
The Hay Mow

The coming of age brought incredible wisom and pleasure.

The hay mow:

This happened a long time ago in what seems like a different life. It was certainly different times and much simpler times. To put it into perspective it was the late 70’s and i was in my early teens. I had forgotten all these memories until just recently, then one day things hit me and a lot of similarities made sense. Maybe i will write about them another time.

I grew up on a small farm on the edge of a small town, it was the best of both worlds, town and country. We didn’t have much but the entire family worked hard for what we earned. Along with a few head of cattle we also had a small business and a mobile home park. There was some other kids that lived in the park but most that i was close to had moved on. Some came to visit family on weekends but as time was usually limited we never had much play time.

There was a single father that lived there who had three children, two boys and a girl. They came to visit on weekends. The older boy i never had much to do with, the second son was my age and i had known him since we started school but we weren’t that close, he was always busy doing something else. The girl was a a year or two younger than me. Not someone i really was interested in hanging out with.

It was late spring one year and i noticed that there was a second car that was parked at Jim’s trailer very often. When his kids came to visit there was a second girl with his daughter. I figured it was just a friend of his daughters so that she wasn’t bored. This went on for a few weeks before i actually met the new girl one day on my way to the barn to do chores.

“Hi Jan..” i said as i met them on the laneway.

As we stopped for a moment i realized for the first time how pretty this new girl really was, she had something special about her and instantly my heart began to pound.

“Who’s your friend?” I asked

“Oh this is my step sister… Ashley, you two haven’t met ? “ she replied

“ No we haven’t, pleased to meet you Ashley. My name is Dave” as i greeted her.

We might have been country hicks from a small town but we had manners.

Now being a young teenager in those days and having limited time spent with girls i was rather shy so i excused my self and headed to the barn to work on my chores.

As i reached the barn door i heard “hey can we come in and see the cows”

As i turned the two girls began to come towards me.

“Sure you can” i replied…. “any time”

After all i was very proud of my cattle as this was my thing to look after.

We entered the barn and i gave them the grand tour, such as it was. There wasn’t much to do at this time of day so i just carried on with my chores as we talked.

I also had some rabbits and i soon found out there is nothing that melts a young girl like a fluffy little bunny. They played with them while i did some more chores. It was time to put some hay down from the mow so we put the bunnies away and proceeded to head to the mow. They were shocked at the size of the mow. It was rather empty at this time of year so it even looked bigger.

They checked out the entire mow while i sent the bales down to the lower level.

“We should build a hay fort” Ashley remarked.

While that concept seemed rather silly to me since the entire mow could be our play area, why would we need a fort? But…. always up to an adventure.

So with the materials that were handy we or should i say “I” began to stack bales as directed in an unused corner of the mow.

It didn’t take long and we had a nice fort made. The girls proceeded to make a soft sitting area with some loose hay. Then i had an idea, the horse blankets would be much better. So i went below and grabbed an armful. We had wall to wall indoor carpeting!

We spent a few hours in the fort mostly getting to know Ashley and her asking questions about the farm. She was a city girl, her mom had married Jim and moved in a couple weeks ago. I found out she was a year older than me. As we all know girls mature before boys and well… she was maturing nicely. We played some silly games and chatted before it was time for the girls to go. They went back to the trailer and i went about my other chores.

The weekend passed and i didn’t see much else of them. It wasn’t until mid week that i seen Ashley walking out the laneway towards town one day when it hit me. She wasn’t here just on weekends. She lived here with Jim and her mom. Well time went by and we met and chatted a few times and even rode our bikes on the lane together. Just two kids hanging out.

I was on my way to the barn one day as we met on the laneway, “lets go play in our hay fort” she suggested. I had almost forgot about it being there since the cows were out to pasture now and there was no need for hay.

“Sure lets go” i replied

As we headed to the barn.

Soon we were in the fort and chatting away.

As usual she suggested we play a game. Well i didn’t know much about games but agreed.

“Truth, dare, double dare, promise, or repeat.” She blurted out.

Now i had no idea what was so she explained. Pick one of those and the other person gets to choose what you must do.

It started out fine and innocent.

Then i picked …. truth.

“Have you ever slept with a girl ? “ she asked

Well that was easy…”no”

So i returned the question after she picked truth.

“Have you slept with any boys? “ i asked

“No not yet “ she replied “ but i want to”

Wow i never expected a reply like that but i sure did smile.

Well this is where i guess she decided things should get a lot more heated.

I chose “dare” for my next choice.

Im not sure if it was a bad choice or a good one but thinking now i bet it played right into her hand.

“ i dare you to take your pants and underwear off” she said with a devilish grin.

Wow… wait a minute… like in front of a girl ?

I stopped dead in my tracks.” I couldn’t do that I’m shy…” i replied.

“You cant stop the game, you chose dare you have to do it!” Ashley said as she looked at me with intent on her mind. Young girls just always seemed to have a way get their way.

Well as i started getting nervous and reached for the buckle of my pants and zipper. Her eyes were waiting intently on what was about to appear. I guess i wasn’t moving fast enough and her frustration rose.

“Do you need help” as she leaned forward to grab my jeans.

In what seemed faster than a crack of lightening i was sitting there pant less in all my glory. Thank fully my cock had come to life and was nearly fully erect. Although i thought it was embarrassing she sat there with her eyes wide and gazing onto what she had likely never seen before.

I was shaking, as her gaze rose to my eyes she could see i was ready to bolt.

“Are you scared” she asked

“Yes” i shakily replied

“Lets make this fair” she replied as she slide her hand down the side of her shorts and underwear and slid them off.

“I knew you were going ask me to do the same” she said with a grin.

I couldn’t have said anything at the moment, i just stared. There in front of me was the first pussy i had seen in real life. I had seen some in magazines i took from my brothers room but this was different. A small patch of light brown hair hiding a crack below it that had a glistening shine to it. We both sat there silently for a couple minutes looking at each other. Now admittedly i had no idea what might come next. I wasn’t really thinking until she leaned forward and grabbed my arms to pull me toward her.

“Come here and lay on top of me” she said.

It was at that instant the math added up in my head. Holly shit I’m about to have what every boy my age only dreams of having. Sex for the first time. Could this be real? It certainly was. I was about to get laid for the first time.

As i moved forward she spread her legs to let me between them. As my body touched down on hers. She whispered in my ear…”please be gentle and go slow”.

My stiff cock was now laying on her soft pubic hair. As i arched and moved around a bit, not really knowing how this was supposed to go i felt my cock slide down and begin to touch a very warm and slippery spot. We had yet to even kiss once and i was about to enter this young girl and end both of our virginities, it seemed odd yet very exciting. I felt my cock open up her soaked pussy lips just a little bit as the head of my cock slowly parted them. As requested i was moving very slow, more for the fact i didn’t know what to expect next. I could see in her eyes she was enjoying the moment as much as i was yet wondering how much it might hurt. I wiggled around a little bit with just the head between her lips. If felt so warm and slippery. As i gazed in her eyes i knew it was time to enter a bit further.

“Ashley are you up there ?” A voice came from below in the barn. I recognized the voice… it was her step dad!

In an instant i was tossed off her as she replied “yes dad we are just playing in our hay fort”

“Its supper time” he replied

As we both scrambled to get our pants on.

She gazed into my eyes and said “ one last step in the game, you must promise never to tell anyone about this! “

“Absolutely no way would i “ I quickly replied.

“Good cause this isn’t over yet!”

She headed down the stairs to her step dad and began rambling on like young girls do about the fort and the cows. As they headed out i began my chores all the while thinking. Wow did that really happen? I was so close to having sex for the first time. While my friends could only dream still.

Part 2,

Underwear party

The following week was the last week of school before summer break. With school and chores i never seen Ashley all week. I sort of wondered where she was. As it turned out she was finishing the last week of school in the city while staying with her Grandmother for the week rather than travelling back and forth with her mom everyday.

School was done and there was more spare time to be had. Jan had decided to stay with her dad for the summer to play and be with her new sister Ashley. The two got along really well and were always together.

One afternoon we met up and began chatting while doing what kids do. I noticed Jan kept looking at me with this silly grin. She mentioned we should go play in the hay fort. Being the practical thinking guy i was i was quick to shoot that down. “Its way too hot in there at this time of day we would sweat our clothes right off.” I remarked with kinda a hint to past activities in the mow.

“That would be fine with me” she blurted out with even more of that grin and smile. Well i didn’t catch on right away, i was too puzzled why she would be looking at me like she was. Almost like she knew a secret…. oh wait a minute here! I dragged Ashley aside and said “whats going on here with Jan? Is something up? “

“I thinks she wants to beat me to the hay mow to play that game”. Ashley answered “and be dammed if i will let that happen!”

With that the light bulb came on…. what the hell ? Both of them want to have sex with me for the first time? Never in my wildest dreams had i imagined that.

Especially from Jan, she was more the reserved type of girl and being younger i never expected that from her.

As i gazed over at her looking at me with this grin i knew at that point she knew about Ashley and I in the fort.

“Ashley ? You told her? “ i questioned

“Of course i did, you know how girls tell secrets. “ i got with a grin.

“But we promised” i said

“No i made you promise” as she walked over and kissed my cheek.

“Now lets get out of this heat and go somewhere fun” as she grabbed my hand and lead me towards their trailer.

It wasn’t long before we were in the cool air of the trailer and as kids do were goofing around. The living room was rather small with a large pull out couch. We moved the coffee table and pulled out the couch into a bed so we had a better place to sit and play games and look at magazines.

It wasn’t long till that became boring and Jan said “ why don’t we have a pj party”.

Ashley jumped in and said “ don’t be silly he doesn’t have any pj’s”.

“Well lets make it an underwear party then” Jan quickly replied.

Well that was all fine for the girls but i could feel something growing in my pants with the thought of seeing them in a bra and panties.

Ashley could sense my hesitation. “Jump under the blankets and undress if you want”

With that one by one we crawled under the blankets and stripped down, i was just left with underwear on and a huge bulge in them. As we giggled and squirmed tickling each other, things began to get a little bit out of hand and it became a challenge between them to see who could mistakenly touch that bulge in my underwear.

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