
The Joker’s On Batgirl

This work of Fiction contains comicbook violence and supervillainous Rape. Not a “safe space”

The Joker’s On Batgirl

INTRODUCTION: Attention – this work of fiction contains scenes of comic book violence, super villainous rape and bad puns. It is not a “safe space” and no doubt abounds with micro and mega aggressions. If reading this will cause you to visit the fainting couch or get the vapors then by all means don’t read. Stick to something more to your tastes, I wouldn’t want to lose sleep worrying you might need therapy or counseling due to my warped mind. To those that wish to read, enjoy my take on superhero fanfiction.

RIP Yvonne Craig

Barbara Gordon was about to swallow the second aspirin tablet when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. Putting the glass of milk down on the kitchen counter the young woman peered out the window to verify what she’d seen. Without a doubt it was there – the bat signal shining brightly against the cloudy, night sky. She knew that meant there was trouble in Gotham City and help was needed but she also knew something the police didn’t – that Batman was out of town.

It had been a few days earlier when both she and the caped crusader had attended an event to encourage the youth of Gotham City to become more physically active and he’d confided in her that he needed to travel to a Justice League meeting over the weekend. Batman had even joked that with crime being so low recently it felt like he was no longer needed in Gotham City. And now this.

Well luckily he wasn’t the only masked crime fighter around she thought as she headed to her bedroom. Fifteen minutes later after changing into her skintight costume and applying her makeup she slipped out the window of her ground floor apartment into the back alley behind the building. After rolling the Batcycle from her nearby rented garage she rode a short distance to where she found a rare working payphone. A minute later she heard the oh, so familiar voice on the other end of the line.

“Yes, this is Commissioner Gordon, to whom am I speaking?”

“Commissioner, its Batgirl.”

“Batgirl! To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?”

“Well I couldn’t help but notice that the bat signal has been sent and I wished to offer my services to Gotham City.”

“Well that’s very commendable of you young lady but this could be a dangerous mission which is why I’ve summoned Batman.”

Sighing to herself, Barbara thought that though she dearly loved her father he had some very old fashioned, sexist attitudes toward gender roles. It was for this reason that he approved of her job as head librarian at Gotham City’s main branch and why he had reservations about women crime fighters, including female police officers. In fact it was only after a lawsuit that department policy had been changed allowing female officers to work the streets instead of being cooped up inside station houses doing filing and other clerical work.

“Unfortunately Commissioner I have information that Batman is currently away from Gotham City on business and won’t be back until Sunday. Do you think the situation can wait until then?”

Though normally gung ho about any opportunity to prove she was the equal of men, (and perhaps in some small way to win her father’s approval even if he didn’t realize who she was) on that particular Friday night Barbara just wanted to retire early and rest. The library had been in the midst of re-organizing the reference section and the attractive young woman had spent the past few days moving heavy tomes from one bookcase to another. Her back, arms and shoulders ached from the thousands of pounds she had toted and her lower half was fatigued from the hundreds of trips she had made up and down the ladders to the higher shelves.

“Not in Gotham City you say. That is catastrophic indeed! Perhaps this is against my better judgment but I don’t feel this can wait the two days so I’ll tell you what we’ve learned. It seems that a concerned citizen observed the Joker and two of his henchmen in the vicinity of Wayne Botanical Gardens.”

“But Commissioner, isn’t the Joker confined at Arkham Asylum?”

“That’s what we all believed until this report came in. I made the call to the asylum myself and was informed that the Joker had been there until lights out but sometime after that he disappeared. They have been conducting a thorough search of the grounds trying to find and re-capture him and hadn’t released the information in order to avoid causing an unnecessary panic but it seems he’s already reached Gotham City.”

“That’s terrible Commissioner but I’ll do my best to locate him before he goes into hiding or worse commits a dastardly crime.”

“Thank you Batgirl and Godspeed. If you discover his whereabouts don’t tackle him on your own but call us for help. Chief O’Hara and I will be here all night and we have a special task force assembled ready to respond at a moment’s notice.”

Fat chance of that she thought to herself as she hung up the phone. If Gotham’s finest were up to the task of capturing the Joker then there would be no need to summon a masked vigilante. Barbara knew they could handle mundane crimes like burglary and purse snatchings but supervillains were beyond their capabilities. What she had to do was forget her own nagging aches and pains and become a tireless crime fighting machine until the threat to Gotham City was neutralized.

Her motorcycle roared to life when her high heeled boot hit the kick starter and a moment later she was cruising along the mean streets of Gotham searching for her prey. A thorough search of Wayne Botanical Gardens turned up nothing so she continued to the Reservoir but after circling it she was still no closer to finding the Joker than she had been before.

Barbara decided to then check the adjoining Robinson Park before calling it a night and resuming her search early the next day. She had covered the majority of the park when her sharp ears caught what sounded like a muffled cry. Whether it had to do with the Joker or not she didn’t know but if someone was in trouble her duty was clear to do what she could to help.

Coming to a halt she killed the engine to better listen when the sound was repeated originating from somewhere past a copse of trees on her left side. Leaving the Batcycle by the side of the path she sprinted in the direction of the cry until she burst out of the trees and into the clearing beyond where a shocking scene greeted her. Two muscular hoodlums were dragging a young, shapely, blonde toward a nearby park bench and from the torn and disheveled state of her clothing it seemed clear what their evil intentions were.

“Unhand that woman and surrender you villains or I won’t be responsible for the consequences,” Batgirl called out as she rushed toward them with fire in her eyes.

“Mirth, it’s Batgirl, let’s take a powder,” one of the thugs called out to his confederate in a frightened tone.

“The heck with that Guffaw, why should we? There are two of us and besides she’s only a woman. Let’s get her,” his partner replied before roughly shoving the captive woman onto the bench and charging.

“Bad move,” Batgirl exclaimed though she had no time to say more for the first hoodlum was upon her.

She just managed to sidestep him as he hurtled past when the second crook arrived throwing a wild haymaker which she ducked. Before he could recover Batgirl delivered a crushing kick to his groin which dropped him in his tracks, his face turning as white as a sheet. Just then the first attacker returned from behind and wrapped his brawny, tattooed arms around her lithe form so tightly that the breath was forced from her lungs.

Batgirl had no luck prying his hands apart so she instead used her brain – and foot. She drove her high heel as hard as she could into his instep and was rewarded by a grunt of pain as well as his grip loosening about her svelte midsection. Taking advantage she then twisted her waist while at the same time swinging her elbow back and up catching him squarely in the jaw with all her power.

It took a second such blow for him to release her, at which time he staggered back trying to clear his head. Knowing that she was tiring fast Batgirl wasted no time but instead pressed forward while he was back on his heels. She feinted a kick toward his groin and once he lowered his hands in an attempt to block her attack Batgirl pivoted and delivered a devastating roundhouse kick to his unprotected head.

That sent the criminal sprawling to the turf with a thud, allowing her to catch her breath for the moment. Batgirl next turned her attention to the victim to see if she was okay. The woman seemed unhurt and was sitting on the bench watching everything unfold with an enigmatic expression on her pretty face.

“Are you all right ma’am? Can you move?” Batgirl inquired as she approached her.

“I think so,” the blonde replied after which she stood, thus proving her contention.

“We should get you out of here in case there are more hoodlums lurking about. I don’t know how many more I can handle tonight,” Batgirl stated though what she didn’t mention was that these crooks appeared to work for the Joker, so where was the criminal boss now?

“Well thank you for your help. It was very brave of you coming to my aid. What’s the world coming to when a lady can’t take a stroll in Gotham City on a fine summer night,” the blonde said as she attempted to tug her torn, black miniskirt down enough to cover her bright, red panties.

“Come on Miss, no time to dally talking. We really should inform the police what happened and get you somewhere so you can be checked out,” Batgirl said while scanning the park for any hidden danger.

“Of course, of course, I understand. Just give me a minute to fix myself,” the woman answered as she checked her appearance with a compact she had removed from her purse.

“We really don’t have time for you to adjust your makeup Miss,” Batgirl said while taking her by the arm and attempting to lead her away.

“Quinn, its Ms. Harley Quinn and we have all the time in the world Batgirl,” the blonde replied right before she blew a large amount of knockout powder right into Batgirl’s face.

Almost instantly Batgirl felt herself going numb as Harley Quinn pulled free of her and sent another cloud of white dust straight toward the caped crime fighter.

“You tricked me,” Batgirl gasped as she attempted to reach out and grab her deceiver but it was too late.

Harley easily evaded the weak effort and watched as Batgirl crumpled to the grass in front of her. The last thing Batgirl remembered before everything went black was seeing two pairs of legs and shoes approach. One set was the high heeled red stilettos and black stocking clad legs of Harley while the other was a large pair of black and white men’s wingtip shoes and purple dress slacks.

The first thing Batgirl felt when she regained consciousness was a dull, throbbing pain in her head which was followed by a blinding light shining in her eye. After a moment the light was removed but the pain persisted and she could now hear the murmur of voices above her. Focusing her mind Batgirl managed to overcome her disorientation enough to force her eyes open, though once she had part of her wished she hadn’t.

From what she could see it appeared she was in a dank underground chamber with a damp, vaulted ceiling and rough, unpainted concrete walls. Standing above her to the right was the arch-villain Joker with his arm wrapped around the waspish waist of his malevolent sidekick Harley Quinn, now dressed in her familiar black and red jester costume. It was difficult to see much more because she was restrained flat on her back. Turning her head as much as she could Batgirl saw that both her wrists and ankles were securely strapped to what looked like a large, wooden X suspended a few feet above the floor.

“Welcome back to the land of the living Batgirl,” the Joker told her with a painted smile plastered to his sinister face.

“Joker, you fiend. Where are we and what do you want from me?”

“Where we are is the least of your concerns Batbroad and to be accurate it wasn’t you that I wanted but rather Batbrain. However I’m adaptable enough to roll with the punches so I’ve already adjusted my plans to reflect the new reality. What fatal entertainment I had in store for Batbrain and his boy blunder won’t work with you due to differences in body size and weight so I came up with something, shall we say, that’s less lethal but more pleasurable for all involved and that’s no jest.”

“What are you talking about you villain?”

“Oh, you’ll soon find out. Harley, would you administer the injections.”

“Right away Joker baby,” she replied before bending down and reaching into a small, leather satchel by her feet.

Her hand emerged holding a syringe and a small vial of clear liquid. After filling the syringe she rubbed an alcohol wipe on Batgirl’s bare neck that was between her cowl and cape then aimed the needle there.

“Don’t worry, this is just to counter the effects of the knockout powder honey. No need to panic, it will take away your headache,” she told the captive as the needle pierced Batgirl’s smooth, flawless skin.

Once she had administered the counter agent the villainess produced another vial of liquid which soon was injected into the helpless crime fighter but Harley still wasn’t finished. Pulling yet another vial from her bag the criminal psychiatrist smiled evilly as she prepared to give Batgirl the final needle.

“The second injection was just a mild muscle relaxant to better prepare you for what’s about to happen Batgirl but this last one you’ll find quite interesting, I believe. It’s a special formula I’ve developed to turn even the most repressed, frigid, sex hating woman into a raving nymphomaniac and there’s no antidote.”

Batgirl shrank away from the needle but restrained as she was it only delayed the inevitable before the sharp metal pierced her tender flesh and the liquid coursed throughout her body.

“If you think that just because you give me some so called aphrodisiac that it will make me be a willing party to any of your sinister perversions than you have no clue,” Batgirl said before the Joker cut her off.

“No Batboobs, it’s you that doesn’t have a clue and by the way your boobs appear to be spectacular. I can’t wait to taste them,” he told her after which he reached down and roughly squeezed both breasts through her snug fitting costume.

“Never you villain! They aren’t there for your pleasure.”

“Ha! So you claim. But like I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me, it’s entirely irrelevant whether you’re willing or not. To tell the truth,” he said with his voice becoming a husky whisper, “I kind of prefer it if you’re not willing, turns me on even more. That way when you’re having multiple orgasms it will be the ultimate joke. Now let’s see those tits.”

Bending down with an evil grin the Joked removed a razor sharp scalpel from his jacket pocket and proceeded to slice a circular incision in the material around Batgirl’s right breast. Once the circle was complete he did the same with the left breast and when finished the supervillain pulled the fabric away exposing her considerable charms.

“Nice tits Batgirl! They look like they want to be sucked, wouldn’t you say Harley?”

“I have to say they’re perky,” Harley reluctantly admitted, “and those pink nipples look as tasty as bubble gum.”

“Well then let’s not waste any more time.”

Without another word the criminal duo carried out on their threat with each placing their mouth on a breast and going to work. The Joker was rougher, biting Batgirl’s pink nipple and pale breast flesh repeatedly whereas Harley used her agile tongue to stimulate the sensitive nub but the results were the same, two erect and aroused nipples. Even worse for Batgirl was that the stimulation wasn’t confined to her breasts but everything they did sent waves of pleasure pulsing toward her awakening loins.

“Oh stop you villains! Stop, I beg of you! You know you’re committing a serious crime and you’ll have to answer for it. Ooh! Aaaah!”

“What’s the matter Batgirl, getting a little hot under the costume?” the Joker asked with an insane laugh before resuming his feast upon her exposed flesh.

Batgirl was unable to answer and instead bit her lip because Harley, while continuing to flick Batgirl’s nipple with her pierced tongue, had slid her gloved hand down the helpless woman’s body and was stroking between her imprisoned legs with a vengeance. The comely crime-fighter squirmed about trying to escape this attention but due to her bound condition she was unsuccessful and could feel her lust increasing with each passing second.

Just when Batgirl was at the point she couldn’t take anymore without exploding the Joker pulled his mouth from her and straightened up. He then unzipped his fly and reached into his pants with an evil smile on his painted face.

“Harley, I need your fluffer services asap. We don’t wish to keep the Batslut waiting too long.”

“Yes Joker, I’m coming,” she replied after delivering one final lick.

“Time enough for your fun later. Now’s the time for me to cum. Kneel down right here so she can get a good look of what she’s about to receive and be quick about it.”

Without saying another word Harley knelt before her mentor and took his rapidly hardening cock in her hand and brought it to her open mouth. The Joker wasted no time but thrust his hips forward driving his wide, growing cock to the back of her mouth. He then grabbed Batgirl by her head and twisted it so she was forced to stare at the sordid scene happening next to her.

Harley was eagerly impaling her mouth onto the Joker’s swelling member, taking as much as she could fit with each bob of her head. As his erection stiffened she angled her head so that she could deep throat it while staring up at him with adoration in her eyes. He ignored her with the exception of using her mouth for his focus remained solely on Batgirl.

“Can you see how big and hard I’m becoming Batslut? Soon it will be your mouth pleasuring me, you choking on my thick cock as it fills your throat to its limit,” he told her with a leer.

“Never, you depraved pervert. I’d rather die than yield to your deviant desires,” she defiantly replied.

“Bah,” he said, “you’ll do what you’re told and you won’t die. However you may need a little encouragement and I have just what the doctor ordered.”

Then turning to look at Harley he barked, “Enough,” before pulling her head off his erection and stepping closer to Batgirl.

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