
The Imperfect Storm Chapter 1

-The Imperfect Storm-
© Copyright Mojavejoe420 2013-17

(Howdy folks. This story has been hanging around, unfinished, on another site for about four years. I’ve actually finished it now! It’s 8 parts, yikes! I have tried to revise chapters 1-6 to fix massive grammatical and tense errors, but it’s basically the same as it appeared 4 years ago, very trashy! Chapters 7 and 8 are the new ones.

It’s related to the first story wot I ever did writ, “My Sister and Her Friends” from several years ago. You don’t have to read that story to enjoy this one, but why don’t you? It will only take about 3-4 hours. Many people thought, correctly, that the “Sister” story ended very abruptly, and left a lot of loose ends. I actually got a fair amount of hate mail for ending it so quickly.

So anyway, here’s the story of the numbnuts who wrote it…)

-The Imperfect Storm-

Bzzz, Bzzz, Bzzz!

Fucking alarm clock. I slapped at it to turn it off.

“Hey Whit,” I said quietly to my girlfriend. I reached for her under the sheets, and disappointment struck immediately. She had her granny panties on. That only happens for one of two reasons. And she he isn’t mad at me, so that means Big Red is in town. Fuck. Or, to be more precise, “No Fuck.”

We had sex once when Big Red was here. Didn’t work for me. It felt weird and the visual was too disturbing. I’m all about alternatives, though. My cock was fired up and, hey, what is she doing?

“Morning, babes!” She said sweetly. And she got out of the fucking bed. “I’ve got to get in on time today. They’re watching me like a hawk.”

“Yeah. Um, Happy birthday?”

“Oh shit! I’m sorry! Happy Birthday Sweetie!!” She returned and gave me a nice, but short, kiss. I squeezed a soft, hanging boob for a moment. “I love you, Trent. We’ll do something tonight, ok?” And she slithered away and got the shower water going.

Ok, I’m 26 years old and I didn’t expect a bounce house or clowns, but a little recognition on my birthday would’ve been nice. My cock still wanted something to do. Jacking off by myself in bed on my birthday, when I have a girlfriend? Fuck that.

I got up and strolled to the shower and peeked over the top; Whitney just gotten her hair all wet. Mmmmmm. She looked so good, too. Nice C-cups, and the water made her pink nipples stand right up.

“Knock-Knock!” I said as I opened the door and stepped inside.

“Trent! Good lord look at that thing! You could put an eye out with that!”

“Whit, you aren’t that short!” She is pretty short, but she is actually taller than my crotch.
Although, it might be cool to have someone that short… but I digress.

We hugged and kissed and I grabbed her sexy little ass. It’s really nice. I like it.

She broke the kiss, though, and pushed me back a little.

“Sweetie, I don’t really have time and I’m on the…”

“I know!” I cut her off. I don’t like hearing things about rags. That’s why I call it Big Red. “But you’ve got two minutes, right? Two minutes? I’ll make the coffee. And the breakfast. Two minutes.”

She smiled and gave me the ‘oh all right’ look. Putting down a couple washcloths for her knees, she took my cock into her mouth. Mmmmm. With the hot water hitting my neck and back, and a hot mouth on my cock, I thought that was a good start to the morning!

Whit isn’t exactly a porn star, but she does fine by me. What she can’t get in her mouth she gripped with her hand. In unison, she stroked and sucked my cock.

She stopped and looked up at me. I love it when she does that.

“Happy Birthday, Baby,” she purred. Mmmm God. Her thumb rubbed my main vein and her tongue hit my cock just right. Fuck yeah!

“Go baby, go!” She likes encouragement. “Suck it! Yes, so good! You’re so pretty sucking my cock!”

My steel hard cock loved this. I knew pre-cum leaked down her throat. Her tits swayed as she rocked back and forth on my cock. Maybe tonight I’ll tittyfuck her and cum on them, I thought. Fuck, her mouth feels good on my cock. I had to put a hand on the wall to steady myself. Jesus!

“Goddammit Whit! Shit! Yes… Here it comes!!”

At the last possible second, she pulled her mouth off and finished me off with her hand.

My pulsing cock shot long streams of hot cum on her cheeks, across her nose, another shot to the eye which made her scream a little.

Jesus, I do love cumming. I know that’s not a big revelation or anything, I’m just saying.

Whit’s pretty face was a gooey mess. Gobs of cum dripped down her nose, cheeks, one long strand hung in the wind. She stood up, though, and quickly shouldered me aside so she could rinse my cum off.

“You got it in my hair!” She whined a little.

Hey, sorry, you know? It’s my birthday. Cum happens.

We finished the shower, and I hustled to get the coffee and bagels going. I didn’t get dressed, I figured she needed to see me naked some more so she’ll know what’s what.

“Thanks!” she said, sweetly, as I handed her the mug and plate. “You know, uh, that you’re still naked, right?”

“Yeah, it’s my Birthday Suit. I’m wearing it all day!” She rolled her eyes at me. “So, are we going out tonight?”

“Honey, I know it’s your B-day and all. But I thought we could just have the girls over tonight. We can do something special on the weekend.”

Little sigh. “Yeah, fine. We’ll do that.” The ‘girls’ are her two sisters. They’re nice and all, but, I wanted to do something different. We always hung out with her sisters. Don’t get me wrong, they are great, I love ’em like sisters. But sometimes we kind of devolve into petty little sister squabbles and I get bored and go play X-box. But, whatever.

We dressed and went to work. Whitney might get to work on-time, I hoped.

– – –

Another fun day at Archer Webz. I help with the web-hosting services. Not real exciting. Pays the bills. Most of them.

Whitney called me just as I got home. She had gotten in trouble for texting on the job, so she was playing it cautious.

“Honey, I’m so sorry! I have to work a double shift today. That old bitch Gladys AND Donna are out sick and I can’t go home. I’ll see you in the morning, though! The girls will make dinner! Oh, and hey… if you’re good,” she lowered her voice to almost a whisper. “Maybe I’ll suck you off completely tomorrow, how’s that?”

“Sounds awesome babe. Except, no ‘maybe’ about it. You WILL suck me off completely!”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, thrill of my life!”

“Hey! I work HARD all DAY making that stuff for you! And you just let it go on the ground or down the drain.”

“Awww! Poor baby! Nobody eats his sperms!”

“Yeah, poor me. Poor OLD me!”

“Oh stop it. You’re still a puppy. You’re in your prime! I love you honey. Happy Birthday! See you tomorrow!”

She’s the best girlfriend I’d ever had. But we’d been going out two years now and, well, that certain question kept hanging around the relationship. Unspoken, but lurking.

‘When are you two getting married?’

Married. I just don’t know about that one. Whit and I broke up once, after about 8 months. Then, a month later, we couldn’t live without each other and re-united. We say we love each other, all the time. But. I don’t know, just ‘but’.

– – –

“Sister Bitches! Welcome. Welcome!”

Hey, I don’t walk around calling bitches, ‘bitches’, not to their faces. But Whitney and her sisters all have tattoos that say “Sister Bitches” on various parts of their bodies. Whit’s is on her ankle, her older sister Stacy has it tatted on her back, and the baby, Melissa, has it tattooed somewhere I can’t see. Rumor has it that it’s on her ass cheek, so I can’t confirm.

Anyway, the sister bitches brought a bucket of chicken and a 12-pack of Buds. Hey! Bottles! We are celebrating tonight, man!

We do the hugs and cheek kisses, which is nice. Both sisters are pretty, with Stacy kind of classy-pretty and Melissa kind of cutesy-pretty. And you know how most girls do that kind of A-frame hug where no body parts actually touch during the supposed hug? Yeah, that sucks. Not the Bitches. Full body hugs and cheek kisses. And Missy has got a set of D’s on her that are VERY nice for hugging. She always gives me an extra little shake, too. Flirt.

We drank a few beers, ate up the chicken parts, and licked our fingers because, you have to! It’s just that good.

Missy wanted to step it up a notch, so I made her a nice big vodka and Redbull. Uh, it’s not Grey Goose. It’s Popov. I’ll write another story in a few years when I’m rich and we’ll be drinking Grey Goose, baby! Until then, you don’t have to comment on my financial situation.

We were heading towards the TV room when I had to tell them the latest news item.

“Did you guys hear about the latest scandal involving our wonderful president?”

“Um, no,” ventures Stacy. “What’s he done now?”

“Well, you know, when he gives speeches in public. He’s always surrounded by bullet-proof glass. Personally, I think the Secret Service is being a bit overzealous. I mean, just cuz he’s black doesn’t mean he’s gonna start shooting at people!”

The girls thought for a second, then they burst out laughing. Yeah, it’s a little racist. Sue me.

Stacy laughed so hard she actually tripped and sort of fell into Melissa, who spilled her entire drink on her own shirt. She got soaked through.

“Stupid bitch!” she yelled at Stacy, but they’re both still laughing. “Now what am I supposed to do?”

I’m laughing at the joke and the incident. But I get it together for a minute.

“Smooth move, Stacy-Lax!” She flipped me off. “Missy, go in the closet and get something of Whit’s. Here…” I lead her to the right closet back in the bedroom.

I walked away to go join Stacy, then I returned to ask Melissa if she wanted another Redbull or something else. But, before I spoke, she’d already lifted her shirt off over her head.

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