The Lifeguard Part 6 to 8
The Lifeguard Part 6 to 8
Sex Story Author: | ghostwritten |
Sex Story Excerpt: | That angle made Sarah bend over, her ass sticking up in the air. ******* “Did you like |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Blowjob, Cum Swallowing, Fiction, Male / Female Teens, Male/Teen Female, Oral Sex, Teen Female/Teen Female, Threesome, Water Sports/Pissing, Young |
Lifeguard 6
It had been a couple of days since the visit from Wendy, and the new summer schedule had started. Tonight was the first night where two of my little harem girls would be working together, Wendy and Sarah. I had scheduled one for the first night of the new schedule, but I had to change that to due to one of my other lifeguards being ill.
Both Sarah and Sandy had already worked a shift each, and they were doing well on the actual job part. Watching them in their tight red swimsuits, though, I desperately wanted to take them into my office for a tongue lashing. It was more difficult than I thought, knowing that I could do whatever I wanted with them, but only when they worked with someone from the trio. It was like a tease, and I think Sarah knew it. She liked bending over in front of me and showing off her nice tits. I was going to have to let her have it during her shift with Wendy tonight.
Sandy, on the other hand, was more timid with respect to teasing. She was actually a commanding presence around the pool doing her job. She kept the unruly kids in line, keeping running and horseplay to a minimum while also directing adults to the different facilities at the recreation center. I was impressed watching her work, but I could tell when a male patron would start hitting on her. She’d tense up and suddenly become meek, her whole body turtling inside of itself. If I was close by, I would come in to rescue her. I would usually ask her to get something for me or ‘demand’ she pays attention to the pool. That seemed to free her from their advances, which she would thank me for when she could. When I had the chance at the end of the night, though, I let her know that she would have to get better at dealing with men.
I actually felt bad for Sandy. I couldn’t imagine being so removed from another gender that you freeze up when they talk to you. Sure, I knew some men who had similar problems, either through nerves or shyness, but it’s different than when your parents ship you off to same sex boarding school for experimenting with other girls. That never really made sense to me. You’d think they’d want her to be around guys more if they were so disapproving of their daughter’s female infatuation. Of the three girls, Sandy would be the one in which I’d have to be the most careful. She’d already pledged herself to me for the summer, allowing me to use her as I saw fit, but I wanted to make it a good experience to help her on her journey later in life.
Sarah, on the other hand, was a little fireball of sexual energy. When she wasn’t flirting with me, she was teasing some of the patrons. I’d see her sitting in her chair, legs open, showing off her creamy thighs to anyone willing to look, and many men, boys, and a few girls would look. I had to chastise her a few times for not paying attention when she’d be getting hit on by someone at her station. I couldn’t blame them, though. Her nice firm c-cup tits stood out proudly in her suit, squished together to make very appetizing cleavage. I wanted to bury my face between them myself.
When I talked to her at the end of the night, she apologized for her lack of attentiveness. Her flirting meant nothing and that I was the only one who would get to enjoy her sweet body, except maybe Wendy or Sandy. She was looking forward to the first shift she’d have with either of them so we could all have fun at the end of the night. Believe me, I was looking forward to that as well.
Tonight was that night! As I sat in my office waiting for my two girls to start their shift, I couldn’t wait for the day to end. It was the first real day of summer, with schools now out on vacation. It was just after noon, and the pool was already busy.
I was thankful that the town’s recreation department and Mr. James found extra money in the budget to bring on extra help. It allowed me to oversee everything going on at all times. I could deal with problems when they came up, like a disagreement in the weight room or an angry parent squabble, without worrying someone might drown. This morning, I had Jake and Natalie working the morning shift. Jake had recovered from his sickness and was back on watch. He was a 19-year-old who was working to save money for school in the fall. He was reliable and confident, which was why I trusted him with opening shifts. He wasn’t as muscular as I was, but he had started working out in the gym a few times a week and was starting to catch the eyes of some of the girls at the pool.
My other normal opener was Natalie, a 19-year-old with large tits and short black hair. She was a college student who mostly had classes at night. I’ve lusted after her for a couple of years, but she’s had a steady boyfriend since high school, so no opening at her openings was ever possible. As far as I knew, he was the only guy she’d ever been with, and she had him by the balls most of the time. He was a scrawny little fellow who I think knew he was batting out of his league. He would do anything she said without question. The only other thing I knew about him was that he was in computer science at the same college and worked on video games on the side.
Lastly, on my roster was Max. He was an 18-year-old high school dropout who worked several jobs to make ends meet. Calling him a dropout would be true, but it was unfair. He left school after his father was injured at work, and the family had a hard time paying bills. He is a hard worker and takes whatever shifts I can give him. He was the main reason we only needed to hire two people this summer as he could swing almost any shift available to him. He had blonde hair and was slightly out of shape since he didn’t have time to work out at all. Between this and his other job as a part-time dishwasher at a local restaurant, he usually worked 60 to 70 hours a week. He always gave priority to me, though, as this job paid the most. I never saw him with a girlfriend or friends at all for that matter, despite his approachable demeanor. I figured he probably didn’t have time for things like that.
Wendy was the first one to arrive, giving me a little smile and wink as she passed by to the locker room. Sarah passed by a few minutes later. I had to stifle my stiffy trying not to think about the fun we would be having when the doors were locked. I have to remember that I still have several long hours to go before those activities can start. Both girls emerged a short time later, their suits clinging to their tight bodies. They relieved Jake and Natalie, who left to change, and took their spots on the chairs.
I waited a little while, having had a quick chat with Jake before he left, before taking a stroll around the building. The pool was still busy with quite a number of swimmers and kids playing and splashing around. Wendy and Sarah were directing traffic and watching over the events quite well. I noticed a boy trying to talk with Sarah, but she seemed to be doing a good job keeping her eyes on the pool this time around. I smiled and waved, making sure to acknowledge my approval for how she was handling things.
I wandered over to the weight room, but there was not much going on in there. There were just a couple of guys lifting and one girl on the treadmill. It was usually busiest in the mornings and after most regular work hours. I think the heavy gym rats avoided the summer days because of all the kids running around. They probably couldn’t concentrate or film themselves or whatever they do.
I passed by the fitness studio and watched Felicity lead an aerobics class for a few minutes. There were a few cute girls in this one, all stretching and spreading themselves out. If I wasn’t already buried in teen pussy, I would probably try to talk to a couple of them, just to test the waters. Felicity caught me watching and waved, I waved back but it signaled that I should probably move along elsewhere. As I headed back to the pool, I saw Wendy flag me down.
“What’s up, Wendy?” I asked, leaning close to her.
“Mark, can you cover for me so I can use the washroom?” she asked, before leaning closer, whispering, “or do I have to save it for later?”
I smiled. She remembered our little game. “No, I’ll cover you, but maybe on your next shift with Sandy.c” I said the last part so only she could hear. She gave a big smile and got out of her chair and headed to the locker room. I sat down and looked over at Sarah and waved. She gave me an impish smile and waved back. I watched her straighten her back and stick her tits out, proudly displaying them for my entertainment, while feigning a stretch. If there was a quiet room where no one could find us, I’d have taken her there and fucked the shit out of her as soon as Wendy returned. Wendy did return a few minutes later, before Sarah had a chance to test my resolve further. I was going to remember that for later tonight though, so I’d have the last laugh.
“Thank you for covering for me, Mark,” Wendy said sweetly.
“No problem…” I replied, before whispering “…my pet.”
“Don’t get me going yet, Mark. There’s still a lot of shift to go.”
“I know but still…” I said with a grin. “Anyway, just letting you know that I’m giving you a morning shift each week going forward. Might be a good idea to have one more person available, if someone is sick again.”
“Thanks Mark, I’ll make it up to you,” Wendy said, before adding quietly, “anyway you want.”
“I know you will, I know you will,” I replied before heading back to my office to work on some paperwork.
The rest of the day was a pretty standard summer day, with the pool slowly quieting down after dinner time. At close, I guided (kicked out) the last couple of stragglers to the locker rooms as Wendy and Sarah cleaned up the pool area. I did my usual rounds, checking to make sure the other areas of the recreation center were empty, then I waited by the door for the last people to leave.
When we were finally alone, I asked Wendy to do a sweep of the women’s change room while I checked the men’s. I walked through, doing a thorough check of the showers and toilets, emerging at the entrance, where Wendy declared her side clear as well. I double checked the doors were locked before heading back to the pool area where Sarah waited, already out of her swimsuit.
“I couldn’t wait to get that thing off, I hope that’s ok, Mark,” Sarah said, giving me a pouty face.
“Sarah, I think that’s a great idea. Let’s take a swim.” I stripped off my clothes and turned to see Wendy already peeling off her suit. Soon, the three of us were naked and jumping in the pool. The water felt nice as my hard cock floated in the water. Sarah and Wendy swam over, one on each side, as I took turns kissing them before having them kiss each other.
I let one of my hands roam down between Sarah’s legs. She was paddling to keep herself afloat, but I was able to cup her sweet pussy, letting a finger slide straight inside her. Wendy reached out and cupped one of Sarah’s breasts, knowing that I wanted to tease her first. Wendy really did make an excellent sexual companion, now that she knew what I wanted her to do.
“Oh God, Mark. That feels so good! Wendy, keep playing with my tits,” Sarah cried out, her head barely staying above the surface of the water.
“You like us playing with you, don’t you Sarah?” Wendy said, moving in and kissing her friend again. “You know Daddy’s going to fuck you in the ass tonight, right?” I was surprised by the language Wendy used, but I loved the tone she was taking.
“I know. I’ve been so horny all week. All I’ve been able to think about is wanting his cock in me again. I don’t even care where, I just need it in me,” Sarah said, moaning in the water as my fingers played with her pussy.
“All week, huh? Did you touch yourself, Sarah? Did you make yourself cum thinking about me fucking you again?” I asked, as Wendy moved around behind the brunette, cupping both of her breasts now.
“Every night. My suit’s been soaking wet since I got here. Please don’t tease me anymore, I’m desperate!” Sarah begged, her hand moving to my cock and pulling me towards her.
“I don’t know, should I fuck your pussy and then your ass tonight? Doesn’t seem fair to Wendy. What do you think, pet?”
“Doesn’t seem fair to me at all, sharing is caring after all. What will I get?” Wendy asked, pulling hard on one of Sarah’s nipples causing her to flinch.
“I helped you have a whole afternoon with him,” Sarah protested, “but I’ll eat your pussy if you want.”
“I have a better idea. I think Wendy was on to something. Sharing is caring and I think I’ll share my cock by fucking both of you at the same time. Get out of the pool and onto one of the lounge chairs.” I said in a tone that was more of a command. They both obeyed and climbed out in front of me, their fine tight young asses on display.
Both girls climbed into one of the large lounge chairs that circled the pool. They had cushions on them, which made this more comfortable for all of us than being on the tiled floor. I moved Wendy to the bottom, with her legs spread wide around Sarah who was above her. Sarah had to spread her legs to straddle Wendy, giving me full access to both of their pussies.
I moved behind Sarah and rubbed my cock against her dripping snatch before shoving it deep into her hole. She let out a quick cry before I started plunging in and out of her. Sarah bent down and started making out with Wendy, her fingers penetrating the blonde’s pussy. Wendy used her hands to rub Sarah’s clit as I fucked her love canal.
“OH, FUCK YES!” Sarah cried out. “I needed this so badly!”
“You like that, Sarah? You like being people’s sex toy?” I asked, before spanking her ass hard.
“I love it, you could do this to me every day, Mark,” Sarah replied, lowering her mouth to kiss Wendy.
Wendy jerked away, denying her friend temporarily to say, “No way that’s happening you little slut.”
“Now girls, you both get to share me. Now kiss and make up,” I said with a smile. I watched their frustration fade as their hungry mouths found each other. I slammed hard into Sarah a couple more times before quickly pulling out, bending down, and slamming into Wendy’s pink slit.
I could hear her muffled moan, blocked by Sarah’s mouth, as I filled up her tight cunt. Sarah let out a frustrated groan, but Wendy’s fingers buried themselves into her now empty slot. I hear the girls making out, their mouths sloppily smacking together like my hips pounding into Wendy. I didn’t have much to spank on Wendy, just because of position, so I slapped Sarah on the ass again. She let out a little yelp and then a soft groan.
After a few minutes of fucking Wendy, I switched back to Sarah who immediately came on my cock. She cried out, “OH SHIT!” before her body shook and her legs looked like jelly. But I didn’t stop thrusting into her. Wendy’s hands kept rubbing her friend’s sensitive clit and squeezing her tits. Sarah was panting like a dog in heat, her mouth open and her tongue hanging out. I wasn’t sure she was going to last much longer, so I pulled out of her and entered back into Wendy, thrusting hard.
There is something special about fucking two girls at the same time. You get to really feel the difference in two different pussies. You can feel and judge the subtle differences in tightness, wetness, and just overall feel of each as you move from one to the other. Wendy’s pussy was tighter, and gripped my cock nicely, but Sarah’s was wetter, much wetter. It could be from all the cumming she was doing but you definitely wouldn’t need lube with that girl.
I started alternating between both girls every few minutes as I built towards my own orgasm. Both girls had given each other a couple already so it was my turn to get off. The question was, where should I put it?
“I’m gonna cum soon, ladies. Who wants it?”
“Cum in me!”, “No in me!” was the response from Sarah and Wendy.
“Alright, I’m going to teach you to share. Get on your hands and knees when I tell you,” I commanded.
I fucked hard into Sarah, pushing myself right to the brink of cumming when I told them to move. Both girls quickly got into position, their faces a few inches apart.
“Open your mouths,” I yelled, and then pushed their faces together so they were cheek to cheek as I stroked my cock quickly. I grunted, as the cum shot from the tip and sprayed right across the faces of Wendy and Sarah. The second hit Sarah right in the eye before dribbling to her nose. Wendy took the third on the forehead and the fifth on her cheek. The last couple I pointed into their mouths, watching it land on their tongues. When I was done, I had painted each of them with my sticky jizz several times.
Sarah leaned in and took my cock in her mouth, sucking it back and forth a couple of times before passing it over to Wendy. She did the same, making sure I was fully clean and drained. I pulled my cock away and looked down at my cum covered girls. Both had big smiles on their faces. I reached out and stroked their heads, each hand running through their hair.
“Was that fun, Daddy?” Wendy asked, looking at me with her big blue eyes.
“Definitely my pet, but you two should clean yourselves up. We still have one more thing to do, isn’t that right, Sarah?”
“Yes, sir. Should we go to the showers?” Sarah asked. She still had some things to learn. Wendy, knowing the pervert I am, knew what to do and licked some cum off Sarah’s face. Sarah was caught off guard before getting the hint and licked some cum from Wendy’s face. As the cum started coming off, their hands started roaming again.
Wendy’s hands caressed Sarah’s tits and Sarah’s hands moved down between Wendy’s legs. I watched the two girls arouse each other until all the cum was gone from their bodies, but they didn’t stop. I wasn’t about to stop them either. Wendy lay down on the lounge chair with Sarah climbing on top of her. She took Wendy’s breast into her mouth and sucked hard on her nipple, making Wendy moan.
I watched the scene unfold, as my cock slowly recovered, getting harder watching the sapphic action in front of me. Sarah slowly moved down Wendy’s body, backing up on the chair till her face was at her crotch. Wendy looked over at me before opening her legs to her friend. She spread herself wide, draping them over the arms of the chair. It gave Sarah complete access to her feminine honey pot.
“You smell so good,” Sarah said, sniffing her friend’s pussy.
“I taste just as good. Get in there and eat me,” Wendy replied, guiding Sarah’s head into her box.
I watched Sarah’s tongue flick out and tease Wendy’s clit first, just lightly rapping on the little pearl on the top of her pussy. She then took a long lick, from the very bottom of her ass back up to her clit again. Wendy groaned with pleasure, as Sarah buried her face right into the wet pink meat in front of her. She was making a humming noise while the sound of wet lapping could be heard clearly.
I knew that Sarah had been sexually active before with Sandy, but now I was watching her really go to town on Wendy’s pussy. It made me excited to work with Sandy soon, since she clearly had even more experience with girls. I’d love to watch her make these girls cream on her lightly freckled face.
Wendy was certainly in heaven, though, as her legs twitched and her hands gripped the arms of the chair and her knuckles turned white. She was making a grunting noise, like she was struggling to breath, as her face went bright red. It stood out in sharp contrast to her blonde hair and pale skin. Her eyes were squeezed shut, as her body was fully tense. Then suddenly, her eyes shot open, and she cried out loudly, “OH GOD!”
Wendy let out a squeal as she came on Sarah’s expert tongue. It was one of the hottest things I’d seen to date and my cock was hard as steel. I walked over to my bag and took out a small bottle as Sarah finished eating Wendy’s pussy. When she finally pulled her face away, it was covered in slimy girl juices. Wendy pulled in and gave her a big kiss, their tongues dancing in each other’s mouths.
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