the haunted house
Lithium closed her eyes. This was just not happening. Why had she agreed to do this? It was just SO boring! Lithium had agreed to spend a night in THAT house. Her best friend Jasity had teased Lithium with a bet of the best fuck of her life with Kyle, Jasity’s boyfriend. Lithium had been after him for the longest age, but both Jasity and Kyle had kept Lithium on a tight leash and exploited Lithium’s desire. Now Lithium was beginning to wonder if it was worth it.
It was Friday night and Lithium could think of a million other things she had much rather do. The house was your quintessential haunted house – a ramshackle cottage on the outskirts of town. No one was particularly accurate with the history of the house, but many rumours were abound. These rumours were enough to keep the inhabitants of the small town of Tantalus at bay.
There was nothing to do – all Lithium had was her I-pod to keep her company. She had come prepared otherwise with a high powered torch, some candles and odd bits of food to munch on. The food she had eaten, the music she had listened to – hence the boredom. The only company was the hooting of owls outside from the dense woodland surrounding the house.
Lithium released a big sigh. There was no evidence of any haunting – even that would have been a welcomed relief from the boredom! At this point Lithium decided to explore the house more thoroughly. She grabbed her torch and climbed the stairs. The rooms upstairs were bare except for odd bits of furniture that was close to crumbling. Wait a minute! Here was a door she had missed previously! She opened it with her heart beating a bit faster for some reason. It creaked open – like a Hammer House of Horror movie! She thought wryly. There was a flight of dusty stairs leading to what Lithium presumed was the attic.
“Helllooooo…” she called out rather cheerily. “…are you there Mister Ghost?” Lithium giggled to herself and climbed the stairs.
Wow! It was a wide space with nothing but a huge bed in the middle and a small table beside it with candles burning. The bed was sumptuous looking – a four-poster with lush cushions scattered all over it The coverings on the bed appeared the covered with sand. The light from the candles was creating strange shadows on the slanted ceiling Lithium walked over to the bed
“……what was that…?” Lithium spied a fleeting shadow from the corner of her eye, but when she turned towards it, there was nothing. By now her mind was racing with unanswered questions – who’s was the bed and how come she had heard nothing? Suddenly it dawned on her! damn them to hell!
“Come on out Jasity! Kyle! I know you’re here! You’re not funny!” She declared loudly.
“I know not those names – if indeed they are names” a low voice growled. Lithium whirled round and was confronted by a sight that made her faint dead away onto the bed. Out for a few minutes she came round to someone shaking her none too gently.
“Oh my God” she gasped and moved away scrambling to the far end of the bed.
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