will not see you, but can feel you, hear you and if you move objects they can see them moving. So exercise caution, you dont want to give someone a heart attack or shoot you by accident” she grinned.

Wyatt smiled as he listened very carefully. “Well i better be getting back to work. I really appreciate your help and for taking the time to help me understand this all better”

“Your welcome Wyatt. Have a good day. I look foward to your return”

Wyatt left the store walking with a massive smile as he pondered this new powerful gift he just received.


As Wyatt walked back to the office he felt like a superhero of sorts. He strolled along the sidewalk and as he approached an intersection noticed a younger woman, possibly in her late twenties carrying a holder with four large coffees and a small hanbag in the other crossing the intersection toward him. He noticed that the street wind was whipping at her skirt and she was obviously trying to hold it with her bag hand.

Wyatt quickly tapped the sone on the bracelet and he went invisible. It was a strange feeling, like a quick chill, but he hoped it had truly worked as he felt normal othrrwise. He had no way to test if he was invisible but only take the gem store lady word. He ran up behind the lady and carefully held her skirt down as she walked and got near the building she was going and the wind wasnt as strong .

The woman nor anyone around him saw anything. The woman just assumed her skirt finally held stopped being caught by the wind as she made it to the door of the building.

Wyatt stepped away smiling amazed that it truly worked.

As he stood invisible taking in that no one noticed him standing there, he saw Rachel’s car pull up to the light and stop, thumbs tapping the wheel as she patiently waited for the light to turn, obviously on her way back from lunch.

Wyatt quickly stopped time, walked up and climbed in the back seat behind rachel. He was still invisible and made sure the door closed, everything all seeming normal as he started time. Rachel was singing to a tune on the radio as she waited for the light, seemingly in a great mood. As she sang Wyatt leaned foward and began lightly blowing his breath across the back of her neck that was exposed beneath the headrest.

Rachel paused singing, looked in the rearview mirror as she rubbed the back if her neck as chill bumps covered her arms. Wyatt felt as if she was staring right at him but she only muttered “im either losing my mind or all this entity summoning is possibly working.”

Wyatt listened. He then blew across her hand as she rubbed her neck. She went pale, even more pale than her skin was. She looked again. “Who is there?” She stated knowing she was alone but it was her only way to cope.

The light turned green and she slowly accelerated going down the small two lane road through town about a block from the office. Wyatt slipped his hand between the seats and pulled at her seat belt, making it pull tighter, pressing her breast out in her blue scrub.

Rachel yelped and gripped the wheel.

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