The Loop – part 2
The Loop – part 2
Sex Story Author: | Wanderwolf |
Sex Story Excerpt: | “Hmm, that is different,” John said as he watched Omega remove his clothes. “Yes, what a pleasant |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, BDSM, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Bondage and restriction, Domination/submission, Fantasy, Female Domination, Group Sex, Hardcore, Job/Place-of-work, Mind Control, Oral Sex, Pegging, Toys |
Mrs. Amber was not her real last name but it was long and full of weird tongue twisting words. Mrs. Sprakkur-Tikdrusla does not roll off the tongue. So she uses her first name. There is something even more powerful using it. Gives her more control as she uses our last name.
Twenty seven minutes late. To her this is my third time this week I was late, but really, I have not made it on time in any loop. I get to my small office at the end of the hall and close the door. I hang up my jacket and quickly head to my desk. I click the button to turn on the computer as I sit. Maybe today I started thinking but the door opens.
“Mr. Simpson, I see you are late again,” she says as she slides into my office. I started to speak but she continues to speak. “This is the third time this week, correct?” Before a yes can escape my lips she continues. “How am I to run a business if one of my employees keeps coming in late?” The question hung in the air as she closed the door behind her and the dull sound of the lock being engaged.
“I’m sorry. Traffic was a bear today,” I said, trying to be as upbeat as I could. Fighting to put a smile across my face. I have heard stories of people who have gone on her bad side. Shit, I was one of them in a few loops. My ass was beaten raw.
Well Mr. Simpson, maybe you should have left a bit earlier. You know to beat the traffic.” She crossed the room with a predatory grace. Smooth and sleek in her black pumps. Her legs glide effortlessly in her midnight grey pencil skirt. The blazed unbuttoned showing off the low-cut cream top. Letting all see that god gifted her one fine assets and she used it to her advantage to get what she wanted. Her long red hair fell in curves down over her shoulders. Her face is covered in freckles that make her green eyes stand out.
As she sat on the edge of my desk I thought of the saying about redheads and how they will steal your soul. This one will do it just because.
“Umm,” I shuttered. In past loops she was never this forward. “See I was helping my little old landlady this morning. It was big so she needed my help.” Nerves building as I spoke.
“That is very considerate of you Mr. Simpson, but in the future, you could help her after work,” she responded. Her right leg crossed over her left. She let the pump dangle back and forth from her toes.
I don’t think Mrs. Tomas would understand if I told her she needed to wait until after work but saying that would not be a smart move with Mrs. Amber.
My eyes locked on the heel as it rocked back and forth. The black caught the light at the right moment. Shining up into my face. If she noticed she didn’t say anything. What she said did surprise me. “Do I make you nervous Mr. Simpson?”
The question was out of the blue, so my mind didn’t have an answer ready for her. “Because you sure seemed nervous, and you should be. Me being your boss. I could dock your pay for being late. How does that sound?”
“Not good,” my words came out softly as I followed the bouncing high heel.
“I could suspend you without pay. Is that a better option?”
“No,” my words sounded so distant in my own ears.
“How about a fire you Mr. Simpson. You have been late a lot over the last few months.”
“Please no,” no fight in my words. My words should be.. should be something but what. My mind is groggy. Hearing her words but not processing them correctly.
“You do not have to worry Mr. Simpson. I have a better solution for you. It is called the Omega Project. I think you would be a perfect candidate for it. What do you think?” Her words are thick and sweet like honey.
“Yes Mrs. Amber,” I said almost in a whisper.
“Good, no time like the present to start.” She pushed off the desk and lowered herself over me. Our faces are about a foot apart. From this angle I could see down her shirt, but those magically green eyes kept mine locked on them. “Now just listen to my words.”
What was going on? Words drifted around me, but they only came into my mind as sound. I was able to make out a word or two here and there. Relax, drift, sink. Words dancing around me as I stare deeply into the emerald pools of her eyes.
“Relax now Alex,” her words begin to become clear. “Let your body relax as you listen to me”. I could feel all my muscles loosen at that moment. My body sank deeper into the chair. “Sink for me. Let your stress go. Let it go and be replaced with calmness. As the calmness takes you, your mind sinks deeper. As your mind sinks deeper you give it over to me. You know it is the best thing for you. Let your conscious mind drift so I can train your subconscious one. Let me in to train it. Train it to understand that it wants to be obedient. That being obedient is the best way to feel pleasure. And pleasure is the way to serve me in the Omega project.” My mind tried to follow but it was like it was molasses. The words bypass my conscious mind and go deeper.
So relaxed now. So hard to keep my eyes locked on hers. They slip down her face. Her nose covered in freckles, to her full kissable lips. Watching her mouth move as she spoke. My eyes dropped lower. Seeing the light dance off the ruby pendant dangling from her neck. Framed with the deep cleavage.
“It is ok if your eyelids are getting heavy. Let them close. Only your ears need to listen as your body relaxes. Letting your body relax deep as your mind drifts down, down, down for me.” I could feel my lips slowly close. There was light and then none. A peek of it again and back into the darkest. A few more times my eyes flickered open before finally closing for good. As they did my body completely fell into her trance. Feeling my head droop to the side. A small wetness as drool escaped my open mouth. Then I heard her last word “SLEEP.”
I woke up to a car movement. My eyes glanced around. I was in some expensive car. It made a right out of the parking garage under our building. I could see the main door to the building as we drove by. Wait, what is going on? It’s midday. He had work. He was so confused.
A female hand reached over and was placed on his knee. “Welcome back sleepyhead.” My head turned to see the driver. Of course there is a driver. My shocked mind saw my stunning boss Mrs. Amber. Wait, I’m in a car with Mrs. Amber. My upper body jerked back.
“Relax Alex. Relax and breathe. We are going out on a field trip for your first task in the Omega project. We will be going to see my husband at his place of work, S.L.U.T. Corp. just sit back and enjoy the ride.” Her hand moves off my knee and back to the steering wheel. Her foot pressed down on the gas pedal and accelerated quickly. She drove fast but in complete control like she always is. Weaving and darting in and out of traffic.
I just sat in the seat watching as we sped along. Each waking second felt like my mind woke up a bit more and more. Then we pulled into a parking garage. Down the ramp into the large underground area. A row of beautiful cars lined the wall. Mrs. Amber pulled into the spot with her name. Wait, she didn’t work here, why does she have a spot.
She pressed the button and the purring engine shutoff. “If you were a gentleman, you would come open my door for me.” Pulling the handle on my door, I moved quickly to her side and opened the handle. Giving her my hand I helped her out of her luxury car.
“Now follow me,” she said as she fixed my tie. “Two steps back and one to the left. Do not say anything to anybody. Not until I tell you too. Once in my husband’s office you will stand up straight with your hands behind your back. Understand?” I just nodded my head yes. She turned and headed off.
Her heels echoing in the cavernous space as her ass swayed with each step. At the elevator we rode in silence to the third from the top. The bing announced we have made our destination. She stepped off and headed to the left. Down the hallway lined with cubicles. The woman staring at us. Each one is hotter than the next. At the end of the hallway, she came to a door. Before she opened it she turned to the mocha skin bombshell and said, “Wanda, he is not to be disturbed.” The woman nodded and agreed. She knocked as she opened the door. “John, your lunch date is here, and I have brought my newest member of the Omega project.”
The man behind the large black desk smiled as he saw his lovely wife entering the room. He pushed back from the desk and stood. Making his way around the right side of the desk to greet her. He was about my height but thicker in the shoulder and his shirt didn’t do a good job hiding all his muscles. He had dark blue pants, tan dress shoes and a pink tie. His brown hair brushed to the side and his square jaw a pillar of strength.
“Amber, what a surprise. I didn’t think I was going to see you until this evening,” he said as he got closer to her. Kissing her on the cheek as his right arm wrapped around her waist. Looking at these two as I stood there. This was a power couple. One of strength and dominance. “So, who is this my sweet?” I could fill his eyes looking me over. Looking down on me.
“Tell my husband who you are,” the commending words escaped Mrs. Amber.
“My name is Alex Simpson, sir. I work for your wife.” The words came out low and weak. Mrs. Amber smiled as she stepped away from her husband.
She turned back to him as she was halfway across the room. “Watch this, John.” A few more steps and she was by my side. Her perfume was all around me. Taking my senses. She walked past me. Her hand on my chest. The light touch feeling so go. As she finished her loop around me she stopped and whispered,” Omega trigger.”
My body froze as my mind broke. It was like it was shattered and put back together all in one. The way I saw myself in my mind’s eye completely changed. Gone was me, the way I pictured my form. What replaced me was a smooth blank doll. No features, no face, just standing there ready to be molded. “Who are you,” she questioned me again.
“Omega, he is Omega, and he is ready to serve Alpha.” It was my voice but not my words. My eyes focused on a spot across the room as I waited for a command.
Her heels clicked on the wood floor as she headed back to her husband. “What do you think, John? Another employee who will obey me and my company.”
“I see you turned him into one of those mindless thralls of yours. The last three could not think for themselves. They are useless at work unless you tell them what to do.”
Her hand took his and she pulled him to the waiting Omega. “That was the case with them, but I have changed up the *********** a bit.” As they stood in front of her thrall she said,” strip for us Omega.” Without a delay he started to shake and strip his clothes off. Not as one who would just get undressed but as a sexy stripper trying to entice someone.
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