The Landlord’s Pet_(1)
The Landlord’s Pet_(1)
Sex Story Author: | Phoenix Cinders |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I need you to transfer some files from an old hard drive to an external one. However, you can’t look |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, BDSM, Bondage and restriction, Coercion, Cum Swallowing, Discipline, Domination/submission, Erotica, Female Domination, First Time, Hardcore, Male / Females, Non-consensual sex, Older Female / Males, Oral Sex, Reluctance, Science-Fiction, Spanking, Teen Male / Female, Threesome, Transgendered, Transsexual |
Bound, naked and being spitroasted by two cocks is not how I thought I would lose my virginity. I know what you’re thinking, I’m the idiot that got myself into this… Well.. Before you draw any conclusions, let me tell my side of the story first. I also need to state for the record that I am completely 100% straight. Being rammed by two cocks wasn’t on my bucket list, let alone something I would ever fantasize about.
You see, this all started when my drunk of a dad took a job as a maintenance repairman for a luxurious apartment complex in New York a month ago. The job did come with perks. We got to live in the smallest available apartment. When I say small, I mean small. I’ve seen bedrooms bigger than our apartment. Of course, it’s better than nothing. Seeing how we got evicted from the last place, we really didn’t have a choice.
Also before I really dig deep into the story, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Austin Patterson. I considered myself a somewhat normal kid. I wasn’t into drugs, nor did I party much. Mainly because I wasn’t part of the popular crowds and I never got invited to any parties. I wasn’t a loser or anything. No one bullied me. I was pretty much invisible. I’m 100% positive no one would even notice if I never showed up. Well… I guess Justin and Susan would notice. They’re pretty much my only 2 friends. Although I think we spend more time hanging out in the virtual world then we do in real life. We play this game called Aratheon. It’s pretty much the best game ever created. Not to brag or anything, but we’re kind of hot shit in that game. Not only are we in the top guild, but we along with a couple of other players we usually roll with were the first ones to take down the final boss in the latest raid that came out. It’s kind of a big deal.
Okay, back to the story. As I previously stated my dad is a bit of a drunk and that’s the understatement of the year. Not only was he a drunk, he was also piss poor at his job. It was near the end of February, so it was pretty fucking cold out. My dad was passed out like usual and I had just gotten back from school and proceeded to jerk off to some hot sexy milf with a bubble butt getting pounded by a guy with a horse cock. This was apart of my after school routine, jerk off and play video games on the VR console I worked so hard to save up for. As you can tell, I was definitely going places in life. Hey, cut me some slack, it was a Friday. I’ll have plenty of time to get my homework done on monday morning.
So I was really close to shooting off a giant load that has been building up all day when I heard a knock on the door. I tried to ignore it. I just needed a few more minutes and I was going to blow, but the person was insistent. Finally I relented and put my steely hard rod away, which was extremely uncomfortable. You can’t just stop mid jerk off and expect your boner to just magically disappear. Regardless, I had to answer the door.
When I opened that door, I kid you not, the most beautiful women I have ever seen stood in front of me. She had brunette hair that dangled along her left shoulder. Her face looked like it was sculpted by god to perfection. She had the most voluptuous pair of lips ever, even though they currently formed a scowl. I bet they would feel amazing against mine. Her eyes were dark brown and at the moment felt like they were staring straight into my soul, not in the cheeky romantic way, more like a if you don’t have the right answer I’m going to rip you a new asshole kind of way. She smelled like lavender. Her cheeks were the color of a pink flower just budding. She wore a white dress that looked expensive. It really showed off her curves as it clung to her soft, fair skinned, body.
You could tell she worked out because her arms were tone and lean. You could sort of make out her abs. Not to mention her breast, they were hard not to notice. Her dress ended near the top of her thighs. Her legs seemed to go on forever, they were gorgeous. She was kinda tall though, almost half a foot taller than me. Other than that, she was pretty much the woman of my dreams, not that I stood a chance with her. She was probably in her late 30s too, so there was a major age gap. And plus I’m pretty sure she just caught me staring at her boobs.
Is she staring at my crotch? Ah fuck… The boner I was trying to satisfy earlier put a major tent in my pants. A rather coy smirk crossed her lips as I tried to make a few readjustments. So much for first impressions…
“Is Jim there?” She looked at me with a stare that could freeze a desert. “He’s got some explaining to do.”
She tapped her foot impatiently waiting for a response.
“Ahhh… he’s ahh… out! Yeah, he’s out at the moment. Emergency or something.” Holy shit she’s intimidating. It’s like she had some kind of power that caused the words to clog up in my throat.
“I’ve had several people complain that they’ve been calling him several times about fixing things and have received no answer.” She looked pissed! “It’s his responsibility to be available and answer all calls pertaining to maintenance and repair. That’s why we pay him and allow you both to live here rent free.”
“I… I’m sorry… Is there anything I can do?” She took a deep breath and sighed.
“Unless you can fix a leaky faucet, then no.”
“I might be able to fix it. Can I take a look?” She had that are you serious look on her face.
“By all means…”
“Great, let me grab a few things, what room is it?”
“I’ll take you there myself, if you can’t do it I’m going to have to find someone who can.”
I quickly grab my dad’s tool set and my tablet. I follow her up to the room with the leaky faucet.
As the woman knocked on the door to the apartment, a little old lady opened up. “Diana, did you contact that lazy no good repair man of yours?”
“I was unable to get a hold of him, but here is his son.”
“Hopefully he’s not as lousy as his father.” Ouch! Not that I don’t disagree.
“Can I take a look?” I asked.
“Go right ahead.”
I quickly walked over to her sink and pulled out my tablet and look up how to fix a leaky faucet. After watching a several short videos, I felt confident enough to give it a go. I turned off the shutoff valve and checked the adjusting ring after removing the set crew and handle. Sure enough, the adjusting ring was loose. I tightened it with a pair of pliers and tested it. As I turned the water back on, it didn’t leak. Holy shit! I fixed it. I screwed back on the handle and packed up the tools.
“Looks like it was a loose adjusting ring, all fixed now,” I said.
“Oh thank you! You’re way better than your father,” she said.
“Ahh thanks I guess.”
“Thanks Diana, you’re always so on top of things.” The old lady gave us a smile.
“No problem Ms. Henderson. Please let me or Shauna the Apartment Complex manager know if there’s anything else we can do for you.”
I followed Diana back out to the hall way as Ms. Henderson continued to thank us. Finally she went back inside, closing the door behind her.
Diana looked at me as if I was a problem to be solved. “Please tell me you didn’t just learn that on the spot!”
“Do you want the truth?”
“Do you have any experience with repairs at all?”
“I’ve seen my dad fix a few things.”
If looks could kill, I would be dead right now. She glared at me for a few seconds before a smirk appeared on her face. “You are resourceful, I’ll give you that.”
“Umm, thanks!”
And then the smile was gone as quickly as it came. “Tell your father if it weren’t for you he would of been fired. I don’t take neglect kindly. Next time I won’t be so forgiving.”
“Ah, I’ll definitely make sure he knows that, thanks for giving him a second chance. We really can’t afford to lose this job.” She is kind of a bitch, but in a really hot way.
“Just make sure he’s there to answer the phone next time someone calls.”
“Definitely, I’ll make sure everything gets taken care of.” With that being said, she nodded and took off.
I went back to the apartment to finish my business and continued where I left off with the sexy milf getting railed by this hung stud. His dick was literally the size of my arm and he was just shoving that monster down her throat. She was on her knees just slurping down his python. Spit was dripping down her chin. Finally he pulled out and spun her around, with one fell swoop, his gigantic tool went all the way into her pussy. She grunted and groaned wildly as he fucked her. You know she kind of looked like Diana. Even though she scared the hell out of me, I definitely wouldn’t hesitate to have her at the end of my cock. Just thinking about her caused my member to twitch. I had my jeans down to my ankles and my cock covered in lotion, just a beating it to the thought of reaming her like Mr. Horsecock is in the video. To be honest, I wasn’t even watching the video. My eyes were shut just imagining Diana’s lips wrapped around my dick. She is so sexy, I would do anything to have a night with her. Fuck I’m about to cum.
FUCK! You’ve got to be kidding me!
Just 2 more minutes. That’s all I need! Come on!
If I don’t answer the phone, that will be the straw that gets dad fired and us evicted.
FUCK! I quickly pull up my pants and answer the phone. Apparently the people in room 542 have a clogged toilet.. Haven’t they ever heard of a fucking plunger!?
I grabbed the tools, my tablet and head up to their room to literally unclog a toilet… After I finished that, I took another call! This time the bathtub was clogged! It was full of hair!!!! Disgusting! Not as disgusting as a toilet clogged full of shit, but still… It wasn’t pleasant. This continued for the entire weekend! My whole weekend was spent unclogging toilets and fixing leaky faucets! What the shit?! I didn’t even have time to jerk off. I had the worse case of blue balls ever!
Finally I got some peace and quiet on Sunday night… I was way too tired to rub one out. I was about to pass out when, of course, the phone went off. I was half tempted to just let it ring, but I couldn’t bare the thought of being homeless.
‘Have a problem needing fixing?’ I said with just a hint of sarcasm.
‘Is this Jim?’ Oh shit! It’s Diana!
‘Ahh… No this is Austin… He went to the store… Is there anything I can help you with?’
‘Actually, you’re the one I wanted to talk to. You’re good with computers right?’
‘I guess you could say that. Why? Are you having computer problems?’
‘Yes! I desperately need your help. Come up to my room asap.’
‘Okay, I’ll head up there now. Which room is yours again?’
‘I’m on the top floor. Just get on the elevator and hit floor twenty. I’ll have to let you in.’
Oh shit she’s on the top floor!?
‘Okay on my way!’
I grabbed my tablet and made my way to the elevator. The floor twenty button had an intercom next to it and a passcode. I hit the button, after a few minutes of waiting the elevator started to make it’s way up.
I rode the elevator up to the top floor and the doors opened up to a hallway. “Take your shoes off and come into the living room.” I heard Diana shout. Holy shit! The entire top floor was her apartment! I quickly kicked my shoes off and followed the hallway into the living room. WOW! Her living room tripled the size of our entire apartment. Wood flooring, black stone walls. There was a round black table off to the right in front of me and behind it was a black coffee table surrounded by white couches up against a wall of glass that looked out onto New York. As I continued in the room, the left side opened up and there was another set of furniture all matching the white and black theme facing a TV on top of a black dresser, against a wall of glass, in the corner of the room. Behind the furniture was the kitchen where Diana was making herself a drink. The kitchen had black cupboards and an islander surrounded by barstools. The wall adjacent from the furniture and kitchen was also made of glass and it had two doors that lead up to the Balcony that wrapped around the corner.
“The entire top floor is your apartment!?” I asked completely amazed.
“The entire top 3 floors are my apartment,” she corrected. I’m completely lost for words. “It really shouldn’t come to a surprise since I own the apartment building along with several others.”
Holy shit! She must be loaded!
“Now have a seat while I finish making myself a drink.”
I did as she ordered and took a seat at the bar stool as she poured vodka into a glass of ice. “You know… I’ve been getting a lot of compliments about our new maintenance guy,” she said as took a sip of her drink. “A really young strapping man, a real go getter.”
“The funny thing is… The man everyone has been describing is nothing like the man we hired.” She glared at me as she took a long drink of her vodka. “Our new maintenance man is old, fat and bald. Isn’t that odd?”
Ah crap… It’s obvious she knows I’ve been covering up for my dad. No point in trying to deny it. “I’m so sorry… It’s just… I… I don’t want to be out on the street again….”
“I see… “ She twirled her drink around before taking another sip. Her eyes still fixated on me. “Now tell me the truth. Where is your father?”
I tore my gaze from her and looked down at the counter. I can’t lie to her… She knows something’s up. What will she do if she learns the truth? She’ll definitely fire him and we’ll be out on the street. My eyes started to well up.
“Listen… I know your father is an alcoholic. I saw the empty bottles at your apartment. There is no point in continuing to cover for him.”
I look up at her as a tear rolls down my cheek. She’s going to fire him for sure. I know it. “What’s going to happen? Are you going to fire him?”
“Most likely…” Oh god, I knew it! What are we going to do? Where are we going to live?
“Please don’t do it. I’m begging you! I’ll do anything you want. Just please don’t evict us!”
Just then the elevator opened up. I couldn’t see who it was, does she have a boyfriend?
“Hey honey, didn’t expect you home so early.” Well that answers that question.
“Well they didn’t have what I wanted. How hard is it to get a decent dress in this city?” A beautiful blonde woman walks in wearing an amazing dress the showed off her curves. Her blonde hair was in a tight ponytail. She had the most luscious lips I’ve ever seen and a pair of eyes that could kill. Her breasts… Let’s just say they weren’t small. “Oh… we have a guest!’
She walked up and shared a short sweet kiss with Diana. I didn’t see this coming at all. “Angela this is Austin. He’s the son of the maintenance man I mentioned earlier.”
“Ooooh! This is him!?! Your deion doesn’t do him justice.” She eyed me up and down, causing my stomach to do a few summersaults.
“Now now. As cute as he is, don’t get too attached. Unfortunately we have to fire his father.” Diana expressed an over exaggerated frown.
“Surely we can make some kind of arrangement with him? I wouldn’t mind keeping him around.” They talk about me like I’m not here, the tone they use makes me feel like a lost puppy they want to keep.
“Well he did say he would do anything for us…” she said as she looked over at me. “Isn’t that right Austin?”
I had no idea what they had in mind, but as long as they let us stay here I would do it. I mean, how bad can it be right? “Yes! If you let us stay here, I’ll do anything!”
A coy smile appeared on both of their faces. “I’m sure we can work something out,” Diana said.
“Does this mean we can stay?”
“For now, but you’re going to have to earn your keep. Understood?”
I nodded. “Thank you so much, you won’t regret it!”
They both looked at each other with a devilish grins, I think I just signed my soul over to two devils in heels. Let’s be real, you would of done the same giving the circumstance. Besides, now hopefully I’ll get to spend more time with the two most gorgeous women I’ve ever seen.
“You said you were having computer issues?” I asked.
“Oh he’s just so perfect Diana. So eager to serve!” she remarked.
“He will suit our needs just fine” she said to Angela as she wrapped her arm around the other woman’s waist. She then looked over at me with such possessive eyes. I felt like a piece of meat. “I’m glad you brought it up Austin, I do have something for you to do.
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