
The Mystery of Lakeview Mall

A few new things are tried out here, including a spookier vibe, just in time for Halloween! It’s a long one, hence the tag-spamming – I promise all tags apply. I hope you enjoy! All feedback is appreciated.

“The old mall is haunted!”

Even by Hazelwood High’s rumor mill standards, this one was dumb. A lot of students liked to talk about it, but very few actually believed it. Still, when your high school is located in a sleepy suburban-at-best town where so little happens that a broken taillight could make the newspaper’s front page, you’re all-too-happy to share local news, even if it’s news from the next town over.

“What, the Lakeview mall?” Zoe asked in between bites of her lunch.

Tyler enthusiastically nodded. “Sightings, feelings of dread, the whole ‘people go crazy when they’re there too long’ thing – it’s perfect!”

“Perfectly dumb,” Zoe shot back, giving Tyler a look of derision. “You can’t actually think that kind of shit is real.”

“Of course I don’t! But it means adventure. I wanna go. Who’s in?”

The trio sat at their lunch table, eyeing one another. They were together through thick and thin, and they were always searching for the next adventure – and even if no one but Tyler was going to say it out loud, this ‘haunted mall’ was the perfect excuse in too long to go on a proper adventure.

But enthusiasm was for the nerds of the table, so Zoe Heracleous wasn’t going to say anything until someone else did. Despite her last name, she looked visibly Korean; her dad’s last name was deceptive enough to hide the majority of her family’s history. She inherited more than just a name, of course – a strong, beautiful yet determined face, beautifully wavy long hair, and a figure that screamed, ‘I bet this girl looks amazing with no clothes on but she’d beat the crap out of me with her muscles before I ever found out.’ It didn’t help that, even though she was reasonably fit, the most intimidating thing about her was her assertive attitude.

Nami Smith wasn’t the opposite of Zoe, per se, but she was enough to be her foil. Nami was white as a ghost and quiet, but not timid – despite her assertive attitude, Zoe would never make friends with someone timid, they’d be seen by her as too ‘boring’ – and thoughtful. If she said something, she had enough of a track record with the others that she’d be listened to, which was nice for her. Her short red hair had, much to her annoyance, gotten her the label of a ‘dyke’ among the school boys, and hanging out with a confident young woman like Zoe didn’t help those rumors subside. This was, of course, absolutely awful for the boy-crazy Nami.

Luckily, she’d made fast friends with the one guy at Hazelwood goofy enough to make her reconsider creating complications in their friendship. Tyler Massamba could have been bullied a lot less when he was younger if he’d just shut up. It wasn’t that he had a highly expressive face, or the fact that he was one of maybe six black kids in all of Hazelwood, or even that he was a little bit fatter than he would have liked, but it was mainly his wild wacky spirit and tendency to talk out in class, and say whatever he wanted, no matter whose ire it drove. Bless Tyler, he never learned, and he lived for his own excitement, which made him happy as a clam that he managed to find friends in two girls that couldn’t pass up an opportunity for adventure.

“Go to the mall?” Nami asked. “Would we have to break into it?”

Tyler grinned a toothy grin. “I already scouted the place out and found an in. Ground floor, no danger, easy as pie. Because I love you both so much, I didn’t even go in myself yet. I saved it for the moment where all three of us can enjoy it.”

“You’re too kind,” Zoe replied dismissively. “Well, it’s got to have been abandoned for, what, a few months? If there was any kind of security, they’d probably have sealed that up.”

“It could have been made the day Tyler found it,” Nami pointed out. “How about we go on the weekend? That way, if it’s still there, we know we won’t get busted. If it’s sealed, we know it’s a bad idea.”

Zoe gave an approving face towards Nami and turned towards Tyler. “I think that’s our way of saying we’re in.”

Tyler hooted and hollered. “This is gonna be awesome!”


Because the lockdown of the Coronavirus pandemic only lasted about half a year, thanks to some government assistance not too many businesses went under. Lakeview was perhaps the only mall in the area to be entirely shut down by the half-year pandemic. With construction projects already overwhelming its workers in the city, the mall was just left there, not rotted at all and yet eerie; potentially fully functional and yet visibly dead.

“There it is,” Tyler triumphantly stated as he pointed to some kind of service entrance. “Check it out.” He walked over to the door and tried it out. Sure enough, it opened, revealing some kind of maintenance room that led to the rest of the mall.

“Woah, what an oversight,” Zoe mumbled as she approached the entrance. “We’d still need to make sure if those doors on the inside work though. If not, we’re fucked.”

“That door’s ajar though,” Tyler pointed out, motioning towards a door inside the room. Zoe shrugged, walked carefully inside, and got her flashlight out of her pocket. She turned it on and opened the door, peering through the doorway with the help of her flashlight illuminating her path.

“Yup, that’s the mall alright,” Zoe confirmed. “Looks like we have our in.”

“Um, excuse me, Zoe, could you come back out for a sec?” Nami asked. Wordlessly, Zoe obeyed, giving Nami a slightly impatient look. “I just thought that… if we’re doing another abandoned building, it might be smart if we use these.” She held out a couple of facemasks.

Tyler winced. “Eugh! Fuck no. Those things just remind me of last year. I lost a whole summer due to these things.”

“We didn’t lose more time exactly because we wore them,” Zoe countered.

“It was more because of the cure getting made,” Nami couldn’t help but chime in. “I mean, they clearly helped, but…”

“Still, whenever I see it, I just think of, what, five months of not being allowed to leave the house. Isn’t this trip about getting to forget that crap?” Tyler protested.

“I’m just worried about anything in the air in the mall,” Nami commented. “I don’t know how long it would take, but if there’s asbestos or anything toxic or something like that…”

“Can’t believe I’m coming down on Tyler’s side about something…” Zoe mumbled, turning to Nami. “I don’t think that a mall would be built so that within a year, or, less than, of it shutting down, it would be unsafe or inhabitable or something.”

“Yeah, there’s probably some hobo bum living in there. Maybe that’s why the door is unlocked,” Tyler added.

“Yeah, really making us feel safe about going inside,” Zoe replied. “Also, ‘hobo bum?’ Jesus, dude.”

“What? I mean I get it. If I was homeless I’d probably live here too. Beats the hell out of living under a highway bridge,” Tyler argued.

Nami accepted her friends’ points, but wasn’t convinced. “Okay, I’ll just wear mine,” she told them. “If you ever want to wear one though, let me know.”

With one of them masked, the three cautiously walked into the mall, turned on their flashlights, and began to wander into the dark abyss known formerly as the…

“Food court,” Zoe observed. “Check it out. This was the last time I ate Subway.”

The three looked over the gutted Subway, the gutted KFC and the gutted obligatory Chinese food place. None of the stores had anything left except dusty counters and disheveled equipment that was too heavy to carry out quickly.

“Do you think this stuff still works?” Tyler asked.

“What, do you want to see if you can make me a sandwich?” Zoe joked with one eyebrow down.

Tyler shone his flashlight in his friend’s face in response. “No, I’m just saying, this stuff has gotta be worth a fortune.”

“It would be impossible for someone like us to sell,” Nami pointed out. “Plus, where would we even sell it?”

“Kijiji?” Tyler offered.

“I didn’t come to explore this mall so we could lug off seven-hundred-pound deep fryers and sell them on Kijiji,” Zoe butted in annoyedly. “We don’t even know if they still work. If you want to play packrat, bring a bag or something.”

“What’s this look like?” Tyler demanded, turning around and showing off his backpack.

“Ooh, nice,” Zoe dryly commented. “How many deep fryers do you think could fit in that bad boy?”

While the other two were arguing, Nami was having her own little problem. It was odd – last year she could go for hours without having a mask on, it really was no bother to her, and yet… in this mall, every passing second she kept the mask on, it felt like she was getting less and less air. Stranger still, when she lowered the mask, she felt normal again, so it wasn’t like the air was just thinner in the mall somehow or something. Mulling over what Zoe said earlier, Nami decided to discard her normally cautious nature and join her friends with a naked face.

Neither of the other two noticed as the group pressed on, exploring store after store.

“This gives me Five Nights at Freddy’s vibes,” Tyler murmured as he looked over a clothing store’s inner walls.

“Yeah, try not to think about how all of our flashlights have limited batteries,” Zoe laughed.

“I brought a spare!” Nami cut in helpfully.

“Namiiii,” Zoe sang angrily, “Don’t tell Tyler that! I wanted to see him get all scared like at the Carlevale house.”

“I was not scared at the Carlevale house!”

The other two began to laugh. “You yelped like a baby, Tyler,” Nami laughed.

“This is treason,” Tyler complained.

“Even if you were our leader, no it’s not,” Zoe laughed.

Tyler would have said something in response but a loud echoing clang from down the mall cut him off. Instinctively the trio looked at each other, then all ran to the counter of the store they were currently in, ducking down behind it and giggling with fright.

“Holy shit,” Zoe chuckled.

“Wait, quiet,” Tyler ordered. The three listened for a little while longer but no sound came. “Do you think that was a natural sound, or someone else?”

“If it’s someone else, that means they either are already in here, or that clang was them arriving,” Nami thought to herself.

“Which means if they used our entrance, they’re between it and us,” Zoe finished the thought. “We can’t just run for it.”

“But if they’re already here, they could be anywhere!” Tyler countered.

“That echo sounds like it was from pretty far away,” said Nami.

“Yeah, but if it’s that echoey but that loud, it had to be big,” Tyler pointed out. “We’re not talking like a mouse or something. Either this place is more unstable than we thought, or there’s someone else in here.”

“Wow, both options suck. Thanks, Tyler,” Zoe sarcastically grumbled.

“You suck,” Tyler shot back.

Normally, the trio were never quite this humorous when a situation like this unfolded. This type of situation only happened once before, when a security guard was looking over the field they were wandering on. The three hid and shivered with fright. Oddly, this time there was no shivering. In fact, the trio kind of found it… exciting, in a weird way.

“I actually kinda like this,” Zoe said out loud to no one in particular. “Is this what being an adrenaline junkie is like?”

“A-ha! Junkie! And you came down on me for saying hobo bum,” Tyler replied.

“If it has the word ‘adrenaline’ in front of it, it clearly means something else, idiot,” she told him. “You were actually describing a homeless person.”

“Speaking of, I don’t hear any footsteps. Or any other noises,” Tyler replied, choosing to ignore her comment. “Whatever it was, it’s not wandering around. It either was not man-made or the man… lives here.”

“You did say if you were homeless you’d live here,” Nami replied.

“Hell, if their house is an abandoned mall then as far as I’m concerned, they live on public property,” Tyler continued, standing up.

“Yeah, this is still private property, and you’re still an idiot,” Zoe countered, standing up with him.

“Should we get out of here?” Nami asked. “We should at least make a plan.” She stood up with them.

“Okay, yeah,” Tyler agreed. “Okay, shine your flashlights backwards. On us. That way the trail of light isn’t visible, but we can still see. I’ll go first, in case the worst happens. I took three years of kung fu so I can do self-defence basics.”

“Backwards, on us?” Zoe repeated.

“Yeah, got a problem with that?”

“Aside from it being the dumbest shit I ever heard, no problem at all,” Zoe raised her voice at him. “If we point it backwards, and there’s a guy at the end of a long hallway, we’re literally pointing a light at ourselves. We’ll be able to see him but he can’t see us. But if we point it forwards, if we’re thinking about self-defence, we’ll be able to see him and more importantly, blind him.”

“But if he’s in a store or at an angle or something, he’ll be able to see where we are by following the light…” Tyler weakly protested.

“There are three of us and one of him,” Nami added thoughtfully.

“Unless there’s, like, a commune of ‘em,” Tyler replied.

“Homeless of the world unite?” Zoe joked.

The three snickered and decided to venture off into the darkness after a few seconds of non-movement. “So are we going back or going forward?” Nami asked.

“I actually kinda want to go forward, if I’m being honest,” Tyler admitted. “Think about it. No footsteps. Big clang. Maybe something cool happened and there’s no one else here and we get to be the first to see it.”

“You are the dumbest person I have ever met,” Zoe told him. “I’m in.”

Nami didn’t reply. She felt her breathing getting deeper. Maybe it was the fear, or just her trying to make sure fear wouldn’t set in. Plus, she couldn’t smell anything other than must and age in the air, which was a good sign, though every once in a while, she thought she could pick up a whiff of something else. She didn’t know how to describe it.

The trio continued into the dark, never knowing what they’d come across. All they knew was that they were walking in the general direction of where the sound was coming from.

“Keep an eye out for anything that looks like it crashed,” Tyler piped up in a loud whisper.

“Looks like it crashed?” Zoe asked him.

“Yeah! Like, if something’s in a pile on the floor or there’s some hole in the ceiling. If we can pin down the noise, we’ll know we’re safe,” Tyler reasoned.

Even though he couldn’t see it, Zoe shrugged in agreement. Nami followed the other two, breathing in more deeply than she usually did. All three of them were.

Before long, the three had resorted to looking at different stores again, seemingly temporarily forgetting their goal of looking for the sound;s origin. It was fun playing “guess which store this used to be” without the benefit of seeing the products on display. Over time they’d learn the telltale signs of what store was what – tech stores had the remains of extra security measures, clothing stores had more shelving setups, etc.

Tyler and Nami turned away from their latest store to go look at another, but Tyler stopped in his tracks. Zoe was very good at keeping up her own pace with the others – she never fell behind. If she wasn’t with them, it was because she was blazing her own trail. Slowly, Tyler turned back to see the back of Zoe’s head, seemingly fixated on a wall.

“D’you want to stay in this store a bit longer or something?” Tyler asked her.

“Sorry,” Zoe mumbled, not even making an effort to turn back around. “I’m just feeling light-headed. Give me a sec.”

“Are you okay?” Nami asked. Immediately after, she realized maybe Zoe was feeling the same way she was. “What are you feeling?”

“I’ll be fine, guys,” Zoe half-chuckled. “Don’t fall over yourselves. Just need to clear my head a bit.” She turned around, a light sheen apparent on her face. She gave a small, polite smile, which was reserved for Zoe’s normal meaningful-smile-or-no-smile-at-all face. “All good.”

It was hard for Nami to see Tyler’s reaction to Zoe’s out-of-character break, since she was ahead of them both. Nami turned around at the same time as Tyler did, and the three resumed their trek throughout the rest of the mall.

“We’re just about near the end,” Zoe observed in a slightly higher-pitched voice than usual. “This mall only had one floor, right?”

“Yeah, one floor. Three ends though,” Tyler replied. “We came in through the west end and travelled south. There’s also a north end, if we wanted to go full balls-to-the-wall with it. This end used to be a bunch of clothes stores.”

Nami shivered. She remembered coming here before. There was an Old Navy or Hollister or something like that around here. Her old crush Jeremy would hang out here a lot, and she went to the mall a silly amount of times pretending she wanted to buy something but secretly hoping he would be here. He liked to browse, and maybe buy a few things on a whim – he seemed like the privileged rich kid type, but she liked that cocky arrogance he had in that way.

Most importantly, he bought his cologne around here. If she closed her eyes, Nami could swear she could smell his old cologne from memory. Either that or there was somehow some remnant of it in the mall. Maybe Tyler was wearing it…? No, Tyler was the ‘natural musk’ type. She was just imagining it… or imagining Jeremy. Fantasizing about him. He was the very embodiment of sexy. He was what every teenage girl wanted. What they craved.

Nami didn’t come back to reality with a start or a gasp or anything clicheed. Over time she realized she couldn’t afford to let her ‘daydreams’ get the best of her – and not in a place like this. Tyler and Zoe teased her enough for being boy-crazy as it was, and she didn’t want a reputation for being too hormonal or anything like that. She did note that she let her thoughts get the better of her – she rubbed her thighs together and realized with a deep blush that, given her ‘fluids issue,’ she may have needed a change when she got home.

One thing struck her as odd – she was daydreaming for a decently long time. She would have thought that the others would have snapped her out of her daydream, but they were actually not too far away themselves, looking at the entrance of some clothes store. She cleared her throat and joined them.

“So what are we doing? North end?” she asked.

Tyler looked around and shrugged. “I guess so. Maybe the sound did come from the north end. Maybe I was-”

He paused and instinctively held a finger up. The two girls stood there, motionless, looking at him. With the same finger, he motioned for the three to gather in the clothes store, then tiptoed in there, hiding behind the doorway’s wall. The other two tiptoed in behind them.

“Flashlights off,” he ordered.

Zoe was unmoved. “Are you s-”

“Flashlights off,” he repeated emphatically.

Zoe sighed and turned hers off, with Nami following suit. The three stood in the darkness for a few seconds, the sounds of their breathing the only things to keep themselves company, for a long while. Nami could hear Zoe breathing in to pipe up about what made Tyler do this when her answer came prematurely.

At first, the sounds weren’t pronounced. It sounded like shifting. It was unclear where the sounds were coming from, but it was definitely coming from somewhere down the hallway. Nowhere close, and yet, not too far away, especially comparing to the clang they first heard.

For the longest time, it was unclear what the sounds were coming from, with the sounds evolving from some sort of shifting movement – cloth rustling? Couldn’t have been anything that quiet – to something else. Some sound that was vaguely familiar to the three, but definitely out of their range of believability.

All three denied what the sound sounded like until it became painfully obvious with an echoey, guttural moan. A female moan. A needy, throaty, female moan.

“No fucking way,” Zoe whispered in disbelief. The three started laughing in that quiet way you laugh when you don’t want to get caught. Tyler turned his light on again but covered it with his hand, so the three could face each other.

“She’s masturbating?” he mouthed to his friends in disbelief.

Zoe nodded, still laughing. “I guess whoever’s living here thought she could get a little privacy,” she chuckled.

Nami couldn’t help but laugh too. “This is crazy,” she giggled. “She’s being, like, so loud too.”

“I almost feel bad,” Tyler laughed. “Okay, so the hobo who lives here is-”

The sound of Zoe elbowing Tyler in his hefty gut cut him off. “Homeless person, bozo.”

“Ow… the homeless person who lives here is just flicking the bean and…” He waited for the latest in a series of sexual moans to fill the air. “…howling like a banshee?”

“I guess so,” Zoe concluded. “So, I for one want to get out of here. I feel weird listening to it, I’m sure she doesn’t want an audience, and if she’s… doing this, she’s not exactly in a position to chase us down and kill us.”

“Maybe we should have just you use your flashlight, Tyler,” Nami suggested quietly, thanking the heavens that it was too dark for the other two to see how deeply she was blushing. “Keep covering it with your hand too. I think it’ll give us just enough light to see where to go, but not enough to…”

“I got it, thanks,” Tyler replied impatiently. “Follow me. Don’t speak unless you have to.”

The three walked cautiously through the mall back to their starting point, the moans of pleasure getting farther and farther away as they walked. Eventually, they found their way back into the maintenance room, and eventually, back out of the mall.

“Thank Jesus,” Tyler mumbled as he closed the door and breathed in the outside air. “Can you imagine if some cop came by and sealed up this door while we were in there?”

“That was our craziest adventure yet,” breathed Zoe. She sighed a couple of times before locking eyes with Nami, then she started laughing again.

“What??” Nami protested.

“You’re blushing pretty hard, Nami,” Zoe laughed. At this announcement, Tyler faced her and started laughing too.

Zoe pouted and looked away, knowing that the announcement just made her pout harder. “It… it was weird!” she protested.

“Super weird,” Zoe agreed. “I get people have urges, but wow, she just did not care about holding back. Does it even make you feel better to just yell like that while doing it?” She stared at Tyler.

“Don’t look at me like I know!” Tyler protested. He took off his backpack and started rifling through it. “Anyway, check out some of the stuff I looted.”

“Oh my God, Tyler, you did not,” Zoe protested.

“Oh my God Tyler I did,” Tyler replied defiantly. “This was worth the, uh, Close Encounter of the Bird Kind.”

“Bird kind?” Nami asked.

“Isn’t there a bird word for cooch?” Tyler asked boldly, earning a chuckle from Zoe.

“No, Tyler,” Zoe said between laughs. “There is no bird word for vagina.”

Nami was laughing too, but also wondering if the woman masturbating in there maybe had the same urges as she did. Maybe that homeless woman was the one spraying the cologne, and she had her own Jeremy she was nostalgic towards, or something. Maybe that’s why Nami could smell it. Either way, she had to take care of herself and not let her hormones get the best of her like that – at least, not when she was with friends.

Still, if her hormones were acting up, at least they had the good grace to act up when she was under the cover of darkness.


“And… that’s time. Pencils down please,” Mr. Sigorsky called. The only class Tyler, Zoe and Nami had together all semester was math class, and Mr. Sigorsky was their balding teacher, tasked with what may as well have been a teacher’s nightmare – a class with those three at the back of the class.

They weren’t exactly a nightmare trio – Sigorsky saw promise in Zoe, and thought Nami was a ‘good kid’ – but Tyler sure knew how to bring out the beast in them. Even the quiet Nami could be a loud and disruptive influence under Tyler’s little regime, and separating them did more bad than good. This was why, when he went around and collected his kids’ tests, what he said to Tyler shocked the whole class.

“You’re pretty quiet today, Tyler.”

Mr. Sigorsky half-smiled at Tyler, mostly as a joke, but also to show he meant no harm. The trio had agreed that Sigorsky was a pretty harmless teacher, all things considered – there were some real a-hole teachers at Hazelwood, and Sigorsky clearly wasn’t one of them. He was pretty understanding that kids were kids, but he still liked to have some kind of order and authority in his class, so giving an inch to Tyler like that must have meant that Tyler’s quietness was visible.

Out of instinct, Zoe turned towards Tyler and realized that while he wasn’t sad or anything, he was being a lot less disruptive than usual. She joked with him a lot, but she actually liked how bold and frankly obnoxious he could be. He wasn’t so muted today that she picked up on it herself, but after Sigorsky made a note of it, she couldn’t help but think about what was on her mind. She stared at him, trying to figure him out for only a brief second, her teeth nibbling on her pen in thought. Nami was, as usual, staring out the window, probably thinking about boys or something.

After class, while everyone else filed out, Zoe put her hand on Tyler’s shoulder to stop him from walking out, a smug grin on her face. Nami quickly joined them.

“You were halfway decent today, Tyler,” Zoe joked. “Even Sigorsky was surprised.”

Tyler, never shy to being the butt of a small joke, smiled. “Yeah, I’m losing my edge.”

“Are you okay?” Nami asked.

“Oh yeah, I’m fine,” Tyler waved it off. “I got a lot on my mind. This week was rough. I’ve got this dumb To Kill a Mockingbird paper coming up. Anderson wants it in by Thursday.”

“Well, at least you had three weeks to do it,” Nami commented.

Tyler gave her a face. “Three weeks? It was assigned on Friday.”

“Really?” Nami asked. “That’s weird. Wagner assigned ours on Friday too, but she gave us three weeks.”

“So wait, you had less than a week to do this, and you still went tomb-raiding with us on Saturday?” Zoe asked with a grin.

“Of course I did! You’re only young once,” Tyler protested. “I wanna live! I wanna live!”

“Any chance you could ‘live’ outside my classroom for now, Tyler?” Mr. Sigorsky asked humorously. “You have your own class to get to.”

Tyler, used to being chirped by teachers, shrugged exaggeratedly towards Sigorsky. “I almost made it through a whole school day without being called out by you today.”

Mr. Sigorsky gave a small laugh. “You made it through a whole period, I think we can call this a half-victory for you.” He motioned towards the doorway, from which a few students were already filing in.

The three met at Nami’s locker (the other two barely used theirs, for their own reasons) as they always did before their next class. Tyler leaned his head back against the neighboring locker and sighed.

“You sure look like you have more than schoolwork on your mind, dude,” Zoe remarked.

“Yeah, and it’s not like schoolwork is on the top of your to-do list anyway,” Nami joked.

“I think I’m just – hey, Nami, ease up – I think I’m just antsy or something,” Tyler answered. “I just wanna go out and, just, do stuff. Are you two free this weekend?”

The two didn’t say anything for a bit. Zoe’s eyebrows slowly rose. “Two weekends in a row? You’re going to burn yourself out.”

“Did you find something else we could do?” Nami asked.

“Could we, like… go back to the mall this weekend? I mean, we didn’t even get to go to the north end. Maybe there’s something really cool there. Plus, that was like our biggest adventure! Can we?”

“We never go back to the same place twice,” Zoe pointed out. “Wasn’t that your rule?”

“Yeah, well, I don’t exactly have abandoned malls and shit lying around waiting for me. And who knows how long that entrance is going to be there? I can’t explain it, I just want to go back. Can we?”

Neither Zoe nor Nami could explain it, but even though they had their own hesitations, a weird part of both of them wanted to go back themselves, so naturally, it didn’t take too much convincing for the two of them to eventually cave and agree.

It was decided. The adventurous trio were going to go back to the mall that Saturday.


The three of them held their breath as Tyler tried the door. In one swift motion, as if worried himself, he turned the doorknob and swung the door open. All three of the friends lightly cheered.

“Okay, here we go,” Tyler announced as Nami handed out the flashlights. “To the north this time. Still past the food court.” With that, he walked in, finding his way past the maintenance room to the court. Looking at each other for a brief second beforehand, Zoe and Nami followed him.

Nami didn’t bother with the mask this time. After all, she seemed fine last time, and even if she wasn’t… the damage was already done? Was that how that worked? She didn’t know. But what she did know, though she wasn’t sure why, was that she was glad to be back in the mall. Tyler was right, it was the perfect place to have an adventure.

And weirdly… in some weird way, she was glad to be breathing in that air again. It was probably the nostalgia, or maybe even the residual smells of the stores or something. After all, she did have a lot of memories of Jeremy in here.


No, none of that. Not now. She had to behave.

In an effort to clear her mind, Nami started marching forward at a noticeable pace, earning a “Hey! Wait up!” from Tyler. Eventually, all three were matching her pace until they came to a break in the hallway.

“I take it this is the… uh… break in the hallway?” Zoe asked, her voice a little unsteady. Tyler flashed his light in her direction to reveal that her face didn’t show fear or anything.

That was good. Tyler didn’t want to admit it, but if Zoe was afraid, the whole team would be scared shitless inside of one minute. The security guard incident proved that handily. “Yup, this is where the north end begins.”

“Why is it called the north end, anyway? Kind of seems silly to break the mall up like that,” Nami piped in.

“Oh, I have no clue what they called it. I just call it that. I just remember the mall has three ends,” Tyler answered honestly. He shrugged. “Seems like it works.”

“Hey, if it works, it works,” Zoe replied, followed by a slight laugh.

Nami jokingly pushed Zoe’s shoulder. “You’re being easy on him today,” she joked.

Zoe scoffed. “No I’m not.”

“I don’t have the jokes, you do,” Nami continued. “Just remember that I’m relying on you to keep Tyler in his place.”

“I’m standing right here,” Tyler complained, then the three pressed on.

Nami cursed at herself under her breath. She really was too boy-crazy. Here the three friends were, back at the only adventure that was so grand, they actually went back twice, and instead of enjoying the moment, she was, of course, thinking about Jeremy. As hard as she tried, she could not get him off of her mind. She should not have made that association with him the first time they came to check the place out – Nami was sure she was now fully going to associate the mall with him.

She shrugged to herself as she walked. At least the mall would be one of many adventures, and at least she’d get over Jeremy at some point and inevitably latch onto someone else – like almost all of her other crushes, Jeremy barely even knew she existed. Still, she was clearly letting him get to her a bit too easily – it couldn’t have been more than ten minutes since they arrived, and she could already feel herself getting wet, and her breathing was audible.

Luckily for her, that seemed to be the case across the board. When she listened in the dark, she didn’t just hear her own heavy breathing, but three sets of heavy breaths. The air in the north end must have been thinner or something. Probably the lack of windows or proper filtration, even if the windows at the other end were boarded up.

“Be careful,” she said aloud just for insurance. “See how there are less windows here? I think the air is thinner on this side of the mall.”

“Is it dangerous?” Tyler asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t think so,” Nami replied in a small voice.

“We can handle dangerous. We’ve survived two encounters with people. One of them was in this mall!” Zoe pointed out.

“Speaking of her, do you think she’s still here?” Tyler asked.

“Tyler, could you show respect for other human beings for once in your life?” Zoe asked him. “If she is, I’m sure she wants to be left alone. Plus she was at the other end of the mall.”

“Look who’s being Captain Presumptuous!” Tyler shot back.

“That’s ‘captainness’ to you, Private.”

“I was just asking if she was here. I wasn’t planning no field trip to see her! She can hang out in her home all she wants, but today, I ain’t going with her. There’s no one I’d rather explore this mall with than you two.”

Zoe laughed sympathetically. “And there’s no one we’d rather be here with than you, Tyler,” she responded in a faux-rehearsed sing-song voice.

Smiling, Nami turned away, looking up and down the walls of the stores on the north end. She also wanted to look away because, try as she might, she thought she was still blushing from earlier. She was a heck of a blusher.

Out of nowhere, a sharp “Oh!” from Zoe made Nami compose herself quickly then swiftly turn around. Zoe was standing herself up from something. Upon seeing Nami’s concerned face, Zoe waved it off and smiled. “Just tripped over some debris. All good.”

“You need to be careful!” Nami told her. As fun as it was to hang out with these two and go on adventures, there were no serious injuries… yet… and Nami would do her best to keep it that way. She looked on the ground and, sure enough, this part of the mall was less well-kept than the other parts. She made a mental note to watch her step.

It seemed the trip also took a small toll on Zoe. Tyler and Nami could tell that from that moment on, Zoe’s normally cocky, almost smug face was clouded with some kind of distress. Nami guessed that Zoe was upset at her own carelessness or something – despite making almost none of the plans initially, Zoe was essentially the de facto leader of the group during adventures, much to Tyler’s own dismay. She needed to remain strong.

The trio walked on for a little bit longer, peering into old book stores and shoe stores, their only company the haunting hallways, the seemingly eternal darkness and the heavier breathing of the three. In Nami’s case, her thoughts were really fighting to keep her company too, but she made her best effort to shoo them away.

“Hey Tyler, check your messages,” the dry voice of Zoe pierced the darkness after a weirdly long period of silence. The two of them looked up from their investigation to look at Zoe.

“You’re right here. What for?” Tyler asked.

Zoe shrugged. “I sent you a meme. Thought you’d like it.”


Zoe shrugged again. “Or don’t, check it later if you want, I don’t care dude,” she replied coolly. “Just thought you’d want to see it.”

Nami felt left out. “Do I not get to see?”

“It’s kind of… crude, I can send it to you too but I specifically thought you wouldn’t like it,” Zoe answered.

“Oh,” Nami simply replied. It was true, she was the least interested in the spicier riskier memes of the group. She smiled at Zoe’s thoughtfulness and went right back to investigating a bolted-down broken cash register, with Tyler beside her, clearly taking Zoe up on the advice to look at her meme.

“I’m amazed we even get service in here,” Zoe continued. “Isn’t this place all concrete?”

“It looks all concrete, but a lot of malls are other stuff I think,” Nami answered. “Otherwise people wouldn’t be able to get signals in here when it still worked, and a lot of people use cell phones in malls.”

“Good point,” Zoe replied, and Nami looked back at Tyler to see his reaction to what she was saying. He was still nose-deep in his phone. Clearly he moved on from the meme and was just checking his Instagram or something.

“Tyler!” Nami all but barked. She hated when people were on their phones in situations like this.

“Just a sec,” Tyler replied distantly in a cool, even voice. He checked a few more things and promptly turned his screen off, subsequently turning his flashlight on, pointing it near Zoe.

“What did you think?” Zoe asked with a small grin.

“It was crazy! Totally crazy,” Tyler chuckled back.

“Ha, yeah, it was,” Zoe replied, keeping up her grin.

Tyler, clearly not wanting to leave Nami out, turned to her. “I got a few I’ve been holding back, by the way,” he told her. “Remind me tonight in the group chat.”

Nami laughed back innocently. “Okay, Tyler.”

With that, the group pressed on, their flashlights now aimed closer to the floor to prevent another tripping accident. They passed by a couple more stores and nearly got to the end when Tyler abruptly stopped and held up a hand again.

He paused for a bit longer, then turned to the other two. “Flashlights off,” he whisper-barked at the two.

Zoe promptly turned her flashlight off. Nami, remembering last time, paused.

“Flashlights off!” he repeated.

“Shouldn’t we do what we did last time? With one of us holding the fl-”

“Nami, turn it off, now!” Zoe whispered with urgency. It was the most serious Nami had ever seen her. Understanding the other two clearly knew something she didn’t, Nami turned her flashlight off and let the darkness take her.

“Give me a sec to hear,” Tyler said slowly. None of the three could see a thing. Nami tried concentrating on what she heard, but it was no use – Tyler had the good ears of the group. In fact, Nami’s hearing wasn’t that great at all. She allowed the silence to have its turn, not daring to speak first in case Tyler was onto something. He did look like a man on a mission, after all, and he had her best interests at heart.

Unfortunately, being alone in the dark meant being alone with her thoughts, and as Nami breathed in the mall air, she couldn’t help but think of Jeremy again. That time she saw him with his friends sharing a joke as they passed her in the main hallway, with him cracking a joke and all of his friends laughing at him… it was stupid, but the way she smiled his arrogant smile when he knew he landed a joke to his dumb friends made Nami’s poor pussy throb.

Throb. It was throbbing. Nami realized right then and there. It had been screaming so loud that she hadn’t heard it all this time. She was wetter than before, much wetter. It was begging for attention since she first thought of Jeremy. She did a good job ignoring it when she could focus on her friends, but now, under the convenient cover of darkness no less…

She normally would have paused for longer, or thought more about this. But especially with the silence, she couldn’t help herself. Stealthily turning around without making a sound, she slowly snaked her hand into her pants. She couldn’t believe she was doing this. She knew she had a lot of hormones, but never in her wildest dreams could she guess that she was actually masturbating in front of her friends.

Nami was so horny that she only barely succeeded in not making a sound when her hand first came into contact with her clit. Praying that she wasn’t wet enough to make an audible sound, she started moving her hand in a circle underneath her underwear, blushing a deep crimson and practically feeling faint with how good playing with herself felt at this moment.

Almost immediately she realized that it was making a very quiet squishing sound; she was that turned on. Still, she stopped and cursed herself; she had terrible hearing. If she could hear it, the others could, and the last thing she wanted was to make them feel uncomfortable. She paused and waited for any kind of reaction from the other two, and couldn’t hear anything apart from the occasional click of Zoe’s tongue in thought.

Realizing she was in the clear, and yet also realizing that this cautious period of silence wouldn’t last forever, Nami tried feeling around to see if there was any way she could touch her clit without making a squishing sound.

Every touch of hers sent her own body reeling. Obviously Nami masturbated, although weirdly little for her hormone levels, but this time it felt about a hundred times better than it normally did. She wasn’t sure if anything could make her stop, even with her two best friends standing only meters away from her.

Despite her new method being quiet, Nami was acutely aware that her fingers were now slippery with her juices and that she wouldn’t be able to last much longer. She lasted an embarrassingly short time and thanked her lucky stars that she wasn’t a squirter, given the explosive orgasm that was about to rock her entire body (and given the fact that she was still wearing pants).

Soon, Nami felt an almost alien force of pleasure wreck through her, through wave after wave. She had to clench her jaw and mash her lips together to hold back on making any sounds, but as she felt a tidal wave of naughty bliss blast through her from her cunt outwards, she couldn’t help but emit a sharp, “Aah!”

At once, she quickly removed her hand and moved down to her knee. She felt a flashlight’s beam envelop her, seeing the beam hitting the floor around her. “Are you okay?” came the panicked whisper of Tyler.

“I’m fine, I just stubbed my toe,” she responded, trying (and failing) to make her voice not quiver. She was still feeling mild waves of orgasmic bliss flowing through her, even at that point. “I’m sorry if I worried you.”

“I shouldn’t have kept the lights off for so long, I’m the one who should be sorry,” Tyler replied. He evidently mistook her quivering voice for pain, and his own voice was quivering too, reflecting some kind of worry for her. Nami smiled to herself at how sweet that was, before feeling guilty for what she had done.

She turned around to look at the two. Zoe was now beside him, clearly indicating that they should all go on.

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