
The Married Freak: Part I

These stories are all true, and I am one of the luckiest guys on the earth to experience them. The conversations are mostly accurate. I have a great memory. Plus, these are situations most people would not forget. My apologies in advance for their length and great detail. I do much writing at my job, so it comes naturally. However, I am not taking too much time to proof read them for errors. I apologize in advance if there is bad grammar.
Please comment, and I will write more. I hope you all enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them! They really are bringing back great memories.
I have always been a fairly sexual person. From grade school, until now, I have had a curiosity about the female body paired with an uncontrollable need for sexual release. As you can imagine, I jerked off a lot. I still do! I am not really sure when all of this all started exactly? It just did since I can remember. Along with this, I have gained some harmless fetishes along the way. Most of which, many can relate. Some of them include:
• Having sex while girls keep their panties on. ..Thongs especially!
• Sexy panties in general. I am a sucker for a girl’s accidental exposures.
• Older women. I will get to this…
• Pussy eating. I will get to this as well…
• Spanking
• Tattoos (Especially tramp stamps)
• Dirty Talk
• Cumming on a girl’s ass/back
• Yoga Pants/stretch pants/leggings. This is very recent. I cannot get enough.
I am a fairly normal guy. Average job, average house, normal wife, and normal life… However, when it comes to sex and release, I have this desire, urge, or extreme obsession. I call it my “Red Passenger”. Any of you, who are familiar with the TV show, Dexter, you will appreciate this. In Dexter, the Main character had his “Dark Passenger”, in which this “Passenger” is forever haunting him. Basically, it is his uncontrollable desire to Kill. RELAX! I do not want to kill or hurt anyone! I have a hard time yelling at my dog. I am not one of those creepy guys sitting alone in a bar, waiting for my next victim. That is why I call it my Red Passenger. It is not a dark or deadly obsession. It is actually quite a healthy obsession, in my opinion. I also call it Red because when it builds up in me, I get red in the face. I just related to the metaphor in the show is all.
My Red Passenger brings out the sexual individual in me. It also turns me into someone else in a good way. I become a willing servant to it. When turned on, my passenger takes over. It is something that I believe has built up over the course of my life.
Now that I am settled in my life (Married, with a child on the way) I miss the excitement. Maybe by writing my adventures down, I can live them all over. I am actually quite content, but do sometimes miss the excitement. I had to change the names to protect the innocent. Well, as you will read, none of us are really innocent.

Anyways, enough with the background on me. On to the fun! Below is the first part. It only gets better from here…

I have always had mostly good luck with women. I was the shy, but funny guy that all females went after because of my personality. I was not too aggressive. I am not that guy who has had sex with hundreds of people, but I did ok. I lost my virginity early (age 15), and have had good fortune since. I had one time where there was a dry spell for me. It was in College, and I did not have sex for a year.
Mostly, I was always in a relationship from the time I was 16 until about age 23. I had a few one-night-stands, back seat finger bangs/hand jobs, and no-strings-attached blowjobs. For the most part however, all of my sex has been with partners. Most of it was good, but you know, not the kind of sex to write stories about… ha ha ha. Plus, I was shy and most of the people I were with were not adventurous or were just plain inexperienced. I never just “went for it” and told my partners what I wanted! I was contently looking for that girl that would lead me down a path of sexual bliss.
That is, of course, until I reached aged 28 and my whole world changed. I met someone who would change the way my sexual encounters would go. It is a preamble to what was to come. It was when the first person, to introduce my passenger into existence, came into my life an enlightened me. It was very brief, but it made an impression.

From my early 20’s until age 27, I had a series of girlfriends. None, lasting more than 1 year. Most cheated on me. It was frustrating! Sex was bad too. I will say, I was a very moral person. I never cheated on anyone. I expected to be treated the same. I was always the nice guy. …never wanting to displease anyone. I guess the times had changed? No longer was a “stable” guy the guy to go to, but it was the obnoxious meat head type. Jersey shore types… I was just naïve.

It was the winter of 2005. I had just broken up with my girlfriend, and was in a gloomy mood. Plus, winters in Pittsburgh, PA (Where I grew up and was living) are gloomy in and of themselves. I needed a good release.
I got a call from my friend, Frank, letting me know that he was going to go out on the town, then head back to his parents (Where he lived in his own apartment above their garage). His parents were not there, so he was going to get people to come back and party a little. We could spread out and not be cramped in his place. “Well ok”. I thought. Something different than getting loaded at the local watering hole by my house, walking home and passing out. At least I could socialize with other people. I told him I would skip the bar, but would meet him at his parent’s place afterwards.
I waited patiently out back of the house. He was late, and would be another hour. So, I decided to start without him. I drank a six pack on the back porch, smoked cigarettes, and got a little tipsy. Man, did that make me horny. I have no idea why. My passenger was sleeping, but was waking I guess.
Everyone showed up. It was my friend Frank, and our other friends Drew, Brian, Jason, and Chad. Yes, a lot of sausage! They all had girlfriends, and/or relationships of some sort. Ugh… I almost left right then. Well, then the second round came in. All girls… That was good, since I was about to leave. It was Monica, Stacie, and Melissa. Melissa I knew, but I did not know the other two. Actually, Melissa and I had been flirting with each other for quite some time, but nothing ever came of it. Mainly, it was because she was a little snooty. I hate that. My parents were well off, but I much rather hang out with interesting, less fortunate people than rich, snobby, and boring types. I was willing to try it with her though. I was just not going to take her shit. Melissa’s other friends, Monica and Stacie, I had never met. I instantly did not like them though. They were hot, but had their noses so high in the air, they would hit airplanes. Plus, they were both married. I was thinking, “Well no luck with Melissa tonight”. “Her damn friends, will I am sure, cock block me.
Melissa was tall. She was 5’11”, long, straight dark hair, and big pouty red lips. Picture Demi Moore when she was young. Well, besides the 80’s hair. Melissa was hot in all the ways! D size tits, small waist, and a nice ass that she wore well. Man, did she look hot this night! She was dressed in these skin tight jeans, and tight sweater that seemed to hug her firm tits.

As soon as the girls got there, we commenced with the drinking games. However, I was flat out bored! The beer was not doing it, and Melissa was basically ignoring me. I really wanted to leave and expressed it to Frank. He said to me with a wicked grin – “Give it two more hours”. Do not be a sourpuss. “Ok Ok”, I said. He just replied, “Good! You will not be sorry”. Puzzled about what he said, I returned to the festivities.
About an hour later, we heard a knock on the door. When Frank opened the door, two older ladies walked in. I said older, because we were all in our late 20’s, and they were in their early 40’s. To us, they were “older”. The first one, Mary, was short, a little on the pudgy side (Not fat), had long blonde hair pulled into a pony tail. She was pretty, but wore too much makeup. She had big tits and wore them well. She was wearing jeans and a red blouse. The second one, Karla, was tallish (5’09”), skinny, had reddish brown hair which was cut short above the ears, and just had an average face. She was not overtly beautiful, but was just, cute. I do not know how else to describe her. Her body was tight though. Not an ounce of fat on her. She had small tits from what I could see at that time. She was wearing tight black jeans and a sweater. The sweater was hiding her from the waist up.

Frank introduced them to everyone there.
“Everyone, this is my friend Mary, who I used to work with, and her friend Karla.” As if he was setting up the situation – “Mary is recently divorced and looking to get laid, and it is Karla’s birthday. Karla is Married though. Hands off guys” Mary gave him a jab in the ribs, but it was all in fun. Karla just gave a nervous laugh.

“Great” I thought. “Our moms are here to babysit”.

The games continued. We were playing a game (I forget which), where you had to change seats. During the last time we changed, I ended up with Karla, immediately on my right, and next to her, Melissa. Melissa was starting to come around with me, but I had given up at that point. I just wanted to get drunk, masturbate, and pass out in the guest room upstairs.
Anyways, to be polite, I started to small talk with Karla. Karla was my partner and we had to work together on this game. She was super nice but quiet. She mentioned that she was married for 12 years, had an 11 year old son, was a hair stylist, and that she was out with her friend because her husband was working. She seemed annoyed that her husband was away on her birthday. She had a quick wit, and loved to push back the alcohol. She also had an infectious laugh. It was a nervous laugh though. When something sexual or dirty came up, out came that laugh. There was something about her though. I could not put my finger on it. There was something in the background that was hiding. As I said, it was just polite small talk. I figured she was just doing the same, and just did not want to be rude. I did not think too much of it.
After that round, we all just stayed where we were sitting. We then started to play poker. This was usually my cue to go to bed, but we were betting with shots. Sounded fun! After a few rounds, we all started to get a little loose. Maybe Melissa would loosen up and we could hang out more. We were all feeling it, and having a good time.

I leaned back in my chair. I had a clear view of the right side of Karla, and Melissa’s left. I had to do a double take! Did I just see Karla’s hand rubbing Melissa’s left thigh? Well, that was exactly the case! Without being obvious, I continued to stare out of the corner of my eye. Karla was rubbing away on Melissa’s thigh! I mean rubbing! It was then my turn, and got back to the game. I purposely, lost that round. I was not going to miss this!
I then looked at Melissa’s face. She was loving it! She had this pre-orgasmic look on her face. She was not quite there, but she was loving every minute. I thought maybe she was just drunk, but then I saw her mouth the words “That feels so good.” Karla was just talking away like nothing was going on. Why did no one see this? I mean, we were at a table, but come on! Were they all that drunk? I guess they were. No one said one word.
After about 2-3 minutes, either Melissa got sober or realized what was going on. I saw her quickly get up and walk away. Monica and Stacie followed to where I assume was the bathroom. Karla just sat there and chatted.

It was now super late, and everyone started to either get going or find their place to sleep. My friend Frank, was suddenly absent. So was Mary. Hmmmm… Chad, Drew, and Jason were sprawled out on the couches and along the floor.

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