
The Lesbian Debt- All Chapters

Chapter 1


Her girlfriend’s cunt tasted as good as ever.

Laura lay in the top position of a nude 69, her short fringe of pink hair hanging over her eyes as she lapped at her lover Erica’s pussy. She loved this position. She loved the feel of her large tits being splayed out to either side of her lover’s trim stomach; she loved the feel of Erica’s boobs against her own midriff. She loved Erica’s head between her thighs, loved knowing she could clench her knees together and trap it there. She loved Erica’s tongue running up and down the length of her slit and flicking her clitoris. And most of all she loved having her own face buried in her lover’s twat; her cheeks wet with Erica’s cunt juices and her tongue speared deep into Erica’s fuckhole. She knew Erica didn’t get much from Laura’s tongue actually in her vagina, and knew that Erica would prefer her to gently lick her clitoris, but Laura just loved having her tongue as deep inside another girl as she could manage, surrounded by the salty, sticky walls of Erica’s cunt.

Both girls were moaning sluttily into each other’s beavers; both were breathing rapidly, as best they could with a mouth full of snatch. And then something sent Laura over the edge, and she began to squeal shudder and buck her hips violently against Erica’s face as a powerful orgasm shivered through her; moments later, Erica came too, abruptly squeezing her thighs together against Laura’s head and then slowly relaxing as she came down from the pleasure.

They stayed in the position afterwards, each gently cleaning away the excess sex juices with their tongues. Laura loved the taste of her lover’s cunt and wanted to get every last drop. Erica wasn’t as much of a fan of drinking cunt nectar for its own sake, but she did it for Laura. Laura got her own way about most things in the relationship. Erica may have been a confident, intelligent woman in public life, but it turned out that once you got her a little horny she was only too happy to submit to whatever her spoiled brat of a girlfriend wanted.

And Laura was a spoiled brat; she knew it. Her mother was rich, and Laura was pretty, and so Laura had never really had to want for anything in her life. She’d been surrounded by an army of boys willing to do anything for her since she’d hit puberty and coming out as a lesbian at age 16 had, if anything, only made them more eager to please her. She’d found a beautiful, submissive girlfriend almost as soon as she’d revealed her sexuality, and to her delight she’d found Erica was more than willing to cook for her, clean for her, and work in a high paying job to support them both. Laura had been free to work easy, undemanding, casual jobs, and spend her money and Erica’s on beautiful dresses, comfortable furniture, and (her pet obsession) Japanese collectible statues.

The statues appeared in every room of the house. They covered a wide variety of styles; most were associated with an anime, film, or video gaming franchise. All of them were of women. Some were fully clothed and in dominant poses, but many more were in revealing costumes or wholly or partially nude. Many took submissive or erotic poses. Everywhere one looked in Laura’s house, there was a little cartoon woman, offering her naked breasts or bending over to show her ass. Laura didn’t collect them because they were sexy; she collected them because they were cute, and she delighted in finding new and rare statues to add to her collection.

Laura knew that dying her own hair pink made her look like an anime character; and she knew that the statues around her house invited even the most gentlemanly men to draw an inevitable comparison between the nude, beckoning anime sluts and herself. She didn’t mind. She had no intention of ever doing anything sexual with a man – she was a lesbian, through and through – but it was fun to tease a little. There was a certain satisfaction she took in knowing that her male friends wanted to fuck her, and an even greater satisfaction in knowing that they’d never get to. It wasn’t mean spirited – she genuinely liked her friends – but it was fun. And of course, it wasn’t the only way she teased. She wore beautiful dresses that emphasized her curves. She touched her friends on the arm or the leg while she spoke to them to emphasize her points. She gave deep, intimate hugs to say hello and goodbye. When she occasionally spotted the hints of an uncontrollable erection in her friends’ pants, she felt a little warm glow inside that made her smile the rest of the day.

Perhaps the best bit was knowing that their lust carried over to Erica. Erica was taller than Laura, shyer, with brown hair and boobs a size smaller than Laura’s (though still large). And she didn’t enjoy cockteasing at all. The male gaze made her blush and feel uncomfortable. She hated dressing sexily for male company, and she hated being the subject of their fantasies, but Laura made her do it anyway, always dressing Erica in short hems and low-cut cleavages whenever male friends came to visit. Men might not make Laura wet, but a pretty girl blushing made her pussy gush every time. Many times that friends came to visit, she ended up hurrying them out of the house early because she was desperate to push her embarrassed lover down on the floor and rape her again and again.

On this afternoon, as she lay here, licking the last juices from Erica’s twat, she felt a familiar stress begin to return – a stress she’d hoped to escape with the delicious sex she’d just enjoyed.

Laura was in debt. She was in debt a lot.

Erica always complained that Laura spent too much money on her anime figurines. And Laura did spend a lot; her purchases came to nearly a thousand dollars every fortnight. Between Erica’s copious salary and Laura’s small contributions from her casual job, they covered it, but it was a lot. They had no savings, and a mortgage on their house. Laura had never let them put anything away; any excess they had went into buying more of the cute nude characters to adorn their house.

So Laura had decided she’d create her own stash of money, so that she wouldn’t need to keep being chided by Erica. She had spent the last few weeks watching World Series Poker and had been impressed by how the poker professionals lived the high life on their gambling winnings. So, Laura had taken all the money in Erica’s account, gone to an online poker site, and started playing.

By the end of the day she’d lost all of Erica’s money. Three days later, she’d somehow managed to wrangle a line of credit from the site and had gone on to lose close to a million dollars more. She would be on the computer still, trying to win back the money, except the site had cut her off.

At first Laura wasn’t worried. Erica had assumed the missing money was just Laura buying expensive figurines again, and the extra million dollars wasn’t *real* money – it was internet money, which didn’t really exist. Nothing was going to happen.

Then the emails had started coming, demanding payment of the money. At first, they’d been generic demands for payment and Laura had ignored them. But then they started becoming more specific. They included personal details about her – her age, her place of work, her date of birth. Her home address. They’d started to freak Laura out.

And then this morning the email had included a photo. It was a photo of Laura leaving the house early in the morning, heading to work. It had been taken from just across the street. Someone not only knew where Laura lived, they had come to her house and taken a photo. And with it was that demand again – to pay back the million dollars she had borrowed.

Laura didn’t have a million dollars. She didn’t have close to that. Even if she sold the house and the two cars it wouldn’t come to a quarter of a million dollars. She didn’t have friends she could borrow it from. And her mother was rich, but she and Laura didn’t always see eye to eye and Laura knew there was no way her mother would lend her anything close to a million dollars.

She rolled off of Erica and lay on her back, nude, her legs spread, looking at the ceiling.

“Is everything okay, honey?” asked Erica, rearranging herself on the bed to put her head at the same end as Laura’s. There were still sex juices glistening on her face, which made Laura smile. Erica used to wipe her face clean after sex, but Laura had made her leave the juices alone for a while because they looked sexy. She knew it humiliated Erica, which was most of the reason Laura did it. With one hand, Erica reached out to stroke Laura’s hair.

Laura nuzzled against her lover’s hand and wiggled her body to lie against Erica’s side. “Yes,” she said, in her most convincing lying voice. Erica could never tell when Laura was lying, which was something else Laura loved about her. “You were fantastic. I love you, Erica.” She planted a little butterfly kiss on Erica’s left tit. She briefly wondered if people would pay to fuck Erica; if Erica would prostitute herself if Laura asked. Probably not a million dollars’ worth of pay, Laura decided.

They lay like that for a while, in nude companionable silence, until Laura decided she wanted to get up. “I think the kitchen’s due for cleaning,” she said pointedly to Erica. Erica sighed, but obediently got up and started dressing. She would do the cleaning, Laura knew, because Erica would do anything Laura told her to. Sometimes grumbling, sometimes needing coercion, but Laura always won out.

As her lover headed to get the cleaning supplies, Laura pulled on some panties and a loose shirt, and headed for the study. Maybe she could think of a way to deal with these troubling emails.

Chapter 2


Laura’s study was a small room at the front of the house; it had a large window that would have looked out into the front garden, were it not for the fact that Laura routinely kept the blinds closed. She didn’t need passers-by staring at her while she browsed the internet.

The computer itself sat on a pastel pink table, in front of a neon pink chair – in fact, the room generally was colored in shades of pink, including the wall paint – and was decorated with more of Laura’s Japanese figurines. A small platoon of little plastic women pouted and beckoned and offered their cleavage to either side of the screen. Laura smiled as she sat down.

Her smile vanished when she checked her email. There was one new message, and the message was simple: a photo of a knife. There was no text.

Laura felt herself go pale. The last of the pleasing warmth from her earlier sex vanished instantly. She was terrified. These people knew where she lived. They had been to her house. And now they were very clearly threatening to hurt or kill her.

She looked at the picture of the knife. It was large, almost a cleaver. She could picture it all too easily piercing into her skin or hacking into her limbs. She felt her hands starting to shake.

Impulsively, she hit “Reply” on the email, and typed.

“Please, I don’t have the money to pay you and I don’t know where I can get it. But I can probably find some money, and maybe pay in installments? Please please give me a chance. I will do whatever you want.”

She hit send.

She sat, shivering, massaging her hands, looking at her computer screen. It was unrealistic to expect an immediate reply. Or maybe any reply. But what else could she do? She couldn’t just browse the internet in a state like this. Or let Erica see her, white-faced and shaking. She waited in silence, staring at her email.

She was in luck, or so it seemed. A new email popped up only minutes later.


To: Stupid Pink-Haired Bitch

Re: Debt

I’ll use simple language so a slut like you can understand.

(1) You still owe us the money. You owe us a million dollars, and we won’t go away until it’s paid.

(2) You pay us $1,000 a week. This is not a repayment. This is interest. The principal amount of $1 million remains.

(3) We have a range of business, political, and scientific interests. You will perform work for them, as required by us. If we are feeling generous, we may allow this work to credit against your interest payments or even the principal.

(4) If you do not make the repayments, or perform the work, we will use a knife on you. Depending on how we feel, we might kill you, or just cut some bits off. A slut doesn’t need feet to suck cock, right?

(5) Your slut girlfriend is pretty; she might be fun to cut too.

(6) If you agree to these terms, you will indicate your acceptance by doing the following things:

(i) Immediately remove your clothes and send us a photo of yourself naked.

(ii) Go to (website provided) and download the software there, which will give us full remote control over your computer and its webcam.

(iii) Never, ever sit in front of this computer again unless your slut tits are visible to its webcam.

We get no value out of seeing your tits and it won’t count against your debts; it just amuses us to make you do this.


Laura looked at it. She felt both horror and relief. Up until she’d received the email, she’d thought her pleas were futile – that she was inevitably going to be attacked and killed if she couldn’t repay the money. This was better – it offered a path out, however dark and horrid. But it truly was horrid. A thousand dollars a week was more than double the rent on their house. Even using all of her salary and Erica’s, there would be no money left to eat. And the work – Laura had a horrible feeling the work would be sexual. She couldn’t work in a brothel. She was a lesbian. She couldn’t fuck men at all, let alone for money. Not that she’d be paid any money, it seemed.

The last instructions were in some ways the worst, because they were immediate. Laura didn’t really have time to think about it – she had to do it now. She had never let a man see her naked in her life – was she really going to send a nude photo to a stranger now?

She looked at the picture of the knife again. She knew she was. She knew she was going to do whatever it took to not see that knife up close.

Nervously, she jumped out of her chair, and ran to the study door to check it was closed. She didn’t want Erica seeing her, or asking why she was naked, or why she was taking photos of herself. With the door secured, Laura then quickly wiggled out of her shirt and panties, leaving her totally bare. Picking up her phone, she aimed the camera at her nude body and then, blushing, took a photograph. That done, she immediately pulled her panties back on, sat back down at the computer, and uploaded the nude photo.

The photo looked awful. Her body was still flushed from sex with Erica, with her nipples erect and her hair messy. Her boobs looked huge, which Laura particularly hated. She’d always wished she had smaller breasts, and her DD-cup melons were a constant source of embarrassment. In her mind she associated large breasts with porn stars, sluts and heterosexual sex. Good lesbians had small breasts, and no amount of logic or positive self-image had helped her stop feeling like a traitor and a slut for having such large tits.

Pouting with unhappiness, she attached the photo to an email, and sent it.

Then she went to the website she had been given. It was decorated with animated pictures of naked large-breasted women posing, sucking cocks, and being fucked. Laura grimaced. She liked looking at naked women, but not at naked women fucking men. There was a large “download” button in the center of the screen, and she hit it. Her virus scanner immediately warned her she was downloading harmful software; she overrode the scanner and told it to download anyway.

Shortly after installing the software, her webcam light flicked on, shining a malevolent web. Her computer was transmitting video. Someone, somewhere, was looking at her sitting there bare-chested, her tits on display. She blushed even harder and crossed her arms over her bosom.

A new email arrived.


To: Stupid Pink-Haired Bitch

Re: Debt

Looking good. Love those fuckballoons. You are one hot slut.

Your first $1,000 is due Friday, but you won’t need to pay it because we have work for you instead.

Turn up at the Mayim Research Clinic tomorrow night at 6 pm, and then each weeknight following at the same time. Stay until they send you home and do whatever they say.

You will definitely be paying the $1,000 next week, though, so be prepared.


Laura was puzzled. The Mayim Research Clinic? She thought she knew it – a low-lying modern-looking building near the city center. She had no idea what they did there, but it didn’t exactly look like a den of horror. And it certainly wasn’t a brothel, so she was relieved, at least a little. Plus, the news that she wouldn’t have to pay this week was great.

Maybe this wouldn’t be so awful, she thought. Maybe she was just going to end up doing unpaid regular work.

She looked at the red light on her webcam, staring down at her tits. She shuddered and turned off her computer.

Chapter 3


The hardest bit of attending the Mayim Clinic was finding an explanation for Erica of why Laura was going out that night to a previously unmentioned appointment. Normally Laura and Erica did everything together – parties, clubbing, shopping, even doctors’ appointments. For Laura to be out at night without her lover was unusual to say the least, and for it to come up at short notice was suspicious.

She decided to stick close to the truth.

“I got a job offer,” she told Erica as they sat on the couch that afternoon. It was a Sunday, the end of the weekend, and Sunday afternoons and evenings were usually reserved for watching television on the couch, a home-cooked dinner, and then passionate lovemaking till they fell asleep.

“You didn’t tell me you were looking for new jobs,” said Erica suspiciously.

“I told you I wasn’t getting paid enough at my work didn’t I?” replied Laura. “I mentioned to people that if they knew of anything better, they should let me know, and then just now this came out. It’s a clerical assistant at some kind of research clinic. It’s night work, which sucks, but I should at least go and interview for it, right?”

Laura could see that Erica was torn. She didn’t like the idea of losing her lover to work in the evenings, but the idea of Laura earning a bit more and relying less on Erica’s paycheck was attractive. Laura helped her make up her mind by leaning in, kissing Erica on the lips, and starting to gently rub Erica’s tits. She knew Erica couldn’t think properly when she was horny.

“It’ll be fine,” Laura whispered between kisses. “I’ll get paid more, and I promise I’ll still fuck you when I come home. I’ll wake you up and then fuck you, if you’ve fallen asleep. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Laura’s hand was inside Erica’s shirt now, lightly pinching her nipples, and Erica was breathing heavily and was flushed.

“Yes,” gasped Erica.

“So it’s okay, right?” asked Laura, nibbling at Erica’s neck and massaging her breasts.

“Yes,” replied Erica.

And just like that, it was settled.


The Mayim Clinic was a modern-looking professional building on the outskirts of the city center. It was built low to the ground, had an attractively landscaped garden, and looked for all the world like a suburban doctor’s surgery. At 6 pm it was already getting dark, but the Clinic grounds were well lit. Laura entered through sliding glass doors and was impressed by a relaxing and well-furnished foyer overseen by a pretty female receptionist. Laura told the receptionist she was here for an appointment and hoped that someone knew she was coming. The receptionist just told her to take a seat and wait.

Laura hadn’t known how to dress; she’d settled on a business suit with a short, professional skirt. She’d thought about how her blackmailer had wanted her topless in front of her computer and wondered if maybe he wanted her to wear something slutty. On the other hand, he’d been fairly explicit about his other demands, and if he’d wanted Laura to further humiliate herself, surely, he would have said something. She wasn’t going to demean herself more than she had to.

“He.” She thought about that as she waited. She had assumed her blackmailer was a male. People who abused women were so often men, right? But she supposed it could be a woman. As she thought it, she felt a little glow of warmth between her legs, and blushed. What was that about? Was she getting wet at the thought of being blackmailed and humiliated by a woman? She squeezed her thighs together tightly and tried to think about something else. And she decided she’d call her abuser “he” in future, to stop that thought occurring again.

Laura didn’t have to wait long. It had been barely ten minutes when a woman in a lab coat emerged from a doorway and strode into the waiting room, accompanied by two teenagers, also in lab coats.

“Hi, Laura,” said the lead woman, extending her hand. “I’m Dr Tara Windred. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Laura shook the hand. Dr Windred appeared to be in her late 30s. She was massively buxom – Laura estimated she must be at least an E cup – but nevertheless looked both intelligent and professional. She had black hair, pulled back in a bun, and elegant square-frame glasses. Her lab coat was open at the front, revealing a purple turtleneck sweater that accentuated her bosom by clinging and straining across its curves.

Dr Windred beamed at Laura. “These are my assistants, Amy and Royce. They’re here on work experience, but they know the ropes.”

Amy was a pretty, willowy girl with strawberry blonde hair, freckles, and an enticing smile, exactly the sort of girl that Laura found most attractive. Laura felt herself blushing as she said hello to Amy.

On the other hand, Royce was tall and fit with thick brown hair and well-trimmed but adolescent beard. He didn’t smile at Laura, and didn’t say anything, only nodding briefly to acknowledge her presence.

“Dr Windred,” said Laura, after she’d greeted the two assistants, “I have to say, I’m not actually sure what I’m supposed to be helping you with here.” She tensed up inside. She still somehow felt that this was going to turn out to be a brothel or a strip club, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

“Research,” replied Dr Windred. “Were you not told? You’ll be a participant in a study we’re conducting. It’s very generous of you to have volunteered; from what I hear, you’re exactly what we’re looking for.” She smiled. “Look, how about you go through to the prep room with Amy, and get ready, and then come to me in my office and I’ll tell you what it’s all about.”

Laura was far from reassured, but Amy was already leading Laura to the door at the back of the reception, and Laura didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of the cute blonde girl, so she allowed herself to be led away. She saw Dr Windred and Royce heading for another door, and then she was out of reception and in a hallway.

The hallway further reinforced Laura’s earlier impression of a doctor’s surgery. It was clean, sterile and functional, without appearing cold or frightening in any way. It was painted in warm colors, with several doors leading off it. Amy took her to one such door, and together they entered, revealing what appeared to be a consultation room, with a bed, a privacy screen, chairs, a desk, and a sink.

“Okay,” said Amy. “We’ll need to get you prepped. Could you take off your clothes, please?”

Laura felt her heart sink. “My clothes?” she asked. Amy hadn’t even closed the door to the room.

“Those clothes aren’t suitable for the work tonight. You’ll need to take them off.” Amy followed Laura’s gaze to the open door and rolled her eyes. “I’ll close this, if it helps,” she said, and closed the door.

Laura fidgeted awkwardly. She didn’t know these people, and she didn’t know what was going to happen tonight. Dr Windred had seemed nice, and this place seemed completely legitimate. On the other hand, why did she need to change? She didn’t want to take off her clothes, especially in front of a pretty girl like Amy. (Well, actually, she absolutely DID want to take off her clothes in front of a pretty girl like Amy, but only if Amy was going to do it too. And besides, she was supposed to be faithful to Erica.)

As she thought about, she began to think of many reasons why she might need to change. They might need to measure her fitness, and she’d need to change into exercise clothes. Or they might be conducting a medical examination. Or they might be worried about getting a chemical or something onto Laura’s nice clothes. The more she thought about it, the more it seemed a completely reasonable request, if she was going to be taking part in research, to change out of her clothes.

“Okay,” she said. “Just a minute.” She shuffled behind the large privacy screen in the corner of the room and began to undress. She removed her high heels, and her jacket and shirt, and her skirt, and then paused.

“Underwear too?” she called out. “Yes,” replied Amy. Blushing, Laura pulled her panties down her legs, and then unhooked and removed her bra. She was completely naked, in a strange place. She felt vulnerable and embarrassed.

She felt even more embarrassed when, without warning, Amy walked around the side of the screen and began collecting Laura’s discarded clothes.

“Um…” said Laura. But Amy clearly wasn’t worried about seeing a naked girl. She practically ignored Laura’s nude body, focusing instead on gathering up all of Laura’s outfit and butting it into a medical-looking plastic bag.

“Okay,” she said when she was done. “Now let’s go see Dr Windred.”

What did she mean? She was going to take Laura to Dr Windred naked? She couldn’t do that!

“Don’t I get some other clothes?” she asked. “Or a medical gown?”

“No, you won’t need that,” said Amy. She opened the door of the room and waited near it. “Come on. After you.”

It was awkward. What was Laura supposed to do? Amy had her clothes, and there was nothing else to cover herself with. She realized now that her phone, wallet and car keys were in the pocket of her jacket. No one knew where she was, and she couldn’t contact anyone. Nothing was going to happen if she just refused to move. She could kick up a fuss, but what if they wouldn’t let her do the research? Her blackmailer would know, surely, and then he’d use that knife on Laura. Or on Erica.

It wasn’t too bad, surely. Amy wasn’t exactly raping Laura with her eyes. And it was pleasantly warm in the Clinic, even nude. Still blushing, Laura made her decision, and quickly walked past Laura into the corridor, unsuccessfully trying to cover her tits, her pussy and her ass with her hands all at the same time.

Dr Windred’s office turned out to be only a couple of doors down. Laura scooted in as soon as Amy opened the door and took a seat in a lush leather chair. The leather immediately stuck to her bare skin in an unpleasant way. A few moments later, the door opened again, and Dr Windred entered. Laura looked around and was grateful to see that Royce was nowhere to be seen.

Dr Windred sat across from Laura and looked at the nude girl. “That looks much better, Laura,” she said, smiling. “Alright, let me tell you what you’ve volunteered for.”

She pulled a file out of her desk, looked at it briefly, and then looked back at Laura. “Here at the Mayim Clinic, we’re a private institute funded by a range of patrons to perform research into a range of medical, psychological, sociological and psychiatric areas. The study you’re signed up for is assigned the name Valkyrie. It’s funded by a coalition of conservative and religious groups, and its main aim is to develop techniques to cure lesbianism and rehabilitate lesbians into pro-social sexual and behavioral patterns.”

Laura blanched. The idea was abhorrent. Lesbianism couldn’t be cured; it was the way she was born. And she didn’t want to be cured, even if it was possible. She felt herself tensing up in the chair and realized that at least part of her was preparing to flee the office.

Dr Windred laughed. “Oh, don’t get so worried. No one’s ever had success with this, and we’re not expecting to have any either. But we’re funded, so we do the research. I know you’re a lesbian – that’s why you’re suitable for the program – and I know you’re a strong-willed woman who’ll fight for your sexuality. Don’t stress about it. Just do the tests, go through the motions, and have a good laugh at the stupid people wasting their money on trying to cure you.”

Laura relaxed a little. It was true – she’d never heard of anyone “curing” lesbianism, and certainly not in someone who didn’t want to be cured.

“You’re going to come here every weeknight, for about two to three hours, at least at first,” Windred continued. “Down the track it’ll be less often, maybe as little as once a week. You’ll be paid weekly for your participation – the money will go into your sponsor’s nominated account, and it’s between you and your sponsor how that’s distributed.”

Sponsor, noted Laura. She assumed that was her blackmailer.

“This week we’re just going to do tests on you and find out your baseline responses to stimuli,” said Windred. “Starting next week, you’ll have specific tasks to do, both at the Clinic and at home. Now, I understand that you’re already in a stable sexual relationship with a woman?”

Laura nodded.

“Well, we recommend you don’t tell her about the testing, at least at first. Women can get upset if they think their lesbian partner is trying to cure her lesbianism, and the kind of stress resulting from that can upset our study. Just tell her you’re working here at the Clinic, or whatever else suits you.”

I’m already way ahead on that, Laura thought wryly.

“All right, now, we’re going to start with this.” Dr Windred stood up and pulled something out of a desk drawer. It was a syringe. Laura felt herself tensing up again.

Dr Windred approached her. “We’re going to be measuring your sexual responses, so this is just a little stimulant to arouse you.” She reached down and cupped Laura’s left breast. Laura didn’t feel okay about this at all, but the recent mention of her “sponsor” had reminded her of the consequences of not going along with this research. And then, before Laura could react further, Dr Windred pushed the syringe into Laura’s tit.

The pain was sudden and surprising. Laura howled and bucked in the chair. But Dr Windred was already pulling the syringe out, now empty.

“There you go, Laura,” she was saying. “You should start to feel a little tingle in your pussy soon. In future you’ll have this drug in pill form, so you can take a couple before leaving home and be in the right mood when you get here. But obviously tonight you couldn’t have known, so we’re just goosing you a little with this shot.”

Windred was right; Laura could feel her groin warming up. She was aware of her nipples hardening, and her twat becoming engorged. What was this stuff? Some kind of Viagra for women? Laura felt her cheeks beginning to redden with arousal. She tried to fight it. She was already naked in front of strange people; did she have to become aroused as well? No one had ever seen her naked and aroused before except for Erica. And now two people were seeing it at once, both of them attractive. The thought of Amy in particular made Laura’s cunt twitch happily, and she slammed her thighs together as tight as they would go to try and make it stop.

Amy stood behind Laura and put a hand on Laura’s shoulder. Laura tingled at the touch.

“Come with me now, and we’ll get you started.”

Following Amy required another embarrassing trip into the hallway. Once again Laura dashed from room to room, and once again as far as she could tell no one saw her.

The next room was dominated by a large and unusual chair in the middle of the room. It was raised up from the ground on a short pole, so that a person sitting in it would be considerably higher than they would in a normal chair. It was mainly made of molded plastic, but there were soft cushions in along the backrest and on parts of the seat. A hole was cut out of the bottom seat, and Laura realized uncomfortably that it was in the right position to allow access to the user’s anus. The front of the seat stopped shorter than that of a normal seat, providing access to the groin, and two separate leg-rests extended away from the chair, that could clearly be swiveled and separated, to spread the sitter’s legs. Each of the leg rests terminated in a cuff, obviously intended to restrain the legs. Similar cuffs featured on each of the arm rests.

Across from the chair, and facing it, one wall was dominated by what appeared to be a cinema-style projection screen.

“Take a seat, Laura,” said Amy. Unhappily, Laura climbed into the chair. It felt odd to be sitting and at the same time have her anus exposed. It reminded her of sitting on a toilet seat, except more comfortable, and – due to the armrests and backrest – somehow more intimate.

As she had feared, once Laura was seated, Amy buckled Laura’s wrists and ankles into the cuffs, securing Laura in the seat. She also reached down towards Laura’s lap, and buckled a hitherto-unnoticed seatbelt-like strap across Laura’s waist, with the result that Laura’s ass and groin were trapped securely against the seat. Laura could feel herself getting worried, tensing up involuntarily. She didn’t want to do this. She wanted to go home and kiss Erica and pretend none of this was happening.

But that choice wasn’t available, even if Laura wasn’t now strapped in. The image of the knife hovered in Laura’s mind. She had to continue on.

Laura’s fears only intensified when Amy walked to a drawer at the side of the room and pulled out two plastic devices. Laura wasn’t an innocent; they were clearly dildos. She started to struggle a little. Amy just said, “Hush,” and knelt on the floor next to the chair. Laura couldn’t see what she was doing down there because of the position she was trapped in, so the next thing she knew was the feeling of a finger at her anus, smearing something wet and sticky around her asshole.

“What are you doing?” Laura asked, louder than she had intended. She could feel the sphincter of her anus tightening as tight as it would go, trying to protect itself against the finger.

“Hush,” said Amy again. “Don’t worry, it’s just a little bump, it won’t even penetrate.” And with that, she pushed the smaller of the two dildos through the hole in the chair and towards Laura’s ass, before locking it into place through some process that Laura couldn’t see, but which made an audible “click”.

Amy was right; the dildo didn’t penetrate Laura’s ass, for which she was grateful. She’d never enjoyed anal penetration. The device was really only a little bump. It pressed noticeably against the entrance to her ass, and when Laura relaxed against the chair it was just long enough to probe the anal sphincter and force it open a little. It was uncomfortable and strange, but not painful.

The other dildo was a different matter. Amy stood up and moved to stand in front of Laura. She swung the two leg restraints outwards, spreading Laura’s legs wide open, and she stood between Laura’s feet holding the other, larger dildo.

She looked down at Laura’s cunt. “I see you don’t need any lubricant here.” She was right. Much to Laura’s humiliation, her pussy was puffy and wet and pouting. When Amy leaned down and pushed the dildo into Laura’s cunt, it slid right in on the first try. Laura was unable to stop herself making a little slutty moan as it slipped inside her. She heard another “click” as Amy secured the dildo to the chair, locking it in place. Laura was now able to buck her hips a little, back and forth against the dildo, if she tried, but she couldn’t move so as to get it entirely out of her. The dildo had a secondary phlange near its based that lined up vertically with Laura’s pussy slit; the tip of it was textured with little bumps and rested against Laura’s clitoris. It appeared to be spring loaded; even when Laura backed off from the dildo as far as she could go, the flange followed, maintaining pressure against her clit.

There was another “click” as Amy flipped a switch, and suddenly the dildo in Laura’s pussy began to vibrate.

Laura could barely even pay attention to what Amy was doing after that. The drugs she had been given were powerful, and the stimulation in her cunt felt so good. But she was dimly aware of Amy pasting some electrodes onto Laura’s forehead, her breasts, and her groin, and attaching them to some kind of computer or terminal. A part of Laura was telling her that she needed to regain control, to keep her dignity, but that little voice was lost in the tide of pleasure coming from her twat. After a few minutes, Laura was making uncontrollable whore-sounds; a few minutes later she was bucking her hips frantically against the dildo. There was something about this that was exciting her vagina in a way that even sex with Erica didn’t. Was it the exposure? The humiliation? She told herself it must be the drugs, and then a few minutes later she orgasmed.

It took her long minutes to recover from cumming, as her vision unblurred, her breathing slowed, and she was slowly able to start thinking about things other than her cunny. The first thing her eyes settled on as she sobered up was the thing she had missed when she came into the room – the video camera, mounted on a tripod in the corner, pointed right at her. It had a clear view of her face, of her tits, of her splayed cunt. And the little red light on it showed she was recording. A video had just been made of Laura nude, restrained, and orgasming. She would have blushed if her face was not already so flushed from sexual activity. She briefly tried to struggle, but her hands were still restrained. And for that matter, the dildo in her pussy hadn’t stopped humming and vibrating.

Amy was standing right next to Laura, looking down at her. Was it Laura’s imagination, or did Amy look a little flushed herself?

“Why…” started Laura and had to struggle to control her voice. “Why are you doing this?”

“We’re testing your baseline sexual reactions,” said Amy. “We need to know if you can orgasm – not all girls can, you know – and how fast you orgasm. We want to know what sex does to your heart rate, your body temperature, your breathing. That computer is recording it all. The dildos at your ass and pussy and recording your muscle reactions as well – whenever your cunt squeezes the dildo, it’s logged, and whenever your anal sphincter tightens, and whenever you buck against either of them. Plus, they can record anal and vaginal temperature, lubrication levels – they’re really very sensitive.”

The vibrator was still pulsing in Laura’s cunt, and she could feel herself starting to slowly work up to another orgasm.

“Please,” she begged. “This is embarrassing.”

“Why?” asked Amy. “The only person who’s seeing you is me, and I don’t mind.”

Laura looked at the camera.

“Don’t worry about the camera,” said Amy vaguely.

“Who will see it?” asked Laura.

“Probably no one,” Amy replied.

And then Laura stopped asking questions, because she realized she’d started bucking her hips against the plastic cock again, and the wonderful sensations from that were demanding her attention.


They left her strapped to the chair for two hours, and Laura came five times, each orgasm taking longer to reach than the one before. They released her just before her sixth, and Laura was groggy and confused when the vibrator suddenly deactivated and was slipped from her pussy.

“What?” she said. She became aware she was drooling. She didn’t care. “Please….” What was she doing? Please what? Was she begging Amy to let her cum? She shook her head, and swallowed the saliva in her mouth, and tried to clear her mind. She felt Amy unbuckling the ankle restraints, and both the presence and the idea of the attractive girl between her legs was overwhelmingly erotic. She involuntarily bucked her hips again, against a dildo that was no longer there, and felt a little squirt of pussy lubricant squeeze from her cunt. She wanted to clamp her legs around Amy and pull the girl towards her – grab her hair and make the beautiful little tease lick Laura’s sopping wet twat until she orgasmed again.

But she did no such thing. She just waited until her arms were released and staggered to her feet. She felt exhausted and drained. Amy gave her a cup of water to drink, and she almost dropped it, her muscles were so weak. Her body felt strange and shaky. Laura couldn’t remember the last time she had had so many orgasms in one session of sex. Maybe never?

Amy was looking at her, expectantly. Laura wasn’t sure why. Was there something she was supposed to do? She searched her memory.

“Say thank you,” said Amy.

Laura did it without thinking. “Thank you, Amy,” she said. And then thought – wait, what? What was she thanking Amy for? For tying her down? For making her orgasm all those times? For recording it? But it was done now, and Amy was showing Laura to a recovery room.

In the end, they let Laura shower, rinsing the sweat and cunt juices off her body, which felt glorious. Then they gave her back her clothes, which felt strange and heavy now after the time spent naked. Finally, Dr Windred met with Laura and gave her a small bottle of pills.

“These are a pill form of the injection I gave you today. I recommend you take two pills about an hour before coming to the Clinic each day; you don’t have to, but otherwise we’ll have to give you the syringe when you get here. Please don’t stimulate yourself in the hour before coming to the Clinic.”

“Stimulate?” asked Laura.

Amy answered. “Don’t play with your pussy. No masturbation, no sex. Just for the hour before getting here. That shouldn’t be too hard, right?”

Laura agreed that it wouldn’t, and, with gratitude, finally left the clinic.

It was only 9.30 pm when she got home. Erica was still up, so Laura wordlessly dragged her lover from the front door to the bedroom, pushed her down onto their shared queen bed, and fucked her. She 69ed her submissive, sexy girlfriend, mercilessly grinding her over-stimulated cunt into Erica’s face and licking and biting Erica’s cunt so hard that Erica several times moaned in pain. The feeling of Erica moaning into Laura’s cunt was pleasurable, so Laura just hurt Erica more, before cumming not once but twice, and then falling into a deep sleep.

Chapter 4


The next day was a Monday, and that meant work for Laura.

Laura was employed by the government, at the Department of Families. She worked on a casual schedule – Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays only, from 9 to 5. She was a mere data entry clerk, entering invoices and receipts into the system and doing odd jobs for whichever section needed help. It was easy work, and that was exactly how Laura liked it. She had a lot of days off, she had little responsibility, and she got to browse the internet for most of the day.

For work, Laura liked to dress professionally. She wore a blouse, a jacket, and a short professional skirt, much like she had worn to the Mayim Clinic last night. The idea was to look businesslike and appropriate. Laura liked to tease boys, but that was only when she was on her own turf. At work, most of the men were old, and unattractive, and in positions of power over her. She didn’t want to encourage them any more than she had to.

Unfortunately, to some extent Laura betrayed herself. She was too much of a fashionista to wear unattractive clothes, so her business clothes were elegantly cut and beautiful, in a functional way. She wore high heels, that accentuated her legs, and made her look both sexy and vulnerable. She wore bright pink panties and bra, because pink was her favorite color, she liked to indulge herself, and after all no one was going to see them. And, to top it off, no clothes could disguise her bright pink anime-girl hair or her large breasts. In short, even dressed as professionally as she knew how, Laura still looked eminently fuckable.

Erica drove both girls to work, dropping Laura off before continuing to her own higher-paid job. All the trip, Laura sat in uncharacteristic silence, thinking about last night at the clinic. Already it seemed like a strange dream; despite her objective knowledge of what she had done, it didn’t seem quite real that she had sat naked for two hours and let a vibrator masturbate her to five orgasms, while a stranger watched. Laura alternated between thinking it surely couldn’t have been as bad as she remembered and panicking at how slutty she must have looked.

By the time Erica dropped Laura off, Laura’s pussy had become uncomfortably wet. Laura felt awkward. It wasn’t like her to get aroused quite this easily. It must still be the residue of last night’s drugs, she thought. She would need to clean herself up or spend the day surrounded by the odor of aroused cunt. There were toilets inside the building where she could clean up, but she didn’t want to even set foot inside the building with a flushed face or smelling like sex. Instead, she found a small, unattractive alleyway alongside the Department building, where the office kept its trash bins, and used some tissues from her handbag to tentatively wipe the moisture away from her cunny. She had to be careful as she didn’t want to excite herself even more. After she’d managed to mostly dry her groin, she waited a few more minutes, thinking un-sexy thoughts, until her body had calmed down. Then she went inside.

The worst part of Laura’s work was definitely her boss, Alistair. He was a rude, lecherous pig. He was nearly 50, but Laura knew he was married to a big-titted 18-year old blonde who was young enough to be his granddaughter. He seemed to like Laura, or at least her body, as he took every excuse to have private meetings and training sessions with her, and he never looked at her face, only at her large boobs. He had never laid a finger on her or said anything specific that would give cause for a harassment complaint, but he nevertheless made it very clear that he thought of Laura as a delicious fucktoy that fate had delivered into his little bureaucratic empire. He repulsed her on every level.

Laura’s two closest co-workers weren’t much better. Geoffrey was a bespectacled man with graying hair who was the father of two teenaged girls. He never said much to Laura. He knew she was a lesbian, and that she lived with a female lover, and Laura guessed that he disapproved of her from the icy tone that he took on the occasions when they had to talk. He gave the impression that he would very much like to turn her pink-pantied ass over his lap and spank the lesbianism out of her.

Her other co-worker was Candy, and Candy was a bimbo. She was in her early 20s, like Laura, with dyed blonde hair and obviously fake D-cup tits which she claimed her daddy had bought her for her 18th birthday. She was bubbly and enthusiastic and deferential, and she treated both Alistair and Geoffrey as if they were her beloved father. She giggled at their jokes and complimented them on their looks. She seemed to have a different boyfriend every week and she couldn’t go a day without saying something face-slappingly stupid. Laura tried not to look at Candy much, because whenever Candy saw her looking she would say something like, “Um, thanks, but I’m not really into girls, you know? Unless, like, a boy is watching, and then it’s totally hot.” It made Laura blush bright red every time and arguing with Candy would just result in a stream of claims about how Laura had been ogling Candy’s tits or something equally humiliating, so she just stayed focused on her work and tried to pretend she had no co-workers.

Today Laura had barely gotten inside the building before she was intercepted by Alistair. “Laura, meeting in my office before we start,” he said brusquely, and Laura had no choice but to follow him to his small dingy office.

Once inside, she took a seat, and he closed the door. He pulled his chair over to sit near to her, instead of across the desk. She was uncomfortably aware he was in touching distance of her.

“Okay, Laura, just a few things. Nothing to be worried about.” He laughed as he said this. Laura shivered.

“Number one is about your breasts,” he said, and Laura jumped. Her breasts?

“Try and keep them covered better, or at least wear dresses that fit,” he went on. “I know they’re very large, and you like all the men here to notice them, but it’s not appropriate for work.”

Laura blushed. She knew she should be angry and indignant about this – how dare he? – but he’d pushed her buttons by mentioning the size of her breasts. Laura WAS embarrassed by their size, and having it mentioned immediately put her on the defensive.

“I don’t…” she said. “I mean, they ARE covered.”

“I’ve discussed this at the manager’s meeting,” Alistair said, “and we’re all agreed that it’s just not appropriate the way you parade them around. So, there’s that.”

Discussed at the manager’s meeting? The managers had been discussing Laura’s breasts? She felt faint, and like she might cry.

“Secondly, it’s come to my attention that you’re a lesbian,” said Alistair.

“What?” jumped Laura. “How?” She immediately realized she’d said the wrong thing. She should have said, “That’s ridiculous.” She wasn’t out of the closet at work and she’d thought no one knew about her and Erica.

“Candy mentioned to me that you’d been propositioning her,” said Alistair. Laura went red. She wanted to slap the little bimbo bitch.

“I didn’t…” is all Laura could say.

“Well, we wouldn’t take her word alone,” said Alistair, “so we checked your work email. You regularly email someone called Erica? And your emails are sometimes… quite explicit. The other managers were quite embarrassed even to read it.”

Laura was starting to cry now. She’d known they could access her work email, but she hadn’t KNOWN known. Only last week she’d emailed Erica saying she couldn’t wait to get home and rape Erica’s wet little pussy with her tongue. She’d talked about how much she loved the taste of Erica’s slutty cunt-juices. She said she’d wanted Erica’s slut-nectar smeared all over her face and tits. Why had she written those? How could she look at anyone in the office if all the managers had read those emails?

Alistair went on. “As you’re aware, Laura, you work at the Department of Families. Now, there’s no law against being a lesbian, and your employment here isn’t in any danger. But we work with a lot of people from a lot of cultures, including Muslims, Christians, conservatives – we could really offend someone if we sent a staff member to deal with them, and then it turned out she was a lesbian. So what you need to do is fill out a formal declaration of sexuality, and then we use that to make sure we don’t put you in any positions where the fact that you lick cunt will offend people.”

He showed Laura a yellow form, with what looked like a list and check boxes.

“So we’re just going to go through all this together, okay?” he said, and smiled. He looked at her tits again. “I told you to cover up your breasts, Laura.”

Laura hurriedly crossed her arms over her bosom. She could feel a tear running down her left cheek.

“Now, sometimes we hire private investigators to audit these, so be truthful, because if we catch you in a lie you WILL be fired,” said Alistair. “So here we go. How long have you been sexually attracted to women, Laura?”

“Since I was 16,” said Laura.

“Have you ever had a sexual experience with a male?”


Alistair marked the form. “When was your first sexual experience with a girl?”

“At 16,” said Laura.

“How many girls have you fucked?” Alistair went on.

Laura baulked. “Does the form really say fucked?” she asked.

“Of course not, I’m paraphrasing to make this go quicker,” said Alistair. “I’m trying to be helpful. How many girls have you fucked?”

“Just one,” said Laura.

“Is that this ‘Erica’?” asked Alistair.


“And you’re still fucking her at present?”


“Do you lick her cunt?”

“What?” asked Laura. This was getting invasive.

“Sorry, do you perform oral sex on her?” said Alistair, rephrasing.

“Yes,” said Laura, her face red and streaked with tears.

“And she on you?”


“Do you use strap-on dildos?”


“Do you fantasy role-play?”

Laura couldn’t believe these questions. “Can I see the form?”

“Sure,” said Alistair. He showed it to her, without letting go of it. It said exactly what he said it did.

“Sometimes we roleplay,” said Laura reluctantly.

“What scenarios?” asked Alistair. Laura could now see that his dick was rock-hard in his pants.

“Schoolgirl and teacher,” she said. “Police officer and criminal. Fantasy princess and warrior.” She paused. “Sometimes… rape stuff.”

“You fantasize about being raped?”

“By girls. Sometimes.”

“Do you ever engage in BDSM?”


Alistair put his hand on Laura’s knee, and she flinched. “It’s okay, Laura, almost done. We just need this. To your knowledge, does anyone have any compromising photos of you, of your partner, or the two of you together?”

Laura thought of the photo she had emailed just yesterday. But she was damned if she was going to tell Alistair about that. “No,” she said.

Alistair released her knee. “Right, then! That’s all done! You can get on with your work. And remember to stop showing off those melons of yours, okay?”

Laura was still crying. “Can I have a moment to…”

“No, Laura, we’re very busy today. Just get to your desk, okay?”

Laura got to her feet unsteadily and left Alistair’s office. It was obvious to everyone that she was crying. She tried to look daggers of hate at Candy as she walked to her desk, but she wasn’t sure she got the point across through all the tears.

Working was hard; Laura was tempted to just go home sick for the day, but she was going to need to start making these payments to her blackmailer next week – she didn’t want to do anything to risk her employment. So, she sat, and she did her job, and tried to pretend that she hadn’t just been made to discuss her sexual history with her boss.

At lunch she went to the staff courtyard, where she met her only two friends at the Department. Taylor was a cute, thin blonde, a couple of years younger than Laura. She shared Laura’s love of anime and was always eager to look at pictures of Laura’s newest figurines. By contrast, Michael was tall and broad shouldered, not too bright but good natured and friendly. Laura sat with the two of them as they ate sandwiches purchased from the cafeteria and tried to forget her awful morning.

Neither of them knew Laura was gay. They were friends, but they were work friends, and Laura didn’t want that coming out at work. So, she didn’t talk about her morning, or what Alistair had said to her, even though they could both tell that she was upset.

Spending time with them helped. Taylor’s cheerfulness and enthusiasm were contagious. As far as Michael went, teasing a boy a little always made Laura feel a bit better, even if this particular boy didn’t know that she was unavailable. She went carefully with Michael, limiting herself mostly to casual touches on his arms or legs as she spoke to him and a bit of flirty eye contact, but by the time lunch was over Michael was quite flustered and Laura felt much improved.

“Are you sure you’re all right?” asked Michael as they were putting their rubbish in the bin. He genuinely cared.

“I’m fine,” said Laura, doing her best fake smile.

Taylor came up behind her and gave her a hug. “We love you, you know?” the cute blonde said. “Let us know if there’s anything.” Taylor released Laura, and then bounced excitedly. “Oh, you said last week we could come and see your figurines. When can we do that?”

Laura thought about her weeknights, now taken up with work at the clinic. “How about next weekend?” she said. “Saturday?”

“Sounds great,” said Michael.

After lunch the rest of the day was easier. Remembering she had friends made Laura feel less worried about the other recent developments in her life. She got through the long afternoon and found herself facing the prospect of her second night working at the Mayim Clinic.

Chapter 5


Laura went to the toilet near the end of the work day and took the pills she’d been given by Dr Windred. They reminded her of how horny she’d been this morning, a horniness that she’d never satisfied, and for a moment she thought about locking herself in a toilet stall and jilling off. But she didn’t trust herself to masturbate at work without being caught, and anyway Amy had told her not to play with herself before turning up at the clinic.

So she just left work, her pussy already wettening.

Erica still had the car, so Laura travelled from work to the clinic by working. It wasn’t far – Laura’s work was in town, so the clinic was only five blocks away. She’d walked much farther around the city when going shopping. But somehow this felt different. She spent every step of the way thinking about her cunt – about how wet it had been that morning, about how wet it was getting now from the pills, and about whether that sexy Amy was going to put a plastic cock into it again tonight. Laura tried to think about other things, but it was no good. The chemicals pulsing in her body were stimulating and reinforcing her arousal, making it hard to think about anything other than her vagina.

By the time Laura had reached the clinic, her labia were massively engorged, her panties were sopping wet with cunt juices, and even just the feeling of her thighs rubbing together as she walked was so erotic that Laura was making little slutty moans with every fourth or fifth step. She stopped outside the clinic, feeling dizzy, and thought about the state she was in. She couldn’t just go in there with wet panties, could she? But she couldn’t very well take them off, and besides, without her panties her cunt juices would just run down her legs. Maybe she should stop here and take off her panties anyway. Maybe she should try and wipe away some of her slut nectar from her cunt. Maybe she should just stand her and rub her pussy a bit – it would feel so good….

She snapped back into control to find her hand already fidgeting with the hem of her skirt. She couldn’t believe herself – she had almost just started masturbating on a public street. These pills were incredibly strong. She’d have to be careful of this in the future. She decided to just hurry inside – as embarrassing as her aroused twat was, it had to be what Dr Windred and her assistants were expecting from the pills, so they probably wouldn’t mind.

She didn’t have to wait in reception this time – Amy was already there and looked please to see her. The pretty strawberry-blonde girl was smiling in a way that did interesting things to Laura’s already pulsing beaver.

“Oh, I’m so glad you came back,” she said, taking Laura’s hand. It felt good – Amy’s skin was smooth and soft.

“Of course I came back,” said Laura, the heavy breathing she’d been doing making her voice sound funny.

Amy grinned mischievously. “I can see you took your pills,” she said. Laura, humiliated, looked away. God, Amy could even see how wet Laura was while Laura still had her clothes on.

She let Amy lead her from reception into the hallway beyond, and to the same room Laura had changed in last time.

“Same as before,” Amy said. “Clothes off. At least you won’t get an injection in your tit this time, hey?”

“That’s a plus,” admitted Laura. She shuffled behind the screen this time without objection. She was still hoping that tonight would be a repeat of last night. She could almost feel that plastic vibrator buzzing in her twat already. She was so aroused she couldn’t resist squeezing her melons a couple of times as she removed her bra, tweaking her diamond-hard nipples, and then giving her soaking-wet snatch a quick few rubs as she took of her panties. She wasn’t sure what to do about the panties – they were wet and sticky from her fuck nectar – but she really couldn’t think of anything other than to just bundle them with her other clothes. Holding her clothes in a bundle that covered her boobs, she stepped out from the screen to give them to Amy.

Only Amy wasn’t there. While Laura had been getting changed, Amy had vanished, and been placed by Dr Windred’s other assistance, Royce. Who was male.

Laura froze. A boy was looking at her, and she was naked. As best as Laura knew, no boy had ever done that in her life. At least not face to face – (the webcam didn’t count, right?).

He was obviously interested in what he saw. He was smiling, and visibly looking up and down her body, from her blushing face, to her exposed and aroused cunny, to her tits, mostly covered by her bundle of clothes.

Laura squealed, and jumped back behind the screen.

“Amy’s getting the room ready,” Royce called to her. “You need to hand over your clothes to me.”

“Can I have a gown?” asked Laura.

“No,” said Royce. “Come on, we’re on a tight timetable. If you don’t want to participate we can’t make you, but if you’re going to do it, you need to do it to our schedule.”

Laura groaned inwardly. She couldn’t not participate – her blackmailer would kill her.

Reluctantly, she stepped out into Royce’s view again. She tried to position the bundle of clothes so as to cover both her boobs and her vagina, but then realized she had to give them to Royce anyway, and so reluctantly handed them over, leaving her completely exposed to his gaze.

Royce grinned. He reached into the pile of clothes and extracted the wet panties, holding them with one hooked finger.

“Did you have an accident?” he mocked.

Laura tried to ignore him. “Dr Windred’s room, or the… room with the chair?”

“Are you in a hurry for the chair, are you? Want a cock in that little lesbo cunt of yours?”

Laura flushed with fury. The worst bit was that she was still aroused. Surely this kind of ass-hattery would get in the way of her sexual buzz? But it wasn’t, and it turned out that Laura could be incredibly angry and incredibly horny at the same time. She DID want the plastic cock in her cunt. So, she just stayed silent and waited for Royce to answer.

“The chair,” he said finally, laughing. “Go on, hop along, little bunny.”

Laura gratefully ran from the room, almost sprinting down the corridor to reach the testing room and get out of his sight.

The room was just as before – the custom-built chair, the screen, and the video camera. Laura noted the camera was already recording. To her relief Amy was here, and Royce didn’t appear to have followed. Amy smiled at Laura and motioned to the seat. “Sorry about leaving you to Royce, but we’re all professionals here.”

Laura thought about complaining about Royce, but she couldn’t put her finger on exactly what Royce had done that was unprofessional, so she just sat in the chair. As before, Amy buckled Laura’s wrists and ankles in place, and then put a strap across Laura’s waist. Laura’s pussy, which had been wet before, was now drooling in anticipation of the dildo.

“So today we’re measuring your response to lesbian stimuli,” said Amy. “We’re going to show you some lesbian porn on the screen and just gauge your reactions relative to yesterday.” The cute girl crouched beside the chair, and Laura gasped as she felt Amy’s gloved hand lubricate her anus, before sliding the small nub into place against her sphincter. Then Amy moved around to between Laura’s legs.

“Are you still okay with all of this?” she asked Laura.

Laura nodded, desperate for her to just get on with inserting the dildo.

Instead, Amy reached down and ran her finger along Laura’s labia. Laura was unable to stop herself from moaning with lust.

“You know, not all of our subjects are so nice to look at,” said Amy. “I think we’re lucky to have you.” And then she knelt and pushed the dildo, finally, into Laura’s twat. Laura made a long, slutty sigh of delight, and then again as the vibrators began to work on her fuckhole and her clitoris.

Amy stepped back, and the big projection screen that Laura was facing came to life. Sure enough, it was showing lesbian porn. It started with beautiful women undressing, and then moved to them kissing, then fingering and licking each other.

Laura orgasmed quickly and often. Her conscious thought vanished almost immediately, and soon she was lost in a sea of lust, bucking against the delightful dildo as hard as she could while watching the beautiful sluts on screen tongue-fuck each other. She found she was enjoying the sensation of the second dildo poking at her butt, and the feeling of it almost but not quite penetrating her anus stopped being uncomfortable and became a frustrating tease. No matter how hard she pushed back, she couldn’t get it to go that extra few millimeters and into her ass.

On screen the images changed to show women dominating and hurting each other. She watched a rape fantasy, of one woman assaulting and then using an unwilling partner. She watched a woman use a whip on the breasts of another big-titted girl. The final images showed a woman urinating into the mouth of an unwilling captive slut. These scenarios were uncomfortable for Laura; she didn’t usually watch porn like this, and she wasn’t comfortable about being turned on by them. But the pills and the stimulation had done something strange to her mind by that point, and she found herself continuing to orgasm watching girls hurt and degrade each other.

As before, the process eventually stopped without warning, leaving Laura infuriatingly between orgasms. She looked up at Amy with blurry eyes. “Please let me cum again Amy,” she said, though her throat was so dry that Amy might not have been able to understand her. She tried again. “I need to cum. Please, Amy.”

Amy looked amused. “What would you do for me if I let you cum?”

Laura was confused. She’d do anything. “You could fuck me,” said Laura. “You could use me. Please let me cum.”

Amy laughed. “Oh, that’s sweet, honey. But I’m not allowed to do that with you yet. Let’s just get you out of the chair. But first, what do you say to me for letting you have all those slutty orgasms?”

Laura remembered from last time. “Thank you, Amy.”

“And thank Royce too.”

Laura went pale. She looked around, and sure enough, there was Royce, standing near the door. Had he just watched Laura spend an hour naked and fucking a dildo? Had a boy watched her do that? She felt herself start to shake involuntarily, although that might have just been a reaction to the sex hormones flushing out of her system.

“Laura?” prompted Amy. She hadn’t unbuckled Laura’s legs yet, and Laura was still sitting with her twat splayed lewdly open. Laura suddenly wanted nothing more than to be clothed, so she said what she thought would get her out of the chair.

“Thank you, Royce,” she said.

Amy paused, still not unbuckling Laura. “Thank you, Royce, for watching me cum,” she prompted.

Laura agreed hurriedly. “Thank you, Royce, for watching me cum,” she said, blushing.

Satisfied, Amy finished getting Laura out of the chair, and gave her her clothes back. Laura dressed as quickly as possible, with Royce watching impassively the whole time.

They let her go home, then, and once again Laura went home, and upon being greeted by Erica, pushed her down and fucked her right there in the front hallway. As she ground her cunt against her submissive lover’s face, she thought about the films she had seen of girls hurting and abusing each other, and then she orgasmed again and stopped thinking about anything.


The next day – a Tuesday – was one of Laura’s days off, for which Laura was grateful. She spent the day at home, took her pills in the afternoon, and headed into the Mayim Clinic in the evening, pussy dripping, anticipating another night of delicious pleasure in her pussy. She was aware of how strange it was to have an appointment to masturbate in front of people for science, and it made her uncomfortable when she thought about it like that, but on the other hand it had so far been the best sexual experience of her life. Even with Royce involved.

She’d found herself thinking more and more about Amy, too. Laura was incredibly happy with Erica, but that didn’t magically turn off her sex drive, and during her work day she found herself fantasizing about the gorgeous strawberry blonde at the Mayim Clinic. She pictured Amy kissing her, undressing, rubbing her tits against Laura’s tits. She fantasized about Amy deciding not to use the dildo in the chair, and instead just fingering Laura or, better yet, licking her cunt for the hour. By the time Laura was due for her pills, she was already wet.

Amy was there at the clinic, leading Laura to the change room to get changed. Laura decided not to bother with the screen today, and just stripped in front of Amy, who would be seeing her nude in any event. Amy seemed delighted by this turn of events, and Laura hoped that she wasn’t imagining a sparkle of attraction in Amy’s eye as she looked at Laura’s nude body.

She took Laura to the room with the chair and buckled her in. Laura sighed happily as Amy pushed the rear dildo against her butt, and then snugged the main dildo into her pussy.

“You seem to be enjoying this,” teased Amy.

“A little,” blushed Laura.

It was only when the dildos were inserted that Royce entered the room. Laura tensed up a little. “Does he have to be here?” she asked.

“Yes,” replied Amy curtly, and said no more.

The images started on the screen – beautiful sluts, showing their tits – and Laura began to relax into the buzzing of the dildo in her twat. But then the images changed – men appeared, kissing the women, stroking their tits. The men were nude, with long, hard cocks, and soon the women were giving them blowjobs, kneeling and sucking on their dicks.

“What is this?” asked Laura. Her cunt was tensing up and she was instinctively trying to pull away from the dildo, but of course she couldn’t.

“Yesterday we tested your responses to lesbian stimuli,” said Amy. “Today we’re doing the hetero stuff. Just watch it, and either cum or don’t, it’s fine either way.”

Laura had no intention of cumming to pictures of men. She tried to disengage from the images, tried to make her pussy dry and unwilling. But the drugs were in her system and her cunt was still reacting to the stimulation it was receiving, even if Laura was turned off by what was on screen.

And, she had to admit, she wasn’t turned ALL the way off. There were still pretty girls. There were tits, and there were cunts. And there were small hints of lesbian content. A black man jizzed all over the big, fake tits of a whore, and then another pretty girl came over and licked the sperm off the first girl’s tits. Pretty girls licking each other’s tits was hot, even if semen was involved. And maybe Laura could picture all these cocks were just dildos. That girl bent over a table and getting fucked from behind – that could be Laura, being fucked by Erica with a strap on. Or better yet, Amy with a strap on. Her pussy twitched at the thought, and then suddenly Laura was cumming.

After that, the idea of resisting the man-on-woman sex images was gone. She still wasn’t excited by men, but it became a game to transform what she was seeing into something that would make her cum. Women sucking on dildos, not cocks. Women rubbing a strap on between their tits, not a cock. Women bouncing up and down on their lover’s vibrator, not on a man’s penis.

Laura discovered something strange about herself as she watched. She liked the cumshots. She liked it when the men spurted spunk all over a woman’s face and tits. She liked it when they pulled out of a girl’s twat and revealed oozing white sperm trickling from the girl’s hole. She didn’t know why it appealed to her so much, but she thought maybe it was to do with how much she enjoyed licking cunt. There was something about having sex juices all over your face…. and this was better than just a woman’s cunt nectar, because it was different. You could TELL. If she scooped up some of Erica’s love juices and pushed them into her own cunt, it would just be the same as what was already there. But sperm was white and sticky and when a girl had sperm in her pussy it was obvious that she’d just been fucked. And something about that made Laura incredibly wet.

Laura orgasmed again as she pondered this discovery about herself. Of course, she didn’t want to fuck a man, but could she use this in her normal sexual routine? What it would feel like to have a dildo pumping something hot and sticky into you as you orgasmed? Maybe she could pour hot chocolate on her tits and have Erica lick it off, and in her mind pretend it was sperm?

By the time the images stopped, Laura was not in the slutty, spaced-out state she had been the last two nights, but she had still cum three times. She had achieved sexual bliss three times, while looking at men. She blushed as Amy unbuckled her, ashamed to meet her eyes. What kind of lesbian was she? What kind of a traitor to lesbians everywhere? It had to be the drugs, right? She wasn’t normally like this.

Amy once again paused at unbuckling Laura’s legs, and Laura remembered what she had to say. “Thank you, Amy. Thank you, Royce, for watching me cum.”

“Thank you Amy for letting me cum like a slut,” Amy corrected.

Like a slut? Laura blushed. That was an awful thing to say. But it was true. And as she came down from her sexual high, Laura once again wanted to cover herself from Royce’s gaze as quickly as possible.

“Thank you, Amy, for letting me cum like a slut,” said Laura in a quiet voice, and Amy immediately smiled and unbuckled her.


On Wednesday after work it seemed much the same. Amy greeted Laura as usual and took her to the changing room. Laura was made to strip off in front of Royce this time; it was awful, but she was grateful that this time he said nothing and refrained from commenting on her dripping pussy. Then she was led to the chair and buckled in place.

Laura could feel her cunt already twitching even before the dildo went in. It knew what was coming. It spasmed particularly happily as each of the buckles were fastened. Laura was a little alarmed; was she coming to associate being restrained with sexual pleasure? Or was it just anticipation of the stimulation to come? She stopped caring much when the dildo slid inside her fuckhole and switched on, though.

Today the images were neither the lesbian images from the Monday nor the hetero porn from Tuesday. Instead they followed a theme, repeated over about twenty short films: two girls would get naked, start to kiss, and then begin to fuck each other. And then a male would enter the frame and join in. Sometimes he’d fuck one of the women while the girls continued to 69. Sometimes he’d just watch and masturbate until he ejaculated spunk over them. Sometimes both women would get up and begin pleasuring his dick. As the films went on, they became more extreme, and more violent. The male would spank the girls or whip them with a belt. He’d pull them apart and then rape one of them. He’d drag one by the tits to a bed and then fuck her. Always, the women seemed delighted by this treatment, and always they seemed to gain more sexual pleasure from the man than from each other.

Laura didn’t know what to think about all of this, but her pussy did. It drooled happily through orgasm after orgasm over the course of the treatment. Laura didn’t mind the women in the films – they were all gorgeous, and Laura would have happily fucked any of them. She found it easy to picture herself in these scenarios, licking out a sexy porn star, but then of course the scenarios would include a man. Laura curiously imagined the sensation of being hauled off her lover by a man, and then raped while her lover kissed her rapist or licked his asshole. A part of her deep in her stomach felt sick; but at the same time her hips were happily bucking against the dildo, and she couldn’t take her eyes off the tits on the screen, even as those tits were being ejaculated on.

Of course, all the girls on the screen had big tits, just like Laura. Porn star tits. It was what Laura expected girls this slutty to have. It made sense.

When it ended, Laura was still begging for more. She was so wet, and she wanted to keep cumming. “Please, please…” she started to beg Amy, but then remembered the last two days. “Thank you, Amy,” she gasped. “Thank you for letting me cum like a slut. Thank you, Royce, for watching me cum.”

Amy smiled down at her, pleased at Laura’s thanks, but she neither released Laura nor let her cum. Instead, she stepped between Laura’s legs, removed the dildo, and bent down towards Laura’s cunt with some kind of a device in her hand.

At first Laura’s sex-addled brain thought Amy was going to finger her pussy, and she pushed her pussy as far towards Amy as she could in anticipation. But instead, there was a sharp metallic SNAP sound, and suddenly blinding pain raced through Laura’s twat. She jerked her groin away from Amy and screamed.

Amy put her hand over Laura’s mouth. “Hush, hush, shut up,” she said. Laura, unable to move her arms or legs, could do nothing to remove Amy’s hand, and after a moment she had to quieten down in order to breath. She looked down at her cunt but couldn’t see what Amy had done to make it hurt so much.

Amy held up the device she had used. It looked like a cross between a drill and a syringe.

“We’ve just injected a little device into her groin flesh,” she said. “It’s just like a tracking microchip for a dog. It’s going to help us monitor you. It records vital statistics throughout the day – blood pressure, heart rate, arousal levels, cunt wetness – and stores them, and then we can scan it when you come in here and retrieve the data.”

“It hurts,” whimpered Laura.

“Oh, hush,” said Amy. “Your body is full of endorphins right now from all the fucking you just did, so it didn’t hurt anywhere near as much as it could have, and the pain will fade quickly.” Amy smiled wickedly. “Here, let me help.”

And then Laura felt the most wonderful sensation ever – Amy’s finger sliding into her sluthole, and starting to gently pump in and out. All at once the pain was gone, and she was back in the world of sex and lust.

“Royce, are you getting this?” asked Amy.

“Yep,” said Royce, looking at a computer. “She’s juicing up nicely. Looks like it worked.”

“Excellent,” said Amy. She pulled her finger out of Laura’s twat, looked at it for a moment, and then wiped it clean on Laura’s breast. “There’s a proper name for these, Laura, but I just like to call them ‘cunt tags’. Only the special girls get to have a ‘cunt tag’. You should say thank you.”

“Thank you,” moaned Laura.

“Thank you what?” asked Amy.

“Thank you, Amy, for putting a cunt tag on me,” said Laura.

“Okay, so tomorrow we’re going to do something a bit different now you’ve got your cunt tag,” said Amy. “Tomorrow, we want you to take two of your pills at 9 am in the morning, okay?”

“But I’m at work tomorrow,” protested Laura weakly.

“We know. And we don’t want you to stay home or anything. Go to work. We just want to get some readings of a normal day for you, okay? And then take two more before you come here.”

“But I’ll get so wet!” said Laura.

“I know. And whatever you do, don’t play with yourself. Or at least don’t let yourself orgasm. The data will show if you masturbate, and it will fuck things up for us, and we’ll be very upset, okay?”

Laura nodded.

“Good girl,” said Amy, and finally untied Laura.


When she got home, Laura didn’t even bother to close the front door before pushing Erica to the ground and fucking her.

Chapter 6


On Thursday morning, just as she had been told, Laura took the aphrodisiac pills before leaving for work. She sat silently in the car, as Erica drove her to the office, trying not to think about her cunt and failing.

By the time she got to work she was dripping with lust. She kissed goodbye to Erica much more passionately than was usual. In fact, she wanted to push Erica down and fuck her right there in the front seat of their car – to grind her twat into her lover’s face until she came again and again – but she resisted the urge. Once again, Laura marveled at the power of the aphrodisiacs, and she was gripped with fear and unease about how she would get through a day of work under their influence.

Inside the office, she headed straight for the female toilets. She kept her head down so no-one would see her flushed, aroused cheeks. She kept one arm crossed across her chest, certain that her engorged breasts and erect nipples must be obvious even through her clothes, and with the other she tugged furtively at her skirt, trying to make it more chaste and demure. She wished she hadn’t worn a miniskirt today, but instead something longer. She simply hadn’t thought about it when she was dressing.

In the bathroom, she took stock of herself.

Firstly, her tits were nowhere near as obvious as she had thought. Yes, they were a little perky, but they didn’t look as swollen and needy as they felt. They were as sensitive as all hell – poking one made her gasp in delight – but they didn’t obviously betray her aroused state. They were just their normal size. (Their whorish size, a part of her mind reminded her.)

Her face was another matter. Her cheeks were clearly flushed, as was her neck. Her lips were pouty, and she was breathing faster than normal. She stared at her slutty, sexual face for a few moments, feeling overwhelmed, before realizing that there could be more than one explanation for her problem. She would tell people that she had a flu. She looked at herself further and decided that it would be a believable excuse.

The last problem was her groin, though. Her panties were already noticeably damp from her sex juices. She retreated into one of the toilet stalls, sat on the toilet, removed her panties, and used toilet paper to dab at her pussy, trying to dry it up. Even these light touches on her cunt made her moan. She wanted desperately to play with herself, to fingerfuck herself to orgasm right here, but she knew that under the influence of the drugs if she started to masturbate she wouldn’t stop for hours. And besides, she had been told not to.

Instead, Laura dried herself as best she could, and then fished a sanitary pad out of her handbag and applied it to her panties. The pad should collect most of her juices and at least stop her from leaking onto her seat or the floor. However, she would have to come back to the toilet regularly and dry her pussy and change the pad, or she’d noticeably start smelling of sex.

Tidied and prepared as best she could, Laura headed to her desk.

She didn’t even make it as far as her desk. She was intercepted by Alistair. “Laura,” he said loudly as soon as she came in sight of his office. “What have I told you about showing off your breasts like that?”

Laura jumped, and reflexively covered her breasts. She’d thought they looked fine! Had she judged wrong? Or was this just more of Alistair’s ridiculous obsession with her tits.

“In my office. Now,” demanded Alistair, and Laura had no choice but to follow.

Inside her boss’ dingy office, Laura once again found herself sitting close to Alistair. He put his hand on her left knee before he even started speaking, and left it there.

“Laura, I know you like showing off those melons of yours to everyone, but it’s just not appropriate here in this office,” said Alistair, looking at her sternly.

Laura was having a hard time thinking. She was horny, and guilty, and still certain that her arousal must be evident to anyone. She didn’t know if she was in the wrong or not. She thought she wasn’t, but maybe she was obviously being a colossal slut, and everyone could tell? “Sorry,” was all she could think of to say.

“Oh, Laura, why do you do it? Are you not getting enough sex with your lover Erica?” asked Alistair.

“No…” said Laura.

“Does she lick your cunt enough?” asked Alistair.

“Yes,” said Laura. Suddenly she became aware that her legs were spread. Alistair’s hand on her knee had been slowly pushing her leg outwards, spreading her thighs, and she had let it happen. She moved hurriedly to close her legs, but Alistair had turned so that one of his knees was between her legs, and the most she could do was trap his knee between her thighs. She felt her cunt tingle. Not being able to close her legs all the way reminded her of being on the chair at the Mayim Clinic, and her pussy apparently liked the association.

“Are you even wearing a bra, Laura?” asked Alistair.

“Of course I am!” Laura protested.

“Prove it,” said Alistair.

Once again, Laura was confused. She would normally be outraged at such a suggestion – would storm out of Alistair’s office. But would today be the day to do that? Would she look like a righteous avenger, or with her blushing face and perky tits would she just look like a frustrated whore?

What harm would it do to show Alistair her bra?

Slowly, she unbuttoned the front of her blouse, and pushed it back, to reveal her large, engorged tits cupped in her pink lace bra. She looked at Alistair, trying to concentrate on his reaction rather than the warmth in her pussy. Was he satisfied? Did he like them?

Alistair looked at her tits for long minutes, breathing heavily. Laura couldn’t quite process what it meant. Was he offended? Did he think she had slut tits? Did he hate how big they were?

“I’ll need to take a photo of this to prove you were wearing a bra, in case anyone complains,” said Alistair.

That seemed reasonable to Laura. In any case, Laura was distracted, as Alistair had pushed her legs apart again, and got his other knee in between them. Laura’s skirt was riding up and she thought maybe her panties were visible. She just sat there with her bra exposed, squeezing her legs against Alistair’s knees, while he used his camera to take several photographs of her breasts.

When he was done, he passed Laura a sheet of paper. “You’ll need to sign this as well. It’s an official warning.”

Laura read the paper.

“I, Laura Smith, acknowledge that I displayed my breasts in the workplace to arouse my workmates and to give myself sexual pleasure. I acknowledge that my breasts are large and sexually desirable, and that the way I display them is distracting and lewd. I acknowledge that this is an inappropriate act meriting punishment, and I accept that I have been formally warned in relation to this behavior.”

“But I didn’t….” protested Laura.

“If you don’t sign the paper I’ll have to take the matter to senior management,” said Alistair. ‘If you sign it, you’ll be okay, I promise.”

Alistair was quietly forcing Laura’s legs apart again using his knees. Laura let him. She had to concentrate on the paper. There was something wrong about it, but she just couldn’t think. Well, she could think, but mostly what she was thinking was how nice it would feel to take that fat whiteboard marker on Alistair’s desk and push it in and out of her pussy. She felt her skirt ride up to fully expose her panties, and moved to pull it down again, but before she could do that Alistair had taken her hand and pressed a pen into it.

“Sign the paper, Laura,” he said. Laura almost moaned. She had to get out of here, so she could fix her clothes, and dry her pussy again. If this was what she needed to do to leave, then she would. She uncapped the pen, leant over the desk (hard to do with Alistair’s knees still between her legs) and scribbled her name at the bottom of the paper.

Alistair took the paper, satisfied. “Okay, then, Laura. Look, I suppose that dress is okay if you are really are wearing a bra. But it doesn’t look like it, so you’ll need to come in here every morning and just show me that you remembered to wear a bra, okay?”

Laura nodded. That was okay.

Alistair almost laughed at how easy this was. “What is with you today, Laura? Are you all right?”

“I have a flu,” Laura mumbled.

“Well, look, tidy yourself up, you look like a slut,” he said. “And then get back to work.” He pulled away from Laura, and stood up.

Humiliated, Laura hurriedly re-buttoned her shirt, pulled her skirt back down, and fled his office.

She went straight to the bathroom and sat in one of the toilet stalls. Had she really just been sitting in her boss’ office letting him look at her bra and panties? Had she really just signed a piece of paper apologizing for showing off her tits? What was she doing?

She pulled down her panties and dabbed at her cunt, drying it again. This was a disaster. She wished she hadn’t agreed to take the pills this morning…. except that then the Mayim Clinic might have discharged her, and then her blackmailer would kill her. She sat there, contemplating the Mayim Clinic, and her blackmailer, and the humiliation of exposing herself in front of her boss, and only stopped when she realized that, quite without intending it, her finger had moved to her pussy and started to stroke her clit. She yanked her hand away, blushing.

When Laura eventually got to her desk, she found it was hard to get any work done. Her whole-body chemistry was different; whatever chemicals normally let her brain concentrate and think rationally were washed away by the hormones from the pills. She found herself just staring at her computer screen and thinking progressively sluttier thoughts.

At first, she kept thinking humiliated thoughts about what had happened with Alistair that morning. But then she started thinking about Amy – Amy undressing, Amy dancing nude for her, Amy nuzzling at Laura’s neck and kissing her tits. She thought about the very real finger of Amy’s finger sliding briefly into Laura’s pussy. She soon had to go to the bathroom and dry her pussy again, this time taking the opportunity to change her sanitary pad. It took a force of will to not just start finger-fucking her twat. Instead she texted Erica on her phone.

“hey baby – so horny today – send me a pic of ur pussy”

Erica’s reply came swiftly.

“what? no! :-(“

Laura sent back: “pls baby i luv ur cunny so much. i will lick you tonight.”

The next reply was slower, but when it came it made Laura sigh with lust. It was a high-definition photo of Erica’s clam. She was clearly sitting on a toilet just like Laura, with her skirt pulled up and her panties down. Laura just wanted to lick the phone. More than that, she wanted to finger herself, but she couldn’t. She sent a final text to Erica.

“I luv you so much – u r so beautiful – i feel so lucky and sexy”

Then she sat and looked at Erica’s pussy for almost five minutes. She had never traded sexy photos before with Erica, and she was frankly a little surprised Erica had agreed to do it. But it was so hot that she had. Now Laura had a photo of Erica’s cunt she could look at whenever she wanted, and there was nothing Erica could do about it. She had turned her girlfriend into her own private porn star, and it was very, very hot.

The topic of porn stayed in Laura’s head, and by the time she returned to her desk she was thinking about the porn she had watched at the Mayim Clinic – women kissing, women licking. She even thought about the women being interrupted by men and raped. She found that sexiest of all, somehow – the lesbian sex being interrupted by violence and men’s cocks. Why did she like that? She didn’t like men, after all. She suspected she found it sexy was because it was WRONG for her to find it sexy. It was a betrayal of the fact she was a lesbian. And being taboo made it hot. Besides, she wasn’t really picturing men. She was picturing women with strap-ons. Strap-ons that spurted semen from their tips. She wondered if that was a thing? Could you buy those?

Her pussy was soaking again already, and she’d barely gotten back to her desk. She tried to ignore it and struggled valiantly to do her work for almost 40 minutes, but it just kept getting wetter, and those images of lesbians and cocks kept going around in her head. God damn it! She couldn’t think clearly. Everything in her mind was just sex and whorishness today, under the influence of the pills. Why couldn’t her pussy just behave? It needed a plug on it, clearly. A delicious, fat plug… something big and slutty to go into her cunt. She cast around her desk, in a sudden burst of slutty enthusiasm, and ended up quickly sweeping most of the stationery she could see into her purse, before hurrying to the toilets.

In the toilets, she took great pleasure in pushing each and every object from her desk into her cunt, to see which one would fit best. It felt so good. The pencils were too small of course, even if she grouped a bunch of them together with an elastic band and pushed them in all at once. The Post-It notes seemed attractive, after she crumpled a bunch of them into a loose-sticky ball and pressed them against her twat lips, but ultimately, she was scared she would lose some up inside her and chose not to go through with them. The hole punch didn’t fit at all, but the stapler was just the right size to be both painful and pleasurable as she pushed its heavy metal form inside her. She moaned happily as she forced it in, back-end first, and then giggled in delight as she discovered she could make it staple things with its protruding head just by opening and closing her legs.

Why was she being so slutty? She didn’t know, but she guessed it was because the sex hormones had been surging through her for hours now. All she wanted was to revel in her deliciously sensitive twat. The toilet stall was closed and locked, and no-one could see her, so Laura took off the rest of her clothes and sat nude on the toilet, playing with her cunny.

The computer mouse fit into her neatly and left the long tail of its cord dangling from her pussy lips. Laura got up and took a few experimental steps, and sure enough the cord swayed erotically and pulled at the mouse inside her in interesting ways. She might have to try this again at home, she thought. She wished she could walk out of the toilets with the mouse in her pussy, but surely people would notice the cord, and anyway she needed it to control her computer.

As she pulled each object from her cunt, she licked in clean, savoring the taste of her own slut nectar. After the mouse, though, she realized she couldn’t sit in the toilet touching her vagina forever. But she couldn’t stand the thought of going back out and having no stimulation of her cunt at all. So, she decided to use the last of the stationery from her desk to decorate her pussy. She took several of the smaller bulldog clips and clipped them onto her labia. She gasped slightly at the pain, but the pleasure was good too. A part of her mind was asking what she was doing – this was so slutty! – but the majority of her brain, overwhelmed by lust, told it to shut up and let do her slutty things with her pussy. Laura took the fat plastic tube that contained a stick of glue, wrapped it in her damp cunty panties, and pushed it into her twat. It was just large enough to distend her fuckhole a bit, and make it feel mostly full. The plastic was hard, and the panties were soft and wet. It felt wonderful. The end of her panties dangled lewdly from between her cunt lips like the string of a tampon, and she found that tugging on it slightly made the whole tube-and-underwear package shift inside her cunt in the most incredibly arousing way. She played with this effect for a bit, tugging the glue stick out and then pushing it back in, before realizing that she was far too close to cumming and needed to stop toying with her quim.

As a final, slutty addition, Laura made herself a new set of panties out of sticky tape. She hadn’t been willing to push the tape dispenser inside her because of the sharp cutting edge on it that you used to cut off the tape, but her pulsing, engorged twat wanted her to use it for something, and besides, she needed a way to keep her cunt juices – and her makeshift glue-stick dildo – inside herself so that they didn’t dribble out in front of the whole office. She pulled a length of tape off the spool, spread her legs, and ran the tape across the entrance to her pussy. It felt sticky and rough, in a way that felt amazing against her clitoris. She continued to run the tape between her legs, up her ass crack, and then around her waist, and then repeated the process a few times until her fuckhole and urethra were completely taped shut. It felt tight and painful and slutty, so it was perfect. The tape ran right between her labia, which splayed out to either side, weighted down by the clips. The tape was see-thru, so the wet pink flesh of her vagina was still clearly visible, but it seemed like it was trapping in her slut juices, which was what Laura wanted.

Completely flushed with sex, and almost oblivious to her modesty, Laura dressed again, her panties now replaced with the tape, and staggered back to her desk. The clips on her labia bounced with every step, tugging delightfully at her pussy lips. The tape rubbed uncomfortably against her twat and between her ass cheeks. It felt amazing, sitting at her desk in full view of everyone, with a dildo in her cunt and sticky tape separating her ass cheeks. It was incredibly hard to concentrate and on occasions it was all Laura could do to not just start typing “Lick my cunt, lick my cunt, lick my cunt” into an email window.

Her coworkers were concerned for her obviously distressed state. Geoffrey hesitantly asked Laura if she was feeling okay, and Laura repeated her lie about having a flu. “If you’re sick, you should go home,” Geoffrey said, but Laura said that she wanted to bravely soldier on, because there was important work to do.

Candy asked after Laura’s health too. When she heard Laura had the flu, she started rambling about an herbal remedy that her cousin’s husband’s mother had told her about. Laura tuned her out – she couldn’t really concentrate anyway – and just stared at Candy’s D-cup tits. Oh, how she hated this stupid bimbo, with her lies about Laura making a pass at her. Someone should just rape Candy someday. Pull her clothes off, squeeze her big fake tits until she squealed, and then shove their big fat cock in her unprotected pussy and fill it with cum….

By the time lunch came, Laura knew what she wanted to do. There was an adult store only a few blocks away. Laura had never been inside it, but today she wanted to. The idea of strap-on dildos that ejaculated fluids was stuck in her mind and she wanted to buy one for Erica. She walked through the office building, tape rubbing between her ass cheeks, on her way to the front door. It was in the front lobby that she bumped into her friend Michael.

“Oh, Michael!” breathed Laura. She must have looked awful – her face flushed, her clothes having been removed and replaced twice today already.

Michael’s brow furrowed in concern. “Laura, are you okay?”

“Fine,” gasped Laura, and gave him a hug to demonstrate how fine it was. She wrapped her arms around him and snuggled up to his chest.

She realized it was a mistake as soon as it started feeling good. She was pulling her body tight against him, with her sensitive tits pressed against his chest, and she could feel his groin against her own. His body was firm and warm, and it felt so good against her boobs. She moaned a little, nuzzled her face into his neck, and pressed her breasts against him hard.

“Laura?” asked Michael, surprised. Laura could feel his cock twitching into erectness in his pants, a hard length deliciously close to her groin, and she smiled dreamily. How good it would feel, to have a cock in her….

She jerked suddenly. She was a lesbian! She didn’t want any cocks in her! She hurriedly released Michael, trying to ignore the disappointed throbbing in her boobs. “Sorry,” she muttered. “I have to…” She didn’t know how to finish the sentence, so she just walked away.

Her pussy squelched against the tape every step of the way to the adult shop. It was a sunny day, during lunchtime, and she was one of many people on the city streets. The sunshine helped to clear her mind a little, but at the same time it made it worse. Being out in the open air just reinforced how strange and wrong it was that she was walking around with her pussy stuffed full of foreign objects, held in by sticky tape. This wasn’t something pretty, demure young lesbians did. This was something sluts did. She started to regret having replaced her panties with this whorish getup but there was no opportunity to stop and change now.

As she walked, the motion rubbed the tape against her sensitive mons, and each stride moved the glue-stick-and-panties package up and down inside her twat. She got hornier and wetter with every step, which was how she discovered that one benefit of the tape was that it wasn’t easily removed. Several times as she walked, Laura suddenly realized that her hand was touching the tape on her vagina. Each time, she jerked to shocked awakeness, realizing that she had, quite without realizing it, lifted her skirt on a public street and tried to touch her pussy. Luckily, no one seemed to have noticed, but Laura still couldn’t believe what a slut she was being. She wanted to run back to the office and change back to her panties, but the lure of buying a new dildo drew her on. Laura wished she was in control of her body. She would never do this again – never take these pills again during the day. Unless her blackmailer wanted her to, of course…

She was almost to the shop when she felt something building in her twat. Her whole body was tensing up. Hours of teasing and slutty thoughts had had their effect, and now, in broad daylight, on a public street, Laura realized she was going to orgasm.

“Noooooo….” she started to moan. She slowed down and leaned against a nearby tree for support. Her feet were starting to buckle beneath her. She tried to breathe deeply and think about normal things. She tried to keep her legs still, to stop the stimulation of her pussy. How whorish would it be to orgasm in public? How slutty? How humiliated would she be….

And it was precisely those thoughts that sent her over the edge. Her cunt spasmed, and the orgasm rolled through her. Her hips started to twitch, and Laura fell against the tree and lost control of her body.

Tits pressed against the tree, face flushed, hands barely able to hold her up, groin bucking uncontrollably, Laura must have looked like she was fucking the tree. She could see people turning to look at her, curious or horrified. She saw a mother averting her young child’s eyes. Laura had never felt so humiliated, and yet she couldn’t stop herself. As if she wasn’t attracting another attention, she realized she was making a long, low, slutty wail of delight. She couldn’t stop herself making the sound; it was the most disgustingly trampy noise she had ever heard a woman make, and everyone who heard it turned to see Laura banging her groin uncontrollably against the tree. By the time the orgasm was over, Laura was practically bent at the waist, her face pressed against the rough bark and her ass presented to the world. In this position her skirt did nothing to cover her ass, and passers-by could see her slutty tape panties and the bulldog clips on her labia. But Laura couldn’t find the strength to move, so she just stayed there in her degradation, trying to recover.

She had orgasmed. The Mayim Clinic had said not to. What kind of a slut was she? Were they going to kick her out? Would her blackmailer take revenge on her? But it wasn’t her fault – she hadn’t been touching herself. Although she had put the tape and clips on herself, and they’d certainly contributed. Laura started to cry a little. She was degraded, humiliated and scared, and the worst thing was she was still horny. She wanted to cum again. She wanted to cum like she just had, because it had felt amazing.

She could see the adult shop up ahead. She may as well finish what she had come her for. She pulled herself upright, tugged at her skirt to rearrange it, avoided eye contact with the people who had just watched her orgasm, and almost ran to the shop doors.

Inside it was cool and quiet, and (to Laura) surprisingly well-lit. Neat, clean shelves of product stretched across a large, carpeted floorspace. A bored-looking man in his early 20s sat behind the counter, but he brightened as he saw Laura come in.

“Hi!” he said.

“Hi,” said Laura, still blushing. “Um, just browsing.”

“Sure,” said the man chirpily. “Let me know if you need anything.”

Laura began to walk down the aisles, looking at the products. The tape was still rubbing between her pussy lips. She wasn’t sure it was doing such a good job of holding in her cunt juices anymore; her inner thighs felt dripping wet, although maybe that was just sweat.

The shelves closest to the front door were covered with DVDs. Rack after rack held slender boxes covered with pictures of naked big-titted sluts. Sometimes they were just posing, showing off their boobs and beaver. Other times they were being fucked in the vagina or the ass or sucking on a cock. Laura hurried along until she came to the lesbian titles – “Lezzos On Parade”, “Cuntsucker College”, “Titlicking Sluts Gone Wild”. Here the covers showed two or more nude women, often kissing or feeling each other’s tits. Laura didn’t typically watch a lot of porn at home – she preferred erotic anime or just fucking her girlfriend – but the sight of so many bare female bodies still made her want to just stop right here and shove her hand into her twat.

After the DVDs were racks of clothing – tiny, slutty see-through outfits for women. Lingerie, risqué swimsuits, sexy costumes of policewomen, schoolgirls, maids, nurses. There were dog collars and leashes here too, and then the collars and leashes flowed into a selection of chains, ropes, bracelets, handcuffs, and other bondage gear. Laura flitted past nipple and clitoris clamps, vices that appeared to be designed to crush a girl’s tits, and cock rings. Next were air pumps for breasts, pussies and cocks. Then a wide selection of condoms, dental dams, and other contraceptive devices.

Finally Laura reached the dildos and vibrators… where she was immediately overwhelmed by the selection. It took up an entire wall, plus several spinner racks. Big cocks, medium cocks, even a few small cocks. Rubber, plastic, and fiberglass. Some had flanges to massage the clitoris. Some were double dildos designed to simultaneously penetrate the cunt and ass. There were strap-ons to let a woman fuck someone, but there were also dildos with straps, to hold them inside yourself while you walked. Many vibrated, in a range of different ways. Some rotated. Some were covered in round beads. Then there were the “massagers” – wands with fat, round heads – and alongside them were a range of vibrating capsules, balls, and clamps. Some of them came with remotes.

Laura surveyed the collection in dismay. How was she supposed to find what she was looking for?

The clerk at the front desk had clearly noticed her confusion, because Laura suddenly realized he was standing behind her. She spun around, blushing.

“Is there something in particular you’re looking for?” he asked politely, smiling.

Laura felt awkward. She couldn’t very well say no, as she’d obviously just been looking for a particular item that she couldn’t find. But to say what she wanted would sound so whorish. She dithered for a moment, and then felt something wet running down the inside of her leg – her cunt juices. She needed to get done here and get back to the office. She’d already been a total slut today, in public – what did it matter if one more stranger thought she was a trollop? And besides, they wouldn’t sell it here if they didn’t think it was normal for people to buy it.

“I’m looking for a strap on,” said Laura, “but I was wondering if you maybe had one that… spurts stuff?” She was blushing so much it hurt her cheek muscles.

“An ejaculating strap on?” asked the clerk. “Absolutely. Just up there.” He pointed. “We’ve got a range of sizes, and they all vibrate.”

Laura looked. The largest of the strap-ons was monstrous. Even in her aroused state Laura felt sure she would hurt herself trying to fit it into her poor pussy. But the next size down looked good. The clerk got it down from the shelf for her and accompanied her to the counter. Laura felt weird as he placed it on the counter – a giant plastic phallus, pointing upright.

The clerk grinned. “Are you intending to give or receive?”

Laura didn’t meet his eyes. “Receive.” She knew he’d be picturing the dildo slipping into her cunt – or ass – and wished he wasn’t.

The clerk turned the dildo over and opened a hatch in its base. “Okay, so you put your fluid – whatever you’re ejaculating – in here. You should give it a wash out with detergent after each session. You can put most anything in here, but nothing more sticky or thick than semen… or detergent, if that’s a better measure for you. It’s sensitive to stimulation – once you start rubbing it, or squeezing it, it’ll leak a little bit of the fluid out of the tip, like pre-cum. There’s a switch here with several ejaculation settings. You can turn off the pre-cum feature, you can manually tell it to ejaculate – at which point it basically pumps out everything inside – or you can get it to randomly ejaculate after a certain amount of stimulation. There’s also a ‘urination’ mode, where it releases all the fluid, but slowly and under more pressure. It’s got little motors in it, and they’re controlled here. You can have it vibrate at a range of intensities, plus also when it ejaculates the motors make it kick or twitch a little, which I hear is nice.”

He replaced the hatch. “Now, do you need any fluids to go with it?”

“Fluids?” asked Laura stupidly, then immediately realized what he meant. But he was already explaining.

“We’ve got an artificial liquid that looks and tastes like cum; a lot of our customers buy it. It’s not super-cheap, though. We’ve also got actual pig cum, which is cheaper. It’s completely safe and mostly indistinguishable from human cum. We’ve got a serum that replicates female vaginal secretions. You can use regular milk – we don’t sell that – or some people like human breast milk, which we DO sell. And of course, there’s urine, which obviously you can make yourself but for some reason some people buy it, so we’ve got that too.”

The image of the plastic cock pumping each of those into Laura’s pussy, or into her mouth, almost overwhelmed Laura on the spot. They were so disgusting. They were so slutty. She didn’t know whether she felt closer to fainting or cumming. When she spoke she could barely hear herself?

“Can I have some of each?”

The clerk smiled evilly. “Of course.”

The total purchase ended up being expensive – apparently fake cum didn’t come cheap – but Laura had enough to cover it. She probably shouldn’t be spending this money when she had such a huge debt but today, under these drugs, whatever her pussy wanted, it was going to get. She walked out of the store with her new dildo in a brown paper bag, and a range of liquids in bottles in a special cooler-bag. The clerk had told her they’d need refrigeration tonight, but they’d last just fine in the cooler until then.

Back at the office, Laura once again headed straight for the toilets. She locked herself in a stall, and then immediately began pulling off her tape panties. They had been a stupid, slutty idea that had humiliated her in public. Sure enough, underneath them her pussy was soaking wet, enough that Laura’s cunt juices were actively dripping from her pussy into the toilet bowl. Laura’s hands had gotten wet just removing the tape, so she lifted them to her lips and licked them clean. They tasted like sweaty, slutty cunt, which Laura loved. She then removed the clips she’d put on her labia. Just the absence of the constant pain in her twat lips was itself a stimulant, and she sighed happily. Finally, she pulled the panty-and-glue-stick package out of her snatch. She moaned a little as it slid free.

Her panties were, of course, now soaking wet. She couldn’t wear them like this. She extracted the plastic tube of the glue stick from them – how tiny it looked next to her new strap-on! – and then contemplated the sodden lingerie. It smelled like cunt. On an impulse, she put the panties in her mouth and started sucking on them. The cunt juices flowed out of the panties and onto her tongue. They tasted amazing. She left the panties in her mouth, sucking on them appreciatively, while she used toilet paper to dab at her pussy and try and soak up her twat nectar.

Once her cunt was dry, Laura was ready to go back to her desk. But her eyes fell on the brown paper bag from the adult store. She decided to make her lunch a little longer and look at her new toy. She couldn’t put it in her vagina, of course, because she would just end up orgasming again, but…

She pulled her panties out of her mouth, and then held the long plastic schlong in her hands. It was contoured much like a real penis, although it was slightly larger than all but the most well-endowed of cocks. It had bulges about halfway along and again at the tip. She lifted it to her mouth and put the tip between her lips experimentally. It felt good there. It reminded Laura of pleasant associations, like sucking on a lollipop or ice-cream, or the range of pacifiers and binkies she had had as a child. Laura had always enjoyed having things in her mouth, and in fact had not stopped sucking her thumb at night till the age of 13. She let the dildo slip between her lips and into her mouth, where she started sucking on it gently.

It felt great. She imagined the dildo strapped to Erica’s groin, with Laura sucking on it while Erica stroked her hair. But what else could it do?

Laura fished around in the cooler bag and brought out the fake semen. There was enough in the bottle to fill the dildo about three times; she removed the dildo from her mouth, opened the base, and poured a serving into the dildo’s tank. She looked at the settings, and decided to activate the “pre-cum”, ejaculate randomly, and no vibration except for the ejaculation kick. Then she put the dildo back in her mouth.

Almost immediately after she started to suck, she felt the pre-cum begin to leak onto her tongue. It was syrupy and salty, and warmer than she had expected, heated by the dildo’s internal motors. Also, it tasted incredible. She almost moaned with delight. Was this what cum had always tasted like, or was it just the serum? No wonder so many women were willing to suck cock if this was their reward. It was a shame it had to come out of men. She continued to suck on the plastic cock, and, for the sake of realism, began to use her hand to fuck the shaft in and out of her lips slightly.

Her pussy was dripping again, but she ignored it. In fact, she clamped her thighs tightly together. She really wanted to play with the cock, but she couldn’t afford to let herself finger her pussy or she’d orgasm again like a slut. Laura had more control than that, she was sure.

With her free hand, she got out her phone, and brought up the picture of Erica’s cunt. There it was – nude and delightful. Laura sighed happily around the fake schlong in her mouth. But there was something else she wanted to see. She brought up her web browser, and Googled “blowjob”. Was she doing it right? Was this realistic? She had to know.

Soon her phone screen was filled with images of big-titted sluts sucking on cocks. She realized she was holding the cock at the wrong angle – a real man’s dick wouldn’t bend that far down – and changed her posture so she was hunched over the dildo, her face bobbing up and down above it rather than below it. And all these girls had their tits out. Laura unbuttoned her blouse, and then pulled her large boobs free of her bra. There – that felt more correct.

Suddenly the dildo kicked in her hand, and all at once her mouth was flooded with warm, sticky semen. Laura gasped in surprise, and some of the sperm drooled out of her lips and dripped down onto her now-naked tits. Recovering quickly, she started to swallow, and was able to stop any more of the spunk from escaping her mouth. It felt so good to have her mouth filled with the hot liquid. It felt… right. She waited until the dildo had stopped kicking, and then actively sucked the last of the sperm out of it, using her tongue to clean the plastic shaft, before finally removing it from her mouth.

Well, she thought, looking at the sex toy, that was money well spent.

She tucked the dildo back in the bag. She wasn’t going to clean it now in the sink and risk someone walking into the bathroom – it would have to wait till that night. She looked down at her tits, and the splatter of sperm on them. It would be a shame to let any of the expensive serum go to waste, so she wiped her tits clean with her hand, and then licked the sperm off her hand. Then she tucked her melons back into her bra and did up her blouse.

Her pussy was another problem. She didn’t think she could make it through an afternoon with another round of the distracting tape between her pussy lips. But on the other hand, if she went back out with no panties she would drool whore syrup all over her chair, and everyone would be able to smell her cunt.

She looked at the crumpled-up wad of her wet panties, which were sitting on her knee. She had an idea. Opening the door of the toilet stall, she peered around to make sure she was alone in the bathroom. Then she quickly ran to the sinks, held her panties under the tap, and soaked them with water. She rubbed at them as the water ran over them, and then began to wring them out a few times, trying to wash out as much of the cunt juice as possible. When she’d done as much as she was prepared to risk – someone could walk in at any time – she turned off the water, wrung them out more to try and get the moisture out, and then ran back to the toilet stall.

The panties were sopping wet now, but they didn’t smell like cunt, and if Laura was lucky the wetness would mask the smell of her very overused beaver. She wrung them out one last time into the toilet bowl, to minimize their dripping, and then put a sanitary pad into the crotch and pulled them up her legs. The underwear was cold and moist against her groin, and it clung to her ass crack in a distracting way, but she thought she could get away with it. She collected her bags, stepped out of the toilet, and looked at herself in the mirror. She didn’t look great. She was sweaty, her clothes were in a bit of disarray, her face was flushed, and Laura was pretty sure she could see her erect nipples even through her bra and shirt. But if she crossed her arms over her chest to hide her nipples, she could otherwise get away with still claiming it was just a flu. Satisfied, Laura went back to her desk.

The rest of the day passed, if not easily, then at least without further embarrassment. The delicious taste of the cum stayed in Laura’s mouth even after she drank four glasses of water to replace the spent fluids. Her pussy appeared to calm down, presumably from the drugs beginning to wear off, even though Laura’s thoughts regularly turned to how wonderful the plastic dick had felt in her mouth, and the magical moment when it had started to kick and spray her tongue with semen.

By the end of the day Laura felt like she was, finally, in control of her body and her thoughts again. She could look back on the things she’d done that day and feel disgust and embarrassment. She’d acted like a whore. She’d done stupid, disgusting things that had humiliated her in public and could have cost her her job, if anyone had found out. What kind of a slut was she?

And of course, now, just as she was feeling human, she had to take the pills again, for her trip to the clinic. She didn’t want to. But that photo of the blackmailer’s knife was still in her thoughts, so she swallowed her dose, and began her slutty, wet-pussied walk to the clinic.

Chapter 7


The aphrodisiac pills were torture. Laura’s body had barely finished dealing with the ones she had taken that morning; another dose already was insufferable. By the time she had finished her walk to the Mayim Clinic her panties were freshly soaked, and cunt juices were dribbling down the inside of Laura’s legs. Laura didn’t care. She was using all her willpower just to avoid pulling up her skirt and masturbating right here in the street. She knew that up ahead, at the Clinic, she would get to sit in that wonderful chair, and let it fuck her twat while she watched porn.

She was in for a disappointment.

Amy met Laura in the clinic waiting room. She looked at Laura’s flushed face, heard her heavy breathing, and had to stifle a giggle.

“Oh honey,” she said, “did you take the pills for tonight as well as during the day? You didn’t need to! We’re not putting you in the chair tonight!”

Laura almost collapsed. No chair? But her pussy needed it. She needed to feel the long plastic dildo inside her. She needed the pressure at her anus. She needed to be strapped down and made to cum, again and again.

“What…” she started to ask, and then realized that she was still in view of the receptionist. She hurried out of the waiting room and into the clinic corridor, and then said, “What do you mean? I take the pill every time I come here.”

“Not tonight,” said Amy. She reached out and gently touched Laura’s chin, pushing it upwards. Laura found herself looking into Amy’s eyes, and she realized she had been staring at Amy’s tits.

“Then what are we doing?” asked Laura.

“We’re just going to download the data from your implant, and then talk to you about the next stage. You don’t even need to get undressed.”

Laura felt like crying. She knew in her heart that she was acting like a slut, but she couldn’t help herself. The drugs were pushing aside all rational thought and all she could think about was her pussy.

“Could I… use the chair anyway?” she asked quietly.

Amy was smirking in a way that was mostly sympathetic but more than a little cruel. “No, that’s an expensive chair, Laura. It’s not just there to service your pussy.”

Laura blushed and looked away. But she still wanted it.

“I’ll tell you what. Honestly, we could probably get our readings from the chip easier if you were undressed, so you can get naked if you want. And then, if you want to play with your pussy while we do our work, I’ll pretend that it’s not super-disgusting, okay? But Royce will be there, and he’ll be watching.”

Laura understood what Amy was telling her. She could get naked and masturbate in public, in front of a boy, even though they didn’t need her to and in fact didn’t want her to.

“Can I go use a bathroom and do it there?” she asked.

“No, we need to get started,” said Amy. “If you’re going to be a whore, you’ll need to do it while we’re getting work done.”

Laura nodded, and quietly said, “Okay.”

Amy took her to a new room, one much like a doctor’s office. Royce was waiting here. The room was small, and Royce was closer than Laura had thought he would be, almost looming over her. But she was a slave to the drugs, so, trembling, she started pulling off her clothes.

Royce watched with delight as Laura’s large tits popped into her view, and clearly enjoyed seeing Laura expose her sopping wet, pouty cunt. He enjoyed it even more when Laura followed Amy’s direction to lie on the surgical bed with her legs spread, and then began to gently stroke her bare twat.

“You know, we don’t need you to touch yourself, Laura,” said Royce.

Laura felt like crying still. “I know,” she said, her voice breaking, as she continued to finger her cunt. Dimly Laura wondered where Dr Windred was tonight; ultimately, she decided she didn’t care.

As Laura masturbated, Amy waved a device like a TV remote over Laura’s vagina, presumably downloading from the implant. Laura let the pleasure roll over her and moved from stroking herself to vigorously fucking her fingers in and out of her cunt. She closed her eyes.

“Laura!” said Amy sharply, and Laura opened her eyes again. “Royce has things to tell you about the program. I need you to look at him, please.”

Laura looked at Royce. He was grinning at her. She realized she was looking at a boy while masturbating. A real boy, close enough to touch her. A boy who was looking at and enjoying her naked tits and twat. It was so wrong. She fingerfucked her cunt harder, making little involuntary slutty moans.

“Okay, Laura, we’ve got your baseline readings from you now,” Royce said. “Thank you so much for coming in and pleasuring yourself on our machines.”

“Thank you for letting me play with myself like a whore,” Laura said. That was what she was supposed to say, wasn’t it? It was so hard to think on the aphrodisiac drugs.

“We’re now moving into the active program. The goal of the program, as you know, is to sexually reorient you so you enjoy and indeed crave sex with males. As you know, that’s not possible, because you were born a lesbian, so you don’t need to be too worried.”

That sounded good to Laura. She nodded and pushed her fingers further into her fuckhole.

“Now, honestly, some of the components of the program will involve you doing strange things at home, and some of them directly involve your lover. Her name’s Erica, right?”

Laura nodded.

“You’re simply not going to be able to conceal them all from Erica. So, it’s really important that you secure her cooperation. There’s a lot of ways you can do this – Laura, are you listening?”

Laura wasn’t listening. She was focusing on her pussy. Roy petulantly reached out and pinched Laura’s nipple. She squealed. He pinched it again.

“Are you paying attention now?”

Laura nodded enthusiastically. Her boob hurt where he had pinched it. She noticed he hadn’t let go of her breast; his hand was still resting on it. It felt good.

“Okay, so as I was saying, you need to secure Erica’s cooperation. You can do it a lot of ways. You can be honest and truthful with her and gain her support. That’s a good strategy, but you should bear in mind some of the components of the program are pretty strange. She might not be okay with them. What we recommend instead is that you set up a situation with your lover where she knows to do what you say and not ask questions. You should teach her that sex happens when you want it, not when she does, that you don’t ask permission, and that sometimes it involves hurting or degrading her. You should teach her to ask permission to not do things that she dislikes, rather than just tell you she won’t do them. You should make her feel guilty and insecure so that she doesn’t want to confront you about things. Do you think you can do that, Laura?”

Degrading Erica. Right now, it seemed so naughty. Yes – Laura wanted that. She wanted to push Erica down and just rape her. Erica was submissive anyway; she liked it when Laura took charge. Laura just had to tell Erica to be good and behave for a few months while she got this program stuff done. Laura nodded to Royce. Yes, she could dominate her girlfriend.

Royce squeezed Laura’s tit appreciatively. She gasped with happiness.

“Okay, so to show you’re ready to go, we’ll need you to bring us some pictures of Erica. You don’t need to come in tomorrow, so your next session is Monday night. Bring us the pictures before then. We need a photo of Erica completely naked. We need a close up of her cunt. We need a photo of her masturbating, a photo of her with an object inserted in her pussy, and a photo of her pissing. Remember to take your pill before coming in on Monday, okay?”

Laura nodded. She felt her orgasm approaching. And then Royce squeezed her tit again, and it sent her over the edge. She bucked up and down on the table, squealing with happiness, looking into Royce’s eyes.

“Good kitten,” he said, and stroked her hair as she came down from her orgasm.


Laura was still feeling the effects of the drugs as she got home. Because she hadn’t had a session in the chair, she was home earlier than expected, and caught Erica still making dinner.

“Oh, honey, you’re early. Was there not enough work tonight?” asked the gorgeous strawberry blonde girl. She was wearing an apron over the top of a short summer dress.

Work? Laura remembered she had told Erica that she was working at the clinic. She also remembered what Royce had said about controlling Erica. She looked at her lover, with the kitchen light shining through her hair, and she remembered how much she loved this girl, and how lucky she was to have her. And then her pussy twitched, and she remembered how much she wanted to fuck her, as well.

“I’m going to fuck you,” said Laura, in a throaty, sexy voice that wasn’t like her at all. She walked towards Erica and grabbed Erica’s shoulders, pushing Erica down towards the floor.

“The dinner’s on,” protested Erica. “I need to watch it.”

Laura let go of Erica, walked over to the stove, and turned off all the burners. Satisfied that nothing would catch on fire, she walked back to Erica, lifted her skirt, reached into Erica’s panties, and cruelly pinched Erica’s clitoris. Erica shrieked and fell against Laura, trying to pull her pussy away from Laura’s hand.

“When I say I’m going to fuck you, you get on your knees, because you love me, do you understand?” whispered Laura.

“What?” squealed Erica. Laura pinched her clitoris again, producing another squeal.

“When I say I’m going to fuck you, you get on your knees,” repeated Laura. “What do you do when I say I’m going to fuck you?” She prodded at Erica’s clit again for emphasis.

“I get on my knees,” gasped Erica, clearly on the edge of tears. She was shocked at Laura’s sudden violence and didn’t know what was going on.

“Good girl,” said Laura. She released Erica’s clit, and looked at Erica expectantly. Slowly, the girl sank to her knees, her face level with Laura’s cunt.

Laura raised her skirt, pulled her panties aside, and guided Erica’s mouth to her swollen, moisty twat. She gasped happily as Erica began to obediently lick at her.

“I don’t think you’re grateful enough to me,” said Laura as Erica lapped at her fuckhole. “You were a submissive little whore in school. You didn’t even have the guts to come out and confess you were a lesbian. I had to seduce you before you even admitted how much you like cunt.” She pulled Erica’s face tighter against her cunny. “If it weren’t for me, I bet you have ended up letting some boy fuck you. Instead of having a career and a lovely house and a girlfriend, you’d be some boy’s little fuckbitch, down on all fours every night getting cum in your pussy.”

Laura felt Erica start to shake, and she realized Erica was crying. The licking hadn’t stopped, but Laura started to feel guilty, and she would have pulled away and apologized to Erica if, at that moment, she hadn’t felt the most wonderful feeling – Erica’s hot, salty tears against Laura’s inner thigh. Erica was literally crying into Laura’s cunt, and it was one of the most erotic things she had ever experienced. Laura gasped with sudden delight and pushed harder against Erica’s face. As Erica cried and licked, her breath occasionally caught in long, shuddering sobs, and each time the sudden change of rhythm in Erica’s breath made Laura feel amazing. How had she never realized how good it was to be licked out by a crying girl?

She knew why Erica was so distressed, of course. There was an element of truth in what Laura was saying. Erica had been brought up to expect to be married to a decent man and play housewife. She had no interest in boys, but she probably really would have just let some man marry her and rape her every night if Laura hadn’t intervened.

“I love you so much and give you so much,” Laura continued as Erica ate her pussy, “and all I ask is that you keep the house financed. But you can’t even do that right. I have to go out and work a second job to make up for the fact that you’re too much of a prude to fuck whoever you need to get promoted.”

That too was true. Erica often talked about how her boss made come-ons to her; she was fairly certain if she submitted to her boss’ advances she would receive a promotion. But she was a lesbian, and he was a man, and besides Erica turned red even talking about sex, let alone offering herself up as a prostitute to her boss.

“So that’s why….” Laura began, steeling herself for the bluff she was about to make next, and at the same time feeling a wonderful trembling start in her pussy. “That’s why… I’m going to break up with you.” And just as she said it, and as Erica gasped in shock and horror, Laura orgasmed, bucking her hips against Erica’s face.

Erica pulled away from Laura’s pussy. There were tears streaming down her face, mingling with the juices from Laura’s pussy. A moment ago, Laura would have found it erotic, but now, coming down from her orgasm, it just looked pathetic.

“Why?” cried Erica. “I love you! I love you so much!”

“You don’t act like it,” said Laura. “You’re always complaining about what I spend my money on and implying that I flirt with boys like some kind of slut and saying no to me when I want you to pretend to be some kind of sexy character I’ve seen on TV.”

“I do! I love you!” wept Erica. She was still down on her knees, and now she crawled forward and tried to hug Laura’s leg. Laura jerked her leg out of the way.

“Are you asking me to give you another chance?” asked Laura.

“Yes, yes,” cried Erica. She looked so pathetic down there, sniveling and wet and covered with cunt slime.

“What will you do to earn a second chance?” asked Laura.

“Anything,” pleaded Erica. “Please, anything. I’ll be good.”

“I want three things from you,” said Laura. She had thought about what she was going to ask for. She had to make it clear to Erica that things were different now and teach Erica that she really would do anything to be with Laura.

“What?” asked Erica. “Anything!”

“First, I want you to be more sexually available. I want you to grant my every sexual fantasy. It doesn’t matter what it is, it doesn’t matter if you enjoy it or even if you hate it. You do what I say, without asking questions, without making comment.”

“Yes!” gasped Erica, still crying. “Yes, I’ll do it.”

“Think about it, baby,” said Laura. She reached down and stroked Erica’s face. “Anything. If I want to slap you while we fuck, I’ll slap you. If I want to urinate in your mouth, you’ll drink it. Are you really read to do whatever I want?”

Erica looked horrified by the thought of drinking Laura’s urine, and to be honest Laura was horrified by it too. She didn’t want to do that to Erica. But she needed to know Erica wasn’t going to wuss out at the first kinky demand. Leaving aside the Clinic, Laura did have some fairly specific fantasies she wanted Erica’s help with, and some of them involved the plastic strap-on cock she’d bought that day.

“Erica?” prompted Laura.

“Yes,” said a defeated Erica.

“I can slap you while we fuck?” asked Laura.

“Yes,” said Erica quietly.

“Good girl,” said Laura. She moved her leg, to let Erica cuddle up to it like a pet. Erica hugged it gratefully.

“Secondly,” said Laura, “I want a better level of devotion from my girlfriend. I don’t want to come home and find you still cooking dinner or loafing around like a lazy slut.”

“I won’t,” mumbled Erica, but Laura wasn’t finished.

“You know those play handcuffs in the underwear drawer, honey? I want you to use them. When I come home, I want to find you kneeling naked on the floor, in front of the front door, with the door wide open and your hands cuffed behind your back, ready to lick my pussy.”

Erica looked worried. “With the door open? But… people will see me…”

“Probably not. If you don’t turn the lights on in the hallway they’ll have to look hard to see you. And even if they do notice you naked and kneeling like a good little slut, so what? They’ll just know that I have a great girlfriend, and that’s okay.” Laura stroked Erica’s face. “You have lovely tits, baby. It’s a shame the way you always hide them away.”

Erica self-consciously pressed her breasts against Laura’s leg.

“Will you do it?” asked Laura. “Every night, naked and kneeling.”

Erica looked up at Laura, searching for a way out, a sign that Laura would relent. But there was none. “Yes,” she finally said, in a quiet voice.

Laura smiled. “And finally, I want to cum in your pussy.”

“What?” gasped Erica. “What do you mean?”

Laura bent down and picked up the bag from the adult shop.

“No questions, no protests, remember? I’m going to explain what’s going to happen, and you’re going to keep your pretty mouth shut unless you’re using it to lick something. If you say one word, it is over between us.”

She got out one of the vials and looked at it. It was disgusting, which meant it was perfect for breaking Erica in right now.

“This is pig cum,” said Laura, holding up the vial. “I’m pouring it into a special ejaculating strap-on cock.”

Erica watched as Laura filled the plastic cock from the vial. The pig cum was surprisingly fluid – Laura had expected something sticky and chunky, for some reason.

“I’m going to strap on this dildo, and then I’m going to fuck you in the pussy with it. I’m not going to care about whether you’re enjoying it, because this is you showing me you’ll do what it takes to stay with me. Eventually the dildo is going to “cum” and spray the inside of your pretty little womb with pig semen.”

Erica looked like she might be sick. Laura ignored her.

“Then I’m going to refill the dildo with more pig cum, and then I’m going to fuck your mouth with it, until I cum there too. You’re going to swallow every last drop of the pig cum, or it’s over between us. Okay?”

Erica was crying again, but she nodded. Laura pulled Erica’s face towards her cunt in a comforting motion, but it was really intended to let Laura feel that wonderful sensation of Erica crying into her cunt again. She knew that Erica was hers to control. Maybe not totally – there would be some things Erica would rebel at – but if she was going to let Laura ejaculate pig cum into her mouth, then clearly Laura had a strong hold over her.


Erica kept crying all the way to the bedroom. It was sexy up to a point, but annoying and off-putting after that. Laura finally took pity on her and fetched her a glass of water with one of the Clinic’s aphrodisiac pills secretly mixed into it. She watched Erica drink it, and then sat on the bed with Erica, stroking her hair and kissing her, until the pill kicked in. She knew it was working when Erica started to breathe heavily and become flushed. She was aroused, despite the imminent threat of rape and pig semen.

With Erica primed, Laura buckled the strap on around her waist. It had a smaller, but still significant, dildo on the interior side of the harness that pushed deliciously into Laura’s fuckhole. Any motion on the main dildo would cause a similar motion inside Laura. Plastic cock attached, Laura pushed Erica down on the bed and spread her legs.

Laura moaned with delight as she slid the strap-on into Erica’s twat. She had fucked Erica with a dildo before, but not like this. The vibrators in the strap-on buzzed at just the right frequency, and the interior dildo pushed hard against Laura’s cunt as the main phallus met resistance in Erica’s tight little cunny. On top of all that, it reminded Laura of the videos she had seen at the clinic, of men fucking women, and that in turn reminded her of the chair, of having repeated public orgasms in front of the beautiful Amy.

Erica moaned too, unable to help herself with the Mayim Clinic drugs in her system. Laura leaned down and kissed her girlfriend on the lips. Erica’s mouth was wet and soft, and Laura was immediately addicted to sucking on Erica’s salty, nimble tongue. The two girls made muffled noises of happiness as they passionately French kissed, and Laura slowly pumped her hips up and down against her lover’s slutbox.

Remembering that she was supposed to be educating Erica, Laura pulled away, contemplated her lover’s ecstasy-flushed face, and then slapped Erica sharply across the cheek with her hand. Erica squealed, but before she could complain Laura was leaning down and kissing her again.

For the next little while Laura repeated this pattern – fucking Erica’s pussy while kissing her, and then pulling away and painfully slapping her, before returning for more kisses. She wriggled her hand down between their wet, nude bodies, and found Erica’s clitoris, which she started to painfully and randomly pinch as they fucked. A confused Erica tried to protest the pain but was at the same time filled with arousal and lust from the drugs. Laura made a game of it, seeing how much pain and shock she could give Erica without Erica losing her arousal. She pulled hard on Erica’s nipples, pulled her hair, and wiggled an unwelcome finger into Erica’s anus. By the time Laura was close to cumming, Erica was crying again, tears running from her eyes even as she enthusiastically bucked back against Laura’s plastic strap-on.

Then the strap on started to twitch as its internal sensors decided it was time to cum. Laura disappointingly couldn’t feel anything special as it started to spurt its payload into Erica, but she could tell from Erica’s horrified face that her lover most definitely COULD feel it, and was intensely aware of the sticky white pig sperm being sprayed into her uterus. Laura slapped Erica’s surprised, disgusted face again, and then leaned in kiss the girl just as Laura’s own orgasm exploded delightfully in her cunt.

Erica hadn’t cum, but Laura didn’t care. This felt wonderful; fucking a girl violently, just taking what Laura wanted and using her like a toy. She realized that this was something that had been building up inside her – her resentment at Erica for having a better job, for making more money. She wanted to hurt Erica for being better than Laura. She wanted to hurt Erica for making Laura feel worthless by comparison. She wanted to hurt Erica for being such a submissive, useless cunt. Most of all, Laura felt powerless and scared about what was happening to her with her blackmailer and with the clinic and with her boss, and she felt trapped and degraded, and she really, really wanted to take it out on someone. And here was Erica, being a sexy, obedient little fuckpig. She slapped Erica again for good measure.

Before, she would have been scared that Erica would leave her if Laura acted like this. But that was before she’d discovered just how much Erica would do to stay with her. Now she knew that Erica would let Laura rape and hit her, and it was all okay. If anything, Laura realized, she would have to keep going now. If she kept using Erica like this, Erica would learn it was normal. If Laura backed off or apologized, Erica might realize just how fucked up tonight was, and think twice about it.

Once she’d recovered from her orgasm, Laura climbed off Erica. Both girls were dripping with sweat in a very appealing way. Laura reached down and grabbed the plastic cock to remove it from the halter. Her hand ended up sticky with cunt nectar and pig sperm. She hurriedly opened the base of the cock, refilled it with more pig sperm from the bottle, and then reattached it. She looked at her sticky, spermy hand, and then reached down and deliberately wiped it clean in Erica’s hair. Erica recoiled in disgust but said nothing. She looked up at Laura with pleading, hurting eyes, so Laura slapped her again.

Next Laura moved around so she was in a 69 position over Erica, the plastic cock lined up with Erica’s mouth. “Open up, honey,” she said, and pushed her hips forward. Erica clearly didn’t want to open her mouth – the tip of the dildo was still smeared with pig cum from its first use – but as Laura kept pushing down with more pressure, Erica eventually submitted and allowed the strap-on into her mouth. Laura pressed a little further, but then realized that the full length of the cock wouldn’t fit into Erica’s mouth without Erica gagging. She briefly regretted never teaching Erica to suppress her gag reflex previously, but then Laura had never realized she’d want to do this to Erica until this week. Laura could hardly complain – she’d have just as much difficulty swallowing a cock of that size. She would have to practice, she thought to herself.

In any case, she settled for clamping Erica’s head hard between her knees, and keeping her crotch raised slightly above Erica’s mouth so as not to choke her. It meant she wouldn’t be able to feel Erica’s breath and her tears on her cunt, but Laura supposed she couldn’t have anything. Once she was sure Erica was managing the phallus, Laura began to slowly and gently pump her hips up and down, driving the cock in and out of Erica’s lips.

While Erica struggled to suck on the big plastic dick, Laura contemplated her lover’s pussy. It was wet and engorged and sopping wet with pussy juices, but it also had a thick slimy rope of pig cum dripping from it. Laura was initially repulsed, but then she remembered her experience sucking on the strap on today. The cum had tasted good. Would this taste good too? It came from a pig – which was disgusting. A male pig. A real one, too – this wasn’t a fake substitute. But it looked so sexy there, in her lover’s twat. It seemed so obvious looking at it that this was how a vagina was meant to look – wet, ready for fucking, and with a trace of semen leaking from it.

Laura’s cunt made her decision for her. It wanted sex. it wanted slutty, whorish actions. It wanted to cum again and again. Bowing to its commands, Laura leant forward and began licking Erica’s beaver.

And oh, it was good. The cunt juices were thick and nectary and flavored with sweat, while the cum was thick and sticky and salty. Erica squealed and tried to pull her cunt away when Laura started, clearly repulsed by the idea of her lover deliberately licking cum from her pussy, but Laura held her still, and pushed the strap-on a bit further into Erica’s mouth than was comfortable by way of warning, and Erica got the message and held still. With Erica compliant, Laura was free to bury her face in the delicious, wet pussy, to rub her cheeks and nose all around in Erica’s soft moist dampness, and to probe her tongue as deep into Erica’s snatch as it would go to lick out the cum. When it became clear her tongue had tasted everything it could reach, Laura started digging her fingers into Erica’s fuckhole, pulling out big scoops of semen and then licking them from her fingers.

It was amazing. A part of Laura felt uncomfortable with it. Could she be a lesbian and like the taste of cum? Apparently, she could. She didn’t want a man to put it into her, but when the semen got in her mouth anyway it was an amazing sensation. It was like rich, melting chocolate, only better. It was like a sweet vodka mix, only better. It was like sugar melting on her tongue, only better. She couldn’t get enough of it.

At some point during the exploration of Erica’s snatch, Erica orgasmed. Laura didn’t care. In fact, she felt annoyed; Erica shouldn’t get to enjoy this. She viciously pinched Erica’s clitoris as Erica shuddered and moaned around the fat plastic cock, but the pinches only seemed to make Erica cum harder. Laura vindictively pushed her plastic cock further into Erica’s mouth until she felt Erica start to choke and smiled. That was more like it. She let Erica choke for a little, and then pulled back.

After a while, Laura felt her strap-on twitching again, and smiled happily at the thought that it was even now filling Erica’s mouth with the delicious pig sperm. She sighed happily, resting her face against Erica’s pussy, until the strap-on had done its work, and then quickly pulled out of Erica’s mouth, turned around so as to reverse the 69, sunk the cock back into Erica’s twat, and then began to kiss Erica passionately on the mouth.

As she had hoped, Erica’s mouth still tasted of sperm. Laura ran her tongue around the inside of Erica’s mouth, catching the last drips of semen and delightedly sucking them down her throat. Erica only moaned, overwhelmed and broken. Laura bucked against Erica’s pussy until she herself came a second time, and then finally pulled out.

As she lay there next to the exhausted Erica, she unbuckled the strap on and passed it to her girlfriend.

“This is for you to clean. it was nice to you today, so you kiss it to say thank you before anything else. Then you clean it. Cleaning it means you lick it clean as far as possible with your tongue. Then you pour water into the inside of it, tip the water back out, and drink the water. That pig cum is expensive and I want to make sure we don’t waste any. It all goes inside you. Once you’ve done that you clean it inside and outside with soap and water, okay?”

Erica nodded, forlornly. Laura could see she was about to start crying again. She leaned over and kissed Erica.

“Good girl,” she said. “Good little lesbian slut.”

And she thought to herself that if sex from now on was going to be like this, the Clinic had done her a favor in suggesting she treat Erica this way.

Chapter 8


Friday at work was much easier than the rest of the week had been. Laura hadn’t taken the aphrodisiacs, and her sexual urges were under control. She didn’t have to deal with having a wet, needy pussy. Her boss left her alone, having blessedly seemed to forget his request for her to show her his bra in the mornings. Candy left her alone. Laura was able to just do her work and go home.

When she got home there was a delightful surprise. She had almost forgotten her new rules for Erica, but there her lover was, naked and kneeling in front of the front door of the house, her hands cuffed behind her back. Laura beamed with delight and told Erica what a lovely and good girlfriend she was. Erica smiled back happily. Laura closed the front door, raised her skirt, grabbed a handful of Erica’s hair, and guided Erica’s mouth towards her pussy.

After a short session of licking had brought Laura to orgasm, she let her lover stand on her feet, and kissed her on the lips tenderly. However, she didn’t let Erica wear clothes, or clean the cunt juices from her face, and of course she left Erica’s hands cuffed behind her back.

Erica had prepared dinner before stripping and cuffing herself. The two girls sat at the table and ate their meals. Laura considered making Erica eat by putting her face into the food like a dog but took mercy and instead fed Erica from her hand, with Erica pressing her face into Laura’s palm to collect each individual chuck of food one at a time. It was a surprisingly sensual and erotic experience to hand-feed her lover, and afterwards Laura got out the strap-on and repeated last night’s sex session. She noted with approval that Erica had cleaned the dildo well, and she congratulated Erica on her good work while she slapped and raped the girl and sprayed pig cum into her pussy and mouth. Erica cried during the sex but didn’t resist.

As they lay in bed that night, Erica quietly asked, “Why are you hurting me like this?” Laura answered by slapping Erica, and telling her their deal was that Erica never, ever asked questions. Erica shut up dutifully, but Laura realized that there was more work to be done on settling Erica into this pattern of degradation and submission.

The next morning, Laura had realized her solution. She had woken Erica up by gently easing the strap-on into Erica’s pussy, and Erica had woken up with a gasp.

“Why do you like this, Erica?” Laura asked gently as the confused girl struggled to wakefulness.

“What?” asked Erica.

“Why do you like being fucked by a cock?” asked Laura.

“What… I don’t…” began Erica.

“It always gets your pussy wet,” said Laura. “That first night you were dripping wet at the thought.”

Erica didn’t know what to say. She had been wet on Thursday night, even as she was raped and degraded. Even as she was crying. She didn’t know what to say.

“I’ve always suspected that secretly you weren’t a lesbian,” said Laura.

“I am!” protested Erica.

“Secretly you like cock, don’t you?” Laura continued, fucking the dildo in and out of Erica’s snatch.

“No!” said Erica.

Laura leaned in close and whispered in Erica’s ear, as she drove the strap-on deep inside Erica. “If I ever catch you slutting onto a boy,” said Laura quietly, “I will torture your pretty little tits and cunt until you beg for mercy. I will make them sing with pain and people will hear you screaming from five houses away.” She caressed Erica’s cheek with her hand. “And then I will dump you like the worthless little hetero slut that you are.” She bit Erica’s ear gently, and then said, “Do you understand?”

Erica only nodded, confused and on the verge of tears. She didn’t know why Laura was suddenly like this. It was so sudden and inexplicable that Erica knew it had to be something that she herself had done wrong. But she didn’t know what and she didn’t know how to fix it. And she was worried there was a grain of truth in what Laura had said, because even though the plastic strap-on hurt and was disgusting, it somehow felt very right, filling up her pussy like that…

Laura pressed her lips against Erica’s, her large tits flattened against Erica’s smaller ones, and fucked Erica’s twat with the dildo until both girls orgasmed.


After the sex, Laura put her plan into motion. She told Erica that she had been a good fuck and deserved a reward. She left Erica lying in bed and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for both of them. It didn’t take her long to fry some eggs and cook some toast; she accompanied the food with glasses of orange juice. Except that Erica’s juice secretly contained the powdered residue of two of the Mayim Clinic’s aphrodisiac pills.

She brought the food to Erica in bed and watched as Erica ate the food and drank the juice. Afterwards, she cleared away the plates, and then sat with Erica until she saw the drugs take hold. Erica’s face became flushed, her breathing began to quicken, and Laura noted one of Erica’s hands unconsciously move beneath the bedsheets to gently cup and massage Erica’s vagina.

Satisfied that Erica was now thinking with her cunt, just as Laura had been on Thursday, Laura immediately pulled her girlfriend out of bed. Erica, whose finger had just been about to start slowly stroking her clitoris, moaned in frustration.

“Come on, get up, lazybones,” Laura said cheerfully. “Michael and Taylor from my work are coming to visit today. We need to get you dressed.”

She led Erica into the shower, and the two girls shared the cubicle as the hot water showered the sex from their bodies. The drugs were making Erica affectionate, and she kept pressing her body up against Laura’s. Erica was an extremely sexy girl, and Laura found it hard to stay focused with Erica’s wet tits rubbing against her and Erica’s nude shaven cunt pressing up against her leg. She wanted to drag Erica back into the bedroom and rape her again, but she knew she didn’t have that long until Michael and Taylor were due. She settled for a warm, steamy tongue kiss and an intimate, loving hug, before getting back to the business of cleaning Erica up.

Afterward they dried off and got dressed. Laura dressed first, making Erica wait naked until she was done. She picked out one of her favorite princess-style dresses, with a faux-corset top that presented her breasts attractively, and long billowing skirts. It was all in pink, of course, to match her hair, and she complemented it with a silver necklace that drew the eye down towards her cleavage. As she looked at herself in the mirror she smiled; it was perfect for teasing Michael – demure yet very fuckable.

But hopefully Michael would be looking at someone else today. Laura turned to regard Erica. Erica’s hand was between her legs again, her fingers buried in her snatch, and Laura had to slap the hand away.

“Oh, god, Erica, stop being such a slut,” said Laura. “Are you just going to play with yourself all day in front of Michael and Taylor?”

Erica at least had the self-awareness to blush.

“Can I even trust you to be a good host and not just lock yourself in the toilet and masturbate?” Laura demanded.

“I’m sorry,” said Erica. She was confused; she didn’t know why she felt this horny. It was like on Thursday when she had been so wet while Laura was raping her, except worse. She didn’t want to see Michael and Taylor. She just wanted to rub her cunt. Or better yet, she wanted Laura to fuck her again with that dildo. She didn’t even mind if it pumped pig cum inside her, if only it would let her orgasm…

“New rule for today,” said Laura. “Stay out of the toilet. I don’t want to see you go in there, okay?”

“Okay,” agreed Erica. She wondered what she was supposed to do if she needed to pee, but she was already embarrassed about her horniness and didn’t want to start a fight with her lover.

With that settled, Laura next arranged for the pictures that the Mayim Clinic had asked for. She told Erica that she wanted to take some sexy photos of Erica, to remind her that Erica loved her and wanted to fuck her. She got Erica to pose nude for her and took close ups of Erica’s tits and her cunt. Erica was confused but played along, posing and pouting for the girl she loved. She eagerly agreed when Laura asked her to masturbate for the next photo, grateful to touch her increasingly aroused pussy. But when Laura took her back to the shower cubicle and asked Erica to piss for the camera, Erica balked.

“Why would you want that?” she protested.

Laura slapped her, hard, across the face. “Have you already forgotten you don’t ask questions? I want a photo because if you do it, it shows you love me.”

Erica clutched at her slapped face, and reluctantly squatted nude in the shower. Her face flushed with humiliation as she concentrated, released her bladder, and pissed in front of her lover. Laura captured it with several photographs as her cunt tingled happily. She wasn’t turned on by the urine – that was gross – but making Erica do something so humiliating was more than a little delicious. She loved the blush on Erica’s face.

Afterwards, she got Erica to wipe her pussy clean, and then Laura picked out clothes for Erica. There was a strange selection. Laura picked out one of Erica’s pink G-strings and got Erica to wear it. Erica hadn’t worn this particular item since school, and she found she’d grown a bit. The G-string, which had once fit comfortably, now bit into her groin tightly. The front section failed to cover her entire mons, and Erica’s labia splayed out visibly to either side of the crotch section. The rear vanished between her ass cheeks.

Laura told Erica she was going without a bra today, and then showed Erica the rest of the outfit. It was Erica’s uniform from when she had been in private school, but with some changes. Laura appeared to have trimmed the hemline of the pleated tartan skirt; now it stopped just beneath Erica’s ass. If she bent at all, her butt cheeks were exposed. Her cunt was technically covered by the front, but only just.

The shirt was worse. It was a white short-sleeve button-up dress shirt, but the buttons had been removed. The shirt wouldn’t close in the front. It covered Erica’s medium-sized tits, but it left the skin between them wholly exposed, and each movement threatened to pull it back from her breasts and bare them to the world.

“What is this?” Erica asked. She had already let Laura pull the clothes onto her body before she realized what was wrong with them. She looked at herself in the mirror – she looked like a prostitute. A schoolgirl prostitute.

“You look so cute!” enthused Laura. “I’ve seen so many girls in Japan dressing this way. It’s the fashion.”

“My breasts are going to come out!” protested Erica.

“Nonsense. It’s just like a strapless dress or a tube top. Or a skirt, for that matter. You just have to learn how to wear it. You don’t do cartwheels in a skirt, you don’t do star jumps in a tube top. So you don’t go waving your arms around in this, and you’ll be just fine.”

Erica started to protest, so Laura kissed her on the lips. Erica melted immediately, the tension running out of her. She pressed her tits up against Laura and began to moan sluttily into Laura’s mouth. Her hands moved to fondle Laura’s melons. Laura broke off the kiss after a long minute and noted happily that Erica had completely forgotten her protests about the clothes.

After that, they did their makeup. Laura did Erica’s, choosing out the brightest sluttiest red lipstick for her lips, and adding blush to Erica’s cheeks to accentuate her already considerable level of sexual arousal.

Laura looked at her girlfriend. She looked like a whore. She looked like even more of a whore than Laura had on Thursday. It made Laura feel a little better about her own slutty actions while under the pill.

It was not long after they had finished getting ready that Laura heard a knock at the door. The visitors were here. Quickly, Laura picked up the remains of their breakfast dishes from the bedroom and made a show of beginning to take them to the kitchen. Erica followed. When they reached the lounge room, though, Laura deliberately dropped one of the smaller plates. It fell to the floor and broke into a number of small but visible pieces.

“Erica!” commanded Laura, placing the remaining dishes on the kitchen bench. “Stop standing around like an idiot! Pick up those pieces!” She didn’t wait to see if Erica obeyed, but instead went straight to the front door.

It turned out Michael and Taylor had arrived together. Michael, as big and burly as ever, was in denim jeans and a casual top. Laura immediately gave him a warm hug, noting with pleasure his embarrassment at having her breasts pressed against him. “Michael!” she enthused. “Oh, I’m so glad you could make it.”

Taylor, blonde and beautiful, stood behind him, in cut-off shirts and a babydoll. Laura had to bite her lip a little; her friend looked hot. She wondered if Taylor had always been so gorgeous, or whether it was just the heightened sexual awareness Laura was in this week. Quickly suppressing her lust, Laura gave Taylor a hug too.

Michael was already heading for the living room, so Laura moved quickly to stop him. “Wait up. Just so you know, I’ve had a talk with Erica about the way she’s dressed today. We had a fight, and she insists on dressing like this. Once she heard you were coming over, Michael, there was no persuading her otherwise for some reason. Anyway, please don’t start up the fight again. Just tell her that she looks pretty and pretend it’s normal, okay?”

Michael looked confused, but he agreed. His confusion changed to shock, though, when he reached the living room.

There was Erica, down on all fours on the carpet, picking up pieces of plate. Her ass was presented to the doorway, and Michael and Taylor could see straight up her obscenely short skirt to her panty-less crotch and had a perfect view of her anus and of her bare, clearly aroused pussy. Her button-less shirt hung open beneath her, and the outline of her tits could be easily made out swaying back and forth as she collected the pieces of plate.

“Erica!” said Laura sharply. “Stop teasing our visitors and say hello!”

Erica jumped to her feet, her hands clutching at her shirt, pulling it closed over her breasts. She was blushing even before she was upright, but the blush ran away into a shocked paleness as she realized the view that Michael and Taylor had just had. She swayed on her feet, and for a moment Laura was worried she might faint.

“Hi, Erica,” said Taylor, trying entirely too hard to sound normal. “You look pretty today.”

“I love the outfit,” said Michael, sincerely. Laura looked down and was unsurprised to see Michael’s cock tenting his pants. She felt a stab of jealousy. Normally it was HER teasing that did this to their friends. And SHE did it without dressing like a total slut.

Erica was still standing there like a stunned idiot. “Erica, say hello to our friends. Give them a hug,” suggested Laura. Erica showed no sign of moving, though, so Laura ended up grabbing Erica’s hand and pulling her over to Michael. Cautiously, Michael enfolded the whorishly-dressed lesbian girl in a hug. Erica responded stiffly at first, but then as she felt her tits touching Michael, and her legs rubbing against his legs, she made a little moan and started to hug him back tightly. She kept holding him until Michael had completely released her, and Laura had to kind of help to pull her away.

Laura could see that Erica wasn’t thinking clearly at all now. The drugs had completely hijacked her brain. She was only barely responding to what she was seeing and hearing, and mostly reacting to what her body was feeling. Experimentally, Laura pushed Erica towards Taylor, and was pleased to see her immediately nuzzle up to Taylor in a hug that was definitely more intimate than friendship warranted.

“Are you okay?” Taylor started to ask Erica, but when she opened her mouth, Erica instinctively leaned forward and kissed Taylor on the lips. They remained like that for several shocked seconds, Taylor frozen and Erica passionately tongue kissing her. And then Taylor finally got her wits about her. She shoved Erica hard, and Erica fell backwards, down onto the floor. She landed with her legs apart and her cunt splayed for public inspection.

“What the hell, Erica?” Taylor shouted. “I’m not a lesbian. And you have a girlfriend!”

Erica started to cry. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. Realizing her pussy was exposed, she pulled her legs together and tried to get up onto her knees. “I’m so sorry.”

Laura made a disgusted noise. “You are such a pig, Erica. Come with me.” She pulled Erica to her feet, and dragged her into the bedroom, closing the door to shut out Taylor and Michael.

Inside, Erica was still crying and apologizing, but Laura would have none of it.

“Kissing Taylor? What kind of slut are you? All morning you’ve been a total whore. In fact for the last several days. I can’t believe I date you.”

“Nooo…” moaned Erica. “Don’t leave me. Don’t leave me. Kiss me. Lick me. Please.”

“You’re a slutpig, Erica,” said Laura. She reached out and grabbed Erica’s undefended clitoris and twisted it. Erica yowled.

“Say it. You’re a slutpig,” demanded Laura.

“I’m a slutpig,” sobbed Erica.

“A slutty little piglet who needs to be raped,” said Laura.

“Yes. Yes. I need to be raped,” said Erica. Laura knew Erica would say anything to get an orgasm, because it was how she’d felt herself in the Mayim Clinic chair.

“You’re getting a time out,” said Laura. She fetched the handcuffs, grabbed Erica’s hands, and cuffed them behind her back.

“What…” asked Erica.

“That’s to stop you rubbing your little whore pussy for the next little while. I’m going to leave you in here to see if you can get yourself under control. If you’re good I might let you out to enjoy the rest of the day.” She pinched Erica’s clitoris again. “If you’re bad you can start looking for somewhere else to live.”

“I’ll be good,” whined Erica. She looked so disgusting, thought Laura, sniveling and covered in her own tears. But in another way so hot. She wished she had time to force Erica to lick her out, but she didn’t. Turning her back on Erica, she returned to the living room, closing the door behind her.

“I’m sorry about that,” she said to Taylor and Michael, loud enough for Erica to hear in the next room. “Erica’s been going through a slutty phase. She can’t help herself. She’s going to have a rest and try and feel better. I’m so sorry. But tell me all about what’s been happening with you!”


For the next hour, Laura chatted with her two friends. They were both obviously weirded out by what had happened with Erica, but Laura was an easy socializer and they soon grew comfortable again. They talked about things they’d done; about TV shows they’d watched. Taylor had a few new anime recommendations for Laura that sounded interesting. Laura counted with two picks of her own, plus a perverted hentai show whose design she knew would titillate Michael. “It’s about girl superhero schoolgirls with big breasts. They fight in pairs. But they only power up when their partner’s tits are in pain, so it’s full of tit bondage and tit whipping and stuff every episode.”

When she noticed the talk was once again giving Michael an erection, Laura changed the topic. “Erica’s been in the next room for a while. I’m afraid if I go in there I’ll just start a fight again. Michael, do you think you could go spend some time with her?”

Michael nodded. “Sure, I could do that.”

Laura blushed. “Um, I had to handcuff her because she was so worked up. She should probably leave the cuffs on, but if you want to let her free, here’s the key.” She passed the tiny key to Michael, and then watched as Michael headed to the bedroom, stepped inside, and shut the door behind him.

With Michael gone, Laura tried to continue talking to Taylor, but she noticed Taylor was distracted. The blonde girl’s eyes kept straying to the bedroom door, and Laura began to realize that her friend was not just friends with Michael. She had a crush on him! The two may already be dating – they’d turned up together, after all – but on the other hand Laura had seen no physical affection between the two, so maybe Taylor’s pining for the big hunk was unrequited.

To be honest, Laura found it hard to concentrate as well. She’d sent Michael in to see Erica with a specific outcome in mind, and she felt in control of the situation, but at the same time she didn’t feel good about having sent a horny male into her bedroom to play with her handcuffed, horny, sluttily-dressed girlfriend. She suspected that under the drugs Erica was going to make a slut of herself, exactly as Laura might have done, but she didn’t like the idea that Erica could be made to respond sexually to a man, even under a chemical influence.

Nevertheless Laura kept a cheerful conversation going for a good fifteen minutes, until she judged that Michael and Erica had had enough time to become acquainted. Then she abruptly rose from her seat, moved quickly to the bedroom door, and threw it open.

Inside, she saw exactly what she’d hoped – and feared.

Michael was sitting on the edge of the bed with his pants and underpants pulled down to expose his cock. He was clearly in the throes of sexual bliss, probably because Erica was kneeling on the floor between his legs and sucking his cock. Her shirt was open to exposed her engorged slutmelons, and her skirt was hiked up so that her hands – no longer handcuffed – could furiously fingerbang her dripping snatch.

Laura’s appearance in the doorway focused Michael’s attention with dramatic speed. He gasped, and then at the same time his hips began to twitch and buck against Erica’s face. He was cumming. Laura watched Erica’s eyes widen, and she tried to pull away, only to have Michael’s hand grab her hair and pull her tight against his crotch. Michael pumped against her face three times, then four, and then he released her. Erica fell backwards from him, semen dripping from her lips as she pulled her mouth off his cock, and it was only then that she saw Laura, and the slutty, satisfied expression on her face changed to one of horror.

Laura’s voice was calm and icy. “Michael, get out of my house. We’re still friends, but you’ve just fucked my girlfriend and you have a lot of apologizing to do for that.”

“I’m sorry…” started Michael.

“Later,” said Laura. “Taylor, you should go too.”

Taylor was looking at Erica in fury, jealousy and disgust. She clearly wanted to attack Erica on the spot and beat her slutty little body until Erica screamed. Michael moved to intercept her, though, already pulling up his pants. He led Taylor from the room, not meeting Laura’s gaze.

Laura stood there, staring at Erica angrily, until she heard Michael and Taylor leave, shutting the front door behind them.

“Please,” whimpered Erica. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I’m doing. I think there’s something wrong with me.”

Laura said nothing. She just strode over to Laura, jerked the little bitch to her feet, and pushed her up against the wall.

“You slut,” she whispered. Then, unable to control herself anymore, she leaned in and kissed Erica on the lips.

Erica was surprised, but just as Laura had hoped, Erica’s mouth still tasted of cum. Laura’s tongue explored Erica, licking up the traces of semen she found in Erica’s mouth and swallowing them. She knew this was wrong – licking her best friend’s sperm out of her lover’s mouth – but Laura just had to know if real male semen tasted as good as the fake stuff she had bought.

It did. It was salty and warm and amazing. Laura moaned as she sucked the saliva and cum from Erica’s mouth. Erica tried to struggle, not knowing what was happening, but Laura held her against the wall, pinning Erica’s arms to the bricks. She devoured every trace of man-spunk in Erica’s mouth, and it was only when she was sure there was no more to be had that she broke off the kiss.

Then she slapped Erica hard across the face. And did it again. And again.

“You fucking hetero fake-lesbian liar,” Laura spat. Her saliva spattered on Erica’s face, which looked messy, so Laura hit her again. “You shitty whore of a cock-baiting traitor.”

Erica was crying now. Laura felt like Erica cried at everything this week. She was pathetic. She went to hit her again, and then worried about how the bruises on Erica’s face were going to look. She instead transferred the slap to Erica’s tits, giving her an open-palmed whack across the left tit, and then closing her fist and deliberately punching the right one.

“Sucking my best friend’s cock? Drinking down a man’s sperm?” Laura punched Erica’s tit again, and then grabbed the nipple and viciously twisted it. She used her hand to force open Erica’s mouth, and then spat in it. “There. Do you like it when people put things in your mouth?” She spat in Erica’s mouth again, and then punched Erica’s boobs again for good measure.

Laura had never felt like this before. She was so angry. She had deliberately set up Erica to have a sexual encounter with Michael, so that Laura would have a reason to insist on Erica’s total obedience from now on. But a small part of her had expected it wouldn’t work, that even at her sluttiest Erica wouldn’t touch a man’s cock. She had thought maybe she would find Erica letting Michael masturbate her. or humping Michael’s leg. But Erica had put Michael’s cock in her mouth and sucked it until Michael came. She had done that willingly. And if Erica had stood up to her and defended herself, or discussed it calmly, maybe Laura could have respected her, but she was sniveling and pleading like a crack whore. Right now Laura couldn’t believe she had dated this woman as her peer and equal instead of just treating her like the desperate fucktoy that she clearly was.

She punched Erica in the tits again, and then kneed her hard in the cunt. Erica doubled over, coughing. Laura grabbed her by her hair and dragged her forward.

“I’m sorry,” whined Erica. “Please don’t leave me. Please. I love you. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I love you so much.”

“You love me?” Laura said. Her voice was loud now. She threw Erica down onto the floor. Erica struggled to her knees, still weeping.

“Please,” Erica begged.

“Do you want to stay in this house?” said Laura. Actually, more than half the house had been bought with Erica’s money, but she didn’t think Erica was even going to remember that right now, let alone argue it.

Sure enough, Erica’s eyes lit up, with a mixture of hope and fear. “Yes,” she exclaimed. “Yes!”

“I might – MIGHT – be willing to let you stay,” said Laura. “But not as my girlfriend.”

Erica looked like she had been kicked again.

“Oh, you’ll still pretend you’re my girlfriend to everyone else,” Laura continued. “But you won’t be. You’ll be my fucktoy.”

Erica didn’t know what to make of that. Was Laura dumping her? She looked confused.

“Every little thing I want to do to a woman’s body, I am going to do to you,” said Laura. “Every torture, every degradation that I think might amuse me, you’ll endure.” She knelt down and started fishing around under the bed, ultimately finding the strap-on and some of the liquid vials left over from last night.

“We’re not exclusive anymore,” Laura explained. “You still don’t get to fuck anyone else, but if I see another pretty girl I’ll flirt with her and maybe screw her, because I don’t owe you anything. You’ll dress how I want, you’ll do what I want, and you’ll say what I want.”

Laura took out the vial of urine from the box. She hadn’t used it yet. But she thought today was the day. Carefully, she filled the strap-on full of piss.

“You will never, ever discuss anything that happens in this house with an outsider. You will never, ever question anything I say or do. When I hurt you or degrade you, you will thank me immediately thereafter, and make me think that you mean it. You will go to work, and work, but I will manage your pay and use it however I see fit. If I want to use your pay to arrange for you to be raped by a male dog, then you will cooperate and then thank me for it.”

Erica looked like she might throw up.

“Don’t you dare vomit, you little slut. If you do you’ll be licking it up off the floor.” Laura used her foot to kick at Erica’s cunt again, and then began to undress herself from her princess dress. Erica watched, until Laura was completely nude. Then Laura buckled the strap-on on, and then sat on the edge of the bed.

“If you don’t like the new arrangement, then get out of the house right now. You don’t get to take anything with you, because you owe me for cheating on me like a prostitute with my friend.”

Erica made no move to leave. She just kept sobbing. There was snot running from her nose. She looked disgusting.

“If you’re going to stay, and be my little fake-lesbian fucktoy, then use the tissues to clean up that ugly face of yours, and then come over here and pretend I’m Michael.”

Erica didn’t move for a few moments, and Laura had a sudden horrible feeling that she’d gone too far. But then Erica started to slowly crawl to the tissues near the bed. Laura watched as Erica cleaned her face up, and then crawled back to Laura, looked up at her with a mixture of love, misery and horror, and then opened her mouth and took the big plastic strap-on into it.

The feeling of power that Laura felt was electric. In a couple of days she had turned her lover from a confident, elegant professional into a broken sex slave. Erica was kneeling in front of Laura and sucking on a strap-on, knowing full well that it was going to result in the strap-on filling her mouth with a stranger’s urine. Laura grabbed Erica’s head and forced it tighter against her crotch. Erica started to choke, but Laura held her there, and soon Erica had overcome her gag reflex and had accepted the plastic dong into her throat. Laura leaned back in ecstasy as her lover worshipped her fake cock, and when she felt the dildo start to twitch, and she knew that it was pissing into Erica’s mouth, Laura orgasmed too.

“Drink it all,” she whispered to Erica, holding her head so she couldn’t pull away from the pissing plastic dick. “Drink it all, fucktoy.”

And Erica did.

Chapter 9


On Sunday, Laura was awakened by a knocking at the front door. Erica wasn’t awake yet – exhausted and traumatized from the night before, she was sleeping through even the urgent banging. Laura pulled herself out of bed, pulled on a loose shirt and a skirt, and shuffled, bleary-eyed, to the door.

The person knocking was a courier. He was holding a large cardboard box, which he was studying the label on.

‘Hi,’ he said, when he saw Laura had opened the door. ‘Are you… Ms Pinkhair Sluttytits?’

Laura blushed, and was about to say no, when she saw the logo on the box. It was the same logo as the gambling site she had lost all the money to which had started this mess. She realized immediately that it was from her blackmailer, and she could guess the consequences of not receiving it.

‘Yes,’ she mumbled. ‘That’s me.’

The courier made her sign for the box; Laura reluctantly wrote ‘Pinkhair Sluttytits’ in the field on his electronic signature device. Then he handed the box over to Laura and left.

Laura hauled the box inside and took it to the computer room. She peeked in on Erica on the way. The girl was blessedly still asleep. Laura had time to examine the box before Erica woke. Granted, the whole point of last night had been to train Erica not to ask awkward questions about things like this, but Laura would rather see what she was dealing with before Erica got involved.

The box turned out to be full of cameras – tiny, tiny cameras, each about the size of a six-sided die. There were maybe two or three dozen of them. A note rested on top of them, bearing a printed message, “Come sit at your computer when you get this. Tits out, remember.”

Laura didn’t like where this was going, but she had few options. She pulled off her top to bare her tits and went and sat down at the computer. She looked at the camera-eye of her computer, knowing she was being watched, that an unknown person was scrutinizing her bare breasts remotely. She had to wait nearly 15 minutes before an email came through.

It read:


I can see your new present behind you. Just a little something from me to you. These are going to help you fix that horrible privacy problem that you have. It must be so horrible knowing that there are times when nobody can see your bouncing whore-tits.

Take these cameras and install them throughout your house. They come with adhesive squares, so you just have to press them against the wall or ceiling. I’ve included a plan of where to put them. They’re wireless so they’ll automatically transmit to your wireless router and from there to the internet.

There’s also some for your car, and for your workplace. I recommend installing the ones at work today, while it’s the weekend and nobody’s there.

Once they’re all up you’ll never have any privacy again. Won’t that be wonderful?

Make sure they’re all installed by 8 pm tonight and be back at your computer then with your tits out, as I’ll have something else for you.

In appreciation,

A stranger.”

Laura had to take several deep breaths. She felt like her life was caving in. She had just about gotten herself to a place where she was coping with the Mayim Clinic, but now the idea of being watched everywhere she went was too much. She couldn’t cope. She couldn’t. Could she?

She thought about the knife again. She thought about it going into her.

She decided she could cope.

Erica was waking up when Laura came back into the bedroom with a handful of cameras.

“Good morning, fucktoy,” she said. “As we discussed last night, I just can’t trust you anymore, so I’m going to put up some cameras to help me watch you. Yes, you will have no privacy anymore. Yes, if you so much as touch one of these cameras or try to hide from it I will beat your tits so hard you’ll end up as flat as a boy.”

Erica watched in silence as Laura arranged the cameras. There was one for each of the corners of the room near the ceiling, and then there was another that went on the wall near the bed, looking down and giving an intimate view of anyone lying in it.

There were more for the rest of the house. The walk-in wardrobe got several. The lounge; the kitchen. The bathroom got a strong coverage, including one of several special waterproof cameras to be placed near the shower floor looking up, two more on the shower wall at breast and pussy height, and a fourth on the shower ceiling looking down. Laura had to take deep breaths as she installed special ones inside the toilet rim looking straight at where a toilet-user’s cunt would be. More cameras went outside, covering the back and front yards.

As the blackmailer had suggested, there was a plan for the car. Cameras on the dashboard and seats gave a clear view of people sitting in the front and back seats, and specially placed cameras gave a particularly clear view of the groin areas of all occupants.

Last were the ones for the office. Laura got dressed and told Erica she was going out. She told Erica not to be a slut, because she might be watching her on the cameras. Laura had no way of accessing the camera feed, but Erica didn’t know that. Laura wondered briefly if she could ask her blackmailer for access to what the cameras saw.

There was barely anyone at work. Laura was able to sneak in using her pass without being remarked upon. The blackmailer’s plan had called for cameras at her workstation and those near her, plus an extra one at her desk focused on her groin. Laura had done the math and worked out she was going to have a few cameras left over, so she decided to give her blackmailer a treat, and put another groin-camera at Candy’s desk. Laura would enjoy letting that shallow fake-titted bitch show off her panties to the world.

More cameras were to be installed in the women’s toilets. Laura felt guilty knowing that she was exposing dozens of other women to the eyes of a stranger, but there was nothing else she could do. She installed the cameras giving a clear view into every toilet stall and the showers.

The very final cameras were for her boss’ office. Laura sneaked into Alistair’s office, planted a camera under his desk, stood on his chair, and glued the final one to the ceiling. She was just climbing down when the door to the office opened. It was Alistair, here to work on the weekend.

Laura couldn’t believe her bad luck. She jumped to the floor and tried to pretend she’d been doing nothing strange.

“Laura,” said Alistair suspiciously. “What are doing here?”

“Um, looking for the B8 reports for this week,” Laura lied. “I was a bit behind this week because of the flu I had, so I thought I’d come in and catch up.”

Alistair looked Laura up and down, and she blushed. She wasn’t dressed for work; she was wearing a short pink shirt, and a loose short-sleeved shirt with a picture of a sexy anime girl on it. It was completely reasonable as casual public clothes, but it wasn’t what she would have chosen to wear in front of Alistair.

“That’s very diligent of you, Laura,” said Alistair. “And it’s great that I caught you here because I have some things to discuss with you. Have a seat.”

Her heart sinking, Laura sat down. Alistair sat opposite her. Laura remembered Alistair’s knee between her legs from Thursday, and deliberately made sure she was out of touching distance from him. She was embarrassed enough about her slutty state of mind on that day without repeating it.

“Now, first thing is I didn’t see you here in my office on Friday morning, Laura,” said Alistair in a reasonable tone.

“No,” replied Laura cautiously.

“What were you supposed to do on Friday morning, Laura?” prodded Alistair.

Laura looked away and said nothing.

“Laura? What were you supposed to do?” Alistair continued relentlessly.

“Come in here,” said Laura.


She mumbled. “Show you my bra.”

“And why did you have to do that?” Alistair continued, smiling.

“To make sure I was wearing one,” Laura answered. She felt like a child; an embarrassed, naughty child. She hated this. She wondered if she could just get up and run away.

“And are you wearing a bra today, Laura?” asked Alistair.

“Yes,” said Laura quietly.

Alistair said nothing. He just waited.

Slowly, reluctantly, Laura pulled up the hem of her T-shirt, lifting it up over her tits until her large melons were exposed, encased in her pink satin bra. She waited to be given permission to cover them.

Instead, Alistair took out his phone, and took a photograph of Laura. Laura looked away, humiliated.

“You can leave it like that, Laura,” Alistair said. “We have more things to discuss, and it’s good for you to remember how embarrassing it is for everyone when you show off your tits. Just leave them out.”

Fuming, Laura dropped her hands to her sides, leaving her shirt pulled lewdly up above her boobs. Alistair was staring at them, and Laura wished she could cover herself, but she also didn’t want to lose her job while she was so deeply in debt. She wished again that her boobs weren’t so sluttily large. Why couldn’t she have elegant, demure little tits like Taylor? But Alistair was still talking, too.

Alistair: “Now, as we know, Laura, showing off your tits at work is unacceptable behavior. So I’ve had a think, and I believe what you need is counselling. We’re going to do some counselling from time to time about the way that you show off your tits, starting now.”

Laura: “I really don’t show them off. I don’t know why you say that.”

Alistair: “Well, you’ve signed an admission that you do, Laura, and if you’re going to go back on that then I’m going to have to refer the case to the disciplinary committee.”

Laure: “No, please…”

Alistair: “So I guess the first thing we need to talk about is why you do it. Who are you showing off your tits to, Laura? Who is it you want to be fantasizing about them?”

Laura: “Nobody.”

Alistair: “Once again, you’ve signed…”

Laura: “But there isn’t anybody. I don’t want…”

Alistair: “Laura, if you can’t give me the name of somebody that you want to see your tits, there are going to be consequences.”

Laura thought desperately.

Laura: “Fine. Michael from Programs and Operations. But that’s only because…”

Alistair: “Only because he’s a boy and you can’t help yourself. I understand. And who’s second and third? Who else is it you get wet about when they see your tits?”

Laura: “Please…”

Alistair: “Two more names, Laura. Honestly, I’m surprised you gave me the name of a boy when you say you’re a lesbian. A suspicious man might think you were lying.”

Laura: “Taylor.”

Alistair: “From the same section as Michael? I’ve seen you two together at lunch. She’s pretty. No wonder you want to shove your melons in her face. I think she’s straight though. And third?”

Laura: “I don’t…”

Alistair: “It’s okay, you don’t have to say it. We all know. Third is Candy, right? You’re always sexually harassing her at work, it makes sense.”

Laura: “No!”

Alistair: “I’ll just write down that it’s Candy. Now, how wet do you get when you show off your melons?”

Laura: “Not at all.”

Alistair: “Well, that doesn’t sound right. Why don’t you show me? You’re showing off your melons now, your pussy must be wet.”

Laura: “No!”

Alistair: “Maybe you’re not wearing panties. That would be even sluttier than wearing no bra. I think you’d better show me your panties.”

At this point Laura was panicking. This questioning was molestation, pure and simple. She knew it was. She didn’t want to lose her job, but she drew the line at showing her panties to her boss or, even worse, letting him see whether she was wet. She stood up.

When she stood up, Alistair lunged towards her, and grabbed at her skirt. Laura instinctively pulled back, and the skirt ripped and came away in Alistair’s hands as he fell to the floor. Her panties went with it, and Laura found herself standing there in her boss’ office with her cunt totally exposed.

She shrieked, and turned and ran from the office, trying to cover her pussy with one hand and her ass with the other. She wanted to stop and look for something to conceal herself with but she didn’t know what Alistair was going to do. He had tried to attack her. Maybe to rape her. He might be chasing her. Her shirt was still up over her tits but to pull it down she’d have to expose her twat. She just kept running.

She was lucky in that no-one saw her. She ran all the way out of the building and to her car, and locked herself inside. There was no sign that anyone was chasing her. She started to relax, and then remembered the cameras she had just installed. A camera was even now trained on her bare cunt as she sat here in the car. She realized that if she was to simultaneously operate the accelerator and the clutch she would have to spread her legs a little and give it a clear view of her snatch.

Well, that was just how it was going to have to be. She could feel the tears coming on. She was going to lose her job. She was exposing herself to a stranger. She had beaten and abused the only girl who loved her. What was happening to her? What was she doing?

Maybe it was time to make a stand. She couldn’t say no to her blackmailer, but there was no reason she had to put with this shit from her boss. She got out her phone, and looked through the contacts. Sure enough, there was the Human Resources manager from work, an after-hours number that she called when it was after hours and she knew she’d be sick the next day. Laura hesitantly dialed the number.

The Human Resources manager picked up. Her name was Chelle and her voice was warm and soothing. In a stumbling, tearful voice, Laura told her what happened. She told Chelle about Alistair’s bra inspection, and his counselling, and his questions, and then how he had ripped off Laura’s skirt and panties.

‘That’s horrible, Laura,’ Chelle said when it was all out. “That’s very serious and Alistair can be fired for this. I’ll schedule a meeting with you and me and Alistair for Monday morning. You just come in and we’ll see to it that he never molests you like this again, all right?’

Laura thanked her, still sniffling.

“Now you’re sure about this, though? If it’s not true, it would be a very serious allegation to have made.”

“I’m sure,” said Laura.

“You poor thing,” said Chelle. “Okay then. We’ll see you on Monday. First thing in the morning, all right?”

Laura agreed, and hung up.

There. It was done. Her blackmailer might treat her like a slut, and the Mayim Clinic might make her take horrible drugs, but at least she could defend herself against Alistair. She felt better already. Better enough to drive home with no skirt or panties knowing that a camera was focused on her twat.


When Laura got home she didn’t feel like raping Erica or even talking to her. She just balled herself up on the couch and watched anime. She ignored her girlfriend, until finally Erica came and sat down next to her and hugged her. Erica didn’t know what was wrong, but her love was real in spite of everything Laura had done to her. Laura ended up kissing her passionately. She wanted to tell Erica that she loved her but she was worried it would undo last night’s work, so instead she just said, “Sometimes you’re not so stupid and slutty. Sometimes.” Erica smiled at the compliment, and kissed her.

As it started to come close to 8 pm, Laura realized she had better get ready for her appointment with the computer. She took Erica into the bedroom, and found her an iPod and some headphones. ‘I have to do some things, honey, and you don’t get to know about them,’ she said. ‘Stay in here, put the headphones on, and listen to music. Don’t take them off and don’t leave the room until I come back, okay?”

Erica nodded, confused. Laura was worried, but she thought Erica would probably obey. She left her girlfriend listening to the music, and went and sat at the computer. She took her top off, and her bra, to leave her tits bare for her blackmailer.

Precisely at 8 pm, the email came.


Good work. Your cameras are all operational. Your bitch girlfriend is hot, by the way.

Right now, you are going to take off the rest of your clothes and sit naked here in front of the computer. I have turned on your microphone. You are to read out the statement below, in full, at least three times, beginning to end. You are to speak clearly and slowly, and you are to make it sound like everything you are saying is the complete truth, because we both know it is. You are to make eye contact with the camera while you read. The whole time you are speaking, you are to finger your pussy. If, at the end of three times through the statement, you have not orgasmed, you are to continue reading it and playing with your cunt until you do.

When you are done you will get another email, so don’t get up.”

Laura looked over the rest of the email. The statement was horrid. She didn’t want to read it. She knew her blackmailer would be recording her. She didn’t want to masturbate for him, or to say these horrible things. But she knew she would have to. She felt upset, and she hated it. It seemed like all the time these days she was either lost in lust or on the verge of tears. She didn’t want to be. She decided she wouldn’t cry tonight. She was going to be in control of that.

Slowly, Laura stood up, and pulled down the replacement skirt and panties she’d put on when she got home. Her cunt bare, she sat back down on the seat. She took a moment to compose herself, and then looked into the camera, moved her hand to start stroking her twat, and began reading the words from the screen.

“Hi. My name is Laura Smith. I have 32DD tits and I like it when they’re covered in cum.

I claim to be a lesbian, but really I’m not. Really I think about being fucked by cocks all day. I would love to have a cock in my mouth right now to suck on. It could fill my mouth up with cum, or just piss down my throat, and I wouldn’t care. I like drinking cum. I like drinking piss.

I tease all my male friends. I wear slutty outfits that show off my ass and tits. I do that because I want them to rape me. I fantasize so much about my male friends just pushing me down and fucking me. They would cum in my pussy and I would orgasm and squeal and beg them for more. They might even impregnate me. When I think about getting pregnant from being raped by my friends I nearly cum. If I got pregnant my slutty tits would get even bigger and my friends could milk me like a cow.

Please, if you are hearing me say this, rape me. Please. I want it so much. Break into my house and rape me, or catch me on the way to work and just push me down and stick your cock in me. Women can rape me too if you want.

I would like if you rape my girlfriend too. Her name is Erica Chalmers and she’s a fake lesbian just like me. At night we giggle together about all the boys we’re teasing while we lick each other’s twats. We tell everyone that we’re not into boys at all because it drives men crazy. We tell people that a lesbian is something you are born as but secretly we choose to pretend to be lesbians just to tease boys. We like licking cunts but we like it even more when we are fucked by men.

I lie about things all the time. I lie about being a lesbian. I lie about not wanting to be raped. Sometimes I tell lies about being raped, just because it’s fun. Really it would be hard for me to be raped because my cunt juices up whenever I think I’m about to be fucked. The more painful and violent the sex is the better. I particularly like it when people hurt my tits and my cunt. When I’m being raped I scream and say, ‘Stop, stop,’ but that’s only because it’s not fun if I just consent. I don’t really want people to stop. I want them to fuck me harder. If you hear me say stop or no, it really means yes.

My favorite food is cum and my second-favorite food is piss. I hate it when people treat me like a human but I love it when people treat me like an animal or a thing. I love it when people just use me for their fun without asking permission.

I know someday this video might play in court and I just want to reiterate that if I’m saying that I’ve been raped, I’m lying. You caught me! It was a fun game where I lied but I only did it for attention. I love being fucked violently and I tease people until they do it to me. I kept up my allegations this far because I thought it would be hot to have a video of me nude and masturbating played in court at a rape trial. But seriously, I’m such a lying slut.

Anyway, that’s all I have to say. My house is at….”

And Laura read out her address, and then her phone number, and then the address of her workplace. And then she read the whole statement again. And again. She hadn’t orgasmed by the time she’d read it three times, so she started over. On the fourth pass through, she got as far as “my slutty tits would get even bigger” before her orgasm finally hit. She moaned and bounced on the computer seat until the waves of pleasure had passed over her, and then she tried to focus on the screen. She had read it three times and cum, but maybe having started a fourth read she had to finish it? She took a deep breath, and without any real enthusiasm, idly massaged her cunt while she read through the remainder of the degrading statement.

When she was done, she took her hand out of her pussy, wiped it clean on her boobs, and leant back in the chair, waiting for what came next. She was proud of herself. Despite the horrible things she had had to say, she hadn’t cried. She was scared out of her mind, of course – she’d just given out her address and invited strangers to rape her – but she’d managed to avoid crying.

The email came quickly.

“Good little bitch cunt,

Don’t worry your pretty head – not many people will see your video, for now, providing you’re a good little twat. That’ll just be for my private file.

But I am worried about what I saw on the cameras you set up at your work.

It looked like your boss tried to enjoy your body, but then you ran away from him, and then you TOLD someone.

Good little twats don’t tell tales.

So I want you to go back into work. I want you to dress like a girl who lies about being raped. You know what that looks like, and I’ll see on your camera, so you’d better get it right.

You’re going to tell anyone you need to that you lied. Your boss was a total gentleman with you. Whatever you said, you made it up, because you’re a dumb little slut who likes attention.

That’s not me adding a flourish by the way – that’s an order. You are going to literally tell them you’re a dumb little slut that likes attention.

You’re going to apologize to your boss, and to anyone else relevant.

You’re going to tell your whole team that you lied about being molested because you’re a dumb little slut who likes attention, whether they knew about your allegation or not.

And you’re going to beg anyone you need to to be forgiven and keep your job. Do whatever it takes. If they don’t impose a punishment on you, you should ask them to punish you.

That’s all. Have fun at work tomorrow, bitch cunt. And remember, $1,000 due on Friday.

– A stranger.”

Laura looked at it again and again. No. No, she thought. It wasn’t fair. She’d tried so hard. She’d tried to have some control over her life. But now things were going to be even worse with her boss. And, on top of it all, despite her intentions, here she was. Crying.

Chapter 10


She had been told to dress “like a girl who lies about being raped”. Laura didn’t know exactly what that meant, but she could make some guesses. It was going to be humiliating, and she wanted to die inside, but only metaphorically. The picture of the knife remained horrifyingly literal, and Laura knew she definitely wanted to go on living, even if her life was becoming a nightmare.

It took Laura a while to select an outfit. She tried on several work outfits that were more risqué than she’d normally wear, but started feeling worried about each of them, that they might be too conservative for her blackmailer. She would only get one chance to get it right and if she failed the best she could hope for was a further humiliating punishment, and at worst, the knife. In the end Laura dressed herself in her shortest skirt – a pleated tartan thing – and no panties. She wore red high heels, and a button-up white business shirt with no bra. She looked like Erica had on the weekend, really, although at least Laura’s shirt had buttons. The shirt was reasonably opaque, so you couldn’t immediately tell that Laura had no bra on, although she thought if her nipples got hard they would probably poke through the material. She decided to put a spare pair of panties and a bra in her handbag, so that if everything got too hard she’d at least have them available. Finally, she put on make-up, and looked at herself. Pink hair, pink lipstick, bulging cleavage, barely concealed ass – she looked like a whore. She felt sick inside, but she had no doubt this would satisfy her blackmailer. It would do.

Erica drove her into work. Her girlfriend was clearly curious about Laura’s sluttish attire, but she knew better than to ask about it. Laura sat in the passenger seat, trying to keep her legs tightly closed. She knew there was a camera under the glove compartment focused on her groin, because she had put it there just yesterday. Right now it had a perfect view up her skirt to her shaved cunt, if she parted her legs even a little. Having to think about her pussy the whole drive, if only to conceal it, was distracting, and Laura was embarrassed to feel her twat getting a little aroused by the end of the journey.

When they reached work, Erica left her in the carpark and continued on to her own office. It was cold and overcast; Laura shivered as she crossed the bitumen parking lot, and hurried inside the large departmental offices building, heading straight for the HR section and her scheduled meeting with Chelle.

The meeting was in a large conference room, dominated by a long, round, mahogany table. Chelle was already there, sitting in one of the elegant high-backed conference chairs, and so was Alistair, who was clearly terrified and drenched in flop-sweat. In addition, two other men were present, though taking a back seat. One was Laura’s union rep, who she couldn’t for the life of her recall the name of. The other was John Mackey, Laura’s divisional head – Alistair’s boss.

Everyone looked a bit shocked when they saw Laura come in. After all, she looked like a tramp. Alistair couldn’t help casting a lustful eye across her body despite his predicament, and even Mr. Mackey cracked a brief, amused smile at her clothing. Chelle curled her lip disapprovingly.

Laura blushed and tried to ignore their looks. She hated people at work thinking she was some kind of slut, but after all, she had invited it with her clothing this morning. She hunched her shoulders and crossed her arms over her chest, trying to de-emphasize her large breasts. She wished for the 100th time that she was more petite and not cursed with such huge, sluttish tits.

Chelle cleared her throat as Laura sat. ‘Thanks for coming in, Laura,” said Chelle.

“That’s okay,” said Laura nervously.

Chelle shuffled through her papers, and then looked up at Laura. “Now, we’re here to talk about a phone call you made to me yesterday afternoon. You called me, and you alleged that Alistair here, your manager, has done some terribly unprofessional and possibly illegal things to you. If true, they’re a very serious allegation, and you deserve and will get our full protection.”

Laura nodded.

Chelle continued. “So today, we’re here to work through those allegations, and learn what happened, and get some formal processes in motion..”

There was silence. Laura said nothing. Alistair was giving her a glare of pure hatred.

Chelle coughed uncomfortably. “Well, Laura, perhaps you could start by telling us what happened yesterday.”

Laura couldn’t believe this was happening to her. She had been a militant feminist all her life, and as such she’d had a dim view of girls who lied about rape. She’d talked about them to all of her friends and written online posts about them. Girls who lie about rape, she’d said, are traitors to their gender. They are dumb, stupid sluts. They deserve to go to male prison and be fucktoys for all the real rapists there. They deserve to be gangraped again and again. Women who really have been raped should be able to make appointments to beat and torture them. Girls who lie about rape are really on the side of men who want to subjugate women. They help men claim that all rape victims are liars. They help rapists. They’re no better than rapists themselves.

That was her, now, though. She had been talking about herself all along.

Laura looked down at the table. “It didn’t happen. Alistair didn’t do anything to me. I lied to you yesterday. I’m sorry.”

Alistair looked like he had been granted a pardon from the death sentence – suddenly happy, but confused. The rest of the room looked shocked and disgusted.

Chelle’s face was hardening. “You know that these allegations are very serious, Laura? Why would you lie about something like this?”

Laura took a deep breath. “Because I’m a dumb slut that likes attention.”

“What?” asked Chelle.

“Because I’m a dumb slut that likes attention.”

Chelle squinted at her. “Is Alistair making you say this, Laura?”

“I swear, Alistair hasn’t told me to say anything,” Laura pleaded, and it was completely true. And Chelle and the others appeared to sense the truth of it.

John, Alistair’s boss, stepped in. Laura couldn’t help but notice that he was looking not at her face as he spoke, but at her breasts. “Maybe you’d better tell us what DID happen yesterday, Laura.”

Laura had been thinking about this. She knew the kind of story her blackmailer wanted her to tell. He hadn’t told her to say it. But he’d told her to make them believe her. If she just kept repeating the same thing, they’d know that someone was forcing her. But she knew that deep down, they did want to believe she was lying. It was easier for them. Less paperwork. She had dressed like a dumb slut, and at an instinctive level they knew that dumb sluts told lies, so she just had to fill in the blanks to let them feel okay about thinking that.

“I’d been kind of lazy last week, so I came in to do some extra work.” She realized her hand was idly toying with the collar of her shirt, drawing attention to her cleavage, and yanked it away, embarrassed. She went on. “Alistair was here, so he called me into his office.

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