
The Meeting Chapter Two; The Seduction

The Meeting

Chapter two: The Seduction

I was filled with a nervous excitement all day as I kept remembering Willie’s words. I showered, shaved my legs and pussy making sure my pussy was soft and slick, even rubbing moisturizer on my mons, which of course had me rubbing my clit cumming my ass off thinking that I may have to renege on my statement that I wouldn’t do anything yet. I couldn’t believe how hot it made me thinking of Jack watching me fuck somebody else, especially somebody with a long thick black cock. I couldn’t think of it without my pussy squeezing tightly and a hard shudder wracking my body. It actually embarrassed me knowing how badly I wanted to do this. I had never had anything arouse me so quickly and my pussy never filled with such a wet yearning as when I thought of Jack placing another man’s dick in my pussy and then watching me fuck him, especially a black guy. I spent the entire day trying to figure out what to wear and then Jack said, “Wear a short skirt and a stretchable sport top with no bra.” I wanted to go commando but I was sure it would communicate to Jack just how badly I needed to do this so I donned sexy low cut panties.

That evening we arrived right before seven and went in and ordered two coffees and sat at the rear of the shop on the back side as we had said we would. I sat on the bench seat along the wall and Jack sat across from me on the seat attached to the table leg. We were both nervous about someone we knew seeing us there. It was like everyone there knew we were waiting to meet someone to fuck me. Of course Willie was late and we both feared he had changed his mind. We both laughed when we realized we were feeling disappointment at someone not showing up for the purpose of eventually fucking me.

Then suddenly he was standing beside us grinning as he extended his hand to jack. They shook hands and I noticed Jack winced as Willie gripped his hand strongly. I was glad to see he gripped Jacks hand strongly because I knew Jack hated someone with a weak handshake. He was big, at least 6′ 4″ tall and muscular. He was wearing a white T-shirt and grey sweat pants. His biceps were as large as my thighs it seemed. Remembering that old adage of, big feet, big dick I glanced down and was pleasantly surprised to see sneakers I could have used for canoes. As he moved to bend and kiss me on the cheek I saw his cock pressing against his sweats and deduced he wasn’t wearing any underwear. My breathing became rapid, deep and I tried to dispel sexual thoughts from my mind. I knew Jack had seen it also by the way his gaze was glued to Willie’s pant front as he smiled and raised his eyebrows as if saying, wow, big dick.

Willie sat down beside me on the bench seat along the wall. Before anyone could speak Willie leaned over and lightly kissed me on the lips, remaining there long enough to let me know he wasn’t shy about seducing me with Jack watching. I liked his boldness, especially when I saw the shocked look on Jacks face. Willie’s hand found my thigh and his large black hand squeezed it softly. I felt my cheeks burning as I blushed knowing Jack was watching me being fondled by a black man in public. I’m sure they both knew my panties were soaked. I had expected Jack to say something, to tell him not to do that in public but he said nothing, not even when Willie proclaimed, “Damn girl your lips taste good, my dick’s gettin hard. I can’t wait to feel them wrapped around my cock”.

“Wow, you just get right to it don’t you Willie. How about you tell me what you do in the army or where you come from before we talk about doing what we all know we want sexually. I’d like to know something about the guy attached to a dick before I place my lips around it.” My voice exhibited the sexual tension his kiss had instilled in me and the throbbing in my clit necessitated my crossing my legs and squeezing my thighs tightly as my leg pumped quickly.

He spent the next ten minutes telling us where he was from and that he was recently divorced and had a little girl that stayed with him for a month every summer that he loved above all else. I couldn’t keep my mind on his words as in my mind I was wishing he’d pick me up with his muscular arms and lay me on the table and rip my panties from me and fuck me hard right there in front of Jack, God and everyone else. Then, as if reading my mind he looks me in my eyes and says, “I’d love to fuck you right here in front of everyone, just lay you down and fuck you on this table with everybody watching”

The fire that had been seething within me was now a blazing inferno of need and when Willie turned towards me and ran his hand up beneath my skirt and uncrossed my thighs every cell of my existence silently cried out for him to touch my pussy. Then as he glanced at Jacks face he placed his hand between my thighs and squeezed my pussy with Jack sitting silently watching him. The moan that escaped me told of my submission to his action. The feel of his hand on my pussy, finger pressing along and separating my labia had my pussy a swamp of need. I kept glancing around to see who was watching us but no one appeared to be paying any attention to us. My chest rose and fell heavily as unconsciously I spread my thighs slightly as my hips began a slow undulation as I rubbed my pussy into his grasp. I was losing it, I wanted him to finger my pussy. I felt my pussy clenching and releasing wildly. My hand fell to his arm and as I stared into my husbands’ eyes I pulled his hand up tightly between my thighs. I kept expecting Jack to stop him but even when I moaned loudly at the feel of Willie’s fingers sliding into the leg opening of my panties, he did and said nothing. My head lay back, eyes closed as I felt his finger exploring the wet opening of my need. As my pussy pressed into it I felt myself entered by at first one, then two and then as my thighs spread widely Willie inserted three of his fat fingers inside me and then began twirling my tautly swollen clit with his thumb. My hips hunched, undulating my pussy around the deeply probing invaders that fanned my arousement until it became an inferno that threatened to consume my sanity with its white hot heat. I gazed around at people eating and talking unaware that my married white pussy was being groped by a black man within their view. The sound of his fingering my flooding vagina was plainly heard as a squishing that would have been noticeable except for the louder moaning from my lips.

Jacks eyes gleamed with an evil brilliance as he watched this black man debase me, his wife, in public. My pride said to stop him but I couldn’t. I’d never felt so slutty or alive in my life. My mind was overwhelmed with the realization of my most arousing and long lived fantasy. I wanted him to fuck me and was about to beg him to that end when people sat down beside us. Jack jumped up and stood between us and them saying, we should go talk in the suv.

Reluctantly Willie removed his hand from my crotch saying, “Yeah I guess that would be best before we get locked up”. As I walked towards the door Willie reached down and grasped me by the ass and squeezed it hard causing me to jump and smile up at him as he grinned down at me. I saw Jack scowl as we heard a small boy tell his mother, “That black man grabbed that lady by her butt and she just laughed at him. I bet you’d spank me if I grabbed a girl by her butt”.

“I’m not doing anything. That was the agreement Jack, remember”, I said, before realizing just how ridiculous it sounded considering everything that had just transpired.

“I remember, I just don’t think we should be doing this kind of talking right here in McDonald’s”, Jack responded.

I was still on fire and knew what could happen in the suv and I knew I would lose any remaining inhibitions if Willie continued to be so dominant. When we approached the SUV Jack opened the sliding side door and said, “Why don’t you get in back with Willie because it’s you two that really need to get to know each other.”

I grinned and said, “I’m really not doing anything asshole, you might as well get that in your head no matter what happened back there”. I crawled in the back and scooted against the far side and turned towards Willie expecting him to want to take up where we’d left off inside. My panties were soaked and still bunched up alongside my pussy where Willie had left them from fingering me. My pussy was aching to be entered again. I spread my thighs widely allowing the cool air to kiss my swollen, inflamed pussy lips almost like a light caress causing my vaginal muscles to clench tightly as I pretended to situate myself on the seat. God I felt so vulnerable to Willie’s masculinity as my gaze wandered his body while he seemed to ignore my presence. I saw Jack turn and watched as his gaze fell to my bare pussy and I stuck my tongue out at him saying, “You’re just gonna have to wear that hard-on till we get home mister.” Outwardly I was trying to act nonchalant in front of the two of them, as if what had happened inside was forgotten by me but inside Willie still held dominion over my mind and my body craved his touch again.

It was a split seat where we were sitting. It was like a bench seat but was actually two separate seats and either or both could be folded down flat if needed. I noticed Jack had already folded the other rear seats down flat and I was sure he hoped we’d be back there fucking tonight. There was a lot of leg room in front of the seats also to accommodate Willie’s height.

Finally Willie kind of leaned over in the seat turning towards me and placed his right hand on my right knee and said, “Ask me anything you want to know Connie and I’ll answer you truthfully.”

I wasn’t expecting that. He seemed to have lost the desire he had for me inside. Suddenly he was playing by my rules and I wasn’t sure if I liked that much. God!, now he was dominating me by with-holding his sexual attention and it made me crave him even more. I much preferred it when he seemed to just take what he wanted from me while I’m sure humiliating Jack. “Ok then tell me if you liked fingering me back there in public with my husband watching us?”

“Well yes I loved it just like you did. If you ask your husband I’m sure he will tell you he loved it also. That’s why he was holding his hard dick while you succumbed to the sensations and emotions of being groped in a public place by a black man you had just met with him watching you. You liked him seeing what we were doing didn’t you?”

His smirking smile told me he knew he was torturing me with his hand unmoving on my thigh as his words rekindled the flames he had fanned inside. “Yes it was a real turn on knowing he was watching us, in fact it caused me to just lose it. If you liked it so much, why did you stop once we were out here, were you just teasing me, well us, really!

“I figured you’d come get what you wanted when you were ready just like I will when I’m ready to suck your asshole”, he said smiling.

“Oh my god, why would you want to suck my asshole”, I asked as I squirmed at the thought of his mouth sucking at my virgin asshole. I had to wonder just what all I would experience in a bed with Willie after that comment.

Willie knew he was torturing me with his words as he turned to face me in the seat, his hand becoming an even greater torment on my thigh as it moved slightly higher and squeezed me.” He knew I wanted his hand on my pussy and that his teasing me would have me in a state of constant tormented arousement. I could hardly restrain from touching my throbbing need but I was determined not to give him that satisfaction.

Willie shifted his body till his legs lay straight out angled towards me as he lay back along the seat with his ass positioned at the edge of the seat. Then he pressed his sweats down to midthigh allowing his dick to jerk stiffly erect. He was huge and his glans was visibly throbbing, swelling and receding with each of his strong heartbeats. He squeezed his buttocks tightly and his dick lengthened another inch as its stiffness strained its skin until it stood trembling its entire length as he said, “To get it nice and wet and have it craving to feel this stuck all the way up in it”

When Willie kissed me in the restaurant and then fingered me right there in public with Jack watching, I knew if he tried to fuck me I would allow it, even welcome it. I continued asserting that I wouldn’t, so that Jack wouldn’t think I was that eager, but the way Willie asserted his masculinity had me craving for him to take me. I wanted him and I was no longer even trying to deny it to myself. Then when he showed me his dick, knowing the effect it would have on me, I knew my fate was sealed and so did he I’m positive.

I couldn’t help gasping, “Oh my god Jack, as I gazed at the fattest, longest dick I’d ever seen. I didn’t know what to say and I blurted out, is that real?” I sat there gaping as my panties began to feel like a barrier between my pussy and his magnificent cock. My hands slid quickly beneath my skirt and slid my panties off. The cool evening air caressed my hot swollen clit as I felt my mind descending into an abyss of depravity that I feared I would never be able to escape. Worse though was the knowledge I may not even want to. I tried to rebel against the craving need I felt drawing me to Willie’s dick. I pressed my clit hard beneath my fingertips as I tried to still the throbbing I felt there, but it only intensified the maddening yearning I felt in my vagina. Even my asshole cried out to feel his dick assaulting it. I was insane with need and I hadn’t even touched him yet.

Then Willie said, “Look here Jack, I showed your wife what you two have been fantasizing about so she would know I had what she needed, when she was ready, and she took her panties off. I think she might like it by the way she’s rubbing her pussy.” Then looking back at me he said, “Don’t be shy, you can touch it, you don’t have to fuck it if you don’t want to”.

I knew we were going to fuck the instant my gaze fell on Willie’s cock. He knew exactly how I would respond to his teasing display and the leering grin he wore taunted me of that fact. I hated that he knew how badly I needed his black dick inside me, hated that he had known he could fuck me tonight no matter what I had said beforehand. A part of me also hated the fact that Jack was allowing Willie to dominate me and humiliate him without as much as a word of dissent. In fact his arousement seemed to increase as he watched me succumbing to Willie’s advances. The sluttier I became the harder Jack’s dick appeared to get. I was entranced by the thought of Willie fucking me in front of my husband. Still though, a part of me hoped my husband would stop this madness and tell Willie to leave. But when I pulled myself up and glanced over the seat I saw Jack stroking his dick as he stared at Willie’s cock in silent awe. I knew we were both lost to the forces within us as I asked in a low voice, almost a whisper, “My god Jack are you really sure you want me to do this, if so, then I need you to tell me what you want me to do right now.” The tremor in my voice displayed my excitement as I stared at Willie’s huge black dick. Even to myself my voice seemed to plead with him to tell me to proceed.

Jack leaned back between the seats and stared at Willie’s dick and then at me squeezing my hand between my thighs. I saw his gaze lift to my face and I’m sure he saw the smoldering need seething in my eyes. Every cell of my body cried out to grasp his black dick as I restrained myself from touching him knowing that to do so would seal my fate no matter if Jack came to his senses and wanted me to stop. I wanted to hear my husband tell me to violate my wedding vows and become the slut I knew I wanted to be at that moment. I knew I was lost, unable to prevent what was about to happen and I hoped he was still ok with it because I couldn’t turn back, not now. Willie was fucking my emotions and my mind even before he took my body.

I heard Jack say, “First I want you to put both hands on his dick and squeeze it, feel it and imagine what it will feel like in your pussy. Then I want to watch you suck his cum from those black balls and after swallowing it all kiss me so you know I still love you.”

I thought, this is happening, it’s really happening. My husband is telling me to suck another man’s cum from his balls, his black balls. Thrills began racing through my body from my groin as I realized that we both needed this to happen. A calm entered my mind as I resigned myself to doing what he and I both needed to sate the devils within us. Jack watched as I extended first one hand and then the other to grasp what we both had fantasied and role played about all these weeks. Again though, My hands faltered just as they were about to embrace Willies meaty dick. This craving I felt contradicted every moral value and belief I had lived by up to that point if my life. This wasn’t a black dildo or me imagining Jacks dick was a black guy’s, this was another man’s massive, throbbing black cock that was straining with a desire to be inside my husband’s wife’s pussy, my pussy. I again gazed at my husband as the trepidation filling my mind told me that to touch him would end our lives as we knew it. My heart was beating hard, racing, chest lifting and falling heavily as Jack saw my hesitation. He must have seen the trepidation in my eyes because he smiled and said,” Its ok, go on and enjoy yourself”.

A hard shudder wracked my body before I said, “I love you so much”, and placed my hands on Willie’s cock and held it tightly, moaning as I felt it jerking stiffly in my grasp. My fingers could not fully encircle his fat girth as I stroked it. God it felt so hard, so thick and long. My thighs squeezed tightly, crossed, as rippling spasms of need had me moaning loudly. My chest was rising and falling rapidly as I felt Willie pull my stretch top up my arms and off my body exposing my breasts to anyone gazing in the window. The cool air impressed upon me their bareness as his fingers began squeezing them, pinching my stiffly erect nipples lightly. “I can’t believe I’m really doing this. I feel so slutty knowing you’re watching me, with you knowing how badly I want this dick in me. God it feels so meaty, so heavy and it’s so much bigger than yours, shit I’m sooo fucking hot! God I want to suck this dick so bad but I’m so scared, tell me to do it Jack”. Hearing him telling me to suck Willie’s dick was like holding a blowtorch to my emotions. My head lowered, tongue slid out tentatively and I began tasting his dick, licking it, gathering his precum with my tongue and then moaning as my mouth opened and engulfed his glans entirely.

Willie moaned loudly and his large hand gripped my head as he held my mouth to his huge dick and began fucking my mouth while saying, “That’s it baby, suck that black cock. Show Jack how bad you need the cum inside those black balls. Let me feel that pussy baby so I can tell Jack how wet his wife is from licking my dick. Don’t forget those big black balls.”

Seeing my husband stroking his dick as he watched Willie fucking his wife’s throat, my throat, had me sucking at his dick voraciously. While holding his fat glans in my mouth I knelt on the seat allowing Willie to again ram his fat fingers deep in my pussy. I felt my panties laying on the seat and picked them up and tossed them on Jacks head. They were dripping wet and my sex odor permeated them. I felt a hunger for Willie’s cum now and I pressed his dick down and lowered my mouth to his large balls and began licking and sucking them avidly, massaging them with my tongue as my hands pumped his fat dick.

I moaned loudly as Willies fingers pressed deeply inside me to rake and grope my slick wet walls. He had large hands and thick fingers and every time he pressed another inside my pussy my moaning became deeper more desperate sounding. He knew I was highly aroused by his deep fingering of my pussy and the fact that I was sucking his huge black cock. Willie seemed to know exactly how to push my buttons as he’d say things like, Damn Jack, I thought you said your wife was shy. There ain’t nuthin shy about the way this slut of yours is devouring this black cock. Yeah that’s it lick dat head girl, show your hubby how bad you want dat cum”. Each time my gaze became directed at jack my actions became frenzied as the knowledge he was watching me heightened the hunger I felt for Willie’s large black cock.

Later Jack would tell me that the look of love I held in my eyes as I felt the heft of his dick while feeling it jerking strongly in my grasp excited him deeply. He had watched as I squeezed a stream of precum from his tip and then licked it off before placing my lips around his urethra and sucking at it. He said he knew my tongue was probing his hole as I sought his slick juices. He had to stroke his dick as he watched my tongue slide around his tip while moaning my need as if his precum instilled an excited thirst for more.

“Damn Jack, I’m pretty sure your wife wants to feel this nigger dick in her married pussy by the swamp her pussy is, yeah you’re married to one hot little slut. I think she’s changed her mind about not wanting to fuck tonight, haven’t you baby, how about you, you want to see your wife cumming on this dick?”

“Yes he does, god yes he does, he wants you to fuck his wife as much as his wife wants to cum all over this big dick. How about you Willie, do you want to fuck Jacks wife?”, then I went back to sucking his dick feverishly. Jack had his dick out slowly stroking it while watching my hunger expressed by the way I licked and suctioned at his stiffly jerking black cock.

Just then a Woman and three teen aged girls walked by the truck talking animatedly. Our SUV had rows of windows all down the sides which made it impossible to hide what was taking place inside it. A young blonde girl glanced in the window and stopped, staring at me sucking Willie’s cock. She grabbed the arm of another of the girls and pulled her over and pointed in the window. I was watching them, knowing they were watching the two of us in the back seat. Suddenly the woman and other girl stopped and turned and saw them standing staring into our vehicle and proceeded to walk back. Gazing in the window she saw Jack stroking his dick and loudly proclaimed, “Oh my god”, and grabbed the girls and started to pull them away just as her gaze fell in the back seat. She stopped, stood there staring as if mesmerized as I tried to lift my head upon hearing the woman’s exclamation.

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