
The French Lesson

After four years away, Yvette returns to the USA to live in Texas . . . . and to reunite with her cousin.


All characters in this story are currently over the age of 18

Main Characters

Richard ‘Ric’ Anthony Evans –Son of a Texas Rancher

Marge Evans – Texas Housewife, Ric’s Mother

Carl Evans – Texas Rancher – Ric’s Father

Yvette Michelle La Grande – French Cousin of Ric

Barbara La Grande – American born, French Mother of Yvette, Marge’s Sister

Henri La Grand – French Business Magnet, Yvette’s Father (Deceased)

April – Texas Ranch Girl, Yvette’s Special Friend


This story is based on a girl I once knew, when we lived in Texas some years ago. Her love story always touched me.

This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of young people engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else.

Agencies or law-enforcement organizations are not to utilize this work product in any way. It is for entertainment purposes.

This is not some 4-page fuck/suck story. This story consists of 41 chapters – over 70,000 words! [I just can’t seem to write without a lot of detail and back-story] It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail, enough sex to satisfy almost everyone and some humor. It’s taken a long time to write – while raising two precocious teen daughters and a son. Its been a labor of love.

I’ve spell-checked and re-read the chapters multiple times. Yet I am sure there are spelling errors, grammatical problems and incorrect words. [Spell-check isn’t perfect] I don’t have an editor!

My previous work [Special Bond-Long Weekend at the Lake] had over 90,000 reads and a number of nice and constructive comments. I hope I can do as well with this effort. Just read and enjoy.


The French Lesson

Chapter 1

Ric was a junior in High School, a Tight End on the varsity football team and like most teen males, thought he was hot-shit because he was tall, a Joc, good looking, . . . . at least in so far as half of the girls at school threw themselves at him. And he had a driver’s license (if not his own car –yet). Ric WAS easy on the eyes alright. Standing almost 6 foot 1-inch-tall with sandy streaked-blond hair from working in the sun, he was lean and muscular owing to the hard work on the ranch and his athletic endeavors. He also had a broad smile which he flashed regularly, and his laugh was infectious to the other kids.

The downside was that he lived with his parents in a very rural setting, quite some ways on the outskirts of town. To say it was a rural setting, would be an understatement. His dad owned a ranch, 360 acres to be exact, which had been passed down through the generations for a hundred and fifty years. Ric knew that one day he would inherit the ranch, as had his father before him. The trouble was that Ric didn’t know if he was cut out to be a rancher. There were bigger and better things in life than working the ranch from sun up to sun down. Besides his biggest interest these days was trying to figure out how to lose his virginity.

Living on the ranch, and being expected to carry his own weight, he was expected to fulfil his routine of daily chores, keep up his school work, and pursue his interest in varsity football and the Martial Arts. His parents felt that they gave him plenty of freedom, but running a ranch did extract a lot of responsibilities.

Ric’s other nemesis was that he lacked self-confidence and was what most people considered ‘shy’. Perhaps he was just the strong silent type, but he was a wreck around girls when in a one-on-one situation. However, these days it didn’t seem like most of his friends had defined dates; Rather, Ric would take his dad’s pickup truck into town on Friday nights (now that football season was over) and hang out with his friends at the local Dairy Queen. There was usually a mob of kids there; some were raised on the surrounding ranches like him, and some were regular city kids whose parents had ‘real’ jobs, as Rick thought of them. The Mob usually consisted of an equal number of girls and guys, and Ric had no problem socializing with girls in this group environment.

The other thing that was odd about Ric was that he excelled in school. There was the remote possibility that he might squeak into the Valedictorian slot, or at least the Salutatorian slot by the time graduation rolled around. Ric’s father felt sure his son could achieve the top honors for his class if he bore down, but Ric refused to give up either football, or particularly he wasn’t going to quit Martial Arts when he had just gained his Black Belt after all these years of practice! 

Chapter 2

It was March and approaching Spring Break in April. Ric was looking forward to the break from school, and was trying to figure out how to talk his parents into letting him go somewhere with his buddies, instead of staying home on Spring Break to help his dad on the ranch. It was Saturday afternoon, and he had just climbed off the John Deer tractor and walked into the kitchen for a cool drink, when he overheard his parents having a very animated conversation. The only thing he heard clearly was his mother pleading with his dad, “What do you want me to do . . . . she’s my sister for Christ’s sakes!” Rick knew better than to stick his nose in where it didn’t belong, he drank his drink and he went back outside, started the John Deer and drove the tractor towards the North end of the ranch to mend a fence the cattle had torn down.

That night as dinner concluded Ric asked to be excused, but his mother asked that he remain while she cleared the table, as she and his dad wanted to talk with him about something. She sat down and cleared her throat. Ric looked at his dad, and could see he didn’t look pleased. “Ric,” his mother began, “we received a call this morning from my sister, your Aunt Barbara, in France. She’s having a hard time of things, personally, right now. And she’s had some ‘difficulties’ with your cousin Yvette . . . “

“God damn it Marge” his father spat out interrupting his wife in mid-sentence, “catching your teen-aged daughter in bed with a 22 year old guy, is not a ‘little difficulty’!”

Ric’s mother gave his father a look Ric had not seen often. “If you don’t watch that god damn mouth of yours Carl . . . . YOU are going to learn what ‘difficulties’ I can make for you mister!” Ric’s father threw his napkin down, and left the table in a huff. While Ric’s parents didn’t fight often, he knew that his mother was in a ‘take-no-prisoners’ mode, and was a force to be reckoned with.

As Carl left the room, Marge gave him a withering stare. “So Ric, as I was saying, your Aunt Barbara is having a difficult time right now, and she asked if Yvette could come stay at the ranch with us for a while. I told her yes, and it looks like we’ll be getting a guest shortly. I just wanted to give you a heads-up, dear.”

“For how long . . . . is she staying I mean” was the only thing Ric asked.

“We’re not sure” his mother replied. “She’ll be here at least through the end of summer, then she’ll have to get back to school.”

“Isn’t she in school now” Ric wanted to know.

“No apparently her school in France has a different schedule than yours, she’s on semester break. Yvette will be here a week from Saturday” his mother explained.

‘Shit’ Ric thought to himself. Now he’d never be able to talk his parents into letting him go to South Padre Island for Spring Break . . . not with his younger girl cousin hanging around!

“Yea . . . .whatever” Ric mumbled to his mother while he prepared to go up to his room to hit the books.

Ric lay on his bed replaying the scene from the kitchen. What was this about his cousin being in bed with a 22-year-old guy, he wondered? What was that about? His imagination ran wild. His cousin must be some kind of a slut he thought!

Ric tried to recall Yvette’s face, but only had a hazy memory. He recalled that her father had died when she was about 8, but he could not remember what his uncle died of. Yvette and his Aunt Barbara came to the US to live after her father’s death and lived in their town. Ric remembered Yvette as a bean-pole of a girl, stringy blonde hair and what he remembered most was her being a sullen, whiney little girl. During the 4 years they lived in the US, all he could conjure of his impression was that his cousin was annoying!

When Yvette was 11, she and her mother moved back to France . . . . Marsalis he thought. What was the story? He searched his memory, but at the time he was a kid himself. . . he really didn’t pay attention to what was going on. Then it struck him. His Uncle’s estate in France had been settled and apparently, he had a company which was ultimately sold. His Aunt Barbara had loved France and when the estate was settled, she and Yvette had moved back there. He couldn’t remember exactly what his parents had said some 4 years earlier, but Ric seemed to remember that his Aunt was rich!

“’Great’ Ric thought to himself. ‘Just what I need, a rich, whiney, cousin hanging around all summer!’

Chapter 3

The drive from the ranch to Dallas – Fort Worth International Airport was long and the day was unusually warm for early April. Ric had asked his father to let him drive, but his dad had said no, as he felt Ric didn’t have enough experience to battle the freeways around DFW airport. He sat in the back of his father’s Lincoln Continental Town Car as the miles unfolded outside the window. He didn’t know why his mother had insisted he come with them to pick up his cousin, as he would have just as soon stayed at the ranch and done his chores for the day. Unbeknownst to him, his father secretly felt the same way, as he and Ric’s mother, were still disagreeing about taking in ‘trouble’ as Ric’s father referred to Yvette.

With TSA rules, people meeting incoming passengers can’t get anywhere near the arrival gates. At DFW the International Arrival waiting area has a long window so that people waiting for loved ones can see their party walking down the hallway. Ric and his parents had a lengthy wait after the Air France non-stop had arrived, until the Passengers cleared customs.

Suddenly the hallway on the other side of the glass became alive with passengers who had been disgorged from the Airbus and were clearing Customs. Ric’s mother scanned each female face expectantly. It seemed that surely the Airplane could not have possibly held that many passengers and Ric’s mother began to worry that her niece has somehow missed the plane.

Excitedly Ric’s mother abruptly said ‘There she is” and squealed. Ric looked first at his mother and then followed her arm which was pointing at the window. Ric looked at his mother again who was still jumping up and down excitedly, while his dad stood there sulking. Ric followed his mother’s outstretched hand pointing through the widow and did a double take.

His mother was pointing at a girl with long blond hair down her back walking next to a flight attendant and drawing a roll-away bag, while the blond and the attendant chatted with each other. But Ric could not believe his eyes. On the other side of the glass was not just a blond with long hair, but a goddess. A goddess who wore the shortest mini skirt Ric had ever seen, wore slight high-heel shoes and had legs that seemed to extend to the stars, up from her shapely ankles. As Ric took in her form he suddenly noticed that she had on an extremely shear blouse and he could clearly see the lacy bra she wore under it through the material – at least from the side. The girl carried a black jacket that matched the mini skirt over her other arm.

The gorgeous blond on the other side of the glass appeared to be tall . . . maybe 5 ft. 9 or 5 ft. 10 Ric guessed which was exaggerated by her high heel shoes and long legs. As she and the flight attendant walked the long hallway towards the arrival lobby, Ric got the mental image of a runway model ‘strutting’ . . . to him that’s how the two young women seemed to be walking. His cousin had a lovely set of breasts, perched high on her chest. Ric was no good at guessing the size of a girl’s boobs but he guessed his cousin was maybe a ‘B’ or possibly a ‘C’ cup. As she strutted down the hallway her tits bounced slightly with her gait. There were girls at school who were bigger . . . hell there were girls at school who had humongous tits . . . but this long, tall, thin-wasted beauty was assembled much better than any of the girls at school!

As the flight attendant and his cousin neared the end of the hallway, Ric got a view of his cousin’s ass as it swayed with her strut. Perfectly proportioned with the rest of the package, Ric smiled and felt a familiar stirring in his jeans.

As the passengers began to pour out of the hallway into the arrival lobby, family members began the ritual of greeting their relatives and surged towards the entrance of the hallway. As Ric’s mother turned she looked at her teen son for the first time.

“Ric, I know she’s beautiful” his mother said, “but your mouth is hanging open . . . .it’s embarrassing . . . and for God’s sake, please try not to drool on your cousin!”

Rick’s cousin Yvette rounded the end of the hallway and his mother called to the girl and waved furiously. Yvette and the Attendant made their way over to Ric’s mother and Yvette gave her aunt the typical French greeting of kissing her on each cheek and then the two women fell into a huge hug. “Oh my god . . . its so good to see you Yvette . . . and you’ve grown so much” Ric’s mother said.

As the two women broke their hug Yvette spoke. “Aunt Marjorie – it so good to see you all . . . thank you for having me.” Yvette then introduced the Flight Attendant to her Aunt. The flight attendant shook Ric’s mother’s hand and told her what a pleasure it had been to fly with her niece from France and that she hoped everyone would enjoy the visit.

As the flight attendant departed Yvette greeted her uncle saying “Uncle Carl . . . nice to see you . . . thank you for letting me visit”, as she kissed him on his cheeks also. Carl was rigid and just grunted. Ric had been observing all this, and listening to the girl’s French accented English left Ric infatuated already.

Yvette turned to face Ric. He could not help himself he let his eyes dart from her face, to her chest. Disappointment filled him immediately. The sheer blouse which so clearly displayed her lacy undergarment on the side, had two large pockets on the front, strategically placed over her boobs, making the frontal view of the blouse much more modest. Yvette was smiling when he returned his gaze to her eyes.

She stepped forward and into him, grasping his biceps in each hand. The large muscles, honed from ranch work and athletics, did not escape her notice. She gazed into his eyes remembering all the fun they had together as children. Yvette leaned in and kissed his right cheek and then slowly moved to his left side. Unlike with his mother, nor certainly his father, Yvette allowed her ample chest to press into Ric’s as she prepared to kiss his left cheek.

As she made a show of the French greeting on Ric’s left cheek, she lingered . . . Ric thought just a little too long . . . and whispered in his ear; “Boy you have really grown . . . you’re quite the specimen” she said in a heavy French accent. He didn’t know what made him do it or where he found the courage, but Ric whispered back in her ear “And looks who is talking about changing!” Ric was actually starting to panic as he felt stirrings in his jeans for the second time since seeing his cousin, and was afraid Yvette or his mom . . . or worse his father . . . might notice he was springing a boner. As Yvette stepped back she felt Ric trembling as she held his biceps . . . a curiosity she thought.

Looking at her Aunt, Yvette said “I have some luggage” and the four set off for the baggage carrousel. By the time the baggage chute had disgorged her fourth suitcase, and Yvette had declared “that’s all of them” her uncle remarked “Christ, we should have brought a moving van!” His snide remark elicited a stern “CARL!” from Ric’s mother, reminding her husband that he was on thin ice with her.

Carl and Ric wrestled the luggage to the waiting Town Car. Yvette could not help but notice the bulging biceps, taught stomach and broad chest Ric displayed under the tight long-sleeve tee shirt he wore. She noted that he was tall . . . taller than her 5ft 10 frame, and wore his sun-streaked sandy blond hair neatly cut. When she had leaned in to greet him earlier, she caught a faint scent, but she could not place it. She only knew that it was a very pleasant smell. She still wondered why he was shaking when she kissed his cheek.

The luggage all crammed in the trunk, Ric’s father unlocked the doors and began to slide into the driver’s seat. Ric’s mother began to open her passenger side door, when she realized her son was opening the rear passenger door for Yvette. Marge chuckled at her son’s gentlemanly gesture of opening the door for his cousin . . . . it had been years since Carl held a door for her.

Ric held the door for Yvette as she seated herself in the car. Ric could not help himself. As she began to slip into the car, he watched her knees automatically expecting a show, what with a mini skirt that short! Yvette daintily slid onto the rear seat, keeping her knees glued together and thus precluding any showing of girl-things that should not be shown. She looked up at Ric demurely and said ‘thank you’ to him, speaking French. The minute Ric heard that he came to the realization that in 15 minutes he’d determined that this girl was both driving him crazy with her mannerisms . . . and scared the hell out of him!

Chapter 4

The drive from DFW back to the ranch was a long one. Yvette and her aunt talked endlessly. Much of the conversation was about Yvette’s mother, Marge’s sister, who Yvette volunteered was having a very hard time after her long-time boyfriend had suddenly left her for another woman. Ric’s mother told her nice that she hoped everything would be fine, and how much she missed her baby sister.

Ric had told himself that he needed to ‘get hold of himself’. While he was instantly smitten with Yvette’s beauty and charm . . .she WAS his cousin for Christ’s sake!’ He wondered what was wrong with him anyway!

After Carl and his son had wrestled all of Yvette’s luggage into the house Marge had suggested that Rick and Yvette take the bags upstairs and that Ric show Yvette to her room and get her situated. It took two trips for Ric to get everything up the stairs and on the second trip Yvette went up the stairs ahead of him with her roll-away bag. Ric’s eyes were glued to her mini-skirted ass as she sashayed up the stairs. Ric expected to get a glimpse of her panty-clad ass as short as her skirt was. All he saw was legs that seemed to go on forever, but nothing else. Realizing he was acting like a letch – not a gentlemen – he muttered to himself ‘Jesus – get a grip!’

“I hope you like your room . . . mom and I just got done repainting it and cleaning it up for you” Ric stated as they dragged her bags into the room. Yvette was stunned by the room. It was almost twice the size of her bedroom in France, had a large Queen bed and a desk with writing lamp on the far wall. On the desk was a laptop. “Can I use that laptop” Yvette asked eying the machine.

“It’s yours” Ric responded. I got a new one and thought you might like to use this one. I put SKYPE on it, in case you want to talk to your mom” Ric commented. “I’m not sure she wants to talk to me” Yvette said softly. Ric let the subject drop.

Yvette set about putting things away in her dresser drawers and hanging things in her walk-in closet. More than once she remarked about how nice the bedroom was and thanked Ric for his efforts. As she filled drawer after drawer, Ric could not help but notice that a lot of very ‘frilly’ girl things were going into the drawers. He was not used to seeing slips, half-slips, girl’s underwear, bras, sweaters, tube tops and so forth. He had a sock drawer, a underwear drawer and a junk drawer in his room. In the bottom of his junk drawer was where he hid his girly magazines from his mom.

Yvette had finished putting away clothes and hanging things up in the walk-in closet while Ric stood in the middle of the bedroom talking to his cousin. As Yvette exited the large closet and walked to the center of the room she suddenly unzipped the back of the mini skirt and started working the garment down her hips. As the skirt started to descend the French teen’s hips Ric caught sight of some black material, registered what was happening, spun around with his back to her and exclaimed “WHAT THE HELL YVETTE?”

Behind him, Yvette started laughing uncontrollably. “Ric . . . you don’t know much about girls . . . and how they dress do you? Turn around for heaven’s sake”

“Not until you get some clothes on” he said, feeling his face turn red.

“I have clothes on” Yvette said. “You can turn around”

Ric slowly peered over his shoulder and turned to face his cousin. Yvette stood there in very small, extremely tight black lycra shorts. The shorts had boy-cut legs and clung to every curve and crevice of her body. They also had the effect of highly emphasizing her round and delectable ass.

“You didn’t think I’d wear a mini skirt that short without shorts on under them did you? If I did that, I might be showing my girl-bits . . . . and that wouldn’t be very wise . . . now would it?” Yvette just grinned at him while Ric looked like he might stroke out at any second. He could not take his eyes off her figure no matter how hard he told himself not to stare. Yvette had a shape to die for and the boy-shorts not only accentuated her long legs, but were displaying a substantial camel toe to her boy cousin.

Yvette spun around and while she did said “See . . . “and then something Ric didn’t understand in French. Seeing that he didn’t understand, Yvette repeated in English “modestly covered.” While technically she may have been modestly covered, the outline of her vagina, and the curved bubble-butt when she turned around, were driving Ric to distraction.

Ric starred at her dumbfounded while Yvette just smiled. “Sorry to shock you Ric . . . . I forget that you don’t have any sisters, so you’re probably not used to being around all this girly stuff. But, given your shock when I dropped my skirt, you may want to excuse me while I take off my blouse and change into something more comfortable?” As she said this she had already unbuttoned the top two buttons of the white garment and was headed for button number 3. Ric stammered something incoherent and beat a hasty retreat.

Outside Ric realized it hurt to walk . . . his cock was trying to break its way out of his Levis, and was trapped in an unnatural position down the leg. He went into the Jack-N-Jill bathroom he now shared with his cousin, splashed some cold water in his face, went downstairs without saying a word to anyone, went out the door, climbed on the John Deer and proceeded back to the north pasture to finish his fence mending chore.

All afternoon he worked hard, the sweat pouring from his body and soaking his tee shirt. He tried to force himself not to think about his cousin. She had left the United States at barely11 being irritating. Now she was back as grown teenager and was irritating him again . . . but in an entirely different way. “Christ almighty” he said out loud, “how am I supposed to live 20 feet down the hall from a beauty queen?”

The sun was getting low in the sky when the John Deer tractor sputtered its diesel to a stop outside the back door. Ric came stumbling into the house. “Muddy boots” his mother said to him as she stood making dinner.

Ric stopped and started struggling to remove his soiled work boots. Yvette had been helping his mom fix dinner and was watching him intently. Ric’s blond hair was all tousled and his long sleeve tee shirt clung to his torso soaked in sweat from the exertion out in the pasture. Yvette took in the site and butterflies took flight in her tummy as she marveled at his pecs, and his biceps, and his washboard abs while he struggled to get his boots off.

Finally freeing himself from the work boots he muttered ‘I’m gonna get a shower’.

“Don’t be long sweetheart, Yvette and I almost have dinner ready . . . you must be hungry” his mother said.

“Allrightthen” Ric muttered along with something else as he exited the kitchen and went upstairs to shower.

He stood under the steamy water, washed his hair and soaped himself when it struck him that later this evening his beautiful cousin would be naked in this very shower! Thinking of her body, and all that he had seen of her figure, her long blond hair, the dazzling smile and the cute personality got to him and in the blink of an eye his manhood stood at full attention. He tried to put her of his mind . . . he tried to concentrate on something else . . . . but he kept wondering what her tits would look like if he hadn’t run out of the room when she was unbuttoning her blouse. Finally he grabbed his cock with his soapy hand and remembering what she looked like in the lycra shorts with the seam pulled high into her pussy, he stroked furiously. He had visions of her tits and fantasized he was sucking them. It had only taken a couple of minutes and he blasted a huge load of cum on the shower wall.

‘God, I have got to stop this . . . she’s your cousin for crying out loud!’ He dried himself and dressed for dinner. The dinner was delicious, and Ric’s mother pointed out that the recipe for the chicken had been Yvette’s. The two women talked endlessly about all manner of things. The two men were mostly quiet.

It was after dinner, when the two teens were left to clear the table and wash dishes, that Yvette said to Ric “Maybe you can show me around the ranch tomorrow . . . . it’s really beautiful here.”

“Yea . . . well maybe . . . I got a lot of chores to do tomorrow” Ric replied.

“Good . . . I’ll help you with them . . . I need to pull my weight around here” Yvette smiled back. Rick just sighed. How was he ever going to avoid her he wondered?

Chapter 5

The next few weeks flew by. When Yvette’s school records had been presented , and Marge had her enter the school year, it turned out that while she should have been a year behind Ric, there were makeup classes she needed to take. Yvette approached Ric about helping her with English (diagramming sentences and English structure) and US History. These were obviously things she hadn’t taken in France. In return Ric asked Yvette to teach him how to speak French. To that question, Yvette replied with a mischievous grin that she would be happy to ‘give Ric French lessons!’ The other thing that happened was that, as he had predicted, Ric’s parents had not let him go to South Padre Island for Spring Break, nor was his father going to let him go down there with the guys and leave little ‘Miss Trouble” at the ranch with he and Marge.

Yvette started going into town on Friday nights with Ric to hang out at the Dairy Queen with the ‘Mob’. Most of the Mob readily accepted her . . . . at least all the male members. Several of the girls were standoffish toward her . . . primarily because she was so much better looking than they were . . . and because the girls did not like the ‘competition’. It took a while but eventually most of the girls discovered she was absolutely no threat. The boys would all hit on Yvette, but she either just ignored their advances, and double-untenders, or outright shot them down in flames.

On a couple of occasions Ric caught a couple of the guys making rude comments about how they would love to get into Yvette’s panties. Ric had told them forcefully not to talk that way about Yvette. He didn’t really know why it bothered him so much to hear other guys talking about sex with Yvette. When Ric put his foot down about the salacious talk regarding his cousin one of the guys had commented that perhaps Ric was ‘tapping her himself” and that was the reason he didn’t like it. Ric and the boy almost came to blows until a number of the other guys present separated the two and got Ric calmed down.

On the drive back to the ranch Yvette asked Rick what he and the other boy had gotten so riled about. Ric’s reply was that “it wasn’t anything” and he tried to let the subject drop. However, Yvette looked at him. “I heard some of the nasty stuff that boy said about me, Ric. But you don’t have to stick up for me . . . . . I don’t want you to get into any trouble because of me . . . but I do appreciate you defending my honor.” As she finished, Ric was sure he saw her blush.

Chapter 6

As difficult as it was for Ric to be around his beautiful cousin and not have lascivious thoughts about her, Yvette and he spent a lot of time talking – usually after dinner as they sat on the porch and watched the Texas sun setting.

One night after a Skype call with her mother Yvette sat on the porch and he could tell she was visibly upset. Twice he had asked what was bothering her, but had not gotten an answer. Finally, Yvette decided to confide in him.

“How much do you know about what happened with me back in France” Yvette asked him.

“Not much” Ric replied, “some sort of guy trouble I heard.”

Yvette started to tear up and said “Yea, it was some kind of trouble alright!”

“Wanna tell me about it” Ric ask, trying very hard not to be pushy, but at the same time dying of curiosity.

“Back home Ma’ma wouldn’t let me date before my 15th birthday” Yvette started. “There was this guy that worked at this shop where all of us kids hung out . . . . sort of like a French version of your Dairy Queen. Anyway, this guy kept hitting on me and one day he asked me out. He was very charming and a gentleman. He took me to the movies and out to dinner. I guess you could say we became boyfriend and girlfriend.” Yvette took a breath and sniffled her nose.

“We got more and more into each other and he started to push me to DO stuff with him.” Ric swore he saw Yvette blush a little. “Anyway, to the point, one day my mom came home early from work, walked into my bedroom and found me dressed only in a pair of panties giving Stephan . . . that was his name . . . .oral sex. Next, as you Americans say, the shit hit the fan!” Yvette teared up again, remembering the incident.

“Well” Ric said after a long pause, “that sucks getting caught by your mama, but lots of girls in these parts are having sex with their boyfriends by your age.” Ric was trying to defuse the fact that she was obviously very traumatized over the incident. He was wrong, as he hadn’t yet heard all the story.

“My mom threw Stephan out and she and I got in a terrible fight . . . and she accused me of being a little whore!” Ric could almost feel her pain. “The irony was” she continued, “that Stephan was pushing me to have sex with him . . . but I wouldn’t. I’m saving my virginity for . . . . someone special” she said. “The more he pushed me trying to get into my pants, the more I realized I needed to DO something for him . . . or I was gonna loose a boyfriend.”

“I’m not sure I understand” Ric said.

“As I wouldn’t let Stephan go all the way with me”, Yvette paused to choose her words and her thoughts carefully, “I decided to learn how to give him oral gratification. At first it was terrible, and I hated it, but then I got used to it and it wasn’t so bad. My plan worked though. Once Stephan had his fun with me and had his climax, then he would quit bugging me about going all the way with him. Somewhere along the line he started insisting that I strip down to my panties while performing oral sex with him . . . .which is how my mother caught us.”

Ric didn’t know how to respond and it bothered him a lot, that she was again crying. “Wow. Bummer” was all he could come up with.

“I haven’t told you the worse part yet” Yvette cried.

”Huh” Ric said as if a dullard.

“A couple of days later my mother was in our neighborhood market. Who does my mother see, but Stephan who is in the company of a very pretty little redhead, carrying a baby on her hip and has a bulging tummy with another baby on the way.” Yvette paused to wipe the tears from her eyes. “MY mother walks up to them and all sweetly says ‘Oh Stephan, who is this lovely creature I see you with?’ I guess Stephan was pale, but the redheaded woman stuck out her hand to my mother and said ‘I’m Simone . . . Stephan’s wife. How do you know my husband?’ she inquired. At this point my mother announced loudly, so everyone in the market could hear, ‘oh, I caught your husband in bed with my daughter the other day. . . my 15-year-old daughter!’ And, I better not ever see this piece-of-trash husband of yours again!’ And then my mother turned and walked out of the market having just told Stephan’s wife, and all of our neighbors who were in the market, I had been sleeping with a married man.”

“Hoooollllyyyy shit”! NOW Ric understood why she was so traumatized.

“About the same time as the incident with Stephan, mom’s boyfriend broke up with her. She blamed me saying that it was because of the Stephan thing her boyfriend had abandoned her. She seemed to ignore the fact he had another girl on the string” Yvette said, again wiping her eyes. “Ric, I swear I didn’t know Stephan was 22 . . . and that he was married . . . . with a kid . . . . I was so naive. At least now you understand why your dad think’s I’m a little French whore, Ric.”

“He doesn’t think that” Ric lied.

“Ric, I overheard him saying that to your mom one night . . . . so yea . . . he does think that!”

Ric didn’t know how to respond. “Look Yvette, I don’t know what to say about my dad . . . he’s not very . . . . tactful towards people” Ric tried to make an excuse for him.

He wanted to comfort her somehow. He put his arm around her and pulled her into his shoulder while they sat on the porch swing. She felt his strength, and warmth, and began to sob again. Ric heard her mumble . . . . “the little French whore . . . . . little virgin French whore.”

While everyone had trouble trying to talk to Ric’s father, the relationship with his mother was the exact opposite for Ric. Marge and Ric could talk about anything, and often did. She had a good understanding of the strong, fair-minded young man her son was.

In the afternoon the next day, Ric managed to get his mom alone. “Mom, I need to talk to you” he began, while his mother stood drying dishes.

“Sure, what on your mind, Ric?”

“I had a long talk with Yvette last night” he began. “She’s really torn up about the situation between her and her mom” Ric explained.

“Mothers and their daughters . . . . . “ Marge began to expand for her son.

“Mom, did you know that Yvette is still a virgin” Ric interrupted his mother in mid-sentence.

Marge was taken aback. “No, I assumed from what your aunt told me that Yvette was . . . . . sexually active” his mother said matter-of-factly.

“Mom, as a favor to me, will you call your sister and get this straightened out . . . . she’s breaking Yvette’s heart . . . and I’m afraid this is gonna go too far. The only thing Yvette is guilty of is using poor judgement in her choice of a boyfriend!”

“OK, I can do that” Marge said to her son.

He turned to walk back out to the waiting tractor. “Thanks mom . . . . oh and one other thing . . . . . I really need you to real-in dad on this thing . . . .Yvette overheard him talking to you . . . . . if dad calls her a little French Whore again, there’s going to be BIG trouble between him and me!”

As the screen door slammed Marge smiled to herself. ‘Yep, strong, fair-minded and always a gentlemen . . . .that’s my boy!’

Chapter 7

The men were all out working on the ranch when Yvette walked into the kitchen carrying a basket of eggs she had just collected. Going to the sink she delicately started to wash off each egg before placing it in the carton. Marge walked up to her niece, handed her a towel and said “Yvette, come over here I want to talk to you. Sit down please.”

Yvette did as asked and sat, not knowing what this was about.

“Yvette, Ric told me you and him had a personal conversation out on the porch the other night . . . “

“I’m sorry aunt Marge . . . I shouldn’t have bothered him with my personal problems” Yvette began to apologize thinking she had stepped over the line.

“Shush girl” Marge said. “I think it is wonderful that you and Ric can talk to each other about personal things. I hope that we can do the same, Yvette. You could of told me everything . . . anytime.”

“Did Ric tell you everything we talked about” Yvette asked, getting embarrassed that her aunt may know all the gory details.

“He didn’t tell me a lot of the details I’m sure . . . but he told me a couple of important parts. But I have to ask you just one question, Yvette.”

“What’s that” the French beauty said with trepidation.

“Was everything you told Ric the other night accurate, Yvette? You didn’t embellish any of it? Or maybe fib just a little bit?”

Yvette blinked at her aunt’s question. “No, it was all true, Aunt Marge.”

“So it’s true . . . you are a virgin” her aunt again pressed.

“Yea . . . I am” Yvette said blushing vividly now. “why would you ask that?”

“Oh that’s one of the ‘important bits’ Ric related to me” Marge said to her niece, “and I’ve got a couple of things I need to get straightened out around here.” Now Yvette was more confused.

“Why don’t you jump on the Gator and go find Ric and give him a hand . . . I’ll finish the eggs.” As the two stood up Yvette’s aunt kissed her on the forehead and said “Thanks for confiding in me sweetheart.”

The next day was Monday, a school day. As fate would have it Ric had forgotten his Algebra book at home and had decided to run home at lunch time to pick it up. As he walked in through the back porch of the house he heard his mother screaming into the phone in the next room and he froze in his tracks.

“God Damn it Barbara, don’t you holler at me in French . . . . . you speak English better than I do!” Ric immediately realized his mother was on the phone with her sister in Paris and the fur was flying. “I don’t give a shit Barbara, just because your boyfriend decided to run off with some tart that is 10 years younger than you is NOT Yvette’s fault. You need to get your life and your priorities in order dear sister.”

There was a long pause and his aunt Barbara was yelling so loud he could hear her voice in the next room. “I don’t give a fuck Barbara . . . listen to me . . . you were wrong. If you don’t fix this . . . and fix it now, you’re gonna lose your daughter . . . then you won’t have fucking anyone!” Ric’s mother was giving his aunt hell.

“Listen to me . . . you twit . . . . your daughter is still a virgin.” Then there was a long pause. “Yes Barbara, I’m quite sure . . . she’s not like . . . YOU who was running around fucking all the farm boys in town at age 13!”

Voices regained something more approaching normalcy and Ric could not hear much. The last thing he heard was his mother say “just think about it long and hard . . . then call your daughter . . . TONIGHT!” Then Ric heard the phone slam in the cradle. He thought quickly, opened the screen door, then slammed it with a hard bang. “Mom, I’m home” he announced.

Marge turned the corner, still red in the face from her conversation with her sister. “what are you doing home Ric?”

“Forgot my math book” was his brief reply as he pushed past her, grabbed his book from his room and said “see ya later” as he jumped in the truck and headed back to school. ‘Man she was pissed’ Ric thought as he shifted through the gears on his way back to school.

Chapter 8

Summer came and school was finally out for the summer. But not for Yvette. She was burdened with taking English and History classes. Ric felt bad for her and realized that if he had moved to France, he’d have the same problem with language and French History . . . so he empathized with Yvette. What he couldn’t figure out was why Yvette was putting herself through this agony, when she’d be going back to France at the end of summer.

Her being in Summer School caused Ric to modify his schedule further. Every morning after the two teens hurriedly finished their morning chores at the ranch Ric would drive Yvette to High School. Her classes ran until 12:15 PM so Ric would have to stop what he was doing, drive back, pick Yvette up, and return her to the Ranch. A couple of the guys who were forced to take summer school, because of their ‘stellar’ academic standing, offered to give Yvette a ride home from school. However, Ric didn’t trust these guys and he insisted on taking his cousin to and from school. Ric’s mother just observed all this drama, and the occasional cussin n fussin her teen son spouted about the imposition, with great amusement.

As the months Ric had started to get used to having the French beauty in his life. Every time Ric had what he considered an impure thought about his cousin, he mentally kicked himself in the ass telling himself ‘dumb-ass . . . she’s your cousin . . . . that’s incest . . . get a grip on yourself!’

Yvette had been serious about ‘pulling her own weight’ around the ranch. She had taken over some of the mundane chores from her Aunt, and from Ric also. Things like collecting eggs from the hen house, and shoveling horse manure from the stalls in the barn, had been taken over by Yvette voluntarily. She had migrated to a pair of Levis 501’s, cowboy boots and a Stetson like she’d been born to it. When Ric would look at her in her 501’s and denim work shirt his inner voice would always shout ‘damn, no one’s ever filled out a pair of jeans like that on this ranch before!’ This would then be followed with self-recrimination about his incestuous thoughts.

One sunny afternoon the disc-plow Ric was towing behind the John Deer tractor had broken and he was frantically wrestling with it on the ground as Yvette drove up on a Gator with a picnic basket lashed to the back. Yvette climbed off the Gator and walked over to where Ric was laying on the ground cussing at the plow.

“What are you doing” Yvette asked her cousin staring down at him where he lay with his arm up inside the plow mechanism.

“The pin has fallen out of the damn hydraulic ram that lifts the plow assembly” he said while grunting trying to do something Yvette did not understand nor could she see. “I’m trying to get this damn pin back in the ram, but this frickin safety cover weighs a ton and I can’t hold it up and get my arm in there to put the pin in at the same time!”

“Let me help you” Yvette said as she plopped herself on the ground next to where Ric lay. “I’ll hold the safety cover up so you can have both hands free to fix the thingy” she said. However, when she tried to push the cover up, her arms were not long enough to reach over Ric and lift the cover . . . . she simply did not have the necessary leverage.

“Let me get in front of you” Yvette said, “Hopefully your arms will be long enough to reach whatever you are trying to get the pin in.” As she said that, she climbed over Ric and scooted in front of him. With some effort she was able to grab and lift the safety cover high enough to allow access to the dangling hydraulic ram. “OK, see if you can get the pin in” Yvette said.

Ric lay on the ground pressed hard up against the French girl’s back, started to reach around her in attempt to re-pin the cylinder, when his hand accidentally banged into her right breast. Ric’s hand flew back as though it had been immersed in boiling water. Nothing was said. Ric repositioned the pin between his thumb and forefinger and started to reach into the mechanism. Again, working in the tight quarters, his hand brushed against Yvette’s right boob. His hand flew back and he mumbled “I’m so sorry about that, Yvette . . . I didn‘t mean . . . “

“Jesus Ric . . . . . just put the damn pin in . . . . . .it’s not like you’re tryin to feel me up or something . . . . and this cover is heavy” Yvette said through gritted teeth from the exertion.

Ric reached around her yet again, ignored the fact that his bare forearm was laying mashed against the side bulge of her breast, and proceeded to man-handle the broken hydraulic ram. It was more difficult than he envisioned, and he had to jostle against the French teen quite a bit, pressing into Yvette’s back for leverage. By the time he finally got the connecting pin in the ram, and rolled away from Yvette’s back telling her to drop the safety cover back in place, both teens were sweating from the summer heat and exertion, and covered in dirt from laying on the ground.

Yvette sat up and brushed the dirt off her shirt and the legs of her Levis, while Ric attempted the same. Yvette turned and said ‘Brush the dirt off my back, will you?” As Ric took his hand to brush the leaves, twigs and dirt off her back, he could feel the outline of her bra, and the clasp in the back. For some inexplicable reason, his cock began to fill and stretch his Levis. For the hundredth time today, Ric had to quell his thoughts and mentally tell himself to cool it – she’s off limits!

Yvette turned and looked him in the eye. “Ric, I don’t know why you are so uncomfortable around me.”

“I’m not” he tried to protest.

“Yes, you ARE” Yvette persisted. “But I don’t know what your problem is. When we were wrestling with the ram thingy and your hand brushed my boobie, you almost had a fit.” Yvette took his hand and laid it on her forearm. “See Ric, its just me . . . flesh and bone. Accidentally touching my tits when we’re working close together is no different than you touching my arm.”

“No it’s quite different” Ric tried to argue.

“Look . . . . girls have these bumps in front . . . and they are constantly getting in the way. It’s a curse! If we’re gonna be working together, my tits are gonna bump into you sometimes! Jesus, I don’t know what the hang up is with you American boys and tits” Yvetter exclaimed in frustration.

“A gentleman does not touch a girl’s breasts” Ric shot back.

“I think the problem is you American boys never see them . . . so it’s some kind of mystery. In France the boys grow up with seeing girls topless all the time . . . . at the beach, even around the house. It’s not a big deal. All you guys over here do is drool all over a girl’s tits every time you get the chance.

“I don’t drool over your tits” Ric protested.

“Uh-huh” Yevete said in mocking him.

“Besides . . . you are my cousin . . . . I’m not supposed to be interested in your tits!” That didn’t come out the way Ric intended.

“Oh . . . so my tits are good enough for you to look at!” Yevette had him on the defensive.

“You know very well what I meant Yvette . . . . Cousins are not supposed to fool around.”

“We were NOT fooling around . . . . you hand bumped into my boobies. You weren’t trying to feel me up . . . at least I didn’t thing you were . . . “ Yvette said with a bemused smile. “It’s not like my tits bite . . . . well the right one doesn’t . . . but the left one has sharp teeth!” Yvette laughed and Ric could not help but follow suit. “Common idiot” Yvette said, “I brought us lunch.”

While they sat and ate sandwiches on a blanket Yvette had provided, Rick noticed that her denim work shirt had three buttons that were now mysteriously unsnapped. Ric tried his damnedest not to stare, but a very pretty, very lacy, bra with a pink rose embroidered in the middle of the two cups kept beckoning to him.

The two teens said goodbye, in French, as Yvette tried to make Ric speak what little French he had learned to date, as often as possible. While Ric watched his cousin depart across the bumpy pasture on the Gator, he fumbled with the half-hard cock in his blue jeans trying to get comfortable. What Ric could not see was that Yvette had a broad smile on her face. ‘The three buttons open worked’ she thought to herself. Yvette had noticed Ric staring at her bra while they ate and chatted. She hoped it would have the desired effect.

Ric had not gone a hundred yards on the John Deer when he noted Yvette was now well out of sight. He pulled the tractor to idle and took out his rigid cock. In his mind he could almost picture what Yvette’s tits must look like and how enticing the white lacy bra had been. Ric closed his eyes and imagined what it would be like to fondle Yvette’s prize. He had not stroked his ample manhood for more than 30 seconds when he felt the churn begin. He grabbed for his neckerchief and unloaded shot after shot of semen into the cloth. Once again he cursed himself for thinking these thought about his beautiful young cousin.

Chapter 9

Friday night Ric drove he and Yvette into town to hang out at the Dairy Queen with the rest of the Mob. Normally Yvette stayed pretty close to Ric’s side. This was partially due to her inherent shyness and partially so she could avoid the group of girls that were jealous of her, and who harassed her. As Ric and Yvette wound their way through the crowd, Yvette saw her friend April on the other side of the room. Yvette broke from Ric’s side and made her way to April, and they gave each other a kiss on the cheek, French style.

April had been the one girl Yvette had met when she first arrived who immediately gravitated towards Yvette. April had been drawn to the French beauty, and unlike many of the other local girls, April was not intimidated by Yvette’s beauty. Over the last couple of months, Yvette and April had become inseparable. Occasionally they would overnight at each other’s house and had a very special relationship.

This night, April had to leave early, as she and her parents were leaving for the weekend very early the next morning. Yvette walked April to her car, the two embraced and said goodbye until they would see each other the next week.

When Yvette came back inside she gravitated to Ric’s side as he was talking to a group of the guys. As she stood, holding Ric’s forearm once more, every boy’s eye drifted over to her, eyeing her up and down. “Ric turned towards Yvette and asked her ‘Where did your friend April go?”

“She had to get on home.” Yvette just smiled and tried to be attentive about the discussion the boys were having about carburetors. 30 minutes later, Ric could sense Yvette was bored and he himself was a little tired. As the two teens walked to the truck, Yvette still clutching Ric’s forearm, she suddenly asked “Where’s Lookout Point?”

Ric was startled. “How do you know about Lookout Point” he wanted to know.

“I heard some of the kids talking about going up there. The full moon is supposed to rise late tonight. They were saying that the moon will be spectacular coming up over the lake.”

“Well it probably will” Ric said, “but it isn’t the kind of place I would take you.”

“Why not” Yvette wanted to know. “what’s wrong with me?”

“Nothing’s wrong with you, Yvette” Ric replied, “Lookout Point is a make-out place where a lot of the kid’s go to. . . .well you know.”

“I want to go and watch the moon rise” Yvette said in earnest.

“No . . . it isn’t a place for you” Ric reiterated.

“Why . . . . is it because you’re ashamed to be seen with me?” Yvette spat and went into a pout.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Yvette. I bring you to town with me every Friday, and take you to school and pick you up every day . . . . so it pretty obvious I’m not ashamed to be seen with you!”

Yvette looked like she was going to start to cry and her lower lip began to quiver as she fought the urge to tear up.

“Look Yvette” Ric said and then paused, trying not to hurt her feelings. “If I take you up to Lookout Point and the other kids see us . . . . They might get the wrong idea about us” Ric tried to be as tactful as he could.

“Everyone at school has seen how stiff you are around me . . . . and how you have no interest in me . . . . so I seriously doubt ANYONE will get the wrong idea about me and you!”

“Yvette you know how tongues wag around here.”

Yvette swore at him in French . . . which he clearly understood. “If we are at Lookout Point, are you going to make out with me . . . . or try to get me in the back seat?” Yvette said forcefully.

“Of course not” Ric replied angrily . . .”and beside, we’re in a truck – it doesn’t even have a back seat!

“Just take me up there Ric, I have a plan . . . . no one who sees us will think anything about it!” Inwardly Yvette’s heart was breaking. It was so obvious to her that Ric didn’t feel the way about her, that she felt about him. Now she was not only hurt, but angry as well.

The drive to Lookout Point took about 20 minutes, and the silence the whole way was deafening. As they turned off the asphalt road onto what appeared to Yvette to be a dirt path she finally spoke. “Park with the bed of the truck facing the lake” was all she said to him.

As they entered a wide expanse Ric was prepared to do as Yvette had said which would require him to make a 180 turn so the tailgate faced the lake. As he swung around his headlights shown across the rear of another parked car, briefly illuminating, and startling, a couple kissing in the back of the car. She didn’t recognize the car and Yvette didn’t see the couple clearly, but what did catch her attention was a very odd-looking backpack that was on the rear deck inside the window.

As the illuminated couple jumped in surprise at Ric’s headlights he said “OH shit”, reached down and snapped off his lights, and explained that “courtesy was that you’re not supposed to drive with your lights on in here.” Completing the 180 degree turn, Ric nosed the truck between two trees and shut down the motor.

Yvette reached down and pulled the door handle. Suddenly the cab was illuminated with bright light and Yvette jumped down from the truck and said “You can come sit on the tailgate with me . . . or stay here . . . . I don’t care.”

Ric couldn’t figure out what she was pissed about. He’d brought her up here like she wanted, and now she was giving him attitude. He knew now that her plan was to let the other kids see them outside of the truck . . . so there was no question of anything going on. He also knew if he didn’t sit on the tailgate with her, there would be hell to pay on the way home. Opening the door once more Ric jumped down and sat beside Yvette on the tailgate.

The two teens talked briefly and Yvette said “Look, behind the mountain . . . it’s starting to get bright. I think the moon will be coming up soon.”

It didn’t happen as quickly as Yvette had anticipated but ever so slowly a huge, bright orange, orb climbed over the mountain and a clear lighted path began to show across the lake. As Yvette sat in awe at the beautiful moon-rise something caught her eye. It was so subtle; she wasn’t sure she had actually seen it.

“Ric, is that car moving, or is it my imagination?” Yvette stared at the purple backpack on the rear window deck of the car and again saw the car move slightly on its springs.

“If the car’s a rocking . . . . don’t come knocking” Ric said in reply.

“Hun?” Yvette said.. “OH . . . . I get it . . . . you think they’re . . . . doing it? Yvette looked at her cousin.

“I told you before Yvette, this is not a place I should have brought you” Ric replied

“Oh yea, because so many girls have had sex while sitting on a tailgate!”

Ric got her point and wisely remained silent. The two teens sat and watched as the moon crept higher and illuminated the shimmering lake. The Bull frogs croaked and Yvette squealed lightly as the fireflies began their dance. “It’s so beautiful – almost magical” Yvette whispered.

Ric took her hand at his side and interlaced his fingers with hers. Yvette, laid her head on his shoulder. “Ric, aren’t you afraid someone will see what we’re doing” Yvette wisecracked.

“Naw, they’re all too busy screwing to be worried about us” Ric laughed. 15 minutes later they were back in the truck and headed home. Yvette had scooted to the center of the bench seat and used the lap-belt, choosing to sit beside Ric. Neither teen could have known that tonight was pivotal and things were about to change for them.

Chapter 10

Fate is a funny thing sometimes. One could not have planned the sequence of events that would unfold over the next month. Most of the time Ric was ok being around his blond teen cousin. She was smart, athletic, a hard worker and was enjoyable to talk to. Half the time she was dirty and grimy, working separately, or together with Ric on some chore around the ranch. Every time he would have some sexual thought about his cousin he would go through his self-recrimination routine, reminding himself that incest was wrong . . . and that he couldn’t be having these thoughts about his cousin. Those self-recriminations had gotten down to around a hundred times a day now, so he felt he was improving.

Other times it was almost too much to bear. When Yvette cleaned up, did her makeup and wore a nice dress, showing off her figure, her blond hair pulled back and displaying that dynamite smile, his heart would beat so heard he was afraid she’d hear it across the room! All Ric could do was to keep his lust at bay by ‘taking matters into his own hands.’ Many days this would amount to him excusing himself and beating-off three or four times a day.

And then Fate would step in; North Texas is home to some horrific thunder storms and yearly tornado watches. Living north of Dallas, Ric had spent more than one night in the storm cellar, because the NWS had tornado warnings out. As they headed into early summer, the annual Thunderstorms had started their relentless march.

Growing up in north Texas, a crash of thunder during an approaching storm would not wake Ric. It must have been nearing midnight when the winds rose and the sky started dancing with lightning. Far away the thunder was but a distant rumble. However, the storm was marching east and their ranch was right on its path. The winds began to howl and the rain started pelting the windows. Suddenly there was a brilliant flash of light and millions of volts found their way to the ground, followed by a crash of thunder that shook the whole house.

Normally the crash of thunder would have maybe caused Ric to stir in his sleep. But the blood-curdling scream that immediately followed the flash of light and clap of thunder brought him to full alert. Suddenly the door to the Jack-and-Jill bathroom he shared with his cousin, flew open so hard it slammed into the wall, followed by Yvette at a dead run.

About the time Yvette cleared the bathroom into Ric’s bedroom another flash of light, followed immediately by the thunderous explosion hit and Yvette let out another curdling scream. She flung back the covers and jumped into Ric’s arms, mashing herself to his chest and burying her eyes in the crook of his neck. She physically trembled from head to toe, as Ric instinctively held her for dear life. Rick heard his mother’s footfall as she ran up the steps and then he saw the light in Yvette’s bedroom flash on through the opened bathroom doors.

Ric saw his mother enter his room through the bathroom and she flipped on the light. Yvette was now not just trembling but was sobbing softly. “Oh good, she’s in here with you” Ric’s mother said. If he hadn’t been so rudely awakened and could figure out what the hell was going on, he might have thought his mother’s comment as odd. Marge began rubbing Yvette’s back with a soothing motion and said softly to her “shushhhhs little one. Listen, the thunder is moving away now. The storm is passing by.”

Yvette shook and sobbed for several more minutes. Ric’s mother finally stood up as the girl was regaining her composure and said “why don’t you sleep in here with Ric tonight, Yvette?”

“Mom!” Ric said not believing his ears.

His mother gave him a stern look and said “take care of her Ric.” Marge turned off his bedroom light, walked through the bathroom to Yvette’s room, turned out the light and thrust the two teens into darkness.

Yvette trembled and her sobbing had turned to an occasions snivel, as she tried to catch her breath. As the thunder rolled further away and eventually abated, Yvette turned around with her back now to her cousin, she reached back, took his hand in her own, pulled it across her side and placed it on her midriff. Her bare-skin midriff. In all the confusion Ric had not noted what her sleepwear was. Apparently it consisted of some sort of sleep shorts with ruffles. He knew because he could feel her bare legs against his own, and some sort of ruffles were tickling the front of his thighs. The top was apparently abbreviated below her breasts but well above her waist, as the palm of his hand was pressed against a wide expanse of bare skin. Yvette had her hand resting on top of his.

Her breathing has returned to normal, but Ric was afraid as Yvette pushed back into him even harder, pushed on his hand indicating she wanted to be held tighter and said simply “Hold me please”. The two teens were spooning so tightly together that you could not have put a postage stamp between the two. Ric felt stirrings in his loins and was in a panic. If he sprung a full erection now, there was no way in hell his cousin wouldn’t feel it. He literally willed his erection to go away, thinking about what it would feel like to step into a ice-cold shower right now. Within a few minutes of Yvette holding his hand in a death-grip against her midriff her breathing slowed and Ric heard a faint snore. She had drifted off.

It would be hours before Ric could get back to sleep. Then he keyed on the scent of her strawberry body wash, which made it even more impossible to sleep. Ric had never even been to bed with a girl . . . not even an ugly girl . . . and here he was glued against this stunning blond French girl who, damn it, happened to be his cousin! Then it happened. Ric’s will power dissolved and his little head took control, bringing his ample man-tool to full erection, pressed against his cousin’s backside. In her slumber, or perhaps in a dream, Yvette must have felt his member pressed against her. She moved, adjusted and pushed back even harder, causing Ric’s cock to slide low on her ass and wedge between her tightly closed thighs.

Somewhere fatigue had overtaken his horniness and Ric had slept. Normally the two teens were up at 5 AM ready to take on life at a working ranch. With the events of last night however, neither had stirred. At 5:15 Marge had awakened and not hearing a sound in the house, had decided to check on the two teens. She entered Ric’s bedroom, but snapped on the bathroom light to illuminate the bedroom, without waking the two. When she did, what she saw both took her breath and brought a smile to her face. The two now lay face-to-face, two toe-headed teens with hair all tousled about. They had their arms wrapped around each other, holding each other closely, and their lips were mere millimeters apart. It gave the appearance of two lovers who would romantically kiss at any second . . . except that both were sound asleep!

Marge watched the two sleeping together for several minutes, watching their chests slowly expand into one another, almost in sync. She left the two to sleep and went to the kitchen to make coffee and start the bacon. Several minutes later, it was Yvette whose eyelids fluttered open first. Her eyes slowly focused on her cousin’s face, millimeters in front of her own. Her heart quickened. Then she felt this strange pressure against her crotch. She knew immediately what the pressure was and a broad smile formed on her lips. Ric’s penis had escaped the flys of his boxer’s and was nestled against the crotch of her sleep pants. Yvette could not pull his torso closer to herself without their faces touching, but she could tilt her pelvis forward, creating more pressure between her crotch and his manhood. She did this and very slowly pusher herself against the throbbing member.

Her breath caught in her throat and she had the conscious thought that if it wasn’t for the damn sleep pants, the two of them would now be skin-on-skin! She had to fight the desire to rub her clit back and forth on his cock . . . . it took all of her willpower not to keep moving.

Suddenly she sensed Ric’s breathing had just changed. He’s waking up she realized. She pretended to be sleeping as Ric slowly came to consciousness. Ric remembered the events of last night as he focused on her sleeping form. Suddenly realizing he had morning wood, that his cock had escaped the confines of his boxers and where the head of his penis was currently nestled, he suddenly pushed back and said “OH SHIT!” Ric sprang to his feet and dashed for the bathroom to drain his bladder and will his morning wood to subside. Yvette heard his pee splashing in the bowl and continued to feign sleep, as he came into the room, slipped on his levis and went to find his mother.

Chapter 11

“Good Morning dear” Ric’s mother said, as he entered the kitchen, pouring himself black coffee. “Did you sleep well” she asked with a mischievous grin.

“NO . . . I didn’t sleep well” he spat. “What in the hell was that all about last night” Ric said forcefully. “And what possessed you to tell Yvette she could sleep with me. Have you lost your mind?”

Marge poured herself some coffee and sat opposite her son. “First Ric, I’m sure you were a perfect gentlemen with Yvette . . . . and if her sleeping in your bed caused some . . . “ Marge paused trying to be delicate, “ . . . problem for you. . . “ Marge’s eyes darted down to Ric’s crotch, “well I’m sure you know how to take care of the problem!” Ric was not awake yet, and definitely NOT amused with his mother.

“Ric, you were probably too young to remember you uncle . . . . Yvette’s father . . . . . being killed.” Ric squinted his eyes, trying to remember his uncle, and his death. “Ric, you were only a little over 9, Yvette 8,when her dad died. They were staying in the south of France on holiday when a terrible storm hit. Lightning struck the cottage they were staying in out in the country and set it on fire. Yvette, your aunt and uncle all got out of the house and away from the fire. However, Yvette was frantic because her little doggy was still in the burning house. Foolishly, your uncle dashed back into the burning house to rescue Yvette’s dog. When the firefighters put out the flames, they found her father, with the little dog clutched in his arms . . . .the roof had collapsed on them and they burnt to death! The last thing Yvette saw was her father running into the flames. For years afterward she had nightmares about lightning and thunder storms and is terrified every time she hears thunder! So last night must have been horrible for her.”

“Holy shit” Ric said, “I had no idea.” Marge looked at her son and his eyes looked like saucers. Inside Ric cursed himself for being so insensitive with his cousin’s intrusion the previous night.

About that time Yvette sauntered in. She had put on bedroom slippers but still wore the shorty sleep attire Ric had presumed she had on in bed last night. “Morning” Yvette said, “Sorry I over-slept” she mumbled.

“Nonsense” Marge said. She sat a mug of steaming coffee in front of the girl, and slid a plate of bacon in beside it. “You’re entitled to sleep in once and a while” Marge opined, “And besides, today is Saturday. The Chickens and the cow can wait Yvette.”

Ric eyed his cousin. She had red puffy eyes from crying last night, and her hair looked like she had walked through a tornado . . . but to Ric, she looked beautiful . . . not fully awake . . . but beautiful. Ric finished his coffee, excused himself and went to take a shower.


After breakfast Yvette showered and dressed. Ric had headed out to find some fence stakes he needed for his chores today. Marge sat Yvette down to talk. Marge wanted to know if Yvette was OK and the young Frenchwoman told her she was embarrassed about last night. Marge told her never to be embarrassed and that she, and Ric, fully understood how she was feeling.

“I’m sure Ric didn’t appreciate my antics last night . . . and jumping in his bed. He’s not very comfortable around me as it is” Yvette told her aunt.

“Why do you say that dear?”

“He just isn’t. I don’t think he likes me being around him very much. He acts weird around me most of the time” Yvette told her.

“Oh, I think he acts weird for a reason” Marge said to her niece. “Boys don’t know much how to act around pretty young girls . . . when they’re attracted to them!”

“You wouldn’t think he’s attracted to me, if you saw the way he acts sometimes!”

The conversation ended and Yvette went to do her chores. She couldn’t get what her aunt said out of her head. By mid-morning she had finished her morning rounds; collecting eggs, milking and feeding the cow, and feeding and brushing the mare called ‘Beauty’. She’d changed into her Levis and boots, donned her Stetson and jumped on the Gator to find Ric.

Yvette rumbled over the uneven ground and finally found Ric at the far north property line. He had a pile of metal fence post on a trailer behind the tractor and as Yvette approached she saw him driving a fence post into the ground with a tubular driver. He had his shirt off and his muscular torso was bathed in sweat in the north Texas sun.

Ric had just completed driving in yet another metal fence post when Yvette asked how she could help.

“Actually, you can be very helpful he said. Fetch one of those posts off the trailer and bring it over here.” Yvette pulled her leather gloves from the back pocket of her Levis and grabbed a post. She noted that Ric had a sting line taught between an existing fence post about 50 feet up the hill and what was obviously the first new post he had set. Ric had a pre-measured rope with a loop in the end. He hooked it over the post he had just driven, and lay it on the ground.

“Put the tip of your post at the end of the line, and hold it vertical while I get it started.” Yvette squatted down holding the post low with both hands, and watched as Ric placed the driver over the top of the post. He adjusted it to be more vertical and told her to hold it there. Grabbing the handles of the post-driver, he cautiously got it started a few inches into the clay soil. “OK Yvette, you can let it go now” he said. As she stepped back, Yvette watched as he slammed the driver down again and again, as the metal post inched its way into the dry soil.

Completing that post, Ric commented that “It’s a lot easier when you help me get it started.” Yvette smiled at him broadly, feeling useful and included by him for a change. “Let me try one” she said, “you can rest while I drive it in.”

Ric held the post while Yvette gingerly got the tip of the post started into the ground. Ric stood back and whipped the sweat from his brow as he watched his girl-cousin try to drive her first fence post. Yvette grimaced each time she struck the drive down. Ric had expected her to give up after a few whacks, but the teen was determined to drive the post in to its stop. In the end it took Yvette twice as long, and double the number of strikes, to set that post as compared to Ric, but she never gave up. Yvette was bathed in sweat, her face red from exertion and the Texas sun and her denim work shirt was wet and clung to her body.

Yvette turned and walked to the Gator, pulling two bottles of water from the picnic cooler. As she walked to the Gator, Ric loved the way her blond pony-tail hung below her hat and swayed as she walked. He also loved the way her ass swayed when she walked!

The two teens drank their water, and shared the remaining workload, both driving two more post each. While they worked, Yvette asked Ric who owned the property on the other side of the fence?

“Old man Johnson does” Ric replied. Originally, it belonged to my Grandfather and had been left to him by his dad, my Great Grandfather. The original ranch was 700 acres. When my dad was still pretty young . . . about 10 or 12 I think . . . . his father got in some kind of financial trouble and split the ranch, selling half to Johnson.” Yvette was watching Ric intently. “Apparently when Johnson was a younger man he used to work the ranch and ran a lot of cattle and used his half the property to grow feed.” Then his wife died, and he became pretty much of a recluse. He let the ranch go to hell. Now he’s just an old, bitter, coot” Rick concluded.

“Interesting” was all Yvette said.

“No not interesting” Ric corrected, “an outright sin!”

“Why is that” Yvette asked.

“My grandfather sold the wrong half of the ranch. The part Johnson bought has all the water you could want, and the soil is much richer. You can grow pretty much whatever you want up there. And that property has a huge house on it. Apparently Grandpa sold Johnson that part, because he could get more money for that piece. This side isn’t so lucky and dad has had to work a lot harder at it.”

“How did this section of fence get down anyway” Yvette asked.

“Three of four of the old wood post were rotted away and hanging by the barbwire” Ric said. “I’d been putting off replacing them and when the storm hit last night I knew it would be on the ground.”

“Speaking of the storm” Yvette said shyly “I’m really sorry I acted like such a baby last night, Ric.”

“Don’t be silly. Understandable. You can come to my room any time you’re frightened.” He gave her a huge smile and she about melted.

Next the teens re-strung new barbed wire on the replacement posts. Ric taught Yvette how to splice wire, how to use a stretcher to get the wire taught and how to tie it off to the posts. At 12:30 they had completed the task and both were again bathed in sweat.

“I’m hungry. There is something I want to show you. Get the picnic basket off the Gator and hop up in the tractor” Ric told her. He had climbed up into the John Deer and she handed him the basket which he stowed out of the way, and then she climbed up into the snug cab. Ric had her sit on the air-ride seat in front of him. He advanced the throttle and said “You drive”.

The tractor bumped along the fence line of the north property and Yevette asked where they were going. “You’ll see” Ric replied. As they went further, the Oak trees started to get thicker along the property line and pretty soon Yvette was steering along a meandering dirt path avoiding the full grown trees. A quarter mile further the thicket of trees opened and there in front of them was a wide stream with a sandy beach. Ric retarded the throttle and disengaged the drive. “We’re here he said.

Ric helped Yvette down from the tall tractor after she handed him the picnic basket. “What is this place” Yvette wanted to know, “it absolutely beautiful.”

They spread the blanket and set up the picnic basket. They were dirty and sweaty from the fence repair, but neither teen seemed to care. As they began to eat sandwiches Ric explained.

“See where the creek runs under the fence? Although this creek is only 10 feet or so wide, over on Johnson’s property the creek is much wider and deeper. Before my grandfather sold that half of the ranch, he built this little diversion creek, and this swimming hole and sandy beach for my dad and his mom, my grandmother. The spillway from the swimming hole and that part of the creek unfortunately runs back onto Johnson’s property before rejoining the main creek. Just the slope of the property” Ric finished explaining.

It’s beautiful . . . and it’s COOL here under the trees” Yvette said. “it feels wonderful after being out in the sun all morning.”

“I used to come out here a lot when I was a kid” Ric said . . . .”not so much anymore.”

The two finished their lunch and Yvette was staring at Ric. “Why are you looking at me like that Yvette?”

“Oh I just think you are an interesting guy is all”

“I’m just like any other boy you’ve ever know.”

“No, you’re not like ANY guy I’ve ever known” Yvette said. The two fell back into silence.

“How deep is this pond ANYWAY” Yvette asked.

“3 ft. at the shallowest and about 6 ft. at the deepest. About 10 meters wide and 20 meters long” Ric answered. “Why” he wanted to know.

“Ric, let’s go swimming” Yvette said with a wide grin.


Yvette was already taking off her boots when Ric said, “we can’t . . . we don’t have our bathing suits.”

Yvette had tried to pull the hem of her Levis up as far as she could and was putting her toes in the water. “The water is so cool . . . it feels wonderful. Come on, let’s go swimming.”

By the time we go back and get our suits and come all the way back here it will be too late. Besides, I’ve got more chores to get to” Ric concluded.

“We can swim in our underwear” Yvette offered. “You DID wear underwear didn’t you, Ric?”

The boy looked at her like she was crazy. “Of course I have on underwear . . . . gross!” he said.

“Well underwear is practically the same as a bathing suit” the pretty girl said and she started to unbutton her blouse.

“I don’t think this is a good idea Yvette” Ric stammered.

“Damn it Ric, it’s HOT . . . and I want to cool off . . . now get those damned clothes off!!

Yvette dropped her blouse on the blanket and pulled off her socks, starting to unbutton the 501 Levis.

Ric had shucked his shirt, placing it across the picnic basket and was fumbling with the buttons on his own Levis. He was trying not to stare at his gorgeous cousin, and forcing himself to imagine an ice cold shower as Yvette walked to the edge of the pond with her back to him, and started to slowly wade in, wearing nothing but her bra and panties.

Ric was down to his plaid boxers and he shuffled down to the water’s edge, following Yvette into the water.

“Ooooha, the bottom is squishy in-between my toes” Yvetee complained as she was now waist deep in the water, still with her back to Ric.

“Its been a lot of years since Grandpa spread all the sand here. I imagine the bottoms gotten silted-in along the way” Ric explained.

Ric was now just a couple of feet behind Yvette who was now up to her rib cage in the cool water. Yvette turned to face Ric, and he all but audibly sucked in the air. The delicate white lacy bra Yvette wore may have technically covered her breast as much as a bating suite would, but the sight of the delicate undergarment caused Ric to start to get an erection. “Don’t stare” he admonished himself.

Ric splashed some water in his face and lay back so the water would engulf his hair. He had to admit the cool creek water felt wonderful against the Texas heat. He hadn’t realized that Yvette had walked past him and was now back at the shore. As he watched her, she strode up to the picnic basket and, reaching behind her back, took off her bra in one swift motion, laying it across the basket. She turned and walked back facing him. Her long blond hair technically fell across her breast and at least obscured her nipples, but not much else. Ric was in a panic, but he could not remove his eyes.

He really was trying to be a gentlemen, and be mature about the situation. Then he went from panic to an ‘oh-shit’ moment. As Yvette swayed back down to the water, Ric realized the white panties she wore, had become virtually transparent. As the garment clung to her body, it was evident to Ric that he could see virtually . . . well, everything. It was obvious that Yvette had sparse pubic hair, and the wet panties rove up her vaginal crack, displaying a very erotic camel toe. Panic returned when Ric realized his cock was hard as steel and pointing straight out the front of his briefs. Fortunately, Ric was up to his chest in the water.

Yvette waded in the water up to Ric, finally her chest covered by the water. “Stop starting at my boobies, Ric.”

Ric stammered. “I wasn’t” he protested. “You shouldn’t have taken off your bra.”

“Yea, you were staring. I don’t know what it is with you American guys and tits!” she laughed. “Ric, you need to come to France one summer. After you see some woman, with six little kids . . .topless at the beach and her tits hanging down to her waist . . . that will probably cure you of your tit fetish!”

“Yea, well that’s not you, now is it” Ric snapped

“No . . . . my boobs are not even big enough to make a hand-full” Yvette said and Ric blushed brightly. Besides, I wasn’t going to get my good bra messed up by the pond water!”

As the two stood facing each other chest deep in water, suddenly Yvette felt something biting her thigh. She screamed and threw herself into Ric’s arms, mashing her breast against Ric’s chest, yelling that something was biting her. She had her arms around his neck and was twisting trying to escape her attacker.

“Ric began to laugh broadly. “Yvette. you didn’t get bitten . . . . you got tasted. This pond is full of Perch and to them those bright white thighs of yours look like food if you stand perfectly still. The fish just come up and taste you to see if that is food or not!”

Yvette hung on his neck, not amused that the fish tried to bite her.

Just keep moving your legs a little and the fish will know it’s not a piece of white-bread” Ric was cracking up.

Yvette grew silent, still clinging to Ric’s neck and looked into his eyes. “Ric . . . . do you have . . . ahha . . .an erection?”

Ric arched back trying to get his manhood off of her stomach and stammers ‘I M M M M M M . .. . SO SORRY Yvette”.

“I should be flattered . . . by I don’t understand why . . . . “ Yvette trailed off.

“Well . . . we’re half naked . . . . and I’m in here with a beautiful girl . . . and I guess I just got carried away. Sorry” Ric stammered.

“What? . . . . say that again . . “ Yvette said softly.

Ric looked scared “I said I was sorry.”

“No not that” Yvette said brightly, “the other bit. . . . You think I’m beautiful?”

“We’ll . . . yea . . . you’re about the most beautiful girl in these parts” Rick blubbered.

“Ric . . . I don’t think I’m beautiful . . . . . I’m just . . . well, ‘average’ where I come from.”

“Well, if you’re just average – then I need to see the girls in YOUR school” Ric joked. That earned him a punch in the bicep, which barely phased him.

Yvette just hung on his neck, looking in his eyes. There was a long silence between them. “Ric, I know at any second, you’re gonna have a stroke” Yvette joked, “So would you like to kiss me before we end this embarrassing moment?”

“No . . . . well yea” Rick whispered . . . “if ya want me to?”

Yvette moved her lips to his and he closed the gap. The kiss was not spectacular but the two teens held the touch for a protracted minute. Yvette was overcome with emotion and pushed her crotch into Ric’s hardened manhood. Ric let go of her and drew back. “We better be getting back” he said and turned to walk to the shore. Yevette stayed in the water, while Ric wrestled his jeans over his wet underwear.

When he was dressed, Yvette walked to the blanket. “Turn your back she said and he did. He heard rustling and a couple of grunts while she fought with her Levis. “Ok, you can turn around” she said “I’m decent”.

Ric turned around to find her in her Levis and work shirt, with her bra and soaked panties laying on the picnic basket. He realized while he was in wet underwear, she was going commando.

While the two bumped back in the tractor Ric spoke softly, “Yvette, we can’t be doing that . . . . it’s like incest” he said.

“I don’t think kissing a girl in a swimming hole qualifies as incest . . . . pretty sure you need to be making babies for that!”. Yvette sat the rest of the way in silence. This was an impossible situation.


The two teens had been uncharacteristically silent all evening and Ric’s mother could sense the electricity between the two. There was no sitting on the porch talking after dinner. Once dishes were done, Yvette went to her room, took a shower and closed her door.

Fate would step in again.

Rick sat up in bed reading, He wasn’t tired, even though he’d worked hard all day. His mind was awhirl. He heard first the wind picking up, and then the distant rumbling of far-off thunder. He tried to concentrate on his book and didn’t realize the thunder was getting nearer.

It was the light pitter of rain on the roof that first broke his concentration and then a much louder boom of thunder. He looked up from his book at the door of the Jack-and-Jill bathroom he shared with his cousin. She stood there like a statue, not having uttered a sound, fear in her eyes.

Ric scooted his butt over in the bed, lifter the covers and said “Common little one.” Yvette almost shot to his side. Ric pulled the covers over the two of them, as Yvette snuggled her back into his chest. Just then another clap of thunder hit. Ric put his arm over her and said “Just relax . . . I’ll take care of you.” Yvette kissed his hand and placed it back on her bare midriff. Rick reached across her and turned out his light. The two lay there, with Yvette occasionally trembling, listening to the storm rage until if finally moved off to the east. By that time Ric could hear that Yvette’s breathing had slowed and she had drifted off to sleep.

Marge had been concerned about Yvette when the storm approached, and went to check on the teen. Marge peered into Yvette’s bedroom, just as a clap of thunder hit. Her bed was empty – Marge knew exactly where the girl was!

About 4 AM Yvette awoke. At first she was disorientated until she remembered where she was. She realized she had slept like a log. And, she felt a familiar pressure pushing against her butt. Yvette knew it was Ric’s morning wood. She didn’t know how well-endowed he was, but he felt big. He certainly felt to be a lot bigger that her ‘boyfriend’ back in France had been. His manhood barely measured 5 inches.

Her tummy felt like butterflies were in there and she was in turmoil. She wanted to reach around and grab his cock to actually get a feel for its true size. But she dared not. Ric was squirrely enough with her being around. If he woke up and found her fondling his erect cock, Yvette knew that would be a disaster.

She finally worked up the courage and slowly arched her crotch back until she could feel the full press of his engorged manhood through his shorts. She moved her hips again, pushing back even further while desperately pushing his hand into her midriff. The third time she dared push back, Ric moved his hips forward.

Stunned and afraid he was awaking, Yvette flew from his bed, through the Jack-and-Jill bathroom and got in her own bed. As soon as she was settled her hand snaked into her panties only to find they were soaking wet. Yvette lubed like crazy when aroused and she was on fire from the near-presence of Ric’s cock pressing against her a minute ago! Yvette ran a finger tentatively around her pussy lips and began to work on the little nub of a pleasure spot. Occasionally she would dip her finger into her wanton hole, but she knew not to thrust it too deep for fear of breaking her treasure. She worked her pleasure button furiously and arched her back, whimpering into her pillow, as she experienced an orgasm thinking about what it would be like to test Ric’s cock.

Post-orgasm Yvette fell back asleep, her finger barely lodged in her quim, until the alarm sounded at 5 AM.


The day flew by, summer school was the usual drag for Yvette. The afternoon was good working in concert with Ric, except that he was unsarcastically quiet. After dinner Ric and Yvette were back to their previous routine . . .they sat on the porch, starred at the stars and talked about nothing . . . . and everything. To Yvette, Ric seemed somehow at ease with her tonight.

Late that night, knowing that Ric was asleep, and a very sound sleeper at that, Yvette tip-toed through the Jack-and-Jill bathroom and slipped under the covers with Ric. Taking his hand, she placed it around her and slid it up her bare midriff directly under her pert breasts. She kept her hand on top of his and in minutes, drifted off to sleep.

At 4AM her wrist-watch alarm went off and her eyes shot open. She wanted to go back to sleep, but she dared not. Ric had his manly bulge pressing against her ass again, and she slowly pressed back. Yvette had worn only silk panties to bed with her cut-off football jersey that barely covered her tits. As Yvette pressed into his rigid man-meat Ric pressed forward causing his erection to deflect down her butt cheeks to her crotch. Yvette shivered wishing the two of them did not have underwear on. Realizing the risk of getting caught would get greater the closer it came to 5AM, she slithered out of Ric’s bed and back to her own.

When Ric got up and dressed he found Yvette in the kitchen scrambling eggs. Marge padded in right behind Ric and was also surprised to find Yvette had already made coffee and started breakfast.

“You’re up awful early there Yvette” Ric commented to her. “Couldn’t you sleep?”

“Au Contraire” Yvette laughed, “I actually slept like a log last night!”

Today would pass much as yesterday did. After school Yvette had a lot of English homework this day, so she and Ric worked on diagraming sentences, rather than sitting on the porch after dinner.

Bedtime came early on a working ranch, and Yvette lay in her bed . . . bidding her time . . . until she was sure Ric would be asleep. She had on a long tee shit for sleepwear tonight. She didn’t know what made her do it . . . maybe just the pure thrill of it all . . . . but she slipped her panties off and threw them on her bed, before she crept into Ric’s room and snuggled up against him much in the same manner as the previous nights.

Shortly before 4 AM Yvette awoke thinking she was dreaming. Ric’s arm and hand was snaked around her and his hand was clamped on her left breast. What had awakened her however, was the rhythmic motion of Ric’s hips thrusting against her ass cheeks. Yvette, now wide awake, could feel a hard-as-steel erection rubbing against her in a continuous rhythm and she realized her tee shirt had ridden up during sleep and Ric was rubbing his hard-on against her BARE bottom.

Yvette panicked for a moment afraid of where this was going. As much as she had dreamed about losing her virginity to her boy cousin for years now, she had always envisioned it as a very special night. Ric continued thrusting and Yvette realized that had it not been for the fabric of his boxer shorts, and some strong snaps, his naked cock would be thrusting against her girl treasure. Ric mashed her breast, which drove Yvette up the wall, and his thrusting became more urgent. Suddenly he thrust forward as hard as he could, and shook while he pressed his manhood into the crack of her naked ass through his shorts.

Yvette held stock still, imagining what Ric would say at any second. She felt a wetness leaking onto her butt check and the realization stuck her that Ric had just cum . . . in his shorts . . . while dry-humping her bottom! Ric lay still, his hand still firmly holding her left breast, when she heard it. A light snoring. He had been humping her ass in his sleep . . . . he was dreaming!

Yvette lay there for 10 minutes and her wrist-watch alarm went off. ‘Shit’ she thought to herself, stabbing at it so it would quiet, for fear of waking her cousin and getting caught in his bed. Her butt was now getting soaked from Ric’s fluids and she slipped from his bed, cleaned up in the bathroom, then slipped back into her own bed until the alarm went off at 5AM.

Ric drove her to school after morning chores and was acting a little weird. Several times Yvette thought she caught him starring at her out of the corner of his eye. When he finally spoke he said “How did you sleep last night, Yvette?”

“Good” . . . . I’m sleeping like the dead these days. Why, didn’t you sleep well Ric?”

“I’m not sleeping worth a shit” the teen boy said. I’m having these weird dreams!”

“What kind of dreams Ric? Yvette asked cautiously while watching him.

“Never mind” he mumbled . . . . “just weird is all.”

All day Ric was furious with himself for thinking about his cousin in a sexual way. Not only was she beautiful . . . but she was . . . . . we’ll nice . . . ‘yes that’s it, she’s a really decent girl’ Ric thought to himself, and you’re having dreams about fucking her!

The day was going pretty much like the usual pattern on the ranch. Then FATE decided to step in again.

Ric had picked her up from school, everyone ate lunch and Ric had gone out to work the ranch leaving Yvette and her Aunt alone. Now Saturday was laundry-day routine for Marge. But this was Thursday afternoon. Having Yvette here helping with so many of the daily chores, had Marge getting ahead with things. “Yvette, give me a hand stripping the beds will you” Marge had said.

Yvette had grabbed the laundry basket and the two women had pulled the sheets off of her aunt and uncle’s bed, plus Yvette’s bedding, when they went to Ric’s room. Marge and Yvette worked together pulling the sheets and comforter off the bed. Marge had one pillow and Yvette the other and they were starting to remove the pillow case. As Marge stripped the pillow case off the fluffy innards, something flew out of it, and landed on the floor between the two women.

Instinctively both bent down to pick up the cloth item, and both Marge and Yvette came up holding a separate corner between them. Marge and Yvette looked at the garment with astonishment, Yvette letting go and leaving a pair of pink girl’s panties hanging on her aunt’s forefinger. “That little shit” Marge said, “if he’s been sneaking a girl in here I’m gonna kick his ass!”

Yvette said softly “I don’t think you’ll have to kill him Aunt Marge. I recognize them . . . they’re my panties.”

Marge turned to look at her niece incredulously. Yvette could read her mind. “No . . . Aunt Marge . . . I swear I didn’t leave them in here . . . . honest! I don’t know how they got here!”

Marge began to laugh, took her Niece’s hands and said “sit down.” Her Aunt had a bemused look on her face as she spoke. “Look Yvette . . . I guess I know how they got in his pillow case. You see, teenaged guys have . . . . ‘needs’ . . . . and Ric doesn’t have a girlfriend or any sexual release. Some guys will take a girls panties and jerk-off in em . . . . the smell turns them on.”

“I don’t smell” Yvette protested.

Marge just laughed. “Poor choice of words, dear. It’s more like . . . .your ‘girl scent’ . . . . you know, smells like your pussy!” As her Aunt explained, Yvette felt her face flush. “I’ll let you in on another secret Yvette . . . . when you’re uncle and me were kids . . . . younger than you are now . . . . he would beg me to ‘loan’ him a pair of my panties. Then he’d take them home and jack-off in them, thinking of me. At first I thought it was weird . . . . but then, even years later after we was married, I’d put a pair of my just-worn panties in his lunch-box as a surprise for him!”

“You didn’t” the girl said in disbelief.

“Oh – but I DID” her Aunt said in confirmation, again laughing. “Look Yvette, I’ll talk to Ric and tell him not to be swiping your frillies anymore.”

“No, please don’t do that Aunt Marge.

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