
The Ghost and Me, Part 4

Questions Unvieled and answered. Adam and Sam are together again when the truth is leant and a plan must be formed

The Ghost and Me

Part 4 A Questions Unveiled and Answered

I woke up, with Sam still asleep next to me. The afternoon was getting late, from the colour of the sky and the shadows running across the room. I ran a finger over Sam’s form, making her stir. Slowly she opened her eyes, I said,”Hello sleepy head. How do you feel?” She smiled her gorgeous smile and said,”Wonderful.” I laid next to her, allowing her to come fully awake. It was then that I looked at her hip and noticed that the mole was missing. I sat up and looked at her hair. Her hair was getting lighter, it was between auburn and sandy blond. I’m sure, that this morning when I saw her on the University grounds, it was much darker. Was Samantha changing but into Sam? I wasn’t sure.

It was then that I asked the question, I needed to know,”Sam, are you the girl that use to lived here before me or are you Samantha?” I know it was a stupid question. But, I had to ask. She smiled and sat up next to me, and said,”Yes. I’m Sam. This was my apartment, once.” I looked in her eyes, and said,”Are you a ghost or real?” Her smile was infectious, when she said,”At this moment a bit of both.” I was perplex by her answer,”You’re inside of Samantha? Are you possessing her?” I asked, a little scared. She responded,”Yes. She’s still here, but asleep.” her smile was leaving her after I asked my questions. I nodded my head, and said,”Honey. I’m a little confuse and scared. So, help me understand. What do you want? Why are you here?” at that I saw her face darken with sadness, and what I saw in Sam’s eye nearly broke my heart.

She looked down at the bed and said,”Adam, I did die several months before you arrived. Some electrical wires touched me and I died.” she looked at me and carried on,” Two weeks before I died I saw one of those psychics. She told me, that I was to meet the love of my life. That he would come from the country and would arrive soon. He’d share the same loves that I do. She also stated, though I would not be my true self, we would still love each other forever, as we were soul mates. Then she went on that we’ll have many years together, die old and leave together. I saw you that day that you enter here and I fell in love with you then. For I knew who you were. I could see our inner glow and they matched.”

I looked at Sam, cupping her chin and lifted her head up to my eye level. I kissed her lips and the happiness in her eyes returned. I said,”How long can you keep inside of Samantha? Is it hurting you?” Sam smiled and shook her head.”No I’m alright. But, Samantha is dying inside. Something wrong happened to her, a while ago and every day she dies a little more inside. I don’t know but soon we’ll talk and she’ll decide. And I’ll live with her decision.”

she stopped as if she was thinking of the right words, then, “So, while I’m umm..umm, visiting. I’m allowing her spirits to rest.” I thought of all the possible chances that could turn out right or wrong for us. I looked at the clock on my drawers. On, seeing the time I knew Kylie could be here any time soon. I said,”Darling you’ll have to leave. Kylie and a friend are coming over for another night of ghost watching.” Sam looked worried at that.

I said,”Sam how did you get here?” She looked at me perplexed and said,”Taxi.” I said,”Do you know where Samantha lives?” She said,”Yes, that’s where I met her this morning.” I said,”Good, take Samantha home. Look through her wardrobe and see if she has any sheer nighties or something provocative. Then come back tonight around 1am. Act as if your in a trance ok. I’ll leave the front door unlocked. They may fall for it. Anyway, by then I should have something worked out.” and deep in my thoughts I said, to myself,”I hoped.”

Sam said,”Don’t worry I know where the spare key is.” At that I now guessed how she cold enter my apartment. We both got up and dressed. On pressing her clothing down, she turned and looked at me. I took her into my arms and kissed her with as much love and passion that I could muster. I escorted Sam to the door, and opened it. I step out into the hallway an on seeing it clear, I gestured Sam to follow. We reached elevators, and I pressed the down button. It felt weird, as if I was hiding a mistress or something. Anyway, I was taking no chances. So, I escorted Sam into the stairwell, holding her there, while we waited for the lift. I didn’t want anyone who knew Sam, to come waltzing out of the elevator and bumping into us.

When the elevator arrived it was empty so I ushered Sam into the lift and pushed for the 1st floor. The lift went down and arrived at the floor and on opening, we left. Sam asked why this floor and I told her, “We can’t walk straight out onto the ground floor. Someone who knows Samantha may be there and see us. There may be questions we can’t answer. So, it’s easier to get out here, walked down the stairwell and check the ground floor first.” Sam nodded her head and smiled, saying,”You’re handsome when you look so serious.” I laughed.

We walked down the stairs and got to the ground floor door. I opened it enough to see that no one was waiting for the lift. So, I ushered Sam out into the foyer and then out the back door, which led to Broadway. We walked the 3 blocks to Broadway, chatting along the way, and as luck happened, a taxi had just dropped off a fare. I breathed a sigh of relief when Sam entered the taxi and drove off to Samantha’s place. I walked back to the apartment block and entered the lift.

When it reached my floor, I walked out and up to my apartment. I found the door wide open and a strange women standing in the doorway. She was about 5’9” tall, short brown hair, a nice smile and very cute in her looks. She wore leather pants, with studs around the waist. A leather jacket, again with studs on the shoulder and down the front. She wore black lipstick, eye shadow and her skin seemed oddly white-ish. She also had several earrings and nose studs around her head. You might call her Gothic, whatever that means.

She said,”Yeah. Can I help you?” I looked at her and smiled, saying,”Don’t you think that’s what I should be saying? Can I help you!” The girl looked surprised and step back inside. I followed and she had that mocking look and started nodding her head, when she said,”Oh, your Adam.” And with that she looked me up and down. Continuing she said,”Kylie said you were alright, she didn’t mention you were cute.” I blushed at that and said,”So, your a friend of Kylies. Is she here?” The girl just shook her head and looked at my crotch area, as if she was estimating the length of my cock. I pushed past her and made my way to the kitchen.

The girl followed and said,”I’m Trish. You don’t have a girlfriend at the moment. Do you?” I looked at Trish and knew she was the slut type, so I said,”Yes, I do. she’s away at the moment.” Trish said,”What? Can’t take the big bad ghost or the sight of it fucking you.” I turned, saying in an angry tone,”No. She had to go back to Uni.” and I left it at that. At that point I was just about to send Trish away, when a knock came. I went and opened the front door. There stood Kylie. I exited the apartment, taking Kylie with me and said,”Who is this girl. She’s coming onto me a bit strong. I thought you guys were suppose to be professionals?” Kylie looked at bit strung out and said,”I brought Chinese for us to eat Adam. Look, Trish is always like that until you make a move on her and then she’ll tell you to fuck off.

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