
The Invasion

In the future two brothers find a lost record of an alien invasion where large men like creatures take over the women population to control the earth.

This story is only fiction. This author does not condone in anyway the actions of rape or non-consensual sex.

The Invasion –

“What have you got there?” Luke asked his older brother John.

“I just finished cleaning out grandpa’s house that he left us in the Will. I found this large box tucked away in the attic marked “Top Secret.” I did not go through it yet but it’s filled with old disc drives, books, videos, reports and files of some sort.” John stated with an obvious curiosity in his voice.

“Wasn’t Grandpa a General or something?” Luke questioned his older brother.

“I think so. I know he was one of the key figures in winning our planet back from the Aliens in the 2020s.”

“Why is there a blackout with anything regarding the invasion? I tried to look up information about it a couple of months ago but it is virtually impossible to find anything. You would think that 75 years later the world would be less afraid about opening up old wounds.” Luke said in a frustrated manner.

“Grandpa told me that it was decided that for to world to get back to normal each nation would have to learn to forgive their own female population, who some men felt almost lost us our planet.”

“It was thought that it was best to bury the whole episode and let time heal the wounds; or something to that effect.” John explained while shrugging his shoulders indicating he wasn’t entirely sure.

“He said that the idea was taken from how the United States handled the situation after the historical attacks of 9/11/2001.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you remember when we were in high school they taught us in History Class that for a while no videos were shown of the planes crashing into the old World Trade Center on television. The leaders at that time did not want to inflame tensions toward the Arab population, so for a while the footage was buried.” John explained.

“It really is unfortunate that women did take the blunt of the blame being they were telepathically manipulated by the invaders. Legend has it that the creatures minds were so advanced that they communicated telepathically with women and manipulated their minds.”

“What do you mean manipulated their minds?” Luke asked.

“Grandpa told me stories of females going into trance like states while leaving there families, jobs and lives. He described it as being similar to how mythical vampires would look into their victims’ eyes and putting them in a deep trance, causing them to willingly give themselves to the vampire to either die or be turned into one.”

“What did this cause the females to do?” Luke asked with a curious tone to his voice.

“I don’t really know for sure. It was a while ago that I asked him, and he would never go into details saying I was too young to understand at the time. He only said it was a horrible time in human history”

“Let’s see what’s in the box.”

John removed the thick tape that held it closed and opened it up. Inside he saw a large binder labeled “Complete War Summary.” He picked up the book and opened it to random pages; while just skimming the first few lines of each entry. He then put it down with an astonished expression on his face.

“Do you know what this is?” John said while looking at Luke with obvious shock on his face.

“This is the complete fully documented war record.”

“Look at all of this stuff! It has countless pages of witness testimony, video evidence, combat strategy, you name it!” John went on excitedly.

“Read some of it!” Luke impatiently stated.

“Ok, but I am not sure where to start there is so much stuff here. I guess this is the beginning. It’s labeled (First Contact) and is written by grandpa himself” John stated as he sat back in a chair and opened the first page of the huge binder and started to read out loud.

First Contact – This is the official summary of the Alien Invasion that took place from the years 2021 to 2029. – Brigadier General Paul Jackamo

They first appeared in isolated countries such as North Korea in early 2021. The invaders sent out groups of less than a thousand to probe the Korean population to see if there were any weaknesses regarding their plan. The rogue nation was relatively closed off to the outside world, and by the time the aliens plan started to fully emerge it was too late for an adequate response.

Make no mistake most of the word powers were aware of what had begun, but did not recognize its severity. Once they did they kept their populations in the dark until a method could be figured out to fend off what looked to be a relatively small incursion at the time.

The United States had its network of undercover operatives working the problem with agents stationed in both North and South Korea. Operatives on the ground began to report strange happenings. They said that the entire North Korean female population seemed to be turning on its men. While this seemed to be only happening in the North, there were scattered reports of South Korean women crying or in distress, with a need to leave there homes and families for no apparent reason. Some women in the South seemed to mindlessly head to the demilitarized zone separating the two nations and tried to cross. They would cry and scream when not being permitted to cross and had to be restrained or arrested. Reports stated they were acting like zombies as if driven by an unforeseen force.

At first it was thought to be some sort of drug or contaminate let loose in the air. It was figured that North Korea had developed a weapon of some sort that backfired on them and made its citizens turn on itself.

It was being reported that large blocks of North Korea females were going missing. It wasn’t as if nobody knew how they went missing. They would all of a sudden get up and leave with no warning as if in some sort of trance.

Some operatives also reported strange and unbelievable things. Reports were coming in that manlike creatures who stood almost seven feet tall were sexually assaulting the native women population with their consent.

When the first reports started to trickle in about the creatures they were dismissed as fantasy or the product of agents in the field being burned out or imagining things.

However, once all contact was lost with North Korea on any level, the sightings were being looked at as credible by intelligence agencies.

The operatives reported seeing large man like creatures with seemingly telepathic powers controlling female’s minds, with the women now servicing these beings sexually.

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