THE HUNT, Chapter 1: The Beginning
THE HUNT, Chapter 1: The Beginning
Sex Story Author: | Ike Man |
Sex Story Excerpt: | When he is done, he just walks away, her bare ass exposed to anyone. It no longer is his concern. |
Sex Story Category: | Bestiality |
Sex Story Tags: | Bestiality, Discipline, Erotica, Exhibitionism, Fiction, Male / Females, Non-consensual sex, Pregnant, Romance, Slavery |
The setting for the story in my mind is similar to the mid-1700’s of America, if not really. The setting is still primitive, still wild and raw, still largely untamed, and in some places seemingly inaccessible simply due to geological formations. Outside the larger cities along the sea coasts, the economy of the inhabited, ‘civilized’ if you will, land is largely on the backs of slavery. The racial makeup of the characters in unimportant and purposefully not defined. White, black, native American, or whatever might be possible identifications, but regardless of racial definition, slavery is slavery. What is important is what people do, how they react in their opportunities and their life in general.
This is the story of one woman, a slave named, Sarah, who fights against the social structure and domination, and, as a result, finds herself in a fight for survival in slavery. Ultimately, she gives birth to a very special daughter, Maia, who makes her own choices and sets in motion a life that influences others.
Sarah always knew slavery, which is to say that she was always a slave. She was born to her slave parents who belonged to the owners of a small working farm. The small farm was hardly profitable even with the two slaves to work the land. But, the addition of another mouth to feed and the distraction it caused the mother became a burden to the farmer and his family. As a result, as cruel as it might seem even to him, when a passing slaver caught sight of the small girl playing in the field alongside her parents, he inquired to buy the child.
The Commonwealth government had no laws one way or the other regarding slaves. Slaves fit into the governance of owned livestock or property. As long as an owner had paperwork indicating ownership, any livestock, property, or slave could be sold, purchased, or bartered as any two parties saw fit. Local jurisdiction, however, especially in the predominately agricultural regions heavy in the slave trade, had established much stiffer penalties regarding the slaves than any other livestock, which is to say that steal, injuring, killing, or aiding in the escape of another man’s slave resulted in far tougher consequences.
Such was the condition that existed for Sarah when she was emotionlessly sold to this complete stranger without regard to his intentions for her. At the very tender age of five, Sarah was separated from her parents, forever. Sarah had nightmares for years as her subconscious mind replayed that day she was literally handed over to this man’s men and tied in the bed of his wagon while her mother and father cried, wailed, and cursed at her removal. That was a bad enough of a memory for her, but the cracks, loud and sharp, of the bullwhip striking the backs and limbs of her parents as they strained to interfere was the true horror. It was years before her young mind could make sense of that fateful day; if anyone’s mind could truly makes sense of such things.
Sarah was soon sold to a very large plantation far from where her parents were. She learned that years later and finally gave up any lingering hope of reuniting with them, ever again. To her it seemed to be forever before the wagon reached a place of many buildings and people. She had never seen a city before. To a little girl, it was both exciting and fearsome. It was there that she was again sold, this time to a man and woman, but only after many people inspected her completely in plain view of anyone. This particular man kept a large nursery of slave children in which he trained them for various tasks. He reasoned that slave children were cheap, very cheap, and proper care and training would reap a many fold return on the investment. Sarah was being trained as a housekeeping and servant. As it would turn out, she would become an especially beautiful young woman as she grew. That simple fact alone would become a significant point in her life.
The plantation was located in a particularly scenic location. At least, it might have seemed that way if you weren’t a slave in it. To the West was a range of mountains that loomed large and forbidding with its forested front slope. Men freely spoke of it being completely unpassable for as far along the range that any man had tried. It seemed to be a complete impediment to any Western expansion. Perhaps much further to the South, maybe even as far South as the coastal lands might yield a route beyond this range of mountains. Many had tried but none had succeeded. Whether they be explorers, trapper, hunters, or runaway slaves, none found a way beyond the mountains. To the North was a forest that was said to stop at a wide and dangerous canyon. The river creating the canyon blocked the direction to the East. To the south was the ocean coastal areas, populated by the most rigid slavery proponents of the entire Commonwealth. Any wandering and unescorted slave in that direction would be immediately detained, owner located by the branding mark, and severely punished upon return to the rightful owner.
Sarah was a stubborn and willful child. She had no idea if that was a trait inherited from her parents, or if perhaps it was her reaction to her condition in life. Her inclination was to rebel again abuse and domination and she received many punishments growing up. She discovered, however, that her remarkable beauty and her quick mind were her greatest strengths and with them she could manipulate non-slaves and even owners, as long as they didn’t realize what she was doing. In her young mind, she separated people into classes: slaves, like herself; non-slaves, anyone else who wasn’t a slave; and owners, who were separate and different from other non-slaves. A non-slave might affect life for a slave, but an owner would literally hold the life or death of a slave in his hand. Although, the death of a slave was a loss of an investment, an example that could be set by a slave’s death could reap better productivity and obedience from those remaining. It was a calculated game to them and the large slave owners played the game well. Sarah found herself with such a man.
She couldn’t remember exactly when her body started being abused for men’s pleasures. Age was largely a meaningless concept to slaves. They weren’t intended to understand such concepts or be given a way to track it except perhaps by the natural cycles of seasons, which provided for times of plantings, tending fields, and harvests. But, when it started, her life changed dramatically, once again.
Despite the commonly held notion, for legal purposes especially, that slaves were mere animals for use and work, men did not seem bothered by using a female slave for a moment of pleasure, especially if his wife was less inclined. It seemed there was something dominating for them to simply use a slave without her consent or consideration. And it happened frequently, sometimes privately and secretly, and sometimes openly.
In Sarah’s case, even owners were taken by her beauty and she again realized her advantage. It didn’t mean she wasn’t used, but men seemed to cherish the opportunity to stick their cock into such a woman. There seemed to be more to the action than mere domination, like they secretly wished she were theirs, that they would enjoy her more. Because they would want her, she was a prize to her owner, men spent more time, were less abusive in their approach to her. And, for her owner, the men wanting to spend time with her, were grateful to the point of favors and consideration in other matters of business and trade. She realized that her owner used her charms and beauty for his advantage with the other owners and businessmen of the region. And, she realized that it was quite effective. She just didn’t know how to use that to her advantage. Or if she even could.
When it finally happened to Sarah, it was rude and terrifying. It wasn’t like she didn’t know what it was all about or why it was happening. There was little justification or rationality required for a free man to use a slave’s body. But, although the general concept of being used for a man’s pleasure might have been understood, the physical reality was entirely different. The first time, of course, was painful and there was blood involved after the tearing of her hymen and it was made worse that her owner had instructed one of his men to prepare her for others. He was neither delicate nor sensitive in his approach. The experience was completely negative and painful from Sarah’s perspective. The subsequent times were equally painful and miserable. She had seen other women being used similarly and did not have the impression that they were experiencing it the same way. But, with no mother or family member to rely for guidance, she endured the use of her body. There was an older slave woman among the household servants that she finally turned to for advice. Describing her experience the old woman asked her questions which seemed very personal to the young woman but there was little to a slave’s life that was really her own. Eventually, the older woman directed her question to the crux of the problem.
“When the men have shoved their tool into your body, how long does it take before your body wets and the sliding becomes easier?”
“Wets? You mean the inside is supposed to become wet? It never does.”
“Never? You mean you are dry the entire time?”
“Yes, you mean that isn’t the way it is supposed to be? I mean after the man shoots into me, if there is another right away, it is easier. Then I am wet inside. Is that what you mean?”
“No, child. To make the act of sex pleasurable, the woman’s body creates a juice that lubricates the inside. Then, his tool going in and out has less friction against you and can be pleasurable.”
“That doesn’t happen. I can tell I am going to be used a lot this way. What can I do?”
“Child, it isn’t just you. I have known many slave women whose bodies don’t respond because they are just being used. Sometimes, they react the same way even with their husband. The act becomes distasteful to them. But, I agree with you. I heard Master talking and he does intend to use you for his benefit with men in the region.”
“What can I do, then?”
The woman described different things like using her imagination while being used but that didn’t help. Eventually, she suggested seeing if she could stimulate herself. “With my fingers?!?” But, she tried it at night when she was alone and she shocked herself. Not only did the touching and feeling of her fingers inside her pussy actually feel good, but she did become wet, very wet, and on the third night her body shook and the feeling was wonderful but also a little worrisome. She asked the old woman about her reaction and was consoled that it just meant that there was nothing wrong with her, she could enjoy sex, and that reaction was the good part of sex. Her problem was emotional, her body was rejecting being used that way without her will being considered. But, she learned that before she was called to entertain the men, usually at night after a meal or drinking, she needed to pull up her dress and touch herself, use her fingers on herself and inside herself, and especially on the little nub at the front of her opening. Eventually, all these would become named: cock, pussy, and clit. But, for now she was just relieved that it didn’t have to hurt every time. It did nothing to cause her to enjoy it, but at least it minimized the pain associated with it.
The next thing she wondered about was why the men seemed to just push a slave over a table or chair or railing, lift her dress up and put himself inside. Many times it even seemed that the men through the dress over the slaves head, covering her while he pounded into her pussy for his relief.
“Child, a man might rationalize that he can use a slave’s pussy for his play and to shoot his seed into her, but it doesn’t mean that he wants to look at her and be reminded of what he is doing.
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