
The Kiss_(0)

Allie kissed Erin, and everything changed for both.

Everyone in this story is at least 18 years old or older.

Erin Delacorte was used to being like a ghost, sneaking in and out of people’s lives without leaving so much as a footprint. Not that it mattered, because there was no ‘real her’ to leave behind. She is a member of the FBI’s Counterintelligence team; more specifically a part of the elite Intelligence Detection and Retrieval (IDR) team. She was anyone she wanted or needed to be; depending on her task. Her job is to glean information from specific targets without them being aware of her intentions. Erin is such a beautiful and charming woman that men didn’t hesitate to grant her every wish, and that made her job easier. She is, without doubt, a stunningly beautiful woman at 5’ 7″, 128 lbs., Green eyes, and blonde hair; worn in a loose pony-tail. Every member of the IDR team was hand-picked based on their appearance, charisma, and ability to persuade.

Erin stepped off the subway and made her way through the morning rush crowd to the Jacob K. Javits Federal Building in Manhattan. A couple of her colleagues admiringly responded as she passed them, a silent congratulation for the fifteen people from Manhattan and Brooklyn that were saved by her last Intelligence retrieval. The information she retrieved from her previous target turned out to be invaluable in protecting those individuals.

Erin’s pony-tail swayed back and forth as she waltzed through the doorway of her small cubicle and sat down at her cluttered workspace. She re-adjusted the height of her chair and fussed under her breath, “Sean…only he would come into my cubicle and feel free to change things around on my desk.”

Erin silently cussed Sean under her breath for making a mess of the files on her desk and skimmed through them trying to re-establish some kind of order. Within minutes of her arrival at her office, Sean himself stomped in unannounced. He threw his jacket over an armchair and sat down with an angry scowl on his face.

“What’s wrong?” She asked her colleague and a good friend. Well, best friend, actually. But she felt revealing that would just inflate his already sizable ego.

Sean huffed and dramatically crossed his arms across his chest. Shaking his head from side to side, he sighed, “I was sent on an assignment to seduce a young woman and to get some highly important information, but she rejected all my approaches.”

He looked hurt and frustrated. “All of them! Every goddamn fucking sexual advancement I tried fell flat,” he continued. “I used every trick in the book, and she didn’t fall for a single one.”

Erin found that surprising because Sean was a really great-looking guy; young, athletic and loaded with sex appeal. Few women could resist his charm and good looks. Erin and Sean had been on a couple of dates together when she first transferred into the Bureau’s counterintelligence division, but there were no fireworks or magic between them, so they just decided to be good friends with occasional benefits. She understood why he was upset because no one ever said no to Sean’s charm. He had the highest success rate of all the male members of their IDR team.

“I don’t get it,” Sean whined, “I did everything by the book. I was gracious and charming and nice and patient, and I’m good looking and, and..,” he trailed off, lost in his frustrated rambling.

Erin smiled inside. She couldn’t deny that she found it somewhat amusing to see someone reject him occasionally just so his super inflated ego didn’t become even more intolerable. She found it unfortunate that it had to happen on a crucial investigation. The Bureau sent Sean, so that must have meant it was an essential piece of information he needed to retrieve.

“Tell me about her,” Erin urged, intrigued by this woman. There weren’t many women that didn’t faint at Sean’s feet, and Erin would like to meet a female who could actually keep her hands off of him.

“She is remarkably gorgeous; clever and thoughtful,” Sean answered in a more animated response. “She has chestnut brown hair that flows down below her shoulders and big brown eyes that will suck you into a whirlpool of emotions. Her smile lights up the room, and her beautiful teeth are as white as snow. She’s about five-nine or ten, slender frame, nice ass and medium size tits that stick out like ripe oranges. And….”

Erin cut him off in mid-sentence and said, “I didn’t need to hear about those parts of her body. All I wanted was a general summary of her appearance and her demeanor is enough for right now.”

“She was kind of perfect, actually. If it wasn’t for this investigation, I could have fallen for her,” Sean confessed, staring gloomily at the wall over Erin’s left shoulder. It was evident that it was a shock to his self-esteem. “If I had met her on the street or at my favorite Watering Hole, I would have asked her out.”

“Wow…sounds like she made quite an impression on you, Sean.”

“I don’t understand it, I even gave her a PEP, but it had a zilch effect on her,” he continued his ramble, muttering to himself as he expressed more ways of how she ultimately rejected his overtures.

PEP was what the Bureau called a ‘Passion Enhancement Pill.’ The latest invention from the Bureau’s advanced science Division. The name said it all. An agent just had to mix in some DNA of their own and some DNA of their target, and then slip it into the target’s food or drink. One taste of the mixture was enough to get the elements into their bloodstream, causing them to become emotionally attached to that particular agent.

The biochemical effects imitated a lustful attraction or a strong urge in the target to please the person who administered the cocktail. It was more of a surge of emotions that tentatively knocked the target off their feet and overtook them with heightened feelings of affection. It had something to do with the triggering of that part of the cerebellum that was responsible for emotions. The Bureau wasn’t too sure, and most agents never really understood how it worked, but it DID work. And it left the victim in a haze that fogged over their short-term memory of the agent that slipped it to them.

But the mixture wasn’t foolproof, and it only worked if there was already some sort of attraction between the target and the agent. Which was why everyone on the IDR team was uncommonly attractive. Let’s face it, who is drawn to a dull plain-Jane type person? Erin found that somewhat annoying that so much depended on looks, but hey, it came with the job. Erin found it a bit unusual that there was a girl who could actually resist Sean’s good looks and charm. She was especially mystified as to why the PEP had not influenced her.

“Maybe she’s gay,” Erin quipped, trying to get Sean out of his funk. Her comment triggered something in Sean’s mind, because he sprang out of the chair, thanked her, and ran out of her cubicle. Not that she minded, because she had so much paperwork to fill out, it made her head spin. Erin didn’t think anything more about it until her boss, the Special Agent in Charge, (SAC) walked in a couple of hours later.

“Good morning, Special Agent Delacorte. I understand Agent Callahan told you about the situation he is in with his current investigation?” Erin’s boss mentioned.

She nodded, wondering why the SAC came to her cubicle instead of calling her to his office. Technically, Agents weren’t allowed to discuss their investigations with one another. She wondered if she and Sean were in trouble for doing so.

“We weren’t actually discussing any details of his investigation, just general roadblocks he’d run into during the investigation,” she volunteered in their defense.

“It’s okay. You’re not in any trouble. I’m glad you did discuss it because Alexandra Singleton is the daughter of an important individual,” the SAC answered. “He died a couple of weeks ago, and he knew something. Something that we desperately need to know. His daughter, Allie, as she likes to be called refuses to talk to our investigators, stating she doesn’t know anything, but my gut and sources tell me she does. We really need to know his information, but she doesn’t seem to be very responsive to our requests,” the SAC lamented, handing her a file and looking at her expectantly.

“And what do you expect me to do? Call her up and try to get her to open up to me?” Erin inquired, not really knowing where the conversation was going but was getting an ominous feeling the SAC wanted something from her above and beyond her regular duty.

“Well, we sent Mark, Jonathan, and Sean, but none of them were successful with her. So, when Sean came into my office, asking me if our “Person of Interest” (POI) was gay, we did some additional investigating, and found that apparently, she is,” he firmly stated, confirming Erin’s feeling that he was going to ask if she wanted to join the investigation and seduce her.

“The file says that this woman is an attorney, and attorneys are notorious when it comes to not talking to law enforcement,” Erin mentioned. “So being gay may not be the reason the other agents fail to get information from her.”

“I still think a woman, gay or straight, would relate better to another woman even if that other woman was part of law enforcement,” the SAC contended.

“So, what are you saying?” Erin asked with a definite hint of suspicion in her voice.

The SAC sheepishly smiled and inquired, “Do you want to try your luck at seducing her? Maybe you can charm her, like you do most men, into giving up the information we need.”

“There is just one small detail,” Erin explained. “The POI is a gay female, and I’m not gay. What if she expects me to…? uh, you know? How am I supposed to handle that type of situation?”

The SAC smiled and nodded his head. He acted as though he was not asking her to do anything out of the ordinary. The subtle pressure was on her to answer his unspoken question. He stared intently into Erin’s eye as though he genuinely wanted her to answer in the affirmative.

“Again, what do you want from me?” Erin inquired, noting he hadn’t really answered her question. She wanted him to go on record with the request so that down the road no one could accuse her of being attracted to women.

“Well, since you have the highest success rate with men it would only seem logical to send you, even though you’re straight,” the SAC explained, looking ruefully at the floor.

“Oh my, God! Do you expect me to have sex with her?”

The SAC stared Erin in the eyes like he had not just implied something totally bazaar. He waited for her affirmation.

Erin gasped and scowled, “Oh my God. You do expect me to have sex with her if it comes down to that; don’t you!

The SAC was still reluctant to make it a direct order. “I can’t tell you how to conduct your investigation, Agent Delacorte, but I have no doubt that you can handle yourself resourcefully in any given situation.”

“You did hear me when I said I’m not gay,” she re-emphasized. She tried to argue her point, but she knew that her sexual preference didn’t really matter when given an assignment. After all, she had seduced many men she wasn’t attracted to either. In the Bureau, it didn’t really matter what her own sexual attractions were when it came to completing the assignment.

The SAC didn’t show any signs of withdrawing his request and waited quietly for her answer. Erin felt the tension building in the room, and it was anything but subtle. She viewed his request as a no-win situation for her. If she refused her career could be affected. If she agreed her career could be affected. She tossed the dice in her head and went for the gamble.

“Okay, okay, I’ll go. I’ll give it a try, I’m making no promises of success,” she relented and saw her boss’ face light up.

“Thank you, Agent Delacorte. In that file is the basic information, a more specific analysis will follow,” he stated, quickly walking out of her cubicle. Erin flipped through the file and immediately noticed a photo of Miss Allie Singleton that confirmed she was indeed a stunningly beautiful young woman. Allie’s smile alone was enough to encourage Erin to want to learn more about her. Erin had never been attracted to a woman, but Sean was right when he said that she had big brown eyes that would suck you into a whirlpool of emotions. Allie’s full lips were admittedly alluring, and for the first time in her memory, Erin felt the urge to kiss another woman.

“Well, no time like the present for a lesbian romp,” Erin muttered to herself.

Erin spent the next hour digging deeper into the file, flipping through the notes, memorizing everything she needed to know to charm Miss Singleton into giving up the information.

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