The Girls With the Blue Eyes
The Girls With the Blue Eyes
Sex Story Author: | AJBaker |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Maybe if the right lady happened along I would look." "Cool, so then we are all single people. I might |
Sex Story Category: | Domination/submission |
Sex Story Tags: | Domination/submission, Fiction, Incest, Male / Female Teens |
Now be warned, if you are not legally of age to read literature that involves sex, then you must not read this. If you are offended by sex between adults and underage children or by incest, then I would suggest that you read something else. Such conduct is not legal, [well in most places] and I certainly do not condone it or recommend it, in fact this is a complete work of fiction. I do not know anyone who has had an experience like this one, it is nothing but the writings of an author who’s mind just comes up with this stuff. If you do read it, I hope you enjoy it. The author of this little story, [AJBaker] is not dead even though rumors have been spread that he is.
It all started with a look, but then I am sure that most relationships do. The problem though was that until it happened he had never strayed from the universal norm of sexual relations. Albert had always been a one woman man, never cheated on a partner, he was not bisexual, never had a threesome or been to an orgy, had never gone to swinger parties and rarely did he ever even have a one night stand, when he did it was because the girl initiated it. The truth was Albert was a bored heterosexual romantic that had a taste for a little bondage and discipline even though he enjoyed loads of relationships and even three marriages. In retrospect many of those failed because he was bored with his sex partners, with the exception of one girl that led him to tinkering with kink.
Albert was good in bed, just not kinky, and when opportunity knocked to try something new he vacillated because he was sure the girl did not really want to be tied up or knocked around or invite another partner into their bed. His upbringing would not allow him to be any different, he was taught to respect women and they all had their own pedestal where they were neatly tucked away believing it was the right thing to do.
He knows now how wrong he was. One girl had showed him a different world and then disappeared from his life. Now all he wanted was to find another woman like her that would stay with him.
If Albert could have all of those years back his life would have been very different knowing what he knows now. If you are a man that was raised like him in an uptight religious environment I want you to read this story so that you just might not waste so much of your sex life like Albert did.
The Girls With The Blue Eyes
Erotica written by A.J.Baker
Summer was finally over and after seven insufferable weeks of heat where Albert had to stay inside where it was air conditioned he was enjoying his lunches in a small park a block away from his office. The office was nothing more than one room in one of those places where you can lease space and it comes with a receptionist that everyone shares. Gwen was a BBW that was always smiling and happy and was endowed with a sultry voice that made people that phoned think she was really sexy. Albert loved the way she handled his clients and the way she was always happy to take messages for him when he was away from my office, something she did when Al left for lunch as well.
School was back in so the average age of the youngsters at the park was about four or five, but usually they were accompanied by young mothers, many of which were attractive enough to make my noon hour enjoyable. He never went anywhere without his laptop and of course his cell phone so in reality he was essentially at work wherever he went, and the park was no exception. He just set up on a picnic table in case of incoming emails or calls, and then would unpack his lunch [usually left-overs from the previous night’s dinner] while looking around to see if his favorite young mothers were there.
He saw a couple of women with their kids but none that he really would make an effort to get into bed so he unpacked my left-over ginger beef and started eating while checking email accounts. Minutes later he heard a young female voice behind him. “Mister could you help me please?”
“Huh? Oh sorry you startled me. What is it?”
“My Frisbee is stuck in that tree and I can’t reach it by myself.” Albert half turned my head to see the prettiest, bluest eyes looking expectantly at him. She had long natural lashes that she batted at him as he stared at her beautiful smile that showed a bunch of pearly white teeth. The girl that owned the blue eyes could not have been more than ten or eleven, later on he found out she was just about to turn twelve.
“Well now, how did it get up in the tree?”
“I was practicing making it come back to me like a boomerang but it hit the branches and stayed there. See? It is on that low branch right there. Can you get it for me?”
“Hmm, that is nor really that low, it is even higher than I can reach. Is your mom or nanny not here?”
“Of course silly that is my mom over there, the one on the crutches.”
“Ah, I see, well let me think, there must be some way to get up there. I don’t suppose you climb trees, I could give you a boost.”
“Mom won’t let me. She is afraid I will hurt myself like she did. She fell off of a ladder.”
“My goodness, did she break her leg?” Even though her mother was across the park and leaning against her mini-van Albert could tell that she was probably as pretty as the little girl who stood beside him. She had the same long black hair and her body was toned and shapely. She was dressed in sweats as if she was going jogging but that seemed to add to her attractiveness.
“She says it is a bad sprain. So are you going to help me or what?”
“Patience little one, I am figuring out a way to reach your Frisbee.” Like all of the trees in the park the branches were cut so that the lowest branches were about seven feet from the ground, probably to prevent vandals from breaking them or maybe to give the park a more open and less foreboding appearance. Inner city parks were often like this these days because of crime and to keep the homeless from sleeping there. The branch that the orange disc rested on was even higher, probably eight feet.
“I could reach it if you put me on your shoulders.”
“Maybe, you would probably have to stand on them though, do you think you could do that if I held you?”
“Yeah! That would be great!”
Honestly I was not over enthusiastic about this but there were no other men in sight so it was left up to me by default to help the young girl recover her toy.
“Tell you what, you run over and make sure that it is alright with your mother. Oh, ask her to give you one of her crutches, maybe we can use it to poke it off the branch.”
“Cool, I will be right back mister. My name is Wendy.”
“You can tell your mom that my name is Albert Jones.”
“Okay Mr. Jones, I will hurry back. Thank you.”
She ran across the grass towards where her mother was waiting for her proving to be cute even in the way her lithe little body moved as she ran full out. She was dressed as if she was in a private school, you know with the white blouse and pleated skirt to her knees with knee high white socks and a long tie that matched the skirt. Her longish black hair was tied behind her head so that she had a long ponytail that swayed back and forth as she ran. Each stride made her skirt bounce up exposing the backs of her thighs and making Albert wonder if her legs ever saw sunlight.
In three marriages Albert only had two kids, both boys so he never really had any experience with girls as children since being a boy myself. Watching Wendy run was a semi-erotic experience for the poor man as her ass seemed to move in sync with her hair. He had to give his head a shake to get some rather unwelcome thoughts out of his head before turning his attention to Wendy’s mother in the hope that my lust was really for her.
The two of them were discussing Wendy’s problem and it seemed obvious that her mother was none to pleased with her daughter because she had approached a stranger to help her. Albert turned back to the table where his laptop was still open and thought about getting back to work. Checking the time he realized that his break was almost over so what he had left would just have to be finished up when he returned to the office. Albert cursed softly as he had barely even had a bite to eat. He decided to call Gwen and ask her to take messages for him for the rest of the day if he did not come back, after all he really did not feel like working much today anyway.
There was a budding idea in his mind that just maybe he might get lucky and get to know the seemingly attractive mother of the little girl who wanted his help. After all one had to take advantage of these opportunities whenever they presented themselves, especially as he was now pushing forty and opportunity did not knock all that often. He hit the speed dial number on his cell that would put him in contact with Gwen and waited for her to answer.
Two rings and a low husky voice greeted him. “Hello darling, what can I do for you?” Albert could easily think it was a gorgeous sensual woman talking to him.
“Hi hon, I am taking the rest of the day off mostly because I have nothing to do. Can you take messages and text me if something you think important enough to bother me comes up?”
“Of course darling, I am always at your command. Whatever you are doing make sure you enjoy yourself! Bye for now.”
“Gwen you are the best, lunch is on me tomorrow. You order for us and I will pay.”
“Well a girl can’t say no to an offer like that. See you tomorrow.”
Albert smiled at his phone as he ended the call, he really appreciated Gwen for a lot of reasons the huge one being the way she always flirted with him in a way that made him feel good about himself. Her husband was a big ex-B.C. Lion football player who much like his wife seemed to always be in a great mood, always with a jovial smile and kind words for everyone he came in contact with. Al envied their relationship which came across as completely guileless and natural.
Suddenly he was reminded that he was committed to helping a young girl in need.
“Mr. Jones? Mom would like you to come and meet her after we get my Frisbee out of the tree. Are you ready?” He looked in the direction of her voice to see her standing with her feet wide apart and holding her mother’s crutch like a Lacrosse stick. “Mom said we could try with her crutch first but if that does not work then it is okay for me to get up on your shoulders as long as we are careful.”
“Okay then Wendy let’s see if we can get lucky. Here hand me that crutch and I will see what I can do.” What Wendy did next was completely unexpected. She knelt and held the crutch up to him much like a page might hand a sword to a knight. He grinned and took his weapon in both of his hands thinking that there was more to this young girl than he could imagine.
His eyes slipped downward and he found himself staring at her leg where her skirt had managed to bunch up right at the top of her leg exposing her smooth white flesh almost to her panty-line. It was not the leg of a woman, just a girl, but somehow he was fascinated by the sight of it to the point that he was aroused. It moved, not to straighten as she stood up but instead the knee moved away from her other leg as if to expose more skin, as if to keep his eyes glued to it.
“Mr. Jones.” Her voice was low and way too sexy for a girl her age. “Mr. Jones you are staring. At my leg I think. Don’t you know that is a very naughty thing to do? I bet you like it though. Should I show you more?”
“Oh my God, what are you doing? This is crazy!”
“Please don’t be afraid. I like you looking at me this way.”
Albert shook himself and found himself back in reality. He took the crutch and did what he had to do, turned his back on the scene that had mesmerized him briefly. He put it out of his mind and pretended it had not happened. By the time he had tried a few times to knock the round toy from the tree branch he was already sure it had all been his imagination. Wendy was acting like a young girl again cheering him on as he tried to shake the branch to loosen the Frisbee and then when he was unsuccessful she would say something like ‘nice try’ or ‘too bad’.
“This is not going to work. I guess we will have to try something different.”
“Should I get on your shoulders now?” She seemed perfectly delighted by the idea.
“I had better reach with the crutch. Maybe you could grab the end of the branch and shake it loose. Do you think you could do that while sitting on my shoulders?”
“Sure, I think so. How do you want me to get up there?”
“Stand on the table and then when you are secure I will walk you over there where you can reach that part of the branch that is bent down.”
“Cool. This sounds like fun.” Right away she climbed up on the table and positioned herself to climb up on his shoulders. She tried twice to scramble up his back from the table top but failed both times because where he had to stand made it difficult for her to reach. Finally he figured out that if he sat on the bench it would be a simple matter for her to get on his shoulders and then he just had to stand up and walk to the end of the branch.
Wendy managed to get on from behind but her skirt got caught between her legs and his back in such a way that it was uncomfortable for her. Without a second thought she wrenched it free and suddenly Albert was shrouded in darkness as the front of her black skirt flopped over his face like a hood.
“Wendy! You have to move your dress honey, it is blocking my sight.” He dared not try moving it himself as he had already stood up and was holding her knees to keep her secure. Oddly it felt like the back of his neck was in contact with bare flesh. Bare flesh that seemed nice and warm if not just a touch damp. Could it be that she was not wearing panties?
She giggled as she moved her skirt back over the top of his head and scrunched it down behind his ears allowing him to see but leaving her seemingly bare pussy rubbing against his neck. “Euuhhh that tickles! You have scratchy neck Mr. Jones, it is really tickling my skin.” Then she started moving her thighs on his shoulders so that she was rubbing her crotch against the back of his head.
“Mmm, that’s better. Okay I am ready let’s go get it horsey!” Wendy spanked his back as she attempted to urge him on. Albert took a couple of steps and then stopped.
“Little girl, settle down before you fall off or worse. And sit still!” He was getting close to putting her on the ground and forgetting about helping her. The whole thing was really becoming an unbearable situation for him with her squirming around and rubbing what he was now sure was her bare pussy against his neck and head. “If you don’t sit still I will put you down and you can forget about your toy, understood?”
“Gosh Mr. Jones, I was only trying to make some fun. I don’t have anyone that will play with me like this, I’m sorry.” Now she sounded like she was going to cry. That would only make things worse. Albert held her ankles and went as quickly as he could to where she could grab the branch.
“Here we are, now just shake the branch until it comes loose. Good girl, see it has already fallen down.” Instead of going back to the table, he knelt down so that he could get her off of his shoulders. Wendy slid off of him over his head and then stopped so that her skirt once again covered his head. He wanted to close his eyes, but he knew he had to look. He found himself looking in the darkness at the cutest little ass he could imagine. A completely bare, milky white preteen ass.
Quickly he pulled his head back out from under her but not before he started to sweat. He felt feverish but without a temperature, he felt shaky as he rose from his knees to where he was looking down at the little girl that somehow bothered him on a whole new level. For a moment he felt as if he was dirty, an old man that had taken advantage of the beautiful young girl standing before him and smiling up at him in gratitude.
Still, on another more sane level he knew that he was not the one who was guilty. He wondered what would cause someone so young to be so sexually aggressive especially with a stranger. He looked over his shoulder to see Wendy’s mother watching them and he felt like she was seeing right through him, he felt like she knew he was aroused even though he did not want to be.
“Thank you so much Mr. Jones. Do you want to play catch with me? Mom can’t because of her ankle.”
“I, uh, well I would Wendy, except I am supposed to get back to my office.” He lied to her but knew it was what he had to do. He had to lie or he would be lost.
“Look, mom is waving at us, I think she wants you to come over. Won’t you come and meet her? I am sure she wants to thank you too.”
“I suppose I could take a minute. Let me gather my things.” He packed everything away in the backpack that he used when coming to the park. He always brought a blanket in case he wanted to take a nap on a warm day, and rain gear in case he was caught unawares by a sudden change in the weather. It was going to be the rainy season soon so he even had a pair of rubbers that slipped on over his shoes.
Wendy took his hand and seemed to skip and dance as she led him over to where her mother was standing and waiting for them. “I love it when the leaves start changing color don’t you? Pretty soon they will fall off of the trees and that is sad, but until then everything is so colorful.”
“Why aren’t you in school? I mean the school year started almost three weeks ago. Is today some kind of holiday or something?”
“No silly, I am home schooled. Mom teaches me at home because I have some problems that make it difficult to be around a lot of people.”
Albert wondered if she had some sort of terminal illness. That would explain a lot of things.
“I’m sorry, that must be hard for you. Do you have friends to play with after school? Like other girls in your neighborhood?”
“We live in that really tall apartment building over there. It is close enough to walk here but with mom’s ankle being sprained we have been driving here for the last few days. We have seen you here a couple of times.”
Before he could reply Wendy’s mother was right before them having hobbled over to meet them. “Hi Mr. Jones, I am Diane, Wendy’s mother. Thank you for helping her get her Frisbee down. It would have been easier to buy her a new one, but she insisted and as you probably already know, she is strong minded.”
“Please call me Albert, Diane, and yes I did notice. I am sure she is a handful for you and your husband to raise.”
“There is no husband, she is my girl alone. I wanted a daughter but could never find the man I wanted to marry so I found another way. Anyway Albert, we can’t thank you enough for helping her and I would like to apologize for any discomfort she might have caused you. Wendy, could you go wait for me in the car please? I would like to talk to this nice man alone.”
“Sure mom, no problem.” She turned and hugged his leg before letting go of his hand. Once again he felt an unwanted rush of desire. “Thank you Albert.” With that she was on her way to the car.
“I’m sorry, I can see I still have a way to go in teaching her respect for her elders. That is something I did not realize would be difficult raising her the way I do.”
“It is not a problem Diane. She seems to be a delightful girl even if she seems to do a few things strangely. She said something about having a condition that prevents her from attending a school.” He left that hanging as he dared not appear to be to nosey.
“I can see that Wendy really likes you. I know that she can be truly precocious most of the time, she is a girl that is very determined to get what she wants. I would like to tell you something, it is very unusual and private. Can I trust you?”
“I am not sure what you mean, of course you can trust me but could you give me some idea of what you want to say before you tell me everything. After all we have just met and suddenly I feel like I should be careful.”
“Fair enough. Have you ever heard about preteen hyper-sexuality?”
“No, not really but I think I can figure out what it is just from the term.”
“Well it is never as simple as that, I am a mother that has a daughter that has that problem. We have tried to get her help, doctors, therapists, all that kind of stuff. My last boyfriend left me because he was afraid of what might happen and how that would affect him.”
“Wow, I don’t know what to say, I’m sorry I guess.”
“Thank you. Anyway, what happened here this afternoon was Wendy flirting with you. To be blunt, she wants you. As her mother it is my job to protect her, not just from a predator but also from her making a bad choice. Should I go on?”
“I’m not sure. This is kind of surrealistic. I have never given a thought to having any kind of sexual relationship with someone that is much younger than me. Even teenage girls have not been something I have been attracted to, not to mention someone as young as Wendy.”
“Does the idea repulse you? Does Wendy repulse you?”
“It feels like you are interviewing me for the position of being her lover.”
“And that makes you uncomfortable.”
“I, we, we don’t want to make you uncomfortable so if you think it is best, let’s just say that if you want to know more it is your decision. We can just mark this up to a kind man helping a damsel in distress and leave it at that. Wendy will be disappointed of course, but she has shown she can be resilient, I am sure she will get over it quickly.”
“Thank you. I admit I am curious, but things like this get men in a lot of trouble and I have a business that I have to worry about. It was nice meeting both of you. Good luck, I mean that. You seem to have quite a lot to deal with. I admire your courage.”
“Albert you have no idea. I really hate to leave it at this, could we maybe take you to dinner just to say thanks?”
“Hmm, it would be nice to have company that is not trying to pitch me for something just for a change. Let me think on it. Take my card and call me, a harmless bite to eat would give me a chance to satisfy my curiosity if nothing else.”
“I’m glad you see it that way. I’ll call you around five, is that okay?”
“Absolutely. I will decide by then.”
“Great. Wendy, come here and say goodbye to Mr. Jones, and behave yourself.”
“Yes mom.” Wendy scooted out of the passenger side of the car and went over to where they were standing. She held out her hand to shake his and when he took it in his she solemnly shook it. “Thank you, sir. I am sorry for the way I acted. Mom says that I sometimes forget my manners.”
“That is quite alright young lady. Everyone forgets themselves sometimes. I know I do even at my age.”
“It is not like you are all that old. Mom’s last boyfriend was way older.”
“Wendy! That isn’t nice, besides Bill was very nice.”
“If you say so mom. Can we go now? I have school work to do.”
After another round of goodbyes Albert watched the mother/daughter team walk to the car and drive off, both of them talking animatedly as they discussed something. Probably him he thought before leaving the park and heading home to his house that was located close by. He liked having everything in his life close by so that he could walk where he had to.
For the next few hours he used his PC to research hyper-sexuality in the hope of getting a better idea what he might be in for if he agreed to let them take him to dinner. He was surprised to find that it was not that rare of a thing both for young girls and boys. He was even more surprised to find that most pundits were in agreement that the parents of said children should not discourage their kids, but that they should be open with them while listening to them as they ask questions about sex. Some even encouraged finding a proper teacher for the child, someone that could guide them without screwing up their young impressionable minds.
It was a lot to take in, but Albert found that he was not only intrigued but he had the hots for Diane. After all she was an adult woman that was very sexy in her own right. Maybe she had a bit of hyper-sexuality herself. One could hope.
By the time Diane phoned, Albert had convinced himself that he should take a chance that he could develop a relationship with her while being an understanding and helpful mentor for Wendy. He would be able to explain things to her such as how men felt, and how there were some that would use her while not caring for her. He could even advise her that there were ways to take care of her needs that did not involve fucking a man. He felt good about it when he agreed to meet them for dinner at a local Red Robins.
Chapter 2
“Welcome to Red Robin Sir! Is it just yourself tonight or are you meeting someone?”
The girl greeting him was the typical energetic over-friendly hostess that always seemed to be in that type of restaurant. The one thing that Albert appreciated about them was that they were always eye candy even though way to young for him.
“Actually I am meeting someone, a couple of cute brunettes, a mother and daughter. Might I look around to see if they are already here?”
“Of course, but I think I know who you mean. Diane and Wendy, right?”
“Yes, are they here then?”
“Right this way Sir, they just arrived moments ago and Diane asked for a booth at the back that is sort of private. At least until it gets really busy around seven or so. You should have lots of time before that and this is usually a quiet night anyway. Your waitress will be Sammy, she is one of our most asked for waitresses.”
“Well then Glenda lead the way.” Her name tag was prominent on a rather nicely stacked bosom. Albert liked name tags as it gave him an excuse to look at her chest without being pervy. He also liked the way her curvaceous ass moved as he followed her through the restaurant to where the girls were waiting for him.
“Can I tell Shawna what you would like to drink Sir?” The booth was private enough although Diane was sitting in the center of one bench while Wendy had left room for him to sit beside her. He was not sure if that bode well for his plan or not.
“I think a winter ale if you have it, if not a pint of Ricker’s Red would be excellent.”
“Ricker’s it is then, we don’t stock winter ale for another month or so. Shawna will be right with you, enjoy your evening.”
Albert was relieved to see that both Diane and Wendy were smiling happily at him. He had been a bit afraid that the beginning of this night might be more than awkward. “Hi girls, nice to see you again. I hope you don’t mind me having a beer. I never thought to ask if you drink Diane.”
“Nice to see you to Albert, and yes I do, the waitress is bringing me a Bacardi Coke.”
“I am getting a Virgin Pina Colada,” Wendy added emphasizing ‘virgin’. “Do you like virgins? Drinks I mean.”
“Wendy, remember what we talked about, don’t tease Mr. Jones.”
“Yes mom, I really was talking about drinks.”
“No, you were not, now do as I asked so that he does not just get up and run away.”
“It’s okay Diane. I think I understand a little better now. Ah, here comes Shawna with our drinks. Have you looked at the menu yet? I already know what I want to order.”
“You go ahead, it won’t take us a moment.”
“Here are your drinks. My name is Shawna and I will be serving you this evening. Would you like to hear our specials?”
“Thank you Shawna, I know what I want but maybe the girls would like to hear about them.”
“We are fine with the menu Shawna, Albert why not go ahead and order while Wendy and I decide.”
“Fine, Shawna, I will have your Prime Rib Burger with the whiskey barbecue sauce, fried mushrooms, nice and crispy mind you, and on the burger I want an extra thick slice of old cheddar, raw onion, tomato and bacon.”
“Mmm, sounds good will that be everything for you? Soup, salad, an appetizer maybe?”
“Oh yes, a rib appetizer would be nice, do you have the long ones?”
“I could ask chef for you.”
“Great, if not the baby backs will do.”
“Have you ladies decided?”
“Exactly the same for me, it sounds delicious.”
“Me too please, but could I have shrimp instead of ribs for an appetizer?”
“Fried shrimp?”
“Oh yes please!” Wendy seemed absolutely delighted with everything she was going to get for dinner, as if eating the same as the adults was a treat for her. Shawna gathered up the menus and left to place their order, promising to check on them in a few moments. Albert had to restrain himself from following her lithe form as she walked invitingly to the back of the dining room.
“She is very pretty, yes?” The question came from Diane but the surprising thing about it was that she was watching the waitress walk away as if she might have been the appetizer.
“Hm? Oh right, so Albert Wendy and I are very happy that you decided to join us. It has been quite awhile since we have had the pleasure of male company for any reason. Did you get much work done since we saw you?”
“I really did not have anything pressing to do so I did some research into what you told me earlier, but that conversation is for another time. For now why don’t we just talk about anything else, let’s get to know each other a bit.”
“Are you married? I don’t see a ring but mom says some people don’t wear them.”
“I have been, a couple of times in fact. I have been single for a few years though.”
“Do you have a girlfriend?” Wendy seemed to be in charge of questioning him, or perhaps she was just so guileless that she never gave a thought to letting her mother talk first.
“No, Wendy I do not have a girlfriend at the moment. I am not sure that I am even looking for one.
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