
The Mini-Pony Pleasure Plan

Visiting a girlfriends house could turn out to be the most obscenely pleasurable experience of Taylor Dewey

Deep inside the cities oldest showground and racecourse complex stood a large red barn. Sometimes it held animals which were later exhibited in best of breed shows and the like, periodically held at the showground throughout the year. However, mostly it was used by the live-in groundskeeper, Mr Orrick, and his family, whom dwelt in a small cottage close by. One sunny Saturday morning, not long after breakfast, two pretty young teenage girls bolted out of that cottage and ran, lickety-split, towards the barn.

Taylor Dewey did her best to keep up with her older, faster girlfriend as they burst through the barns big doors and charged across a wide central floor space to where a stack of crisp, new hay bales, formed a conveniently private hidey-hole at its rear. Sandra Orrick scaled a single bale which formed a low, concealing barrier to a cozy little nook between the towering bundles and the rear wall of the barn in an easy leap and Taylor scrambled over it after her. They were both panting heavily as Sandra allowed a small pile of magazines she’d been clutching onto, to spill out in font of the panting young friends as Taylor landed with a soft crunch beside her on the spongy, chaff covered floor.

“Don’t worry. No one can see us back here!” Sandra assured her friend with a wicked little giggle as she started pawing excitedly through the brightly colored publications. Taylor peeked quickly back over the sweetly fragranced bale just incase. What if someone had noticed the madly dashing teenagers and had followed the pair out of curiosity? Her big, sparkling blue eyes scanned the dim, sun dappled shadows of the cavernous shed beyond the girls hiding spot, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Some dusty farm equipment occupied one end of the hangar sized building and a stable area consisting of several stalls filled the other. Taylor could hear the faint, gentle shuffling sounds of an animal coming from one of the small, swing gate booths and recognized a pungent odor of horse manure, but apart form that, all was still in the warm, humid air beyond the girls impromptu straw cubby house.

“Black Cocks n White Pussy!” Sandra suddenly announced triumphantly, causing Taylor to spin around and see her friend waving one of the magazines around excitedly. Taylor’s heart, already pumping hard from the sprint from Sandra’s dad’s bedroom to the barn, almost skipped a beat as Sandra started unfolding one of the pornographic magazines glossy centerfold pages.

“Shhhsh Sandra. What if your dad’s outside? I don’t wanna get caught with his dirty old porno’s” Taylor hissed.

“Awe, chill out! Dad and the rest of the hands are smoothing the race track this morning an everyone else has gone shopping!” Sandra reassured her younger blond friend. The cute thirteen year old took her advise and made herself comfortable. Sandra admired the attractive fullness of the cute girls smooth, sun bronzed thighs and well shaped calf’s bulging pleasingly as she squatted in her loose fitting cotton cutoffs. For Sandra Orrick, the thrill of doing something forbidden or naughty was almost always better than the act itself. Therefore, she was thoroughly enjoying herself now, as she watched Taylor Dewey’s firm, c-cup breasts, rising and falling rhythmically beneath her tightly stretched cotton t-shirt and anticipated the effect the erotic pictures would have on her young school chum.

“This is the one I told you about. Checkout the size of this guys cock!” Sandy exclaimed.

“Oh my… Well, that’s just… It can’t be…” Taylor gasped, hardly believing what her wide blue eyes were seeing. The poster size page in front of her consisted of a diorama of explicitly sexual photographs. One photo showed a handsome black man wearing nothing but a brilliant white smile while between his muscular legs , and despite its relaxed condition, was the biggest, fattest penis Taylor had ever seen.

The smooth black cock hung like a length of fire hose, all the way from the mans dark, crinkly scrotum, literally to his knees. In the next photo he was accompanied by a sexy blond haired, large breasted white woman. She was kneeling naked between the black guy’s legs with an awed expression on her beautiful face while wrapping both hands, with obvious difficulty, around the bloated shaft of his now fully erect penis. His cock bridged out enormously. In yet another, the same woman was in vivid close-up, sucking obscenely on the broad, spongy black and pink head of the mans gigantic penis as she desperately strained to swallow the enormous tool bit between widely stretched red lips and puffing cheeks. Lastly, the main photograph depicted the horny couple actually fucking. The pictures had an immediate erotic effect on Taylor Dewey.

“It must be Eighteen inches long!” Taylor exclaimed breathily, her throat thicken with lust, as she studied the bawdy scene. The buxom blonde porn star was contorting on her back now on a low bench. The black man was astride her and biting one of her big, pink nipples, that stood out lasciviously from her full, bouncy breasts and he was literally cramming his massive, elephant-like prick, as far into her wildly stretching vagina as he was able. The blondes rounding, pink pussy slit was obviously stretched to the point of torment around the huge, vain-ribbed, cock-pole impaling her. Taylor marveled at the look of ecstasy on the woman’s sweaty, beatific face. God she looks happy! Taylor told herself, experiencing a wicked little shiver of lust run through her nubile lions as she tried to imagine what it must feel like to be so completely filled up by so much cock meat.

She’d been fucked by a few boys before. The pert, curvaceous teen had the kind of figure that ensured she received almost constant offers of sex, even from boys much older than she. She recalled one guy in particular had been pretty well hung. He’d fucked her in the back seat of his car in the car park of a discothèque, while Taylor’s older sister, and his actual date for that evening, had been searching for them on the dance floor inside. He’d had a good eight inches in length and a satisfying three-inch girth to his prick, Taylor remembered ruefully. He’d hurriedly shoved it to the hilt in her immature twat. She recalled, with a giddy little shiver, how her tight young vaginal canal had felt deliciously stretched around his fat, deeply rooted cock, allowing her to more fully enjoy the grabbing pulses his hotly throbbing tool had made inside her as he’d grunted his hot, sticky orgasm into her. Big is great. But even bigger must be better! Taylor told to herself and grinned a wicked little grin as she admired the awe-inspiring interracial fuck scene.

Meanwhile, Sandra Orrick was regarding Taylor Dewey the way one wolf appreciates another. She’d predicted Taylor would be interested when she’d suggested they sneak a peak through her fathers pornographic books. She smiled knowingly now, as she could sense her friend getting quite aroused by the bawdy images she was viewing. From that first day the pair had met at high school, they had become fast friends. Sandra enjoyed an excellent, attractive physique, long brown hair, ripe young breasts, a curvy little ass and the kind of teenage legs that naturally caught any hot blooded males attention. However, Sandra was a practical girl. She realized two pretty bees could gather twice as much male honey, so to speak. And even more importantly, although only thirteen, Taylor Dewey liked to think, talk and actually have sex with the guy’s they attracted, making her a particularly complimentary foil to the constantly thrill seeking fourteen year old.

Taylor had started thumbing her way excitedly through the rest of the ribald magazines, alternatively giggling or making bawdy little remarks like “Wow! that’s a huge fucker!” or “Can you imagine having one like that up ya!” as she turned page after page of massive black penises doing all sorts of exotically lascivious things with willing white whores in graphic color.

Truth be known, Taylor was beginning to feel quite anxious. She had felt heat rising in her crotch almost as soon as she’d laid eyes on those first few photographs. But as she riffled through one after another of her girlfriends fathers porno issues, she was finding it increasingly difficult to mask her embarrassing state of arousal. The maddening, tingling urge, building in her rapidly moistening pussy, made her squirm slightly and adjust her position frequently in a vain attempt to ease the aching lust welling up from her youthful cunt and spreading throughout her primed young body. Even her nipples were becoming overly sensitive and begged to be touched. If it wasn’t such a shamefully slutty thing to do, she’d have already shed her clothes and be plunging at least three fingers into her yearning, steamy little blond snatch and pinching the lust induced irritation out of her crinkly pink nubbins. That would be enjoying the magazines “properly” she decided.

Meanwhile, Sandra was also getting turned on by the naughty thrills the girls had been enjoying together. She knew her own pussy’s creamy goo had already soaked the crotch band of the white cotton panties, squirming beneath her tight fitting denim shorts. She’d watched carefully as tell tale signs of her horny blond friend’s growing sexual urges made Sandra suddenly decide the time was right to suggest one of the most deliciously debauched and sexy ideas that had ever occurred to her.

“Would you like to see a REAL big cock? I mean, a for REAL cock!” Sandy half-whispered suggestively, causing Taylor to look up from the dirty pictures with her pretty brow furrowed incredulously. Her friend was wearing a mischievous grin as she waited expectantly for the blond girls inevitable questions.

‘Sure I guess I so.” Taylor confessed. She couldn’t image what Sandra meant, but the idea tickled at her passion inflamed imagination

“But how? There aren’t any boys around here. Your not talking about a dick in a jar or something? YUCK!” Taylor pulled a nasty face while remembering a school excursion to a science museum where she’d seen one such unfortunate male appendage, sliced up and displayed in a glass beaker.

“Fuck no. Don’t be stupid!” Sandra laughed jeeringly and rolled her eyes at the childishness of the remark before continuing.

“I mean a real, live male penis, just a big as in these magazines here. I can show you one. But you gotta promise never to tell anyone OK?”

Taylor could see her mischievous friends eyes dancing just the way they always did when she was about to do something really naughty, like when they shoplifted earrings together or broke the rules by smoking cigarettes at school. She had never failed to enjoy a single one of the crazy antics Sandra always seemed able to talk Taylor into in the past. So. She was already dieing to know what hell the willful girl had in mind.

“Ok, I promise. Cross my heart” She agreed while making a crossing gesture above her nicely swollen chest and trying not to laugh.

“Then follow me, and keep quiet!” Sandra instructed as she scrambled over the hay bale and made her way quickly and quietly to one of the nearby wooden stalls at the stable ringed end of the large barn with Taylor right behind her. What’s she up to? Taylor wondered as her leggy friend worked a metal latch on a heavy wooden door ,disappeared through a crack and then beckoned Taylor to join her.

Once inside. Sandra latched the door behind them. Taylor realized they were in a roughly twelve by six foot cell-like stall, illuminated by a light bulb hanging from the roof. The stall was already occupied.

“Oh that’s so cute! He’s beautiful! Beautiful!” Taylor blurted as saw the most gorgeous little black and white Shetland pony she had ever seen in her life. He was obviously a show pony. He had a noble look of good breeding and looked well proportioned and ruggedly muscular. He couldn’t have been more than three feet tall Taylor guessed. She swooned adoringly as she stepped up and started stroking the animals thick blonde mane. He tossed his head in the air, then twisted to look at her. The little stallions soft muzzle and strong rounded jaw where the only parts of his head that were visible below a thick white shock of coarse long hair which fringed over his eyes.

“This is Little Little Mack! Sandra used the animal’s full “show name” and explained that the small horse was one of the most sort after breeding males in the country. Apparently he had sired many champions. She had been taking care of the little horse since he’d arrived a week before from interstate ahead of an upcoming exhibition to be held in the coming days at the showground. She told Taylor how her father had put her in charge of making sure Little Mack was fed, cleaned and currycombed everyday and how it was during one such visit, only a few nights ago, that she’d discovered a little “trick” Little Mack seemed to enjoy very much.

“Do you wanna see it?” Sandra asked mischievously.

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