The Medieval Marine Part Six(1)
The Medieval Marine Part Six(1)
Sex Story Author: | somethin fishy |
Sex Story Excerpt: | The group was having too much fun. Not only was playing in the rain fun, but they were all busy |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Death, Exhibitionism, Fantasy, Hardcore, Romance |
As Luke and Bard came around the last corner, they could see Stella was already down. They didn’t know if she had been just dismounted or was hurt. Matt’s horse had been shot out from under him and he was trapped under it. The young man that had come to the camp was in the process of wrestling Pollyanna’s reins away from her and several men were coming out of the woods with bows drawn. Luke and Bard quickly dismounted. Bard wanted to ride straight to their rescue but Luke was worried about secondary traps.
“Bard, think of it as fishing. You use some bait to catch some small fish. You then take the biggest of those small fish to catch much bigger fish. That is what Pollyanna and Matt are at this moment. They are the small fish that on their own would be a meal, but I think they’re fishing for a banquet and they’re planning on or are already using Pollyanna and Matt as bait. So, we are going to sneak up either side of the road while staying in the forest and looking out for more men hiding. If we don’t find any, then we’ll free Pollyanna and Matt.”
Bard wasn’t really convinced, but did as Luke planned. One of the things that Bard had learned was that to not trust Luke’s instincts was beyond foolish. Within only minutes, Luke was proven correct. Both him and Bard had found other men in the woods. Fortunately, they all had their attention on the road, where Matt had been pulled from under his horse and Pollyanna had been brought under control. Luke and Bard worked the way up the road, silently eliminating men as they went. Finally, they got to where they could rescue their people. Together Luke and Bard had killed ten men and they hadn’t even got the men holding Pollyanna and Matt who were by this time tied up. All this time Stella hadn’t moved and Bard could see why; she had got an arrow through her throat. Bard was getting ready to start shooting these bastards with his bow when Luke stepped out of the forest with his handgun at the ready. This was the first time that Bard had ever seen it in action; he had heard the tales but thought that they were just that, tales. Now he was convinced. Within seconds, Luke had taken out all ten of the men on the road except one; he only wounded the man that had first came to their camp.
Before Luke went to untie Pollyanna and Matt, he went to check on Stella. Before he even checked her pulse, he could see that she was dead. The color was gone out of her face and Luke could see the pool of blood under Stella and the fact that she was no longer bleeding was proof enough that she was dead. Luke knew that later he would be crying his eyes out, but right now he had more important things to do. Bard was untying Matt and Pollyanna so Luke took the job of interrogating the prisoner. Luke had only wounded him on purpose, he wanted the man to talk.
“Ok this is how things are going to be; you are going to die, but how you die is up to you. If you tell me everything that I want to know then you will be killed quickly, but if you don’t tell everything or you lie to me, then your death will be beyond painful and will last for days. Also, if your answers satisfy me then I will make sure that you get a church burial, but if you don’t then your body will be cut up and fed to the hogs. You have until I get back to decide.”
Luke went over to check on Pollyanna and Matt. While Pollyanna was just shaken up; Matt was in bad shape. When he got trapped under his horse, it had broken his leg bad enough that his leg wasn’t anywhere near straight.
“Luke what about Stella, you have to help her!” screamed Pollyanna. Luke just gave her a sad look.
“No, no, it can’t be! She can’t be dead; damn it! Tell me that she will be fine!”
“Pollyanna, I’m sorry but there’s nothing that can be done for her. She was dead almost as soon as that arrow hit her in the throat for it looks like it also took out her spinal column as well. Even in my time that would be a fatal injury.” As Luke spoke these words, he shed a single tear. He wiped his face and turned back to his captive who was trying to get away. Luke would have been impressed if he hadn’t been so angry. Angry at himself for not seeing the ambush sooner, angry at Stella for dying, and angry at the fuckhead who had led her into the ambush in the first place. At least Luke could get some revenge on this fucker anyway.
“Well, are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?” asked Luke as he kicked the man’s leg out from under him and then stepped on the man’s shot out knee as he landed.
“Fuck off!” the man yelled from the ground while trying to fight his way through the pain.
“Figured as much” Then Luke put much more pressure on the man’s shattered knee. After a couple of minutes, the man still was being stubborn so Luke moved his foot up and stepped on the man’s balls. The way in which Luke had stepped on them had pinned them against the man’s body, so that they had nowhere to go. He gradually stepped up the pressure until tears came to the man’s eyes. “Well, you ready to talk now?”
“Yes, please just stop stepping on my boys, pleeease.”
“How did you find us?”
“I just dressed up in poor person clothes and rode through the forest until someone from your group found me.”
“How much is Cecilia paying you?”
“Three hundred up front and five thousand when we completed the job.”
“Aye, there were thirty of us. Cecilia keeps us on retainer for people that crossed her.”
“Were all these men in your group or are they just hired thugs?”
“They were all in the group.”
“How many other assassins does Cecilia keep on retainer?”
“How would I know?” Luke moved his foot back to the man’s balls.
“Honestly, I have no idea. I do know that she has a large network that has a presence all over England.”
“What all is she involved in?” now Luke was getting increasingly curious.
“Assassins for hire, prostitution, sex slaves, counterfeiting, espionage, and anything else that she can make money using other people’s suffering.”
“Well, I think that I am about out of questions; Matt, Pollyanna, do have anything you want to ask?”
“Why did you have to kill Stella?” snapped Pollyanna.
“We had to let you know that we are serious; plus, she was just a woman so nothing much was lost.”
At this Pollyanna lost it and, drawing her sword, beheaded the captive. She was still breathing like a bull when Luke came up and put his hand on her shoulder, a move which almost earned him a swipe with Pollyanna’s sword. Seeing Luke, Pollyanna broke down and started crying as she wrapped her arms around Luke’s neck and buried her face in his chest. Her and Stella had been very close and Stella’s death was hitting Pollyanna particularly hard. As she cried, Luke gently moved her toward Matt who was still in need of help. Eventually Pollyanna had cried herself out and was able to help Matt. Together Luke and Pollyanna got Matt’s leg set and splinted. They then helped Matt get sat comfortably against a tree while Luke and Pollyanna looted the dead. As usual they found plenty of arms, money, and other useful items. The biggest haul through was a piece of paper. On it, it detailed the assignments of the entire group of assassins, not just the group that Luke killed. Bard had been looting the dead that Luke and he had killed while coming up the road after he had retrieved their horses.
The trip back was very slow due not only to Matt’s injury, but Luke wanted to make extra sure that they were not being followed. Eventually they made it back to camp and managed to get Matt into the bunker that they used as a sleeping quarters/hospital. There, his care was handed off the Alice. Meanwhile, Marion was busy debriefing Pollyanna and Bard. Debriefing Pollyanna was especially hard because she really didn’t want to relive that experience but Marion needed to know what had happened so that they could prevent it happening in the future. Then, it was Matt’s turn. His take on the events of the day weren’t as good because he was suffering from extreme pain in his leg. Luke had managed to make primitive aspirin from willow bark and this helped take the edge off of Matt’s pain. Finally, Marion had a go at Luke but here it was more of Luke comforting Marion, while he told her everything his captive had told him. He also showed her the paper that Pollyanna had found on one of the dead men. They still had to be on the lookout for ten more assassins.
Once everything was finally done, Marion finally broke down and allowed herself to weep for her friend. Afterall, this was someone how she had known before her father was murdered. All through this Luke stayed quiet right next to her and gently rubbed her back. The woman that he loved more than anything else even more than life itself and the mother of his child was having the worst day of her life to date. Worse yet was that Marion was also now responsible for the lives of eight other people if you counted her unborn child. This was something that she had never been prepared for growing up. Personally, Luke thought that she was handling things quite well, all things considered.
As the sun set on the day, Marion made her rounds around camp. She checked on their horses, the boobytraps, the armory, and finally her men and women. This was the hardest. The mood across the group was almost uniform, absolute depression. They would need time to heal, but Marion was determined to bring everyone out of their funk.
This had also helped make her own mind up; she would go back to the sleeping pad that she shared with Luke and fuck him senseless. While it was true that they made love almost every night, it had been a while since they had a good animalistic fucking and this was what Marion was in the mood for. Getting back to their sleeping area, Luke wasn’t there. At first Marion wondered if Luke had assigned himself to night watch again, for he had a habit of taking an extra night watch if he was worried about being surprised. He usually did this when the conditions were ideal for someone to sneak up on the camp, like on damp nights. Tonight through, he just had to take a piss and he came back soon after Marion had gotten there.
As soon as she seen Luke, she launched herself into him and started almost ripping his clothes off and she was trying to shove her tongue down Luke’s throat. Luke had been taken by surprise at first but he caught up fast. Before long he was working at Marion’s clothing. At least he didn’t have to fight with bras anymore. With his large fingers, they had always presented a bit of a problem in the past, even as nimble as his fingers were. All he had to do was to unbutton her pants and push them down her shapely hips and then pull her shirt up and over her head. This was the hardest thing because she wasn’t in any hurry to take her mouth away from his. Eventually, Luke managed to get her shirt off and they were now both naked. Luke started kissing his way down her long neck and this sent chills all through Marion’s body as it always did. She was moaning before Luke even made it to her nipples which were more sensitive than they had been because of the baby. As soon as Luke started kissing them, Marion had her first explosive orgasm of the evening. The only reason that she managed to keep standing was that Luke was holding her up. As Marion recovered, she stoved Luke over so that he landed on his ass. She was on him like a cat and had pushed him onto his back. There she straddled him, her pussy leaking all over Luke’s stomach as she kissed her way down his chest. She just loved to run her hands through the hair on Luke’s chest. Luke then seen another reason for tonight to be more special than most for the Northern Lights had decided to make an appearance and were putting on a spectacular display. He didn’t have long to look at then though for Marion was beginning to impale herself.
“AHHHH fuck me hard Luke!!! FUCK MY BRAINS OUT!” Marion yelled as she slid down his shaft of steel. Tonight, was one of those times that no matter what she did, she just couldn’t get Luke’s cock deep enough to satisfy her cravings. “Luke fold me up please, god damn fold me up and fuck the shit out of me” begged Marion. Luke was amazed that his sweet, wonderful woman was talking so dirty, but her wasn’t about to complain about it because he was more turned on now than had had ever been. It feltlike his cock was about to rip open from all the blood being forced into it. Luke then did what Marion had been begging him to do. He rolled over without taking his cock out of Marion. Once on top, he put her ankles up on his shoulders. In this position, Luke could pound Marion until she fainted. Not only did he dive deep enough to ram into her cervix with almost every thrust, but he also rubbed against her G-spot with every movement.
Within seconds, Marion was yelling at the top of her lungs, in fact Luke had never heard her yell this loud before and she was usually quite a vocal lovemaker. Marion could feel Luke’s heartbeat through the veins on his cock and this sent her to new heights for this was something new to her. Usually, she could feel his veins rise up on his cock but she had never felt his heart beat. Then it happened, Marion had herself the orgasm of the millennium. She actually felt like her pussy was going to cause her to fly like some of the rockets pictured on Luke’s computer. In fact, if it hadn’t been for her pussy muscles clamping down and Luke holding on to her, she might have flown. As she was reaching her climax, she set Luke off as well. Luke thrust up into her so hard that he actually bruised her a bit, not that she cared. When he exploded in her, he shot nine white hot shots of sticky cum into her; a new record for them. He put so much into her that when he pulled out, it looked like a white-water river flowing out of her cunt. Although, at first Marion had wanted to be fucked longer than this, she and Luke were at their limits and they barely got onto their sleeping pad before passing out for the night.
When Luke and Marion woke up the next morning, it was storming out. Nothing really serious, just one of those late summer storms with a decent amount of rain, some wind and usually some lighting. Being that it was a warm rain, Luke went out into it without putting clothes on. It was about the perfect temperature. With some persuasion, Marion came out too. Soon both of them were playing like children with them jumping in mud puddles and just having a good time. Marion, before too long, was working on getting everyone else to strip down and join them. The women were quick to strip down and Bard followed suit not too long after. Robin through was raised to be very modest and in believing that the devil would soon visit; so, he wouldn’t strip down with everyone else. Marion, for her part, respected his views and didn’t try forcing his which he appreciated. Basically, as long as he respected her view, she respected his. The rain continued for almost an hour. During this time the miserable feeling of the day before were forgotten for the time being.
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