
The Night of the Bigfoot (Part 2)

This is the second of three parts to this story. Please read part 1 first. In their efforts to prove the Yowie bigfoot exists Lindsey and the Professor go to extreme lengths to get the irrefutable proof at Lindsey’s expense.

“Lindsey, Lindsey girl… are you Okay? What happened the puffing professor asked breathlessly? Was it the Yowie?” The questions came quickly from the anxious professor.

Lindsey, stunned, vacant, just looked at him for many seconds before she eventually spoke, “Yes it was professor it was the Yowie. The alarms what happened to the alarms” She spoke in a little voice.

David came up to the shivering girl, looked at the professor then hunched down taking the corner of the blanket she was sitting on and covered her nakedness.

“He is truly worried you know, we all are,” it was clear that David guessed what had happened from his actions the way he glanced at the shiny, dark, wet patch on the blanket, but he needed confirmation from her.

“So are you Ok or not? Just what did happen love? We are not prying my lovely but you must tell us, we are really worried about you?” Lindsey stared off into the scrub vacantly.

David waited but Lindsey didn’t reply so he finally stood up and joined the boys looking around the area that was supposed to be monitored by the trip wires, motion sensors and infrared beams, then he returned.

“None of the security was broken, Lindsey. The first warning that we had of something being wrong here was your scream” David stared at the vile-smelling young woman who trembled, partly from the cold but mostly from shock.

“Lindsey, what happened?” David was more insistent this time as he reached out and caught both of the girls’ shoulders and shook her gently, looking deep into her eyes as he did.

Lindsey began to sob, “He was here all the time David, just there and…and he…David he, he…mated me, he fucked me, David, fucked me.” the last six words she almost spat at the Man in front of her.

“He raped you?”

“No! he didn’t rape me, David, he didn’t have to. Well he did, but it wasn’t like that at all, I didn’t resist, I let him, that musky smell David, I couldn’t help it I wanted him to,” Lindsey sounded confused, hesitant and her words were slurred.

“I let him Fuck me. I knew what was happening and I wanted him to, I honestly did. I really did, David. That dirty smelly beast, can you imagine? I let him put his thing inside me and spurt his seed into me, See,” she drew a hand from between her thighs and spread her fingers that were webbed by a creamy slim.

“I could not stop him I didn’t want to stop him. I wanted him to fuck me. It’s that smell, that musky smell and those eyes when you are close to them they are hypnotic David. I wanted him to fuck me so bad” tears streamed down her cheeks and Lindsey’s body was racked with shuddering sobs. She felt an unexplainable shame from what had happened to her.

David continued to hold her by the shoulder before one of the girls came over to join them. David signalled her to sit with the distraught girl while he went to join the professor who was downloading pictures from the cameras in a business-like manner. He was total, research-focused about everything. Not uncaring, but absorbed in what he saw as vital research.

A few hours later the camp was lit up by a roaring log fire. The pictures had been viewed. Lindsey had composed herself. She had cleaned herself up as best as she could by bathing in the freezing water of the mountain stream to remove the smell of the Yowie. She had limited success as the Yowie Musk was a durable scent that would take days to remove, as it was intended as a marker scent of ownership. Lindsey was marked by the scent of the beast. She was the beasts.

When Lindsey returned from the stream, in the company of the two undergraduate females, the professor had a look of disappointment on his face as he flicked through images on his laptop. David handed Lindsey a warm mug of coffee.

“Thanks, David.”

“Feeling better?” David asked and Lindsey gave him a long sustained look. Would men ever understand?

“A bit,” she replied tersely.

Lindsey was feeling more composed as the shock wore off, the cold water had helped. The sharp, lingering Yowie odor didn’t seem to bother Lindsey or, oddly enough, Michelle, as much as it did the others.

Both Lindsey and Michelle acknowledged the repugnant pungent smell was different and perhaps unpleasant to many, certainly, most of the people here thought it was. The girls understood how the others felt but both of them found it sickly but not unpleasant, more arousing.

It was something all three girls had discussed while Lindsey washed in the stream. Was it a girl thing she wondered? No probably not as Vanessa seemed to find the smell as repulsive as the men. So why did Michelle and herself not feel that way? Something to consider, she thought absently.

Lindsey looked at the puzzled professor and found herself more than a little curious. Taking a deep breath to suppress her confused feelings she went to the dejected professor. For a while, neither one spoke then Lindsey cleared her throat.

“Can I see the pictures, Professor.” He handed the laptop to her without saying a word. Immediately Lindsey saw why the man was disappointed. The Yowie had been moving so fast when he left Lindsey that the pictures were all blurred. Now, she also felt dejected. Had what had happened had been in vain?

Lindsay, arms folded across her chest, crouched near the Professor while he went through the rest of the surveillance with her. The best of the pictures came from the live video which did have some clearer enough images, but these were taken with a night vision lens turned on the camera. However, without lighting, they were not overly helpful.

“We’re no further ahead are we Professor,”

“No, we won’t convince anyone with these. There is plenty of fake stuff out there that looks just like this,” he sounded despondent as he closed the computer. Then he shook himself out of his self-centred disappointment.

“Oh I’m sorry Lindsey, how are you feeling?” He paused and Lindsey saw that in his way he was showing genuine concern. “I would not have put you into harm’s way, not for one minute, if I had thought that you may have been ravished. You know that, don’t you?” She shuddered at the word ravished but tried to compose herself.

“I volunteered Professor no one could have predicted that the Yowie would remain inside the perimeter while we set things up,” she accepted some of the blame and she was surprised at her composure after what had happened to her.

“No,” the professor paused, “no of course we didn’t, we should have but we did not,” he said absently. Then both he and Lindsey looked up at the same time. “Yes of course! Of course, he is always close, dam it all?” the Professor became excited.

“He’s close even now, isn’t he professor? Probably watching us. There is something about me making him take risks, to… to have sex with me,” she shivered visibly.

“Yes…yes of course he is watching us, he is and he always has been watching us closely, ever since we left the house,” the professor mused, “but mostly watching you, most certainly watching you. I don’t think he is very far away, at any time, not while you are still here. He won’t let you out of his sight for very long, You are now his mate I am sorry to say. Because of that, we all must be alert. He may become aggressive to get to you. He may see the rest of us as a threat. He could try to abduct you.”

Lindsey shuddered. She was oddly not afraid of being abducted. She didn’t agree with the professor on that. The Yowie didn’t seem to be aggressive at all. She may be wrong but she just had that feeling. Slowly, she looked around, not expecting to see anything but she looked anyway.

“You know professor the Yowie smells bad and looked fearsome but I don’t think they are at all aggressive.”

“We can’t be sure of that at all Lindsey, we must assume the worst of it after all it is a wild creature.” he was being the typical opinionated professor at that moment.

“Will we get a second chance, to get better photos Professor, I mean more convincing photos?” Lindsey asked out of deference to his superior knowledge but she felt she knew better on this score.

“I believe he will show himself when he thinks he can, yes?” the professor acknowledged.

Lindsey was not sure if she wanted the creature to show itself at all. Not for her safety, she was confident she was not going to be hurt, but for the Yowie’s safety. Hopefully, she thought, it will now remain hidden and safe.

“I think he will come again if encouraged but maybe even without encouragement. The group waited at the campsite for two more days going out in small groups to search for him from sun up until sundown but no sight or sound of a Yowie was detected.

“ We need to change our tactics, this is simply not working and I know he is here, I feel it in my bones,” The professor announced on the evening of the second day to David and Lindsey, “It will require better preparation, we must be much better prepared than we were last time if we take the risk again,” Lindsey frowned at the unstated, (if you take the risk) suggestion of the professor. After a long pause, the professor again spoke,

“Lindsey, this is a personal question, I realise that and apologise in advance, but I will ask it anyway. Do you know what part of your monthly cycle you are on? ” He flushed red and Lindsey did as well. She had an idea where this was going.

“I have never thought about it, how does it go… I am most fertile twelve or fourteen days before my next period, is that right professor?” Lindsey’s was looking down and her brow creased in concentration.

“Yes, I believe it is something like that if your cycle is regular.”

“It is… mostly it is 29 days,” she blushed at telling these men something so personal, “give or take a day, on occasions, but mostly 29 days.” Lindsey paused as she did a quick calculation. “ She then looked up, best guess Professor is I am thirteen or fourteen maybe fifteen days from the start of my next period. Lindsey felt ill. How stupid was she thought in a panic?

The Professor said nothing for a long time as he scratched his chin subsiding into deep thought. Then looking up slowly he said rather absently.

“That smelly bugger knows you are ovulating, I am certain of that. In beast terms, you are in heat and he can smell you, humans can’t smell a woman like an animal can smell their females receptive period, well not too well, but he most definitely can tell when you are fertile, I am sure of that now. I haven’t yet decided if this creature is an animal or a Homo Sapian but either way he must have a highly developed sense of smell, much like many animals.

He can find your aroma over a long distance I believe, he has shown that ability. Maybe he is close to the Homo Sapien family. In his appearance and the bipedal movement he is, but there is, maybe, a lot more in his makeup, perhaps a leaning to Neanderthal. It is that evidence that we need,” Now started, the professor continued,

“In the past, research has determined that there is enough evidence present to suggest that sex between early modern humans and the Neanderthals was not a rare event. Evidence gleaned from DNA has been mounting up in recent times. The evidence is in the genomes of present-day populations around the world. There are tell-tale signs that cross-species mating must have happened on many separate occasions and,” he paused before continuing, “and across a wide geographical area as well, across all the continents. Maybe these Yowie and other Bigfoot species are from another compatible branch of the tree.” He lapsed back into thought leaving Lindsey to ponder her own newly acquired thoughts.

She didn’t know how she felt about this Yowie hunt now. The vaginal swab taken by Michelle at the insistence of the professor two evenings ago, before she had bathed was going to show clearly what this creature truly was. Those forensic people are dammed clever at doing things like that when that semen swab is tested.

Lindsey’s greatest concern was that when the creature got close to her his musk messed up her mind in such a way that it had been her wanting, no, she corrected, needing to be mated. It was as if she couldn’t think for herself when under the influence of the Yowie musk. Although, the Yowie, by any human measure, was a gross, foul-smelling creature with no sex appeal at all she somehow found herself needing to be mated by him.

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