
The Medieval Marine Part Nine(1)

Marion faces news challenges.


The night before had been hard on Marion for she was anxious to get the battle over with. They could hear the women’s cries coming from the enemy camp as they were being raped and it was everything that Luke could do to keep Marion and Gabriel under control. He did this by encouraging Marion to turn her anger and anxiety toward making sure the army was ready to go. The three of them went to every unit and visited with the troops for a little bit. Marion made sure that none of them had any questions of why they were there to fight. Of course, none of them did and if they had, the screams coming from the enemy camp answered them. She also made sure that nobody lacked for any gear.

After almost two hours of visiting the troops, it was time for Marion to try and get some sleep. When Marion returned to her tent, Luke stripped her down. The feeling of Luke’s powerful, rough, but gentle hands on her skin made Marion get so wet that she thought that she had peed herself although the smell coming from between her legs was telling a different story. As Luke gently rubbed her skin, Marion was getting goosebumps and her nipples were at full attention. Suddenly Marion wasn’t nearly as tired as she had been only minutes before and before she could stop them, her hands were tearing at Luke’s uniform trying to get it off. Finally, Marion was able to get her hands into Luke’s uniform where she went straight to his cock. Her actions had made it clear that her body wanted to be fucked hard and it was desperate.

Luke picked Marion up with his good arm causing her to squeal like a schoolgirl. It had been so long since they had done this. Luke laid Marion down on her cot while he shed his uniform and Marion was delighted to see that Luke’s cock was already fully at attention and rearing for action. Luke started off trying to be gentle with his wife but she had other ideas for she flipped Luke over and straddled him, impaling herself in the process. As soon as she was sure that she was indeed impaled, Marion started riding Luke for all she was worth. The only sounds that escaped her mouth was the ohhs and awws. As Luke caught up to her, she started making new sounds for she started yipping like a dog and howling like a wolf. The troops outside were grinning ear to ear while they listened to Marion and Luke. When Marion started howling, most of the troops were trying to hold back their riotous laughter as to not disturb Marion; but it was very difficult. Most of them had to get away from Marion’s tent so that they could break out in laughter.

On and on Marion rode Little Luke. Every time Luke leaned her back a bit, his cock would rub on her G-spot and she would cum hard. Marion would then fight to get back upright before Luke would lean her back again. This went on over and over again. Finally, Marion could feel Luke swelling up inside her.

“Oh honey, give it to me, FILL ME UP WITH YOUR HOT CUM!” Marion was yelling as Luke swelled even further. Then Luke exploded. Almost five months of cum and frustration came flooding out. Luke thought the he would never stop cumming and actually lost track of how many times his cock pushed more cum deep inside his wife. As Luke was cumming, Marion was overwhelmed by a massive orgasm of her own. The only thing that had kept her on Luke was his hand locked onto her hip. She was screaming at the tops of her lungs as she cam and her body was shaking so hard that she thought that it might fly apart. As she was finishing, she passed out. Luke then gently moved her to lay next to him as he curled up with her.

As he was falling asleep, a thought crossed his mind and he turned his head so that he could see Gabriel. She was sitting in a chair, near the tent flap.

“You going to join us? You need your sleep too, you know.”

“With all due respect Luke, I’ll stay here tonight for we are in the field after all and the enemy is not too far away. I’ll sleep when I’m dead and since I’m not dead yet; I guard.” With that she looked away signaling that the conversation was over. Luke smiled warmly at Gabriel for he was very fond of her. He then snuggled up against Marion’s soft body and quickly fell asleep.

Gabriel woke Luke and Marion up two hours before sunrise. They didn’t need any encouragement to get up and they were dressed in under five minutes. They took a second to make sure that their uniforms were in order before setting out of their tent. Outside the guard at the tent flap came to attention and presented arms as Luke and Marion stepped out. Marion saluted and thanked the guard before she made her way around to wake the troops. Within half an hour the camp was a beehive. Marion had forbid all fires or other light sources that could give them away. Breakfast would be eaten cold and mostly consisted of veggies and jerky. Luke had banned the consumption of alcohol until after the battle so everyone had milk or water with breakfast. No one was happy about this, but they followed the order to the letter for to disobey would be risking Luke’s wrath and after the incident at the powder mill, nobody, even suicidal maniacs, were willing to risk that. It took almost an hour and a half to get the army into formation and positioned. This time Marion knew that there was no reason for her to give any speeches at all. Just orders and those were nothing major for all the commanders knew the plans.

Slowly the sky started to lighten up. Marion was sitting on her horse where she could just barely see the enemy encampment but they couldn’t see her army for they were behind a small hill. This was going to be a good day for a battle. It was shaping up to be a clear day with a light wind out of the east. This would keep the smoke out of her troops faces and help blow any arrows back at their shooter. As she was watching, she seen the signal from her cavalry that they were in position and ready. She looked behind her and seen the sun was just starting to peak above the eastern horizon. It was now time to start.


In the Lakemen’s camp it was shaping up to be another good day. The sun was just coming out when the noble who was paying for this expedition stepped out of his tent were, he had just finished another enjoyable night with his harem. They were young women, girls really for he liked his bitches with little hair below and non-sagging tits, that had been taken from the villages that they had went through. He was looking forward to fucking Cecilia’s brains out for he had heard of her beauty and her wealth all the way in the lake district and the wealth he badly needed for he was in deep debt from his father’s bad spending habits. As the nobleman looked around, cooking fires were just being lit around the camp and some of the men were starting to move around. So far, they had seen no enemy forces during their march and none of them expected any either.

Just as the nobleman was ordering breakfast a single drummer and a fife player appeared, over the top of a nearby hill. They were playing some tune that the noble had never hear before but was kind of catchy. The tune was one that Marion had got from Luke called The British Grenadiers but almost nobody else knew that. Before he had time to wonder about it, a flagbearer also appeared. The flag was waving gently in the morning breeze but the noble could see the colors. It was a white flag with a bright red cross through the middle. The noble had heard that this was the flag of Marion of York for he had heard fairy tales about her as well but he had discounted these as just that, fairy tales. Now the fairy tales were rapidly turning into a nightmare. She had caught them by complete surprise for the noble could hear the army moving up the backside of the hill with a rhythmic beet. He started shouting the alarm to his men, but many of them were very drowsy and most of them had hangovers. Slowly the enemy troops appeared over the top of the hill and although they were still away off; the noble couldn’t see any pikes or knights. ‘This is going to be easy’ he thought to himself. As he prepared his armor he watched as strange wagons appeared and the men in front of them moved to the side to let them through. The wagons moved up to a position at which they could look down on the whole camp. As he wondered what the hell was going on, the wagons were unhitched from their horses and men started going something with their ends which were pointed right at the camp. The wagons only had two wheels that he could see and looked like they were hauling a tree trunk around.

By this time about half of the noble’s men had formed up and he ordered an immediate charge toward those wagons. As the noble’s men charged up the slight hill, the men near the wagons leaned to one side and covered their ears. What happened next would end the noble’s dreams of wealth and hot pussy.

Luke might have been the top army commander under Marion, but he was also the artillery commander, so this is where he was at. His troops had positioned their guns right where he had wanted them for, he had direct fire at the enemy camp. For this battle, he had placed his guns almost wheel to wheel and then he waited while the enemy closed the distance. For this battle, Luke had the guns loaded with cannister shot in effect turning the cannons into giant shotguns. Each of the balls in the canister shot was about the size of a large marble. When the enemy front lines were three hundred meters away, the wait was over.

“FIRE!” Yelled Luke in a voice that he knew would carry across the battlefield. Across his line, the guns fired in prefect unison and twelve loads of canister went hurling toward the enemy.

“RELOAD!” Luke yelled but this troops were already reloading, after all what else would they be doing on a battlefield; taking a nap? The carnage inflicted on the enemy troops was almost instant and horrendous. The noble watched as some of his men just disintegrated, while others had arms or legs or heads ripped off. This was something that the noble wasn’t used to seeing and he had been in plenty of battles. Still, they were so close, so he called for a full charge. Hopefully he could get under those things before they did that again and then it would be his turn to do the butchering. When they were within only one hundred meters, the noble seen the men lean to the side again and more smoke appear. This time through he was ready and he dove into the dirt. Many of his men followed him and the ones who had been slow were ripped to sherds. As the noble got his feet again, he was disheartened to see the enemy infantry was now in front of those wagons. Then he heard the words of the enemy commander.

Luke had been able to fire two volleys from his cannons, before the enemy had gotten too close. After his second volley, he ordered the infantry, who had been right behind the artillery to the fore and the artillery was to be hooked back up and pulled out of the way. Luke could see that the enemy had been bled badly, but whoever the commander was over there was smart for he had drove into the dirt just before the artillery fired the second time but no worries. This infantry came up in two lines with bayonets already fixed. When they were in position Luke yelled:

“FRONT RANK, KNEEL! AIM! FIRE!” The front rank sent their lead downrange. “RELOAD!”

Next to him the top infantry commander yelled:

“REAR RANK! AIM! FIRE!” The rear rank sent their volley downrange. “RELOAD!”

Again, they repeated this. By this time the enemy was starting to break. Luke then yelled:

“FOR MARION AND YORK… CHARGE!” The infantry let out a war cry as they rapidly advanced. They hit the remaining enemy like a saw and went right through them like a red-hot knife through butter. Any of them who ran were either cut down or shot in the back. Any of them who tried to stand their ground were cut down or shot in the front. Within minutes, the infantry had reached the enemy camp. There they slaughtered any enemy they could find for they had no interest in taking prisoners. Some of the enemy routed and started running down the roads, just trying to get away. There they found cavalry waiting for them and they were cut to pieces. The cavalry had no more interest in taking prisoners then the infantry did for they had heard the rapes that had gone on the night before. In fact, anyone that even tried to surrender was cut down anyway. Everyone figured that Luke didn’t care that much about the enemy troops and they were right; Luke didn’t and in fact some of the prisoner killing was done by him. His excuse was that he thought that they were reaching for hidden weapons.

They were stunned when they started looking through the enemy camp for, they had been extremely rough with the woman that they had taken. Luke ordered that all the camp women be taken immediately to Dr. Alice and they had priority over the enemy wounded. Luke then set up guards over the rest of the camp. Once all the captured gear was inventoried, everyone would get their share. Luke then ordered that the few prisoners that had actually been taken to start digging mass graves for the dead. This was one of the reasons that Luke was a popular commander. He tried to keep his soldier’s workloads to a minimum when it was possible. The dead were to be stripped before they were dumping into the grave and all that gear was to be added to what was taken with the camp. He then sent out scouting parties to make sure that no other enemy troops were in the area. If they found any the orders were simple:

“Use your common sense.” Off rode the cavalry in different directions to search for more enemy troops.

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