
The Green Satin Dress

A sister’s sexy party dress turns her brother on, until she tries to understand his urges, his needs, leading to their mutual pleasure Sister Brother Sister/Brother Incest Family Sex Humping Dry Humping

Eric: It was an absolutely ordinary Saturday evening in my first year of college. Living at home, no girlfriend, avoiding my buddies with the lie that I was actually out on a date. Late, parents already in bed, and not all that interested in the movie I was watching. Envying my younger sister who did have a date. I hadn’t seen her leave with her date earlier, but it was approaching her curfew, midnight, so I assumed she’d be coming home soon.

Jenny: This was my second date with Colin; our first date went really well (a movie) and was a lot of fun. This time it was a party so I’d dressed up…well, in a party mode. I knew the dress, a green satin one, was pretty sexy; sleeveless, ended mid-thigh, and, yup, clung to every curve. I know I’m not, let’s say, overly well endowed, but I’ve got a pretty good set and I’m happy with my breasts. 34C, if you’re counting. Anyway, most of the party was fun. Lots of our classmates, some booze, obviously, although I stayed pretty sober, and lots of dancing.

But later the music slowed down for slow dancing. I’m fine with that and was happy to slow dance with Colin, but maybe he’d had more to drink than I had, and maybe the fabric of my dress was pretty slippery, but his hands kept ‘sliding’ down my back, resting at first on my rear and then beginning to squeeze my buns. Yes, a lot of other guys were doing it with their dates and, yes, a lot of the girls seemed ok with it, but this was only my second date. Just in time I reminded Colin that I had to get home before midnight. He laughed and asked “what, do you turn into a pumpkin if you’re late?” But he was good enough to drive me home.

Eric: I heard the car drive up and assumed it was Jenny and her date. I wasn’t really paying a lot of attention, watching the movie, but after about ten minutes I realized she still hadn’t come in. I went to the window and saw that the car windows seemed pretty steamed up, but I figured things were ok and, if she was late, it was Jen’s problem, not mine.

Jenny: The date had been ok, as I said, even if Colin had got a little handsy toward the end. To be honest, even though I was discouraging his slow dance squeezes, they kind of turned me on. I was happy to give him a goodnight kiss and happy for that to turn into a few more kisses, and then a few more. They got pretty hot, yes, but I liked that part. And contrary to my dance inhibitions I didn’t stop Colin when those same hands were reactivated in his car. Even if he was going places he really shouldn’t go on a second date he was, well, gentle and if I thought he was entering forbidden territory a gentle push from my hand was enough to dissuade him. But I was ok, well, a lot more than ok, when he found my 34Cs. He was gentle, slow, and I knew my nipples were hard in 20 or 30 seconds. It was obvious, their presence announced by their protrusions in the satin of my dress. I finally realized that it was a few minutes to midnight so with one last quick kiss I left Colin’s car and ran to our front door.

Eric: Jenny came in and I glanced up as she was hanging her coat and was, well, stunned. That green satin dress was like a second, shiny skin, begging to be touched, to have fingers sliding along, cruising her curves that it hugged. I was, quite literally, speechless. I’d never seen my sister in anything like that. I’d never seen her looking so damned hot. It was like something had just torn scales from my eyes and I was seeing her, this younger sister that I’d known all her life, that had lived in the same house as me for 18 years, as an incredibly sexy young woman. Even her skin seemed to glow as she walked between me and the TV, her hips and perfect, satin-covered rear right at eye level, four or five feet in front of me. I was honestly speechless. Any words I tried to speak would have sounded like grunting, I’m sure. She walked another step to clear my view of the TV, watched it a few seconds, hands on hips, and then decided to watch the movie with me.

Jenny: When I got to the door I had to stop and cool down. Ten minutes of serious…goodbyes had left me pretty damned hot. Tingling in new places, moist there too. This was kind of new to me. After I went in and took my coat off I had cooled down a bit, but I could still kind of feel Colin’s touches, his squeezes. My breasts, to be honest, seemed to have their own memory and were still sending pleasure currents to the rest of my body. And I knew my nipples were as proud and hard as ever. But I couldn’t stand in our foyer all night; I knew someone was watching TV in the living room. I wished no one was still up when I got home, but I was glad it was my brother Eric watching TV and not my parents. I tried to be casual but my body was feeling anything but casual. I stood for a second checking out the movie, then sat on the couch, joining Eric, crossing my legs and then my arms, hoping that Eric hadn’t noticed my nipple give away.

Eric: She sat on the couch and crossed her legs. I know, it’s a cliche, but she pretty much blew my mind when she did that. I don’t think she had any idea of her effect on me; why would she? I’m her brother, for crying out loud. And I don’t know if she had a clue how hot she looked. When she crossed her legs the hem on that green satin dress crept up her thighs and my senses were suddenly totally crossed over; my vision sense became my tactile sense. It was like it was my fingertips gliding up those thighs. And she crossed her arms; what was up with that? It was like she was sitting in judgment on the show or something.

Jenny: I was hoping we could both just watch the TV, but having left one guy in an aroused state my spidey sense was pretty acute and I was beginning to feel it in our own living room. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I could see Eric…checking me out. My brother checking me out? How screwed up was that?

Eric: And then…and then…I can’t explain it, how it happened. I mean, sure, I know how it happened; I suddenly reached over and pulled Jen toward me. No, I don’t know what was in my head. All I knew was that there was an incredibly hot young woman sitting a few inches away, someone that I used to wrestle with when we were kids. Maybe my brain shorted out and maybe my horny nerve connected with my little kid nerve. Anyway, I guess she was as shocked as I was.

Jenny: Suddenly Eric reached over and pulled me toward him. My instinct was naturally to push him off. I’m pretty sure my guard was still up from my session with Colin in the car, or maybe it’s always up. Anyway, he pulled me to him and kind of locked me in hug. Within seconds it was like we were kids again, tussling on the couch. It was like we were fighting over the TV remote again, except that it wasn’t. There was nothing to fight over, just me.

Eric: It probably only lasted seconds, but those seconds are burned into my mind. And hands. The feel of them sliding along her sides, her back, the smooth satin enabling, the warmth I could feel immediately beneath that thin layer of fabric, her, beneath that fabric. How can she be firm and soft at the same time? I wondered. But the gliding touch as my hands tried to find purchase; it was like my fingers were gliding along red hot steel, but without pain. No; with pleasure where the pain should have been.

Jenny: It happened so quickly and unexpectedly that my instinct, like I said, was to fight back, but in seconds I remembered this was Eric and I relaxed a bit, but still kept fending him off, trying to make a joke of it. Finally I slid across the couch away from my brother and I guess he gave up and stayed where he was. He turned back to the TV but I could see it in his face; I could see he was confused, embarrassed. I sat for a few seconds and waited. He turned only once back to me and I could see pain in his eyes. I got up and went to my bedroom to change out of my party clothes.

Eric: Finally after a minute or two my sanity returned and I realized what I was doing, that Jen was trying to get away, so I stopped. Then reality landed with a thud and I realized that what I had done was way out of line, that I had scared my sister. I was ashamed.

Jenny: Once in my room I slowly removed my clothes and changed into my usual sleepwear, an old white shirt of our dad’s, one that reached down mid-thigh. I sat for long minutes thinking about Eric and what had just happened. I wanted to understand it. I kind of felt like it scared me, but in a weird way I also kind of felt, well, turned on. Obviously my session in Colin’s car had turned me on in a conventional – if there is such a thing – way, but wrestling with Eric was, well, different. So I sat for about 10 minutes thinking about it and thinking about why he needed – why he wanted – to do what he did. Because it was clear to me that, somehow, he had a need. So, finally, I put my kimono robe on over my nightshirt, took a deep breath, and went back to the living room, hoping Eric was still there.

Eric: So I just sat there, not even seeing the movie, thinking ‘what have I done? Will Jen hate me? Will she tell our parents?’ And then she came back into the room. She had changed and had her, well, kind of a Chinese silky robe on that she liked to wear. Now I was really embarrassed; no, ashamed. I wanted to sink into the couch and disappear. I thought she was going to ream me out, threaten to tell our folks.

Jenny: I could see Eric was really – I mean really – embarrassed, and I instantly knew he was sorry, that he regretted what had happened. But that didn’t satisfy me: I wanted to know why it happened. And to be honest I still felt a kind of tingly feeling, some kind of weird mixture of being turned on with Colin and then having a physical wrestle with my brother.

Eric: She sat down, pulled her legs up under her, and watched the movie for a couple of minutes. I kind of knew that she hadn’t really come back for the movie and as we sat there without talking I kind of relaxed and began to think that maybe she wasn’t there to yell at me.

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