The Heist_(0)
The Heist_(0)
Sex Story Author: | freethinker |
Sex Story Excerpt: | The guard unfastened his belt and opened the front of his pants, letting his erect black cock spring free, and |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Bestiality, Fiction, Gay, Humiliation, Incest, Interracial, Rape, Virginity, Young |
The birthday party was already in progress when Stacy arrived at her friend Melissa’s house with her two kids, Michael, 12, and Katie, 10. Stacy pulled around to the side of the house and they went in through the back gate to the pool area, where Melissa and several other mothers were supervising their kids as they played in the pool. Stacy noted the birthday cake for Melissa’s daughter, Carrie, hadn’t been cut yet, and she turned her own two kids loose to play in the pool with the rest as she walked over to greet Melissa.
Most of the dozen or so mothers were also in swimsuits, congregated in the same area of the patio. There were several clustered around Melissa’s baby, six month old Tyler, asleep on one of the chaise lounges, while the rest exchanged chitchat and sipped their drinks, nibbled hors d’ouvres, and kept an eye on the pool The kids were splashing and playing, totally oblivious of their parents, though there were several furtive glances cast in the direction of Carrie’s birthday cake.
“Hey, Stacy, glad you could make it,” Melissa said as she handed Stacy a tall glass of lemonade. Stacy took a sip, savoring the cold liquid on such a hot day, and thanked her for the drink, and the invitation.
Melissa and Stacy had been friends for several years, though not best friends, and though they normally ran in different social circles. Stacy was from a blue collar family, middle class, her father and mother both working hard and barely getting by. Melissa’s father was a diamond broker, her family well off, and though Melissa was far from being spoiled, she and Stacy had simply just never been all that close.
Their kids were, though. Michael had a preteen crush on Carrie, and Carrie loved the attention, enough that the two were almost inseparable. Michael had been thrilled to be invited to Carrie’s 12th birthday party, and had saved his allowance for weeks to get her a proper present. Watching Michael and Carrie playing in the pool, slightly apart from the others, it was obvious there was a case of budding puppy love there.
The dark van crept down the dirt track and stopped at a point just short of the eight foot chain link fence that marked the edge of the diamond broker’s property. The driver skillfully maneuvered it, turning the van around so it was headed back out the way it had come, and the seven passengers all piled out. They all wore dark clothing, though it hardly matched – some opted for dark t-shirts, one for a turtleneck, a couple for dark button front shirts; the slacks varied from blue jeans to dark blue or gray or black slacks. What they all did have in common was the black ski mask each wore rolled up at the moment as a cap; the cheap walkie-talkie each one carried; and that they were all armed with pistols, knives, and 12-gauge shotguns.
The seven gathered near the rear of the van and went over their plan again – in and out quickly, get the broker and have him open his home safe and give them the contents, take any loose jewelry or anything else they could easily carry, then meet back at the van and make their escape. They all checked their guns and extra ammunition to make sure they were ready, and easily cut a hole in the fence to get onto the broker’s property. It was an easy two hundred foot walk along a faint path to the edge of the woods, and a mere fifty yard sprint across the lawn to the house.
Hearing the noise from the pool area, five of the intruders headed that way, the high privacy fence around the pool masking their approach. Two others went to the front of the house, to insure no one inside the house would be able to escape that way. One of those stopped at the front door, and the other continued on around the house to the parking area at the end of the driveway, in front of the garage. He was surprised to see so many cars there, but figured what the hell, the more people there, the greater the take. He posted himself in a secluded spot near the kitchen door, where he could watch all the cars and the garage entrance.
The leader posted two men at the gate on the near side of the pool, and sent two others to the gat on the other side. He took a spot for himself at the back gate, directly across the pool from the main patio, and waited until all the others had checked in on the cheap walkie-talkies they all carried. He rolled his ski mask down over his face, and gave the order over the radio for everyone to move in.
The first any of the women knew of any trouble was when Stacy saw a tall man, dressed all in black, walk through the back gate and raise his shotgun in the air. “What…?” she started to ask, as the others turned to see what she was staring at. The tall figure fired the shotgun into the air, the blast echoing around the pool and sending kids screaming to the near side, close to the house, away from the gate the intruder had entered through.
One of the other moms, Karen, screamed as she saw the figure walking around the pool, and saw that other dark figures were coming through both the other gates on either side. She tried to grab her son from the pool, thinking she would make a run through the house, but one of the figures beat her to the sliding glass door and shoved her roughly back into the group of other mothers. The women milled around, pulling their kids close to them, as the leader of the robbery team walked over to them.
“Where is the owner of the house?” he demanded. Damn, he thought, they were all friggin’ women and kids, and he wanted the broker, the old man who could open the safe for them. “Where is he?”
An older woman stepped forward hesitantly. “My husband is playing golf this afternoon,” she replied, and the leader turned toward her.
“When is he supposed to be back?” he demanded. The older woman shrugged her shoulders, and he grabbed her, pulling her closer to him. “When, dammit?”
Shaking, she replied, “I don’t know…a couple of hours.” The leader, frustrated at seeing his simple in-and-out job turn into something now more complicated, grabbed the front of her bikini top to pull her closer, but merely succeeded in ripping her top off. Mortified, the woman crossed her arms over her breasts, and suddenly another, younger woman stepped forward.
“Leave her alone!” Melissa screamed, pushing Carrie and her 11 year old son David behind her. “You sonofabitch, you leave my mother alone!”
The leader, taken aback and thinking more clearly now, handed the older woman her top back, almost apologetically. All right, he thought to himself, just calm down – we can still salvage this…
“Okay, okay,” he said, looking around the group of women and children. “Okay, who put this little party together?” he asked. “I wanna know if everyone is here and accounted for – I’m gonna have my people search the house, and they don’t want any surprises.”
Melissa took a quick look around and decided it looked like everyone was there on the patio. “We’re all here,” she said, staring at the leader. “There’s no one in the house, no one else on the property…just a dog locked in the basement”
The leader gave a couple of commands over the radio to the guards at the front door and the garage area, and sent one of the others from the patio to help them search the house. Staring back at Melissa, he curtly ordered that anyone they found was to be shot. Melissa double checked, wanting to be sure no one had slipped away, and sighed with relief when she saw no one had.
“All righty then,” the leader said to Melissa’s mom, Laura. “You don’t know exactly when your old man will be back, but it should be in a couple of hours, right?” She nodded, and he continued, “Okay, do you know where his safe is?”
“It’s in his study,” she replied, “In the closet.”
“Do you know the combination?”
“N-no,” she stammered, wishing she did so she could give them whatever they wanted and get them off her property.
Damn, the leader thought to himself. “Are you expecting anyone else before your husband gets home?” he asked.
Melissa stepped forward again. “A couple of my friends might be expecting someone to come pick them up, that would be about it.” A cry from Tyler got her attention, and Melissa started to move toward the chaise lounge where he had been napping, but the leader stopped her with the barrel of his shotgun.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked gruffly.
Melissa stopped and pointed to the chaise lounge. “My baby,” she replied. “He’s waking up, and probably hungry – I’ll need to feed him.”
The leader considered it for a moment, then told her, “All right, you tell one of my men where you keep the bottles, and he’ll go get one for you – none of you is leaving this area for now.”
Melissa stepped around the barrel of the shotgun and started toward her baby. “There aren’t any bottles,” she told the leader. “I breast feed him. I would appreciate it if you could give me some privacy…”
The leader motioned one of his men to follow her. “Sorry, lady, privacy is gonna be in short supply around here for a while,” he replied. “You can sit right there and feed him, and my guy here will keep watch over you while you do.” He turned to the rest of the group, and motioned them toward the pool. “The rest of you, get into the shallow end of the pool where my people can keep an eye on you – all but you, lady.” He pointed at Laura with one hand, and waved her over to him. “You and me are gonna have a chat. The rest of you, move!”
Melissa picked up Tyler and turned away from everyone else as much as she could, lowering one side of her bikini top and offering a nipple to his mouth. Tyler latched on and began to suckle, as the rest of the group, except for Laura, waded into the shallow end of the pool. The intruders took up positions on either side of the pool, as the two who had been searching the house returned, signaling they had found no one else. The leader sent one of them to watch the front of the house and signal when anyone came up the driveway, and motioned the other to go through the clothes and purses the women had brought and see if he could find anything of value. The thug who had been assigned to watch her moved around to give himself a good view of the baby sucking at her bare breast, and Melissa glared up at him. “Do you mind?” she asked sharply.
The guard stood his ground and continued to stare at her breast. “No, ma’am, I sure don’t,” he replied. “I was told to watch you, and I figure to watch you real close.” The tone of his voice sent a shiver down Melissa’s spine.
Meanwhile, the leader was asking Laura again when her husband was expected to return, and if she knew the combination to the safe in the study. She again denied knowing either, and he began to send her into the pool to join the others when he heard a commotion from where Melissa was feeding her baby.
Tyler, satisfied, had quit suckling, and Melissa had put him back down on the chaise lounge next to the one she was sitting on and started to pull the one side of her bikini top back up. “No need for that,” her guard had told her, leering at her bare breast.
“He’s finished,” Melissa spat back, and put the shoulder strap back up and began to adjust the cup.
The guard reached down and grasped the front of her bikini top and yanked hard, snatching it off her. “I’m not finished,” he replied, reaching down with one rough hand to squeeze and fondle one of her breasts.
Melissa tried to get away, and he cuffed her on the side of the head, hard enough to make her see stars. Before she could recover, he was atop her, pinning her down as he pulled the bottom of his mask up to reveal his lower face and began to suck at one of her nipples. Melissa wriggled and squirmed, trying to get away, and felt his hard cock pressing against her leg through his pants. He cuffed her again, and she went limp, stunned.
“What the hell are you doing?” the leader yelled across at the guard, who was getting a good taste of breast milk as one hand slipped down and began fondling Melissa’s pubic mound through her bikini bottom. At the same time, Laura screamed and started to run over to help her daughter, and as the leader grabbed at her, her top came loose again. He was able to get hold of her and stop her, just as Melissa’s son, 11 year old David, started yelling at the guard to get off his mom and tried to climb out of the pool. One of the guards by the pool shoved him roughly back into the water, and everyone turned to see what was going on.
The guard with Melissa, undeterred, slipped Melissa’s bikini bottom off and lowered his face to her pussy, determined to get a good taste of that as well. His hands full trying to hold Laura back, the leader was unable to do anything to stop him, and the other guards began to cheer him on. Melissa began to stir as she started to come around again, and the guard continued to lick and kiss her pussy as she instinctively arched her back, pushing her pubic mound upward toward his face, still hazy about what was going on.
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