The Night of the Bigfoot (Part 3)
The Night of the Bigfoot (Part 3)
Sex Story Author: | ElliAus |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She observed Lindsey's adequate breasts swung with each searching plunge of White Beards penis. Michelle's groin clamped tightly, aching agreeably, |
Sex Story Category: | Bestiality |
Sex Story Tags: | Bestiality, Coercion, Diary, Domination/submission, Non-consensual sex, Pregnant, Rape, Reluctance, Virginity |
Graybeard looked like an aggressive creature, one to be feared, not challenged or denied. Lindsey wondered how Number one had managed to defy this beast.
Lindsey cringed when Graybeard began to sniff at her hair and stroke her hairless face with surprisingly tactile fingers. She was astonished by his gentleness. Slowly she relaxed and allowed the Big Foot to fondle her arms, belly and breasts as she watched his large paws intently. Lindsey kept her legs firmly crossed at the ankles as he explored her body.
The Big Foot seemed fascinated by her firm breasts, he was mesmerised by her soft hairless skin. His head kept tilting one way then the other as he surveyed the tiny naked form. He was confused by her strangeness but aroused.
Lindsey was again dizzy from the fresh burst powerful Yowie musk. Her chest was already coated with Number One’s sticky chest Secretions. She watched grey Beards man breasts and saw the paws around the nipples weeping musky Secretions.
Lindsey didn’t want to be bred again but the air reeked with Yowie musk making her week and dizzy. The overpowering smell robbed her of the will to resist his need to mate with her. Lindsey was aware that her pussy was chafed and a little tender but she wasn’t concerned.
The Big Foot’s attention now worked downward toward her belly and into the sparse light fur nest of her pubic mound that was caked with sex secretions. Grey Beard couldn’t help but notice that the tiny girl moaned and rolled her eyes and bit her lip as he played and explored her fragile body.
He also noticed and smelled her pussy that was congested with Number One’s lingering cum.
Lindsey was now sure that Number One had impregnated her and this sent a chill through her entire body. The memory of his thick penis crown scraping her vaginal walls, aroused her as Greybeard became bolder in his exploration of her. She rolled her eyes back and covetously watched the throbbing Yowie shaft as it bounced expectantly, against his hard belly.
Number One remained close watching as Grey Beard teased Lindsey. The other two Yowie were resting in the shade but also watching and waiting. Lindsey was struggling to maintain her resistance to the old Yowie. The Alpha was confident of his place and was recklessly ignoring the others. He continued to fondle her so delicately. Lindsey closed her eyes and made funny little whimpering sounds as her tummy trembled. How could she be excited by this Yowie so soon after she had been violated so completely by Number One?
This was an elderly male, still strong, still virile presumable, with many mating’s behind him. He was patient but Lindsey realised that his foreplay was not going to last much longer. Her body was on fire from his teasing hands that had even dipped into the tender slushy pond of her vagina.
Several minutes passed as the emboldened Alpha male Yowie teased Lindsey relentlessly. Her nerve ends tingled and she wanted to scream, to beg for release. How could it be? She wondered, so soon after being so completely fucked but it was how she felt.
More minutes passed and things remained much the same. Lindsey was being teased and fondled, the professor took photos of all the Yowie, David watched and wished he could sum up enough courage to challenge the Yowie and chase them off, The girls were either appalled or excited or both. Restless spits of rain fell.
Number One had decided to lay down and brood over losing his female to Grey Beard but that was the Yowie way. The first male on reaching the female in heat would have her first but the older male took president after that, and Grey Beard was the older male.
Fighting was seldom resorted to in Yowie culture and that was something Lindsey was yet to find out because although extremely strong, it was not what the Yowie did best.
Grey Beard had been the exception, on a few occasions, and he carried the scars to prove it. The Yowie’s very existence relied on cooperation and stealth, not confrontation. Their numbers were few and females were never harassed by the males. Very soon the Yowie would be extinct if nothing changed, altogether with new blood, especially with more females, they may survive in their old ways.
The breeze was shifting and a light rain increased. Number One lifted his head and smelled the wind. He smelt another male, a fifth male, some distance away but he also got another whiff of the Dark haired female. She smelt stronger than she had before.
He turned in the dark-haired girl’s direction. She was wearing the human covering a skin of rags that he had seen Lindsey shed several times. At the same time, the girl glanced in his direction and held his gaze. He sensed her willingness and his focus now shifted away from Lindsey to Michelle.
Rising lazily from the ground Number One moved cautiously toward the girl on all fours. He seldom moved this way but by staying low he hoped that he would not intimidate what may be a skittish female that had not been mated before.
Michelle had glanced several times in Number One’s direction, fascinated that his penis had remained long, draped across his lower leg glistening still, but not hard. Number One had continued to watch Grey Beard petting, Lindsey. Although he wasn’t erect his penis remained tumescent.
The Professor saw the approaching Yowie first, he alerted the rest of the group. They moved away a few metres hoping The Yowie was heading into the bush but Michelle, watched the others retreat but remained where she was. She was now closest to the approaching Big Foot and still, their eyes were locked. Those eyes, Michelle shivered, She seemed to drown into them. The Yowie smell that repelled so many drew her forward.
The Yowie stopped and raised himself from the ground to full height. It was reminiscent of the way a Big Red kangaroo might act. It was a magnificent, imposing action. He must be about six and a half feet maybe seven feet tall Michelle considered.
The Yowie’s strong scent was even stronger as he began to pee down his leg into his matted yellow/brown fur. The pungent stream splashed onto the ground but mostly it sprayed his leg. Number One was excited in his special way.
He wanted the female’s attention in the same way as all-female Yowie responded to the musky aroma of the male urine first. Although, under normal human circumstances, Michelle would have been revolted by this action the musky pheromones given off by the Yowie very presence, along with the hypnotic gaze of the beast, excited her.
The last dribble splashed to the ground as the Big Foot moved a step closer. He was imposing to the slender girl but his actions were non-threatening. However, the other three of the Professors group moved off a little more, encouraging Michelle to do the same.
“Michelle for heaven’s sake don’t just stand there the professor encouraged,” but Michelle didn’t respond.
She stood her ground just staring at the approaching beast who just thirty minutes before had been fucking Lindsey. Now Michelle could see the lust in his big brown eyes that were fixed on her. His wide nostrils flared as he devoured her scent and was showing his excitement in a very male way. Michelle became even wetter and the beast smelt the sudden flush of her growing aroma, his tongue ran around his lips as he pondered his next move.
The eyes of the Yowie held Michelle in their watery hypnotic stare and Michelle couldn’t didn’t want to, move. Now just inches from the girl Number One marvelled at her size she was even tinier than Lindsey. Her hips were more narrow though not male by any means. Her chest was smaller, he thought, but he couldn’t tell with any certainty until she was naked. He raised his hand slowly and reaching for hers. Michelle, almost swooning, offered her hand up to him, committing to him.
“Slut,” Vanessa hissed. Michelle glanced Vanessa’s way but didn’t respond.
“Vanessa that’s unkind,” The Professor chastised but he was confused by the younger girls response to the smelly, fascinating creature. You don’t suppose she might be ovulating as well? He asked no one in particular.
“What do you mean?” Vanessa almost snapped. The professor inclined his head in Lindsey’s direction before answering.
“Well, Lindsey and I thought that the Yowies interest in her was sparked by her ovulating, being in heat so to speak. If that is the case then it might be the same with Michelle. Both girls are not repulsed by that evil smell. The rest of us are including yourself,” Lindsey nodder her agreement at the Professors observation. “It just maybe their monthly condition can be detected by the Yowie and in turn is making them more susceptible to breeding with the creature. Lindsey, as best as she could work out, was at the height of her fertile period. It is just a thought.” He looked at both Vanessa and David then back toward the campfire now extinct.
Taking her arm the Yowie led the unresisting girl to a moss coved patch of ground near the fire, opposite Lindsey and Grey Beard. Lindsey was biting her lip hard as she continued to passively resist the old male’s stimulation, Her resolve had subsided, she looked languidly at the new arrivals.
The younger girl didn’t see her, she had her eyes still firmly focused on Number One and she seemed to be willingly following the smelly Yowie. The professor had been using his camera since he arrived and continued to take photos as Michelle was led away.
As Lindsey was looking at the unfolding events on the other side of the now-dead campfire she had rolled a little onto her side. Grey Beard seeing an opportunity slipped his hand under the arch of Lindsey’s back and flipped her over onto her stomach. Lindsey yelped with surprise and drew a deep breath as she landed face down on the groundsheet.
Grey Beard straddled Lindsey’s lower legs and continued his gentle exploration of the strange hairless female. Her warm smooth body felt good to touch and she seemed to respond to his lighter touches best. Lindsey groaned as he slid a digit along her spine barely touching her. She shuddered again as the finger continued its journey into the crack dividing her two perfect ass cheeks. Her behind was sticky wet from the leaking cum from her previous mating. Grey Beard rubbed his finger and thumb through the sticky slime and into her tender portal. He brought his finger to his flaring nostrils smelling the sticky leavings. Lindsey still with her legs locked together looked back into the Lap of the kneeling Grey Beard. His partly erect penis began to harden before her eyes.
The finger returned to her ass crack and he slipped it backward and forward in the cum soaked crevice. Lindsey responded to the stimulation by lifting her behind from the groundsheet. Still, the beast played with the girl that was ripening under his hand. Panting and breathing in raspy gasps Lindsey was now beyond denial. She lifted her behind even higher by drawing one knee up to her hip then the other. Her slightly parted legs revealed her puffy, red chafed, battered vulva. White Beard took this as an indication of her readiness.
He leaned forward and sniffed at the girls pussy. Yes, he was certain she smelled powerfully of female in heat. It wasn’t as open and swollen as his Yowie females would be but all his doubts were gone. When Yowie female was in season, they dripped continually, but there was no doubt about this females condition. She was wet with Number One’s cum and some had even dried in clear flakes on the folds of skin that peeked out from her slit.
For several minutes the big Yowie inspected the presenting female. He touched the puffy mound that was covered lightly with curly blond hair. The mound was divided by two puckered folds that were slightly parted near the top, exposing her pink entry portal. She moaned and he purred his pleasure
Greybeard parted the panting female’s folds. The pink wet slash of femininity that was revealed made his balls churn and his club-like penis sprang up hard, very hard, immediately it was spraying a fine mist from the tip. He was ready and he would no longer be denied. Immediately he moved in behind the now compliant girl.
Gripping her well-rounded hips firmly with his big paws he lifted her rear end up and back toward his waiting penis. His shaft pulsed when it touched her smooth butt cheek. She trembled and moved her knees apart. He brought Lindsey back further until the club end of the penis touched her vagina. She shivered and whimpered in expectation. Oh! She was ready alright and she pushed herself back onto the bulbous tip
Feeling the female against his penis, Grey Beard pressed his into the slimy folds of flesh hiding her opening. The wrinkled, distended skin parted easily before the invading penis bulb and the Big Foot stabbed firmly into her. His firm thrust and her sloppy passage allowed him to slip all of the ways to the back of Lindsey’s vaginal sheath.
She shivered then whimpered but backed onto him as he pulled back. Lindsey liked the full feeling and the friction although she was tender from her earlier mating
Michelle finally looked across as she heard Lindsey’s ragged breath. She watched Greybeards penis sink into Lindseys pussy and disappear. The younger girl absently licked her lips as she watched. Number One could feel Michelle trembling through her tight-fitting clothing. She was suddenly afraid of what the beast would do to her but she didn’t know how to stop him. She was a virgin and reluctant but the musk annulled most of her fear and stimulated her arousal so that it overrode her reluctance. Number One was becoming frustrated at not being able to find what he was seeking and his rough pawing of the girl showed that frustration.
Michelle wanted to rise and run but once she reached the sitting position her limbs failed her. The powerful Yowie stench was both sickening and intoxicating.
“No please let me go,” she pleaded I don’t want to do this. But the only hold that the Yowie had on her was her lack of willpower to move. Rape was a concept that the Yowie didn’t understand, persistence was. Had she moved away he would have followed until she surrendered but he Wouldn’t force her to submit.
Michelle was torn between two emotions, lust and fear. The Big Foot’s intoxicating Musk was breaking down her fear and her will to resist. Normally pheromones attract members of the same species but the Yowie scent attracted the human females once their senses distinguished the actual gland odour from the smell given off by the rank smelling fur.
Michelle looked at the Naked Lindsey her hair hanging in wet ropes as the rain increased, Lindsey’s back and shoulders were glistening with water. The hairy beast holding her hips was making long strokes into the groaning women. Lindsey looked at the younger girl and gave a wane smile shaking the rainwater from her face as she did.
Watching the rutting White Beard and hearing the wet slapping sound as the two bodies came together stimulated Michelle even more.
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